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Working with and Leading people

Task 1.1
Before drafting a manual to recruit a new staff member, let me explain the basic criteria which is done in
any organization for this process.

Basic criteria for the recruitment and selection process

It is with the approval of recruitment from the authority of the organization only the recruitment procedure
will start. The concern departments of the organization who need new employees send a draft with position
description and a document that describe the required skill and education for the post. Normally after the
approval of the draft, it is sent to the HR department as that is the sector who deals with this recruitment
procedures. So finally in order to start the recruitment and selection process, the authority of Damro Sri
Lanka should give the approval to the HR department.
Position description
Before giving the advertisement, Damro must require to describe the position for which it is going to recruit
new members. Position description is necessary for every organization because the organization cannot
change the position of the post after it is advertised.
The position description of the post must be approved by the authority of the organization. The duty and
responsibility of the position, the works have to be done and activities involved with the position is included
in a position description. Damro Sri Lanka describe the position as a business development manager.
This is one of the most important processes done by any organization. In order to recruit a new staff
member, advertising is a very crucial process. This function is basically carried out by the HR department of
Damro Sri Lanka. By the advertisement the organization gather the potential candidate for required
position. There are different media for giving their job advertisement such as online advertisement, giving
advertisement in print media, electronic media, open advertisement, etc. The HR department of Damro will
choose in which media they will use for giving advertisement. The advertisement also includes the vacancy
announcement, required skill, term related to payment, etc.

Manual containing the recruitment and selection criteria in order to attract a new staff
For Business development manager;
Closing date - 30/4/2015
Location - Sri Lanka
Salary - RS 45,000 /= per month
Job vacancy - 01
Type of employment -Temporary
Working hours per week - 42 hrs

Business Development Manager Job Responsibilities

To build market position by locating, developing, defining, negotiating, and closing business relationships.

Working with and Leading people

Responsibility of the post

Locate or propose potential business deals by contacting potential partners; discovering and
exploring opportunities.

Identify innovative ideas by researching industry and related events, publications, and
announcements; tracking individual contributors and their accomplishments.

Develop negotiating strategies and positions by studying integration of new venture with company
strategies and operations; examining risks and potentials; estimating partners' needs and goals.

Protect organization's value by keeping information confidential.

Close new business deals by coordinating requirements; develop and negotiate contracts; integrate
contract requirements with business operations.

Enhance organization reputation by accepting OWNERSHIP for accomplishing new and different
requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.

Skills and qualifications required for the post

Excellent communication skills.

At least a minimum experience of 5 years related to this field in any organization.

Candidates must have a degree in business management. Preferably MBA major in management.

Furthermore the candidates must have the following skills;

Closing Skills, Motivation for Sales, Prospecting Skills, Sales Planning, Selling to Customer Needs, Territory
Management, Market Knowledge, Presentation Skills, Energy Level, Meeting Sales Goals, Professionalism

Working with and Leading people

Task 1.2
The most important and relevant factors of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the
recruitment and selection process

Sometimes the recruitment and selection process is going beyond some legal rules and legal implications.
When the HR manager of Damro starts recruitment process, he/she should be aware of some rules and
regulations. Awareness of rules and regulations help Damro to minimize risk, job posting, interview
question, checking job offers, etc. There are different types of law related with recruitment and selection
process such as sex discriminatory act, race relation act, employment equality (age) regulation, etc. All
organizations are bound to follow those laws. They are explained below;

Impact of sex discriminatory act

Damro Sri Lanka is bound to maintain the sex discriminatory act. They cannot discriminate candidates in
the ground of sex if he/she is qualified for their job. Damro is bound to recruit him/her.

Impact of race relation act

It is necessary to make the advertisements without being particular to any race or nationality. If the job
advertisement calls for particular race or nationality, it will break the provision of race relation act. If the
candidate has legal work permission for the job in Sri Lanka, the person is qualified regardless their race or

Impact of right to employment

The interviewers must check if the candidate is suitable or have the legal rights to work in Sri Lanka. This
can be mainly done by going through the criminal records of the candidate.

Impact of equality (age) regulation

Both young and old citizens should get the same benefits when working in a company. If Damro only gives
privileges to only one party, then it is considered to be unlawful as it will break the provision of equality
(age) regulation.

Impact of statement of employment

The new employee has to get a statement of employment that includes all terms about his salary, hours of
work, holiday, etc.

Working with and Leading people

Task 1.3
As a member of the selection board the next task is to take part in the selection process in an interview.
The process in which that is done is mentioned below;

Short listing
The selection board will make a short list of all the candidates by different methods of short listing. This is
only done after the application of the candidate is received only. Me and my recruitment and selection
board used some popular short listing methods. Some of them which we used were IQ test, taking
examination by using MCQ examination, written exam, etc. Basically when this short list process is done,
the list should be given to the HR department as soon as possible. Then the HR department will arrange
the interview for short listed candidates.

The recruitment and selection board including me will take the interview of selected candidates. During the
interview process me and the rest of the board asked questions about candidates background, their
educational background, their experience, about their knowledge, cultural background, and much more.
This questioning helped us to identify the potential candidates who are really ideal for this position.

Once the candidates satisfy the minimum required level to apply for the job, the recruitment and selection
board will recommend him/her. Our recruitment and selection board recommended the most ideal
candidates only. For that we had to go through a tough time because there were candidates who were
really talented and met the minimum entry standards. Once everything is over, the HR department will give
the final appointment statement to those applicants who are recommended by recruitment and selection

Working with and Leading people


Task 2.1
Leadership basically means the process of creating an inspiring vision to the future which is done by
influencing a group towards the achievement of their common objectives.
Attributes are mentioned after explaining the skills needed to leadership. The skills needed to leadership
are mentioned below;

Skills needed to leadership

Within a successful leader there must be two types of skills within them. They are the personal skills and
the interpersonal skills.

Personal skills

1) Developing self-awareness
Self-awareness is having a clear awareness of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses,
beliefs, motivation, thoughts and emotions. So basically for a successful leader self-awareness is a
key factor because without self-awareness, you cannot understand your strengths and weaknesses.
So knowing them makes you a better recruiter and allocator of talent. Here are few ways to do so;

Determining values and priorities

Beware of others
Identifying cognitive style
Assessing attitude towards change

2) Managing stress

Nowadays many leaders do know that stress can be a good thing as it keeps you focused and
competitive BUT stress can also turn very toxic. Managing stress starts with keeping the leaders
challenges in perspective. The following are the ways of managing the stress;

Managing time accordingly

Coping with the stresses
Take time to recharge
Eliminate unproductive things that wastes your time

3) Solving problems creatively

The act of solving problems creatively is a very necessary factor that should be there within a
successful leader. So being able to formulate creative solutions to difficult business problems will
establish your credibility as an effective leader. A leader can solve problems creatively by using the
following methods;

Using the rational approach - This is a methodical approach in which data that has been
obtained through observation or statistical analysis or modelling is used in making decisions that

Working with and Leading people

are long-term.

Using the creative approach - A good decision must be a creation of new and useful
alternatives and this creative approach must be both fresh and effective.

Fostering innovation in others - This is the key factor to adapt quickly and remain competitive
as this is not just inventing new products but its also about taking the risk as a leader and
changing the way an organization does the business.

Interpersonal Skills
1) Communicate supportively

This helps a leader to communicate accurately and without putting at risk interpersonal relationships,
especially in difficult situations and times. Here are a few ways to do so;


2) Gaining power and influences

Gaining power and influence is not something that a leader can do overnight but its a goal that can
certainly be achieved if he/she works hard for it and give the time it requires. That is by ;

Empowering the others

Exercising influence

3) Motivating others

As a leader motivating your employees is vital to any business. A motivated workforce means a highly
productive staff, all of which will help you achieve your business goals. A few ways of motivating
employees are listed below;

Diagnosing poor performance
Creating a motivating environment
Rewarding accomplishment

4) Management conflict

Conflict is a natural part of working in groups, because different people have different ideas and
Viewpoints. Sooner or later, every leader will have to deal with a conflict between two or more people.
What matters is how the leader deals with the conflicts. So a successful leader will always handle
conflicts well by;

Identifying the causes

Selecting the appropriate strategies
Resolving confrontations

Working with and Leading people

Attributes needed for leadership

Leadership attributes are the inner or personal qualities that constitute effective leadership. These attributes
include a large array of characteristics such as values, character, motives, habits, traits, competencies,
motives, style, behaviours, and skills.
Most of the leadership attributes cluster into four overarching categories of what you need to be, know, and

Demonstrate personal character

Set directions
Mobilize individual commitment
Engender organizational capability

In other words, attributes are qualities or features regarded as characteristics or inherent part of someone
(leader). Some attributes of leadership are mentioned below ;

1) Adaptability and flexibility

Confidently handles the day to-day work challenges

Shows resilience in the face of limitations, obstructions, or difficulty.
Think creatively
Shift focus

2) Objectivity

Upholds a bias-free approach to situations and people

3) Integrity

Demonstrates honesty
Demonstrates principled leadership and sound business principles
Builds trust among the others

4) Tolerance of ambiguity

Demonstrates comfort in situations where the methods to achieve goals are unclear and difficult
to determine.

Task 2.2

Working with and Leading people

Leadership and management are two words that stick in the modern business world, but there is a huge
difference between these two words. Managers do have to be leaders but not always managers behave in
that particular way.


Leadership is a way to influence the others and guide them accordingly. Basically leaders are distinguished
by high risk decision making skills, active attitude, high levels of imaginary skills and making fresh
approaches to old problems.
The main focus of leadership is to achieve tasks. This can be done through either motivating or
empowering the employees. Furthermore it involves getting the best out of each and every individual for the
benefit of the teams achievement of specified goals.

Taking the lead to organize a team for a group activity in order to achieve a particular goal within the
organization would be an example of a leadership situation.

Management or to manage is a way to represent a responsibility having executive control or authority.
Managers are distinguished by some characteristics such as encouragement of team work, avoidance of
private work, proceeding to risks moderately etc.
Management normally focuses on work and tasks. These activities fit within the subject of resource
-Human, time, money, equipment and anything else that involves achieving any particular task.

In any organization conflicts may arise. These conflicts may arise due to differences in opinion or perceived
inequalities of workloads among two or more employees. So finding a private location to address the matter
giving the employees involve a chance to explain their actions, and then working out a solution that is
agreeable to both parties is an example of management.

However both these characters ( leadership and management ) will ultimately make a healthy organization.

Working with and Leading people

Task 2.3

Leaders chosen - a) Steve jobs

b) Richard Branson

c) Donald Trump

Steve Jobs
Sir Steve Jobs is the cofounder of Apple Computers and former CEO of Pixar Animation Studios, he
revolutionized the computer and animation industries, amassing a fortune worth $10.2 billion at the time of
his death.
About his leadership style

Steve Jobs is regarded to be known as an unconventional leader. He was a "high-maintenance co-worker"

who demanded excellence from his staff and was known for his direct delivery of disapproval.
But it was because of his complete geniuses combined with his ability to articulate his vision and bring staff,
investors and customers along on the journey - plus the lessons learned in a major career setback - that
made it work
How is his leadership style linked with different situations?
Steve Jobs pushed people to get products out before they were ready to capture mass markets and many
have said that they doesnt like to work with him ever again. He would directly confront people and almost
call them idiots. But when they confronted him back and told him why they were right in understandable
forms, he was just testing and learning...and he would respect those people and give them high privileges
in the company... That was one thing he did respect someone who believed enough in their own ideas to
speak for him, not just shut up and be shy around him. Basically with all these what it shows is that Jobs
like to test people.

Richard Branson
Sir Richard Branson is an international entrepreneur, adventurer, icon, and the founder of the Virgin Group.
The Virgin Group is one of the worlds most recognized and respected brands, with over 400 companies.
Branson says that always put your staff first, customers second and shareholders third.

About his leadership style

Richard Branson I known as a transformational leader. His transformational leadership consists of six
behaviours: articulating a vision; setting a positive example; communicating high performance expectations;
showing sensitivity to individual followers needs; encouraging a team attitude; and providing intellectual
stimulation. Research shows that groups led by transformational leaders boast higher levels of
performance than groups led by other types of leaders. The best example is the Virgin group.

How is his leadership style linked with different situations?

Working with and Leading people

Sir Richard Branson pays attention to his followers individual concerns about the company, expresses
confidence in his employees' abilities to perform at a very high level, and puts forth a mission that is clear
and engaging to members of the Virgin community.

Donald Trump

Sir Donald Trump is an American business magnate and television personality. He is the Chairman of the
Trump Organization, a US-based real-estate developer. Furthermore Donald Trump is a man of energy. He
believes it is energy that drives passion, and passion is what will make the impossible happen and this is a
rare quality that the others do not have.
About his leadership style

He exhibits an unconventional leadership style, which is characterized by many characteristics. One of

those is the need for power. This is exhibited by every piece of real estate Mr. Trump owns. He is eccentric,
powerful, but yet he makes very smart business decisions. He is also a risk taker. All these business skills
have made him a very well recognized business leader, and one of the nations most known billionaires.
Donald Trumps leadership style have made him rich, powerful, famous and known through-out the world

How his leadership style linked with different situations?

Sir Donald Trump was always a big thinker. He believed in making big deals and huge investments in real
estate because he saw potential. But once Trump landed on a huge debt with millions, but with his amazing
leadership and creative thinking power, he was able to come up with new ideas and he successfully got rid
of them within a very short period of time. Thats is the reason for him to be very famous mainly on

However in order to conclude, it is with great effort that one can become a leader. There need to be many
factors and points to improve within oneself to become a great leader. Leadership is about achieving goals
by creating a direction for a business and inspiring employees to take initiative and make the right
decisions. So all the 3 leaders mentioned above are said to be the greatest people who strived to bring a
better tomorrow to the world.

Working with and Leading people

Task 2.4
Basically an organizational objective defines the overall goals, purpose and mission of a business that have
been established by its management and communicated to its employees.
Employees with low motivation levels maybe frustrated with additional tasks assigned to them and may not
contribute to the best of their abilities. So if I own a business, there would be many ways and techniques
that I would use to motivate the staff to achieve organizational objectives in terms of profits and improved
customer quality. They are as follows;

By giving the staff a sense of recognition

Giving recognition and appreciation is very important in order to have satisfied employees. Basically
employees respond to appreciation expressed through recognition of their good work because it
confirms their work is valued.
Everyone feels the need to be recognised/accepted as an individual or member of a group and to
feel a sense of achievement for work well done or even for a courageous effort, and everyone wants
a pat on the back to make them feel good.
Though there would be disadvantages such as the time taken to give recognition and costs of
recognition items given, the ultimate result would be a great advantage to my business, because
negative effects such as absenteeism and stress among employees will reduce and instead a
higher loyalty will build up within employees and finally result in a greater productivity.

Job enrichment

Employees cab be motivated by assigning them additional responsibility. When this is done, the
employees feel like their work has meaning and is important to the company. So by this way I can
give the employees the opportunity to use their ability.

Growth of promotional opportunity

Promoting an employee within the company helps him/her to boost up the morality level. As a result
this will help the general productivity within the business to rise significantly.
So basically well performing employees expect reward in the form of extra incentives such as salary
hikes, bonuses, promotion and so on.
However as the owner of the business, I should know that it is not possible to promote each and
every employee within the organisation as they should be only promoted on the basis of their
contribution towards the success of the organization.


Empowerment basically means giving employees the power to do their job. Employees need to feel
that their actions count and empowerment is about making this happen. Empowered employees are
committed, loyal and conscientious. They are eager to share ideas and can serve as strong
ambassadors for their organizations at all times.

So these are the main few techniques that I would be using if I owned my own business to motivate the
staff in order to achieve organizational objectives.

Working with and Leading people


Task 3.1

Organizing a sale at BCAS in order to utilize the earnings of the sale to sponsor a meal
at an elders home

The main goal within the leader and the team in organizing this sale at BCAS is mainly to earn a sufficient
income in order to sponsor a meal at an elders home. Basically setting these goals are easy but working
towards this was a real challenge.
There was no super-easy tip that applied to our group to earn money by doing the sale, but we all had to
work with so much of effort and dedication to earn enough earnings in order to sponsor a meal at an elders
home because an elders home is not a small place as there are so many elders and to give each of them a
meal is not an easy task. So collecting a sufficient amount was a challenging task.
Dealt with conflict
Within any group or team there are cases of conflicts, similarly within us there were few conflicts risen as
well. Conflicts were very minor cases and they mainly rose due to disagreement of some ideas brought out.
But we never let those conflicts to turn as huge problems so we immediately selected the best alternatives
and settled the conflicts.
Dealt with difficult situations
Normally in order to organize a sale, we should have the capability to communicate with the public and give
them the idea of our goal because most people consider these to be fake. So gaining their attention and
making them buy our products was a really tough and a difficult process as many people ignore us because
they do have better places to buy products rather than stopping and buying from unsure places. Although
many ignored we never gave up, instead we came up with different ideas in order to grab their attention
and make a donation for us through buying our items.
Not only that, there were people who simply left our sale because they didnt understand our goal from this
sale and that is mainly due to lack of their understanding. So with all these difficulties we somehow
accomplished our target which tells how effective our team members were.
How effective the team was in terms of achieving the goals and working as a team
The money raised by organizing this sale must be actually utilized to sponsor a meal at an elders home
where as the public is increasingly suspicious that fake charities are raising money from unsuspecting
donors, and use the money for personal gain. With regards to this we can say that our team was really
effective and all the money raised was only spent to sponsor meals to the elders home.

Our team had many great fundraising ideas which worked brilliantly. Furthermore we assigned clear roles
for each other during the sale process as effective teamwork depends on how each member understand of
their individual roles and responsibilities. Our team always stayed on track and dividing our responsibilities
among each other made this task very easier and saved a lot of time.

Working with and Leading people

Task 3.2
Teamwork involves different people and different groups across your organization working together to
maximize their efficiency and reach a common goal. However in this situation both the benefits of working
as a team and working as an individual are discussed. Firstly ill explain about the benefits of working as a
team. Working in a team in an organization does bring many benefits. They are listed below;

When a team works well together as a unit they are able to accomplish more than the individual
members can do alone.

Teamwork creates higher quality results that are more efficient, thoughtful, and effective, as well as

Teamwork improves and allows employees to take greater responsibility for decision making and
also allows team members to control more of the work process. This can lead to improved morale
as employees gain more authority and ownership over the projects they are working on.

Companies become more flexible with teamwork. By bringing employees from different parts of a
project together into one team, problems can sometimes be ironed out more easily.

Teamwork increases innovation as it creates a work environment which shines at creativity.

Now let me explain the importance of working as an individual within an organization. The main importance
of individual work is speed and clarity. The benefits are as follows;

One person, working alone, can make decisions and implement them more quickly because there is
no need to discuss or explain.

Work can be progressed very quickly.

The person is very clear on his/her goals where members of a team might not be so clear on what
their teammates are thinking.

So in order to evaluate and conclude, I agree that individual work can provide a sense of clarity and speed,
but it can occasionally slow things down as well. For instance, if there is only one person working on a
project, there could be serious delays if something unexpected happens to this person. If they get sick or
something, they have to stop working on that project for any reason, there is no backup. BUT with a group,
the other members can pick up any slack if something unplanned occurs. On the same note, if all the group
members are not able to manage their time, some members could end up with a lot more work than others.

Working with and Leading people


Task 4.1
Planning aids which can be used in monitoring work assessments and work performance

Planning aids are very useful as those help to prioritise tasks at work. A large number of the techniques are
used in the process of the planning and these techniques are very much needed and important, as these
help a lot in performing the planning process in a very efficient manner.
Monitoring work and performance well means consistently measuring performance and providing ongoing
feedback to employees and work groups on their progress toward reaching their goals.
The following techniques can be used to monitor work assessments and work performance;

Empirical observation
This is basically seeing things and observing through your eyes. In other words this is a source of
knowledge acquired by means of observation or experimentation. The term comes from the Greek
word for experience (empeira).These are actually not the things that are recorded but instead
actually seen from your eyes.
Few advantages of empirical observation at work place are as follows;

a. The opportunity to observe people so that their interaction and changes in behaviour are studied.

b. Can remember events very accurately for the necessary data.

c. Easy to identify and distinguish between employee-caused and system-caused variations.

Recorded observation
This kind of observation is basically done by viewing or going through a recoding. For example the
performance and work assessments can be monitored by a CCTV camera. These observations are
normally time consuming. However some advantages of recorded observations are as follows;

a. Focuses on all behaviours, not just one particular behaviour.

b. Unlike empirical observation, a recorded observation can be viewed as many times possible in order
to find the necessary data.

c. Observer can catch an unexpected incident no matter when it occurs, for it is usually recorded

Formal review process

The formal performance review process provides an opportunity to document and measure
performance against formal performance plan commitments, acknowledge successes, and assess
results achieved. For both manager and employee, it is important to formally acknowledge
employee contributions towards organizational goals and to plan how future employee performance
can be sustained or enhanced. This process can give benefits in many ways as;

a. Employee performance is recognized.

b. Managers work with employees to enhance, sustain, or build on work performance.

Working with and Leading people

Methods in which an organization can offer motivational satisfaction

The process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviours is known as motivation. Basically
it is motivation that causes employees to act in the preferred manner.
Under this there will be two things which would be explained. That is performance management and
motivation and how a supervisor and performance management motivate the employees.
For an innovative and challenging organization, motivation is a key success factor. Motivation can
be strongly supported by the performance management system. However, it depends strongly on
managers. Motivation can be increased in the team, if employees see a proper action on low
performers in the team and its not necessary to dismiss them. Managers should constantly work
with the low and high performance workers and help the low performance workers to improve
significantly at a short time giving them additional chances. This motivates those employees in a
broader way.

Furthermore in order to improve the self-motivation within the employees, few performance
management solutions must be applied. They are;
Clarifying the end result of the job
Removing barriers
Providing appropriate support
These performance management solutions should be applied in a sequence that matches their
current production level.
When managers/supervisors take the time and effort to carefully review, analyse, document, and
discuss performance with employees, the underlying message to the employees is that theyre
important and valuable, and this alone is quite rewarding, whether the feedback is positive or not.

When performance management meet the employees needs in such areas as gaining recognition,
sensing achievement and competence, experiencing growth, and meeting objectives, theyre also
contributing to the employees job satisfaction, and this is one of the most important elements of
motivation and at work today.

The above factors basically talks about how performance management will help to improve employee
motivation. Now these few factors mentioned below are some other sources and methods of motivation;
o Rewarding strong performance - If employees perform well, they need to be rewarded. This can
be in terms of extrinsic rewards - such as additional pay, benefits or opportunities - or intrinsic -
through simple gratitude and recognition for a job well done.

o Involving employees for decision making - Major business decisions will always be made in the
boardroom by the executive team, but this does not mean employees should be excluded from this
process. So giving staff members the autonomy to make some decisions - where appropriate - can
boost morale and help increase job satisfaction.

o Giving various promotions for talented employees - Employees should have the opportunity to
move up the ranks and better themselves within the company they work for - otherwise they are
likely to go and work elsewhere.
o Provide employees a happy environment - Strive to create a work environment that is open,
trusting and fun so that will encourage new ideas and initiatives.

Working with and Leading people

o Employee development - Give employees a chance to grow and learn new skills; show them how
you can help them meet their goals within the context of meeting the organization's goals and create
a partnership with each employee.

These are few ways an organization can offer motivational satisfaction to the employees.

How the above factors can influence the assessment of work performance
Performance of employees in any organization is vital. With the factors mentioned above, there are several
advantages which can happen to the organization. They are as follows;
When the management takes steps to foster a work environment where employees are self-driven
to perform their job tasks, they would perform at a level that meets or exceeds management's

Contented workers give the firm a good reputation

Motivation results in better productivity and work performance as they would do their given tasks
with more enthusiasm.
Highly motivated work force can allow business owners to relinquish day-today, operational control
and instead concentrate on long-term strategies to grow the business.

By the advantages of motivation, employee work performance can be easily assessed by the
mangers/supervisors. The methods are as follows;
Quantity - The number of units produced, processed or sold is a good objective indicator of performance.
Quality - The quality of work performed can be measured by several means. The percentage of work
output that must be redone or is rejected is one such indicator.
Timeliness - How fast work is performed is another performance indicator that should be used with
Cost-effectiveness - The cost of work performed can be used as a measure of performance to check if the
employee has some degree of control over costs.
Absenteeism/Tardiness - An employee is obviously not performing when he or she is not at work. Other
employees performance may be adversely impacted by absences, too. So this is also one factor to assess
the work performance of an employee.
So in order to conclude, the above factors provide three main criterias within an organization. That is the
performance management, motivation, and how employee performance is being assessed.

Task 4.2
Our teamwork had a dramatic effect of the sale at BCAS. It is only an effective team that will help to
achieve incredible results. As the team leader I was able to assess and give the members various points to
Working with and Leading people

improve on their specified tasks. The process in which I assessed and gave them points to improve are
mentioned below;
To build, lead, or participate in a team, they require an understanding of the stages of team
development. Firstly what I did was understand the stages of building a team.

Another factor that significantly increase a team's chances of being effective are having a well
thought out team orientation process, and developing a clear team charter. This helped me to
establish clear guidelines and set clear expectations.

Next, I made everyone understand what they are doing and their goals. Giving them a good start
was really beneficial as I was able to see their very best performances during the sale.

One of the best ways of improving a teams performance is by providing feedback or information to
team members about their individual performance, as well as the overall team performance. For
feedback to be positive and growth-inspiring, it has to be delivered properly, I was able to give
proper feedbacks to the team and each and every individual as well.

Furthermore articulating my team's vision was very fundamental to develop a high performance
among them because it's the vision that motivates and directs a team to reach its goal.

A basic problem when working in a team is dealing with conflicts. Conflict can be an inevitable
consequence of working with other people. Opinions, values, styles, and a whole host of other
differences provide more than enough grounds for disagreement. This disagreement is what I like
because it is the actual part of the reason why teams can be so effective the more perspectives
that go into a process, the better the end result. Allowing the differences to get out of hand is a way
to improve the team. But as a leader I should also know how to handle those conflicts without
making them big problems.

No matter what role a person plays in a team, or what tasks he or she has been assigned to, there
is almost always room for personal improvement. I identified this in many aspects during the sale
process. So when the individuals on my team are functioning at high capacity, the team was able to
flourish as well.

Task 4.3

Evaluation is a tool used to assess the overall effectiveness of the assessment process and its outcomes
once the key activities are complete and feedback to my team has been provided.

Working with and Leading people

A final evaluation at the end of the sales process will give a sense of how the process went overall, whether
we were able to achieve our objectives and what we can improve for the next time and much more. This
step is key for identifying whether the process was successful and what changes can be made to make
future processes more meaningful.
It is important to involve my team members who performed the sale at BCAS in this evaluation to ensure
that their perceptions are taken into account regarding whether the process was adequate and meaningful.
There are a variety of techniques that can be used to evaluate this process. For example those techniques
include; interviews, questionnaires, formal surveys and informal feedback. Using these methods, it would
be easy to evaluate this process in a meaningful manner.
To identify the criteria for judging the overall effectiveness of this particular sale process, I should relate to
the objectives identified in the early planning stages. It should also focus on participant satisfaction with the
reliability of this process (i.e., whether my team members found this process to be meaningful and was it
Overall, the evaluation should address whether our plan met its objectives and whether it reflected the key
elements of performing an organized sale procedure within BCAS. They are as follows;

Our objectives in conducting the sale utilizing those money in order to sponsor a meal at an elders
home was achieved.

No interested members indicated that they did not have the opportunity to participate.

The organization of the BCAS sales plan was adapted as necessary to match the needs and
circumstances of the project and interested members.

The whole team indicated that there was an effective communication process throughout the sale

There was no betrayal or disloyalty at any stage during the sale process particularly when collecting
money from the public.

Since team members were divided for different functions, the sales process could be carried out
very smoothly and was able to gain sufficient cash in order to sponsor a meal at an elders home.

In any kind of evaluation process, it is necessary to identify key areas for development. So we were able to
identify areas for development.
One of the main issues that were arising among the team members were some conflicts. This is necessary
within a team, but this was way too much within my team members. That is basically because of the
different ideas within themselves because many were from different countries. However we were able to
identify and make the necessary improvements so this would not happen in future activities.
To conclude, I can say that I was able to perform well in the assessment and basically an efficient and well
organized assessment could be done.


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