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In the conjunction of Independence Month, all Form 4 students are required to design
and prepare a scrapbook based on a theme Malaysian Unity.

What do you need to do:

Form a group of 4-5 members per group from your own class,

Your scrapbook must include of these things:

Details about at least 3 major races and 3 ethnic groups in Malaysia.

Traditional Food
Traditional Musical instruments
Main Festivals
Traditional Clothes
Traditional Dances
Traditional items or unique things of each races/ethnic groups. (eg, Wau Bulan
for Malay, Dragon Boat for Chinese, Lepa-Lepa Boat for Bajau)
Traditional customs and traditions

Your scrapbook should have:

Detail paragraphs and caption for each things.


Your design is completely on your own creativity. The best, interesting and attractive
scrap book will be chosen and given special prize. The due date for the scrap book is on
6th September 2017.

Thank you for your attention.

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