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Algebra 1 Standards Check Point

Score Explanation
No evidence

5 The learner demonstrates no

evidence of mastery
No Understanding of Learning
No or Minimal effort

Work is mostly incorrect

The learner demonstrates minimal

6 ability to solve problems related to

standard or requires aid in solving
Minimal Understanding
Frequent Mistakes
Needs Help & Hints

Work contains many errors, but reasoning

The learner demonstrates an is somewhat correct

7 "emerging" ability to solve problems

related to the standard Partial Understanding
Several Errors

Work is mostly correct, but contains some

The learner demonstrates the ability minor reasoning errors

8 to solve problems related to the

standard with minimal errors in
Almost Meets Learning Objective
Minimal Errors

Work is correct and contains sound

The learner demonstrates an reasoning

9 outstanding ability to solve problems

related to standard at a near-perfect
Meets the Learning Objective
Trivial Errors

Work and explanations go above and

beyond what is expected
The learner demonstrates deep

10 fundamental understanding of the

standard and ability to explain
reasoning at the highest level

Meets the Learning Objective
Error Free
Apply Knowledge to New Scenarios
Deep Understanding

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