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CHAPTER 3 The Simplex Method and Sensitivity Analysis Set 3.1a X= (G1) Lt] MIs Sy = 24- (6X3 + 4x))-— 2 tone dog Md: Sy = © ~ (134241) = | ton (doy 2 52 4 +% ~ B00 = 500+ 600-09 = 300 3 Ss [4 10K, -3%; 2-5 2 -10x,43% SS Thus, -10% 45% 4+5,=5 O Also, 10%,-3%, 2-5 = 10%,-34-9, The, -10XtIHAS 2S © O and @ ans the aera = member amilz Prodaf- é mone ae LP med Madian2e Z = 100K +4, 4 1S(%y+ Hy) Subyict by [Gn +8)-Gatnol X30 f20 3 Aunimize Z=4 Sabi HY HK, Ket 343 +5) =o = 9%) #%2-3%3 tS, = 0 A UrX 4 XZ +53 2 0 = tH Skat XB sao Kha X3 144 Spo S153 5 Sy 20 n Fa; 4, <4; O78 24% = be aay ie _ 245 624 ® Seon zbe oF (Faas)? Z ¥ My hanes +5, is | § a My Matthey 45, 7 S ed (Eas opbe “rk, =? i | : 82) TD a @ aut yulinlint G Mat tar +5 2280 a . Say Gs be, Can BM 20 forall Cand) oe Xe . nym m ae ElEa)s2 Zh contnag..|__ ST = 3-2 Set 3.1b X,= Whe Lb (dag 1 Beemolalien'/: X= Wbr. cheaschonger/olay Maximize Ze AK + ISK, ~ 25x SH + 2SX, +2 + - KF xX) 4K, < = 200 700 $173.35 20, Grease (@) 4 = phanits A product jpaduy, Jee Agfs unset minus G machin tine [deg i i overlie 7a day ‘viel, mM je ZR EK FISH —-TXy ce DX t 12K + X3"-Xy_ = 2S00 190 $x, © 200 % <4 Kot, 20 XG 2 7eeA ee = 800 umie/day We SS units ldo Xp 2 C0te lim mani, = £0 rrunulin /dayp. 2 = B/S/7.S0 (0) Werlonie ot #15 tw Z| foray Hil 0, Wye oni f Prats 7, ane Maximize 2 = 2,4 Tht 3X90 Sulgpacl +o at Maximize 2 = -2X,43%-3 4 - UG ee 4% > wen SH tLe 2K, + 3X13 4 2KF 2% AM vanables 22 , + oyt Marimize 2= ~2X,t 0-2 4g = OF Sagi 4x,-4t sx. +6ur =o 2X 43xF4 2x7 - SW 2/2, all anitlr =o Cplimuicrn detolon + %20 oe os } > Xp 29.0332 1 Xe f= kg = 0-2232-3.23 are ses Za 24.92. Bat akg XP oy Be x, +X, + 2x3 eet ls 5 Ah muath, Fo Gebutinm: z = 83as Xe 6S amie, Ky sdS BU afk. vanotles = 0 a a 3-3 Set 3.2a «ay t (dy Siguaton: form: Maximize 2 = AX EX vo Xr Shh 8e BK ARK Hy =E Xj Key X33 %y 20 O) Baeré x, h, int B): A +H 26 3X, 42K, = 6 mr Ooh) * FD F 3x, oe hts (2,0,25 4 +4249 Fy tte on eee e car: TA) FARA HOLY ages Bossi “ Mts Xaoty sap, ag 20 se any =: Gubinetion —_Sebukin Stahia Selalion © (Xs ¥y) = (6,-12) OAM Oa asthe a ae ; faassen eS Rane Ge 2,"4 Feasible -3e Bets HX LS Faheasible & : (2353 Ka xe 23 Feasible Setar Cy Mapa) (375 0) 9% eve Rasibe =? - hye Feuble OH ai cut Dy Herts ‘oe Frerible . a bey mae Yoo Feasible ze e Xa ky oy Feasible -3/g s £ My 7(4,20,226 Yaks V8 Feasible 5/3 Baad (hy, X54) (Paint ED Kar Xe “At Infeas‘ble — =a - MKS Fenn 3a, ‘ KyX% ayo Fenatb 37 Mlakina: Xs, ky) = (G6), Z= O — = ©) Optimum sertulion ocesies ory B: amr FB) B65 | Jali ‘ N78, =O, 25, Ky 20 Zea os contieved. 3-4 (B Minimize 2~ *) 62M 3x5 284 7 | MF 2p — 3X4 Ky 24 Ky + 2x + Xe 42x) 2g Ms Ms Xs, Xv Bo Gem binakin' Silalimm’ _Stehao _ Z Oe. 4): Xo Xe infinity debi — — . ’ %sx3 450 Feasible 4 TH ~The X%y 4,0 Feasible 4 a oe Fe a mets ge Feb bo Sones (75 - TH Jo Og - ome ary 2,0 Feasible lint, impossible fr Xsixy -4,16 — Infeaseble ~ _— Fe piks : | ca Mand xt & te Qimatiie qolirm: | The zeae aed pt ae hme xy z he tx ham mith in ae) e 2 4 Sibi pee. O08 oO ° q ve we Fucks ook maximize Z the coos ss Sebpict & oa oe Bone a an 4% ~Gerb one tHe Ke My ° a ny Ya Xs, Xy 2 M% x320 Cun boriakien’ _ Selulion’ stadia Xx 268-3 Tafeatible | cmbnadetn Siblion’ Stalin 2 Xia x3 8,-2 Infeasible Xa Ke hs Fenscle (33 x Ky 6-4 Infeassble Ys Xs | 7 ee 3 Ha% 26 Infusibfe | Ae oe Gee | Tega = Xan Xy 13 Infeasible. Kix 2,2 Feud © Xs, xy “16 Tnfeasible Xy%y 2, 4 Faseble 8 , mye38, 228 contin Set Minimize 2.= 2%, 28% 3% OH, Sabpiat & 6%, 4747 THE Wy Ky 24 xy tage atta zo | Kia Ho Ds Xe X¥ 20 35 Extreme point Grsic__Nanbasie A SS, B pS, Xu ¢ Kom FS ry Mewbasie A SeSerSyS9 FX BS Kp S2,Sy Sav 0S Co Say Say 31 1D D So Sur XyrSe Ki Ma Sy Bm SS Fo sete SSD Gm Sy 5 8D # Spo Myo Ha oXy Sur S30 Se To ont So Surly I RS She Sao Se 2 Extreme. sie Nenbasic = So Sav5a 154 Hox B X50 54 Som CSS Fe (@ (A,B) er Beas anse |3 one Pia LE end, a. becamat they are nt ae (&) C1) Yea, Gecanat Connects adjiacent cx treme poowwks Gi) No, felons Cand Dare net Adjacent. Wii) No, becauae H. path reliama a preneiatetrems pit. (A) % enna af aber Z204+ 8x1 = 3 (bh) X entire of vole | Zeon 25 (ey evlcs at robes | Zaoe 7x! 7) dh) Tb brrken Caloseoos Haha, and Xa. Enterieg veda 21 Zz otixt =) 3-6 Set 3.3b ik Basic|z x xs) § 5 ig z |i -5 4 0 0 0 0 a S1 06 4 100 0 ‘= » |0 M2 0 1 0 0 is = (0 i Geo i 0 se s |0 0 1 00 01 Zz 106 05 00 s [0 0 8 1 60 0 x o 1 2 01 0 0/46 . s |0 0 3 0 1 1 047 Bee Sy oo 1 0 0 6 142 We x 38 x os Value 151 0 0.8 Leaving var [x7 xj Xs _Xs_ Boa %-mlior % GID * haves, x2 8 a aie 4 3/3 He Gard, Kye F-68236, Ky 23-HNBe 6 Meo, Ze BKIaw (0) x, Aemacieg merbaes’ at Fro. Cuidant cohahin’, H= 4, Xx P,tya5, 220 4 (phenom Bim aiken emaial J ora. TS | rant. each. True, © X,= 9A = 90, 2 Sx90= GS) % = 10/3 = 30, Z =-6x302-/F0 Ags =, Z2-3x182 54 Y= Wg HIS, 2 wSxIS = 15 Mp VWs 236, 2 22x30» 360 phism Sebadin 4290, x, fy ate so 4, (A) Baasics Ky oX3s%)= (2,6,0), 2 2620 é Nonbesic : (Re » 49085 1% 9X; )= (80, 6,4,0) ap (0) Mea Xoy Xe astllingrove cebuleen Myertona: Xz min(12,$,—)24. Thaw, «Xp heats, BZ = 4xS220 continued, Set 3.3b Xe onlein: Xe = muin (—, —)—). Tus, no wanahle and X¢ Com (O) Xzq con smprove.cetation : Ky endira: X= man, 0§,-)* = 2. Thus, a 422 -4x22-€ (d) As skrun tn (bh), Xy Canna eae Z Cecauae it erlors Ih, a Level Zero. Xq Canntt Ch Zeke, Cecauee. i objechi 4 to A> So Fe, rots) (by) Maximize Z= 4X, 4 the Entoung vant x, fe: ae (©) Maximize z= x, + #Xrvt Le obuased Cb ad ol aH eealers: Xg= men (—, ©, 2 no. Than] Uoalionce, yprvene | OZ = 1x0 =0 (x, faves) Samet Laer tieloage, ame. ) = ae tinkiial, oti, © peme ar (A) X, will enti, pirat and ot ilicaLone | esiee follow dt potk A-> Bc» D hralions will |x, online and hs he ph A» E-» D © Be moat-nigaline ailésn aa cd ha (4 Ww. 2). Thus culeuon ao obs a and shdoe, ma trnallead- murmbor meee oa inkoreng venill ‘min Intercept Colowig a> ice) Maximize Z~ 24K +224,4 495%, | y= men (42,4) = / Subjiee Aze 4xi = 4 24+ +H = Fe ag Ss 2x, +h 42x3 < 40 2 t\o oer Ky +S 4X2 2S a. ocuaa at D Xa, Xz 20 TORAs aplimuimSebateons: X50, Hy =36,X922, 22482 Staliia d Ateruras: Kesraree, Stach Shobha father o Seance S ° Seance. Fin idly as sbundant Set 3.3b From TORA Iterokcens modah M2. Lec next—boetr — 13] roan ew in CES: 4 enlin Ketan Sandan ond rd J aang. clad poe Next, chick [Veto /madify Ing 0 debe Ae pry blow eee ane Ya core eee KT ond 508. ie Entering V6 = x4 265 SKE 100 SKT SKE 140 fo Ta next teat sabolian 3 aatro anh ae SK7 ah Re Gare 39 @) Minimize Z 24x, + ROR ). z eo) |S | Me On aeons og TE HAM S34 Mo % 32,52) Ri Re Re 20 MMe Se 53 Ri Re Baw[s[eana . 3 ° @ : é ol 2 alla He real variable , X, dwd Xz. Hsin = aa CH en er 3 wae A Poem 66, tend pond minty 3 1 c : 2 Galemnsin solatiin: X= 04, Ry =hP, 2089 | Te Solohon an Ce cawe at imine Z= 4X) 44, 4M (R224) cloee mat onc ang, at pain 2 coe 56 lanl. M10 +i rabatosily rch Leper oan ue * $ \Ken He offset croft cated tne Fes +52 %, andl Rance probly, tart, Mae RS fe ; oa br ep ee fs Adz looo? i[3s 1 O 3 MH producer the. eplemam colilim ao | S\ 4 3 eo é Gag, M=1. The Gnclutim a8 dap st | _2 14 Aiffices Me ablect M Y 2 -4em ley Oo o olan len schurt cot ff tuteks i seeeieeeay hag Gi Og Ves | &\ 4 3 ' 2 an % he" sn Kes flee, Sl tt aged te coor. i oe ax +m 4h) 43 Moxy A R. . =a Se 3. +k (D Maxiniice B= Ay, +4, MR, +P) subgict Bxt hh FR <3 4447 -S. 4h 26 Ay 4K, 453-4 Baste} xs 7 i ee) a a 13 4 la 3s ft @ Sofi 2 1 Z em tw WoO als 7 q ee) as i 1 Ss] 12 ! (a) Maximize 2 = 5%, + 6A) it ale dei 23M 4 tek, Se TD 6 ta +5 = 3 Ua) Seen eee aBati|%) XS ta ( Maximize Z = 84,-Th -M (RAR ARS) 2 ae Subgeit- ls 3 fein Ain am M28 [am ABXKt9% +R) 23 °F rr sto @ 7 448% - Ss +Rs =5 (9 s/o > Sg ele 2 (ACME TAC AMS AMS AAEM | STE 1h +h sh © ami len mite z= he MR HO We Me ve ly [2 Cnraine 2 3x, +6. s alt oh me tle pe ct ss @) [glo 0 hh FS 6 ‘ Se : a ekg Magis @ | afew aye = 6 Z-(3-4M)4X, ~ (6-BM) XM Sp 2 SM afte ft - oh lah CA) Minionize Z= 4,4 6X, 4 (242 “| aoe aT ea ARR) Oe a a ie “2448 4k, 3 0 ~fo 7 1 1 2-1T¢ 4K + T% - A 219 at 6s 4x, + 28% ao : HRs 2 5 te 8 tt is Z~(4-6M) ~(6-16H) Xa -MSe— MS, = 18M (©) Mininize 2 = 3%, +2x,4+M(K, +Re) ét -24+5% 4h 23 4%, 48% -Ss R= 5) Z - (3-2M)X, -(2-1M)¥,-ASs = 8M continued. continued... | 3-11 = Inthe fait vliaten, ra 6 | Besa Xx xy Se Rye fel” out Hh, 03 =! -2 te om | Mathes, 4; and ty poi equation, Le)! 2 Fe mm cracls Mo he) rae, —_ ey |e 1 t 1 ° t olq Kila -s 1-1 0 fe be ar AIL EA crs [ibie ca ce pe ee Blip e@ to eys of 4] 1 1 Oo -°- {4 Qle -s 1 =) o | fo xq {it 4 2 @|é se a lrUr—CS—sS ale ale all kh hb fo ¥le [zz = oF a glo 2 oh oh Dx [34 e 1 a fae wn ot 4% TF xe | a | ° Ye {2 adding Surplua S; and S, , Le 2 sh Clea 1 Fir |b Al (a fbebic] Xe Sey Sahm z [3-2 0 6 Go] — pate} Sta £ dcAlps eo omcam jefve se mae [Yale 7 oe OG |e ee Zulicmess sm ommomacm |r Se eee teen eee Fea ae es 4al2 1° -1 o 7 {to Le [ese 4m nm “ ° & lim Zh ¢ “hh 0 So |% eo. Sep 1 yo Tay ale -S 7 =) gt ho Xe] 0 yy 1-1 _t [sy HE | Fok xg erin Che aterting [a LE} * ste sey van 6 len | Sede racidle) weet A a —rti—sO Abed led s| 1 kh om yonls TH 0° “oh BOE Slab) th Wy Heh sce M Set 3.4a Pred ¢ Caelfccninle i dle Z-nrvr a8 %)- Hocveues, th, datullart ai enoferatle because The artifinel vast KB, acewmer a pooti Se. Phong a posilire vohse aah ee Ka ke ee jhe Comat 8x, 42x, 26 29 3X, 42 SG, which idlalas ke crtraents Maximize Z = 844 5% - MR [9 | ct BX, 2% -S, 4K, = 6 2K, + Xe +S,2 2 Bie Hr Sy Ki, Se 2e Basic] Xe Xe Se Ri Se zl se Me - 1 é o ° 2 me en a. I 6 ee 2 ™ Ia ca ° 3-13 Set 3.4b a Peet 5 oe aps [| ep Pheae Tice maa (Citnderiys, Tile tie, ayia ‘easialhe hcoues BT aon hone: So __|sf>_ 4 mmaaeune 2. afenibility on a cat: pblem | oe Ca) Mimiuia Po xf de % “iq | aly imimegs P= y y = —.|.LDUr™t~—OC—COSS (@ Mianiuge r= Ee we 1 in oh] ) Mincmign re 32 Ree Re x ° -¥- 7th yf th 7} as/q Ce) Minis re er Re ; [peace , (a) Phase I +i hs pamaae 473 (a) Bel XS OR S| een a | fc | xi xe x3 Xv __| sol afr T zi[-4 3 =3 e le 4 = iD | "i (ah at 7 ia 4 {to 6-7 lasf7 alo -r | Dee ate mA te x lo 4 wa th faz A fe eye os ee a 8 ot =r |asir alee oe at pe | Minimize r= R, 4 ale 1 7 Ol ck alto ory "7 8/7985 FH 42% ~S, +R, 26 Co ee a ae 2) By +5, 92 z =z 3 — Ss > HS) RS. 20 alo 1 Wy "a \4y 7 wn Zl? Sele Shto: 9 Pha T by ToRA 7 Vly | yulele rsa, eshich incl celia. y © eo Siz V7 hee7 | “eat He prvokm her no feat -_ 646s ala ° C17 -Y7\a8l7 | Ptimmize 2= Re (0) Phese Tai the same aa si (0) Sulgict ke vs Kee sydd Bx +X 4X3 @ o FX, +4 +2Xe Se “lef |W Xp Xr XB, Sp Sp, Kez ee | a Her HB, Spe Se, Kado the a oe ah, Phase I Oplerial sobation: Onto 1 17 Wy 4h Basic [Xi Xe Sa S| Sod }] SI eee i ee ale 7s i|¢ Rk |-5 0 -2 1 -4 1; |e 6 2. | contmues,. | Ke =0 + -taaic on 2K Phase I Seletin 3-14 ) Phase I: Phase I (continued): R2 leaves, x1 enters (also aed x3, s2, and s1 are candidates for the entering r[-10 0 variable). x2] 2 1 we} 5 0 xt _ R2_| Sol 7 o | 5 2-4 oto rl oo x2) 2 1 oO oO - wa) 0 1 R2 4 o ay 4 o oo x2 | Remove R1- and R2 columns, which gives Drop R2-column. xi x2_x3__—#R3._| Sol cpoo 1 olo Phase II: malo 1 ws of2 a} 1 0 26 0 | o xt x2 x3 s2 s1_| Sol. R3}_0 o o 1 0 (aT 2 oo Jo ileal 25 a5 [27 | The R3-row is R3=0, which is redundant . xi 4 45 | 9 _| Hence the R3-row and R3-column can be z[0 25_|4 | dropped from the tableau with no 2] 0 ais | 2 | consequences. alt as_|_o z 7 6 4 Phase II: 2) 12 a [2 x3| 52 210 x 2 | sot z] 3 2 3 o 2] 0 1 15 2 Optimum solution: ni] 4 o 215 ° z| 0 o-75[4 1 = 0,2 =2,%3=0,2=4 x2 oO 1 15 2 x] 4 o 25 o z) 72 0 o 4 2) 12 1 0 2 nl 52 ° 1 ° Optimum solution: 41 =0,x2=2,%3=0,2=4 345 Set 3.4b Hy XS g Xy 0 ot Xs eaaeeme 7 ae s ASX, +H, 2g Hy a 1 the vib g Ka obyuchive fomitins ot 2. ond Phase I arated receetaily Ceceme wilior’. Thus Jallenre Ce bauer cheer aie Po ie Gal Pi Ctl em rt Wi AT Bd foe adn 0 ai Place L, it fpllzwrt Hat Phase Z met Kare 4, 2g = My 2% 20 ao wel. Phuc. I: basic iz x KC Zz ofo]- ofoly % R Oplomuien Sebikicn : =O Ky Zo4 2% a kyexp so --» 8] MFM ey thy 2-8 ax FER, KE 4 Xi Xe Xs xy xe Xe gz @0 0 0 0 0-1] “5 6 -= 1 0 0 - Boe eo fe ils Zoe oe 1 od 2s¥ oe 6 1 6/4 -! 3 S$ oOo =o ° @ Sa Se oe ela — BS o =! _ 1 ¢ a a 1 4 Phaze T roe Subgeit AEX, 49K 3X My XS 23 HF 8HtS% XG 2B 2%, 4 Ka 4 Xe aged at varutle 20 The bpic oe prrcedunt ni a VL. Racclumn , tole ol fw emetaint wth mgalirre PHS TG fa alt rhnameb rent a Next, sae dhe Column ara Set 3.5a (a) () As4, Bt, 0: G23, Did (@) Fram TORA, Liabons 2 |Q| [2 Bp ati nt. bn bs weirs entourliind- 317 f 3 el % Oe Hs 4% 5 Ss 5; ‘ zi[- T a4 sete a celeag s|! 7 wo ° tie alse see 0 si] 2 -1 3 S 1 lao Sito be et els eu <7/st/saeeoiaiiaia/-laarouifad il 06 6 6 Gl Xs Sveum pavcie ees | a 3i° BD 6 1 oe of wo SEB eee Cn eS 0e zie mal 7 2 o {2 3] o 4 s 7 Hl uy 0 2 | uals “fr st [to . ete as Sz{o TM -7 -2 fee B} to © oe tly Zee a chs B/@ oo 1) ° el po T 3 4%) 0 1 Ys @ 2 l ° Bal y io o % of 5 BiG 2 6 6 6 tds 3 e 1m ¢ [to Three allinalire fame qolima : (0, 2, V/s) (Ki rm%roXyye4 (2,5, 0) 4 1/3) Xe As Riz 5+ 43 Ry = yd, + Var2 othr Ded, Ag =) OSA $1, 62443 Set 3.5¢ Bease | Xi Xe S| z [-2 1 eo Pe = To eta CALS ° ° 1 | 40 Z| es ee a re Ss fo 2 2 t feo 2 [e > [V3 | 50 xa oar} we [ao x Lo LY or joo sinbounded —t (a) _ xz 2 et Ty mp Srbalisn’'seace unbeuneed Bs ik daacliont ie (2) Objectint value 01 unbounetil Because each unl wcraer wih, whensacer Z by Jo ac hcg hey aah 2 @ arbor @ equine LPs an othich The Se rea Maxonaga Z > Xp JR yer Dib GH an in pratlion . Fee The cor bones rab, Z= 0. 3-19 Set 3.5d B= rab of smile TL Aas rumbr J Units G72 Bamce|x mo 1% 5, OS 23> rember. of senits GTP “3 tS . Z [sm -m 2m Moo |-em oe See ol oda 3X, 45% + 6X3 <= /000 R13 4 2-1 0 1 16 SX, + 3% + 4X3 0 Xyz £0-2(8)4 40-10 = 34 >o Duck Resources| = 4A / mri y -2008D,61 ae 3 = £0/mn, ~20 SD,<09 Nao pape = 135042, +2), +925 $1304 B42 X40 = /SP (hy D = 460-430 = 30 min Dy = 440-460 =-20 Ds = 3¥a-420 Yo X= 100-44 (59) -$E20 = (20 >? Xz = 2304$(-2) = 220 22 j= 20 -2(30)-20 -40= -loe Derrerne ai erat Net necomamemdlid, Xj 2 tril Bp predict 6 =12,3 Meximize 2% 20%, +50% 485% 5. 10 SK, +S F-S% SO <7 Rx, + IX, 45X35 240 Hy Xe, Xx ZO CO) Schad: Z=72E00 x =X 240, Xz =° = ws we 40 * ty SS Ss Ze 3 9 ews 8 SEBS : ° ° ' 1 Sh (9 Overtime caot £2 = *.83 /min 2 & i: Mee we 38 Kes “ “Né -43_ 0 Me mn et dai fa "Te 24 tng 2955, +05, +3545, -2k00 - Loss Cost (favors. =p advontlfeere aera Ss [No (8) Duk praiegte epuston a= $2/mei | 3! sot ba 2a ens2/0 nla ~a0s 2, < #00 x one 2 D, = 120 minke Fy De=Rolk falls whe aarge C290,210) Burrus. sicrads 2 20K2 = 240 News doleZon. : Coat umorms = 2CFS5) SHG x= dot = 0 wnat Revers, > Grek => accept. X= 90422 = 60 nite (C) No, rAcaomree F02 ae Aan? This 5 He atm AG dah pmin = New asvenue = 2£00 +@S/s)(120) O Doth prsaGe Prorahin Je Yhes, | = #4200 wide range - 2005 D. <0 Sondinued. continued. 3-23 Set 3.6c (Dual prio, sre), <0 tol = 475 0 Chee haa na ofl endl tela D From Tore, Zp1S00S, ro S,+ S00S; = 42.000 S00 aback , Se and Sz ore Nps Unls f- prooluct;, ja 12.3 Covetrast 2 Maximize Z= 45K, + 5Xe4 Ky SA lO poh oe § E00 6%, 48k, + 1K 600 3% #10K, t12ky 600 1a, X20 © Shades: Z = $825 Sz ad sors “50 “ns 140 W61_20 Froceaod > Process | © Frocera ls 60x.083 = F495 2:0 Conant 3+ — #500 /min limit course. Dual praia. for constant | equal dhe Aewenut, Aik course... Hence, am acted Vondlrre eset nacruesnly ¢e GA praclial fp. (©) Farm Tah, Sz 24d 20 X= 204+D, 20 Xx 0 Thun, He dal pre leemvotramh | an robd ceuriee > 30-10 = 20. & Dual pra = — #500. B celevwynt te erhus ct opphe; Gon Tes S, = 10- Ds #0 leet 10 $ Dy SIO Xi = 04D; 20 A cenit snccrsaae an hruree hoinib om Rumanualc Course ffovig. (7:¢. Jum 10 te 1) decrinate noverune by $ Soe } -102B 200+ Dy 20 S,= orby-De 20 continued. continued... | 3-25 Set 3.6c¢ 2 Si =Ldle mirulingr stetion 4b) 62423 [ha ofgeetive si dy manana S82" Ss" To exprece Heolfectie yametion om Crone Gx, ard X, » Consroler EX + AK PS, = TYCO BE SX, + Gy 45, > EXO = HEE 4x, + 6X, Sq = BOXED = 422-4 (hat, 5 ta = (267.2 -1SX,- 10%, 4 imize Z= ISK + 1%, Gonaliaint Duchprin bys-rargs |) Frem TORA, v qu US, IS¢.1D : 2 Be ie Sipe) ° 100, : 3 (dew) ° Hes, 7 3D- 2B + $1230 Acuppe) —R (75,270) Se 5770, + Dy~ 2D, 425.9220 4 dowe) ° (2,208) | staan ae +¥0.32 20 Greist oi Raurmaleisl | anol om 7 = ae or Phe yper barerd on Stbadern (S434 2 ° 58.8 os Jadues Becamer Kei. tinal = re 289, cco [porvices (16 anol 2) ana pusilrve . : NY, cecrease im maintenance time ix epuiralt: © Srcrener oi revenue Junib= FIG | D = D2 Dy = 4.8 merlin, Tad Groraree oh C004 fami = | spentokant to kevrng _ Met eacommended! Stalker Daily munodig “ z 436.3 (vy Baal prsitegfoe raus reali 2 a $36.3 Legere Cecaner sts aburdlart. No 3 427.5 bcrtece «5 evarten al. Alt thse. daily erinidi ‘enithn he X= Abe. DiGi-l oMrenbe. nongee 7 Sei? 9 ih ala tate Dy = +86 (G00-480)= 105-6 Fram dh: covchlionés tn (b> Bx 108 2 KIOS.6 44612 = SEH Tx 108 4 103.2 —-2 [0S bb 2SIE BEE Xa 2x08 HE x 105.6 + $032 = SOV Selb acafenaibl. Heme chuak pase < mygabiale, aret che mad wliblgaten se \errsan CK ERTS, = 432 6 arvcneacol bef AIOE 4 OH108-2 BME G Sx, 44% Se = 4B = 310.32 mifals, Becanar otatim 2 4K, + 6X Hp = 4224 fos gers diinh paris, iby capacsby read Ky o%s 5, BBO Dolph bale pes ee a He total used hime ot Rab epuals 5 (600-4894 041-5 (600- Ch Hare afotiona tn miinudis. 460) & #360. 7 SoteAhin: Z= 124.28 mile, Tha. preposel cam be improved x = 40.32 Unity recommending Hat Stakin 2 time Clibgaten = ure 979% emai imchamged 3-26 Set 3.6c Air Mir proaue/ ‘= Nbr. 4 3 = Wbr. ba dy. 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