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Chapter 5

Reasons and Features of Rotor


By Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

The main purposes of this course
increase understanding of provide a means for controlling
rotor vibration phenomena or eliminating these vibrations

Basic theory of vibration

Reasons and features of vibration Methods of rotor balancing

Vibration Signal Analysis

Reasons and features of Rotor Vibration

Introduction and basic concepts
Vibration theory
Rigid rotor balance
Flexible rotor balance
Reasons and features of rotor vibration
Fault diagnosis
Case study

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

5.1 Vibration Signal Analysis
Time domain waveform plot
bar plot
orbit (Axle center locus) plot
bode plot
Nyquist plot
spectrum domain FFT plot
waterfall plot//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3300 9200

Bently 3500 208P DAIU

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Time domain waveform

No 1 BRG

No 2 BRG

No 3 BRG


X No 5 BRG

No 6 BRG

No 7 BRG

No 8 BRG

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

2012/9/25 Y
Bar Plot


Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Orbit (Axle center locus) Plot

No 1 BRG

No 2 BRG

No 3 BRG


No 5 BRG

No 6 BRG
unbalance misalignment Oil whip
No 7 BRG

Orbit No 8 BRG

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Bode plot speed

Speed(n/10rpm) X Time (s) X

Speed(n/10rpm) Y Time (s) Y

No 1 BRG No 3 BRG No 5 BRG No 7 BRG

No 2 BRG Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr.

No 4BRG No 6Danmei
BRG Xie No 8 BRG
Nyquist plot speed phase

No 1 BRG No 3 BRG No 5 BRG No 7 BRG

No 2 BRG No 4BRG No 6 BRG No 8 BRG

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Component Frequencies Of A Square Wave

Rotor vibration and its

Rotor vibration andbalance - Dr.
its balance- Danmei Xie
Dr. Danmei
Spectrum domain FFT plot

No 1 BRG

No 2 BRG

No 3 BRG


X No 5 BRG

No 6 BRG

No 7 BRG

No 8 BRG

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

2012/9/25 Y
Waterfall plot

No 1 BRG

No 2 BRG

No 3 BRG


X No 5 BRG

No 6 BRG

No 7 BRG

No 8 BRG

Rotor vibration and its

Rotor vibration andbalance - Dr.
its balance- Danmei Xie
Dr. Danmei
2012/9/25 Y Xie
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Holographic Spectrum
Traditional on-site balancing methods are usually based on
information from a single sensor with vertical and horizontal
vibrations being regarded as two separate components
In fact, the motion of rotors is a kind of complicated spatial
It is impossible for measurements made by using only
unidirectional sensors to objectively and reliably reflect the
movement status of the rotors
The information from the sensors must be fused
The authors have presented an on-site dynamic balance
method based on a fusion of information from a variety of

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

The essence of the matter consists in fully integrating the
information fusion technology with flexible rotor dynamic
balance technology
In the meantime, advanced computer simulation and a genetic
algorithm-based optimization are employed to simplify
balanced operations, thus enhancing the balance accuracy and
The demerits of the balance method based on a single sensor
were analyzed, and the working principle of a shafting
holographic dynamic balance method was described
In addition, the effectiveness of the method in question has
been verified by the on-site dynamic balance of several 300
MW turbogenerator units

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Signature Analysis

RBPF = RB * Fshaft

FShaft = shaft frequency

RB = # of Rotor Bars

Which frequencies exist and what are the relationships

to the fundamental exciting frequencies.
What are the amplitudes of each peak
How do the peaks relate to each other
If there are significant peaks, what are their source//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Sequence of analysis
1) Assemble equipment
2) Record operational parameters of machine- lubricating oil
temperature, load, history of mal operation, work done
3) Run machine until it reaches normal operating temperature
4) Take readings at designated points. Analyse frequency of
any high readings //

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

5) If possible measure vibration at different speeds
6) Note changes in temperature, load etc. during
measurement period
7) If possible double check readings
8) Determine source of vibration using identification
9) Remedy fault//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

5.2 Reasons and features of Rotor Vibration
Forced vibration caused by mechanical exciting force
Forced vibration caused by electro-magnetic exciting
Forced vibration caused by weakening of system
Low frequency vibration (Oil whirl or Oil whip,
Aerodynamic forces )
Axial oscillation of brgs
Vibration caused by rotor cracks (esp. transverse)//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

5.2.1 Forced vibration caused by
mechanical exciting force

1) Rotor unbalance mass

2) Bent rotor (Hog And Sag)

3) Rotor misalignment

4) Rub between moving parts and static parts//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Mass unbalance is the most common cause of vibration
It occurs when the rotor mass centerline does not line up with
the axis of rotation
The term mass centerline refers to the line that joints the
centers of mass of imaginary thin slices into which the rotor
may be divided
Figure 10.1 illustrates a simplified case of a rotor with mass
In reality, the mass centerline looks like a snake wrapped
closely around the axis of rotation//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotating Shaft
unbalanced centreof
centrifugal gravity

Axisofrotation Shaft masscenterline

Figure 10.1 Mass unbalance

Couple Unbalance Overhung Rotor Unbalance

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Operating conditions that can increase rotor unbalance
Some of them change unbalance temporarily and others
permanently (until maintenance is performed)
Examples of permanent changes are:
Loss of a rotor part in the most extreme cases, the resultant
unbalance can be catastrophic, but sometimes the lost part is so
small that only a small increase in vibration results
Corrosion deposits or wear, e.g., due to erosion, abrasion,
scoring, etc. In most cases, changes in mass unbalance are
small and they develop slowly
The most typical cause of a temporary change in mass
unbalance is transient thermal bowing of the rotor. This
happens when one side of the shaft is warmer than the opposite
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Examples of operating conditions
Fast load changescooling or heating of the rotor can be so fast
that slight differences in the deposits on the shaft surface can
interfere with heat transfer and produce a slightly uneven
temperature in the rotor
Rubbingthe frictional heat produced at the site of rubbing
makes one side of the shaft hotter
Partial plugging of some cooling passages (e.g., by oil) in
Asymmetrical currents in individual rotor windings in electric
motors and generatorsthe windings carrying larger currents get
hotter than their counterparts//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

B. Features of unbalance
I. Vibration frequency equals rotor speed
II. Vibration predominantly RADIAL in direction
III. Stable amp + phase at a certain speed
IV. Amp increases as square of speed before cr
V. Vibration phase shifts at cr
VI. Time domain waveform is sine wave
VII. while the axis curve is bent into a spacious curve under the
dynamic condition and rotates around the static axis curve
with the rotating speed of rotor, the orbit is elliptical/oval
or circular
VIII. Vibration does not change with the oil temperature, oil
pressure and steam flow //
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
The spacious distribution of rotor centroid

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

A Spectrum domain plot Fir Tree shape

1x 2x 3x 4x

Waterfall plot
Orbit Plot

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

2) BENT ROTOR (Hog And Sag)
Mass unbalance and coupling misalignment can be affected by
shaft deformations referred to as hog and sag. They are most
pronounced in long shafts like in steam turbine generators
Hog is an upward bending of the rotor and happens when the
top of the shaft is hotter then the bottom
This temperature differential is produced by thermal
stratification of the fluid around the rotor
That is, the colder and therefore heavier fluid collects at the
bottom, while the warmer and hence lighter fluid is pushed to
the top
This process takes place when the rotor is left stationary and the
machine is cooling down or is being warmed up//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie 40
Hogging is a fast process
It may take only several minutes to bow the shaft enough to
close some radial clearances in the machine
An attempt to turn the rotor in this condition could damage the
machines internals (e.g., turbine blades) and brgs through
Incidentally, hogging also affects the machines casing
its bowing introduces a mass unbalance, which does not affect
the casing
rotor hogging is faster and larger than casing hogging
The reason for this is that the rotor changes its temperature
faster than the casing, which is heavier and therefore needs
more heat transfer to change its temperature//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Sag is a downward bending of the rotor under its own weight
Some, very small, sag is present during normal operation
because the rotor is not infinitely rigid
But when the rotor is stationary, sag increases because the
same part of the rotor is subjected to a constant stress for an
extended period; the top half is in compression, while the
bottom half is in tension
A similar process, which we all have seen, affects a loaded
bookcase shelf
Unlike hogging, sagging is a slow process and it takes days
rather than minutes to develop to a troublesome level//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

ity Shaftp
nsdu c
er a
fera180tu rn

ity S

g B

Figure 10.3 Hog and sag

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

8 N300

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie


15 15
11 12 12 1 1
10 19 10 2 14
13 20
16 17
8 1 2 4 13 8 8
7 9 18 9
2 4
6 4 3 4
4 4
9 5 3 3

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

B. Features of rotor bent

I. Bent shaft problems cause high axial vibration

II. 1X RPM dominant if bend is near shaft center
III. 2X RPM dominant if bend is near shaft ends
IV. Phase difference in the axial direction will tend towards
1800 difference
V. Vibration related with load or temp
VI. High reproducibility or repeatability //

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Eccentric Rotor
Shaft eccentricity is another term that is closely associated with
hogging and sagging
Eccentricity is a measure of the rotor deflection from the
perfectly straight line
Figure 10.3 shows how rotor eccentricity is measured
The measurement is unavailable when the rotor is stationary
In plants, eccentricity is monitored only on HP turbine rotors
This allows us to avoid turbine runup when the rotor is bowed.
Eccentricity of these rotors can be caused by sagging or hogging
However, rubbing or excessively fast heating or cooling of the
rotor can also produce it//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Regardless of its cause, shaft bowing has adverse
consequences, and they depend on rotor speed
At high speeds, shaft bowing will result in high vibration
because the rotating unbalanced centrifugal force will be
At low speeds, however, that force will be too small to
produce high vibration even when shaft bowing is sufficient to
cause mild rubbing
If we monitored bearing vibrations only, we may be unaware
of rotor bowing, but it could wear/damage seals
Monitoring rotor eccentricity, however, would warn us about
the danger//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

3) Rotor misalignment

Coupling Angular

Bearing Elevation

The left shaft and its brgs are

infinitely stiff
In practice, both shafts and its
brgs are somewhat flexible
Hence, reaction forces exerted
by the right shaft on the left
shaft cause it to vibrate
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Shafting of a turbo-generator unit with 1000MW

2012/9/25 Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

By Dr. Danmei Xie ----Wuhan University
Aligning the supports of a rotor to account for static deformation.
(a) Inflected shape of the two spans when the joint is disconnected;
(b) inflection of the rotor after the supports of the second span have been raised.
Note that all deformations are grossly exaggerated.

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

A. Causes of misalignmentCoupling and bearing
Coupling(Shaft) misalignment can change during operation
I. Machine casing with bearing pedestals can become deformed
due to uneven thermal expansion or mechanical stresses
II. Concrete machine foundation can thermally expand, or settle
or crack due to aging
III.A bearing can become loose in its housing, the housing can
crack or its connection to the casing or foundation can
become loose
IV.brgs can suffer an excessive local wear called wiping
The first condition is the most frequent and it usually occurs
during operational transients such as equipment startups and
shutdowns, or load changes//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Other reasons of misalignment
Disagreement of the concentricity between the cylinder and
the rotor of the turbine

Deviation of bearing pedestal in each directions

Coupling faults

Non-satisfied ellipticity or run-out roundness//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Features of misalignment
I. Characterized by high axial vibration
II. 1800 phase change across the coupling
III. 2X RPM often larger than 1X RPM
IV. Typically high 1 and 2 times axial vibration
V. Not unusual for 1, 2 or 3X RPM to dominate
VI. Severe conditions give higher harmonics
VII. Sensitive to load change
VIII.Orbit is of 8 shape
IX. Different lub oil pressure //

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

B. Features of misalignment
Angular misalignment & Parallel Misalignment

1x 2x


Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie


1xf 2
2xf 3
3x f 4

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Misaligned Bearing

I. Vibration symptoms similar to angular misalignment

II. Attempts to realign coupling or balance the rotor will
not alleviate the problem.
III. Will cause a twisting motion with approximately 1800
phase shift side to side or top to bottom//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

4) RUB (between moving parts and static parts)
Kinds of rub

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Between gland sealing strips and rotor Between blade tip and casing

Between sealing strip of diaphragm and rotor


Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Between blade tip and casing
Between diaphragm and rotor

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

gland sealing strips

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

A. Causes of rub
I. Tight clearance
II. Vibration
III. Deformation//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

A common problem in newly rebuilt or modified rotors
is a slight rubbing condition as the rotor is initially
Rotor rubs are not a phenomenon which continues over
an extended period; they usually increase the clearances
until the rub has been cleared or, if not corrected, they
will wear away the internal clearances until the machine
cannot be operated
The shape of the orbit display will differ depending
upon the relationship of the shaft speed to the first
natural frequency and the severity of the rub//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

B. Features of Rotor Rub
I. Spectra displays of rub conditions are characterized by
distinct frequencies that occur at multiples of a fundamental
II. Usually generates a series of frequencies which may excite
natural frequencies
III. Subharmonic frequencies may be present
IV. Rub may be partial or through a complete revolution
V. The severity of the rub will affect the shape of the orbit
A light rub will produce a "tear drop" shaped orbit, with
the point of the tear drop coinciding with the impact spot
As the rub gets heavier the orbit will flattened and may
appear as an excessive preload//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Truncated waveform

1x speed<2m light rub heavy rub


2x 1/2x rub 1/3x rub

3 1x 4
3 5x
3 2x 7x

Figure 10.5 Rub

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

5.2.2 Forced vibration caused by
electro-magnetic exciting force
A. Causes
I. turntoturn short
II. rotor coil foreshortening
III. electrical grounds
IV. mechanical imbalances
V. Overheating
VI. blocked ventilation passages
VII. wedge stickslip, coil stickslip and bearing wipe//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
FL=Line frequency


Frequency 12kcpm

(a) stator eccentricity shorted laminations and loose iron

1/3 FL sidebands

around 2X FL


(b) power supply phase problems (loose connector)
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

(Loose Stator Coils)

Features of Electrical Problems (1)
I. Loose stator coils in synchronous motors generate
high amplitude at coil pass frequency
II. The coil pass frequency will be surrounded by 1X
RPM sidebands//
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Features of Electrical Problems (2)

I. 1X, 2X, 3X, RPM with pole pass frequency sidebands

indicates rotor bar problems.
II. 2X line frequency sidebands on rotor bar pass frequency
(RBPF) indicates loose rotor bars.
III. Often high levels at 2X & 3X rotor bar pass frequency and
only low level at 1X rotor bar pass frequency//
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Features of Electrical Problems (3)

ECCENTRIC ROTOR (Variable Air Gap)

I. Eccentric rotors produce a rotating variable air gap, this induces

pulsating vibration
II. Often requires zoom spectrum to separate 2FL and running
speed harmonic
III. Common values of FP range from 20 - 120 CPM//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

5.2.3 Forced vibration caused by
weakening of system stiffness
A. Causes of stiffness weaken
I. Weakening of the system stiffness in such places as
bearing bush, bearing pedestal, and foundation frame
II. Gaps developed between the bearing pedestal and the
foundation bedplate
III. Cracks developed in the loading foundation elements//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie




bearing bush
bearing pedestal
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
tilting pad

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie


Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie


Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie


Combined Thrust and Journal Bearing

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie


Opened shaft seal

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Shafting of a turbo-generator unit with 1000MW

2012/9/25 Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

By Dr. Danmei Xie ----Wuhan University
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie


Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Stg 10T
G-X 12CrMoNiWVNbN 10 11
X 10CrMoWVNbN 10 11

St 461 TS
20 Cr Mo Ni V 47
St 461 TS
20 Cr Mo Ni V 47

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Features of Mechanical Looseness (1)

Caused by structural looseness of machine feet

Distortion of the base will cause soft foot problems
I. Phase analysis will reveal aprox 1800 phase shift in the
vertical direction between the baseplate components of
the machine//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Features of Mechanical Looseness (2)

Caused by loose pillow block () bolts

I. Can cause 0.5, 1, 2 and 3X RPM
II. Sometimes caused by cracked frame structure or bearing

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Features of Mechanical Looseness (3)

I. Phase is often unstable

II. Will have many harmonics
III. Can be caused by a loose bearing liner, excessive
bearing clearance or a loose impeller on a shaft//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

5.2.4 Low frequency vibration

Self-excitation vibration
Oil film whirl/whip of bearings
Caused by
Working fluid (rotor clearance)

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Oil whirl or /and oil whip
Rotors running on journal bearings show particular dynamic
problems linked intrinsically with the behavior of the fluid
film within the bearings( oil whirl and oil whip)
The oil whirl (sometimes referred to as half-frequency whirl)
is a whirling of the rotor, which takes place at a frequency of
about half the speed of rotation
Oil whirl is superimposed on the other whirling motions,
particularly the synchronous whirling caused by unbalance
Its amplitude is usually not large and does not constitute an
actual problem
At a speed that is usually not far from twice the first critical
speed, the motion becomes more severe and can rapidly
degenerate in a very violent, often destructive-oil whip
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
The oil in a plain journal bearing moves around at a speed that
is about half of the peripheral velocity of the journal, providing
a sort of rotating damping whose speed of rotation is about
half the spin speed
In the region of the Campbell diagram, which lies below the
straight line, note that the behavior of the system is unstable,
and the threshold of instability can be found easily by
intersecting the lowest branch of the Campbell diagram
If the lowest branch of the Campbell diagram is a horizontal
straight line, as is the case of the Jeffcott rotor, the threshold of
instability occurs at twice the critical speed of the rotor.

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

A Campbell diagram plot represents a system's response
spectrum as a function of its oscillation regime-vibration
sources with natural resonances
The form of the diagram is like a spectral map, but the
amplitude could be represented by a circular or rectangular
plot, the larger the amplitude the larger the circle or rectangle.

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

k=6 5
300 4
f (Hz)


150 f dmax
f dmin 100


10 20 30 40 50 60 70

f dmax

f dmin

n2 =49 n1 =50.5
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
2012/9/25 10Dr.
Multi-phase marks

2 phase marks

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

This fault is caused by a condition which prevents the rotor
from creating a stable oil wedge on which ride
An improperly designed bearing is the usual source for oil
whirl conditions, but a change in the fluid viscosity or machine
alignment state are other possibilities
Generally, an oil whirl condition precedes an oil whip
Spectral and orbit analysis can be used to identify either
This phenomenon creates an individual sub synchronous
frequency which can occur within a frequency range from
35% to 48% of rotor speed, depending upon the
machine/bearing design or construction
As the machine accelerates the whirl frequency will increase
as machine speed increases//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

The orbit will be more or less round in shape with an
amplitude that nearly approximates the bearing
clearance, and when the phase angle is superimposed
upon the display, the orbit will appear to have two
phase marks on it
This characteristic is due to filtering at shaft speed
and the fault being generated at a subsynchronous
The two phase marks will not be displayed
symmetrically on the orbit because the whirl
frequency is not at exactly machine speed//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie 123
Mutiple phase marks

Locked onto resonance/freq

Entire clearance used

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie




Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Oil whip occurs during the later stages of an oil whirl
condition and it has a distinctive orbital display
The display, with the phase input superimposed on the display,
appears to have several phase marks
This display will be round in shape and the amplitude will
greater that the amplitude noted during oil whirl
The size of the orbit will be larger because the shaft uses up
the entire bearing clearance as an oil wedge can no longer be
established by the rotor and the shaft is in direct metalto
metal contact with the bearing
The orbit display will no longer rotate because the oil whirl
frequency has coincided with the first natural resonance, or
critical speed, and has "locked" onto this frequency
Oil whip is a dangerous condition because the rotor uses up
the entire bearing clearance and is in direct metaltometal
contact that will wear away the bearing rapidly and destroy the
rotor if not corrected//
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
An improperly designed bearing is the usual source for oil
whirl conditions
But a change in the fluid viscosity or machine alignment state
are other possibilities
Generally, an oil whirl condition precedes an oil whip
Spectral and orbit analysis can be used to identify either
This phenomenon creates an individual sub synchronous
frequency (within a frequency range from 35% to 48% of
rotor speed), depending upon the machine/bearing design or
As the machine accelerates the whirl frequency will increase
as machine speed increases//
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Usually occurs at 40 - 48 % of running speed
Vibration amplitudes are sometimes severe
Whirl is inherently unstable, since it increases centrifugal
forces therefore increasing whirl forces
Whirl speed will lock onto rotor critical. If the speed is
increased the whip frequency will not increase.
When oil whip occurs, the amplitude is usually not affected
with rotor speed and load//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

2) self-excitation vibration caused by rotor
When a fluid, either liquid or gas, occupies the space between
two concentric cylinders, one rotating and one stationary, the
fluid is set into motion in the gap
This can happen in rotating machinery in fluid-lubricated brgs,
seals, around pump impellers, or in any fluid filled gap
between rotor and stator//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

5.2.5 Cracked Shaft
The presence of a crack causes an imbalance in the rotor
stiffness, resulting in changes in the dynamics of the rotor
The presence of a crack is detected by changes in the
vibration characteristics as measured on the bearing housings.


Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
A change in the vibration level
A change in the operating phase angle
And/or a change in the resonance frequency as the machine
starts or stops
Spectral analysis can be used to identify this fault, but
observing filtered, synchronous orbits with the phase angle
superimposed on the orbit allows rapid identification of this

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Changes in the filtered amplitude can be determined using
orbits analysis
By superimposing the phase angle input signal onto the orbit a
shift in this parameter can be easily determined
By noting the operating speed at which the resonance
frequencies occur, a change in this frequency may indicate the
"possibility" of a crack existing
The "possibility" must be emphasized and carefully analyzed
because many other causes can produce these changes, such as,
a damaged or loose bearing support, foundation problems,
loose rotating parts...basically anything that can influence the
"system" mass, damping, and/or stiffness//

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie




Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

5.3 Torsional vibration

5.3.1 Damage Caused By Excessive Torsional Vibrations

Speedup rotor fatigue life loss
Cause moving parts damage
Cause LP blade fatigue damage

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

5.3.2 reasons of torsional vibration
Caused by mechanical reasons
Load rejection
Quick Closing Valve(QCV)
Others (fast action of ST DEH system, partial
admission )
Caused by electrical reasons
Caused by electrical reasons
Short circuit of electric system
High speed reclock(HSR)
Subsynchronous resonance(SSR)
Aperiodic ()synchronize
Uneven load in three phases

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

5.2.6 Other Sources of High Axial
A. Valve vibration

B. Torsional vibration of rotor

C. Axial vibration of brgs

D. Sub- resonance

E. Worn thrust brgs

F. Grid disturb //

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Brg Trbn rotor Couplings Gen rotor
Eccentricity of brg Unbalance Misalignment Unbalance
Insufficient of tightness Bent (thermal bending) Bolt insufficient Bent (thermal bending)
Rub between sft and brg Rip off tightness Asymmetric EM force
Insufficient of oil supply Rub Disturbance of EM
Oil whirl Steam whirl Asymmetric stiffness
Oil whip Transverse cracks

Brg pedestal& bed plate

insufficient stiffness Foundation
Loosen of bed plate Uneven settlement
brg pedestal or casing

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Chapter 6
Fault Diagnostic Systems

Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
What is todays definition?

We want an early warning so that when the

operating condition of the turbine is changing,
action can be taken to identify the failure mode
When the failure mode is properly identified,
proper corrective action can be planned or taken
to maintain or return the machine to reliable

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines

To develop effective condition monitoring we need to

understand a little about the machine.
What does a turbine actually do?
Steam comes in and goes out right?

The steam comes in under a certain set of

pressure, temperature, and flow conditions;
and goes out under another set of pressure
temperature and flow conditions.

The change in steam conditions occurs

because we are using some of the energy
in the steam to rotate the turbine rotor.

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Just for a quick view, here is a decent description of a steam flow
path in a multi-stage turbine:

Courtesy of Power Magazine

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Here is one small mechanical drive turbine.

This one was actually used to drive a positive displacement oil pump.

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Here is a small industrial power generation turbine.

Note the mechanical layout of this machine

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Here is a big multi-casing utility class machine

Courtesy of Power Magazine

Note that a lot of the mechanical details from the

smallest to the largest machines are very similar
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
What kind of monitoring can we do on a turbine?
Steam conditions and flow rate.

Lubricant/bearing conditions.

Rotor speed/load or power.

Auxiliary system operation.

Noise/Sound levels.

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
What kind of failures typically occur to turbines?
Bearing failures from: Blade failures:
Loss of lubrication Foreign object damage
Lubrication contamination Erosion
Excessive load Fatigue

Valve failures: Steam seal failures:

Solid particle damage Wear
Erosion Erosion
Fatigue Corrosion

Overspeed protection Insulation failure

Governor/Regulation failure Coupling failures
Hydraulic system failure Alignment Changes
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Lets look a little closer at some of the failure modes.

Bearing failures can occur from:

Loss of lubrication
Lubrication contamination
Excessive load
Fatigue Faulty assembly

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Lets look a little closer at some of the failure modes.

Blade failures:
Foreign object damage
Can cause damage to leading edge, trailing edge,
shroud, etc.
Can damage the stationary and/or rotating blades.
Can be caused by moisture in the steam or solid
particulates in the steam.
Can affect the stationary and rotating blades.
Will more typically affect the rotating components and
typically be a catastrophic event if the condition is not
identified during an inspection.
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Machine Condition Discussion:
Called in to evaluate condition of machine.
Site management knew that routine maintenance had
been deferred for a significant amount of time.
Could they defer further or were there indications of
developing problems?
What were the results of the condition assessment?
Vibration levels were good (below 0.7 mils) using proximity
Power output was down.
Steam discharge conditions were at saturated steam
Steam leakage at shaft seals was excessive, causing constant
moisture contamination in the lube oil system.
My recommendation was and
Rotor vibration notitstobalance
defer- Dr.
Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Blade failure/damage:

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Blade failure/damage:

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Blade failure/damage:

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Valve failures: What happens to valves?
Erosion of the plug
Erosion of the seat
Corrosion of the spindle or stem
Galling of the spindle or stem in the guide bushings or brgs.
Wear of the guide bushings or brgs
Wear of the linkage components

The steam admission valve or stop valve or emergency

stop valve is part of the equipment protection!

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Steam Seal failures: What happens to steam seals?
Larger machines with actual seal strips (labyrinth seals)
Wear of the seal tip height
Corrosion of the mating surfaces
Corrosion of the segments and housing.
Corrosion and failure of segment springs

Smaller machines with carbon seal rings

Wear of the carbon rings
Wear of the shaft surface
Corrosion and wear of the housing faces.

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Steam Seal failures: What happens to steam

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Steam Seal failures: What happens to steam

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines

Definition What does alignment mean to coupled rotating machines?

Misalignment at installation or refurbishment

Thermal growth changes
Piping strain
Sleeve bearing damage
In short we are looking for the two (or more) shaft centerlines to be
concentric to each other. If the shaft centerlines are not concentric
to each other, then the shafts through the coupling try to force themselves
together. Depending on the coupling type, this aligning force may show
Itself as various vibration signature changes or indications, or if severe
enough bearing temperatures or conditions may be affected.

What can cause misalignment?

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines

Definition What does alignment internal to a single machine mean?

In short We want to have the shaft/rotor within a certain position

relative to the casing. Some machines behave better with the rotor not
centered in the casing. Some machines behave better with the rotor
centered. A very typical indication is a rub condition in the vibration data.

What can cause misalignment?

Basically the same conditions apply to internal and external misalignment.
Misalignment at installation or refurbishment
Thermal growth changes
Piping strain
Sleeve bearing damage

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Remaining failure modes:
Overspeed protection Insulation failure
Sticking bolt Air gaps
Worn linkage It has become wet
Incorrect electronic settings Pieces are missing
Incorrect installation
failure Coupling failures
Worn parts Lubrication failure
Contaminated system Wear
Hydraulic system failure
Worn components
Contaminated system

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Failure modes and monitoring methods:
We have to perform the following:
Realistically determine the most appropriate uses of the available tools.
Determine the realistic limits of the monitoring tools.
Determine what we cannot measure or monitor.
Determine what is appropriate per piece of equipment.

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
What kind of monitoring can we do on a turbine?
Steam conditions and flow rate.
Lubricant/lubrication conditions.

Rotor speed/load or power.

Auxiliary system operation.

Noise/Sound levels.

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines

Steam Conditions What kind of readings do we want to take?

Depends on the machine, what kind of readings do we have
available or can we take?
Is it a small machine with little instrumentation or is it a large
machine with a considerable amount of instrumentation?
Minimal measurements would be temperature and pressure
upstream and downstream of the turbine.
If you can include flow, power, inlet chamber pressure you will
know a considerable amount about the power characteristics of the
Look for:
A change in downstream conditions from what is normal.
It could be an increase in downstream pressure
Also understand what the design conditions may mean
(i.e. get a copy of some steam tables)
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Steam Tables

Michael R.
Lindeburg Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines

Vibration What kind of readings do we want to take? Depends on

the machine.
If it is a small machine
Is it a sleeve bearing, anti-friction bearing, or combination machine?
Mag-based accelerometers are going to be severely limited with
sleeve bearing machines. But smaller horsepower machines are not
going to typically have proximity probes installed unless the machine
is very critical to the process.

What kind of data are we going to see on sleeve bearing machines

using mag-based accelerometers?

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
PdM Routes
What data do I want?
For vibration:
Horizontal and vertical on each bearing.
Locate the thrust bearing and take an axial reading.

Also include a speed reading if at all possible.

What are we looking for?

Changes Has the speed changed?
Running speed multiples
Increase in 1X
Increase in noise floor

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
For larger machines with installed shaft vibration monitors:

Compare the shaft data to casing data.

How do those data sets compare?
Are they at different amplitude levels, but similar characteristics?
Are they different characteristics?
Multiples on the casing, not on the shaft data?
Different noise floor levels?
Different phase indications?
Does the orbit shape generally agree with where you see higher
vibration levels on the casing?
Remember, we are looking for changes. Having absolute limits for
operation and equipment protection is one thing, but all the monitoring
instruments calculate vibration levels slightly differently. In the field, it
is hard to have an absolute anything.

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Lubrication /lubricant conditions
Again, what kind of machine do we have? Large or small?
If it is big enough to have a sump, then we can perform typical
oil analysis testing.
Viscosity, water, particulates, and spectrographic for routine
If it is not big enough for sump but uses oilers to ensure an oil supply
for the bearing housing there are still things that need to be correct for
a machine to achieve a reasonable time between repairs.
Oil level in the oiler.
Oil level in the bearing housing.
Oil color in the oiler.
Inspect the housing cavity for typical indications of
contamination or condition during routine
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines
Lubrication /lubricant conditions
What are we looking for in an oil analysis?
There are three major condition groups that oil analysis can monitor:

Oil Condition
Additive packages
Oil Contamination
Equipment Condition
Wear particles
Material or source

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines

Rotor speed/load or power.

Is there any permanent monitoring available?


If no permanent monitoring is available, is there anything

else you can use to verify operating load?
Is a place on the shaft available for an optical or laser tachometer?
Is the process controlled by inlet or discharge valves?
Are there any flow indications?

These items become even more critical for a variable load process!

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines

Auxiliary System Operation.

On larger machines, there are considerable auxiliary systems
that may also indicate development of a significant issue.
Gland steam or Seal steam systems
Shaft leakage increased
More use of steam
Changing pressure conditions
Hydrogen seal oil systems
Higher flow rates from increased shaft leakage
Hydrogen purity issues
Changing pressure conditions
Cooling water conditions
Flow or pressure changes

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines

Auxiliary System Operation.

On larger machines, there are considerable auxiliary systems
that may also indicate development of a significant issue.

Condenser conditions
Vacuum pressure changes
Condensate temperature changes
Air in-leakage changes

Feedwater Heater conditions

Steam inlet/outlet condition changes
Condensate inlet/outlet condition changes

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines

Noise/Sound levels.

With modern ultrasound technologies, it should be possible to

monitor and trend changing conditions within these machines.
We should be able to monitor the following:

Valve conditions at known positions, especially when closed

Turbine noise levels at known conditions
Bearing noise levels at known conditions

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Part I Condition Monitoring for Steam Turbines


There are considerable technologies that are available for use

However, the tools we have discussed today are only several

pieces of an overall reliability program.
Preventive, Predictive, and Proactive or Reliability Centered
components are all necessary to improve reliability and
minimize overall operational cost.

Basically, the more we know about the machine, the better we can
diagnose a changing condition.

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

6.1 Background
Its said that almost half of the efficient machine
diagnostic methods were born in the laboratories of
shipbuilding industry worked from the later sixties
It is well known that practically all the diagnostics has
appeared in the Navy of USA, Russia and Great Britain,
that means where this problem was very actual and
where there were no problem with financing the
investigations and where the best scientists and
engineers were working

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Data Data Fault
Acquiring Analysis Diagnosis


Fig. 6.1 Process of Machine Fault Diagnosis

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

But the measuring means were not so common that time to
make the vibrational diagnostics so popular as it is nowadays
In practice these means became real in the beginning of nineties
when the instruments became to be designed on the basis of
Only then the complicated methods of vibration analysis
became accessible to a wide class of users
Now each 2-3 years there appears a new generation of
measuring and analyzing techniques
One can say that modern instrument comprises of a transducer
and microcomputer
Nowadays the so called virtual instruments when the
instrument is a combination of a transducer and a personal
computer are wide spread.
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
But detailed machine diagnostics by vibration means
not only the methods of diagnostics and measuring
and process analyzing instruments
There are two more mandatory components
A data base of the results of measurements during
long period of time of a large number of equipment
with the possibility to receive any data and to make
its analysis
The methods of making the diagnostic decision

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

But there are two more methods to solve the
problems of this second component - the
development of artificial intellect.
One method is to develop the learning artificial
intellect system where on the first stage the teaching
of the system is conducted by the software architect
and then the user supplements the system by the rules
that he needs.
The second method is to design a self learning
(adaptive) system with strict learning algorithms
written by the designers

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Nowadays in the world practice three main types of
machine condition monitoring and diagnostic systems
by vibration are used:
Portable systems
Stand systems
On-line (stationary) systems

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Machine condition monitoring system of any type
must have four main subsystems:
Measurement transducers and communication means;
Means to analyze the signalsFFT, wavelet
Means to save the data and to display them, usually a
personal computer
Machine condition monitoring application software
(subsystems to work with the data bases, to display
the results of analysis, comparison with the alarm
levels, drawing the trends)

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

If machine condition monitoring system must fulfill
also the diagnostic functions then it should include a
subsystem that generates the diagnostic decisions. It
can be:
an expert
an operator that uses the expert subsystembased on
fuzzy set theory (fuzzy math)
a subsystem with artificial intellect that functions as
an expert

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

The first fuzzy matrix

0.40 0.51 35 Odd High Grid
No Sorts of fault 0.5f1 1f1 2f1
0.49f1 0.99f1 f1 Fre f1 Fre f1 Fre f1
1 Unbalance 90 5 5
2 Parts ripped off 90 5 5
3 Thermal bend 90 5 5
Gland impact and
4 10 10 10 20 10 20 10 10
Rubbing of axis
5 10 10 10 20 10 20 10 10
6 40 50 10
Eccentricity between
7 bearing & steam 80 20
8 Axis crack 40 20 20 20
Insufficient of shrunk
9 40 40 10 10
Loose of
10 40 40 10 10
bearing .block
Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
0.40 0.51 35 Odd High Grid
No Sorts of fault 0.5f1 1f1 2f1
0.49f1 0.99f1 f1 Fre f1 Fre f1 Fre f1
11 Loose of b. pedestals 30 20 50

12 Inaccurate coupling 10 20 10 20 20 10 10 10

13 Self-excited of rotor
20 20 20 40
14 Sub- resonance 10 10 80

15 Oil film whirl 100

16 Oil film oscillation 100

17 Steam turbulence 50 50

18 Electromagnetic
50 50
19 Valve vibration 100

Grid disturb 100

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

The Second fuzzy matrix
Amp Vib.
Amp Amp
Amp*. * Vib**. In Shaft Amp. not Amp. Shaft
N vary incr. Vary
Sorts of fault Saltation
axis track Saltation vary
Saltation swing
in oper. direction change at ncr with in run-up incr.
load speed Fem **

1 Unbalance 50 50
2 Parts ripped off 100
3 Thermal bend 60 40
Gland impact and
4 100
Rubbing of axis
5 100
6 60 40
7 between bearing 100
& steam turbine
8 Axis crack 100
Insufficient of
9 100
shrunk fit
Loose of Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
10 100
bearing .block
Amp Vib**. Amp. Amp. Vib.
Amp*. * Shaft Amp not Shaft
N vary In axis Saltati Amp incr. Saltati Vary
Sorts of fault Saltation
with directi
on at
vary with
with speed on in
in oper. change load incr.
load on ncr run-up Fem **

Loose of b.
11 100
12 100
Self-excited of
13 100
rotor clearance
14 Sub- resonance 100
15 Oil film whirl 100
16 Oil film oscillation 50 50
17 Steam turbulence 50 50
18 50 50
19 Valve vibration 100
20 Grid disturb 100

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie


f1 ncr 2f1

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie








13 Rotor vibrationand its balance - Dr.
Danmei Xie
6.3 Trends
New methods of vibration analysis (wavelet, gray theory)
New methods of faults diagnosis
Condition monitoring and predictive maintenance
Coupled vibration between lateral and torsional vibration
of the rotor
Coupled vibration between long moving blade and the
Modeling of the mechanical system has been recognized as
very important in the prediction and analysis of vibration
Stability of rotor-dynamic system
Sensitivity analysis of rotor rigidity and damping etc.

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie
once-add method



Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie



Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

Dr. Danmei Xie

Rotor vibration and its balance - Dr. Danmei Xie

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