Coordinate Circle Probability

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1. Given that points A,B,C and D are the four vertices of a parallelogram. If A(-1,1),
C(1.2) and D (2.0),

(a) Plot these three points on Cartesian plane.

(b) Find the coordinates of B.

2. On the given coordinate axes,

(a) Plot point M9-4,3),

(b) Write down the coordinates of point H.

3. If coordinate R(-4,8) and S(-4,-11) given, calculate the distance between these two

4. In the figure, the distance of MN is 2 times longer than the distance of LM. Find

(a) The distance of MN

(b) The coordinates of point L.

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5. Based on the figure, point Q is the midpoint of the straight line PR. Find the
coordinates of Q.

6. Given that point S( 7, -8) and point T (5,-14). Find the coordinates of the point of
straight line ST.

7. Point G(-3,-6) is the midpoint of straight line KS. If the coordinates of K are
(-12,6) , find the coordinates of point S.

8. Calculate the midpoint of straight line EF. Write down its coordinates.

9. .
(a) Plot M which is located 6 units from y-axis and 10 units from the origin.
(b) Calculate the distance between M and K.

Based on the figure given, answer questions 10 to 12.

10. State the scales used in x-axis and y-axis

11. Write sown the coordinates of point L,M,N and P.

12. Calculate the surface area of the figure LMNP.

13. Given that the coordinates U(-6,-4), W(-1,1) and Z(-1,-4). Name the figure UVWZ
when these four points are joined by four straight lines.

14. Find out the distances of point W (-12,5) from x-axis, y-axis and the origin

15. Find the coordinates of the midpoint of midpoint of straight line HQ.

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16. Given that point W(-5,-7)and V(0,5), find the distance from W to V.

17. According the Cartesian plane given, point R,T and V are the vertices of an
isosceles RTV. Write down 2 coordinates of point V.

18. .

(a) According the below Cartesian axes, plot the coordinates of point M(-4,3)
(b) On the Cartesian plane, plot another point, Q, which has a x-coordinate =0 and
at 5 units from point M.

19. Given that point G(x,2y) and K(-2x,-y). If the midpoint of straight line GK is at point
H(9,-6), find the value of x+y.

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Forecast questions

1. Given that coordinates K(-9,-16) and J(-2,-16), find the distance between these
two points.

2. If points P,Q and R makes an isosceles triangle PQR and the y-coordinate of
point R is 15, find the x-coordinate of point R.

3. Given that a straight line which join point Q(2,-9) and point R (u,3) is parallel to y-
axis, find the value of u.

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Chapter 8 Circle

1. Properties if angles in a circle

(a) Angles subtended at the circumference by the same are equal.

(b) Angle subtended at the circumference by arcs of the same length

are equal.

(c) The angle subtended at the centre by an arc is twice the size of the
angle subtended at the circumference by the same arc.

(d) The angle subtended at the circumference of a semicircle is 90.

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2. Properties of a cyclic quadrilateral

A cyclic quadrilateral is a quadrilateral with four vertices on the

circumference of a circle.

(a) The sum of the interior opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is


(b) The exterior angle of a cyclic quadrilateral is equal to the interior

opposite angle.

3. Properties of a tangent to a circle

A tangent to a circle is a straight lines which touches the circle at one

point only.

(a) The angle between the radius and the tangent at the point of
contact is 90.

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angle OAB = 90

(b) The angle between a tangent and a chord is equal to the angle
subtended by the chord in the alternate segment.

(c) If AB and AC are two tangents drawn from a point A to the circle,
then AB=AC.

4. Common tangent

A common tangent to two circles is a straight line which touches both

circlws at one point only.

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5. Properties of chords of a circle

(a) A chord is a straight line which joins two points on the

circumference of circle.

(b) Of the length of the chords, AB and CD, is equal then the
perpendicular distances from the centre to both chords, AB and
CD, is equal.

of AB=CD, then ON=OM

(c) The perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through the centre of

the circle.

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1. A fair coin is tossed twice. Using H to represent heads and T to

represent tails, list all the possible outcomes.

2. In playing the games of monopoly, two dice are rolled. List the
set of all possible outcomes.

3. The tree diagram shows the possible outcomes of a family of

three children. B represents boy and G represent girl.

4. A coin is tossed three times. By using H to represent heads and

T to represent tails, list,

(a) The sample space

(b) The event of having one heads only

5. In a football game season, the result if the game can be win

(W), Lose (L) or Draw(D). id a certain team played two games,

(a) The sample space

(b) The event which recorded one win.

6. Two dice are rolled. List the event where are

(a) two numbers are the same
(b) Sum if the two number is 8
(c) Sum of the two numbers id 10

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7. Two spinners in the shape of a regular pentagon is marked with

the numbers 1 to 5 as shown.

The number shown by the arrow head after each spin is

recorded as an outcome of the experiment. List
(a) The sample space
(b) All event that the sum of the two number is 6

8. Two boxes contain marbles which are marked. In box A, the

marbles are marked with the numbers 1 to 4 whereas in box B,
the marbles are marked with the letters a to c.

A marble is drawn from each box. The number or letter is

recorded before it is placed back into the box. Subsequently, a
second marble is drawn from each box. List
(a) The sample space
(b) The event having the first marble marked 1 or second
marblw marked a.

9. There are 30 story books, 40 reference books and 5 dictionaries

on a book shelf. A book is taken at random from the book shelf.
Find the probability that the book
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(a) Is a story book

(b) Is a dictionary
(c) Is not a reference book

10.A fair dice is rolled. Find the probability of obtaining

(a) A prime number
(b) A number less than 5

11.There are 48 beads of red, yellow and blue colors in a bag. A

bead is drawn at random and the probability that the bead is red
is 1/6 .

(a) Find the number of red beads in the bag.

(b) If there are 24 yellow beads in the bag, find the probability of
drawing a blue bead

12.There are 5 red balls, 6 green balls and 9 yellow balls in a

basket. A ball is drawn at random from the basket. Find the
probability that the ball is
(a) Red
(b) Green
(c) Not red

13.Given S={ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}. If a number is obtained at

random from set S, find the probability that the number is
(a) A multiple of 2
(b) A multiple of 5
(c) A multiple of 2 or 5

14.A number is selected at random from the set of numbers

{3,4,7,11,12,15,17,19,24,39}. Find the probability that the
number is
(a) A prime number
(b) A multiple of 3
(c) A prime number or a multiple of 3

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15. Ahmad bought 10 Hari Raya cards for his friends, 8 for his
relatives and 4 for his teachers. If Ahmad picks a card at
random from all the cards he bought, find the probability that
the card
(a) is for his teacher
(b) is not for his friends

16.There are 5 red balls and 6 blue balls in a bag.

(a) If a ball is drawn at random from the bag, find the
probability that the ball is red.
(b) What is the number of blue balls that needs to be added to

the bag so that the probability of drawing a blue ball is ?

17.There are 24 girls in Form 5A. if a student is picked at random

from the class, the probability that the student is a girl is .

(a) Find the total number of students in the class
(b) If 4 boys join the class, find the probability that a student
picked at random is a boy.
18.There are red and blue marbles in a bag. If a marble is picked at

random from the bag, the probability that it is red is .

(a) Given that there are 27 blue marbles un the bag, find the
total number of marbles in the bag.
(b) Find the number of red marbles that needs to be added to the

bag sp that the probability of picking a red marble is .

19.There are 60 story books and r reference books in a cupboard. If

a book is picked at random, the probability that the book is

reference is . Calculate the value of r.

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20.A dart is thrown at a rectangular board of length 25cm and

witdh 24cm. the target is a circle of radius 7cm.

By using and assuming that every dart will land on the

board, find the probability that

(a) The dart hits the target
(b) The dart does not hit the target.

21.The probability that a shooter hits a target is . Find

(a) The number of times he hits the target if he fires 90 shots
(b) The number of shots he has to make so that it hits the target
40 times

22. A survey was made on the favorite drinks of a group of


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Set T represents the number of students who like tea and set C
represents the number of students who like coffee. If a student
is selected at random from the group and every student likes at
least one of the two drinks, find the probability that the student

(a) Coffee
(b) Tea
(c) Coffee and tea

23.The Venn diagram shows the number if members in the

Mathematics Club, Science Club and Geography Club in a
group of students.

Set M represents the members of the Mathematics Club. Set G

represents the members of the Geography Club and Set S
represents the members of Science Club. A student is selected at
random from the group of students. If every student on the
group joins at least one club, find the probability that the
student is

(a) A member of the Mathematics Club

(b) A member of both the Science and Geography Clubs.
(c) A member of all the three clubs
(d) Not a member of the Geography club
(e) A member of the Mathematics of Science Club.
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(f) A member of one club only.

(g) A member of two clubs only.

24.Two fair coins are tossed. Find the probability of obtaining

(a) Two tails
(b) A heads and a tails

25.The table shows the results of a test for a group of students

(a) If a student is picked at random from the group of students

who passed, state the probability that the student is a girl.
(b) Given that the probability that a student picked at random

passed the test is , find the value of p.

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1. The diagram, shows two semicircles RTQ and PTVS with centres at P
and Q respectively.

Calculate the radius of each semicircle is 8cm, calculate

(a) Angle PTQ
(b) The perimeter, in cm, of the shaded region PRT
(c) The area, in , of the shaded region QVU, given that the sector
QTS is divided into five equal sectors.
(use )

2. In the diagram, OMNP is the sector of a circle with centre O.

(a) The perimeter, in cm, of the whole diagram
(b) The area, in , of the shaded region. (use )

3. The diagram shows the sector of the circle ABC with centre O and
semicircle with diagram OC.

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(a) The perimeter, in cm, of the whole diagram

(b) The area, in , of the shaded region. ( use = )

4. The diagram shows a semicircle with centre O. PST is a sector of a

circle with centre. OQ and QT are 8 cm respectively.

(a) The length, in cm, of the arc RQ
(b) The area, in , of the sector PST

(c) The area, in , of the shaded region. (use =3.142)

5. The diagram shows a semicircle with centre O. Two sectors with

centres N and P respectively are moved from the semicircle.

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Given that MNOPQ is a straight line and MN=NO=OP=PQ=7cm,

(a) The perimeter, in cm, of the shaded region

(b) The area, in , of the shaded region. (use )

6. In the diagram, DFE and AB are two arcs of a circle with centre O.
OBCD is a rectangle.

Given that OE= EA= 7cm,

(a) The perimeter, in cm,
of the whole diagram
(b) In the area, in , of
the shaded region.

( use )

7. The diagram shows two sectors, OAB and OCD, with centre O. given
that OBC and AOED are straight lines and OBE is an equilateral
triangle, b is the midpoint of OB and OBC is 21 cm.

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(a) The area, in , of sector OAB

(b) The perimeter, in cm, of the shaded region. ( use )

8. The diagram shows an isosceles triangle OAC. AB is the arc of a

circle with centre O. OBC is a straight line.

(a) The length, in cm of the arc AB.
(b) The perimeter, in cm, of shaded region
(c) The area, in , of the shaded region. ( use )

9. In the diagram, BD and AE are the arcs of circles with centres O and
C respectively, whereas OCF is an equilateral triangle of sides 14 cm.
given E is the midpoint of CF and A is the midpoint of CB.

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(a) The perimeter, in cm, if the whole diagram

(b) The area, in , if the shaded region. ( use )

10. In the diagram, OPQR is a quadrant of the circle with centre O and
OMN is a sector of a circle with O. OQN and OPM are straight lines.

(a) The perimeter, in cm, of the whole diagram

(b) The area, in , of the shaded region. (use )


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