Philippine Digital Measurement Standard

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1 Viewability defined as per IAB standards: 50% of the creative is on-screen for two continuous seconds.

To derive
Viewable Reach, formula is: [Impressions (from publisher) x Viewability %]/Frequency.
2 Goal for Average View Duration to be determined by the advertiser, taking into account when both branding AND
messaging appear on the ad. For example, if branding and messaging appear on the 15th second of a 30s creative,
then success is measured against % of people who saw at least 50% of the ad. If both are only revealed at the very
end, then aim should be for a completed view.
3 If it is essential to the creative and in driving the brand message (i.e. jingle, distinct audio cues, etc.), sound must be
on. For Facebook, creative must be designed for a sound-off environment

4 Source:

5 Interaction Rate is computed as [Interactions]/[Reach]

6 Earned Media Value benchmark must be defined by brand owner and advertiser
7 Out of Scope for 2017
Awareness - There are two main measures of awareness: spontaneous (or unaided) and prompted (or aided)
awareness. Source: ESOMAR
Consideration Set - (aka Evoked Set) is the set of alternatives that potential consumers would consider when buying
a product or service. Source: ESOMAR
The DMB is still finalizing the approach for the section on Digital Behavioural Monitoring, which is defined as the
process of logging, tracking, observing specific user-initiated interactions such clicks, taps, likes, mentions, etc.
occurring in digital audiences within user communities, sites, networks, etc.

The proposed direction is to provide sources of metrics/tools that may also indicate the context of what the metric is
measuring in relation to a specific stage of the conversion funnel (awareness, consideration, purchase intent, sales).
For example, if the metric is social mentions, this has to be contextualized based on the stage in the funnel:
Awareness: # of Brand Mentions
Consideration: # of Brand Mentions along with mentions of competing brands
Purchase intent: # of Brand Mentions along with other keywords that imply the intent to purchase

There are other factors to consider, and the DMB shall be updating this paper.
11 Or Sales Conversion, upon inclusion in E2 scope

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