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Guidebook for Barangay Drug Clearing Operations

I. Prerequisites for Barangay Drug Clearing (Pre-Ops)

a. Activation of BADAC, Auxiliary Teams
i. Provide step-by-step actions, simple language
ii. Attach sample documentary requirements i.e. ordinance, forms, etc.
b. Capacity Building for BADACs
c. House Clustering
d. Submission of Information and Prioritization
e. Enactment of Administrative Board / Ordinances in Support of Barangay Drug
f. Establishment of Referral Desk
g. Creative Strategies
II. Clearing the Barangay of Illegal Drug Activities (Ops)
a. Conduct operations / Administrative Search
b. Filing of Cases
c. Advocacy
d. Referral of drug dependents to appropriate intervention
III. Drug-Proofing the Barangay (Post-ops)
a. Continuing advocacy
b. Sustainable Projects
c. Monitoring and Evaluation
d. Recovery of Drug-Cleared Status
IV. (Optional Chapter/Separate Book) Providing Appropriate Interventions for Drug Dependents
a. Processing
b. Community-Based Rehab
V. Community Involvement in Barangay Drug Clearing Operations (MASA MASID)
VI. Requesting for Assistance from Higher LGUs and NGAs
VII. Certificate of Undertaking (To be Submitted to SILG) perforated page
a. Commitment to Comply
b. Subject to Periodic Monitoring
c. Penalties for Non-Submission and Non-Compliance
VIII. Compliance Checklist
IX. References
a. DDB Reg No. 3, s. 2017
b. Reg. No. 4, s. 2016

Supported by:
- EO?
- DDB Board Reg?

1x a week workshop, Tuesdays 10AM
Creation of TWG and 1st Meeting Before Holy Thurs
Present initial draft Usec P, Usec Cuy, DG PDEA May 5, 2017
Final Draft for Submission By May 31, 2017

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