2 Simple Past or Present Perfect Review Answers

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Simple Past or Present Perfect?

Use simple Past or Present Perfect:

1. Has Helen ever tried (try) sushi?

2. Did you go (go) to the wedding last night?
3. I have never been (be) to Paris.
4. This year I have travelled (travel) to Athens 3 times so far.
5. Paul and Judith have been (be) married since 1998.
6. Have you finished (finish) your homework yet?
7. Last night aunt Betty came (come) by. She told (tell) us that this summer they are going to Hawai.
8. I have visited (visit) many different countries so far. Last summer I went (go) to Italy and 3 years ago I
was (be) in Spain. I havent visited (not/visit) Germany yet.
9. When did you come (come) to Greece?
10. I came (come) in 2007.
11. Did you watch (watch) the film E.T. yesterday?
12. They have already left (leave) the train station.
13. How long have you known (know) Jonathan?
14. I met (meet) him in 2009, so I have known(know) him for 3 years.
15. What happened (happen) to Lucy last night?
16. Did you read (read) Harry Potter when you were on holidays?

Complete the conversation using Simple Past or Present Perfect Tense.

Gavin called (call) in sick to work on Monday. His boss was frustrated and
said, "You have called (call) in sick four times this month."

Gavin replied, "I'm sorry. I caught (catch) a cold from my son. He started
(start) daycare last month and he has been (be) sick since then. I am a good
employee and last year I didnt take (not take) one sick day."

Gavin's boss said, "It's true. You have been (be) a good employee. Youhave
always done (always do) your work on time and you have brought (bring)
the company a lot of business since you started (start) working for us."

Gavin said, "Last week I showed (show) Tina all the projects I have been working on. She said (say) she can
help me. She has worked (work) on many similar projects since she was (be) hired."

Gavin boss replied, "Okay. Get lots of rest and we'll see you tomorrow."
Circle the correct answer.


















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