Future Continuous Tense

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Future Continuous Tense

Structure: Subject + Aux Verb (will) + Aux Verb (be)+ Main verb +Object

Subject Aux Verb Aux Verb Main verb Object

(will) (be)
+ I Will Be Working At 10 am.
+ You Will Be Lying On a
- She Will No Be Using The car.
- We Will No Be Having Dinner at
t home.
? Will You Be Playing Football?
? Will they Be Watching Tv.

For negative sentence, we add not between will and be.

We use the same Contraction Rules in FCT as in SFT.

When do we use FCT?

We use it to express an action at a particular moment in the future. The action

will start before that moment but will not have finished at that moment.

Example: Tomorrow I will start work at 2PM and stop at 6 PM, i.e. At 4 PM
tomorrow, I will be working.

I will be playing tennis at 10 am tomorrow

They wont be watching TV At 9 PM tomorrow.
What will you be doing at 10 PM tonight?
Future Perfect Tense

Structure: Subject+ Aux verb (will)+ Aux verb (have)+ Main verb + Object.

Subject Aux Verb Aux Verb Main verb Object

(will) (have)
+ I Will have finished by 10 am.
+ You Will have forgotten Me by
- She Will No have gone To
t school.
- We Will No have Left.
? Will You have Arrived?
? Will they have Received It?

Contraction Rule in FPT:

We contract Sub + Will + Have into one.
I will have Ill have Illve
You will have Youll have Youllve
He will have Hell have Hellve
She will have Shell have Shellve
It will have Itll have Itllve
We will have Well have Wellve
They will have Theyll have Theyllve

We sometimes use Shall instead of will in FPT. It is to express our want to

do it.
Why do we use FPT?
To express an action in the future before another action in the future.
Example: The train will leave the station at 9 am. You will arrive at the station
at 9:15. When you arrive, the train will have left.
i.e. The train will have left when you arrive.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Structure: Subject +Aux verb (will)+Aux verb(have)+aux verb(been)+Base verb

+ing+ object.

For negative sentences, we insert not between will and have. For
question, we exchange Subject and Will.

Subject Aux Verb Aux Aux verb Verb+ing Object

(will) Verb (been)
+ I Will have been Working For four
+ You Will have been Travelling For two
- She Will Not have been Using The car
- We Will Not have been Waiting Long.
? Will You have Been Playing Football?
? Will they have been Watching Tv?

Contraction rules: We contract Subject and Aux verb (will).

Why do we use FPCT?
To talk about a long action before some point in future.
I will have been working here for ten years next week.
He will be tired when he arrives. He will have been travelling for
24 hours.

HW Exercise
1. My grandfather died 10 years before I was born, so I _____ him.
a. Have not met
b. Was not meeting
c. Did not meet
d. Meet not
2. What _____ next weekend, Rahul?
a. You do
b. Are you doing
c. You doing
d. Do you do
3. I ______ you if you help me.
a. Help
b. Am help
c. Will help
d. Am going to help
4. ______ the football match on tv last night?
a. Do you see
b. Did you see
c. Were you seeing
d. Have you seen
5. Money ______ on trees.
a. Isnt growing
b. Does not grow
c. Didnt grow
d. Dont grow
6. I _____ for more than one hour before she finally arrived.
a. Waited
b. Had waited
c. Had been waiting
d. Was waiting
7. Go to bed early. The train _____ at 6o clock in the morning.
a. Leave
b. Leaves
c. Is leaving
d. Will leave
8. I____ theater many times when I lived in London.
a. Have went
b. Have gone
c. Was going
d. Went
9. I _____ my foot playing tennis last week.
a. Was injuring
b. Have injured
c. Injured
d. Injure
10. I ____ very well last night. There was loud music coming from a house down the road.
a. Didnt slept
b. Didnt sleep
c. Wasnt sleeping
d. Havent Slept.

Write 3 sentences (+,-,?) of your own for each FC, FPT, FPCT.

Next Class:
Punctuation Marks
Dash ( -- )
Used to emphasize a point or to set off an example.

Ex: The boys Jim, John and Jeffleft the party early.

The Dash can be also used as parentheses.

Hyphen ( - )

Used to join two or more words serving as a single adjective before a noun.

Ex: Chocolate-covered peanuts.

Note: Do not use hyphen is the noun comes first.

The peanuts are chocolate covered.

We can use hyphen with compound numbers: Ex Forty-Two.

Also you can use hyphen to avoid confusion

Ex 1) He had to re-sign the contract.

2) He had to resign his job.

Use Hyphen with prefixes : Self-, mid-,Self-, All-, Anti and suffixes elect.
Parentheses ()

They are used for extra, non-essential material included in a sentence like
Dates, Sources, Ideas that are subordinate or tangential to the rest of the
sentence. Parentheses always come in pairs.


1. Raju (otherwise intelligent) failed in class 10.

2. Before arriving at the station, the old train (some said it was a relic of
frontier days) caught fire.


Six guidelines to use them:

1) Use apostrophe to show the omission of letters in a contraction

a) Im (I am)
b) Youre (You are)
c) Cant (Can not)
2) Its = It is; its is a possessive pronoun. Dont Confuse.
3) Use an apostrophe with s for possessive of Singular noun.

4) Use Apostrophe plus s to show the possessive form of a singular

noun even if that singular noun already ends with s.
a) Todays weather report
b) The bosss problem
c) My daughters First communion
5) Use an apostrophe without s for possessives of most Plural Nouns
a) The students project.
b) The Johnsons house.
6) Use an apostrophe with s when two or more noun possess the
same thing
When two or more nouns own the same thing then add s to the
last noun.
a) Ram and Ranis project.
When two or more nouns separately possess something, add s
to each of them.

b) Rams and Ranis Ice-cream melted before they could eat it.

End Of class.

Semicolon ;

Use semicolon to join related independent clauses in a compound sentence.

Ex: Soma overslept by two hours; she was going to be late for work again.

Colon :

It should be used after a complete sentence in order to introduce one or more directly related ideas,
such as a series of directions, a list, quotation or other comment explaining or illustrating the statement.

Ex: The Telegraph newspaper has four sections: News, Sports, Entertainment and Classified ads.

Colon is also used to separate hours, minutes, and seconds: 1

6:30:45, chapters and verses in holy books:
Rig Veda 12:19 and as eyes in smiley faces: :-)

Quote Marks

Quotation marks are used to quote another persons words exactly, weather spoken or written.

For example:
Raj said We are going shopping. (Capitalize if its a single clause sentence.)
Ram said we are going shopping because we had no milk.

If you are quoting a person who is quoting another person, use a single quotation mark.

Ex: Raj said, My neighbor yelled at me today! He said get off my lawn!

Exclamation Mark !
Use this only when issuing a command or speaking forcefully. Just like a question mark, do not use full
stop after !


To emphasize excitement: I cant believe were going to Shimla!

Question Mark ?

Question mark has only one use. It is used at the end of a sentence which is a question.


What is your name?

When will you finish the work?

Comma ,

Use commas to separate independent clauses in a sentence.


The game was over, but the crowd refused to leave.

Yesterday was her brothers birthday, so she took him out to dinner.

If you are ill, you ought to see a doctor.

Period or Full Stop .

The primary use of a period is to end a sentence. Its secondary use is for abbreviations or acronym .


Mr. Raj was happy to see his wife.

Mrs. Bajaj was late to work.

Home Work
Punctuate the following paragraphs: Remember to Capitalize
It was raining when i came into work today but I didnt care i had a new rain coat and umbrella i
watched all the commuters walking in the puddles and felt glorious thank goodness for fast thinking.

All day I have been wanting to eat some sweet but I havent been able to find a sweet shop yesterday I
ate two trays full of sweets and today I am going through withdrawal.

Capitalize the right Words:

i am going to india next month to see my mother. she is unwell.

can i speak with you later about your trip to delhi?

the game was fantastic: kkr won by a mile.

the prime minister is here to visit today.

1. Idioms (Probad Vakya)
Idiom (Probad Vakya) : An idiom (idiomatic expression) is a group of words that
only has meaning to the native speaker.
An idiom has a different meaning that its literal meaning.
Idiom (Literal In Sentence Meaning
To pull someones She is pulling my leg. To trick someone by saying
leg something untrue.
To drop someone a When will you drop them a line? To send a note or call someone.
To Spill the beans Oh no! You spilled the beans. To let out a secret.
Blessing in disguise. I didnt go to school yesterday as I was Seems bad but is actually good.
sick, the whole class got punished. It was
a blessing in disguise.
Action speaks You say you will try harder in class but Actions are more important
louder than words. action speaks louder than words. than words.
A piece of cake The test was a piece of cake. Easy
Beating around the I need to study but I keep beating around Procrastinating.
bush the bush.
Big task on hand. My teacher gave me an assignment, so I Having something important to
have a big task on my hand. finish.
Breaking a leg. You will do well in your exam. Go break a Wishing someone well.
Check out that Check out that cool looking car. Give that a look.
Close but no cigar. You got a 79% on the test. Almost B Close but failed to reach the
grade close but no cigar. goal.
Dont sweat it. You broke my pen but I dont care. Dont Dont worry about it.
sweat it.
Driving me bananas This new ringtone of yours is driving me Making me feel crazy
Easier said than Changing the world is easier said than Easy to say, hard to do.
done done.
Get out of You won the lottery? Get out of here! I dont believe you.
Get over it. He didnt do well in last exam but he Forget about the past.
needs to get over it and focus on the next
Hands down. America is hands down the freest country. For certain the right answer.
Hang out Raj and I hang out after class every day. Spend time
Hold your horses. Hold your horses, the second half of the Wait/ calm down.
match is still to start.
In the bag Ronaldo is the best player, the Will definitely happen.
championship is in the bag.
Feeling blue I failed my test today, I am feeling blue. Felling sad
Kick The Bucket Yesterday my phone kicked the bucket. Die / No longer work.

End of class
Hang on a second Hang on a secondI am waiting for my wait for a moment
laundry to finish.
Hows it going? Hows it going today Rinku? How are you?
Inside scoop Hey give me the inside scoop on how you met the details
Ill toss it around I am tossing around the idea of having a party to casually suggest an idea to
this weekend. people
In the nick of The firefighter saved the baby from the when something happens at the
time burning building in the nick of time. last possible

Kill two birds You can kill two birds with one stone by accomplish two things at once
with one stone checking email and study at the library.
Take a chill pill I don't think the test will be too hard, take a a way of telling someone to
chill pill. calm down
Hit the books I can't go to the party tonight, I have to hit to study
the books
To touch base I need to touch base with Jeremy about the to contact someone
new office reports.
Locked in I'm really locked into this new television to give full concentration too
No big deal no need to worry If you can't make it to my
birthday dinner its no big deal.
Out of the blue We were walking to the store when Mike Unexpected
appeared out of the blue
Pull the plug After Bob quit, we may just have to pull the to end something/someone
plug on the whole operation
Speak of the Speak of the devil Jenny! We were just talking when you see
Devil about your new car someone/something happens
unexpectedly while talking
about them
Stay on track I shouldnt watch TV right now. I need to stay to stay focused on the goal
on track and study
Draw the line I draw the line at $10 for a hamburger. the point where you decide not
to do something
Fill in the blank Did we win? We were losing by 40 points at figure out the rest on your own
halftime, fill in the blanks
On the same I'm glad we are on the same page with our having similar thoughts
page ideas for this project.
Whats up? Hey John whats up? How are you?
You pulled a fast You pretended you knew his name when to trick someone
one really you did not, you pulled a fast one.


In the following sentences, decide if a semicolon, colon, or comma is needed:

1. I ate all day im fat now. (I ate all day; Im fat now.)
2. When I was reading which I do a lot I decided to stay at home. (When I was
reading, which I do a lot, I decided to stay at home).
3. We had a lot to do today eat a cake play and swim in the water and celebrate
my birthday (We had a lot to do today: eat a cake, play and swim in the water,
and celebrate my birthday.)
4. Although it was mean I couldnt stop smiling. (Although it was mean, I couldnt
stop smiling).
5. I have advice for you stop. (I have advice for you: stop.)
Select the properly Punctuated sentence.
i. Spain is a beautiful country; the beache's are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
ii. Spain is a beautiful country: the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
iii. Spain is a beautiful country, the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
iv. Spain is a beautiful country; the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
I. Paul's neighbours were terrible; so his brother's friends went round to have a word.
II. Paul's neighbours were terrible: so his brother's friends went round to have a word.
III. Paul's neighbours were terrible, so his brother's friends went round to have a word.
IV. Paul's neighbours were terrible so his brother's friends went round to have a word.

I. We decided to visit: Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy's mountains.

II. We decided to visit Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italys mountains.
III. We decided to visit Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy's mountains.
IV. We decided to visit Spain Greece Portugal and Italy's mountains

I. That tall man, Paul's granddad, is this month's winner.

II. That tall man Paul's granddad is this month's winner.
III. That tall man, Paul's granddad, is this months winner.
IV. That tall man, Pauls granddad, is this month's winner.

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