3c3 NonhomgenLinEqns Stu

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Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations

In this section we learn how to solve second-order nonhomogeneous linear differential equa-
tions with constant coefficients, that is, equations of the form

1 ay  by  cy  Gx

where a, b, and c are constants and G is a continuous function. The related homogeneous

2 ay  by  cy  0

is called the complementary equation and plays an important role in the solution of the
original nonhomogeneous equation (1).

3 Theorem The general solution of the nonhomogeneous differential equation (1)

can be written as

yx  ypx  ycx

where yp is a particular solution of Equation 1 and yc is the general solution of the

complementary Equation 2.

Proof All we have to do is verify that if y is any solution of Equation 1, then y  yp is a

solution of the complementary Equation 2. Indeed

ay  yp   by  yp   cy  yp   ay  ayp  by  byp  cy  cyp

 ay  by  cy  ayp  byp  cyp 
 tx  tx  0

We know from Additional Topics: Second-Order Linear Differential Equations how to

solve the complementary equation. (Recall that the solution is yc  c1 y1  c2 y2 , where y1
and y2 are linearly independent solutions of Equation 2.) Therefore, Theorem 3 says that
we know the general solution of the nonhomogeneous equation as soon as we know a par-
ticular solution yp . There are two methods for finding a particular solution: The method of
undetermined coefficients is straightforward but works only for a restricted class of func-
tions G. The method of variation of parameters works for every function G but i0s usually
more difficult to apply in practice.

The Method of Undetermined Coefficients

We first illustrate the method of undetermined coefficients for the equation

ay  by  cy  Gx

where Gx) is a polynomial. It is reasonable to guess that there is a particular solution

yp that is a polynomial of the same degree as G because if y is a polynomial, then
ay  by  cy is also a polynomial. We therefore substitute ypx  a polynomial (of the
same degree as G ) into the differential equation and determine the coefficients.

EXAMPLE 1 Solve the equation y  y  2y  x 2.

SOLUTION The auxiliary equation of y  y  2y  0 is

r 2  r  2  r  1r  2  0


with roots r  1, 2. So the solution of the complementary equation is

yc  c1 e x  c2 e2x

Since Gx  x 2 is a polynomial of degree 2, we seek a particular solution of the form

ypx  Ax 2  Bx  C

Then yp  2Ax  B and yp  2A so, substituting into the given differential equation, we
2A  2Ax  B  2Ax 2  Bx  C  x 2

or 2Ax 2  2A  2Bx  2A  B  2C  x 2

Polynomials are equal when their coefficients are equal. Thus

Figure 1 shows four solutions of the differen-
tial equation in Example 1 in terms of the particu- 2A  1 2A  2B  0 2A  B  2C  0
lar solution yp and the functions f x  e x
and tx  e2 x.
The solution of this system of equations is
yp+2f+3g A   12 B   12 C   34

yp+3g A particular solution is therefore

_3 3
ypx   12 x 2  12 x  34

and, by Theorem 3, the general solution is


FIGURE 1 y  yc  yp  c1 e x  c2 e2x  12 x 2  12 x  34

If Gx (the right side of Equation 1) is of the form Ce k x, where C and k are constants,
then we take as a trial solution a function of the same form, ypx  Ae k x, because the
derivatives of e k x are constant multiples of e k x.

EXAMPLE 2 Solve y  4y  e 3x.

SOLUTION The auxiliary equation is r 2  4  0 with roots 2i, so the solution of the
Figure 2 shows solutions of the differential complementary equation is
equation in Example 2 in terms of yp and the
functions f x  cos 2x and tx  sin 2x. ycx  c1 cos 2x  c2 sin 2x
Notice that all solutions approach  as x l 
and all solutions resemble sine functions when
x is negative. For a particular solution we try ypx  Ae 3x. Then yp  3Ae 3x and yp  9Ae 3x. Substi-
tuting into the differential equation, we have

9Ae 3x  4Ae 3x   e 3x
so 13Ae 3x  e 3x and A  131 . Thus, a particular solution is
_4 2
ypx  131 e 3x
and the general solution is

FIGURE 2 yx  c1 cos 2x  c2 sin 2x  131 e 3x

If Gx is either C cos kx or C sin kx, then, because of the rules for differentiating the
sine and cosine functions, we take as a trial particular solution a function of the form

ypx  A cos kx  B sin kx


EXAMPLE 3 Solve y  y  2y  sin x.

SOLUTION We try a particular solution

ypx  A cos x  B sin x

Then yp  A sin x  B cos x yp  A cos x  B sin x

so substitution in the differential equation gives

A cos x  B sin x  A sin x  B cos x  2A cos x  B sin x  sin x

or 3A  B cos x  A  3B sin x  sin x

This is true if

3A  B  0 and A  3B  1

The solution of this system is

A   101 B   103

so a particular solution is

ypx   101 cos x  103 sin x

In Example 1 we determined that the solution of the complementary equation is

yc  c1 e x  c2 e2x. Thus, the general solution of the given equation is

yx  c1 e x  c2 e2x  101 cos x  3 sin x

If Gx is a product of functions of the preceding types, then we take the trial solu-
tion to be a product of functions of the same type. For instance, in solving the differential

y  2y  4y  x cos 3x

we would try

ypx  Ax  B cos 3x  Cx  D sin 3x

If Gx is a sum of functions of these types, we use the easily verified principle of super-
position, which says that if yp1 and yp2 are solutions of

ay  by  cy  G1x ay  by  cy  G2x

respectively, then yp1  yp2 is a solution of

ay  by  cy  G1x  G2x

EXAMPLE 4 Solve y  4y  xe x  cos 2x.

SOLUTION The auxiliary equation is r 2  4  0 with roots 2, so the solution of the com-
plementary equation is ycx  c1 e 2x  c2 e2x. For the equation y  4y  xe x we try

yp1x  Ax  Be x

Then yp1  Ax  A  Be x, yp1  Ax  2A  Be x, so substitution in the equation
Ax  2A  Be x  4Ax  Be x  xe x

or 3Ax  2A  3Be x  xe x

Thus, 3A  1 and 2A  3B  0, so A   13 , B   29 , and

yp1x  ( 13 x  29 )e x

For the equation y  4y  cos 2x, we try

yp2x  C cos 2x  D sin 2x

In Figure 3 we show the particular solution
yp  yp1  yp 2 of the differential equation in Substitution gives
Example 4. The other solutions are given in
terms of f x  e 2 x and tx  e2 x. 4C cos 2x  4D sin 2x  4C cos 2x  D sin 2x  cos 2x
or 8C cos 2x  8D sin 2x  cos 2x
yp+g Therefore, 8C  1, 8D  0, and
yp2x   18 cos 2x
_4 1
By the superposition principle, the general solution is

FIGURE 3 y  yc  yp1  yp2  c1 e 2x  c2 e2x  ( 13 x  29 )e x  18 cos 2x

Finally we note that the recommended trial solution yp sometimes turns out to be a solu-
tion of the complementary equation and therefore cant be a solution of the nonhomoge-
neous equation. In such cases we multiply the recommended trial solution by x (or by x 2
if necessary) so that no term in ypx is a solution of the complementary equation.

EXAMPLE 5 Solve y  y  sin x.

SOLUTION The auxiliary equation is r 2  1  0 with roots i, so the solution of the com-
plementary equation is

ycx  c1 cos x  c2 sin x

Ordinarily, we would use the trial solution

ypx  A cos x  B sin x

but we observe that it is a solution of the complementary equation, so instead we try

ypx  Ax cos x  Bx sin x

Then ypx  A cos x  Ax sin x  B sin x  Bx cos x

ypx  2A sin x  Ax cos x  2B cos x  Bx sin x

The graphs of four solutions of the differen-
tial equation in Example 5 are shown in Figure 4. Substitution in the differential equation gives
yp  yp  2A sin x  2B cos x  sin x

so A   12 , B  0, and
_2 2
ypx   12 x cos x

The general solution is


FIGURE 4 yx  c1 cos x  c2 sin x  12 x cos x


We summarize the method of undetermined coefficients as follows:

1. If Gx  e kxPx, where P is a polynomial of degree n, then try ypx  e kxQx,
where Qx is an nth-degree polynomial (whose coefficients are determined by
substituting in the differential equation.)
2. If Gx  e kxPx cos mx or Gx  e kxPx sin mx, where P is an nth-degree
polynomial, then try

ypx  e kxQx cos mx  e kxRx sin mx

where Q and R are nth-degree polynomials.

Modification: If any term of yp is a solution of the complementary equation, multiply yp
by x (or by x 2 if necessary).

EXAMPLE 6 Determine the form of the trial solution for the differential equation
y  4y  13y  e 2x cos 3x.
SOLUTION Here Gx has the form of part 2 of the summary, where k  2, m  3, and
Px  1. So, at first glance, the form of the trial solution would be

ypx  e 2xA cos 3x  B sin 3x

But the auxiliary equation is r 2  4r  13  0, with roots r  2  3i, so the solution

of the complementary equation is

ycx  e 2xc1 cos 3x  c2 sin 3x

This means that we have to multiply the suggested trial solution by x. So, instead, we
ypx  xe 2xA cos 3x  B sin 3x

The Method of Variation of Parameters

Suppose we have already solved the homogeneous equation ay  by  cy  0 and writ-
ten the solution as

4 yx  c1 y1x  c2 y2x

where y1 and y2 are linearly independent solutions. Lets replace the constants (or parame-
ters) c1 and c2 in Equation 4 by arbitrary functions u1x and u2x. We look for a particu-
lar solution of the nonhomogeneous equation ay  by  cy  Gx of the form

5 ypx  u1xy1x  u2xy2x

(This method is called variation of parameters because we have varied the parameters c1
and c2 to make them functions.) Differentiating Equation 5, we get

6 yp  u1 y1  u2 y2   u1 y1  u2 y2 

Since u1 and u2 are arbitrary functions, we can impose two conditions on them. One con-
dition is that yp is a solution of the differential equation; we can choose the other condition
so as to simplify our calculations. In view of the expression in Equation 6, lets impose the
condition that

7 u1 y1  u2 y2  0

Then yp  u1 y1  u2 y2  u1 y1  u2 y2

Substituting in the differential equation, we get

au1 y1  u2 y2  u1 y1  u2 y2  bu1 y1  u2 y2   cu1 y1  u2 y2   G


8 u1ay1  by1  cy1   u2ay2  by2  cy2   au1 y1  u2 y2   G

But y1 and y2 are solutions of the complementary equation, so

ay1  by1  cy1  0 and ay2  by2  cy2  0

and Equation 8 simplifies to

9 au1 y1  u2 y2   G

Equations 7 and 9 form a system of two equations in the unknown functions u1 and u2 .
After solving this system we may be able to integrate to find u1 and u2 and then the par-
ticular solution is given by Equation 5.

EXAMPLE 7 Solve the equation y  y  tan x, 0  x   2.

SOLUTION The auxiliary equation is r 2  1  0 with roots i, so the solution of

y  y  0 is c1 sin x  c2 cos x. Using variation of parameters, we seek a solution
of the form
ypx  u1x sin x  u2x cos x

Then yp  u1 sin x  u2 cos x  u1 cos x  u2 sin x


10 u1 sin x  u2 cos x  0

Then yp  u1 cos x  u2 sin x  u1 sin x  u2 cos x

For yp to be a solution we must have

11 yp  yp  u1 cos x  u2 sin x  tan x

Solving Equations 10 and 11, we get

Figure 5 shows four solutions of the

u1sin 2x  cos 2x  cos x tan x
differential equation in Example 7.
2.5 u1  sin x u1x  cos x

(We seek a particular solution, so we dont need a constant of integration here.) Then,
from Equation 10, we obtain

0 2 sin x sin 2x cos 2x  1
yp u2   u1     cos x  sec x
cos x cos x cos x

FIGURE 5 So u2x  sin x  lnsec x  tan x


(Note that sec x  tan x  0 for 0  x   2.) Therefore

ypx  cos x sin x  sin x  lnsec x  tan x cos x

 cos x lnsec x  tan x

and the general solution is

yx  c1 sin x  c2 cos x  cos x lnsec x  tan x

16. y  3y  4 y  x 3  xe x
A Click here for answers. S Click here for solutions.
17. y  2 y  10 y  x 2ex cos 3x
110 Solve the differential equation or initial-value problem 18. y  4y  e 3x  x sin 2x
using the method of undetermined coefficients.

1. y  3y  2y  x 2
2. y  9y  e 3x
1922 Solve the differential equation using (a) undetermined
3. y  2y  sin 4x 4. y  6y  9y  1  x coefficients and (b) variation of parameters.
x 19. y  4y  x
5. y  4y  5y  e 6. y  2y  y  xex
20. y  3y  2y  sin x
7. y  y  e x  x 3, y0  2, y0  0
21. y  2y  y  e 2x
8. y  4y  e x cos x, y0  1, y0  2
9. y  y  xe x, y0  2, y0  1 22. y  y  e x

10. y  y  2y  x  sin 2x, y0  1, y0  0

2328 Solve the differential equation using the method of varia-
tion of parameters.
; 1112 Graph the particular solution and several other solutions.
23. y  y  sec x, 0  x  2
What characteristics do these solutions have in common?
24. y  y  cot x, 0  x  2
11. 4y  5y  y  e x
12. 2y  3y  y  1  cos 2x 1
25. y  3y  2y 

1  ex

13 18 Write a trial solution for the method of undetermined 26. y  3y  2y  sine x 
coefficients. Do not determine the coefficients. 1
27. y  y 
13. y  9 y  e 2x
 x sin x2 x
14. y  9 y  xe x
cos  x 28. y  4y  4y 
15. y  9 y  1  xe 9x


S Click here for solutions.

1. y  c1 e2x  c2 ex  2 x 2  2 x 
1 3 7

3. y  c1  c2 e 2x  cos 4x  201 sin 4x


5. y  e c1 cos x  c2 sin x  10 ex

2x 1

7. y  2 cos x  2 sin x  2 e  x 3  6x
3 11 1 x

9. y  e x ( 2 x 2  x  2)

11. 5 The solutions are all

asymptotic to yp  e x10 as
x l . Except for yp ,
_2 4 all solutions approach
yp either  or  as x l .


13. yp  Ae 2x  Bx 2  Cx  D cos x  Ex 2  Fx  G sin x

15. yp  Ax  Bx  C e 9x
17. yp  xex Ax 2  Bx  C  cos 3x  Dx 2  Ex  F sin 3x
19. y  c1 cos 2x  c2 sin 2x  14 x
21. y  c1e x  c2 xe x  e 2x
23. y  c1  x sin x  c2  ln cos x cos x
25. y  c1  ln1  ex e x  c2  ex  ln1  ex e 2x
27. y  [c1  12 x e xx dx]ex  [c2  12 x exx dx]e x

Solutions: Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations

1. The auxiliary equation is r 2 + 3r + 2 = (r + 2)(r + 1) = 0, so the complementary solution is

yc (x) = c1 e2x + c2 ex . We try the particular solution yp (x) = Ax2 + Bx + C, so yp0 = 2Ax + B and
yp00 = 2A. Substituting into the differential equation, we have (2A) + 3(2Ax + B) + 2(Ax2 + Bx + C) = x2 or
2Ax2 + (6A + 2B)x + (2A + 3B + 2C) = x2 . Comparing coefficients gives 2A = 1, 6A + 2B = 0, and
2A + 3B + 2C = 0, so A = 12 , B = 32 , and C = 7
. Thus the general solution is
2x x 1 2 3
y(x) = yc (x) + yp (x) = c1 e + c2 e + 2
x 2
x + 74 .

3. The auxiliary equation is r 2 2r = r(r 2) = 0, so the complementary solution is yc (x) = c1 + c2 e2x . Try the
particular solution yp (x) = A cos 4x + B sin 4x, so yp0 = 4A sin 4x + 4B cos 4x
and yp00 = 16A cos 4x 16B sin 4x. Substitution into the differential equation
gives (16A cos 4x 16B sin 4x) 2(4A sin 4x + 4B cos 4x) = sin 4x
(16A 8B) cos 4x + (8A 16B) sin 4x = sin 4x. Then 16A 8B = 0 and 8A 16B = 1 A= 40
and B = 20 . Thus the general solution is y(x) = yc (x) + yp (x) = c1 + c2 e2x + 1
cos 4x 1
sin 4x.

5. The auxiliary equation is r 2 4r + 5 = 0 with roots r = 2 i, so the complementary solution is

yc (x) = e2x (c1 cos x + c2 sin x). Try yp (x) = Aex , so yp0 = Aex and yp00 = Aex . Substitution gives
Aex 4(Aex ) + 5(Aex ) = ex 10Aex = ex A= 1
. Thus the general solution is
2x 1 x
y(x) = e (c1 cos x + c2 sin x) + 10
e .

7. The auxiliary equation is r 2 + 1 = 0 with roots r = i, so the complementary solution is

yc (x) = c1 cos x + c2 sin x. For y00 + y = ex try yp1 (x) = Aex . Then yp0 1 = yp001 = Aex and substitution gives
Aex + Aex = ex A = 12 , so yp1 (x) = 12 ex . For y00 + y = x3 try yp2 (x) = Ax3 + Bx2 + Cx + D.
Then yp0 2 = 3Ax2 + 2Bx + C and yp002 = 6Ax + 2B. Substituting, we have
6Ax + 2B + Ax3 + Bx2 + Cx + D = x3 , so A = 1, B = 0, 6A + C = 0 C = 6, and 2B + D = 0
D = 0. Thus yp2 (x) = x3 6x and the general solution is
y(x) = yc (x) + yp1 (x) + yp2 (x) = c1 cos x + c2 sin x + 12 ex + x3 6x. But 2 = y(0) = c1 + 1
2 c1 = 3

and 0 = y0 (0) = c2 + 1
6 c2 = 11
. Thus the solution to the initial-value problem is
y(x) = 3
cos x + 11
sin x + 12 ex + x3 6x.

9. The auxiliary equation is r 2 r = 0 with roots r = 0, r = 1 so the complementary solution is yc (x) = c1 + c2 ex .

Try yp (x) = x(Ax + B)ex so that no term in yp is a solution of the complementary equation. Then
yp0 = (Ax2 + (2A + B)x + B)ex and yp00 = (Ax2 + (4A + B)x + (2A + 2B))ex . Substitution into the
differential equation gives (Ax2 + (4A + B)x + (2A + 2B))ex (Ax2 + (2A + B)x + B)ex = xex

(2Ax + (2A + B))ex = xex A = 12 , B = 1. Thus yp (x) = 12 x2 x ex and the general solution is

y(x) = c1 + c2 ex + 12 x2 x ex . But 2 = y(0) = c1 + c2 and 1 = y0 (0) = c2 1, so c2 = 2 and c1 = 0. The

solution to the initial-value problem is y(x) = 2ex + 12 x2 x ex = ex 12 x2 x + 2 .

11. yc (x) = c1 ex/4 + c2 ex . Try yp (x) = Aex . Then

10Aex = ex , so A = 1
and the general solution is

y(x) = c1 ex/4 + c2 ex + 1 x
e . The solutions are all composed
of exponential curves and with the exception of the particular
solution (which approaches 0 as x ), they all approach
either or as x . As x , all solutions are
1 x
asymptotic to yp = 10
e .

13. Here yc (x) = c1 cos 3x + c2 sin 3x. For y00 + 9y = e2x try yp1 (x) = Ae2x and for y 00 + 9y = x2 sin x try
yp2 (x) = (Bx2 + Cx + D) cos x + (Ex2 + F x + G) sin x. Thus a trial solution is
yp (x) = yp1 (x) + yp2 (x) = Ae2x + (Bx2 + Cx + D) cos x + (Ex2 + F x + G) sin x.

15. Here yc (x) = c1 + c2 e9x . For y 00 + 9y0 = 1 try yp1 (x) = Ax (since y = A is a solution to the complementary
equation) and for y 00 + 9y0 = xe9x try yp2 (x) = (Bx + C)e9x .

17. Since yc (x) = ex (c1 cos 3x + c2 sin 3x) we try

yp (x) = x(Ax2 + Bx + C)ex cos 3x + x(Dx2 + Ex + F )ex sin 3x (so that no term of yp is a solution of the
complementary equation).

Note: Solving Equations (7) and (9) in The Method of Variation of Parameters gives

Gy2 Gy1
u01 = and u02 =
a (y1 y20 y2 y10 ) a (y1 y20 y2 y10 )

We will use these equations rather than resolving the system in each of the remaining exercises in this section.

19. (a) The complementary solution is yc (x) = c1 cos 2x + c2 sin 2x. A particular solution is of the form
yp (x) = Ax + B. Thus, 4Ax + 4B = x A= 4
and B = 0 yp (x) = 14 x. Thus, the general
solution is y = yc + yp = c1 cos 2x + c2 sin 2x + 14 x.

(b) In (a), yc (x) = c1 cos 2x + c2 sin 2x, so set y1 = cos 2x, y2 = sin 2x. Then
y1 y20 y2 y10 = 2 cos2 2x + 2 sin2 2x = 2 so u01 = 12 x sin 2x
u1 (x) = 12 x sin 2x dx = 14 x cos 2x + 12 sin 2x [by parts] and u02 = 12 x cos 2x
u2 (x) = 12 x cos 2xdx = 14 x sin 2x + 12 cos 2x [by parts]. Hence

yp (x) = 14 x cos 2x + 12 sin 2x cos 2x + 14 x sin 2x + 12 cos 2x sin 2x = 14 x. Thus
y(x) = yc (x) + yp (x) = c1 cos 2x + c2 sin 2x + 14 x.

21. (a) r 2 r = r(r 1) = 0 r = 0, 1, so the complementary solution is yc (x) = c1 ex + c2 xex . A particular

solution is of the form yp (x) = Ae2x . Thus 4Ae2x 4Ae2x + Ae2x = e2x Ae2x = e2x A=1
yp (x) = e . So a general solution is y(x) = yc (x) + yp (x) = c1 e + c2 xe + e2x .
2x x x

(b) From (a), yc (x) = c1 ex + c2 xex , so set y1 = ex , y2 = xex . Then, y1 y20 y2 y10 = e2x (1 + x) xe2x = e2x
and so u01 = xex u1 (x) = xex dx = (x 1)ex [by parts] and u02 = ex
u2 (x) = ex dx = ex . Hence yp (x) = (1 x)e2x + xe2x = e2x and the general solution is
y(x) = yc (x) + yp (x) = c1 ex + c2 xex + e2x .

23. As in Example 6, yc (x) = c1 sin x + c2 cos x, so set y1 = sin x, y2 = cos x. Then

sec x cos x
y1 y20 y2 y10 = sin2 x cos2 x = 1, so u01 = = 1 u1 (x) = x and
sec x sin x R
u02 = = tan x u2 (x) = tan xdx = ln |cos x| = ln(cos x) on 0 < x < 2 . Hence
yp (x) = x sin x + cos x ln(cos x) and the general solution is y(x) = (c1 + x) sin x + [c2 + ln(cos x)] cos x.

e2x ex
25. y1 = ex , y2 = e2x and y1 y20 y2 y10 = e3x . So u01 = x
= and
(1 + e )e 3x 1 + ex
ex ex ex
u1 (x) = dx = ln(1 + ex ). u02 = = 3x so
1 + ex (1 + ex )e3x e + e2x
ex ex + 1
u2 (x) = 3x 2x
dx = ln ex = ln(1 + ex ) ex . Hence
e +e ex
yp (x) = ex ln(1 + ex ) + e2x [ln(1 + ex ) ex ] and the general solution is
y(x) = [c1 + ln(1 + ex )]ex + [c2 ex + ln(1 + ex )]e2x .
ex ex
27. y1 = ex , y2 = ex and y1 y20 y2 y10 = 2. So u01 = , u02 = and
2x 2x
Z x Z x
e e
yp (x) = ex dx + ex dx. Hence the general solution is
2x 2x
Z x Z x
e e
y(x) = c1 dx ex + c2 + dx ex .
2x 2x

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