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Thesis entitled Mixed Code and Transfer of Java Language Code to Madurese Language at

Fish Auction Market of Puger Sub-district Jember Sociolinguistic Study; Ika Anindya Azizah,
130110201050; 2017: 90 pages; Department of Indonesian Literature Faculty of Cultural
Sciences University of Jember.
The market is a place where the sellers and the buyers meet. In Jember district,
precisely in TPI (Fish Auction Market) Puger Sub-district, there is a major fish shopping
center for society of Jember and its surroundings. The auction comes from the word lelang
which means selling activity in front of the crowds with a over-tackle offer. (KBBI, /
lelang). This study examines the code-mixing and code-switching in the speech event of
fishmonger and fish buyer in the TPI (Fish Auction Market). The fishmonger and fisherman
in TPI are mostly ethnic Madurese. But some of them can understand the Javanese language
and Indonesia, while the buyers there are two ethnic, ethnic Madurese and Java. Language
variations used in the interaction of buying and selling are Madurese, Indonesian and
Javanese language. Madurese language which used, namely the variety of enj' iy and
ngghi enten. Indonesian language which used, namely informal variety, while the javanese
language which used is the variety of ngoko. The sale and purchase transactions have code-
mixing and code-switching. Code-mixing is the use of a particular language because of the
debris from other languages, while the code-switching is the transitional event from one code
to another code in a speech event.
The study in this study consists of three problem formulas, namely 1) mix the Java
language code on the Madurese language in TPI (Place of Fish auction),2) code-switching
between fishmonger and buyer in TPI (fish auction market), 3) factors behind the code-
mixing and code-switching of fishmonger and buyer in TPI (Fish Auction Market) in Puger
Sub-district, Jember District
. This research uses descriptive research type with qualitative approach. This research
data is in the form of context-speech utterances which contain code-mixing and code
switching that occurs in the oral communication of fishmongers and buyers in TPI (fish
auction Market). Data retrieved by systematically using three procedures: 1) methods of
providing data used Observation Method with tapping technique, Uninvolved Conversation
Observation Technique, and Involved Conversation Observation Technique. The advanced
techniques is using writing techniques. Methods of interview using questionnaires are also
used in the provision of data; 2) data analysis method which used is comparative method and
extra lingual method. The comparative method is used to compare lexicon speech in data
againts lexicons in the dictionary. The extralingual method is used to connect the speech to
the extralingual context; and 3) methods of data analysis and presentation is using informal
presentation, which presents the results of analysis with a description of ordinary words.
From the research that has been done, the author obtained some results of research
analysis. First, code-mixing of fishmonger and buyer, the code-mixing is divided into four
parts, that is 1) code-mixing of word form; 2) code-mixing of phrase form, 3) code-mixing of
clausal form, and 4) code-mixing of sentences form. Code-mixing in the word form divided
into two parts, that is 1) singular word and 2) a complex word consisting of a) affixes; B)
reduplications, and c) compound words. Second, code-switching of fishmonger and buyer is
divided into three parts, there is 1) code-switching of Java language code into Madurese
language code; 2) code-switching of Madurese language code into Java language code; and
3) code-switching of Madurese language code into Indonesian code. Third, the factors
behind both of the code-mixing and the code-switching. The code-mixing factors include a)
informal factor; b) the lack of expressions in Madurese Language, and c) social factors. The
code-switching factors include a) speaker factor; b) surprise on the buyer's side; c) the buyer's
sense of annoyance with the buyer; d) the buyer's annoyance with the seller; e) the presence
of a third person; f) factor of generating a sense of humor; g) ease factor, and h) factor of
attracting the buyers attention.

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