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The buddhist

world of Southeast Asia

Second Edition

Donald K. Swearer
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The Buddhist World of Southeast Asia
SUNY series in Religious Studies
Harold Coward, editor
WORLD of Southeast Asia
Second Edition

Donald K. Swearer
Published by State University of New York Press, Albany
2010 State University of New York Press
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
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For information, contact State University of New York Press, Albany, NY

Production by Robert Puchalik

Marketing by Michael Campochiaro

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Swearer, Donald K., 1934-
The Buddhist world of Southeast Asia / Donal K. Swearer. 2nd ed.
p. cm. (SUNY series in religious studies)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4384-3251-9 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN 978-1-4384-3250-2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. BuddhismSocial aspectsSoutheast Asia. I. Title.
BQ410.S93 2010
294.3370959dc22 2009039613

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
In memory of
Kenneth K. S. Chen and Singkha Wannasi,
mentors and friends
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Preface to the Second Edition . . . . . . . . . . ix

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv


Ideal Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Ritual Occasions, Merit, and the Appropriation of Power . . 17
Festivals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Rites of Passage . . . . . . . . . . . . 50


Asoka, the Exemplary Buddhist Ruler . . . . . . . 72
Kings and Cosmology . . . . . . . . . . . 82
The Cosmological Scheme of the Three Worlds . . . . . 101
The Buddha as Cosmocrator . . . . . . . . . 104
Modern Nationalism and Buddhism . . . . . . . 109


The Changing Role of the Monk . . . . . . . . 130
Reforming the Tradition . . . . . . . . . . 159
The Changing Role of the Laity . . . . . . . . 177
Women and Buddhism . . . . . . . . . . 190
Buddhism and the West . . . . . . . . . . 197
Postscript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
viii the buddhist world of southeast asia

Appendix 1 H^\aV`VHjiiV: Code of Lay Ethics . . . . . 205

Appendix 2 Borobudur . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Preface to the Second Edition

I]Z7jYY]^hiLdgaYd[Hdji]ZVhi6h^V is the result of my observation and

long-term study of Theravada Buddhism. My interest in Buddhism began as
a result of personal experience. In the late 1950s I spent two years in Bangkok,
Thailand, where I lived in a Buddhist culture and taught at a Christian
college and a Buddhist monastic university. Since that time I have spent
several sabbatical leaves in Thailand with shorter stays or visits in Sri Lanka,
Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos. Although my understanding of Buddhism
has benefited from the work of scholars from different disciplines, this mono-
graph also reflects my personal experience in Thailand and Southeast Asia.
This experience is informed by teaching in the liberal arts college classroom,
the primary context in which I have spent most of my academic career. My
approach to Buddhism, especially its expression in Thailand, is a multidis-
ciplinary approach integrated with a personal appreciation of its depth of
meaning and diversity of expression. This monograph is written for readers
who wish to study Buddhism, not simply as a normative doctrinal system,
but as a historically and culturally contextualized religious tradition, or to
put it another way, Buddhism as a lived tradition.
This study of Buddhism offers a broad, holistic analysis of the Buddhist
tradition as it has been shaped within the historical and cultural milieu of
Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka. Diverse forms of Buddhism took root in
Southeast Asia, but from the twelfth century C.E., the branch of Buddhism
known as Theravada or Teaching of the Elders, with its extensive and diverse
scriptural canon written in the Pali language, gradually assumed a dominate
religious and cultural role.1 Historical evidence from major archaeological

x the buddhist world of southeast asia

sites as well as contemporary Buddhist rituals demonstrate the influence

of Hinayana, Mahayana, and Tantrayana forms of Buddhism, which also
incorporated Brahmanical and Hindu elements. It must be kept in mind,
furthermore, that the forms of Buddhism and Hinduism that took root in Sri
Lanka and in insular and mainland Southeast Asia, grew in diverse cultural
soils already enriched by various indigenous belief systems from the Sinhalese,
Burmese, Tai,2 Lao, and Khmer peoples. We must reject the notion that there
existed in mainland Southeast Asia any kind of Theravada Pali orthodoxy;
this is an ahistorical projection, first constructed by monks of the Sinhalese
Mahavihara monastic lineage and subsequently perpetuated in the modern
period by both Buddhist adherents and Western scholars. Today, Theravada
Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia mirrors
the rich diversity of its variegated historical and cultural development. In
one sense this monograph provides a demonstration of this claim. My use
of the term, Theravada Buddhism, therefore, encompasses this sense of the
richness and diversity of the tradition.
A problem adheres to the use of the word, bdc`. Frequently, Buddhist
scholars construct the Buddhist monk as a rational renouncer who single-
mindedly walks the Buddhas path toward enlightenment (nibbana). They
either ignore or are oblivious to the multiple roles played by the monk, not
just in the present day, but also throughout Buddhist history. The word,
monk, is further problematized because it has been gendered as male, requir-
ing that the female monk be identified as nun.3 In Theravada Buddhism
the community of Buddhists is divided into four groupsmale and female
renunciants or almspersons (bhikkhu and bhikkhuni), and their male and
female lay supporters (jeVhV`V and jeVh^`V). Although it is an oversimpli-
fication, it may be said that both men and women who joined the Buddhas
order or sangha were fundamentally alike in the sense that they shared the
common designation of almspersons. I shall use monk in this inclusive
sense, although in specific contexts, I shall refer to male almspersons, female
renuncients, or for clarity, simply monks and nuns. In parts 1 and 3 of the
monograph, specific historical and contemporary issues of women and Bud-
dhism will be explored. My use of the word, monk, therefore, acknowledges
the buddhist world of southeast asia xi

both gender distinction and the historical diversity of roles played by Bud-
dhist almspersons.
Dramatic changes have occurred in the Buddhist world of Southeast
Asia since the first edition of this monograph appeared in 1995. The perva-
sive effect of globalization has further intensified the transformation of the
worlds political economies, cultures, and societies. Mainland Southeast
Asia (Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos) and Sri Lanka, which share
the teachings, practices, and monastic institutions of Theravada Buddhism,
have also been transformed. Despite the significant differences that pertain
among these countries where Theravada Buddhism is the dominant religion,
Buddhism continues to be a major factor in their politics, economies, and
cultural identities. The neo-Marxian and secular-liberal predictions of the
withering away of religion have been proved false, whether the reference is
Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, orin the case of this monographTheravada
Buddhism in Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka. For example, Buddhism is being
revived in Cambodia; new monastic and lay movements are flourishing in
Thailand; Buddhist monks are actively involved in the political conflict
current in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. These are hopeful signs of a vigorous,
vital Buddhism, not of a moribund religion.
Hopeful signs notwithstanding, overall Theravada Buddhism in Thailand,
Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka faces an uncertain future. Will
the Buddhist institutions in these countries, their teaching and practices,
continue to inform the cultural identities of the Thai, Burmese, Lao, Khmer,
and Sinhalese, or will they fail to adapt sufficiently to the changing material
realities of their increasingly globalized societies and, hence, become largely
irrelevant to daily lifes circumstances? The complexity of the many worlds
of Theravada Buddhism defies any easy generalization about its future and
challenges any predictions. As this monograph demonstrates, Buddhism
is not one world in Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka,
but many different worlds. It is this very diversity and adaptability that has
contributed to its enduring influence. What will the future hold? Certainly
for its continuing viability, it will require an even greater degree of flexibility
xii the buddhist world of southeast asia

and adaptability while at the same time retaining those principles and values
that have informed, inspired, and challenged the lives of its adherents.
This revised and expanded edition of I]Z7jYY]^hiLdgaYd[Hdji]ZVhi6h^V
includes numerous additions and changes. Part 3 has been greatly expanded
to take into account some of the most significant developments that have
occurred within the Buddhist world of Southeast Asia since 1995. Major
additions have also been made to the Ideal Action section of part 1 and
the Modern Nationalism and Buddhism section of part 2. Furthermore, in
this edition the focus on Buddhism in Thailand has been further enhanced,
especially in part 3.

Donald K. Swearer
Center for the Study of World Religions
Harvard Divinity School
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

The 1995 edition of this monograph was made possible by a sabbatical leave
from Swarthmore College in 1994 and through the support from the
Fulbright-Hays Program and the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation. I
wish to thank Dr. Chayan Vaddhanphuti, director of the Social Research
Institute, Chiang Mai University, where I was a research fellow, and Dr. Ratana
Tungasvadi for the gracious hospitality of her Chiang Mai home. Thanissaro
Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff ), abbot of the Metta Forest Monastery in
Valley Center, California, read and commented on the entire monograph;
Dr. Nancy Dowling, professor of Asian art, University of Hawaii at Manoa,
made numerous suggestions regarding part 2.
In the decade since the publication of the first edition of T]Z7jYY]^hi
LdgaYd[Hdji]ZVhi6h^V I have received invaluable assistance from colleagues
in Chiang Mai, especially Sommai Premchit, the late Mani Payomyong, and
Phaithoon Dokbuakaew. Over many years my research in northern Thailand
has been greatly facilitated by the friendship and support of John W. Butt,
Senior Advisor at the Payap University Institute for the Study of Religion, Cul-
ture, and Peace, and Martha Butt, Emeritus Vice President for International
Affairs at Payap University. Eric Braun, a specialist in Burmese Buddhism at
Harvard University graciously commented on my discussion of Buddhism
in Myanmar. Dr. Louis Gabaude of the cole Franaise dExtrme-Orient,
Chiang Mai, has shared with me over the years not only his rich archival col-
lection but also his unsurpassed knowledge of Buddhism in northern Thailand.
I am particularly indebted to Nancy Chester Swearer who copyedited the
entire manuscript and prepared the bibliography and index.

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E veryone recognizes the saying, It has to be hZZc to be WZa^ZkZY. With

one rather modest changeit has to be hZZc to be jcYZghiddYthis
familiar quip becomes peculiarly appropriate to the study of religion. A
religious system consists of diverse phenomena: sacred texts, myths, symbols,
institutions, rituals, festivals, sacred sites and so on. A religion encompasses
more than a stipulated set of beliefs and practices; it also embodies and
expresses the meanings and aspirations of a particular culture. Because of
its diversity and complexity, religion cannot be characterized simply as a set
of teachings nor easily comprehended in any holistic sense. The study of a
religious system or even of specific aspects of that system calls not only for
analytical skills, but also the qualities of imagination, empathy, and vision,
which I suggest requires a kind of seeing. The nature of the phenomena
constituting a religious system cannot be adequately understood if one only
reads a religious text or studies religious truth claims about the nature of
reality. Any attempt to understand religion that does not take into account
the historical and cultural richness of the lived tradition runs the risk of
reductionism and distortion.
Religions are multiplex, and the phenomena constituting religion embody
different levels of meaning. In the light of such multivalency, religion has been
characterized as a symbol system. To study religion, in my view, challenges
us to go beyond the literal, the obvious, and the purely descriptive, to discern
the hidden meanings and deeper levels of human experience embedded in
(or behind) the text, the rite, and the festival. Rather than seeing only the
surface (face value), we have to look in the folds, the hidden places to

xvi the buddhist world of southeast asia

find the truth of a religion. Religious belief systems may appear to have an
atemporal character, but historical, cultural, social, economic, and political
contexts cannot be divorced from a religion any more than an individuals
profession of faith, be it Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or Jewish, can
be separated from his or her personal, subjective experience.
In the following pages we shall study Theravada Buddhism within the
many cultures and against the historical backdrop of Southeast Asia and Sri
Lanka and three differing social and political contexts: the traditional village;
the state; and the modern urbanized environment. Each context provides
a background for examining distinctive features of Buddhism in Southeast
Asia: the integrative and syncretic nature of traditional, popular religion; the
role of religion in state formation; and the challenge to traditional Buddhist
thought and practice by the forces of rapid change associated with urbaniza-
tion and modernization.
This monograph introduces the study of Theravada Buddhism and society
within the cultural setting of Southeast Asia, with particular focus on Thailand.
In a broad sense, it is an examination of the interaction of a religious world-
view and a cultural ethos, and the ways in which the peoples of Southeast
Asia have organized and expressed their lives in meaningful patterns.1 Each
part of this book will examine these patterns for their coherence as well as
their rich and fascinating variety.


A ll too often a textbook picture of Theravada Buddhism bears little

resemblance to the actual practice of Buddhism in Southeast Asia. The
lived traditions of Myanmar,1 Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka seem
to distort and sometimes subvert the cardinal teachings of nibbana, the Four
Noble Truths, or the Noble Eightfold Path familiar to the Western student
of Buddhism.2 The observer enters a Theravada Buddhist culture to discover
that ordination into the monastic order (sangha) may be motivated more by
cultural convention or a young mans sense of social obligation to his parents
rather than the pursuit of transforming wisdom; that the peace and quiet
sought by a meditating monk may be overwhelmed by the amplified rock
music of a temple festival; that somewhat unkempt village temples outnum-
ber tidy, well-organized monasteries; and that the Buddha, austerely imaged
in the posture of meditation (hVbVY]^) or dispelling Maras powerful army
(bVgVk^_VnV) is venerated more in the hope of gaining privilege and prestige,
material gain, and protection on journeys than in the hope of nibbana.
The apparent contradiction between the highest ideals and goals of
Theravada Buddhism and the actual lived tradition in Southeast Asia has
long perplexed Western scholars. In his study of Indian religions, Max Weber
made a sharp distinction between what he characterized as the otherworldly
mystical aim of early Indian Buddhism and the world-affirming, practical
goals of popular, institutional Buddhism that flourished in the third century
C.E. under King Asoka and later Buddhist monarchs.3 Even recent scholars
of Theravada Buddhism have been influenced by Webers distinction in their
studies of Buddhism as a cultural institution and an ethical system.4

2 part 1

To be sure, the Theravada Buddhism of Southeast Asia, not unlike other

great historic religions, defines ideal goals of moral perfection and ultimate
self-transformation and the means to attain them, but at the same time, South-
east Asian Buddhism also provides the means by which people cope with
day-to-day problems of life as well as a rationale to justify worldly pursuits.
Both goals are sanctioned in the writings of the Pali canon, the scriptures
of Theravada Buddhism.5 The way to the transcendence of suffering called
the Noble Eightfold Path presented in the first public teaching attributed
to the Buddha in the discourse known as Turning the Wheel of the Law
(9]VbbVXV``VeeVkViiVcVHjiiV), includes advice appropriate to monks,
such as meditation, but also the laity, such as right ethical action. The goals
of Buddhism are, in short, both nibbanic and proximatea better rebirth,
an improved social and economic status in this life, and so on; the two are
necessarily intertwined. We find in the Pali canon justification for both
spiritual poverty and material wealth. Even as the monk or almsperson
(bhikkhu/bhikkhuni) is enjoined to eschew worldly goods and gain, it is
wealth that promotes both individual and social well-being when generously
distributed by laypeople unattached to their possessions.6
Any broad, holistic analysis of Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia
should take into account not only its highest ideals and varied practices, but
also its seeming contradictions. For example, rituals designed specifically
for the benefit of the soul of the deceased seem to undermine the central
Theravada doctrine of VcViiV or not-self/not-soul. The student of Theravada
Buddhism should keep in mind, however, that the not-self doctrine can be
interpreted as sanctioning such monastic pursuits as meditation, whereas the
doctrines of kamma (Sanskrit, karma) rebirth (hVbhVgV), and merit (ejV)
justify a wide range of other moral and ritual acts.7 These are distinctive
but related domains within the broader context of the Theravada tradition;
they should not be seen as contradictory. In the Pali texts, both ultimate
and proximate ideals are promoted. The tradition affirms that the Buddhist
path is many forked and, furthermore, that people are at different stages
along the path. Explanations that seek somewhat arbitrarily and rigidly to
differentiate teaching and practice, the ideal and the actual, run the risk of
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 3

sacrificing the interwoven threads of religion as they are culturally embodied

to the logic of consistency.
With this admonition in mind, I use the term, popular tradition, with
some hesitancy; no value judgment is intended. Popular in this context
does not mean less serious, less worthy, or further removed from the ideal;
rather, it refers to Theravada Buddhism as it is commonly perceived, under-
stood, and practiced by the average, traditional Sri Lankan, Burmese, Thai,
Cambodian, and Laotian. What defines their sense of religious and cultural
identity, the contexts in which this identity is most readily investigated,
are rites of passage, festival celebrations, ritual occasions, and behavior as
exemplified in traditional stories. One goes to the temple or the temple-
monastery (lVi) to observe many of these activities, hear the teachings as
handed down orally from monk to layperson, and view stories depicted in
religious art and reenacted in ritual. Institutionally, the religious life of the
Theravada Buddhist focuses on the place of public worship, celebration, and
discourse. Symbolically, the temple-monastery is not only the monks place

Figure 1.1. Monastery compound. Wat Kukut, Lamphun, Thailand.

4 part 1

or hVc\]V"kVhV for the study of the dhamma, but also the Buddhas place
or WjYY]V"kVhV where the Buddha is made present and venerated in images
and enshrined relics.
In the following section I shall explore popular Buddhism in Southeast
Asia with a focus on Thailand, in these contexts: rites of passage, festival
celebrations, and ritual occasions, beginning with ideal behavior or life
models personified in traditional myths and legends. The two underlying
themes will be: the syncretic nature of popular Buddhism as part of a total
religious-cultural system; and the role of religion in enhancing lifes meaning
through the integration and interpretation of personal, social, and cosmic
dimensions of life.

Ideal Action
Doctrinally, ideal action in Theravada Buddhism can be described as
meritorious action (ejV-`VbbV) or action that does not accrue demerit
(eVeV-`VbbV). At the highest stage of spiritual self-realization, the state
of arahantship, ones actions are totally beyond the power of kamma and
rebirth (hVbhVgV). Terms used to characterize ideal behavior and attitudes
are truthfulness (hVXXV), generosity (YVcV), loving-kindness (bZiiV), compas-
sion (`VgjcV), equanimity (jeZ``]V), wisdom (eVV), and morality (h^aV),
to name a few. In both Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism these virtues
are referred to as perfections (eVgVb^ or eVgVb^iV) of character associated
with the person of the WdY]^hViiV (Sanskrit, WdY]^hViikV), one who is on
the path to Buddhahood. These perfections are depicted in various ways
appropriate to audience and context. They are exemplified in the narratives
of moral exemplars, such as Vessantara and Sama who appear in the last ten
of the 547 Pali _ViV`V tales, other late canonical texts such as the 8Vg^n"
e^V`V, the fifth century commentaries of Buddhaghosa and Dhammapala,
vernacular narratives, and most important, in the life of the Buddha.8 Such
stories are well known and are one of the principal means through which
ideal life models are taught.
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 5

Figure 1.2. The main Buddha image at Wat Phra That Hariphunchai (Haripujaya),
Lamphun, Thailand.

Historically, the Buddha is understood as the founder of the tradition

(hVhVcV) that is called Buddhism. Beyond that, however, his life story becomes
paradigmatic for every devout follower who seeks the same goal of enlighten-
ment/awakening he achieved, especially the Buddhist monk. Before Prince
Siddhattha becomes the Buddha, he seeks to discover a deeper meaning to
life beyond the inevitable limitations of old age, suffering, and death. He
embarks on a quest for a personal knowledge that transcends the inherited
traditions of his highborn social class. Departing from the life of a royal
householder, he becomes a mendicant, seeking out learned teachers, engag-
ing in the ascetical regimens of the renunciant, and training the mind in
contemplative exercises (hVbVY]^). Eventually, Siddhattha discovers a higher
truth not limited to the conventional, dualistic perceptions of self and other,
6 part 1

Figure 1.3. Temple mural showing Prince Siddhatthas renunciation. Wat Phra That Doi
Suthep, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

or the philosophical constructions of eternalism and nihilism. His profound

insight into the non-eternal and non-substantive (Vc^XXV), causally interde-
pendent and co-coming-into-being (^YVeeVXXVnViV) nature of things enabled
the future Buddha to overcome the anxiety (Yj``]V) rooted in the aware-
ness of human finitude and of the conditional nature of life. In an ideal sense
every follower of the Buddha seeks the truth he achieved at his awakening
(nibbana). Nibbana is not an abstraction or a mystical, alternative reality but
a mode of being-in-the-world. It signifies that way of life as an achievable
reality. Although one cannot always ascertain the precise intentions that
lead a young man to ordain in the Buddhist monastic order, symbolically
his ordination reenacts the Buddhas story.
The central teachings of Theravada Buddhism emerge from the narrative
of the Buddhas life. Broadly speaking, the hjiiV literature in the form of the
Buddhas dialogues represents episodes linked together as segments of the
Buddhas life, like pearls strung on a single strand. Each pearl can be admired
in and of itself but only when the pearls are strung together on a thread do
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 7

they become a necklace. Similarly, each hjiiV episode conveys particular

teachings, but these teachings are embedded in the narrative framework of
the Buddhas life. The Buddhas teaching or dhamma is inseparable from the
person and life story of the WdY]^hViiV who sought to see through the apparent
contradictions and sufferings of life to a deeper truth and, having succeeded,
taught this truth by word, deed, and the power of example.
When Sri Lankan, Burmese, Thai, Laotian, or Cambodian Buddhists
enter a temple or approach a reliquary (XZi^nV, Thai, X]ZY^), they are in a sense
encountering the Buddha.9 The reliquary enshrines Buddha relics, regarded
as artifacts of his physical being or reminders of his life. Buddha images in
varying postures remind the viewer of the Buddhas struggle with the tempter
Mara, the Buddhas enlightenment and his teaching; murals visualize in a
narrative form long-remembered, embellished episodes from his life. The
most commonly seen murals are depictions of his miraculous birth; the
four sights or scenes in which he encounters old age, suffering, death, and
a wandering truth seeker that prompt him to renounce his princely life; his
enlightenment experience under the Bodhi tree; and his first teaching
delivered to five ascetics.
Bronze images and murals of the life of the Buddha tell a story that is not
merely an inspired tale of the past, but also an ever-present reality. The
Buddha represents the possibility of overcoming the blinding ignorance
caused by sensory attachments and the attainment of the twin ideals of equa-
nimity and compassion, and personifies the way whereby others may discover
this truth for themselves, or by relying on the power of the Awakened One
can at least improve their lot in this life or in future lives.
The Buddhas story, however, is not the sole ideal life model.10 In the
Theravada tradition the lives of heroes and saints, particularly in the form
of _ViV`V tales that tell of the previous lives of the Buddha, embody highly
regarded ethical virtues and spiritual perfections. In these stories the reader
encounters narrative paradigms rather than scholastic discussions of Buddhist
doctrinal ideals. The most celebrated _ViV`V is the story of Prince Vessantara,
the last life of the Buddha prior to his rebirth as Siddhattha Gotama, who
exemplifies the perfection of generosity (YVcV).11
8 part 1

Figure 1.4. Temple mural showing Vessantara, Maddi, and their two children walking to
the forest hermitage. Wat Luang, Pakse, Champassak Province, Lao PDR.

As the story begins, Vessantara, prince of Sivi, offers his kingdoms white
elephant with magical rain-making powers to the neighboring territory of
Kalinga to end their drought. The citizens of Sivi, incensed by this generous
act that could jeopardize their own well-being, banish Vessantara and his
family to the jungle. Before his departure he arranges a YVcV or gift-giving
ceremony, wherein he gives away most of his possessions. Upon leaving the
capital city, a group of Brahmans request his horse-drawn chariot, which he
willingly surrenders, whereupon Vessantara proceeds on foot with his wife
and two children into the forest. As we might expect and as the logic of true
YVcV requires, soon after Vessantara and his family are happily settled in their
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 9

simple jungle hut, the prince is asked to give up his children to serve Jujaka,
an elderly Brahman. When Indra appears in human disguise and Vessantara
accedes to the gods demand that he surrender his wife, Maddi, the princes
trials come to an end. Having successfully met this ultimate test of generosity
the sacrifice of his wife and childrenVessantaras family is restored to him
and he succeeds his father as king of Sivi.12
Whereas the Buddha story embodies the ideal of nibbana, the Vessantara
story illustrates the doctrine of kamma, which in this instance is a reward
for the meritorious act of generosity. Many Western scholars have focused
attention on the differences between nibbanic or noble-path action and
kammic-merit motivated action. But when these two types of action are
placed within these two well-known narrative contexts, the interrelationships
become more readily apparent. Both Siddhattha and Vessantara exemplify
modes of selflessness symbolized respectively by a quest and a journey; renun-
ciation marks the beginning of a critical threshold or testing period preceding
a return or restoration. In the Buddhas case, the threshold state is one of
intensive study and ascetical practice from which he emerges transformed as
the Buddha. Vessantaras residence in the forest represents a testing ground
from which he returns, not only to have his family and possessions restored,
but also he is rewarded with an enhanced degree of royal power.
Even with their similarities, the stories do differ. Prince Siddhattha becomes
the Buddha, the Awakened One, the iVi]V\ViV who has realized the perfec-
tion of the truth (hVXXVY]VbbV). Nonetheless, both stories exemplify the
principles of nonattachment and selflessness as time-honored ideal values.
In Vessantaras case, the ideal value is generosity, and in the Buddhas case, a
total personal transformation designated by the term, not-self (VcViiV), that
is, a state in which the individuals self-perception is no longer as an autono-
mous, self-existent agent, but as part of a dynamic, interrelational process.13
The two stories also point to the tension in the Theravada tradition between
renunciant and householder values. Although the circumstances differ, both
Siddhattha and Vessantara sacrifice the duties and responsibilities of their
social location as husbands, fathers, and `]Vii^nVs (noblemen) for a higher
goal. The dramatic social tension produced by this conflict is the subject of
10 part 1

the text, NVhdYVgVkViV, the lament of Siddhatthas wife in reaction to her

husbands desertion of family, his renunciation of social and political duties,
and her consequent status of what amounted to widowhood.14
Despite the general tenor of androcentrism in the Pali texts, paradigmatic
tales of women, both monastic and lay, also exemplify the perfections of
generosity, selflessness, and equanimity.15 In the Buddhist tradition these
virtues are valued regardless of gender. Visakhas selfless sacrifice of her
wedding dowry to support the monastic order is as unbounded as that of
her male counterpart, Anathapindika.16 Even though an order of nuns was
only grudgingly permitted by the Buddha, and institutionally female monks
were subject to the authority of their male counterparts, the poetry of the
I]Zg\i] (Poems of the Nuns) testifies to the high spiritual attainments of
female members of the sangha. The following poem is attributed to Sakula,
from a Brahman family, who reached arahanthood and was recognized by
the Buddha as the foremost among nuns for achieving the eye of heaven,
the psychic power that enabled her to see all worlds far and near:

When I lived in a house

I heard a monks words
and saw in those words
the unchanging state.

I am the one
who left son and daughter,
money and grain,
cut off my hair,
and set out into homelessness

Under training on the straight way

desire and hatred fell away,
along with the obsessions
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 11

Figure 1.5. Temple mural showing laypersons presenting alms food to nuns. Wat Phra
That Pha Ngao, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand.

of the mind
that combine with them.

After my ordination,
I remembered
I had been born before.
The eye of heaven became clear.

The elements of body and mind

I saw as other,
born from a cause,
subject to decay.
I have given up the obsessions
of the mind.
I am quenched and cool.17
12 part 1

Both men and women have the potential to achieve the perfections of
selflessness and equanimity, ideals associated with the highest level of
spiritual attainment in Buddhism.
The stories of those individuals who have traveled to the highest stages
of the Buddhist path appear in narratives written in vernacular languages
as well as canonical Pali texts and commentaries. Hagiographic legends of
past spiritual exemplars offer moving examples for present belief and practice.
Moreover, modern Buddhist saints, meditation masters, and exemplary
teachersboth monastic and laywhose lives are portrayed in written
narratives, oral legend, and living personal examples continue to inspire the
lives of contemporary practitioners. The well-known Burmese meditation
masters, Mahasi Sayadaw, a monk, and U Ba Khin, a layman, are major figures
in the promotion of k^eVhhVcV(insight) meditation in Myanmar as well as
other Theravada countries and internationally.18
The tradition of forest monks, in particular, has contributed significantly
to the literature of spiritual virtuosos and hagiographic lore in the modern
period as well as the past. In Sri Lanka the Sinhalese monk, Puvakdandave
Paananda, founded a forest hermitage that represented one of the high
points of the revival of Buddhism in that country in the late eighteenth and
early nineteenth centuries.19 In Thailand the life of the forest monk, Achan
Man (Mun) Bhuridatta (18701949), as told by one of his disciples, Achan
Mahabua (Boowa) anasampanno, has taken on a normative significance
for the lives of other forest monks.20 As the paradigm of the ideal forest-
meditation monk, Achan Man has been elevated to the iconic status as the
founder of the modern forest tradition in Thai Buddhism. According to
James L. Taylor, Achan Man has become a hagio-legend of national propor-
tions and, Although marginal to the formal monastic establishment and
to the routinized monastic hierarchy, forest monks . . . are i]Zbnhi^XVaXdgZ
d[dgi]dYdmI]V^gZa^\^dc. In Thailand, the transformative and integrative
process of hagiography turned local legendary recluses into institutionalized
national figures.21 As is true in other religious traditions, Buddhist monks
are venerated not only for their spiritual attainments, but also for the extraor-
dinary powers they are believed to have achieved through ascetical practice
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 13

and meditative states of consciousness. This belief has led to a cult of holy
monks or saints throughout Buddhist Asia, including Theravada countries.
The veneration of material artifacts associated with holy monksrelics,
amulets, and imageshas become an especially prominent feature of popular
belief and practice in Thailand.22
Modern exemplars of dedication, perseverance, and spiritual realization
include both men and women. Achan Naeb, the daughter of a provincial
governor of Suphan Buri Province, Thailand, achieved a national reputation
as a noted teacher of 6W]^Y]VbbVand for a method of meditation based on
the teachings of the Burmese meditation master, Sunlun Sayadaw.23 By the
1970s, approximately twenty major and minor centers in central Thailand
under her inspiring leadership were teaching meditation to both monks and
laity, and her Buddhist Studies Research Center at Wat Sutat, also known as
the Golden Mount Temple in Bangkok, received the honor of royal patron-
age. In Ratchaburi Province, Upasika Kee Nanayon (19011978), who took
the cdbYZeajbZ, Kor Khao-suan-luang, from the name of the forested hill
where she established a womens center for practicing the dhamma, became
one of the foremost women teachers of meditation in Thailand. Known for
her simple way of life and the direct style of her teaching, many of her talks
were transcribed and printed for free distribution, including the following
translated excerpt from the collection, Add`^c\>clVgY/DWhZgkVi^dchdc

The Buddha taught that we are to know with our own hearts and minds. Even
though there are many, many words and phrases coined to explain the Dhamma,
we need focus only on the things we can know and see, extinguish and let go
right at each moment of the immediate presentbetter than taking on a lot
of other things. Once we can read and comprehend our inner awareness, well
be struck deep within us that the Buddha awakened to the truth right here in
the heart. His truth is truly the language of the heart.
When they translate the Dhamma in all sorts of ways, it becomes something
ordinary. But if you keep close and careful watch right at the heart and mind,
youll be able to see clearly, to let go, to put down your burdens. If you dont
14 part 1

Figure 1.6. Phra Malai teaching men and women about the punishments of hell and the
rewards of heaven. Wat Phra That Hariphunchai, Lamphun, Thailand.

know right here, your knowledge will send out all sorts of branches, turning
into thought-formations with all sorts of meanings in line with conventional
labelsall of them short of the mark.
If you know right at your inner awareness and make it your constant stance,
theres nothing at all: no need to take hold of anything, no need to label
anything, no need to give anything names. Right where craving arises right
there it disbands: Thats where youll know what c^WWVcV is like . . . Nibbana
is simply this disbanding of craving. Thats what the Buddha stressed over
and over again.24

Stories, both traditional and modern, also illustrate different facets of

morally objectionable, as well as spiritually praiseworthy behavior with
their respective punishments or rewards. By way of contrast, they offer
a counterpoint to ideal exemplars. A prime negative example is the evil
Devadatta. Motivated by selfish jealousy, Devadatta, the Buddhas cousin,
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 15

Figure 1.7. Monk seated on a preaching chair. Chiang Mai, Thailand.

attempts to create a schism in the monastic order and even tries to kill the
Buddha. For such maleficent deeds he is reborn in hell.25 Other tales illustrate
the punishments for violating the five moral precepts or training rules fun-
damental to the normative ethical system of popular Theravada Buddhism
in Southeast Asia. The five moral precepts are prohibitions against: taking
life, stealing, lying, committing adultery, and drinking intoxicants. One
such tale tells of the pious monk, Phra Malai, who is given the opportu-
nity to visit the Buddhist hells, populated by those who have broken the
precepts, as well as the heavens, enjoyed by those who have faithfully kept
them.26 After these visits, Phra Malai instructs humankind about future
rewards and punishments for present actions. One can view the graphic
details of Phra Malai episodes from this popular story on temple walls, not
for a model of ideal behavior, as in the case of the Buddha and Vessantara,
but as a vivid illustration of the consequences for failure to follow the
Buddhist moral code.
16 part 1

Theravada Buddhism teaches the ideals of selflessness, wisdom, and com-

passion that are identified with the life of the Buddha, saintly monks, and
observant laity. It also establishes normative moral principles and rules neces-
sary for social harmony. These rules are reinforced by the story of Phra Malai,
tales from the 9]VbbVeVYV commentary (9]VbbVeVYV6]V`Vi]), and
canonical hjiiVs such as the H^\aV`V. In this hjiiV, the Buddha teaches a Brah-
man youth, Sigalaka, about the duties and responsibilities that should obtain
between parent and child, husband and wife, teacher and student, friends,
servants and masters, mendicants and lay supporters (see appendix 1). How-
ever, Southeast Asian Buddhism encompasses more than just the individual
and social ideals represented by the Buddha, Sakula, Vessantara, Visakha,
Phra Malai, and Sigalaka; it constructs an ethic of human flourishing within
a complex cosmology of divine, human, and subhuman beings.27
Popular Buddhist moral tales assume an inherent interrelationship among
these various cosmological levels and states of existence. As the following
brief narrative from the 8Vg^ne^V`V (Basket of Conduct) illustrates, the
dramatis personae of these moral fables are often animals like monkeys,
deer, buffalo, fish, nV``]Vs (demons), and cV\Vs (serpents) as well as human
beings. The following story illustrates the perfection of moral virtue (h^aV).
In the tale, a buffalo upholds the precept against taking the life of a sentient
being by controlling its anger, which is occasioned by social humiliation
and ritual pollution.

When I was a buffalo roaming in a forest . . . strong, large, terrifying to

behold . . . Wandering about in the huge forest I saw a favourable place. Going
to that place I stood and I lay down. Then an evil, foul, nimble monkey came
there and urinated and defecated over my shoulder, forehead and eyebrows.
And on one day, even on a second, a third and a fourth too, he polluted me.
All the time I was distressed by him. A yakkha, seeing my distress, said this
to me, Kill that vile evil one with horns and hoofs. This spoken, I then said
to the yakkha, How is it that you (would) besmear me with a carcass, evil
and foul? If I were to be angry with him, from that I would become more
degraded than him; and morality [h^aV] might be violated by me and wise
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 17

men might censure me. Better indeed is death through (leading a life of )
purity than a life subject to disdain. How will I, even for the sake of life, do
an injury to another?28

The moral of this folkloric tale is conveyed, in part, through the medium
of humor. In modern Western society there is a tendency to see religion as
a sober and serious enterprise devoid of humor, but that is not the case for
traditional, oral-based religious instruction in Buddhist Southeast Asia.
Lay storytellers and even monk-preachers often used humoroccasionally
ribaldto keep the attention of their audience.

Ritual Occasions, Merit, and the

Appropriation of Power
Buddhist rituals can be classified in various ways. Melford Spiro characterizes
Theravada ritual action in Myanmar in terms of a fourfold typology: com-
memorative, expressive, instrumental, and expiatory.29 Commemorative
ritual is performed in remembrance of historical, legendary, or mythological
events; expressive ritual serves to manifest emotions and sentiments felt
toward objects of reverence, such as the Buddha, his teaching, and the
monastic order; instrumental ritual aims to achieve some goal in this life or in
future lives; expiatory ritual is performed to atone for misdeeds.30 Like most
religious phenomena, rituals can be interpreted on several levels. Spiros useful
analysis should not be regarded as definitive nor should these categories be
construed as mutually exclusive. Furthermore, although rituals vary in nature,
function, and intent, Theravada rituals in Southeast Asia often appear calcu-
lated to address a wide spectrum of beneficent and malevolent powers.
Broadly speaking, these powers can be defined as either Buddhist or non-
Buddhist. The Buddhist symbols operative in various ritual contexts are most
often associated with the Buddha himself, images of the Buddha, his relics
enshrined in reliquary mounds or XZi^nV, and Buddha amulets. Symbols asso-
ciated with individual Buddhist monks or nuns reputed to be particularly
18 part 1

holy are an important extension of these objects. The charismatic power

ascribed to individual monks derive, in part, from the power represented
by the Buddha because monks follow his dhamma; even more so, monks
charisma stems from their reputed ability to foresee the future, to heal psychic
and physical maladies, and exhibit other extraordinary powers associated
with trance states (_]VcV). As a consequence, images, relics, and amulets of
famous monks are venerated in and of themselves.31
On the level of popular cult, the nonphysical, nibbanic values and ideals
represented by the Buddha, his teachings, and the Buddhist sangha assume
specific physical or material characteristics. Even the Buddhas teaching has
a physical representation in the material form of inscribed palm leaf texts.
Because of their association with the Buddhas teaching, palm leaf manu-
scripts become objects of power in their own right. The term, sacred text,
in this sense refers not only to its content but also to the text as a material
object of sacred power.
Scholars have classified symbols to which special powers are ascribed within
ritual contextswhich may or may not be overtly Buddhistas animistic
or Brahmanistic.32 They include Brahmanical deities such as Indra (Sakka
in the Pali canon) and Vishnu who may be invoked to guard a specific site
or be present upon the occasion of a Buddhist ceremony; a pantheon of
Hindu gods in Sri Lanka that include Vishnu and Kataragama; 33 and other
indigenous deities and spirits that include the cVis in Burma34 and the X]Vd
and e]^ in Thailand and Laos.35
A syncretic flavor imbues most popular festivals, ceremonies, and rituals
in Theravada Southeast Asia. In some, such as the Visakha Puja festival
celebrating the Buddhas birth, enlightenment, and death, the Buddhist
element dominates. But Buddhist monks are invited to chant protective
hjiiVs (eVg^iiV) at a variety of rituals, ranging from house dedications to
weddings, whose underlying significance seems remote from the Buddhist
ideals of self-transforming knowledge.36 If religious ritual is interpreted as
a system for gaining access to a broad range of powers constituted within a
cosmology of human, superhuman, and subhuman realms, then the ritual
context itself determines its precise meaning rather than a predetermined
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 19

Figure 1.8. Monks on their morning alms rounds (pindapata).

definition of what is considered as Buddhist or non-Buddhist (e.g., animistic

or Brahmanical).
In gaining access to power, Buddhist ritual in Southeast Asia functions
in two primary ways: reciprocal exchange and appropriation. Reciprocal
exchange emerges from the donor-recipient relationship found in merit-
making rituals. The layperson-donor offers material gifts for the benefit of
the monastic order. In return, the virtuous power of the sangha engenders
a spiritual reward of merit (ejV), thereby enhancing the donors balance
of kamma/karma, which in turn, affects the status of the persons rebirth on
the cosmic scale. All ritual situations, in which presentations are made to
the monastic order, function in this way. These include acts as frequent and
informal as giving food to monks on their morning alms rounds (e^cYVeViV),
to the annual and formal presentation of new robes and other gifts to the
sangha at the end of the monsoon rains retreat after the October full-moon
day. Even though the form of merit-making rituals in Theravada Buddhism
in Southeast Asia varies greatly, the structure of reciprocal exchange remains
a constant.37
20 part 1

Figure 1.9. Buddhist hells. Punishment for breaking the precepts. Phra Malai murals.
Wat Hariphunchai, Lamphun, Thailand.
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 21

Merit making links the cosmology of Theravada Buddhism in graphic

and practical terms to the daily lives of the people. Recall, for example, the
story of the pious monk, Phra Malai, who teaches human beings the heavenly
rewards for good deeds and the grim consequences of punishment in hell
for evil ones. Late canonical texts, such as the K^bcVkVii]j (Stories of the
Heavenly Mansions) and theEZiVkVii]j (Stories of the Departed Ghosts),
commentaries (Vii]V`Vi]V), and many tales in the vernacular literature of
Southeast Asia reinforce the future negative and positive results of behavior
in this life. The following passage from the EZiVkVii]j provides a sample of
the graphic horrors of this realm of punishment. The eZiVs are departed
spirits who occupy one of the levels of Buddhist hell (c^gVnV). Contemplating
their condition, often depicted in illustrated manuscripts or temple murals,
the eZiVs presumptively encourage a person to behave in a moral way or
suffer the punishment of hell:

You have a beautiful, heavenly complexion . . . [said the venerable monk,

Narada] . . . Yet worms are devouring your mouth which has a putrid odour;
what act did you commit of yore?
The [male] Peta replied: A monk I was, wicked and of ill speech; though
fitted for austerity, I was unrestrained with my mouth; I obtained my com-
plexion with austerity and a putrid mouth on account of my slander.38
[The venerable monk, Sariputta, spoke to a female Peti who appeared to
him at night] Naked and of hideous appearance are you, emaciated and with
prominent veins. You thin one, with your ribs standing out, now who are you,
you who are here?
The Peti [replies]: I, venerable sir, am a peti, a wretched denizen of Yamas
world; since I had done a wicked deed, I went from here to the world of the
Sariputta [asks]: . . . Because of what act have you gone hence to the world
of the petas?
Reverend sir [she replies], I did not have compassionate relatives, father
and mother, or even other kinsmen who would urge me, saying, Give, with
devotion in your heart, a gift to recluses and brahmans.
22 part 1

From that time for five hundred years in this form I have been wandering,
naked, consumed by hunger and thirst; this is the fruit of my wicked deed.39

Close observation of other Southeast Asian religious rituals reveals slightly

different mechanisms for appropriating the power of the religious object:
a pilgrimage to a famous XZi^nV containing a Buddha relic; paying respects
to a Buddha image with holy water lustrations during the April lunar New
Year celebration; receiving and wearing an amulet containing the charred
hair of a holy monk; calling or invoking spirits at times of crisis or life
transitions; making offerings to the deities of the four directions, the zenith,
and nadirall of these ritual acts aim at appropriating power, whether
represented by the Buddha or other kinds of divine or demonic beings. Of
course, elements of exchange can be found in these rituals as well. A gift is
given, an offering is made, a sum of money is donated in the expectation of
some kind of return, varying from an immediate and practical benefit to a
general sense of well-being or even spiritual attainment.40 The structure of
these rituals, however, mirrors less clearly the reciprocal nature basic to all
merit-making exchanges.
In the remainder of this analysis of Buddhist ritual in Southeast Asia, I
shall examine three different ceremonies that exemplify and justify this inter-
pretation of ritual reciprocal exchange and appropriation of power. The first
of these ceremonies is the presentation of new robes at the end of the mon-
soon rains retreat; the second is the consecration of a new Buddha image;
and the third is the annual preaching of the KZhhVciVgV?iV`V.

Presentation of Robes at the End of the Rains Retreat

The presentation of new robes and other gifts at the end of the monastic rains
retreat takes its name, `Vi]^cV, from the uniquely fashioned robes offered on
that occasion.41 This ceremony takes place during the month immediately
following the full moon sabbath (jedhVi]V) day in October. According to the
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 23

BV]kV\\V of the Theravada Book of Discipline (K^cVnVE^V`V), during a

three-month period from mid-July to mid-October monks were required to
adopt a settled residence and were not permitted to leave this encampment
except under special conditions. Under these restrictions the mendicant
nature of the Buddhist monkhood began to change. In particular, customs
and practices of a collective life gradually emerged that included the recita-
tion of a set of disciplinary rules (eVi^bd``]V) and the distribution of robes
(`Vi]^cV).42 These ceremonies continue to this day, evolving from culture to
culture as the Theravada form of Buddhism from the Sinhalese Mahavihara
monastic lineage became dominant not only in Sri Lanka but won the favor
of ruling monarchs in Burma, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia beginning in
the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Today in Buddhist Southeast Asia the
`Vi]^cV ceremony provides one of the most popular occasions for merit mak-
ing. In village society this event usually involves the entire community, and
in towns the monastery parish participates as a communal group.
The `Vi]^cV ceremony may last from one to three days. Nearly every family
in the community or parish will be involved in the preparation of food and
other material gifts offered to the monks at a particular monastery, however,
the principal donor may come from another village, town, or region. This
custom originates from the traditional view that greater merit accrues when
the identity of the donor is unknown to the local sangha. In Thailand today
this practice may also result from the fact that upcountry monasteries are
considered to be closer to the monastic ideal than urban ones. For this
reason, affluent patrons from cities often sponsor `Vi]^cVs in rural areas.
Most of the `Vi]^cV ceremonies I witnessed followed this pattern. In one
of the most memorable of these occasions, the fabric for a set of robes was
completely spun, woven, and sewn at the monastery within a twenty-four
hour period and presented to the abbot of a rural northern Thai monastery
noted for his austerity and skill in meditation. Dozens of women were paid
to card, spin, weave, and sew in temporary quarters especially built for the
occasion. In this particular instance, the sponsor was a wealthy business-
woman from Chiang Mai, the largest city in northern Thailand.
24 part 1

Figure 1.10. Rains retreat (kathina) procession. Keng Tung, Shan State, Myanmar.

The actual presentation of robes, money, and other offerings for the live-
lihood of the monks is the highlight of the `Vi]^cV. It frequently involves
a procession that varies in size and constituency according to the nature of
the community. Included might be musical groups with traditional instru-
mentsdrums, cymbals, and hornsor school bands playing Western
musical instruments. Traditional dancers may be part of the processional
entertainment and the marchers often wear traditional northern dress. In
addition to the `Vi]^cV robes, symbolically the most important gift presented
to the monastic order at this time, is a wishing tree with paper currency
and other small gifts attached. The wishing tree, which occupies a place of
honor in the procession, is often in the pyramidal shape of a palace; it repre-
sents the hope of the villagers that the merit they accrue in this celebration
will enable them to live in a palatial heavenly abode in some future lifetime.43
Practically speaking, the money and gifts form the primary source of material
support for the monastery.
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 25

The procession wends its way through the streets of the village until it comes
to the monastery compound. The participants file into the main assembly
hall (k^]VgV) bearing gifts of robes, the wishing tree, and other palanquins
filled with offerings of soap, towels, writing materials, canned food, and other
practical items for the monks use. The ceremony begins, as do most meetings
of monks and laypeople, with the congregation taking refuge in the Three
Gemsthe Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha. Following the monks
lead, they repeat in Pali the five basic precepts of Buddhist lay life: not to
kill, steal, lie, engage in illicit sexual acts, or ingest intoxicants.
Next, the lay leader of the congregation conducts the ritual of the pre-
sentation of gifts to the entire monastic community, which are received by
the abbot on their behalf. The chief donor is accorded the privilege of offering
the first set of robes to the gathered monks after he/she first symbolically
offers them to a large Buddha image that dominates the assembly hall. The
ceremony concludes after the monks and novices receive their new robes
and intone the following blessing:

May all blessings be yours; may all the gods (YZkV) protect you.
By the power of all the Buddhas, may all happiness be yours forever.
May all blessings be yours; may all the gods protect you.
By the power of all the Dhammas, may all happiness be yours forever.
May all blessings be yours; may all the gods protect you.
By the power of all the Sanghas, may all happiness be yours forever.44

A reciprocal transaction has just taken place. In return for the offerings
presented to the monastic order, the laypeople receive a spiritual blessing. In
the calculus of merit making, the participants hope for a reward in a future
life brought about by the power of this good deed.
Why is this particular ritual of exchange so important? All merit-making
rituals are rooted in the symbolic role of the monastic order as mediator of
the power represented by the Buddha, a power not only of supreme enlight-
enment but also supernatural attainments. By the end of the rains retreat the
sangha has achieved a special potency due to the fact that in the previous
26 part 1

Figure 1.11. Monks chanting. Wat Chetuphon, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

three months the monks have followed a more rigorous regime than usual
that includes restricted travel, intensive study, and meditation. The `Vi]^cV
ceremony serves as the means by which the laity gains access to this enhanced
potency and power. For this reason the ceremony is especially meritorious
and, furthermore, may explain why possession of the `Vi]^cV robes confers
on Burmese monks the privilege of leaving the monastery without securing
the abbots permission.45 The `Vi]^cV robe, therefore, represents not only a
particular period of tenure and training in the monastic order, but also the
spiritual power inherent in wearing the robe.

Consecration of a Buddha Image

A second ceremony that provides insight into the significance of the transac-
tional nature of Theravada Buddhist ritual in Southeast Asia is the consecration
of a Buddha image.46 Nearly all Theravada rituals that take place at the
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 27

monastery occur in an assembly hall containing a Buddha image. The image

resides on an elevated dais or altar, rising higher in elevation than either the
monks who sit on a raised platform or the laity who sit on the floor. In
Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia during most consecration ceremonies, Pali
texts and ritual chants composed in Pali or vernacular languages of the area
will be chanted by the monks, who at the same time, hold a sacred thread (hV^
h^XVcV) attached to the Buddha image. This thread functions as a conduit
of the power residing in the image that is magically released by the chant.
In addition to being the visual focus of attention for any congregation per-
forming a ritual act in the hall, offerings of incense, candles, and flowers are
presented before the image. When asked about the meaning of the offerings
placed before a Buddha image, most devotees reply that these gifts are given
out of respect to the memory of the Buddha of which the image is a reminder,
that is, the offerings are not given to the image itself. Such an interpretation
coincides with the orthodox Theravada view that discourages superhuman
or magical interpretations of the Buddhas power. The ceremony in which a
Buddha image is consecrated, however, appears to the observer to contradict
such an interpretation.
In Theravada Buddhist cultures a Buddha image installed in an assembly
hall must be formally consecrated. Until that act takes place, the statue is
considered decorative or symbolic because it lacks a sacred or iconic status.
The consecration ceremony brings the image to life or empowers it, thereby
transforming it from a mere figurative symbol of the founder to a cult icon
of spiritual and religious potency. After consecration, an image is worthy of
veneration, an object to which offerings are made not simply out of respect
for the memory of a religious founder, but with the expectation that an
efficacious consequence will follow. Although one might theorize on psy-
chological grounds that making an offering to a representation of a divine
being or a saint entails the hope of some sort of material reward or personal
benefit, firsthand knowledge of an image consecration ritual provides us
with specific cultural information regarding the nature of this expectation
and its fulfillment.47
28 part 1

An image consecration ritual involves two primary elements: instructing

the image and charging it with power. In Thailand and Laos, the ceremony
proper, which may be part of a larger celebration, generally lasts one full night,
beginning at dusk and ending at dawn of the following day with the opening
of the eyes of the Buddha image. Because the details of image consecrations
differ rather significantly among Theravada cultures, the following descrip-
tion relies primarily on a ceremony I witnessed in northern Thailand.
The image consecration ritual, held at a rural monastery near the town of
Lamphun, was the occasion of several days of festivities that served the dual
purpose of community celebration and fund raising to finance a new monas-
tery building. The ceremony took place in the assembly hall where the image
was to be installed. At dusk the monks and novices from the monastery and
distinguished monks and ecclesiastical leaders invited from the district and
province began chanting before a congregation of laymen and women that
filled the hall. After taking refuge in the Three Gems (Buddha, Dhamma,
Sangha) and taking the precepts (eVXVh^aV), the evening chanting began
with selections from the eVg^iiV or protection hjiiVs. These protection hjiiVs
were consolidated as the core body of ritual texts by the Sinhalese Mahavihara
monastic tradition of Theravada Buddhism and have been widely used as
the basis of most chanting ceremonies in Southeast Asian Buddhism since
the fourteenth century.
Piyadassi Thera, a noted Sinhalese monk, suggests that the twenty-four
standard eVg^iiV discourses from the five collections of Pali hjiiV texts con-
stitute a dhamma handbook for newly ordained novice monks.48 A practical
argument for their prominence as ritual texts, therefore, is that in the tradi-
tion of Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, this group of
texts was the most widely memorized. Beyond this practical use, however,
Piyadassi offers four doctrinal explanations for the efficacy of eVg^iiV texts
based on the principle that, paritta recital produces mental well-being in
those who listen to them with intelligence, and have confidence in the truth
of the Buddhas words.49 He asserts that the texts establish the hearer in the
power of the Buddhas dhamma; that because many of the discourses describe
the virtuous life, they establish the hearer in a virtuous state of mind; that
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 29

Figure 1.12. Buddha image consecration ritual. Wat San Pa Yang Luang, Lamphun,

the monks who chant eVg^iiV reflect the compassion of the Buddha for all
sentient beings, thereby establishing the hearers in the power of love; and,
finally, that the power of the sound of the chant helps to create both mental
and physical harmony.50
Piyadassis modern, rational explanation of the meaning of eVg^iiV recital
contrasts with the widely held belief among laypeople that the efficacy of
eVg^iiV chant will bring about particular ends, such as curing physical illness.
Even in the Pali texts, the Buddha is said to have approved chanting the
@VgVnVbZiiHjiiV to ward off evil spirits, and chanting the 6\ja^baV
EVg^iiV, which was specifically sanctioned to ease a difficult childbirth.
With the exception of the two hours between three and five A.M. while
those in attendance rested or slept, the ceremony at the village monastery is
devoted to a sequence of chanting, sermons recounting the life of the Buddha,
and periods of meditation. During the night an air of relaxed informality
prevails in an otherwise serious affair as both monks and laity wander in
30 part 1

and out of the hall. In addition to the eVg^iiV, canonical and non-canonical
texts are recited and preached that recount the life of the Prince Siddhattha,
his attainments during the three watches of the night of the future Buddhas
awakening, and his miraculous attributes and powers. The chanting concludes
at dawn with the recitation of the Buddhas first teaching (9]VbbVXV``Ve"
eVkViiVcVHjiiV) while a senior monk removes a cone-shaped white cloth
covering the head of the image and beeswax from the images eyes.
Throughout the night of the ritual, the image being consecrated resides
on a raised platform, its head shrouded in white cloth and eyes covered with
beeswax. The act of covering the head symbolizes the future Buddhas with-
drawal from the householder life in order to pursue a regimen leading to
nibbana. During the consecration ritual a similar transformation takes place
that results in the creation of a cult icon representing the Buddha. To become
the Buddha, the image is instructed in the iVi]V\ViVh personal history, imbued
with his supernatural attainments, and taught the dhamma. The chanting of
the monks and the sermons preached both instruct and empower the image
as the life history of the Buddha is being recited.
Prior to the ceremony various gifts for the image were placed before it,
including the five royal insignia (fan, crown, bowl, staff, and sandals), the
eight requisites of a monk symbolized by a begging bowl and monastic robes,
a small replica of the Bodhi tree, and a cushion of `jh]V grass. These ele-
ments serve as material illustrations of the narrative being recited: the tale of
the royal prince who renounces the householders life, gains special powers
through his training and ascetic practices, and finally attains enlightenment
seated on a cushion of `jh]V grass beneath the Bodhi tree.
Two aspects of the ceremony deserve special mention. While the 7jYY]V
6W]^hZ`V(Buddha image consecration) text is being chanted, a group of nine
monks sit in a semicircle around the image meditating in rapt concentra-
tion. Before them are placed monks alms bowls from which sacred cords
extend to the Buddha image. It is believed that while the monks meditate,
they project their own charismatic powers into the image via the sacred cord,
which further enhances the images potency.
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 31

A second noteworthy element is a ritual reenactment of an event in the

legend of the Buddhas spiritual quest that occurs just before his awakening
(nibbana). In the early morning hours, a honey-sweetened milk-rice mixture
is prepared by a group of female renunciants (Thai, bVZX]^) within a spe-
cially consecrated area in the compound adjacent to the assembly hall. After
the mixture is divided and placed into forty-nine small bowls, monks, nuns,
and laypeople offer them to the image in reenactment of a food offering to
the future Buddha prior to his nibbana. On the eve of Prince Siddhatthas
awakening, Sujata, a highborn young married woman, presents him with a
special mixture of honey-sweetened milk-rice in a golden bowl. After the
future Buddha divides the rice into forty-nine small balls, he consumes it.
Now that was the only food he had for forty-nine days, during the seven
times seven days he spent, after he became a Buddha, at the foot of the Tree
of Enlightenment.51
In Myanmar, Sujatas offering is commemorated in a sumptuous merit-
making feast held annually on the first full-moon day after the end of the
rains retreat. Shway Yoe (Sir James George Scott) gives an account of the fete
as celebrated in the late nineteenth century: Mountains of cooked rice send
out spurs of beef and pork, with flat lands of dried fish and outlying peaks
of roasted ducks and fowls . . . Chinese patties of sugar and fat pork, plates
full of fried silkworms . . . salt-pickled ginger and fried garlic, and a variety
of other dishes beyond the ken of occidental cookery, abound. . .52
As the first rays of dawn appear on the eastern horizon, a monk removes the
white cloth hood and beeswax covering the head and eyes of the image. This
act symbolizes the Buddhas enlightenment and also indicates the completion
of the training and empowerment of the image. Three small mirrors, which
previously had faced the image during the ritual, are then turned to face out-
ward. The mirrors represent the three superordinate knowledges achieved
by the Buddha: knowledge of his former lives; knowledge of the passing
away and rebirth of all beings; knowledge of the destruction of the cause
of suffering (i.e., the moral intoxicants or VhVkV).53 Meanwhile, the monks
intone three chants: the Buddhas victory over suffering; his comprehension
of the interdependent, co-arising nature of reality (eVi^XXV"hVbjeeVYV); and
32 part 1

his first teaching, the 9]VbbVXV``VeeVkViiVcVHjiiV. This final sequence

of chants begins with the 7jYY]V6W]^hZ`VBV\VaVJYcV@Vi](Auspi-
cious Verses of the Buddha Image Consecration):

Through many a birth I wandered inhVbhVgV,

Seeing, but not finding, the builder of the house.
Sorrowful is birth again and again.
O house-builder! Thou art seen.
Thou shalt build no house again. All thy rafters are broken,
thy ridge-pole is shattered.
My mind has attained the unconditioned,
achieved is the end of craving.54

The image consecration ceremony dramatizes one of the fundamental

polarities in Theravada Buddhism, and also provides insight into the meaning
of the syncretic reciprocity that characterizes Theravada merit-making rituals.
This polarity is between virtuous wisdom and power. The Buddha embodies
wisdom and virtuous perfections, but he is also endowed with supernatural
powers such as the divine eye and divine ear. This polarity manifests itself in
a variety of ways throughout the Buddhist tradition. For example, the Thera-
vada chronicles of Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia record
numerous miraculous feats of the Buddha, among them his supernatural
ability to travel to these countries, an achievement that prepares the way for
the suzerainty of subsequent Buddhist monarchs. Yet, in seeming contrast to
stories of his miraculous feats, in other texts the Buddha cautions his followers
against displays of supernatural power even as he triumphs over yogic miracle
workers with his dhamma or teaching. In Theravada countries these paradoxi-
cal qualities applied to the Buddha are embodied in the couplet, the Buddhas
power and virtue. The consecration of a Buddha image provides a particularly
rich context for understanding the nature of the interrelationship between
these two qualities, especially within the context of Buddhist ritual.
How are we to understand the intentionality behind the offerings of
incense, flowers, and candles made to a Buddha image on ritual occasions?
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 33

Although we do an injustice to the tradition to ignore the claim that such

offerings honor the memory of the teacher-founder, yet we cannot overlook
the belief that the devotee expects to receive some sort of boon or benefit
from the image because the image has special powers to grant the wishes of
the devotee. A similar dynamic lies behind all merit-making rituals. By making
an offering, especially a generous one, the donor hopes to elicit a reciprocal
response from the power infused into the Buddha image. Knowledge of the
consecration ritual gives us insight into the contextual meaning of a Buddha
image and, hence, enriches our understanding that virtually all Theravada
Buddhist rituals conducted in front of the image, such as the `Vi]^cV ceremony,
are mechanisms of reciprocity and appropriation of power.
We now have a much better comprehension of the richly textured, mul-
tivalent nature of Theravada Buddhist ritual. The `Vi]^cV ceremony can be
understood in a literal sense as an annual renewal and replenishment of monks
robes and other material requisites for the monastic order. But a single inter-
pretation ignores other levels of meaning that include the sanghas mediating
role between the Buddha and the laity, the special sanctity ascribed to the
monastic order following the rains retreat period, and as we have seen in our
analysis of the Buddha image consecration ceremony, the place of Buddha
images in the reciprocal transfer and appropriation of power constitutive
of merit-making rituals.
Thus far, the discussion has not focused on the syncretic nature of Theravada
Buddhist ritual in Southeast Asia, per se. Some rituals, like the presentation
of `Vi]^cV robes seem relatively free of specific non-Buddhist elements while
others, such as the image consecration ceremony, traditionally include offer-
ings to the guardians of the four quarters, the zenith, and the nadir. A. K.
Coomaraswamy argues, moreover, that the ritual associated with opening
the eyes of a Buddha image in Sri Lanka is fundamentally Hindu in charac-
ter.55 Other rites performed at such auspicious occasions as a career change,
a fifth cycle (sixty years) birthday celebration, or a wedding (see the Rites of
Passage section in part 1) appear to reflect an animistic mentality despite
the presence of Buddhist monks and the role they play in the ceremony.56
These rituals are designed to appeal to and appease protective spirits or deities
34 part 1

that reflect more of an animistic or Brahmanical religious subculture than

normative Theravada teachings. The presence of Buddhist monks at these
passage rites, often to chant eVg^iiV texts, adds to but does not supplant the
varied cultural meanings of the event.

Preaching theKZhhVciVgV?iV`V(9ZhVcBV]_i^)

Throughout Theravada Southeast Asian cultures the story of Prince Vessantara

is rivaled in popularity only by Prince Siddhatthas journey to Buddhahood.
The KZhhVciVgV?iV`V has been translated into the major Southeast Asian
vernacular languages with minor changes in the text, and virtually all
monastery libraries contain one or more copies in their palm leaf manu-
script collection.
How can we account for the enduring popularity of this legend? Explana-
tions might include the following: Vessantara culminates the collection of
547 canonical _ViV`V stories, the penultimate appearance of the WdY]^hViiV
as Prince Siddhattha; the generous prince embodies the virtue of YVcV that
completes the list of ten WdY]^hViiV virtues represented in the last ten _ViV`V
stories; Vessantara embodies a positive moral virtue central to the Theravada
ethical tradition; and he becomes the paradigm of the meritorious consequence
of giving, especially when generosity is directed toward the bhikkhu sangha.
These explanations omit the possibility that the storys popularity developed,
at least in part, because in many Theravada cultures Vessantaras life came to
be honored in an elaborate, ritualized preaching of the _ViV`V tale. Indeed,
in northeastern Thailand, the ceremonial preaching of the story of Prince
Vessantara has traditionally been the grandest merit-making ceremony in the
village.57 The ceremony that commemorates Prince Vessantara, not unlike
the Buddha image consecration ritual, synthesizes the highest moral-spiritual
ideals of Theravada Buddhism with the practical theory of merit making and
a consequentialist view of the efficacy of ritual action.58 Because the general
outline of the legend of Prince Vessantaras journey from the capital city
of Sivi to a forest hermitage and his subsequent return and reward for his
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 35

Figure 1.13. Lay devotees listening to the preaching of the Vessantara Jtaka. Wat Luang,
Pakse, Champassak Province, Lao PDR.

selfless generosity was given earlier, let us now look briefly at the ceremony
itself. Although favorite chapters or sections of the KZhhVciVgV?iV`V may
be preached for special occasions any time during the year, the preaching
of the entire thirteen chapters of the Thai version of the story, the 9ZhVc
BV]_i^, traditionally occurs after the end of the monastic rains retreat, when
there is the annual lull in the traditional village agricultural cycle between
rice planting and harvest.
In northern Thailand the celebration customarily lasts for two or three
days during the twelfth lunar month (early November).59 The first day focuses
on merit making on behalf of deceased teachers, parents, and other relatives.
The story of Phra Malais visit to the hells and heavens and his subsequent
moral admonitions to lay devotees is traditionally preached on this day. The
throngs of people crowding the monasteries to hear the sermons mill about
the monastery compound, circumambulating the assembly hall and XZi^nV.
They may carry small boats made of banana stalks containing incense,
36 part 1

flowers, small candles, grains of sticky rice, and a coin or two. After spending
some time at the monastery they make their way to a nearby river or pond.
There, lighting the incense and candles, young and old, men and women, set
their small boats afloat as an offering to the spirits of deceased relatives and
friends (see the section, Festival of the Floating Boats).
The second day of the celebration focuses on preaching the story of Prince
Vessantara. At the entrance to the monastery lay devotees construct a forest
gateway from banana tree stalks. They may also demarcate a path to the
assembly hall with a royal fence (Thai, gV_VlVi), which is named for the
mountain where Prince Vessantaras hermitage was located. The pathway
may be constructed in the form of a maze or labyrinth, suggesting that
Vessantaras selfless generosity confounds conventional expectations and
that concentration and effort are required to attain such moral perfection.
The pillars of the assembly hall are decorated with stalks of banana trees
and sugar cane to recreate a forest-like atmosphere. Thirteen scenes from
the _ViV`V tale identifying each chapter are painted on the walls or hung as
cloth banners created especially for this occasion.
Beginning with the recitation of a one thousand-verse summary of the tale
in Pali, monks expressly trained to chant one of the thirteen chapters of the
Thai version of the _ViV`V continue the ritual preaching of the story. Each
chapter may end with a musical interlude or the preacher may punctuate
his recitation with a distinctive ornamented vocalization at the beginning,
middle, and end followed by a summary of that part of the text and words
of homage to his teachers and the Triple Gem. This section varies according
to each monks preaching ability and is the part where he can display his
own creative vocal style. If the listeners are impressed, they may pass around
a silver bowl to collect an additional offering for the monk.60 The audience
may request encores, particularly when a skilled, charismatic preacher recites
the fifth chapter with its ribald description of the aged Brahman, Jujaka,
being cajoled by his young, shrewish wife to secure Vessantaras children to
be her servants.
Each chapter of the _ViV`V has one or more lay sponsors. They invite
one of their favorite monks to preach and are responsible for preparing
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 37

an appropriate donatory honorarium at the end of his chapter. These will

be carried on decorated offering trays in procession through the forest gate
and down the labyrinthine pathway to the assembly hall, usually to the
accompaniment of drum, horn, and cymbal. The lay sponsors place their
gifts before the monk while he chants a blessing. This sequence repeats
itself until all thirteen chapters have been completed, a process beginning
early in the morning and ending late at night. Because the story of Prince
Vessantara prefigures the birth of Siddhattha Gotama, the Buddha, the third
day of the Desana Mahajati ceremony may include the preaching of a Thai
version of the legendary life of the Buddha, the EV]VbVhVbWdY]^, and
the 9]VbbVXV``VeVkViiVcVHjiiV. The latter contains the most familiar
doctrinal formulae of the Theravada tradition, the Four Noble Truths and
the Noble Eightfold Path.
The ritual preaching of the KZhhVciVgV?iV`V in northern Thailand is not
just a retelling of a popular story; it links the living and the dead, laity and
monk, merit making and nibbanic ideals. Although doctrinally the rituals of
Theravada Buddhism are appropriately interpreted in terms of the metaphys-
ics of action (kamma), rebirth (hVbhVgV), and merit (ejV), they also can
be interpreted as ways to access power by means of reciprocal exchange and
appropriation. Furthermore, in the case of the ritual consecration of Buddha
images, ceremonies marking the end of the monastic rains retreat, and in the
celebration of Prince Vessantara, we encounter a curious paradox: within these
three ritual contexts, thehjggZcYZg of worldly power by Siddhattha Gotama,
by Buddhist ordinands, and by Prince Vessantara becomes the basis for the
Veegdeg^Vi^dc of power by the lay ritual participants. The operational agency
of Theravada rituals in Southeast Asia are best understood from these
varying and sometimes seemingly contradictory perspectives.

The traditional festival cycle of Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia
features two closely connected patterns, one seasonal, the other Buddhist.
38 part 1

Figure 1.14. Magha Puja pilgrims. Wat Phra That Doi Tung, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand.

The former reflects the rhythm of the agricultural year that moves from the
rainy season and the planting of paddy rice through the cool harvest season
to the hot and dry fallow season. The second pattern is fashioned around a
Buddhist calendar calculated in terms of seminal events in the tradition. Of
particular significance are the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha
(Visakha Puja); the occasion of the Buddhas First Discourse (Asalha Puja);
and Magha Puja, the gathering of 1,250 VgV]Vci disciples at the Veluvana
Monastery where the Buddha preached the summary of his teaching. At
the conclusion of the eVi^bd``]V, this summary is given: The non-doing
of evil / the full performance of what is wholesome / the total purification of
the mind. Taken together, these three celebrations represent the Triple Gem
of Theravada Buddhism: the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha.
Visakha Puja occurs in May at the beginning of the Southeast Asian rice
planting season; Asalha Puja occurs in July during the wet paddy rice growing
season; and Magha Puja follows the harvest in February.61 The intertwining
of the defining events of a religious tradition with the natural cyclical pat-
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 39

tern of a community is not unique to Southeast Asian Buddhism. A similar

integration is found in Christianity, Judaism, and other religious traditions.
For example, in the northern hemisphere, Christmas comes at the end of
the winter solstice with the promise of a new year with longer and brighter
days, and Easter celebrates the renewal of spring.

The New Year Festival

In the Buddhist Era lunar calendar of Theravada Southeast Asia, the end of
the hot, dry season and the onset of the monsoon rains mark the beginning
of a new year. It is celebrated during the month of April (in Myanmar, the
month of Tagu) for a period of three to four days. In Thailand the New Year
festival is named as Songkran (Sanskrit, hVc`gVciV), signaling the change
of seasons, or in astrological terms, when the sun leaves the zodiacal sign
of Pisces and enters the sign of Aries. The celebration was thought to have
been adapted from South Indian Brahmanism to Buddhism in Sri Lanka and
brought from there to mainland Southeast Asia by Buddhist monks.
It is to be expected that all New Year festivals focus on the transition from
the old year to the new. Certain aspects of the celebration are based in the
home. They include a special house cleaning and the purification of furnish-
ings and clothing. Traditionally the New Year is a time to settle debts and
seek forgiveness, especially from respected elders in the family and commu-
nity. Water-cleansing rites and ceremonies occupy the center stage of New
Year festivals, which include various activities ranging from the lustrating of
Buddha images, Buddha relics, and a Bodhi tree at monasteries, to paying
respects to elders with a water blessing, to unrestrained water soaking with
buckets and water hoses. A late nineteenth-century observer in Mandalay
provides the following description: There is water everywhere . . . Some
zealous people go down to the river or creek, wade into the water knee-deep,
and splash water at one another till they are tired . . . No one escapes . . . A
clerk comes up to his master, [pays respects] to him, and gravely pours the
40 part 1

Figure 1.15. Celebrating Thai New Year. Lustrating Buddha images and relics.
Wat Chetuphon, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

contents of a silver cup down the back of his neck, saying ye-kadaw mi, I
will do homage to you with water.62
Melford Spiro suggests that water throwing during the Burmese New
Year provides a socially approved mechanism to flaunt moral conventions
and social distinctions: An integral part of the frivolity is the . . . insulting
remarks leveled by the water-throwers . . . at public figures: politicians,
officials, businessmen, and so on. Both sexes seize this opportunity to douse
each other, and the physical and verbal encounters that accompany the
dousing border . . . on the obscene. In general, the clowning, the disrespect
for authority, the aggression, the transvestitism, the sexual banter . . . mark
the urban celebration of the Water Festival.63 In the 1950s, even Laotian
provincial governors were occasionally pitched into the Mekong River as
part of the New Year festival.
A folk legend of the Tai Lue of Yunnan, China, offers an engaging etiology
of the New Year custom of throwing or sprinkling water.64 Once upon a time,
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 41

so goes the tale, the region of Balanaxi in Yunnan Province was plagued by a
ferocious devil with an enormous mouth and tongue who set fires whenever
he breathed. He captured seven beautiful girls from the village and made them
his wives. Yidanhan, the youngest, cleverest, and most beautiful devised a plot
to avenge the catastrophes caused by the devil. After preparing a sumptuous
feast for him with an abundance of whiskey, she praised the now inebriated
devil, You are really great, my master . . . You can be the conqueror of the
world.65 Drunk and flattered, the devil confided to Yidanhan that, in fact,
he had a fatal weakness; if someone took a hair from his head and tightened it
around his neck, his head would fall off and he would die. After the devil fell
fast asleep, Yidanhan pulled out a hair from his head and wound it around
his neck until the devils head fell to the ground like a huge pumpkin. Unfor-
tunately, wherever the head rolled it set everything ablaze, burning houses
and crops, and killing cattle and people. Undaunted, Yidanhan grabbed the
huge head while the six other women sprinkled her and the devils head with
water brought from the river. The fire was extinguished and, thereafter, the
people led happy and peaceful lives: To commemorate the seven girls who
eliminated the terrible scourge from the region, the Dai people celebrate
the Water-Sprinkling Festival every New Year . . . They sprinkle water over
one another, hoping thus to get rid of the sufferings and calamities of the
past and to ensure favourable weather, abundant harvests and good health
in the coming year.66
New Years celebrations in Theravada Buddhist Southeast Asia are
culturally syncretic. In Myanmar the New Year marks the descent to earth
of the Brahmanical god, Indra (the Buddhist, Sakka; Burmese, Thagya Min).
He takes up residence during the last two days of the old year where he
records the names of the doers of good and evil deeds. On the third day
he returns to his abode in Tavatimsa Heaven. Similarly, in other Theravada
countries the mythology surrounding the New Year is also Brahmanical. The
first two days of the celebration have little to do with normative Buddhist
teachings. Water blessings, settling debts, paying respects to elders, and so
on represent the variety of ways in which the demerits or wrongdoings of
the past year are erased.
42 part 1

The monastery becomes the focus of New Year activities on the third and
fourth days of the celebration. In Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia lay
devotees bring special food offerings to the monks early in the morning of the
third day, which is the first day of the New Year. Laity observe the precepts,
listen to sermons, lustrate Buddha images, and perform other meritorious
acts that might include the freeing of birds and fish sold at the entrance to
the monastery for that purpose. Because of the days auspicious character,
ordinations and house dedications also may be held. In northern Thailand
men and women, young and old devote part of the day to building a sand
mountain (XZi^nV) in the monastery compound.67
The sand mountain serves both practical and symbolic purposes. In practi-
cal terms, the sand is used to replenish and clean the monastery compound.
Symbolically, the mountain represents new beginnings, reconnecting the
sacred with the mundane levels of existence. Northern Thai legend offers
the following Buddhist interpretation of the origin of the sand mountain.
In a previous existence the Buddha was a poor man who made his living
gathering firewood. Even though he was poor, he was very virtuous. One
day while walking in the forest in search of dead tree limbs for firewood, he
came across a place covered with clean sand. There he built a sand mountain,
put a small flag made from a torn piece of cloth on top of it, and then prayed
that he might be reborn a Buddha for the benefit of all sentient beings.68
The climax of the New Year festival in Chiang Mai is the procession of
the Phra Singha Buddha image through the city streets. According to the
legendary account, the image was made seven hundred years after the death
of the Buddha in Sri Lanka by a cV\V king who had seen the Buddha when
the Blessed One had visited the island.69 Due to the serpents watery origin,
devout Buddhists ascribe rain-making powers to the image. In an act of sym-
pathetic magic, the Phra Singha Buddha image is removed temporarily from
the temple and processed around the city to herald the onset of the monsoon
rains. In the weeks following this event, offerings are also made to the god
Indra whose power is enshrined in the city pillar (Thai, Indakhin) located on
the compound of the historically significant monastery, Wat Chedi Luang.
Later a buffalo is sacrificed to the autochthonous guardian spirits of Chiang
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 43

Mai at the base of Doi Kham Mountain near the city. Although Buddhist
celebrations associated with the beginning of the New Year take precedence
over subsequent Brahmanical and animistic rites honoring the founding of
the city and guaranteeing its continued protection, all serve the purpose of
promoting the well-being of the community.

Buddhas Day (Visakha Puja)

Within the yearly rhythm of Theravada Buddhism as a historical tradition,

Visakha Puja is the most sacred of all anniversary occasions. The day itself is
miraculous, for according to tradition, on the full-moon day of the month
of Visakha (AprilMay) in separate years the Buddha was born, attained
enlightenment, and died. Visakha Puja, therefore, celebrates the entire
lifespan of the Buddha from its beginning to its end. Although in countries
like Thailand this triple anniversary was once celebrated over three days, at
the present time only one day is set aside as a national holiday.
The manner of its observance varies among different Theravada cultures.
In Sri Lanka night processions with Vesak lanterns mark the occasion. In
Thailand and Myanmar evening activities also predominate. Instead of
festive processions, however, crowds of people holding lighted candles and
glowing incense gather in monastery compounds to circumambulate three
times around the sacred precincts and place elaborate flower arrangements
in the shape of lotus buds before the Buddha altar. The faithful then enter
the assembly hall to hear a discourse on the life of the Buddha, which may
continue through the night. In Thailand one of the scriptures that might
be preached on this night is the EV]VbVhVbWdY]^ (The Buddhas First
Enlightenment). This text expands the details of the Buddhas life story
highlighted by the three events that Viskaha Puja incorporates. Because
the sights and sounds of the festival itself may divert us from the doctrinal
significance of this event, we enter the assembly hall for an all-night reading
of the story of Prince Siddhatthas life from his birth and enlightenment to
44 part 1

Figure 1.16 Sand cetiya (Thai, chedi). Wat Bo Kut, Keng Tung, Shan State, Myanmar.

his death and the distribution of his relics, a story in which myth, legend,
and history intermingle. An outline of the story is as follows:

1. The wedding of Suddhodana and Mahamaya, the Buddhas parents

2. The Buddha in Tusita Heaven, beseeched by the gods to help humankind,
enters the womb of Mahamaya
3. The birth of the Buddha and the miraculous same-day appearance of his
future wife, Yasodhara; his beloved disciple, Ananda; his horse, Kanthaka;
his charioteer, Channa; and the Bodhi tree
4. Two predictions by Brahmans, one that he will become either a world
ruler or a Buddha, and second that he is destined to become fully
enlightened because he possesses the thirty-two marks of the great man
5. The Buddha is given the name, Siddhattha; his mother dies after seven
days; Siddhattha marries Yasodhara at age sixteen
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 45

6. The four sights he encountersan aged person, a sick person, a corpse,

and a mendicantprompt the future Buddha to follow the mendicant
7. Siddhattha follows an ascetic way for six years, in which he abstains from
food, restrains his breath, then adopts a middle path as more appropriate
to mind development; his five followers desert him
8. Sujata makes a food offering to the Buddha, mistaking him for a tree
spirit; the offering bowl miraculously floats upstream as a sign he will
become enlightened; the Buddha determines not to move from his seat
under the Bodhi tree until he realizes his highest goal
9. The tempter, Mara, and his forces attack the Buddha; the Buddha suc-
cessfully repels their attack by calling the Goddess of Earth (Thai, Nang
Thorani) to witness on his behalf; the Goddess of Earth drowns the forces
of Mara by wringing the water from her hair that collected there every
time the Buddha performed an act of virtuous generosity (YVcV)
10. The attainments that occur immediately prior to the Buddhas enlighten-
ment: the eight trance states; knowledge of his previous births; clairvoyance
(seeing all beings as they are reborn in accordance with their kamma);
perceiving the cycle of interdependent co-arising (eVi^XXV"hVbjeeVYV);
the Buddhas enlightenment
11. The Buddha spends seven days each at seven places after his enlightenment,
including the Bodhi tree; the location where he reviews the 6W]^Y]VbbV;
the place where Mucalinda, the serpent king, protects him from the rain;
the site where Indra and the Buddhas first two lay followers make offer-
ings to him
12. The Buddha worries whether or not people will be able to comprehend his
teaching; the gods of WgV]bVad`V perceive his concern and send messengers
to assure him that there are persons capable of grasping his message
13. The Buddha teaches the 9]VbbVXV``VeeVkViiVcVHjiiV (Turning the
Wheel of the Law)
14. The Buddhas first five disciples to whom his first teaching was given
become saints (VgV]Vcis); more people become disciples
46 part 1

Figure 1.17. The Buddhas parinibbana. Wat That Chom Doi, Keng Tung, Shan State,

15. The Buddhas activities in Uruvela where he converts one thousand fire-wor-
shipping ascetics; the Buddha impresses King Bimbisara of Rajagaha
16. Sariputta and Moggallana become followers of the Buddha
17. Suddhodana asks the Buddha to come to Kapilavatthu; his relatives
become the Buddhas disciples
18. Yasodharas sorrow over her husbands rejection of the princely role
19. Devadatta, the Buddhas cousin, attempts to kill the Buddha and then
create dissension in the sangha; he is punished by the earth swallowing
him up
20. The Buddha predicts the coming of the future Buddha, Metteyya, and
tells Ananda that the monk with the lowest seniority will be reborn as
21. The Buddha visits his ill father who becomes an VgV]Vci before his death;
an order of nuns is established on Anandas request but with a lower status
than the bhikkhu sangha
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 47

22. The Buddha performs several miracles, but forbids his disciples to do so
without first seeking his permission
23. The Buddha travels to Tavatimsa Heaven and preaches the 6W]^Y]VbbV
to his mother
24. The Buddha descends from Tavatimsa Heaven on a crystal ladder provided
by Indra; the Buddha ascends to the top of Mount Sineru (Meru) where
he performs a miracle witnessed by everyone from the hells (eZiVad`V) to
the heavens (WgV]bVad`V)
25. The death of Sariputta and Moggallana
26. The Buddha dies (eVg^c^WWVcV)
27. The Buddhas funeral; the collecting of the Buddhas relics; the rulers of
the major petty kingdoms of northern India come to request his relics
28. Mahakassapa buries the remainder of the relics which are not unearthed until
the time of King Asoka who divides them among various cities in India
29. Reasons are given for the decline of Buddhism in India.70

In northern Thailand the celebration of Visakha Puja may coincide with

the annual anniversary of the founding of a major temple. When this occurs,
the length and extent of the festivities will be significantly increased. I wit-
nessed one such occasion that included traditional northern Thai long drum
and hot air balloon competitions as well as numerous temple processions and
a lustration of the monasterys Buddha relics.71 Such festivals blend together
the normative events of Theravada Buddhism (the birth, enlightenment, and
death of the Buddha) with non-Buddhist, culturally relative customs. These
festivals, then, celebrate both a particular Buddhist community within a given
cultural and social context, and also that communitys identity as part of a
universal tradition stretching over twenty-five hundred years.
This study of Visakha Puja, the Buddha image consecration ritual, and
the `Vi]^cV ceremony can be regarded as complementary. The transactional
nature of the `Vi]^cV as a merit-making ritual depends for its meaning on an
understanding of the Buddha as a person of special power, a power embodied
in the image. Visakha Puja is a good example of the significance of the Buddhas
life story as a historical paradigm from which the Buddhist tradition takes its
48 part 1

definition. The Buddha story is a constant referent for the tradition. Neither
the Buddhas teaching nor his power can be abstracted from his person or
his story. For Theravada Buddhism, his person is revealed in the episodic
history of a text like the EV]VbVhVbWdY]^ rather than in philosophical
claims about the Buddhas absolute and universal nature.

Festival of the Floating Boats: Loi Krathong

Religious festivals serve many functions, some more central than others to the
dominant religious tradition within a given culture. Whereas Visakha Puja
provides an example of a celebration close to the core of Theravada Buddhism
in Southeast Asia, the Festival of Lights, or the Festival of the Floating Boats
(Thai, ad^`gVi]dc\), has little to do with Buddhism as a doctrinal system.72
Although the Festival of Lights appears to be animistic or Brahmanical in
origin, it has become at least partially assimilated into the Theravada Bud-
dhist cultural traditions of countries in Southeast Asia.
Loi Krathong is celebrated on the full-moon day of November following
the end of the monastic rains retreat in October. In many parts of Thailand
the celebration traditionally coincides with a specifically Buddhist ceremony,
the preaching of the KZhhVciVgV?iV`V, the Buddhas last existence before
his rebirth as Siddhattha Gotama. By this time the rainy season has come
to an end, the rice crop has been planted, and the temperature has turned
pleasantly cool in the evenings. The farmers have more than a month before
the rice is harvested. During this season of maturing crops and moderate cli-
mate, people traditionally have the leisure to enjoy themselves at the Festival
of the Floating Boats.
The celebration is a very simple one with no apparent overt connection to
either Buddhistic or Brahmanical rituals. Small boats (`gVi]dc\) are made
either from natural materials like banana stalks, or in recent years, from
polystyrene foam and crepe paper, and floated on rivers or ponds. Lighted
candles, incense, and coins of small denominations are placed on the boats.
Everyone participates, elders watching the bobbing lights on the water and
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 49

the children often swimming out to retrieve the most beautiful `gVi]dc\s
or the coins that might be found on them. On the riverbank, families eat a
picnic supper, and young and old alike enjoy firework displays. In northern
Thailand, houses may be decorated, and in the city of Chiang Mai the Loi
Krathong festival has become a commercialized tourist attraction that includes
a parade of large floats through the city streets.
The historical roots and meaning of Loi Krathong are ambiguous. It may
derive from Dipavali, the Indian festival of lights, or from the traditional
Chinese custom of floating lotus flower lamps to guide the spirits of people
drowned in rivers and lakes. The earliest evidence of the celebration in
Thailand comes from the Sukhothai period when the second queen of King
Phra Rueang (ca. 1300 C.E.), the daughter of a Brahman family attached to
the court, began the custom to please the king. This explanation suggests an
Indian Brahmanical origin. Two Buddhist explanations of a mythological
nature have been advanced: that the `gVi]dc\s carry offerings to the Buddhas
footprint that he left on the sandy shore of the Nammada River in the Deccan
Plain in India by a cV\V king who wished to worship the Lord Buddha after
his death;73 or, that the river festival is an expression of gratitude to Phra
Upagutta, who in the guise of a cV\V, foiled Maras attempt to destroy the
84,000 XZi^nVs built by King Asoka.74 Although these two etiologies differ,
both are expressions of popular piety or devotionalism that characterizes
much of lay Theravada Buddhist practice in Southeast Asia.
In northern Thailand a historical explanation for the origin of Loi Kra-
thong prevails. During the reign of King Kamala of Haripujaya (modern
day Lamphun) in the tenth century C.E., a deadly cholera epidemic forced
the populace to evacuate the city. Eventually they made their way to present
day Pegu in Myanmar, where they stayed for six years until the epidemic sub-
sided. After the majority of the people returned to Haripujaya, they sent
gifts of food and clothing down the river to their relatives who remained
in Pegu.75 The festival of Loi Krathong celebrates this event with an annual
offering to the spirits of departed ancestors. Others believe the `gVi]dc\s
to be offerings to the goddess of the BVZ@]dc\`]V (Ganges River), the
Mother of Waters.76
50 part 1

Whatever the historical explanation of the festival of Loi Krathong, it

remains one of the most picturesque celebrations in Thailand, despite its
tenuous connections with doctrinal Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia.
Buddhist rationalizations have been provided for it, and where Buddhist
temples are located near rivers, people take their `gVi]dc\s into the temple
compound to be blessed or to circumambulate the sacred precincts before
placing them in the water; however, Loi Krathong represents a festival that
defies identification as Buddhist. Perhaps for this reason both now and in
the past, some Thai Buddhist monasteries choose this night to preach the
popular, KZhhVciVgV?iV`V, thereby appending to this celebratory occasion
a Buddhist meaning.

Rites of Passage
Buddhism in Southeast Asia has not only integrated into its own sacred
history a cultures seasonal, agricultural rhythm, but also has marked and cel-
ebrated important junctures in the life cycle of individuals in the community.
These life passage rituals integrate various cultural elements. Traditionally,
birth rites have had little or no connection with Theravada Buddhism, but
adolescent, early adulthood, old age, and death rites have been assimilated
into a Buddhist scheme of life passage or transition rituals.77 Male adolescent
or puberty initiatory rites take the form of temporary ordination into the
monastic order. In Myanmar, ear-piercing rituals are held for girls at the same
time as male ordinations. Marriage constitutes a major young adult passage
rite in which Buddhist monks may play a minor role, primarily to chant hjiiVs
for the protection and well-being of the couple or to preach a sermon and act
as recipients of merit-making gifts. Buddhism has been especially associated
with death rites or funeral observances throughout greater Asia.
Life passage rites are open to several interpretations: to ensure a safe
transition from one stage of life to another; to integrate the life cycle of
the individual into the ongoing life pattern of the community; to place the
individual within a cosmological structure governed by various unseen but
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 51

relatively unpredictable powers such as kamma, gods, or protective spirits;

or to relate the life of the individual and the community to the ethical and
spiritual teachings of Buddhism. The remainder of this section will exam-
ine the rituals associated with four life passage periods: adolescence, young
adulthood, aging, and death. We shall focus on the first and the last of these
two rites, novitiate ordination and the funeral ceremony. Regarding the lat-
ter, S. J. Tambiah observes, In no other rites of passage . . . is Buddhism so
directly concerned with a human event.78

Joining the Sangha

Ordination into the Theravada Buddhist sangha can be interpreted on a

variety of levels. From a doctrinal perspective, monks are religious virtuo-
sos, that is, in seeking ordination, monks commit themselves to a lifelong
pursuit of nibbana, Buddhisms highest goal, within the context of the
monastic order. The Pali words, bhikkhu/bhikkhuni,79 refer to one who
gives up ordinary pursuits of livelihood for a higher goalto become a
mendicant or almsperson. Alms seeking is not just a means of subsistence,
but an outward token that . . . [they] have renounced the world and all its
goods and have thrown . . . [themselves] for bare living on the chances of
public charity.80 The 9]VbbVeVYV, the best known of all Theravada texts,
characterizes the doctrinal ideal of the monk as follows:

. . . the true monk is one whose senses are restrained and who is controlled
in body and speech; he is contented with what he receives, is not envious of
others and has no thought of himself. Such selflessness is rooted in the
Buddhas truth (Y]VbbV), and the monk who dwells in and meditates on
the Y]VbbV is firmly established in the Truth (hVYY]VbbV). Such a being is
suffused with loving kindness (bZiiV), possesses the cardinal virtues, is refined
in conduct, and is filled with a transcendental joy. Confident in the Buddhas
teachings, having attained peace and supreme bliss, the monk illumines this
world like the moon from a cloud.81
52 part 1

Ideal monks are those who seek and attain the truth exemplified in the
person of the Buddha. Having reached this goal they become morally and
spiritually transformed, irradiating the Buddhas dhamma for the benefit of
In all Theravada countries, meditation monasteries maintain an environ-
ment of peaceful tranquility where men and women pursue the Buddhist
ideal of nibbana: overcoming suffering, achieving equanimity, and developing
insight into the true nature of reality. Although some enter the monastery
to seek nibbana, most fall short of this lofty goal. Melford Spiro analyzed
the reasons given by Burmese men for entering the monkhood into three
conscious motivesto achieve a religious goal, a desire to escape the difficul-
ties and miseries of human life, and the wish to obtain an easier way of life;
and three unconscious motivesdependency, narcissism, and emotional
timidity.82 Other, somewhat more socially descriptive reasons for entering
the monastery include acquiring an education, achieving a higher social
status, responding to social custom and pressure, and repaying a filial debt,
especially to ones mother.
In Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia monastic tenure varies greatly
in length, depending upon the ordinands motivation. Unlike the norm in
Western Christianity, becoming a monk does not necessarily involve a lifetime
commitment, although many noted meditation teachers and scholar-monks
spend most or all of their adult life in robes.
In Thailand one of the principal reasons for being ordained is to acquire an
education.83 This practice still pertains among the rural poor where children
often cannot afford to attend government schools. Ordination as a novice
provides for their material needs and gives them a basic education. Indeed,
if a boy is bright and highly motivated, he may complete secondary school
as a novice or a monk, graduate from a monastic college, and then earn an
advanced degree from a university in Thailand or another country, such as
India. After teaching in a monastery school for several years or serving as an
administrator in a larger provincial monastery, the majority of monks will
disrobe and take a responsible and respected secular job. Although such
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 53

exploitation of the monastic educational structure siphons off able sangha

leadership, it is an accepted practice that bears little or no social stigma.
Undoubtedly this pattern of being educated in monastic schools only to
leave the order reflects an earlier practice whereby a young man would be
ordained as a novice near the age of puberty, remain in the monastery for one
or more years, and then return to lay society.84 During this period he would
receive a rudimentary education, learn the fundamentals of Buddhism, and
prepare for a responsible life as a lay Buddhist supporter of the monastic
order. This particular practice, still followed in some parts of Southeast Asia,
resembles a rite of passage for males into adulthood. In this sense, the Western
parallel to ordination as a Buddhist novice, customarily between the ages of
twelve and nineteen, is the rite of confirmation in the Christian tradition
and bar/bat mitzvah in Jewish practice. Traditionally, these ceremonies
symbolize full participation in their respective religious-social communities,
just as having been ordained a Buddhist monk is considered an essential
stage in the passage to mature male adulthood in Thai, Lao, Burmese, or
Cambodian society and culture.
The monk takes a vow of celibacy and is expected to minimize material
attachments, however, monastic tenure ordinarily does not involve excessive
ascetical practices. Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia consistently
upholds the time-honored tradition of the Middle Way. In actual practice,
a monk lives a reasonably comfortable life and occupies a respected status
in the community. For children of poorer families, in particular, becoming
a monk represents a definite improvement in social or economic status. For
this reason it is not surprising to learn that the majority of Theravada monks
in Southeast Asia do, in fact, come from modest backgrounds. For instance,
at the two monastic colleges in Bangkok, a high percentage of the students
come from northeastern Thailand, which is one of the most economically
disadvantaged regions of the country.
Finally, it should be noted that ordination is perceived as a singular way
of repaying a debt to ones parents, especially ones mother.85 That one has
come into the world, survived infancy, and become a youth is primarily the
result of a mothers care. Within the calculus of meritorious action, by being
54 part 1

Figure 1.18. Novitiate ordi-

nation. Young boy dressed as
Prince Siddhattha. Wat Yang
Khuang, Keng Tung, Shan
State, Myanmar.

ordained the ordinand gains a spiritual benefit for his parents. The mutual
reciprocity characterizing merit-making rituals informs the meaning of
ordination into the monastic order: by joining the monastic order, if even
for only a short period of time, a young man returns to his mother and father
a spiritual boon.
A village ordination in northern Thailand customarily will be held for
one or two days. The first part is an animistic ceremony called propitiating
the spirits or calling the spirits (Thai, g^V``]lVc), and the second part is
ordination into the novitiate (pabbajja), or if the candidate is twenty years
old or more, higher ordination (jeVhVbeVYV). The first part of the ceremony
may be held in the ordinands home and will be the occasion for village-wide
festivities with as much feasting, drinking, and general merrymaking as the
young mans family can afford. The spirit-calling ceremony will be led by a
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 55

layman, who performs a similar role at weddings, house dedications, and

other auspicious or life transition occasions. His earlier life as an ordained
monk has prepared him for learning the protocols for these rituals as well as
the methods of chanting and preaching. His ritual role differs from that of
the monk but rivals it in importance. He often functions as a ritual mediator
between the sangha and the laity.86
During the ceremony the lay leader performs a ritual in which he invokes
the ordinands thirty-two spirits (Thai, `]lVc) and calls them away from all
previous attachments to the pleasures of lay life so that the youth will not be
swayed or divided in his pursuit of the monastic life, especially the trials of
celibacy. To attract the `]lVc, a special offering bowl is prepared. It may be
a relatively simple food offering in a lacquer bowl or a much more elaborate
symbolic reconstruction of a cosmic tree symbolizing an axial connection
between the human and spirit realms. At the conclusion of the ritual, a sacred
thread is then tied around the wrists of the ordinand, representing the tying
of the spirits into his body after they have been invoked.
Before the spirit-calling ritual begins, the ordinand will be properly pre-
pared for his ordination. His monastic instructor will shave his head and
clothe him in a white robe. These acts symbolize the liminality of this life
passage ritual, the transition from householder to monk, and the negation of
ones previous identity prior to beginning a new life with a monastic name.87
They also represent the monks disregard for the things of this world, includ-
ing the vanities of personal appearance. At the conclusion of the spirit-calling
ritual, the ordinand, his family, friends, and other well-wishers process to
the monastery compound. In some instances, the young man will be dressed
as Prince Siddhattha and ride a horse to the monastery in a reenactment
of the great renunciation of the Lord Buddha. The procession circles the
ordination hall three times. Before entering, the ordinand bows before the
h^bV or boundary stones at the front entrance, asking the Buddha to forgive
his sins and to grant him blessings. The sacrality of the ordination hall and,
hence, the significance of the ordination ceremony, is indicated by the nine
boundary stones buried in the ground marking the halls center and the eight
directional points around its perimeter.
56 part 1

Upon entering the hall, one of the ordinands friends may play the role of
the tempter, Mara, pretending to prevent the ordinands entrance, or the ordi-
nand may fling a last handful of coins to those who have followed him. He
approaches the chapter of ten monks seated on the floor in a semicircle in front
of a large Buddha image resting on a raised altar at the far end of the ordination
hall. Bowing to the floor three times before his preceptor (jeV__]VnV), a senior
monk who will conduct the ordination ceremony, the ordinand presents to
him gifts of candles, incense, and robes. Professing the Buddha, the Dhamma,
and the Sangha to be his refuge, he requests permission three times to enter
the priesthood in the Vinaya-Dhamma of the Blessed One.88 The precep-
tor receives the robes, instructs the ordinand in the Three Gems, and offers a
meditation on the impermanence of the five aggregates of bodily existence. At
this point another monk designated as the young mans instructor (VXVg^nV),
formally instructs him in the ten precepts upheld by all monastic novices to
refrain from: taking life, stealing, sexual intercourse, lying, intoxicants, eating at
forbidden times, entertainments, bodily adornment, sleeping on a comfortable
bed, and receiving money. Having taken the precepts, once again the ordinand
approaches the preceptor and is given a Pali name. The instructor hangs a
begging bowl over his left shoulder, has the young man identify his bowl and
three monastic robes, and then questions him on behalf of the entire chapter.
His formal queries include: Do you have leprosy? Are you a human? Are
you free of debt? Do you have permission from your parents? Finding him
free of impediments, the instructor then presents the ordinand to the sangha,
requesting that they admit him into the monastic order. Acknowledging their
consent by a collective silence, the assembled monks receive the young man into
the order as a novice. The ceremony concludes with the preceptor instructing
him in a monks duties and responsibilities.89
Among the Southeast Asian Theravada Buddhist countries, only Myanmar
affords a parallel adolescent life passage ritual for women. A h]^cWnj ceremony
includes not only young boys being ordained into the monastic novitiate for a
temporary period, but adolescent girls as well. An all-day h]^cWnj I witnessed
in Mandalay in 1990 included a morning devoted to entertainment. Men,
women, and children crowd into a pavilion constructed to resemble a palace.
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 57

Figure 1.19. Shinbyu ceremony. Mandalay, Myanmar.

Over a dozen boys and girls dressed in costumes of princes and princesses
sit on a central stage watching several storytellers and mimes entertain the
audience. At the conclusion of the entertainment, the girls ears are pierced
or bored and the boys heads are shaved. Pierced ears symbolize entrance
into adult female roles. The young boys take the vows of a novice monk, pre-
paring them to assume adult male roles in society.
Is it possible for women in Theravada Buddhist cultures to enter the
monastic order and pursue the same spiritual quest as men? The answer is
complex one.90 We know from the I]Zg\Vi] (Poems of the Nuns) that
from a doctrinal perspective, it is possible for both women and men to attain
the goal of nibbana. Historically, however, the rules of discipline make clear
that the order of female monks is subordinate to that of men. Furthermore,
the order of nuns (bhikkhuni) endured in India only until ca. 456 C.E.,
and it is uncertain whether or not the order ever reached mainland South-
east Asia.91 Today, orders of renunciant women flourish in Southeast Asia,
although technically they are not bhikkhuni.92 In comparison to Thailand,
Laos, and Cambodia, women renunciants in Myanmar enjoy a higher social
and spiritual status. Referred to in Burmese as i]^aVh]^c (one who bears
58 part 1

the burden of h^aV or virtue), they manage their own monasteries, pursue
higher Buddhist studies, and take the national Pali exams. Like their male
counterparts, the i]^aVh]^c may collect morning alms donations and may
also undergo temporary novitiate ordination similar to monks. These two
practices demonstrate that in Myanmar, female as well as male renunciants
are perceived to represent a religious field of merit. That i]^aVh]^c enjoy a
relatively high social and spiritual status is reflected in the participation of
girls in the Burmese h]^cWnj. Women in Myanmar are able to participate in
more religious-cultural institutions and practices from which their female
counterparts are excluded in Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia.
The ordination ceremony provides an extraordinary opportunity to under-
stand the multifaceted nature of Theravada Buddhism as a cultural institution
in its Southeast Asian context. Doctrinally, it represents the highest ideals
of the tradition; symbolically, it offers a reenactment of the most dramatic
event of the Buddhas life narrative; structurally, it illustrates the threshold
transition fundamental to the meaning of rites of passage; anthropologically,
it provides evidence for the syncretic nature of Southeast Asian Buddhism
even in its most basic practices.

Weddings and Life-Extension Ceremonies

Whereas adolescent life passage rituals mark a youths entrance into adult-
hood, marriage signals the beginning of a new adult stage of life, one in
which young men and women assume responsibility for a family and broader
social obligations within their community. In all cultures weddings mark a
crucial transitional stage in the lives of individuals, families, and communi-
ties. A decline in culturally sanctioned wedding rituals raises questions not
only about the waning role of religion in defining cultural identity, but it
also suggests profound changes in the way individuals perceive themselves
in relationship to communities. One of the challenges of our own day is the
creation of rites of passage symbolizing the assumption of adult responsi-
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 59

Figure 1.20. The riak khwan portion of a wedding ceremony, calling the spirits of the
bride and groom. Lamphun, Thailand.

bilities for the maintenance of communities current social realities that may
differ considerably from the customs of the past.
From a doctrinal perspective, the Buddhist sangha has little to do with
weddings and life-extension rites, the latter being a ritual marking the sixtieth
birthday or end of the fifth astrological cycle (one cycle equals twelve years).
Shway Yoe [Sir James George Scott] observed in regard to nineteenth-
century Burmese wedding customs: The ritual is very simple and has nothing
whatever of a religious character about it; in fact the celibate edc\n^h [monks]
would be grossly scandalised if they were asked to take any part in it.93 Scotts
observation fails to take into account the animistic religious dimensions of
marriage rites and the fact that today Theravada monks may be invited to
participate in wedding ceremonies. From a historical perspective, one can
justifiably argue that the presence of monks at a marriage rite reflects the
influence of Western Christian custom,94 however, the Theravada tradition
legitimates such a practice on its own terms. The following descriptions of a
60 part 1

wedding and an entering old age rite rely on my observations of ceremonies

in Lamphun Province, northern Thailand, in the 1970s and 1980s.
As a religious ritual, a traditional Thai wedding reflects both animistic
and Brahmanical influences. Traditionally, village weddings are usually
held in the home of the bride. The day is one of celebration and feasting,
often straining the financial means of the couples families. The main ritual
officiant is a layman or spirit doctor (Thai, bdg^V``]lVc), or one who
calls the spirits.
The wedding is usually held in the morning, especially if monks are invited
to participate. The day begins in the early hours with the preparation of the
wedding feast. Gradually relatives, friends and guests arrive, filling the cen-
tral room of the house. About 10 A.M. a group of five, seven, or nine monks
arrive and take their place along the outside wall next to a carved, gilded
altar on which a single, crystal Buddha image has been enshrined. A white
cord extends from the image to a silver bowl into which are placed offer-
ings for the spirits of the bride and groom: two eggs, two balls of sticky rice,
two bananas, and two small glasses of rice wine. The lay officiant leads those
assembled in paying respects to the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha and tak-
ing the five precepts. He then requests the monks to chant the eVg^iiV# For
a wedding, monks often chant the BV\VaVHjiiV and the BZiiHjiiV, two
of the most widely used eVg^iiV# The following selection from the BV\VaV
HjiiV illustrates its appropriateness for such an occasion in a traditional
Buddhist culture. In the text some of the responses to the question of what
constitutes the highest blessings or bVc\VaV are:

Not to associate with the foolish, but to associate with the wise.
To reside in a suitable locality . . . and to set oneself in the right direction.
Vast learning, skill in handicraft, well-grounded in discipline, pleasant speech.
To support ones father and mother, to cherish ones wife and children, and
to be engaged in peaceful occupations.
Liberality, righteous conduct, rendering assistance to relatives.
To cease and abstain from evil, to abstain from intoxicating drinks, being
diligent in performing righteous acts.
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 61

Figure 1.21. Sixtieth-birth-

day life-extension ritual
(suep chata). Lamphun,

Reverence, humility, contentment, gratitude, and the timely hearing of the

teaching of the Buddha.
Patience, obedience, meeting with holy monks for discussions.
Self-control, chastity, comprehension of the Noble Truths, and the realiza-
tion of Nibbana.95

Following the chanting of the eVg^iiV, the lay officiant then preaches
a lengthy sermon, speaking in a colorful, charismatic style with his vocal
cadence moving between high falsetto and low resonant pitches. His address
incorporates many different elements: calling the spirits, a lesson in Buddhist
morality, and humor. He cajoles the spirits away from previous romantic
attachments, enticing them by his artful vocal skills and the offerings pre-
62 part 1

pared for them. At the conclusion of the sermon, the officiant takes a length
of string that extends from the Buddha altar to the offering bowl and ties it
around the wrists of the bride and the groom. Relatives and honored guests
follow suit. Whereas we might interpret this act as an unusual cultural expres-
sion of tying the knot, within the animistic context of his northern Thai
ritual it represents implanting the spiritual elements of the wedded couple
into their bodies. That is, calling the spirits signifies the union of the bride
and groom on both spiritual and physical planes. The participation of rela-
tives and friends in this act of tying the spirits emphasizes the communal
significance of marriage.
The ceremony ends with the presentation of food offerings and other
appropriate gifts to the monks who then depart. In the case of a wedding,
the meritorious transaction represented by these offerings supplement and
thereby reinforce the spirit-calling rite as a means to ensure the success and
well-being of the new family. With the formal portion of the ceremony
completed, the wedding festivities begin. After an elaborate lunch, guests
spend the remainder of the afternoon meeting old friends who returned for
the wedding, gossiping, and wandering in and out of the compound of the
brides parents house where the ceremony took place. Evening festivities
might include another elaborate meal, music played by a local northern Thai
orchestra, and general merrymaking. Around nine oclock at night the couple,
led by grandparents, aunts, and uncles, is taken to the bedroom where they
will spend the night. Along their path from the outside of the house up the
stairs to the bedroom, young boys and girls attempt to obstruct their prog-
ress. Only by distributing gifts of small coins and sweets are the bride and
groom allowed to proceed on their way. Because the festivities may continue
for several hours, the newly married couple has little or none of the romantic
privacy one normally associates with a honeymoon.
Like a wedding ceremony, a sixtieth-birthday life-extension ritual incor-
porates both Buddhist and animistic elements to ensure blessings in this
life, and in this instance, a long and healthy old age. In the northern Thai
cultural context, the ritual marking old age is called a life-extension or life-
enhancement (Thai, hjZeX]ViV) ritual.96HjZeX]ViV rites may be held for an
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 63

individual, a family, or a community with the general purpose of warding

off evil and engendering good luck, prosperity, and a long life. In addition
to being a ritual marking the end of the fifth life cycle, the hjZeX]ViV may
be performed to cure an illness, escape from bad luck predicted by a fortune
teller, bless a new home, celebrate a monks elevation in rank, or protect a
village from natural disaster.
At the fifth-cycle birthday ritual the celebrant sits beneath a tripod con-
structed of bamboo poles and stalks of sugar cane that is placed in front of
a Buddha altar. A white hV^h^XVcV cord extending from a Buddha image is
tied to the bamboo tripod and wrapped three times around the head of the
celebrant. A candle the height of the celebrant stands to one side of the altar.
At the base of each pole of the tripod are placed coconuts, bananas, clay pots
filled with water, and trays heaped with various food offerings each num-
bering 108. These include sticky rice, betel nuts, and husked and unhusked
rice. Behind the celebrant stands a wishing tree made out of a bamboo stalk
adorned with sixty small flags.
Together these objects create a sacred space, an axial center of power unit-
ing the celebrant with various levels of divine and cosmic powers. The sacred
number of 108 symbolizes the sum of the power valencies of the basic con-
stituents of the cosmosearth, water, fire, airtogether with the numerical
sum of the equally potent spiritual power of the Buddha, his dhamma, and
the sangha.97 The ceremony begins when the celebrant lights the small can-
dles on the Buddha altar and then the large candle that corresponds to the
height of the celebrant. This act not only announces the beginning of the
ceremony, but also activates the divine powers in the universe. As the cel-
ebrant sits in the middle of this ritually constructed center of the world, the
monks chant eVg^iiV or protection hjiiVs, thereby empowering the celebrant
with the power of the Buddha and his teachings as well as the potency of all
the YZkViV. After the monks have chanted for approximately an hour, they
are presented food for their noon meal. The blessing they chant after their
meal concludes the formal part of the ceremony. A generous luncheon for
all of the guests concludes the festivities.
64 part 1

Funeral Rites

Entrance into the monastic order represents a passage into a different stage
of life, ideally one dedicated to the pursuit of a goal that will free the monk
from the power of kamma and subsequent rebirth and the stresses and anxi-
eties (Yj``]V) of worldly life. Marriage and old age rituals serve a different
purpose. They reaffirm the place individuals occupy within the life of a com-
munity at times of major personal and social transition. Death signals another
kind of passage, one fraught with ambiguity for the deceased as well as for
the living. Consequently, death is marked by rites that assure the survivors
of their own well-being as well as for the benefit of the departed. To modern
Western eyes, a traditional funeral rite in Southeast Asia seems unusually
festive. Preliminaries to a cremation include an hour of socializing among
friends, making new acquaintances, and enjoying refreshments. One must
keep in mind, however, that the funeral not only honors the deceased and
mourns his or her loss, but also affirms the continued existence of the family,
the community, and the deceased in a new life. While funerals acknowledge
the fact of death, they also celebrate life.
Funerary rites in Theravada Buddhist Southeast Asia may be held in the
home or at the temple and will vary in many details depending on the type and
circumstances of death (from old age or accident), the status of the deceased
(rich or poor, lay or monk), and the local customs of a particular area. For
the funeral ceremonies honoring a Chiang Mai businessman I witnessed in
2008, traditional chanting services were held for five days at a major Chiang
Mai monastery. Afterward, the casket was driven in procession to a nearby
crematorium in the city where, prior to the cremation, groups of monks and
novices chanted before the casket as they received sets of eVc\hj`jc"X]^ldc
(Thai) robes. This custom harkens back to the tradition that the robes worn
by Buddhist monks were made from cast off cloth that had shrouded corpses,
symbolizing the impermanence of bodily existence. The 6W]^Y]VbbVtext
that monks chant at funerals includes the teaching of the impermanence
of life, a sentiment conveyed by the sonorous rhythmic style of the funeral
chant. Funeral sermons, as well as eulogizing the deceased, incorporate the
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 65

Figure 1.22. Monks chanting before a funeral casket. Lamphun Province, Thailand.

themes of impermanence, reward and punishment, and the ultimate goal of

nibbana that transcends life and death.
Village funeral rites traditionally incorporated many animistic elements
designed to dispel the threatening powers of evil associated with death. The
following account is based my own observations at funerals in rural Thailand
and information gleaned from ethnographic studies of Buddhist funerals
in the Thai village context.98 Near the moment of death, Buddhist bVcigVh
may be whispered into the ear of the dying, such as 7jYY]d or the four
syllables symbolizing the structure of the 6W]^Y]VbbVX^, XZ, gj, and c^
(mind, mental concepts, body, and nibbana)or written on a piece of paper
and put into the deceaseds mouth.99 At death there may be an extended
period of loud wailing, in part to announce to the village community that a
death has occurred. After removing the deceaseds clothes, the body will be
washed. This can be interpreted as cleansing the soul in preparation for its
passage to heaven. The hands will be clasped together over the chest and a
thread will be passed three times around the hands, toes, and neck symbol-
izing the bonds of passion, anger, and ignorance. Before cremation these
66 part 1

will be removed, representing the release from these bonds by the power of
charity, kindheartedness, and meditation.100
A number of different items are placed at the head of the corpse. These
may include food and water for the persons spirit to eat and drink, a lamp to
light its way to the other world, and a three-tailed white flag representing the
Three Gems. Flowers and incense are put in the deceaseds hands. Tradition-
ally offered before Buddha images, the flags represent the Buddhas teachings.
Finally, a coin may be put in the corpses mouth or a small set of silver and
golden flags placed near the body to pay the demons for not obstructing the
souls journey to heaven.
After the body is placed into a coffin, the cremation could take place imme-
diately or be deferred a week or more depending on such circumstances as
the availability of time, return of relatives from long distances, and so on. In
the case of distinguished monks, the period between death and cremation
may extend up to a year. The coffin, itself, will be made from plain wood
planks. The three forming the bottom are said to represent the three levels
of the Buddhist cosmology: the realm of desire, the realm of form, and the
formless realm. When the coffin is taken from the house, the head will be
pointed to the west, the direction of death, symbolizing the reversal of life
by death.101 Often, temporary stairs will be set up at a different part of the
house. The coffin will then be taken down these stairs, and spun around
several times on the way to the pyre to disorient the spirit of the deceased.
Customarily, the temporary stairs will have only three steps which represent
the tripartite cosmological structure of Theravada Buddhism.102 When the
temporary stairs have been removed and the body cremated, it is hoped that
the now freed spirit will reach the state of nibbana.
The days between the actual death and the funeral and cremation are filled
with many preparations. In the case of a normal death of a moderately well-
to-do villager, the family of the deceased is joined by relatives and friends
to plan the evening festivities. Local orchestras entertain guests, and there
will be extraordinary feasting, drinking, and even gambling. During the day
monks are invited to the home for funeral chants, and gifts will be presented
to them to earn merit for the deceased. Although the noisy evening activi-
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 67

ties could be interpreted as a means of discouraging the dead persons ghost,

its primary function appears to be a reinforcement of community solidarity
and integration in the face of deaths inevitability and finality.103
On the day of the funeral, selected for its auspicious signs for the deceased,
the coffin is taken in procession from the home to the temple or to the cre-
mation grounds. The size and extent of the procession varies according to
the wealth and status of the deceased. I witnessed a funeral in Chiang Mai,
Thailand, of a distinguished abbot whose coffin was borne on an elaborate
funeral palanquin in the form of a mythological elephant-bird in a proces-
sion in which thousands of people wound their way through the streets of
the city. For this event, distinguished monks from various regions of the
country were invited, and 108 young men were temporarily ordained as
novices as an act of merit making.
Prior to a cremation a final preaching service will be held, the monks will
chant, and a sermon will be delivered. A typical rural northern Thai sermon
might include remarks such these by the abbot of the lVi at the village of
Ku Daeng near the city of Chiang Mai:

Dear friends, I was invited to deliver a speech to you who are attending this
merit-making for the dead Mr. Khiow. A good Buddhist presents his guests
with two things, good food and accommodations and a sermon by a priest to
take back home with them. Today I will preach to you about death.
Death is a common event that will come to everyone without exception.
Nobody can live forever, but everybody must die sooner or later. Some peo-
ple say that a dead person is only trouble to his relatives and friends who stay
behind. Dead animals are more useful to us than dead people because we can
use their hide, bones, and meat. The only things left by a dead person are his
good deeds, which we can remember.
We go to the funeral of a dead person just as if we were going to see off a
good friend when he is leaving for another country. Now we have come to
see Mr. Khiow off to another world. We do not like to see him go, but when
his time came he had to leave. Nobody could stop him, all we are able to do
is to make merit and transfer merit to him . . .
68 part 1

Everybody must remember that we all have to die, not only the person
whose funeral we are attending today. Before death comes we must prepare
ourselves for it. The Lord Buddha did not cry when death was approaching
because he knew the meaning of death. We cry when we see death because
we do not have the knowledge of a Buddha.
The Lord Buddha said, Death is the change of the name and the body of
a spirit from one form to another. Nothing in the world, even life or matter,
can vanish; it only changes.
To the question where the spirit of a dead person goes, we can say that it is
reborn. In Buddhism we say that a person with an unclean spirit of covetous-
ness, anger, and ill temper will be reborn again, but he who has a clean spirit
will go straight to Nibbana. The Lord Buddha had a clean spirit; so after his
death, his spirit went straight to Nibbana without being reborn again . . . .
I cannot speak any longer because I have already taken a long time. Before
ending, I shall suggest again that death is not a strange event; it does not belong
to any particular person, but to all of us. We will die when our time comes, the
time being scheduled by . . . [Mara], who is the chief of death.
If I should receive any merit for this preaching, I beg to dedicate it to Mr.
Khiow. I ask that this merit may help and support him in the right place, or give
him a chance to be reborn in a good place. If his spirit should still be wandering
around some place, because of his attachment to his family or his property, I beg
that this merit lead him from these earthly attachments to some other place.
Finally, I beg for the blessings of the Lord Buddha to come upon you and
bring you long life, a light complexion, happiness, and good health.104

The cremation itself may take several forms: the wooden coffin may be
burned on a pyre of wood; the coffin and funeral car may be burned through
an elaborate process of igniting rockets and firecrackers; or the coffin may
be burned in a lVi crematorium. Prior to the cremation, the monks attend-
ing the funeral approach the coffin and remove sets of robes that lay donors
have placed on it to earn special merit for the deceased. As they remove the
robes, the monks chant the following Pali stanza:
the popular tradition: inclusive syncretism 69

All conditioned things are impermanent;

Their nature is to arise and decay.
Having arisen they cease;
In their stilling is happiness. (9\]VC^`nV#HjiiV&+)

Numerous elements comprise the funeral rite in Southeast Asian cultures.

Even though the rite is conducted by Buddhist monks and the theme of the
impermanence of the elements that constitute human existence assumes a
prominent place in chant and sermon, much of what takes place diverges
considerably from doctrinal Theravada Buddhism, in particular, the not-self
teaching. The spirit or soul (k^VcV) of the deceased is perceived as a pow-
erful agent that must be treated properly in a ritual sense to ensure its future
well-being and avoid retribution on the surviving family and friends. Because
of this belief, despite its seeming inauspiciousness, a funeral is a significant
meritmaking event for both the deceased and the living. Meritmaking and
protective magic complement one another in mortuary rites; furthermore,
as in other religious traditions, Buddhist funeral rituals celebrate the con-
tinuance of a social groupfamily, community, villagethereby mitigating
the threat of death to social cohesion and solidarity.
This chapter explored several facets of Buddhism and society in Southeast
Asia on the level of popular belief and practice beginning with the centrality
of paradigmatic stories and exemplary lives for conveying the normative val-
ues of the tradition. Rituals, festivals, and rites of passage were studied from
three varied perspectives: as examples of the syncretic nature of popular Bud-
dhism; as contexts for merit making and the appropriation of sacred power;
and as expressions of the way in which the people of Theravada South and
Southeast Asian cultures ascribe meaning to their lives through the rituals
marking Buddhist history, the natural cycles of an agricultural community,
and the life transitions of individuals. Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia
is truly complex, defying simple definitions or characterizations. Although it
valorizes a nibbanically-defined master narrative pursued by monks meditating
in tranquil, forested retreats, the actual narrative of Theravada Buddhism in
70 part 1

Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia does not follow a single story line, but unfolds
as a complex and richly nuanced epic tale.


I n our study of Buddhism in Southeast Asia we now turn our attention

to a different context: the classical Southeast Asian monarchy and the
modern Southeast Asian nation-state. From the themes of ritual, festival,
and rites of passage, the focus shifts to an examination of myth, legend, and
history. We examine the influence of King Asoka as the paradigmatic Bud-
dhist ruler; the symbiotic relationship between Southeast Asian kingship
and sacred cosmology; the Buddha as cosmocrator, that is, one who estab-
lishes the order of the world and empowers it or makes it sacred. The chapter
concludes with a consideration of the rise of charismatic Buddhist political
leaders in the postcolonial period.
Resources will include the traditional Theravada Buddhist chronicles of
Sri Lanka, Burma, and Thailand, supplemented by archaeological evidence
from the great classical sites of Angkor in Cambodia, Pagan in Burma, and
Sukhothai in Thailand under the influence of Hinduism and Buddhism,
plus modern historical sources, including the work of historians of religion
and anthropologists.1
Although Max Weber, the acknowledged founder of the field of sociol-
ogy of religion, describes early Buddhism as an otherworldly mysticism, the
Pali texts of Theravada Buddhism say otherwise, revealing a close relation-
ship between the Buddha and the reigning monarchs of his day in northern
India. Such a portrayal was in the material self-interest of a growing Bud-
dhist monastic order. It is reasonable to assume that from the beginning the
Buddhist sangha was supported by the social, economic, and political elites
for social, political, and also religious reasons. It is worth noting that Prince

72 part ii

Siddhattha came from the ruling `]Vii^nV class, and as the legend tells us, the
princes own father, the king of the Sakya clan, and other monarchs of his
day became ardent supporters of this new religion.
In general, religious and royal institutions were mutually supportive of
each other in South and Southeast Asia. Royal patronage of the Buddhist
monastic order was reciprocated by institutional loyalty, and the construc-
tion of religious cosmologies and mythologies that valorized the king as
propagator of the Buddhas religion (hVhVcV) were regarded as essential to
the peaceful harmony and well-being of the state. Heinz Bechert suggests
six ways whereby religious authority legitimated political power within the
Southeast Asian context: (1) identifying the present ruler with the mytho-
logical world monarch (XV``VkVii^c); (2) ascribing to the ruler the moral
and spiritual perfections of bodhisattva-hood; (3) describing the ideal king
as the promoter and protector of Buddhism; (4) attributing to the ruler
the authority of one who governs by the dhamma, i.e., the gV_VY]VbbV; (5)
describing the ruler as a YZkVgV_V, an apotheosis or appearance of a divine
being, such as a Hindu god or a Buddha; (6) the coexistent support of South-
east Asian monarchs by both Buddhist and non-Buddhist cults. We shall
explore these forms of what Bechert refers to as legitimization of political
power by religious authority.2

Asoka, the Exemplary Buddhist Ruler

Buddhist chronicles of Theravada Southeast Asia often begin their legendary
histories with the Buddhas visit to the country of the chronicles origin. Before
recounting the history of Buddhism in that area and the support particular
kings rendered the Buddhist monastic order, many of the chronicles outline
the history of Theravada Buddhism in India and Sri Lanka. In these accounts,
one monarch stands out: Asoka Maurya. He becomes the exemplar par excel-
lence for future Buddhist monarchs, embodying the virtues of righteousness
and justice, materially supporting the monastic order, and ensuring both reli-
gious and political harmony throughout the realm. In effect, the Buddhist
buddhism and the state 73

tradition constructs Asoka as the historical embodiment of the XV``VkVii^c,

the mythic Buddhist world ruler, one who embodies the dhamma and rules
by it, and who personifies the ten royal virtues or YVhVgV_VY]VbbV: generos-
ity, moral virtue, self-sacrifice, kindness, self-control, non-anger, nonviolence,
patience, and adherence to the norm of righteousness.3
Asoka was the grandson of Candragupta, the founder of the Mauryan
dynasty (317189 B.C.e.). Building on the expansionist policies of his fore-
bears, Asoka forges the most far-reaching political unity India was to know
until the colonial period, ruling over a vast empire from 270 to 232 B.C.e. Our
knowledge of Asoka derives, in part, from commemorative pillar edicts the
king erected throughout his kingdom.4 These edicts, together with the 6d`V
6kVYcV (The Story of King Asoka) in Sanskrit, and three Pali worksthe
9eVkVhV (The Island Chronicle), the BV]kVhV (The Great Chronicle),
and Buddhaghosas commentary on the K^cVnV (Book of Discipline)pro-
vide a significant, although historically problematical, fund of information
about this great Indian ruler. Each source constructs Asoka from its own
distinctive perspective.5
Asokas conversion to Buddhism and its consequences becomes the seminal
event in the institutional history of Theravada Buddhism, not simply for the
development of Buddhism in India, but also for the normative influence of
his example on how monarchs in the Theravada cultures of Southeast Asia
were depicted. Rulers such as King Kyanzittha of Pagan (eleventh century)
and King Tilokaraja of Chiang Mai (fifteenth century) both emulate Asoka,
as the chronicles in Burma and Thailand recorded events. By following the
example of King Asoka, these rulers not only lend their reign legitimacy
and authority in a particular location, they also situate their reign within a
universal Buddhist history. The religion they support literally has its roots
in the person of the Buddha, whose physical presence magically resides in
his relics, and their political rule is grounded in the mythologized career of
Asoka who, in turn, is represented as the historical embodiment of the first
world ruler.6 We shall briefly explore the story of Asoka, looking first at the
kings reputed conversion to Buddhism for insight into the nature of Bud-
dhist kingship in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia.
74 part ii

In the ninth year of Asokas reign, war breaks out between Magadha, the
Mauryan heartland, and Kalinga, the most powerful kingdom in India still
independent of Asokas rule. According to rock edict no. 13, Asoka was
moved to remorse and pity over the horrors he inflicted on the Kalingans: the
slaughter, death by disease, the forcible dislocation of noncombatants, includ-
ing monks and priests. All these events led to his conversion. Asoka came to
believe that the only true conquest was not by force of arms but by the force of
the dhamma. Cynics, of course, have observed that Asoka reached this conclu-
sion after he had defeated by military might all those who opposed him.
The precise nature of Asokas dhamma is a matter of some debate. The
legends in the chronicles portray Asoka as an active patron of the monastic
order; the convener of the Third Buddhist Council that purged the sangha
of sixty thousand heretics; a promoter of the Buddhas teachings; and a monk
in his old age. The dhamma of the rock edicts, however, presents a decidedly
less religious figure, one moved more by an idealistic, humanitarian philoso-
phy than by Buddhist doctrinal interests.7 This Asoka advocates docility to
parents, liberality to friends, economy in expenditures, and avoidance of
disputes (rock edict no. 3). He urges self-mastery, purity of heart, gratitude,
and fidelity (rock edict no. 7). Like the H^\aV`VHjiiV, a treatise on lay eth-
ics to which the dhamma of the rock edicts is sometimes compared, Asoka
advises right conduct toward servants, honor toward teachers, liberality
to brahmans and recluses, and self-restraint toward all living things (rock
edicts no. 9 and no. 11). His moral advice is inspiring but not specifically
Buddhist: Man sees but his good deeds, saying: This good act have I done.
Man sees not all his evil deeds, saying: That bad act have I done; that act
is corruption. Such self-examination is hard. Yet, must a man watch over
himself, saying: Such and such acts lead to corruption, such are brutality,
cruelty, anger, and pride. I will zealously see to it that I slander not out of
envy. That will be to my advantage in this world, to my advantage, verily, in
the world to come.8
Even though Asokas advice in the above passages is quite general, there
is little doubt that he was influenced by Buddhist teachings. He commends
certain Buddhist texts, the Buddhas teaching in general, and condemns sec-
buddhism and the state 75

tarian schism; he also visits the Buddhas birthplace and materially supports
the monastic order. If we compare the Buddha and Asoka legends, even the
story of Asokas so-called conversion to Buddhism mirrors the pattern of
the Buddhas life story. The structure of the Buddhas life story exemplifies
two contrasting yet interdependent modalitiesnibbanic and samsaric. The
Buddhas life was one transformed from one dominated by ignorance and
attachment to one suffused with knowledge and attentive awareness. Even
though one modality (nibbana) replaces the other (hVbhVgV), the former
presupposes the latter; in this sense, the two aspects of the story are neces-
sarily interdependent. In a similar manner, Asokas life story moves from the
pole of cruelty, wickedness, and disorder (Canda-Asoka) to one of justice,
righteousness, and order (Dhamma-Asoka).
This same polarity is evident in two Pali hjiiVtexts from the 9\]VC^`nV
(The Long Discourses of the Buddha) which treat kingship, the 6\\VV
HjiiV (On Knowledge of Beginnings), and the 8V``VkVii^H]VcYVHjiiV
(The Lions Roar on the Turning of the Wheel). The first justifies the selec-
tion of a king, the great elect (bV]VhVbbViV), as a necessary means to
overcome political, economic, and social disorder brought about by human
greed and avarice.9 The second hjiiV presents two apocalyptic images of life
under the rule of evil and of life ruled by dhamma. The one is a picture of
injustice, disorder, and confusion; the other portrays liberation and reciproc-
ity. Both are extended images of the human potential kept in balance, as in
the Asoka narrative. From the Buddhist standpoint, neither one can be fully
appreciated except in relationship to the other.10
The legendary chronicle narratives of the great South and Southeast Asian
Buddhist monarchs exhibit the same polarity: after Aniruddha (eleventh
century) kills his brother to rule Pagan, he then becomes a patron of Thera-
vada Buddhism;11 after Tilokaraja (fifteenth century) revolts against his
father, the king of Chiang Mai, he subsequently convenes a council to purify
the religion (WjYY]V"hVhVcV); after Dutthagamani (thirteenth century), the
great warrior hero of the BV]kVhV, defeats the Tamils, he unites the island
kingdom of Sri Lanka and then builds many of the great religious edifices of
Polonnaruva, including the Lohapasada and the great stupa.12
76 part ii

The legend of King Asoka not only establishes a structural, bipolar frame-
work for royal biography, his story also functions in an exemplary manner,
inspiring other monarchs of Southeast Asia to follow Asokas example of
contributing generously to the monastic order. Reflecting Asokan initiatives,
monarchs such as Tilokaraja also convene councils to purify the dhamma,
sponsor new redactions of the Pali scriptures, and adjudicate sectarian dis-
putes. Southeast Asian monarchs built stupa reliquaries as loci of popular
Buddhist cult and symbolic axial centers of both cosmos and kingdom. As
we shall see, material artifacts of Buddhismstupas, Buddha images, and
even votive tabletsbecome emblems of a ritually based galactic polity link-
ing subordinate states to dominant ones.
The primary Buddhist architectural structure throughout Buddhist Asia
is the stupa. It was a cultic center in the early rock-hewn temples in western
India; it commemorated miraculous events attributed to the Buddha and
Buddhist saints;13 it became the locus of popular piety and relic veneration
of monastic establishments in Sri Lanka and mainland Southeast Asia; and
the stupa was closely associated with royal patronage of Buddhist monastic
institutions.14 Scholars have long been drawn to examine the Buddhist stupas
architectural form, historical development, cultic context, and symbolism.15
The stupa is described by the architect-Indologist Adrian Snodgrass as a net-
work of homologous symbols, myths, rituals, and doctrines that include the
stupa as reliquary and memorial, cosmic mountain and navel of the universe,
bVcYVaV-field from which demonic forces have been expelled, generative
womb (\VWW]V), and an ascending pathway to liberation. Snodgrass acknowl-
edges his debt to the interpretation of Borobudur by Paul Mus, who posited
the microcosmic signification of the stupa as an image of the universe, a view
also developed by A. M. Hocart working in Sri Lanka.16
Building on the work of Mus and Hocart, John Irwin suggests that,
although Buddhism associated the stupa with the death of the Buddha,
the archaic, pre-Buddhistic meaning of the stupa as life engendering and
cosmogonic still prevailed[the stupa] is an image of the XgZVi^dc of the
universe, dynamically conceived.17 On the basis of archaeological evidence
discovered in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and the theories of the
buddhism and the state 77

renowned American Indologist, W. Norman Brown, Irwin argues for the

primacy of the stupas axis as an >cYgV"`^aV or World Pillar, reflective of the
Vedic myth of Indras demiurgic act of creation: Indras demiurgic act was
to slay the demon [Vrtra] and to release the waters, while at the same time
separating heaven and earth by pushing them apart and propping up the
sky at the worlds axis, commonly visualized in India as well as in other tra-
ditions as World Tree or World Pillar . . . [w]ith his raising of the heavens,
Indra pegged the floating Primordial Mound to the bottom of the Cosmic
Ocean, thus fixing or stabilising our universe; the peg he used was the
>cYgV"@aV, metaphysically synonymous with the World Pillar.18
Irwins interpretation of the centrality of the axial-cosmogonic symbol-
ism of the stupa receives further validation from the association of Buddhist
stupas with kings. The appearance of Buddha relics and their enshrinement
by the Buddhist monarchs of South and Southeast Asia represents not only
an act of piety, but, more important, relics link the king with Indras cosmog-
onic act that orders the universe. Some scholars challenge an emphasis on the
cosmological significance of the stupa on the grounds that its fundamental
meaning should be seen as representing the Buddhas presence in the form
of a relic (Y]Vij"\VWW]V).
Sponsoring stupa construction was a major activity of these Buddhist
monarchs. The prevalence of stupa worship was one of the hallmarks of
Indian cultural unity during the two-hundred-year period between 270 and
50 B.C.e., the age of the later Mauryas, the Sungas, and the later Andhras of
south India. Although the claim that Asoka enshrined relics at 84,000 sites
is mythical, its symbolic value points to a basic truth that in the Asokan
period the cult of relics became a primary expression of Buddhist piety as
well as part of Asokas policy of using Buddhism as a unifying instrument of
imperial power.19 Indeed, it is quite likely that the very inauguration of the
cult of relics described in the BV]eVg^c^WWcVHjiiV could well have been
a sign of the Mauryan age. Some form of hijeV cult was pre-Buddhistic, but
the veneration of a mound of earth or brickwork containing the remains of
nobles and holy men gained greater prominence in Buddhism than in any
78 part ii











Figure 2.1. The stupa as microcosm. Drawing adapted from Irwin, 1979, 843.

other Indian religious tradition. Asokan patronage, as Benjamin Rowland

suggests, may have been at least partially responsible for this development.
One of the best-known Indian stupa sites is at Saci, also known as Caitya-
giri, located in the modern state of Maharastra. Saci is part of a central Indian
group of stupas that extend along a commercial route from the imperial
capital of Pataliputra to Ujjain and further to the seaport town of Bharu-
kacha. The association of Saci with Asoka is suggested by an inscribed
Asokan pillar thought to have originally stood at Sacis south gate, although
this claim is disputed.20 Saci has been studied primarily by art historians;
however, it should be remembered that the stupa was not merely an edifice,
but also an active, vital center of Buddhist learning and pilgrimage, and for
buddhism and the state 79

Figure 2.2. Saci, the great stupa. From Rowland, 1953, 53. Reprinted by permission of
Mrs. Benjamin Rowland.
80 part ii

both monastic and lay religious practice from the third century B.C.e. to
the tenth century C.e.
Sacis prototypical stupa is composed of three major parts: a mound or
dome; a raised platform above the base of the dome used for circumambula-
tion; and a stone balustrade encircling the mound at ground level. Gateways
are located in the balustrade at the four cardinal points. A quadrangular ter-
race was added to the top of the dome, and over the dome a parasol was placed
as a symbol of imperial power. The four gateways at the cardinal directions
indicate the cosmic symbolism of the stupa, as do the terms applied to the
dome: VcYV, meaning egg, and \VWW]V, meaning womb, which contains
the seed (W^_V), that is, the relic.21 In addition to this basic architectural
structure, the three Saci stupa sites abound in stone sculpture and decorative
relief carving, representational scenes from the former lives of the Buddha,
and other folk elements.
Such a proliferation of popular art prompted Sukumar Dutt, an Indian
scholar of an earlier generation, to see the stupa and the cult associated with
it as a vulgarization of the tradition: Shuffling somehow out of the pre-
cocity of monkish learning, the religion has taken on a popular aspect. It
seems to find in this age a new, perhaps a little vulgarised, expression in its
unclerical ritualistic worship, in its motives of art, in attitudes of mind and
spirit, often at odds with the approved system of the religion.22
The German Indologist, Heinrich Zimmer, modifies Dutts interpretation
of the Buddhist stupa-reliquary. He sees it as a marriage between the highest
ideals of Buddhism and local folk religion: . . . on the gates and railings, we
find a thronging world of forms. Their joyous yet respectful animation is the
counterpole to the unembellished quiet of the surface of the dome, illustrat-
ing the opposition of hVhgV and c^gkV. Far from being a vulgarization
of the tradition, he argues that the hieV and its form became the highest
symbol of the Buddhist faith. It represents the essence of enlightenment,
transcendental reality, c^gkV. Therefore, instead of remaining simply a
reliquary memorial filled with sacred bones, ash, or crumbled wood, the
silently eloquent structure became a signal of the highest human goal and
of the Buddhas attainment.23
buddhism and the state 81

Whereas Zimmer romanticizes the meaning of the stupa, Dutt conceives

of the monument as a vulgar expression of popular piety, drawing too sharp
a contrast between monastic and lay Buddhism, between Buddhisms highest
ideals and popular practice, and presuming an original, essentialized Bud-
dhism that, historically, never existed. Irwins cosmogonic interpretation of
the Buddhist stupa, offers an alternative view, one more compatible with the
close association between the stupa and Buddhist kingship. Keep in mind
that although the Buddhist stupa should not be restricted to a single mean-
ing, for my purpose it represents the symbiotic relationship between sacred
cosmology and kingship. The stupa in its structural form suggests that the
ruler is empowered or legitimated by his association with the creative-order-
ing-liberating forces of the universe, whether those forces are Brahmanical
deities or the Buddha, and that through this association, the ruler, himself,
becomes an active agent in maintaining the order of the universe.
Because Buddhist monarchs of Southeast Asia enshrined Buddha relics
in stupas, known as YV\dWV in Sri Lanka and X]ZY^ in Thailand, they came
to represent a magical or supernatural center for the kingdom. In this inter-
pretation, the reliquary mound becomes one modality of the Buddha as
cosmocrator, one closely associated with the monarch as world ruler. In the
BV]eVg^c^WWcVHjiiV, the stupa is referred to as a person-of-dhamma/
king-of-dhamma (Y]Vbb^`VY]VbbVgV_V), which could be an allusion to
King Asoka.24 Furthermore, the legend that Asoka redistributed the Bud-
dhas relics in 84,000 stupas throughout India, each located in a political
division of his domain, suggests that Asoka governed his realm through a
ritual hegemony rather than actual political control.25 The stupa-reliquary,
then, can be seen as the material representation par excellence of both the
Buddha and the traditional Southeast Asian Buddhist ruler. Hence, the
monument represents the close interrelationship between religion and the
state on both historical and symbolic levels.
The hijeVs assimilation of royal and religious meaning finds expression
throughout mainland Southeast, however, I shall cite only two examples:
the Shwezigon in Pagan, Burma, begun by Aniruddha and completed by
Kyanzittha at the end of the eleventh century; and Kuenas enshrinement
82 part ii

of a Buddha relic in the fourteenth century at Wat Phra That located atop
Suthep Mountain overlooking the city of Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Kings and Cosmology

Theravada Buddhism influenced the classical conception of kingship in
various ways. One was the example of King Asoka valorized as the paradig-
matic Y]VbbVgV_V, the righteous monarch who, although a powerful world
ruler (XV``VkVii^c), governs justly and righteously as the embodiment of the
ten royal virtues. According to the Theravada chronicles of Southeast Asia,
successful rulersat least in the eyes of those who composed the chroni-
cleswere those who emulated King Asoka. This suggests that the Asokan
model had a mimetic potency: to imitate King Asoka legitimated a ruler as
a Y]VbbVgV_V. In particular, Buddhist monarchs built Buddhist edifices,
especially stupas, and purified the dhamma and the sangha in self-conscious
imitation of King Asoka. By such mimetic repetition, peace and prosperity
would be guaranteed in the realm and enable the king to rule as a universal
monarch (XV``VkVii^c).
Theravada Buddhism informed the classical conception of Southeast Asian
kingship in other ways. In his study of Burmese kingship during the Pagan
period, Michael Aung-Thwin cites three essential elements in the ideology
of classical kingshipthe Y]VbbVgV_V, the `VbbVgV_V, and the YZkVgV_V.
He identifies these elements as human, superhuman, and divine attributes
of the king:

By aiding the publics desire for salvation and upward spiritual mobility as a
WdY]^hViiV; for ruling earthly Tvatisaknown as Jambudpa [generally iden-
tified with the Indian subcontinent], paradise on earthas Sakka [Indra]; and
for guarding the supernatural dimensions of society as a cVi [Burmese guardian
deity]for these roles the king acquired a divine image. For administering the
state efficiently and morally in the tradition of Asoka and the Mahsammata
. . . he acquired the image of a Y]VbbVg_V. For successfully conquering the
buddhism and the state 83

Figure 2.3. The XZi^nV(Thai,

X]ZY^) at Wat Phra That
Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai,

familiar world as a XV``VkVii^[c], a universal monarch, he enjoyed the image

of superhuman. Yet, because he achieved all this by the merits derived from
his past actions, he was, above all, a `VbbVg_V.26

Aung-Thwins analysis summarizes several of the Buddhist concepts that

informed the political ideology of the classical Buddhist monarchies of South-
east Asia. These concepts were propagated in different ways. For example,
kings consulted with the Buddhist sangha, and scholar-monks composed
texts that promoted these ideals. Underlying the human, superhuman, and
divine dimensions of classical Buddhist political ideology, however, is the
notion of mimesis. By imitating Asoka, the ruler actually represents the great
elect or world conqueror. It appears, moreover, that in the construction of
palaces, temples, and capitals, as well as the organization of state and society,
a similar mimetic principle was operative. That is, these structures and their
84 part ii

polities were not merely microcosmic symbols of the macrocosmos; by their

imitation of the macrocosmos in a virtual reality sense, they embodied the
very laws governing the cosmos.
My emphasis on the mimetic import of classical Southeast Asian religio-
political centers is a variation of Robert von Heine-Gelderns construction
of the parallelism between the suprahuman macrocosmos and the human
microcosmos in which the kingdom represents the cosmos.27 Heine-Geldern
refers to a magical relationship between the human realm and the uni-
verse, between terrestrial manifestations on the one hand and the points of
the compass and the heavens on the other. In this schema everything has a
magical position and a magical moment in the structure and movement
of the universe: Humanity was forever in the control of cosmic forces. This
concept was applied to social groups . . . . Kingdom, city, monastery, nothing
could prosper unless it was in harmony with these universal forces. In order
to achieve this harmony, men tried to build the kingdom, the capital, the
palace, the temple, in the form of microcosmos . . . replicas of the structure
of the universe.28
What happens when we apply a mimetic interpretation to three major
Southeast Asian religio-political centers: Angkor in Cambodia, Pagan in
Burma, and Sukhothai in Siam? These centers and their spectacular monu-
ments represent high points in the development of their respective cultures.
They can and should be assessed as expressions of increasingly powerful and
centralized states which [according to Charles Higham] were the foci of
intensified centralisation, incorporation of surrounding groups by force . . . .
The indigenous inhabitants incorporated into their culture Indian-inspired
ideas of statehood. These included a legal system, calendrics and the estab-
lishment of a mandala-wide religion.29
Paul Mus, a seminal interpreter of the religion and culture of Southeast
Asia, argues that the imposition of Buddhism or Hinduism as a state religion
and the creation of a sacred capital city were crucial elements in a sovereigns
strategy to create a centralized state that brought together cadastral cults and
plural communities into a unified pattern.30 The anthropologist, S. J. Tambiah,
buddhism and the state 85

suggests that Buddhism forged a macroconception that yoked religion and

the sociopolitical order in which kingship was the articulating principle.31
To interpret these centers and their monuments simply as material evi-
dence of powerful, centralized political states ignores their symbolic value
and mimetic potency as sacred spacerepresentations in a bVcYVaV form
of vertical and horizontal world-planes regulated from the pinnacle of the
central axis by embodiments of both divine and royal power. As argued by
scholars such as Heine-Geldern, George Coeds, Mus, and Tambiah, these
monuments reflect Hindu and Buddhist polities modeled on cosmological
notions and parallelism between the suprahuman macrocosmos and the
human microcosmos. Tambiah asserts: The Kingdom was a miniature repre-
sentation of the cosmos, with the palace at the center being iconic of Mount
Meru, the pillar of the universe, and the king, his princes and ruling chiefs
representing the hierarchy in Tvatisa heavenIndra, the four ad`VeaV
(world guardians), and twenty-eight subordinate YZkVs.32
Tambiah builds on the research of R. Moertono on medieval Java and H.
L. Shortos study of the medieval Mon kingdom in Burma to characterize the
classical Southeast Asian polities that were modeled on this mandalic scheme
as galactic, a dynamic structure of peripheral and tributary states subject to
a dominant center. In particular, Tambiah contends that a thirty-three unit
galactic polity reached its most complex development in Buddhist South-
east Asia. To illustrate his point, he refers to the Mon scheme of thirty-two
townships organized around the capital of Hamsavati (Pegu in Burma) and
a thirty-three unit Burmese hierarchical political structure that includes the
king, four ministers, and twenty-eight regional chiefs.33 Tambiah contends
that these schemes reflect the Buddhist notions of the thirty-three heavenly
realms as well as the divine hierarchy of Indra (Sakka), the four world guard-
ians, and the twenty-eight YZkVs.
In the following discussion of kingship and religious cosmology, we shall
analyze the ancient capitals of Angkor, Pagan, and Sukhothai primarily as
unique combinations of three interrelated symbol systems: the cosmic, the
divine, and the royal. Concepts enhancing royal statusthe world ruler (XV`"
`VkVii^c), king of righteousness (Y]VbbVgV_V), a Buddha-to-be (WdY]^hViiV),
86 part ii

and the god-king (YZkVgV_V) or Buddha-king (WjYY]VgV_V)inform the

meanings attributed to these centers together with their palaces, temples, and
stupas. The meaning of the YZkVgV_V concept, which we associate primarily
with Khmer imperial rule, has been a particular focus of study and debate.34
Why has this concept figured so prominently in discussions of religious cos-
mologies and kingship in Southeast Asia?
In its basic formulation, the YZkVgV_V concept stands for the divinization
of a ruler. Upon his death the ruler becomes the apotheosis of a divine being,
which could be one of the Hindu gods, Shiva or Vishnu, or the Buddha
Lokeshvara. George Coeds, the French doyen of Southeast Asian culture
of an earlier generation, gives this interpretation of the YZkVgV_V in his study
of Angkor: From all evidence it is safe to say that it was the king who was
the great god of ancient Cambodia, the one to whom the biggest groups of
monuments and all the temples in the form of mountains were dedicated.35
Lawrence Briggs holds the same view, asserting that the central divinity of
the state cult of ancient Cambodia was the king himself, and that he was
looked upon as a manifestation of Shiva, a god-king whose visible symbol
was a a^c\V located upon the central altar of a pyramidal temple, the symbolic
center of the empire, in imitation of Mount Meru.36
Other scholars qualify such a specific claim, asserting that in the case of
Hinduism the ruler was considered to be either an incarnation of a god or
a descendant from a god or both. In the case of Theravada Buddhism, the
king became a representative of the god Indra through good karma acquired
in past lives.37 This formulation of the YZkVgV_V/WjYY]VgV_V concept has the
virtue of giving wider latitude in interpreting the specific nature of the asso-
ciation between the raja (king), deva (god), or buddha.
A major challenge to identifying the YZkVgV_V concept with kingship comes
from those scholars who contend that the notion of the YZkVgV_V in Angkor
refers to Shiva as the king of the gods rather than to a divine monarch or a
god-king.38 Others argue for a separation of the YZkVgV_V concept from the cult
of royal a^c\Vs, which became the basis for the Angkorian state cult from the
eleventh century.39Although a consensus has yet to be reached regarding the
precise meaning of the YZkVgV_V concept and its related concept, the WjYY]VgV_V,
buddhism and the state 87

it is likely that the terms link king and god (e.g., Shiva, Vishnu) or king and
Buddha at the center of a mimetically potent replica of the universe.


The monuments of the Khmer empire, constructed between the ninth and
fourteenth centuries, first captured the imagination of European travelers
and scholars because of the vastness of the site, and the overwhelming size
and dynamism of Angkor Wat that adjoins the last great Khmer capital,
Angkor Thom, dominated by its central temple, the Bayon.40 The awesome
grandeur of Angkor Wat prompted A. K. Coomaraswamy to comment that
the observer could not help but be overwhelmed by a feeling of the monu-
ments nervous tension and concentration of force.41 The association of
the YZkVgV_V concept with the religious cosmology of the Khmer empire,
furthermore, has enhanced the significance of Angkor for the historian of
religion who studies the relationship between sacred cosmology and politi-
cal authority.
From a historical point of view, scholars speculate that the notion of
YZkVgV_V first originated in Funan, a kingdom founded in the first century
C.e. in the lower Mekong Valley. The Chinese word, [j"cVc, could derive
from the Mon-Khmer word, WcVb, which means mountain, with specific
reference to a cult of a national guardian spirit established by the founder of
the state.42 Under the Khmers this cult acquired a Hinduized meaning dur-
ing the reign of Jayavarman II (accession, 802 C.e.) when Shaivism became
the state religion, a transformation that could have been mediated through
Java. Jayavarman linked Shiva worship with kingship, assuming the role of
a universal monarch who governs both the spiritual and temporal realms.
He made his royal chaplain the chief priest (ejgd]^iV) of the YZkVgV_V cult
on a hereditary basis. This ensured continuance of this tradition until the
reign of Suryavarman I (10021050 C.E.) who added Mahayana Buddhist
elements to the state YZkVgV_V cult.
88 part ii

Figure 2.4. Angkor Wat near Siem Riep, Cambodia. Angkor Wat ground plan reprinted
by permission of Oxford University Press.
buddhism and the state 89

H. G. Quartich Wales interprets the YZkVgV_V cult as a synthesis of an

indigenous Southeast Asian worldview with Hinduism, but he gives primacy
to the chonthic significance of autochthonous mountain symbolism. Wales
suggests that the Khmer YZkVgV_V cult is a synthesis of Indian-Shaivite ideas
of divinity and kingship with older Southeast Asian megalithic beliefs. He
contends that when the pre-Indianized peoples of Southeast Asia erected
stone megaliths, they recognized the consubstantial presence of the first
ancestor-earth god in the stone as themselves.43
Wales finds evidence for this chthonic character of Shiva among the
Khmers in such epithets as Girisa, the mountain Lord, and Gambhiresvara,
Shiva of the depths. He argues that the development of the temple moun-
tain in Khmer architecture up to the construction of the Bayon points to a
displacement of the Hindu Mount Meru with a more realistic and primor-
dial representation of the sacred mountain. In Waless interpretation, then,
the Khmer temple mountain represents a revival, albeit one transformed by
Indian thought, of the chthonic source of divine and royal power.44 George
Coeds contends that the cult of divinized royalty was the source of inspira-
tion for the grand monuments of ancient Cambodia.45
The meaning of the Bayon has been much contested by Western schol-
ars. Its architectural form, bas-reliefs, and the iconic visage dominating the
structure suggest an assimilation of Indic gods, local deities, and Mahayana
Buddhology. The huge faces staring down from a series of great towers, first
identified with Brahma, are now widely considered to be Lokeshvara, although
a new hypothesis argues on both iconic and comparative historical grounds
for Tantric Vajrayana influence.46 While acknowledging diverse views regard-
ing the iconographic and historical significance of the Bayon, I follow the
theory that the faces incorporate both Buddhist and royal meanings.
After Mahayana Buddhism spread to Angkor in the eleventh century,
Suryavarman II began construction of a Buddhist temple on the site that
would later become the Bayon, the great temple identified primarily with
the royal power of Jayavarman VII (r. 1181ca. 1219). Although the site
continued to be developed under Hindu influence after Jayavarmans death,
what may have been a fully developed WjYY]VgV_V cult rooted in this earlier
90 part ii

Figure 2.5. The Bayon Temple of Angkor Thom near Siem Riep, Cambodia. Reprinted by
permission of Oxford University Press.

infusion of Mahayana Buddhism developed during his reign. Whether or

not the WjYY]VgV_V cult, which the Bayon temple may embody, represents
a cult of a divinized ruler or veneration of the Buddha as divine ruler is not
a settled issue; nonetheless, the mandalic structure and iconography of the
monument bear testimony to a complex interrelationship between sacred
cosmology, the Khmer state, and Jayavarmans political authority.
Both Angkor Wat and the Bayon exemplify the Khmer synthesis of cos-
mology and kingship. Sometimes known as the Great Temple, Angkor Wat
proper covers an area of approximately five hundred acres; furthermore, it
is part of a more extensive complex of monuments of over ten thousand
acres. Constructed under the reign of Suryavarman II (11131150 C.E.),
the monument was dedicated to the Hindu god, Vishnu. Subsequently it
became a sacred Buddhist site, especially following the conquest by the Sia-
mese in the fifteenth century.
Angkor Wat rises from the ground in its mandalic form as an embodiment
of the suprahuman macrocosmos and the human microcosmos. It represents
buddhism and the state 91

simultaneously the image of the universe, the celestial paradise of Vishnu,

and the heavenly palace of the spirit of the king.47 The moat surrounding
the structure is approximately two hundred yards wide and twenty-five feet
deep. The temple itself, symbolizing the earth in its quadrangular plan and
guarded by four massive enclosures, rises as Mount Meru, the central moun-
tain of the universe, to the celestial spheres of the realm of the god Vishnu.
A bridge spans the moat on the west leading pilgrims through the main
gate of the outer wall and gallery over a paved causeway to a cruciform ter-
race in front of the main entrance to the temple. The temple itself ascends
in three successive terraces to a height of over 180 feet. In the center of the
innermost terrace stands an enormous pyramidal foundation supporting
the five ultimate towers accessible only by steep, narrow stone steps.48 The
three basic cosmological components of Angkor Wat are the central tower
or Vm^hbjcY^, the surrounding wall, and the moat. The latter two represent
the alternating mountain ranges and oceans that divide the horizontal plane
in the Indian cosmological schema.49
In comparison with other Khmer classical monuments, Angkor Wat has
garnered the greatest share of popular and scholarly attention; however, the
Bayon is an even more apt example of the complex, intricate interweaving
of Buddhism, state, and kingship. The splendor and mystery of the Bayon
has been noted by all who have seen it: an architectural wonder of the first
order (Doudart de Lage); the most extraordinary of all the Khmer ruins
(Louis Delaporte); a structure absolutely unique of its kind (Tissandier);
and Pierre Lotis memorable, I looked up at the tree-covered towers which
dwarfed me, when all of a sudden my blood curdled as I saw an enormous
smile looking down on me and another smile over another wall, then three,
then five, then ten, appearing from every direction.50 Even though these
romantic paeans come from an earlier generation of scholars, yet I, too,
found the Bayon overwhelmingly mysterious and fascinating when I first
visited Angkor Thom.
The Bayon is located at the geometric center of the greatest and last of
the Khmer capitals, Angkor Thom. It dominates an extensive array of reli-
gious and royal stone structures located within the huge walls of the capital.
92 part ii

Figure 2.6. Jayavarman VII.

The Bayon, Angkor Thom,
Cambodia. Sketch by Namo.

According to Coeds, the Bayon evolved over time from a cruciform-shaped

temple in the capital to a rectangular temple-mountain crowded with towers
surrounding a central pediment. Emerging from each of the four sides of the
towers just below their lotus crown is the benign, smiling visage of the face
that so captured Pierre Lotis imagination when he first saw the temple.
Western scholarly debates over the significance of the faces on the towers
of the Bayon have ranged from the four faces of Brahma to the five faces of
Shiva. Coeds and Mus interpret the temple and its faces as symbols of royal
power blessing the four quarters of the land.51 Furthermore, Coeds contends
that the discovery in 1933 of a large Lokeshvara image in the central sanctu-
ary of the Bayon not only proves that the structure was a temple dedicated to
Lokeshvara, but also that the face of the image, as well as those on the towers,
buddhism and the state 93

represents an apotheosis of King Jayavarman VII in the form of the Buddha.

In a more extended analysis of the entire structure, Mus contends that the
temple represented a galactic, mimetic bVcYVaV: Perhaps each tower cor-
responded to . . . a religious or administrative centre of the province. Thus
. . . the four faces symboliz[ing] the royal power spreading over the land in
every direction . . . signified that Jayavarman IIs royal power was as strong
in the provinces as at Angkor itself. . . . We now begin to understand this
mysterious architecture as the symbol of the Great Miracle of Jayavarman
VII. It represents his administrative and religious power extending to every
corner of Cambodian territory by means of this unique sign.52
Muss galactic interpretation receives further confirmation from an Ang-
kor inscription indicating that Jayavarman dispatched twenty-three stone
images of himself portrayed as the Buddha (the Jaya Buddha Mahanatha)
to such far flung Khmer outposts as Sukhothai in north-central Siam. Jaya-
varmans extensive empire, like King Asokas kingdom fifteen hundred years
earlier, was conjoined by such symbolic gestures as the installation of Jaya
Buddha Mahanatha images of the WjYY]VgV_V, as well as by material services.
For example, in regard to the latter, Jayavarman sponsored the building of an
extensive system of roads equipped with more than one hundred rest houses
and a sophisticated system of reservoirs.


In the following discussion of kingship and cosmology in Southeast Asia,

the focus shifts to the Burmese kingdom of Pagan (eleventh to thirteenth
centuries) and the Siamese kingdom of Sukhothai (thirteenth to fifteenth
centuries) where the influence of Theravada Buddhism eventually overshad-
owed other Buddhist and Brahmanical influences.53 Theravada Buddhism also
played a dominant role in other classical Southeast Asian kingdoms, notably
the Siamese capital of Ayutthaya and the northern city-state of Chiang Mai
in Siam, Lan Chang (Luang Prabang) in Laos, and Pegu in Burma.
94 part ii

Under King Aniruddha (r. 10441077), Pagan became the dominant

kingdom in Burma. Located in the central region of that country in a plain
near the confluence of the Irrawaddy and the Chindwin Rivers, the city-state
eventually covered an area of approximately sixteen square miles where the
remains of over two thousand extant sites can still be seen. While no single
monument at Pagan can match the majestic grandeur of Angkor Wat or the
iconographic complexity of Borobudur, the size and extent of its monuments
are overwhelming and incomparable.54 That Pagan was situated only thirty
miles from Mount Popa, the home of the most powerful guardian deities,
the Mahagiri cVis, venerated by the Burmese, also suggests an assimilation
between the Mount Meru symbolism of Indian Buddhist cosmology and
an ancient cult of mountain spirits.55
The temples and stupas of Pagan vary greatly in architectural style, blend-
ing Indian, Pyu, Mon, and Sinhalese motifs with the unique genius of the
Burmese. The Shwezigon begun by Aniruddha and completed by his grand-
son, Kyanzittha in 1086, is believed to enshrine three sacred Buddha relics:
his collarbone, frontlet bone, and a tooth.56 Aniruddha brought to Pagan
one of the relics from the Baw-baw-kyi stupa in the Pyu center of Thaton.
In return he left votive tablets and _ViV`V plaques, a custom he practiced
throughout his kingdom. By this reciprocal action, Pagan as the sacred cen-
ter of the Burmese kingdom incorporated peripheral states into its orbit.
Aniruddha enshrined Buddha relics and brought Buddha images, monks,
and texts from conquered states.
During the Pagan period, the Shwezigon, located near the kings palace,
Jayabhumi or Place of Victory, functioned as a national shrine. In the tradition
of the stupa-reliquary described earlier, by its relic it represents the person of
the Buddha as well as the qualities of the Buddhist world ruler. Inscriptions
refer to Aniruddha as a XV``VkVii^c and ascribe to his grandson and successor,
Kyanzittha, an even more grandiose title, Sri Tribhuvanadityadhammaraja,
which means The Blessed Buddhist King, Sun of the Three Worlds. Paul
Strachans interpretation of the Shwezigon suggests the mimetic potency of
the stupa. With its three circumambulatory terraces, bell-shaped dome, and
four stairways facing the cardinal directions, the Shwezigon is not simply an
buddhism and the state 95

Figure 2.7. The Shwezigon stupa. Pagan, Myanmar. Reprinted by permission of J. J.


architectural imitation of a cosmic mountain; rather, mimetically it ^hthe

cosmic mountain.57
The Shwezigon and other Pagan stupas, such as the Mingala-zedi (1274
C.E.), share with the Borobudur stupa (see appendix 2) a common struc-
ture: a truncated pyramidal terraced base with angled towers and a central
stairway on each side that supports a central circular dome. As is true of
Borobudur, the terraces of the stupas of Pagan serve both a practical and a
symbolic function. There are open-air galleries from which the pilgrim can
view depictions of Buddhist scenes, or as in the case of Pagans monuments,
episodes from the _ViV`Vs. The monuments invite the pilgrim to ascend the
tower gradually, moving clockwise around its terraces in a symbolic pilgrim-
96 part ii

Figure 2.8. The Ananda Temple. Pagan, Myanmar. Reprinted by permission of J. J.

buddhism and the state 97

age of ascent rising from the ground level of earthly everyday life to higher
and higher spheres.58
The central monument of Pagan, however, is not a hijeV-reliquary but
the Ananda Temple completed by King Kyanzittha who reigned from 1084
until his death in 1113.59 Constructed of brick and plaster in a cruciform
design, the main base is surmounted by two receding curvilinear roofs and
four receding terraces, crowned by a spire in the form of a miter-like pyramid
known as a h^`]VgV.60 The core of the interior is dominated by an enormous
cube rising to the spire, which is surrounded by two galleries. On each side
of the cube stands a colossal figure representing the four Buddhas of this
world age. Their huge size in a relatively confined place conveys a sense of
the Buddhas omnipresence throughout space and time. The Ananda, like the
Dhammayangyi Temple and several others, combines both cave and cosmic
mountain symbolism. According to I]Z<aVhhEVaVXZ8]gdc^XaZd[i]Z@^c\h
d[7jgbV, the Ananda Temple replicates an ascetics cave located on Mount
Gandamadana in a mythological Himalayan setting. Its gilded spire suggests
two meanings: the top of a magic mountain, or flames of fiery energy gener-
ated by the four meditating Buddhas inside the cave.
The Ananda Temple links Buddhist cosmology and kingship. In the opin-
ion of one interpreter of Southeast Asian culture, the monument symbolizes
King Kyanzitthas desire to realize his own apotheosis as a divine being in a
way similar to that of his contemporaries in Cambodia: We can . . . see the
Ananda as a funerary temple for Kyanzittha. It represents a model of cos-
mic reality, a world wherein dwell those who have achieved enlightenment.
Kyanzittha has spent his life as a WdY]^hViikV and on his death he achieves
translation into the realm of the Buddhas.61 Located inside the temple is
a small image of Kyanzittha that depicts the crowned monarch as a pious
devotee of the Buddha, and inscriptions indicate that he saw himself as a
WdY]^hViikV, a XV``VkVii^c, and an incarnation of the god Vishnu.
The power achieved by Southeast Asian monarchs was enhanced and rein-
forced by various religious and cosmically based notions such as the god-king,
the world ruler, and the Buddha-to-be. In the Khmer empire, YZkVgV_V and
WjYY]VgV_V cults appear to have been a significant feature of political legiti-
98 part ii

mation and power. Certainly, the fact that monarchs such as Jayavarman VII
and Kyanzittha were claimants to extramundane status and at death were
apotheosized into divine beings, served to reinforce their sovereign authority.
These monuments built to glorify the monarchs who ordered their construc-
tion also functioned as magical centers of both the state and the cosmos, and
in symbolizing the spiritual attainments of the monarch, they pointed to the
ultimate goal of all aspirants to enlightenment and perfection.


Sukhothai, located approximately 280 miles north of Bangkok in north-

central Thailand, was one of the first major capitals of Siam.62 Originally
built as a Khmer outpost, Sukothai was conquered by Tai tribes led by
Si Indradit in the mid-thirteenth century. Together with its twin city, Si
Satchanalai, Sukhothai remained a center of Tai power until the end of the
fourteenth century when it came under the control of the neighboring Tai
state of Ayutthaya.
The city plan was derived from the formal layout of royal Khmer cities at
Angkoran inner city surrounded by three concentric earth ramparts sepa-
rated by moats covering an area of nearly two square milesbut it evolved
into a distinctively Tai religious-royal center. In the late thirteenth century
during the reign of King Ramkhamhaeng, the axial center of the city was
the Manansilapatra, a stepped pyramid where the king granted audiences
and monks preached the dhamma. The structure may have developed from
the Kon Laeng, a stepped altar on which offerings were made to the citys
guardian deity (Thai, e]^bjVc\) during the reign of Si Indradit.63 The Man-
ansilapatra represented a sacred, mythical plateau in the Himalayas and was
the center of the ceremonial city defined by its triple ramparts, four large
gates at the cardinal directions, and various Buddhist monuments marking
other directions. The transformation of Sukhothai continued during the
reign of Ramkhamhaengs successor, King Dhammaraja (Loethai), when the
buddhism and the state 99

Figure 2.9. Sketch plan of the city of Sukhothai with Wat Mahathat at the center. From
Stratton and Scott, 1981, 11. Reprinted by permission of the Stratton/Scott archives.
100 part ii

capital was restored as a ceremonial center under the direction of Somdet

Phra Mahathera Si Satha, a former prince become monk.
Around 1330 C.E. a slender, lotus bud tower enshrining a Buddha relic
was built atop Ramkhamhaengs pyramid in the center of the city, thereby
turning it into a Buddhist stupa.64 In the early 1340s, Si Satha expanded the
stupa to enshrine two Buddha relics he brought back from Sri Lanka where
he had resided for a decade. He also added four axial towers. More than two
hundred buildings were constructed around the stupa itself, which became
known as Wat Mahathat, the Monastery of the Great Relics. This pattern
of constructing a reliquary stupa or XZi^nV as the symbolic and ceremonial
center of the kingdom typifies the development of Tai city-states.
Although the story of the material representations of kings and cosmology
presented in this section culminates in the great Siamese capital of Ayut-
thaya (fifteenth to eighteenth centuries), it is particularly germane to the
topic of Buddhist kingship and cosmology to conclude with a brief look at
King Lithai (Mahadhammaraja I) who reigned at Sukhothai from 1347 to
1361 C.E. He was the author of the IgV^W]b^`Vi](The Three Worlds),
regarded as the first systematic Theravada cosmological treatise and the first
truly literary work written by a Siamese.65 Lithais treatise is as much a discus-
sion of Buddhist kingship as it is a picture of the thirty-one realms or levels
of the Buddhist cosmology.
Lithai was most interested in the fifth and seventh levels of this cosmo-
logical schemethe realm of the four great continents and the realm of
Tavatimsa, the heavenly abode of the thirty-three gods. Both realms are
ruled by kings, the XV``VkVii^cand Indra, the same kings as noted in the
discussion of King Asoka who serve as models for Southeast Asian Buddhist
monarchs. The XV``VkVii^crules in the human realm and Indra reigns in
Tavatimsa Heaven: In emulation of Indra, whose palace is regally situated
at the exact tip of the cosmic Mount Meru, Theravda kings traditionally
build their palaces at the symbolic centres of their kingdoms. Thus, the
earthly king himself becomes Indra.66
buddhism and the state 101

The Cosmological Scheme

of the Three Worlds

World Without Form

Absolute Nothingness
Infinite Mentality
Infinite Space

World With Partial Form

Supreme Brahmas
Clear-sighted Brahmas
Beautiful Brahmas
Serene Brahmas
Prosperous Brahmas
Brahmas Without Perception
Brahmas with Great Rewards
Brahmas with Steady Aura
Brahmas with Infinite Aura
Brahmas with Limited Aura
Radiant Brahmas
Brahmas with Infinite Luster
Brahma with Limited Luster
Great Brahmas
Brahma Ministers
Brahma Attendants

World of Desire
Delight in Others Creations
Delight in Own Creations
Full of Joy
King Yama
Indras Heaven (seventh realm)
Four Guardian Kings
Humans, including the XV``VkVi^c king (fifth realm)
Hungry Ghosts

Figure 2.10. Based on the IgV^W]b^`Vi]# Permission granted by Oxford University Press.
102 part ii

Lithai was most influenced by the model of the XV``VkVii^c who attains
his position through the virtues of his past meritorious lives and who rules
justly and compassionately in accordance with the dhamma. Like the mighty
XV``VkVii^c who conquers the four continents with his armies, Lithai con-
quered Sukhothai and sought to establish his authority over a widespread
territory. Over half of the fourteen years of his reign was spent out of the city.
He built distinctive lotus bud XZ^inV towers in outlying centers as tangible signs
of the spiritual links binding together capital, province, and vassal states.67 A
giant wheel (XV``V) and the Phra Buddha Singha, a palladium image, accom-
panied the king on his travels.68 These practices parallel the installation of
the Jaya Buddha Mahanatha image by Jayavarman VII in outlying centers of
his empire and Aniruddhas custom of enshrining votive tablets and _ViV`V
plaques throughout the territories over which he exercised suzerainty, thereby
serving the purpose of creating a loosely structured ritual hegemony.
HijeVs and relics legitimated Lithais territorial rights; the wheel and the
Buddha image that accompanied him further reinforced his claims over the
network of states beyond the royal capital. Lithai also sought to unite his
newly forged kingdom by distributing Buddha images, relics, and Buddha
footprints incised with the 108 cosmologically potent supernatural signs.
In effect, he created a ritual unity joined together by a cult of sacred relics,
images, footprints, and monks in which the monks who accompanied a
sacred relic [and image] in its passage through the country helped strengthen
the nexus between outlying centers and the capital.69
The historical legacy of King Ramkhamhaeng and his grandson, Lithai,
has been influential in the processes of national integration and politi-
cal legitimation in the modern period. It has even been argued that King
Ramkhamhaengs famous stele inscription depicting a strong, benevolent,
Y]VbbVgV_V king holding audiences with his subjects and presiding over a
prosperous realm was, in fact, fabricated during the reign of King Mongkut
on the eve of Siams political and economic modernization.70 It has even been
proposed that King Lithais IgV^W]b^`Vi] was not authored by him as a
Buddhist political charter before he overthrew the usurper of the Sukhothai
throne and restored the kingdoms fortunes, but rather, that this cosmologi-
buddhism and the state 103

cal treatise on the ethics of kingship was written instead during the reign of
Rama I (r. 17821809) to bolster a Siamese monarchy devastated by the
Burmese sack of Ayutthaya.71
Even though these particular historical reconstructions are not supported
by most scholars, it is certainly the case that at those two turning points in
modern Thai historythe late eighteenth and late nineteenth centuries
Buddhism provided a critical basis for maintaining a sense of national identity
in the face of severe challenges. In recent times, the IgV^W]b^`Vi] has been
invoked by conservative, neotraditional groups to support the continuance
of power by the ruling Thai elites and liberal voices calling for greater and
more rapid democratization. These later voices reconstruct the political insti-
tutions and cultural products of Sukhothai as providing for a true Buddhist
model of participatory, liberal form of government.72
In conclusion, a brief postscript about the disjunction between the period
of the cosmologically grounded Southeast Asian states and the present age
may be useful. In his lectures on Angkor at the Muse Louis Finot in Hanoi
before World War II, George Coeds observed, I hope I have made it clear
. . . that the arrangement of a Khmer city and its architecture and decora-
tion were governed by a whole series of magic and religious beliefs, and not
determined by utilitarian or aesthetic aims. To understand these monuments
one has to be acquainted with the mythological images on which they were
Does the fragmentation that characterizes our postmodern worldview
undermine our ability to truly understand the supernaturally charged, sym-
bolically integrated cosmos of Jayavarman VII, Kyanzittha, or King Lithai?
Possibly. The broad and deep comprehension of the religiously grounded
worlds of Angkor, Pagan, and Sukhothai requires both knowing history
and having a sense of empathy and imagination. To enter into their cosmo-
logical milieu demands not that we suspend critical rationality, but rather,
that we integrate such analysis into an empathetic understanding of these
classic cultural, political, and religious centers and what they represented
in the lives of those who lived, worshipped, and ruled there. These splendid
104 part ii

sites are not only great architectural and artistic monuments; they are also
systems of mimetic empowerment.

The Buddha as Cosmocrator

As Steven Collins rightly argues, the relationships between religious and
political institutions are characterized by tension and conflict, or in his
words, antagonistic symbiosis, as well as cooperation and mutual support.
In regard to classical Theravada Buddhism, to discriminate between these
dynamics requires a subtle reading of Buddhist textsalert to nuance and
ironyto discern these differences. On the side of cooperation and mutual
support, Collins points out that the two institutions are partners in the
discursive enunciation of order, and that in constructing and maintaining
an objectified, routinized heritage-conscious tradition, it was part of their
task to celebrate the aspiration to, and . . . achievement of, peaceful, civilized
social existence.74
Collins observation applies to all civilizational religions. Among the
great historical religionsJudaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Bud-
dhismaspects of this symbiotic interrelationship include state support of
religious institutions, a religious cosmology that legitimates political status
such as divine right of kings, and a similitude between the mythologized
portraits of political and religious leaders. In classical religious cultures the
lines between the secular and the sacred, the political and the religious are
often blurred, whether constructed as antagonistic or complementary. While
acknowledging the antagonistic side of the symbiosis between the Buddhist
sangha and monarchial states in South and Southeast Asia, the following
discussion focuses on the symbolic complementarity that exists between the
religious and political, Buddha and monarch, sangha and state.
Imperial support of Buddhism during the Mauryan period, especially
during the reign of King Asoka, inevitably coupled Buddhism and political
rule, in particular, linking the institutional fortunes of the monastic order
with the state. In this process, the Buddha and king become virtual mirror
buddhism and the state 105

images of one another. In the Pali texts we find the following: the Buddha
appears as a king in previous lives; at Prince Siddhatthas birth, sages predict
that the royal child will be either a world ruler or a fully enlightened Buddha;
the Buddha predicts King Asokas appearance, thereby legitimating his rule;
Asoka becomes a model for Buddhist kingship throughout Southeast Asia
by his conversion to Buddhism, by calling a council to purify the dhamma
and the sangha, and by building XZi^nVs to enshrine Buddha relics; kingship
in Theravada Buddhism presupposes many lifetimes of preparation as does
Buddhahood; the ten royal virtues share much in common with the moral
perfections associated with exalted spiritual achievement; the same amount of
merit must be accumulated in previous lives by a Buddha and a XV``VkVii^c;
the same miracles occur at the birth of both; both have the thirty-two major
and eighty minor marks of the bV]Vejg^hV; and in the Theravada tradition
bodhisattahood is associated with both Buddhahood and kingship.
In one sense, both the king and the Buddha bear primary responsibility
for the well-being of their respective realmsthe worldly (ad`^nV) sphere of
proximate goods and the religious sphere (ad`jiiVgV) of ultimate goods, a
relationship that has been referred to as the two wheels of Y]VbbV.75 On
a more subtle level, however, the Theravada tradition constructs kingship
in the image of the Buddha and Buddhahood in the image of the king with
power being the key denominator.
In our earlier examination of the consecration of a Buddha image, we
saw the crucial significance of the sacred power associated with the person
of the Buddha. This power manifests itself in several other ways. In classical
Theravada texts such as the BV]eVg^c^WWcVHjiiV (The Buddhas Great
Decease), we find the themes of the Buddha as teacher and supernatural
miracle worker interwoven. The cult of Buddha relics and their association
with ruling monarchs discussed in this important text bear testimony to
the sacred power believed to be latent in the physical remains of the great
teacher. As will be shown, the cult of relics figures prominently in a consid-
eration of this topic. The Buddha as consecrator of the land plays an even
more central role, however; that is, the Buddhas physical presence serves
to establish a holy land or WjYY]VYZhV. This motif occurs consistently in
106 part ii

Southeast Asian Theravada chronicles in the form of the Buddhas miracu-

lous visits to these regions.
Both the 9eVkVhV (Island Chronicle) and the BV]kVhV (Great
Chronicle) begin with an account of the Blessed Ones three visits to Sri
Lanka during the first eight years after his enlightenment. The Island Chron-
icle states in its opening line: Listen to me. I shall relate the chronicle of
the 7jYY]VhXdb^c\idi]Z^haVcY. The same construction appears in Bur-
mese, Thai, and Laotian chronicles. For example, the oldest extant Burmese
chronicle, I]Z8ZaZWgViZY8]gdc^XaZ, written by Samantapasadika Silvavamsa
in the fifteenth century follows the typical Theravada chronicle pattern that
moves from a discussion of the kings of Buddhist India, to the Buddhist
conquest of Sri Lanka, and then to the Buddhas visit to Lekaing village in
the Tagaung kingdom of Burma, a story repeated in the famous <aVhhEVaVXZ
8]gdc^XaZcommissioned by King Bagyidaw in 1829 C.E.
In the legend, two brothers, Mahapon and Sulapon, request that the Bud-
dha visit their country, where they built a sandalwood monastery for him:
the Lord foreseeing that in time to come his religion would be established
for a long time in Burma, came many times with . . . five hundred saints until
the monastery was finished. And when it was finished he gathered alms for
seven days, enjoyed the bliss of mystic meditation, and refreshed the people
with the ambrosia of his teaching (Y]VbbV).76
The legend continues with the conversion of five hundred men and five
hundred women to the Buddhas teaching and their attainment of sainthood
(VgV]Vci). By tracing the origin of the establishment of Buddhism in Burma
to the Buddha himself, the chronicler legitimates the tradition and imbues it
with an absolute authority beyond the merely historical. As the 8ZaZWgViZY
8]gdc^XaZ contends, in Sri Lanka the religion did not begin to arise before
the year C.E. 236 [the date of the conversion of King Devanampiyatissa by
Mahinda, King Asokas son]. But in our land the religion that arose since the
time the Lord came to dwell in the sandalwood monastery.77
The Thai Buddhist chronicles tell a similar story with miraculous elabo-
rations added. In the H]ZV[d[<VgaVcYhd[i]Z:edX]hd[i]Z8dcfjZgdg, the
Buddha takes his bowl and robe and flies from Varanasi to Haripujaya in
buddhism and the state 107

northern Thailand, where he preaches the dhamma and instructs the people
in the three refuges and the five moral precepts.78 In the chronicle, E]gVX]Vd
A^VeAd`(The Buddha Travels the World), the Buddhas visit initiates the
establishment of towns and monasteries, constituting a kind of sacred geog-
raphy. Virtually all the chronicles of major northern Thai monasteries begin
with a founding visit by the Buddha.
Political units also develop around the material representations of the
Buddha, namely, his relics and his image. For example, when the Buddha
makes his legendary visit to northern Thailand, he predicts that one of his
relics will be discovered by King Adittaraja of Haripujaya.79 This discovery
coincides with the growth of the kingdom of Haripujaya and is evidence
of royal patronage of Theravada Buddhism that abetted integration of the
expanding kingdom.
The Buddha relic symbolizes political authority in two ways. First, when
enshrined in a XZi^nV or reliquary mound, the relic functions as a magical
center or Vm^hbjcY^ for the kingdom. The enshrined relic becomes the sym-
bol par excellence of the monarch as XV``VkVii^c or wheel turner. Literally,
the king becomes the hub of a cosmosized state. Second, from a historical
perspective, the enshrinement of a relic usually entails legitimation of the
monarch by the monastic order. Thus, King Aniruddha of Pagan justifies his
conquest of Pegu in the Mon kingdom of Lower Burma by expropriating
the Mon sangha and by building great monuments. Aniruddhas religious
edifices symbolize his power as world ruler. Royal patronage of the monastic
order serves to guarantee popular support.
Buddha images also function as symbols of political authority, linking the
person of the monarch with the Buddha. A brief look at the Emerald Bud-
dha image, the palladium of the Chakri Dynasty in Thailand, will illustrate
the power of the Buddha as cosmocrator.
The story of the origin of the Emerald Buddha image or the Holy Emerald
Jewel is told in the northern Thai chronicles as follows:

Some 500 years after the death of the Buddha the holy monk, Nagasena,
counselor to King Milinda (or Menander), wanted to make an image of the
108 part ii

Buddha to propagate the faith. Fearing that an image of gold or silver would
be destroyed, he decides to make one from a precious stone endowed with
special power. Sakka (i.e., Indra), becoming aware of this wish, goes to Mt.
Vibul to obtain a suitable gem from the great XV``VkVii^ king or Universal
Monarch who has in his possession seven precious stones with supernatural
powers. Since only a XV``VkVii^ king can possess such a gem, the guardians
of Mt. Vibul offer an Emerald Jewel which is of the same essence and comes
from the same place as the gem requested by Sakka. The god takes the Emer-
ald Jewel to Nagasena. Vissukamma, the divine craftsman, then appears in
the guise of an artisan and fashions the Jewel into a Buddha image. When it
is completed, the holy monk invites the seven relics of the Buddha to enter
into it. Finally, he predicts that the image will be worshipped in Cambodia,
Burma, and Siam.80

The chronicles then proceed to narrate the travels of the image from India
to Sri Lanka, Angkor, and various Siamese principalities and northern city-
states. The Emerald Buddha emerges onto the pages of history in the fifteenth
century during the reign of Tilokaraja of Chiang Mai. In the mid-sixteenth
century the image is taken to Laos where it remained until 1778 when it
was brought to Bangkok. Today it resides in the chapel of the Grand Palace
where it is venerated as the protector of the Chakri Dynasty.
The Emerald Buddha image possesses a power inherent in the precious
stone itself, but its supernatural character is enhanced by its association with
such cult objects as the >cYgV"`^aV, the guardian deity of the capital city of
Chiang Mai, and moreover, its identification with the XV``VkVii^c king or
the Buddha in his XV``VkVii^c aspect. Possession of the Emerald Buddha
image endows a monarch with special power and authority:

Through the proper veneration of the Jewel the king gains the support of
sovereign power in its most potent and beneficent form. And, on a deeper
level, the kings meditation on the Jewel imbues him with that power and
thereby enables him to exercise authority to establish order, and to guarantee
the protection for the kingdom. Moreover, it was this identification between
buddhism and the state 109

the Jewel and the Buddha-Cakkavatti which provided the ultimate justifica-
tion for one of the most important functions associated with the Jewel in the
Thai and Laotian kingdoms where it was veneratednamely, its role as the
sovereign ruler before whom the various princes of the kingdom swore their
fealty to the reigning monarch who possessed it.81

The relationship between the person of the Buddha and political authority
has many fascinating symbolic and historical dimensions. A central theme
that emerges from the traditional Southeast Asian Theravada Buddhist
chronicles, however, is the power of the Buddha as cosmocrator. The Buddha
sacralizes the land through his e]nh^XVa presence, his actual visitations, and
signs of his physical presence in relics, footprints, and images. However, the
presence of the Buddha is only latent or potential. A royal monarch is the
only person with sufficient power to actualize the Buddhas presence in the
mundane world by the enshrinement of Buddha relics, as in the case of King
Adittaraja. Historically, relations between the Buddhist sangha and Buddhist
rulers could be and often were contentious; however, the Buddhas dhamma
perpetuated by the sangha requires a righteous political ruler (Y]VbbVgV_V)
with the power and authority to order an otherwise fractious society.82 Despite
the dynamic tension that pertains between the ascetical ideals of the Buddha
and the world-ordering duties and responsibilities of the king, the two are
complementary: the mundane (ad`^nV) and the transmundane (ad`jiiVgV);
the princely and the ascetic; power and compassion.

Modern Nationalism and Buddhism

Traditional religion has played a crucial role in the recent histories of many
countries in the so-called developing world. Islamic resurgence in the Mid-
dle East and other parts of the world including Southeast Asia is a dramatic
example. In the post-World War II period, Mohandas K. Gandhi capital-
ized on the rich reservoir of Indian religious-cultural values in the service of
Indian independence. In significant ways, Buddhism figured importantly in
110 part ii

nineteenth- and twentieth-century nationalist sentiments and movements in

Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. Buddhism has also become a
factor in the national rebuilding process in Laos and Cambodia in the after-
math of the Vietnam War.
Given the close identification between Buddhism and the traditional states
in colonially dominated countries, particularly Burma and Sri Lanka, it is
not surprising to discover that Buddhism was both directly and indirectly
involved in enhancing nationalistic political sentiment and contributing to
new forms of national integration under indigenous leadership. U Nu of
Burma and S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike of Sri Lanka provide the most striking
examples of political leaders in the immediate postcolonial period, becom-
ing the modern representatives of the Buddhist tradition of the ruler of
dhamma (Y]Vbb^`VY]VbbVgV_V). More recently, the militarily controlled
government of Myanmar established by General Ne Win in 1963 sought
to legitimate its autocratic, repressive policies after 1980 through selective
support of the Buddhist sangha; however, underlying tensions between the
military junta and the sangha erupted in violence that led to violent repres-
sion in 1989 and 2007. Various forms of Buddhist civic religion have also
figured prominently in Thailands rapid economic development over the past
several decades. We shall study the relationship between modern nationalism
and Theravada Buddhism as it emerged in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand,
Cambodia, and Laos.

Myanmar (Burma)

In January 1948, U Nu became the first prime minister of the newly inde-
pendent Union of Burma. He espoused a political ideology that blended
Buddhism and socialism. In essence, it was based on the theory that a national
community could be built only if the individual members were able to over-
come their own selfish interests. U Nu argued that material goods were not
meant to be saved or used for personal comfort but only to provide for the
necessities of life in the journey to nibbana.83 He contended that property
buddhism and the state 111

and class distinctions should be transcended in the spirit of Buddhist self-

abnegation for the good of the larger community. Not unlike the dhamma
of Asoka, U Nu espoused an ideology of a welfare state rooted in a XV``V"
kVii^cs superior knowledge about the causality of deliverance from suffering
directed toward the humanitarian ideal of the benefit of all sentient beings.
He preached a socialistic doctrine of a classless society without want in which
all members would strive for moral and mental perfection to overcome the
constant rounds of rebirth.84
U Nus political ideology blended Buddhism with socialism. Moreover, his
personal lifestyle embodied elements of the traditional ideal of the righteous
Buddhist monarch. Approximately six months after taking office an insur-
rection nearly toppled the government. His response to that threat was to
take a vow of sexual abstinence so that by the power of his personal example
the insurgents would be defeated: On July 20, 1948, when the insurrection
was causing anxiety, I went into my prayer room and before the Holy Image
took the vow of absolute purity, making a wish at that time that if I kept that
vow the insurgents would be confounded.85
In 1950, U Nu created a Buddhist Sasana Council whose purpose was to
propagate Buddhism and supervise monks. He appointed a minister of reli-
gious affairs and ordered government departments to dismiss civil servants
thirty minutes early so that they could meditate. In the manner of King Asoka
and later Southeast Asian Buddhist monarchs, he called a sangha council
to purify the dhamma and produce a new redaction of the Pali canon. For
that council he constructed a large stupa and assembly hall at the cost of six
million U.S. dollars in emulation of the meritorious acts of earlier kings on
behalf of the Buddhist sangha. U Nus overthrow in 1962 at the hands of
General Ne Win was partially justified on the grounds of U Nus insistence
that Buddhism be the basis for national identity.
In August 1961, U Nu introduced an amendment in the Burmese Parlia-
ment to establish Buddhism as the state religion. Because Myanmar contains
sizable non-Buddhist and non-Burmese minorities, such as the Shan, Karen,
Mon, and Chin, these groups resisted his policies. Donald E. Smith sug-
gests that U Nu escaped from the hard requirements of political leadership
112 part ii

Figure 2.11. Aung San Suu

Kyi. Sketch by Sayun,
Chiang Mai.

through his many religious activities, and that his continual preoccupation
with religious matters deprived him of a rational approach to political, eco-
nomic, and social problems.86 Despite these criticisms, U Nu still can be
regarded as a modern approximation of the traditional Theravada Buddhist
ideal of the righteous monarch.
U Nus successor, General Ne Win, proposed to create a secular, socialist
state in which Buddhist institutions within the states superstructure would
be dismantled.87 The Buddhist Sasana Council was dissolved, and the Bur-
mese Socialist Program called for the freedom of religion. In the face of
mounting economic and political problems, however, the secular direction
of the Ne Win government shifted in the closing years of the 1970s as the
government sought to shore up its legitimacy through the unification and
purification of the sangha. In this policy of active engagement with Buddhist
civic religion, Myanmars military government, which in 1997 changed its
buddhism and the state 113

name from the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) to the
State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), has attempted to control
Buddhism in a manner far more encompassing and systematically repres-
sive than that of U Nu.
The ruling junta has changed its relations with the international com-
munity as well, relaxing Ne Wins policy of isolationist socialism in favor of
allowing foreign investment from the few countries that do not participate
in a boycott of the regime, notably China, India, Thailand, and Singapore.
Beyond the military elite, however, the majority of the countrys citizens,
Burmese and minorities alike, remain impoverished. The countrys industrial
development has been stifled, Burmas agricultural production has declined,
and the countrys transportation and communications infrastructure has
deteriorated. Furthermore, basic freedoms of speech, assembly, and the press
have been greatly restricted. The military refused to honor their overwhelm-
ing electoral defeat in the 1990 elections, killing or jailing many opposition
leaders, including Buddhist monks who had joined in the protest. Since the
1990 elections, Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the major opposition party
and the winner of the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize, has spent most of her time
under house arrest.88
In 1980 the government restructured the sangha in an effort to exercise
greater control and to secure the support of senior monastic leaders. In April
of that year, more than a thousand sangha representatives from each town-
ship attended a national assembly in Yangon. Many national, regional, and
local monastic organizations were created; numerous regulations were passed
to enforce both monastic discipline and state control of the monastic order,
including issuance of identification papers to provide for the scrutiny of indi-
viduals entering the monkhood and to systematically control and supervise
members after their admission into the monkhood.89 The state sponsored
countrywide lecture tours by renowned religious teachers, and the govern-
ment has promoted missions to propagate Buddhism among non-Buddhist
populations in the six states and divisions of the country.
On the symbolic level, Ne Win ordered the construction of the Mahavi-
jaya Pagoda in Yangon in 1980 as a meritorious act following the death of
114 part ii

Figure 2.12. Mahavijaya cetiya.

Yangon, Myanmar.

his mother. The monument virtually abuts and is a replica of the Shwedagon
Pagoda, Burmas most venerated pilgrimage center and one of the holiest sites
in Theravada Buddhist Southeast Asia. Several articles about the pagoda that
appeared in I]ZA^\]id[i]Z9]VbbV, a journal published by the Ministry
of Home and Religious Affairs, promote the Mahavijaya XZi^nV as a national
symbol of unity and peace.
The Burmese governments symbolic and practical promotion of Buddhism
is reminiscent of classical as well as modern forms of Buddhist civic religion,
in which religion and the state are inexorably linked. A 1981 article in I]Z
A^\]id[i]Z9]VbbV likens the relationship between Buddhism, the people,
and the state to three strands of a single rope:
buddhism and the state 115

Figure 2.13. Myanmar monks demonstrating against government policies in 2007.

Both the worldly affairs of the people and the governmental affairs of the State
are mundane aspects. In the performance and execution of these mundane
meaningful hope for the happiness in the life hereafter. All these supramun-
dane issues are collectively known as Religious Affairs.
To carry out, supervise, and patronize all these religious affairs, the
full-fledged clergy members of the Monastic Order (Sangha) are entirely
As a matter of fact, the fully-fledged cleric members of the Sangha Order
and the officials of the government are the products born of the nation. There-
fore, they have to render their services for the welfare and happiness of all the
people. As such, the working people, the government and the members of
the Order (in other words, the People, the State and the Church) must be in
harmony and conformity with one another in the establishment of the bliss-
ful and meaningful living world. Indeed, they are like three strings twisted
properly into one strong durable rope.90
116 part ii

In the case of Myanmar, the attempts to promote a contemporary Bud-

dhist civic religion serve to support a repressive military regimea far cry
from the idealized portrayals of Buddhist Y]VbbVgV_Vs, such as Devanampi-
yatissa, Tilokaraj, and Kyanzittha, or U Nus benevolent Buddhist socialism.
Despite efforts on the part of the military junta to garner the support of
the Buddhist sangha, tensions remain between the monastic order and the
government. These tensions boiled over in August and September of 2007,
when monks led anti-regime demonstrations in Yangon and other cities in
what has been called the saffron revolution. According to news reports,
over ten thousand monks led marches in Yangon, not only protesting eco-
nomic hardships caused by inflated fuel prices, but also demanding support
for democratic reforms and the release of Aung San Suu Kyi. On Septem-
ber 24, spontaneous demonstrations erupted in twenty-five cities across the
country that led to a harsh government crackdown on Buddhist monasteries.
Monasteries were raided and hundreds of monks were arrested. Anticipating
more demonstrations at the end of the Rains Retreat in October, the mili-
tary cordoned off the Shwedagon and Sule Pagodas in Yangon. A hundred
monks in Pakokku, 370 miles northwest of Yangon, braved military repri-
sals, and returned to the streets demanding lower commodity prices and the
release of political prisoners.91

Sri Lanka

S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike, elected prime minister of Ceylon in 1956, is

another notable example of the symbiotic relationship between Theravada
Buddhism and a political state in the immediate postcolonial period. Like U
Nu, Bandaranaike exploited the symbols and institutional power of Buddhism
to come into office: a prominent feature of the movement led by Bandara-
naike consisted in the large-scale participation of Buddhist monks in the
political struggle, and there can little doubt that approval by the sangha was
a major factor in legitimizing the political actions taken by him in terms of
the living Buddhist tradition of Ceylon.92 Unfortunately, these same forces,
buddhism and the state 117

when identified with Sinhala ethnicity and a call by a monastic political party
(Eksat Bhikkhu Peramuna) to make Sinhala the national language, provoked
severe communal animosities that eventually led to Bandaranaikes assassi-
nation in 1962, an act engineered by a disgruntled Buddhist monk. Despite
this disastrous consequence, since 1956 nationalistic sentiments grounded
in Sinhala ethnicity and language and the Buddhist religion have continued
to dominate Sri Lankas politics.93 In contrast to Myanmar, where the pro-
gressive voices of the sangha who support the democratic policies of Aung
San Suu Kyi were repressed by an authoritarian military government, in Sri
Lanka, the most politically active monks in 2004 formed the Sinhala National
Heritage Party (JHU) to promote a chauvinistic Buddhist agenda.
Like U Nu, Bandaranaike espoused an ideology, which he characterized
as Buddhist socialism. In a speech before the World Fellowship of Buddhists
in 1950, he enunciated a political philosophy that blended western socialist
political theory with a general appeal to Buddhist ideals: I believe in democ-
racy because I believe in the Buddhist doctrine that a mans worth should be
measured by his own merit and not some extraneous circumstance and also
that human freedom is a priceless possession. The Buddha preached that
ultimate freedom of man when the human mind need not be subject even
to the will of God, and man was free to decide for himself what was right or
wrong. . . . In economics I consider myself a Socialist, for I cannot reconcile,
with the spirit of the doctrine of Maitreya, man-made inequalities that con-
demn a large section of our fellowmen to poverty, ignorance and disease.94
Although Bandaranaikes lifestyle did not personify the righteous Bud-
dhist monarch ideal in the same way as U Nu, he justified his democratic
political beliefs and socialistic economic philosophy with an appeal to the
Buddhist Middle Way that was neutralist in international policy and
uniquely Sinhalese in national policy. In the eyes of many Sinhalese Bud-
dhists, Bandaranaike is considered a national hero along with the Anagarika
Dharmapala (18641933)95 as one of the two great leaders in the modern
period who, like the ancient kings Dutthagamani (r. 161137 B.C.E.) and
Parakrama Bahu I (r. 11531186 C.E.), sought to establish the preeminence
of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. His espousal of a Buddhist civic religion, how-
118 part ii

ever, contributed to a Sinhalese Buddhist chauvinism that exacerbated the

communal conflict between the Sinhalese majority and Tamil minority
populations on the island. In 1983 this conflict erupted into a still unre-
solved fratricidal conflict.
Apologists for Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism cite the BV]kVhV, a
fifth-century Buddhist Pali chronicle, as evidence that the conflict between
the Sinhalese Buddhists and Hindu Tamils has ancient roots. However,
postcolonial critics argue that the equation of nation = Sinhala = Buddhist
stems from the late nineteenth century when the issues of ethnicity, reli-
gion, and territory began to take centre stage in the political drama of the
island.96 Basing his rhetoric on the BV]kVhV, Dharmapala played a key
role in formulating an ideology of Buddhist nationalism that trumped any
group threatening the hegemony of Sinhalese Buddhism, specifically, Brit-
ish colonial authority, and the Hindu Tamils. In effect, the BV]kVhV
becomes the Bible for Sinhala Buddhist nationalists. The legendary vis-
its of the Buddha to the island recorded in the chronicle are interpreted as
consecrating a promised land exclusively for Sinhala Buddhists, and King
Dutthagamani, who killed King Elara, a Hindu Tamil who ruled much of
the island in the first century C.E., is lionized as a national hero. The island
of Sri Lanka is imagined as the place of the Sinhalas (h^c]VaVY^eV) and the
religion of the Buddha (Y]VbbVY^eV).
Instrumental historical causes of the Sinhala-Tamil conflict stem from
three centuries of Dutch and British economic exploitation that disrupted
the islands traditional way of life by challenging the ancient cultural synthe-
sis fostered through royal and religious institutions, especially the Buddhist
monastery. More recent developments that have contributed to the conflict
include: the nationalistic Buddhist ideology of Anagarika Dharmapala; the
Buddhist civic religion promoted by S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike; and the eco-
nomic policies of J. R. Jayawardena, prime minister from 1977 to 1989, that
created an increasing disparity between urban wealth and rural poverty.97
Chauvinistic nationalism was further exacerbated by the militant policies
of Jayawardenas successor, Ranasingha Premadasa, who was assassinated in
the spring of 1993.98 Premadasa sought to undermine the work of A. T. Ari-
buddhism and the state 119

yaratnes Sarvodaya Shramadana movement which promotes a progressive,

inclusive, socially engaged Buddhism inspired by Gandhian ideals of social
uplift (see part 3). From its founding in 1958, Sarvodaya has worked in over
ten thousand villages throughout the island for the well-being of all people,
regardless of religion, class, or ethnicity. The movement also has sponsored
numerous peace walks since 1983, the year that marked the beginning of
organized violence between the Sri Lankan military and the LTTE (Libera-
tion Tigers of Tamil Eelam).
Sarvodaya is the most important national Buddhist group seeking recon-
ciliation between the government and the LTTE. In January 1994, Ariyaratne
visited Jaffna, the stronghold of the Tamil Eelam, in an effort to meditate
between the Sinhalese dominated national government and the Tamil sep-
aratists. The major international effort to broker a settlement between the
two sides led by Norway resulted in a fragile peace agreement in 2002 (the
Oslo Agreement). The agreement collapsed in April 2003, with the Sinha-
las fearing that too much central authority would be surrendered, and the
Tamils fearing that they had insufficient autonomy. The election of Mahinda
Rajapaske as president in November 2005 has done little to alter the stale-
mate. International efforts to resume peace talks competing with increasing
communal violence have left the fundamental issues dividing the warring par-
ties unresolved.
Historical distance undoubtedly has idealized the Asokan Y]VbbVgV_V
paradigm of justice and compassion and given traditional Buddhist kingship
a more benevolent cast than warranted; however, the use of Buddhism to
legitimate communal violence flies in the face of the time-honored Buddhist
principles of peace, nonkilling, nonviolence, and the ideal of the righteous
ruler. It is to these traditions that peace activists, such as A. T. Ariyaratne,
appeal in their efforts to heal the wounds of the Sinhala-Tamil conflict.
120 part ii


Unlike Myanmar and Sri Lanka, Thailand never came under Western colo-
nial rule. Buddhism in Thailand, then, has played a somewhat different role
in defining and legitimating national identity in the modern period.99 Under
the leadership of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V, r. 18681910), the Bud-
dhist sangha was organized along national lines and governed by a Supreme
Patriarch (hVc\]V"gV_V).100 Via the network of Buddhist monasteries through-
out the country, Rama V promoted the first program of national education.
Monastic education itself was regularized under the control of the national
government. Under Rama Vs successor, King Vajiravudh (r. 19101925),
religion and government became increasingly integrated. Vajiravudh blended
the concepts of nation, religion, and king into a governing ideology for
modern Thailand. He promoted a civic religion in which nation competed
with religion and the monarchy as marks of Thai identity, a process that
has increasingly accelerated. Since that time, shifts in the government have
led to revisions in the legal code governing the monastic order, first in 1941
and again in 1962, but the integration of the bhikkhu sangha into a national,
bureaucratic system under the control of the central government has not
changed. Since 1962 the legal structure of the sangha has tended to support
a hierarchical, status quo-oriented, civic religion.
From time to time controversial monks, such as Khruba Sivichai in Chiang
Mai in the 1930s or Phra Phimontham in Bangkok in the 1950s, have threat-
ened the compliant cooperation between the sangha and the government,
but the hand-in-glove mutuality between religious and political orders has
never been significantly challenged. The Buddhist religion (hVhVcV) has
enjoyed the material support of powerful government, military, and eco-
nomic elites; in turn, the sangha has rendered assistance to various national
development schemes. Field Marshall Sarit Thanarat, who exploited the
symbolism of the monarchy and Buddhism to legitimate his 1957 coup
dtat, promoted national integration through the creation of the Tham-
mathut and the Thammacharik Programs under the control of government
ministries and bureaus. In the 1960s and 1970s, one of the main aims of the
buddhism and the state 121

Figure 2.14. A Rama V (King

Chulalongkorn) restaurant
shrine. Chiang Rai, Thailand.

Thammathut Program was to promote rural development in areas of the

country threatened by political unrest. The Thammacharik Program sends
monks to work among the animistic hill tribe peoples of northern Thailand.
Propagating Buddhism among non-Thai peoples with limited loyalty to the
national government has been one of the principal means of their integra-
tion into the Thai nation-state.101
One of the striking developments in Thailand in the early 1990s has been
the emergence of a cult of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V), the Thai monarch
principally responsible for overseeing the changes that challenged Thailand
at the end of the nineteenth century. It is common to see a bronze image
or picture of Rama V on a restaurant altar shelf; Rama Vs equestrian statue
in front of the parliament building in Bangkok has become a shrine visited
daily by thousands of people; and there are shops in new shopping malls
devoted exclusively to Rama V memorabilia.102 One is tempted to interpret
122 part ii

this phenomenon in YZkVgV_V terms. It is legitimate to ask whether Rama V

has, indeed, become a type of modernized divine apotheosis. The social, eco-
nomic, and political reasons for this apparent apotheosis are quite complex;
they reflect the reactions of the populace caught in the rapid economic and
social change in the country, increasing affluence accompanied by the frus-
tration of the expectations of an expanding educated, urban, professional
class, and I would argue, the general decline of Buddhism as a determinant of
cultural and social values. From a political perspective, it has been suggested
that the cult of Rama V is a carefully orchestrated campaign to enhance the
image of the monarchy, increasingly criticized by Thai intellectuals. However,
the emergence of the cult may simply reflect a nostalgic yearning for the early
days of the twentieth century whenas popular belief has itthe monar-
chy was strong, the country prosperous, and traditional values informed the
progress of modernization.
The veneration of Rama V dominates but does not encompass the cult
of Thai kingship that includes other kings in the Chakri lineage, especially,
Rama IX,103 the current monarch, and also the founder-rulers of the early
city-states of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and Sukhothai. The prolonged celebra-
tions and unusually wide range of activities, including the production of Rama
IX memorabilia honoring the sixtieth anniversary of Rama IXs accession to
the throne in 2006, resonates with the cult of Rama V as a symbolic underpin-
ning of an imagined Thai identity. From a political perspective, moreover, the
unusual degree of public adulation given the king served to counterbalance
the political turmoil surrounding Thaksin Shinawatra, the controversial prime
minister, popular among the rural poor in the northeast and north, but whose
policies greatly exacerbated regional, economic, and social disparities.
On September 19, 2006, General Sonthi Boonyaratglin, the army com-
mander-in-chief and a group of military leaders organized as the Council
for Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy (CDRM), removed
Thaksin from power in a coup detat and took over the reins of government,
declaring that a civilian government would be put in place and new elections
would be held in October, 2007, following the draft of a new constitution.
General Sonthi and a council of military leaders justified their actions on
buddhism and the state 123

the grounds of purifying a corrupt government administration, maintaining

peace and harmony, preserving democracy and, above all, stressing loyalty to
and protection of the king who gave his blessing to the coup. The CDRM, in
essence, legitimated their actions on the grounds that it was acting on behalf
of Rama IX, the embodiment of the righteous Buddhist monarch, and in
support of democracy. In the light of social and economic divisions in the
Thai body politic in the aftermath following the political victory of the Peo-
ples Power Party (PPP) in the election in December, 2007, King Bhumibol
Adulyadej appealed for unity, urging the Thai people to put national stabil-
ity above personal, vested interests and refrain from creating conditions that
might exacerbate social divisions.

Cambodia and Laos

As in the case of Sri Lanka and Myanmar, Buddhism played a central politi-
cal role in promoting a nationalist agenda in the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries when Cambodia and Laos were under French colonial
rule. But unlike Sri Lanka and Myanmar, under communist regimes dur-
ing the second half of the twentieth century, the sanghas in both countries
experienced repression and severe hardship. In Cambodia, with the pos-
sible exception of Mongolia . . . no form of Buddhism has come so close to
total extinction.104 The reversal of the sanghas fortunes in both countries
was due to the place of Buddhism in the Khmer and Lao imagination and
its identification with traditional polities: first, Buddhism contributed to
nationalist sentiments against the French; then, it was displaced or eradicated
by communist regimes; and currently Buddhism is being resuscitated as part
of a twenty-first century nation-building process in both countries.
In the case of Cambodia, under French colonial rule, the Khmer mon-
archs, Norodom (r. 18641904) and Sisowat (r. 19041927), patronized
the sangha much as the kings of old. Norodom had rest houses constructed
along principal roads in imitation of Asoka and Jayavarman VII; he cast an
image of the future Buddha Metteyya that corresponded to his own bodily
124 part ii

proportions; and his half-brother, Sisowat, was a particularly pious sup-

porter of the Thommayut sect founded in Thailand by King Rama IV.105
After the Geneva Convention established Cambodias independence in
1954, Norodom Sihanouk became the head of state espousing an ideol-
ogy of Buddhist socialism similar to that of Bandaranaike and U Nu: We
are socialists but our socialism is inspired far more by Buddhist morality
and the religious traditions of our national existence than by doctrines
imported from abroad.106
However, of greater consequence for the political future of Cambodia
was the contribution to Khmer nationalism made by the modernist move-
ment within Khmer Buddhism that encouraged an imagined sense of a
Khmer community sharing a common print culture.107 Particularly impor-
tant in this enterprise were scholar-monks such as the Venerable Choun
Nath (18831969) of the modernist group within the Mahanikay known
as the Thommakay. In 1930 he become the director of the cole Suprieure
de Pali. The Buddhist Institute established in Phnom Penh during the same
year proved to be an especially important breeding ground for anticolo-
nialist sentiments.108 Son Ngoc Thanh, the first secretary, was a key figure
in the nationalist movement, and former scholar-monks appointed to the
Institute, Son Ngoc Minh (Mean) and Tou Samouth (Sok), helped found
the communist party that came to power in 1979. Nearly thirty years earlier,
at the first meeting of the Khmer Independence Association in 1950 under
the aegis of the Viet Minh, over half of the two hundred in attendance were
said to have been Buddhist monks.
The Khmer Rouge, fueled by a radical antireligious ideology, eventually
sought to eliminate the Buddhist sangha. At first, however, Pol Pot (Saloth
Sar) visualized a reconstituted Cambodia in which a democratic regime
will bring back Buddhist moral[ity] because our great leader Buddha was
the first to have taught democracy.109 Later, as Henri Locard points out,
when the Khmer Rouge came to power, Buddhism was subverted to the
ends of a brutal, totalitarian state: the KR substituted the revolution for
enlightenment, Angkar for the Buddha, and the righteous Buddhist king
was personified by Pol Pot.110
buddhism and the state 125

The Khmer Rouge regime relentlessly pursued the systematic destruction

of Buddhism from Cambodian society. Between 1970 and 1973, nearly a
third of the countrys 3,369 monasteries were destroyed, although many may
have fallen casualty to the raging civil war or American bombs, not solely
due to the intentional destruction by the Khmer Rouge.111 Several months
after the Khmer Rouge victory on April 17, 1975, the persecution of Bud-
dhism began in earnest. By the end of the year, nearly all of the remaining
monasteries were closed, and by 1979 perhaps fewer than a hundred monks
remained in robes with most of them fleeing in exile to Vietnam. The death
of hundreds of thousands of Cambodians and the wanton destruction of
Khmer cultural and social institutions has been characterized as the moral
inversion of Buddhism, a world in which evil and good were fused in the
Angkar and cadres were both subhuman beings with immense magical pow-
ers and morally superior beings equivalent to Buddhist monks. Organized
Buddhism had to be eliminated for this new order to be established.112
After the defeat of the Khmer Rouge by the Vietnamese in 1979 and the
establishment of the Peoples Republic of Kampuchea, the Buddhist sangha
began its slow, halting recovery with the number of ordained monks and
novices growing significantly after 1988. In April 1989, the National Assem-
bly of the PRK amended the constitution to make Buddhism once again the
national religion of Cambodia. Since the UN brokered settlement in 1991
between the PRK and three competing Cambodian factions, the withdrawal
of Vietnamese forces, and the first elections in May of 1993, the condition
of Khmer Buddhism continued to improve.113
At the state level, the Ministry of Religion and Cults was reestablished with
the purpose of reorganizing the pre-1970 ecclesiastical structures, develop-
ing a plan for monastic education, reestablishing the Buddhist Institute, and
engaging in the task of recovering and reconstructing the legacy of Buddhist
literature lost or destroyed. As a result, Buddhism has once again resumed a
central role in Cambodian social and political life. Politicians seek the bless-
ing of high-ranking monks, much as they do in Thailand. Monks are invited
to chant at large public gatherings, and customary religious practices have
resumed their place in community life.
126 part ii

Cambodian Buddhisms survival, despite its near total extinction in the

1970s, is a testimony to its resilience and adaptability: The visible presence
of the hVc\]V and its unique significance as the only institution able to oper-
ate effectively and with high levels of mass support through the whole of the
country have ensured that almost all governments have felt the need to cul-
tivate the Buddhist sector, whatever their political philosophy. There is little
reason to assume that this situation will change in the near future.114
To a similar but somewhat lesser degree, Buddhism in Laos parallels
the role played by Khmer Buddhists in the development of anticolonial,
nationalist sentiment. This came about, in part, by a revival of the fortunes
of Buddhism in the 1920s and 1930s through French intervention and sup-
port that included the reconstruction of That Luang, the most important
royal X]ZY^in the country, the restoration of Wat Phra Kaeo (the Temple of
the Emerald Buddha), the improvement of monastic education, the found-
ing of a College of Pali in Vientiane, and the establishment of the Buddhist
Institute in Phnom Penh, which attracted Lao scholars and encouraged the
rediscovery and preservation of Lao history and culture.115
The 1947 constitution declared Buddhism to be the state religion, the
king its protector, and created a Ministry of Religion and Cults to oversee
religious affairs and a ritual calendar organized around religious and royal
state festivals.116 The sangha was essentially used as an instrument of state
policy, first by the Pathet Lao who controlled the Ministry of Religious
Affairs from 1957 to 1959, and subsequently by the right-wing Royal Lao
Government supported by the United States.
By the 1960s and early 1970s, the sangha had become increasingly politi-
cized. The Royal Lao regime, with American support, trained monks in
community development programs similar to the Thammacarik initiative
in Thailand to counter communist influence. The Pathet Lao, for their part,
organized the National Association of Lao Buddhists under the Lao Patri-
otic Front (LPF) aimed at denouncing American intervention. In 1968, the
LPF Congress adopted a political program that called on the sangha to unite
against U.S. imperialists and their henchmen for forcing monks to support
criminal schemes, destroying pagodas to preach decadent American culture,
buddhism and the state 127

and sowing discord among Buddhists.117 After the formation of the Third
Coalition government in 1973, the sangha came increasingly under govern-
ment control. It was restructured as the Lao United Buddhist Association
overseen by the Pathet Lao Party. Young monks were encouraged to disrobe
or to earn their own livelihood, and the fortnightly recitation of the eVi^bd`"
`]V degenerated into communist self-criticism sessions.118
Although the socialist regime in Laos never sought to destroy the Bud-
dhist sangha per se as occurred in Cambodia, the victory of a radically secular
political regime in December 1975 forced the king to step down and with
him went the centrality of Buddhism. Modern nationalisms triumvirate of
monarchy-religion-nation were swallowed up by the singular communist
party state.119 The government placed severe restrictions on the monastic
order: it limited the freedom to enter the monkhood; and it controlled the
content of the monastic curriculum and a wide range of traditional monas-
tic practices. The sangha, in effect, became an extension of the Lao Peoples
Revolutionary Party. Furthermore, in a material sense, the sangha suffered
from an economy greatly weakened by the effects of the Vietnam War and
the economic policies of a socialist government. With the collapse of com-
munism in the late 1980s and the adoption of a policy of greater economic
liberalization, the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic has replaced its former
revolutionary justification for its policies with the ideology of nationalism.
Close government control of a wide range of religious rituals has been eased
and there has been a re-Buddhafication of the Lao state.120 However, as
Martin Stuart-Fox observes, It is in this context that Buddhism is experienc-
ing a resurgence in popularity . . . [but] Whether or not its social influence
will permit the Order to regain a degree of institutional independence . . .
remains to be seen.121

In part 2 we have studied some of the ways in which political authority and
power in Southeast Asia are grounded in or related to Buddhism and its
institutions. We found that the centrality of the person of the Buddha in
the rituals, rites, and festivals studied in part 1 emerged within the context
of the classical Southeast Asian states in the form of the Buddha as cos-
128 part ii

mocrator. We have seen how sacred history came into play in the context
of traditional Southeast Asian monarchies in the form of the exemplary,
righteous Buddhist rulers (Y]VbbVgV_V). We examined the relationship
between religion and the state, kingship and cosmology within the context
of classical Southeast Asian states and monuments dating from the tenth
through the fifteenth centuries.
This interpretation of classical Southeast Asian monarchical states is
informed by the notion of mimesis, namely, that Southeast Asian rulers and
their states were empowered by the imitation of the paradigmatic Buddhist
world ruler on the one hand, and the cosmology of the Indian worldview
on the other. Subsequently, we analyzed the proposition that in the mod-
ern period leaders of independence movements in Myanmar and Sri Lanka
consciously sought to legitimate their new nations in the face of Western
colonialism through the symbols and ideology of Theravada Buddhism; and,
furthermore, that in the contemporary nation-states of Myanmar, Sri Lanka,
and Thailand, on both symbolic and institutional levels, Buddhism continues
to figure prominently in government policies, programs, and strategies. Finally,
the fortunes of the Buddhist sangha and the political and social importance
of Buddhism as a lived tradition have brightened during the slow and pain-
ful process of national renewal in Laos and Cambodia, countries devastated
both economically and politically by the Vietnam War and its aftermath. In
sum, we have explored the varied and diverse place of Buddhism in South
and Southeast Asia in the dynamic processes of the construction of political
states and the very imagining of community.
PART iii


R eligious traditions are constantly evolving and responding to social,

economic, and political change. Far from being static, they contribute
to such change. They challenge foreign ideologies and in that engagement
are influenced by them. In stable periods of history, religious traditions seem
to change only imperceptibly, but in more volatile times, the disruption and
transformation of religious institutions and worldviews keeps pace with and
sometimes outstrips changes in other areas of life. Since the end of World
War II, Southeast Asia has experienced rapid changes abetted by war, politi-
cal revolution, the demise of colonially shaped governments, the impact of
the world market economy, and the erosion of many traditional institutions
and cultural practices.1
Cambodia is an extreme case in point. Under Pol Pots reign of terror,
the Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK) sought to remove virtually all
vestiges of its colonial past and traditional heritage, including Buddhism.
Between 1975 and 1979, the CPK wanted to exercise absolute control and
hoped to preside over the destruction of Cambodias past.2 In four years, over
a million Cambodians were killed and over half a million fled the country.
The population of Phnom Penh, the capital, was forced to evacuate the city
within twenty-four hours. The country witnessed the wholesale destruction
of monasteries and temples. Buddhist monks were either killed or forced to
disrobe and return to lay life. The consequences for religious institutions were
disastrous. It appeared that Theravada Buddhism as an institution had been
effectively eliminated, surviving only in remnant fashion in refugee camps
along the Thai border or among refugee communities in North America and

130 part iii

Western Europe. However, when the Vietnamese established the Peoples

Republic of Kampuchea (PRK) in 1979, the fortunes of Buddhism slightly
improved. The creation of a new coalition government in 1992 brought
hope for a restored Cambodian Buddhist sangha, and in 1993 Norodom
Sihanouk was reestablished as king of Cambodia, a position closely associ-
ated with Buddhism.
In Laos, the Pathet Lao, which came to power in 1975, restricted and
regulated the Buddhist sangha. Unlike the Pol Pot regime, the Laotian
government did not seek to destroy Buddhism. However, monastic educa-
tion suffered reversals, monastic recruitment declined, and the primacy of
Buddhism for Laotian national identity was challenged and undermined by
the socialist government supported by the Soviet Union. Yet, despite these
setbacks, Buddhism continues to be important in Laotian social and cul-
tural life, and today thrives among expatriate Laotian communities in North
America and Europe as well. By 1994 the material fortunes of the Lao sangha
began to benefit from the rebounding Lao economy and financial support
of expatriates abroad, although the sangha is still under the tight control of
the Lao socialist government.
Contemporary challenges to traditional Theravada Buddhism have not
been as dramatic in Myanmar, Thailand, or Sri Lanka, but severe strains and
dislocations have been felt, and institutional Buddhism has been forced to
adapt in significant ways. In this section we will examine the nature of these
adaptations and the continuing challenges to the present and future well-
being of Buddhism in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Sri Lanka.
The focus will be on the changing roles of the monk and the laity, and reform
movements occurring within the Buddhist sangha.3

The Changing Role of the Monk

Traditionally, one looks to the Pali scriptures for relevant background infor-
mation about the place and role of the Buddhist monk in the Indian society.
In one of the dialogues found in the BV__]^bVC^`nV (Middle Length
buddhism and modernization 131

Sayings of the Buddha) between the Buddhas blessed disciple, Ananda, and
a military general, the general expresses his appreciation for the presence of
the sangha. Ananda, in turn, thanks the general for his protection, which
enables monks safely to pursue their practice in a peaceful society. In the
Future Dangers Sutta in the 6\jiiVgVC^`nV(Gradual Sayings of the
Buddha), the factors listed that jeopardize dhamma practice are: famine,
war, and social unrest, as well as specifically religious issues such as schisms
in the sangha, lax disciplinary practice among the monks caused by desire for
material comforts, and living too closely to laypeople or nuns. In the frame
story found in the Dangers of the Palace Paritta, people disapprove when a
monk visits a king too frequently. And in several Pali hjiiVs the Buddha, while
expressing a preference for a republican form of government, nevertheless
accommodates himself to the emerging monarchies of his time.
What can we conclude about the role of the monk from these exam-
ples from the Pali canon? The picture that emerges is this: the practice of
Buddhism depends upon peaceful, prosperous social conditions; monastic
involvement in politics should be on an individual level, for example, advis-
ing individual rulers to promote more enlightened policies; monks were
not forbidden from advising rulers but were warned about the dangers of
such a role; and lastly, the Buddha did not agitate for structural changes in
the form of government, although he preferred republics over monarchies.
These examples from the Theravada scriptures provide us with a picture of
the sangha actively involved in the social, economic, and political life of its
day, not as an institution only pursuing narrowly construed religious goals.
The major issue was not whether monks should be involved in various human
affairs, but rather, what determines the appropriate role for a monk to play
in society and in politics.4
How has the role of the monk in modern Buddhist Southeast Asia changed?
Or, has the role of the monk remained essentially the same but within a
significantly altered social, economic, and political environment? There
are no simple answers to these questions, which continue to be debated by
both adherents and scholars of Buddhism. Today monks engage in a range
of activities that previously were regarded as beyond the realm of legitimate
132 part iii

monastic activity. Monks made an important contribution to independence

movements in Myanmar and Sri Lanka in the early twentieth century. Viet-
namese monks protested against the corrupt Diem regime in the late 1960s
through dramatic acts of self-immolation.5 It was during the mid-1970s
that Thai monks became involved on both the political left and the right.
Theravada monks in Southeast Asia actively address many contemporary
social and economic issues, which include the increasing gap between the
rich and the poor in the developing world, the exploitation of women in
the workplace and as prostitutes, the scourge of AIDS, and the destruction
of the natural environment.
Buddhist monks in Southeast Asia have taken leadership roles in causes
that have led to both direct and indirect political consequences. Superficially,
such involvement seems antithetical to the traditional role of the Theravada
monk. Or is it? The monastic order provides an alternative to the house-
holders pursuit of mundane goals; however, the monkhood has never been
isolated from politics or society. Indeed, by its very existence the monastery
is so embedded in a social context that it cannot avoid being drawn into the
political realm. Throughout its history, Theravada monks have advised politi-
cal leaders with varying degrees of influence. Contemporary monks have
justified their political activism on the grounds of historical precedent and
sociological inevitability. Even so, as the contrasts between scenarios from
the Pali canon and contemporary Southeast Asia demonstrate, it is the [dgb
of political and social involvement by monks that has changed dramatically
from the early days of the monastic order.6
Today, if monks are perceived primarily as political manipulators or per-
forming roles in society that are perceived as secular rather than religious, then
they run the risk of undermining the symbolic status accorded to the sangha
as an embodiment and propagator of the Buddhas dhamma.7 Whether or
not the traditional moral and spiritual status of the monk is compromised
by monks taking on nontraditional monastic roles depends upon the nature
of these activities and the ways in which they engage them. Monks who are
perceived as self-serving and pursuing worldly goals run the risk of losing the
respect of fellow monks and the laity, whether they are performing traditional
buddhism and modernization 133

roles or fashioning new ones. But those monks who personally embody the
moral and spiritual ideals of Buddhism and speak to political and social issues
with the authority of dhammic insight will most likely retain the respect and
win the admiration of their monastic peers and thoughtful laypersons, even
though their activities may trouble conservative traditionalists.
Monastic behavior that contravenes social mores and moral norms poses
an even more serious threat to the integrity of the sangha. As a case in point,
Charles F. Keyes contends that a series of sexual and financial scandals has
undermined the moral authority of the Thai sangha.8 These issues will be
examined under three headings: the monk and politics, the monk and soci-
ety, and sangha reform.

Figure 3.1. Monks at a computer class. Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University, Wat

Suan Dok, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
134 part iii

The Monk and Politics

In the contemporary period, Theravada monks have played various roles in

the modern nation-state of which they are a part. In general, monks willingly
have supported traditional political legitimation processes. The sanghas in
Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar are organized under the aegis of
their governments, from which they may receive stipends and are awarded
ecclesiastical honors. Specific examples of the interaction between monks
and the state will illustrate the social and political complexities of this sym-
biotic relationship.
In Sri Lanka, the sangha actively supported S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike who
was elected prime minister in 1956, yet only two years later a disgruntled
Sinhalese monk was held responsible for his assassination. This act led to a
strong public reaction against monastic involvement in politics, although,
today, Sinhalese politicians continue to solicit support from influential
monastic leaders, and monks have formed a political party, the Jathika Hela
Urumaya (JHU) or National Heritage Party. A typical negative sentiment
against monastic involvement in the world was expressed in a letter to the
monthly publication of the Colombo Young Mens Buddhist Association:
the Buddhist public are naturally embarrassed and dismayed to find bhikkhus
in vehicles, with briefcases tucked under their arms, looking quite brisk and
business-like, meticulously handling money, haunting shops, cinemas and
public places, with all the materialistic fervor of dedicated worldlings.9
In Thailand in 1962, the government expelled Phra Phimontham from
the sangha. He was the popular prodemocracy abbot of Wat Mahathat
in Bangkok, the largest Mahanikai monastery in the country on fabricated
charges that he was a communist.10 The Kampuchean (Cambodian) govern-
ment under Pol Pot not only disestablished the sangha, but also actively tried
to destroy it. Burmese monks in Yangon and Mandalay were imprisoned and
some were killed in 1989 when they protested the military governments
repression of political freedom. For several days in September 2007, Bur-
mese monks were at the forefront of the largest antigovernment protests in
twenty years. As reported in the LVaaHigZZi?djgcVa:
buddhism and modernization 135

After evening prayers on Sept. 18, the abbot of a small monastery in Myanmars
largest city convened the roughly 30 Buddhist monks in his charge. The bonds
between secular and religious authority had broken, the abbot said. Then he
gave the monks his blessing to take to the streets in protest. That meeting,
one of many held in monasteries across Myanmar in mid-September, helped
turn a sputtering campaign of dissent led by secular democracy activists into
a mass movement led by Buddhist clergy.11

In Sri Lanka many Sinhalese monks have supported the governments

battle against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a Tamil separatist
group who avows to secede and form an independent state on the island. A
smaller number of monks have actively pursued reconciliation between the
two sides. In Laos, the late Venerable Anantasounthne, the abbot of Wat That
Luang in Vientiane, presided over the Lao sangha, which suffered greatly
during the post-Vietnam War years. The socialist government restructured
monastic education, discouraged ordination into the monkhood, and imposed
restrictions on traditional lay support of the monastic order. In Thailand in
2006, adherents of Santi Asok, a reformist Buddhist movement, participated
in demonstrations against the administration of Prime Minister Thaksin
Shinawatra and called for his resignation. Earlier, during the politically vola-
tile period between 1973 and 1976, Buddhist monks joined farmers, students,
and workers to demand greater freedom of assembly and expression, more
just and equitable economic policies, and greater government accountabil-
ity.12 Yet, other monks publicly supported entrenched military authorities
and right-wing political organizations. One of the most controversial of the
politically active monks in the 1970s was Bhikkhu Kitthiwuttho.13
Kitthiwuttho was born in 1936 and ordained in 1957. Very early in his
monastic career he proved himself an able public speaker and administrator.
He established a foundation for the study and propagation of Buddhism at
a major Bangkok monastery, and he opened a school for novices and monks
located about a hundred kilometers from Bangkok in Chonburi Province.
Between October 1973 and October 1976, a period that began and ended
with two massive student demonstrations, Kitthiwuttho spoke out openly
136 part iii

on political issues and even led a political demonstration in Bangkok. He

strongly supported the government with anticommunist speeches and writ-
ings critical of radical groups and social disruption, and was associated with
right-wing political movements: the Village Scouts, the Red Guars, and the
Nawaphon (New Power Movement).14
In a speech delivered on August 16, 1975, entitled, H^c\I]^@]jVc
Khamnueng (Things We Should Reflect On), Kitthiwuttho argued for Thai
national unity in the face of divisiveness at home and threats to Thailands
border areas. He urged support for the government, obedience to the law,
and criticized the disruptive tactics by prodemocracy groups. In particular,
he offered three solutions to the political and social problems facing Thai
society: the practice of moral virtues (h^aV), the training of the mind (hVbVY]^),
and the attainment of knowledge (eVV). On the surface, these solutions
seem to be conventional, mainstream Theravada Buddhist teachings, but
Kitthiwuttho gave each of them a uniquely nationalistic slant.
H^aV is interpreted in general terms by Kitthiwuttho to be the five precepts
every Buddhist should follow, one being not to take the life of sentient beings.
He emphasized the prohibition against lying, especially with the intent to sow
the seeds of dissension. On the individual level, Kitthiwuttho interprets h^aV
to mean being morally pure and avoiding wrongdoing, but on the societal
level, he interprets h^aV as the law of the nation. If everyone embodies h^aV, he
exhorted, then everyone will automatically obey the law (i.e., support the
status quo) and peace and civil order will reign.15
Kitthiwuttho interpreted the training of the mind as having a mind that
is loyal to the countryone that does not easily waver or bend in the winds
of this or that ideology. Both the practice of mindfulness (hVi^) and attain-
ment of wisdom (eVV) assume a practical, political orientation. Thailands
problems, he stressed, stem from citizens failure to understand their duties
and responsibilities to society. Only by having such an understanding can
the people correct social ills and build a happy, peaceful, and orderly nation.
Kitthiwuttho ended his speech with an appeal to the symbols of Thai national
unity, nation, religion, king, as represented by the three colors (red, white,
and blue) of the Thai flag. The Buddha taught us, stated the monk, that
buddhism and modernization 137

whenever we are frightened we should look at the flag and have steadfast
A year later in July 1976, Kitthiwuttho addressed an audience of gov-
ernment and religious leaders at the college he founded. This address was
an elaboration of an interview that appeared in the liberal Thai magazine,
8VijgVi, in which Kitthiwuttho developed his ideas about the role of the
monk in the context of the political crisis created, in part, by the student-
led revolution of 1973, the subsequent creation of a parliamentary system
of government in Thailand, and the communist victories in Laos, Cambodia,
and Vietnam.17 In what has become his most infamous speech, Killing
Communists Is Not Demeritorious, he marshaled several arguments to
justify his claim that killing communists would not produce negative kamma,
that is, suffering in this life or some future life. In the interview he stated
that because communists attack the nation, the religion, and the king, they
are subhuman. To kill them is akin to killing Satan or Mara in the Buddhist
context.18 Furthermore, he argued, the merit accrued from protecting the
nation, the religion and the monarchy was greater than the demerit from
taking the life of a communist.
In this speech, which was later printed as a pamphlet by his foundation,
Kitthiwuttho reiterated his statement that soldiers who kill communists
gain more merit for protecting the nation, the religion, and the king than
the demerit from taking life. Citing the Buddha and scripture as authority
for his position, he argued that some people are so worthless that to kill
them is, in fact, to kill `^aZhV (impurity).19 Killing communists is like
purging the body of impurities and the ideologies responsible for the horrible
deaths of millions of people in China, Laos, and Cambodia, he asserted.20
In addition to these arguments Kitthiwuttho reinterpreted the criteria that
defined the first precept (h^aV), the prohibition against taking life: the being
must be alive; knowledge that the being is alive; there is an intent to kill;
one is acting in order to kill; and finally, death itself. Kitthiwuttho argued
that those who kill with the intention of protecting the nation, the reli-
gion, and the king are exempt from the necessary conditions that prohibit
taking the life of a living being. Such casuistic reasoning prompted his Thai
138 part iii

Buddhist critics to contend that Kitthiwuttho was at least as anti-Buddhist

as he was anti-communist.
Kitthiwuttho continued to be a controversial figure. Political liberals criti-
cized him for his support by conservative right-wing political groups, and
thoughtful Buddhist laypersons charged that he subverted the dhamma for
his own political purposes. His entrepreneurialism also came under attack.
His school and a retirement center in Cholburi attracted millions of baht in
investment, but in 1994 his foundation was investigated by the government
and accused of mismanagement of funds.
Kitthiwuttho and other monks whose behavior contravene the norms of
monastic discipline (k^cVnV) and Thai monastic deportment undermine the
symbolic status of the Thai monk as a moral and spiritual exemplar. Sexual
scandals surrounding Phra Nikon Thammawathi, who studied at Kitthiwut-
thos Cittaphawan College, and Phra Yantra Amaro, both charismatic monks
with large followings, became headline news in the mid-1990s. Although
both were eventually expelled from the sangha, the reputation of the monas-
tic institution and of Thai Buddhism itself was seriously sullied.
Kitthiwuttho has been a supporter of Wat Thammakai (Dhammakaya),
Thailands fastest growing Buddhist movement.21 Officially registered with
the government in 1978, Wat Thammakai has attracted the backing of the
military and political leaders as well as the patronage of the royal family. The
movement, which is known as Wat Thammakai, was established in the early
1970s by Chaiyaboon Sitthiphon (Phra Thammachayo/Dhammajayo) and
his friend, Phadet Phongasawat (Phra Tattachiwo/Dattajivo). As students at
Kasetsart University in Bangkok, they became disciples of Chanda Khonnokyong,
a female meditation teacher in the lineage of the late Venerable Mongkhon
Thepmuni (Luang Pho Sot), abbot of Wat Paknam Phasi Charoen in Bangkok.
Following their completion of advanced degrees in business administration
and marketing, they were ordained at Wat Paknam in 1969. Thammachayo
pledged to work for the worldwide renewal of Buddhism, starting in Thailand.
Currently, Wat Thammakai boasts twenty-eight centers in Thailand. Its first
international branch, established in the United States in 1992, has grown to
thirty-eight worldwide, including eight in the U.S.
buddhism and modernization 139

Wat Thammakai exhibits many features common to new mass religious

movements: a charismatic founder; an emphasis on direct religious experi-
ence; a simple but specific form of practice and teaching; a reaction against
orthodox institutional structure; a materialistic orientation; a desire to be
modern; an emphasis on participation by all members in religious rituals and
ceremonies; and the establishment of a sacred center.22 Wat Thammakai is
noted for promoting a distinctive form of meditation practice (k^__V"Y]Vb"
bV`VnV) for both monks and laity, a method attributed to Luang Pho Sot
that uses breathing rhythms, mantra recitation, and visualization of a crystal
ball as a focus of concentration. Equally unique within the context of mod-
ern Thai Buddhism, the movement conducts mass communal ceremonies at
its national center at Pathum Thani near Bangkok, where Wat Thammakai
is promoted as a new form of Thai Buddhist civic religion that functions
much like the sacred center of a national and even global mandalic polity.
From an original site of approximately one hundred acres, Wat Thammakai
now encompasses over one thousand acres; furthermore, its assertive assis-
tant abbot, Tattachiwo, has been quoted as claiming that Wat Thammakai
intends to expand to over one hundred thousand acres.23 On this site the
movement has built a series of impressive structures unique in Thai temple
architectural styles. The Mahathammakai Chedi, dedicated in 1998 and built
at the cost of thirty million baht (approximately US$885,000), resembles a
giant spaceship. The buildings include: memorial halls dedicated to its two
spiritual founders, Phra Mongkhol Thepmuni and Khun Yai Achan Chanda
Khonnokyong; a large meditation amphitheater; and a dining hall that can
accommodate the thousands of devotees who are bused to Wat Thammakai
for major festivals, ordinations, and other ritual events. Over one hundred
thousand devotees attend major ceremonies, such as the giving of `Vi]^cV
robes at end of the Buddhist Rains Retreat. The Thammakai movement, fur-
thermore, has become a major influence in the Buddhist student associations
on most Thai university campuses. Through its national headquarters, its net-
work of dhamma practice centers throughout the country, and its influence
on university student groups, the Thammakai movement seeks to restore a
uniformand some might say regimentedBuddhist civic religion in the
140 part iii

Figure 3.2. The Mahathammakai Chedi. Pathum Thani, Thailand. Courtesy of Martha

face of an increasingly fragmented Thai society and a political environment

beset by corruption and factionalism that undermines the symbolic, unifying
power of the monarchy and the practical significance of Buddhism.
Critics of Wat Thammakai point out that the strategies and goals of the
movement are excessively worldly. With millions of dollars in assets, its
aggressive recruiting methods, and a commercial approach to evangelism,
the movement has been characterized as religious consumerism:24

Urban Thai society is ruled by consumer culture, and the Dhammakaya [Tham-
makai] movementby integrating capitalism into its structurehas become
popular with contemporary urban Thais who equate efficiency, orderliness,
cleanliness, elegance, grandeur, spectacle, . . . and material success with good-
ness. Dhammakaya, then, could be viewed as a capitalist version of Buddhism
aimed at urban Thais who are used to comfort, convenience, and the instant
gratification found in consumer society.25
buddhism and modernization 141

Critics also charge that the movement has served the narrow interests of
the economic and political elites; that an alliance between Wat Thammakai
and the Thai Rak Thai Party of ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra
promoted a culture of deceit, corruption, and polarization with little atten-
tion given to Thailands increasing social and economic problems; that the
leaders of the movement lack knowledge of the dhamma and instead promote
heterodox interpretations of the self and nibbana; and that the movement
has made exaggerated claims for the spiritual attainment of its founder.26 In
1999, the abbot, Thammachayo, was charged with embezzling temple funds
and for distorting Theravada Buddhist teachings. Eventually, on August 22,
2006, the Criminal Court dismissed the charges on the grounds that the abbot
had returned all of the 959.3 million baht suspected of being misappropriated
from the temple, and that he had agreed to teach according to traditional
Buddhist doctrines as instructed by the Supreme Sangha Council. Despite
the controversy surrounding Thammachayo, the Thai Senate honored him
for contributing to two memorial services in Phuket and Phang Nga Prov-
inces after the tsunami struck southern Thailand in December 2005.
Wat Thammakai continues to attract dedicated lay volunteers, many of
whom become evangelists (`VaVnVcVb^i) committed to spreading the gos-
pel of the movement. However, the movement is also marked by internal
conflict. Dr. Mano Mettanando Laohavanich, one of its former prominent
scholar-monks (Venerable Dr. Mettanando Bhikkhu) has become a severe
critic of Wat Thammakai, and the Venerable Phra Bhavanavisutthikun (Ser-
mchai Chayamonkhon) left the movement to found Wat Luang Pho Sot
Thammakairam in Ratchaburi.

The Monk and Society

The Theravada monastic order is inextricably embedded in the modern social

fabric of Buddhist Southeast Asia, even though the sangha took shape in a
world vastly different from the social and cultural circumstances confront-
ing it today. Urban life in the modern metropolis stands in stark contrast to
142 part iii

the monarchial city-state, as does the lifestyle of the rural farmer today in
comparison to his premodern counterpart. Because traditionally the major-
ity of young men in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia ordained for
a brief period of time as a monk, families participated directly and person-
ally in the life of the bhikkhu sangha. Furthermore, the doctrines of kamma
and rebirth formed the foundation for the moral ethos of Theravada cultures
just as the philosophy of merit making gives meaning to most lay religious
activities. On a day-to-day level, the monastery served local communities
as school, orphanage, a nursing home for the elderly, bank, pharmacy, and
counseling center.
The centrality of the monk and the monastery in Theravada societies has
eroded in recent decades under the impact of rapid economic, political, and
social change. As these societies have become more urbanized, commercial-
ized, and westernized, governments have assumed many of the services once
provided by monks as diverse as educator, pharmacist, doctor, and agricultural
consultant. Furthermore, the increasingly pervasive atmosphere of secular
rationalism and materialism threaten the values associated with non-greed,
compassion, and equanimity that describe the moral ethos of the Theravada
worldview. In the face of these challenges, Buddhist monks have found new
ways to remain relevant to modern society. The following examples are seen
as suggestive of some of them. Not all monks feel the need to change; many
still abide by traditional forms of religious expression and practice as described
in part 1 of this monograph, forms that still remain meaningful to large seg-
ments of Buddhist populations in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia.
In Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka, monks continue to
participate in programs of rural and urban uplift and social welfare. As with
the sanghas political involvement, some of these programs are more com-
patible with the normative teachings of the tradition than others, and the
nature of the monks activities less detrimental to the symbolic value of the
position of the monk. Regarding monastic sponsorship of and involvement
in development and welfare programs, one student of Theravada Buddhism
observed over thirty years ago:
buddhism and modernization 143

Formerly the monk had been, ideally and often actually, a community leader
educator, sponsor of cooperative work activities, personal and social counselor,
and ethical mentorin the nearly static traditional village. Now, if he is to
resume such a role, he would have to become at least modestly competent in
a whole range of modern activities, such as literacy campaigns, modern and
technical education, agricultural extension and community development. . . .
All of these are activities designed to generate social and cultural dynamism as
well as economic change. The important thing to grasp here is that there is some
considerable difference between the essentially conservative traditional role
of the monk in rural areas and any credible community leadership role today;
for many of the activities now proposed are of a radically different character
from those to which a monk sometimes gave leadership a century ago.27

Modern forms of monastic involvement in social welfare and rural devel-

opment became increasingly important in Sri Lanka and Myanmar in the
early days of national independence from colonial rule. In Myanmar proj-
ects sponsored by the Buddha Sasana Council created by U Nu included
establishing schools for hill tribe children and vocational training.28 In Sri
Lanka various social service and welfare projects were sponsored by the All
Ceylon Buddhist Congress. There were other organizations that linked
monk and laity in common endeavors. The Ceylon Farmers Association, for
example, was established with the general aim of providing for the spiritual
and material welfare of the people of Ceylon throughout the island through
the medium of the Sangha dedicated to the service of mankind and the wel-
fare of the country.29 The Sarvodaya Shramadana movement has initiated
many of the Buddhist social welfare projects in recent years. Since 1958, it
has recruited more than eight hundred thousand volunteers to work in rural
uplift and development projects in over fifteen thousand villages, reaching a
population of over four million. The movement has attracted considerable
international attention and financial support. Although founded by A. T.
Ariyaratne, a layman, monks have been a significant factor in the success of
the movement.30 George Bond argues that whereas earlier Sinhalese social
service movements were patterned after Christian missionary models, more
144 part iii

recent social movements such as the Sarvodaya Shramadana represent serious

attempts to establish and put into practice a socially relevant interpretation
of the 9]VbbV.31
In Thailand, several programs were established in the 1960s and 1970s to
train monks in the areas of rural uplift, community development, and public
welfare. One was the Project for Encouraging the Participation of Monks
in Community Development, established in 1966 under the sponsorship
of the two Buddhist universities for Thai monks. By 1973 the program had
conducted three training sessions for approximately 250 monk-trainees.
The 1973 training program focused on the greater Bangkok metropolitan
area to address, in particular, the pressing problems for the monks in 450
monastery-temples. The training program focused on three main areas: to
improve sangha administration in urban areas; promote knowledge about
the conditions and problems of society; and investigate ways in which monks
could contribute to solutions of urban problems.
The main justification given for the sponsorship by Buddhist universities
of monastic training programs in community development during the 1960s
and 1970s was based on the premise that the traditional role formerly played
by the sangha in Thai society was at risk. In recent times, society has changed
but the sangha has not, the program leaders contended. Phra Mahachai, a
chief administrator of the1973 training program, observed that traditionally
Buddhism was at the heart of Thai society, but that role was being seriously
challenged in contemporary Thailand. He cited two main reasons for this
development: recent societal changes have led people to desert Buddhism
and its essential values; secular institutions have made adjustments and
improvements in delivering social services, whereas the monastic order as an
institution has not changed significantly and, as a consequence, has declined
in the estimation of the people.32 The solution, argued Phra Mahachai, lay
with the monastic order which should develop new roles for the sangha to
perform in Thai society, and that its responsibilities must extend beyond the
confines of the monastery and monastery-related activities to meet the daily
needs of the people whose lives have become increasingly complex. These
buddhism and modernization 145

views continue to be echoed by monks working in the areas of environmental

conservation, HIV/AIDS hospice work, and local social services.
The Project for Encouraging the Participation of Monks in Community
Development and similar training programs resulted in a significant number
of monks becoming involved in the formal study of subjects in which they
had been previously untrained. Many monks reported that one of the valu-
able benefits derived from the training program was the practical knowledge
gained.33 The monks who graduated from the program put this knowledge
to use in their home districts. New buildings on monastery compounds
were constructed, wells dug, new roads built, dams and irrigation channels
constructed, and public health programs encouragedall resulting from
skills gained by the monks.
In most cases, just the mere presence of the monk on the work site pro-
vided sufficient incentive and guidance for the project. With some exceptions,
monks did not engage in actual labor, which was done by the laity but
supervised by monks. It is important to note that this labor was regarded
as being of religious as well as practical value, and it was perceived by the
laypeople as meritorious, because it was overseen by the person who sym-
bolized the source of merit, namely, the monk. Although the form of the
monks activities differed from traditional roles, the reciprocal structure of
the relationship between the monk and the laity was preserved intact. This
relationship is more difficult to maintain when the monk steps outside of
traditionally defined roles.
The fundamental issue at stake regarding the participation of monks in
rural uplift, social welfare, community development, and environmental con-
servation is whether or not the sanghas symbolic value is undermined if the
monk acts in ways that contravene culturally sanctioned roles. Although the
sangha has never been regarded as otherworldly, nevertheless, its teachings
and disciplines have set it apart as a vocation distinct from mundane roles.
The monk symbolizes religious (ad`jiiVgV) ends rather than worldly (ad`^nV)
ones. For this reason, the sangha has been perceived as a mediator between
the goals of the mundane world and the ideals of spiritual transformation. If
the sangha sacrifices its power to represent these ideals and becomes overly
146 part iii

identified with worldly activities, then its symbolic status will be threatened
and the reciprocal bonds that exist between the monastic order and the laity
will be compromised. If this reciprocity is lost, then the very reason for the
existence of the monastic order has been compromised.
This problem has been exacerbated by high-profile cases of monastic
malfeasance and the increasing commercialization of the sangha. The former
is exemplified by the well-publicized cases of Phra Nikon Thammawathi
(Nikorn Dhammavadi) and Phra Yantra Amaro, both of whom were forced
to disrobe for breaking the eVgV_^`Vrule prohibiting sexual relations with
women. Another example is Luang Pho Khun Parisuttho who became the
focus of a national cult that emphasizes the acquisition of wealth and power.
He was characterized as a living patron saint during the Thai economic

Figure 3.3. Monks working at a reforestation project. Mae Rim, Thailand. Courtesy of
Thomas Borchert.
buddhism and modernization 147

boom of the 1990s, and his images and other cult objects brought millions
of baht into the coffers of his monastery in northeast Thailand.34
Somboon Suksamran makes an important distinction between monks
involved in government programs that manipulate the sangha for political
ends and those monks known as e]gVcV`e]Vii]VcV or development monks
who voluntarily dedicate their lives to liberate rural populations from oppres-
sion, exploitation, poverty, and ignorance.35 Somboon argues that monks
who participated in government sponsored rural development programs
jeopardized their prestige and position by being associated with policies that,
in fact, actually perpetuated rural underdevelopment. The former group of
monks represents an extraordinary response to the rapid social, economic,
and political changes since the 1970s that sought to improve the quality of
rural life, strengthen self-reliance and self-respect, and preserve community
culture. Coincidently, Somboon contends that these development monks
are a crucial factor for the very survival of the Thai sangha.36
Apropos Somboons argument, some of the most noteworthy and effective
efforts by the Thai sangha to address current problems of social and economic
need have been developed by individual monks responding to specific situa-
tions rather than as a part of any official government initiative. The vitality of
programs begun in the 1960s and 1970s continued under the leadership of
such able monks as Phrakhru Sakhon in Samutsongkram Province, Luang Pho
Nan in Surin Province, and Luang Pu Chan (aka Phra Phutthaphotnawar-
phon, Phra Dhammatilok, and Phra Kavi Kusalo) in Chiang Mai Province. Of
special importance in regard to environmental protection are the ecology or
forest conservation monks (Thai, e]gVcV`VcjgV`eV), represented by Phra
Prachak, Phrakhru Phitak, Phra Phothirangsi, and Achan Phongsak.37

Development Monks and Ecology Monks in Thailand

In 1962 Phrakhru Sakhon Sangworakit became the abbot of Wat Yokkrabat

in Samut Songkhram Province located about forty miles west of Bangkok.
At that time the Yokkrabat subdistrict (iVbWdc) was poor, drought-ridden,
148 part iii

Figure 3.4. Phrakhru Sakhon

Sangworakit. Wat Yokkrabat,
Samut Songkhram Province,
Thailand. Sketch by Namo.

mosquito-infested, and lacked public transportation. Salt water had infiltrated

the ground water supply. The villagers supported themselves by fishing, cutting
timber, and selling forest products. Crime, drugs, and alcoholism were rife.
Phrakhru Sakhon first addressed the villagers material concerns: If you have
the four basic needs, namely food, . . . [housing], clothes, and medicine, other
things will follow. Education, culture, . . . [morality], and [social] unity will
follow. Gambling and crime, drugs and misbehaviour will . . . [diminish].38
Teaching by example, Phrakhru Sakhon solved the water problem by dig-
ging wells and constructing small canals from freshwater sources. Paddy fields
were banked to protect against the intrusion of salt water. He encouraged
villagers to plant coconut palms, but when the market price of coconuts fell,
he suggested that they switch to planting sugar palms. Other community
buddhism and modernization 149

development projects followed: cutting a new access road to the village to

ease transportation of goods to the district center; building a dam to pre-
vent the spread of salt water; electrification of the village; and promoting
the planting of new crops. To accomplish these goals, Phrakhru Sakhon
not only had to set an example to motivate the villagers, he also had to fight
against the exploitation of middlemen, traders, and creditors, and he brought
pressure to bear on government officials. Primarily he acted as a catalyst and
coordinator among teachers, village headmen, local administrators and the
police. By 1984 he had raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to establish
a foundation for community development.
The economic development of Yokkrabat district led to an unforeseen
problemgreater prosperity highlighted an unknown disparity between
the middle class and the poor. The villagers had become more materialistic
and selfish. The abbot put it this way:

During the time that there was no road young people came to work together
transporting sand to the temple, often working till one or two oclock at night.
It gave me the opportunity to be close to them. I taught them Dhamma at the
same time. They had unity. When the work was done they would say our canal,
our road . . . They participated so actively in all [the] work that they could not
feel otherwise. . . . Today things are different. You have . . . to have incentives.
We can hardly find people who are ready to . . . sacrifice for the community
for 45 days. They live much better today. They are no longer so poor. They
have a lot of money and also spend a lot . . . . They are used to comfort, . . . to
going everywhere by car. They cannot walk anymore.39

When Phrakhru Sakhon became concerned about the increasing con-

sumerist mentality of the villagers, the increasing impact of urban values
through the mass media, and the flight from the village by its urban-educated
youth, he sought ways to develop a greater sense of community solidarity
and mutual concern. Through the monastery he established a youth group,
a womens group, a professional group, and a credit union. The credit union
functions as a peoples bank: The principle of the credit union is love and
150 part iii

sharing. The rich help the poor and all help one another not to be exploited
by outsiders.40 Through the credit union the abbot had two principles in
mind: mutual responsibility within the community and the promotion of
a locally diversified economy to shield the community from the vagaries of
a free market. His goals sound like Gandhis concept of self-reliance: [Vil-
lagers] should work out what they need in their family first, such as raising
fish, growing vegetables and [coconut] trees that can be used in the long
term. They can sell the surplus in order to have money to buy things they
cannot produce themselves. In such a way the villagers will depend less on
the market. At the same time they will live a more simple life.41
Many other Thai monks are dedicated to alleviating the social and eco-
nomic problems in their local communities. Like Phrakhru Sakhon, they also
emphasize the connection between outer social and economic change and
inner personal transformation. For example, Luang Pho Nan (Phrakhru
Phiphitprachanat), the abbot of Wat Samakkhi, Surin Province in north-
east Thailand, sponsors many community development projects from farm
cooperatives to rice banks but emphasizes the central value of meditation
to all aspects of life: We need the spiritual dimension in all development
activities. Without spiritual life we cannot start carrying out a real develop-
ment.42 Traditional merit-making rituals are also given a practical, socially
relevant significance. Instead of donations to the monastery that often redu-
plicate articles far beyond need and use, Luang Pho Nan has adapted these
ceremonies for the benefit and well-being of the entire village. For example,
the monetary donations given to Wat Samakkhi at the e]^i]^pha pa or for-
est robe giving ceremony when monks are presented with new robes at the
end of the harvest season, the funds now become the shared property of the
village to be used to support rice cooperatives.43
Eminent among development monks in northern Thailand was the late
Luang Pu Chan Kusalo, abbot of Chiang Mais historic Thammayut mon-
astery, Wat Chedi Luang. Luang Pu Chan devoted much of his long and
distinguished monastic career to the uplift of the rural poor.44 In 1959 he
founded a secondary school (Metta Suksa) for poor village children in Chiang
Mai Province, and in 1974 he established the Foundation for Education and
buddhism and modernization 151

Figure 3.5. The late Luang Pu Chan. Courtesy of Wat Chedi Luang, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Development of Rural Areas (FEDRA), headquartered at Wat Pa Dara Phirom,

a monastery Luang Pu Chan founded on the site of an abandoned cremato-
rium in Mae Rim near Chiang Mai. The foundation, administered by a staff
of seventeen and directed by Saengwongchai Munrat, oversees its work in
agriculture and education. By 1996 FEDRA had sponsored projects in eighty-
nine villages in three provinces that included rice, water buffalo, and cattle
banks from which farmers could borrow in times of need, a credit union,
cooperatives, and educational projects to train village youth in modern agri-
cultural techniques and marketable vocational skills. Over the years support
has come from the Social Welfare Council of Thailand, contributions from
international foundations, and private donations within Thailand. Currently,
a Thai woman doctor, Namthong Khunwisan, is FEDRAs major financial sup-
porter of a budget of more than four million baht (us$118,000).
Because prostitution is such a pervasive and lucrative industry in Thailand,
Luang Pu Chan was particularly concerned to empower young women to
earn sufficient income by mastering the skills of native handicrafts, such as
weaving, dressmaking, or wicker work, to counterbalance the economic lure
of what has become a major social, moral, and health problem for Thailand.45
152 part iii

Other cottage industries with a guaranteed commercial market promoted

by the foundation include ceramics, artificial flowers, mulberry paper (hV)
products, and the cultivation of medicinal herbs. The womens training unit
(Mettanaree) is headquartered at a school staffed by eight teachers located
three kilometers from Wat Pa Dara Phirom. Approximately fifty young women
between the ages of fifteen and eighteen study in a two year program that
teaches them practical skills, boosts their self-confidence, and promotes the
value of cooperative work, all of which empowers local communities.
It was apparent from my visit to Wat Pa Dara Phirom in 2008 that the
monastery and the work of FEDRA have garnered significant support from lay
donors. Substantial buildings, including a magnificent image hall (k^]VgV), have
been erected during the past decade. However, despite the construction, the
care with which the compound is maintained that I observed over a decade ago
is still apparent, and even though Luang Pu Chan is now deceased, his teach-
ings are visibly present through his sayings written on small wooden plaques
attached to the many trees planted on the grounds. The following examples
illustrate the wisdom, compassion, and humor he brings to his work:

Anxiety poisons life. The past is a dream and the future is uncertain; only the
present can be mended.

To solve the problems of life is neither to multiply the quantity nor to escape; it is
to search for their causes. Having found the cause, the problem is half-solved.

He who does good for self-glorification will be spurned by others; he who

does good truthfully will live peacefully.

Luxurious living turns one into a millionaire on loans.

Sweating when young is better than repenting when old.

Nothing is new in the world except constant change.46

buddhism and modernization 153

The legacy of Luang Pu Chan and the initiatives of Phrakhru Sakhon,

Luang Pho Nan, and other Thai monks who continue to develop programs
to address the social and economic problems of their communities, exemplify
in local and practical ways the philosophy of sufficiency economy (hZii]V`^i
pho phiang) enunciated by King Bhumibol in 1997. In response to Thailands
economic crisis that year, his majesty argued for a more balanced economic
development that was able to withstand the ups and downs of economic glo-
balization, sustainable economic growth, and greater self-reliance. Skeptics
point out that over the past decade the philosophy of sufficiency economy
has done little to blunt Thailands rampant consumerism or address the grow-
ing gap between the wealthy and the poor. However, critics of consumerism
(boriphokc^ndb) make the case that sufficiency economy has a transforma-
tive potential because it reflects the cultural values associated the Buddhist
ethical principles of non-greed and moderation.
We turn now to consider ecology or forest conservation monks (e]gVcV`
VcjgV`eV), who have grown increasingly concerned about the destruction
of the natural environment by powerful economic and government interests
and the detrimental effects of forest overuse by villagers. In the early 1990s
Phra Prachak Kuttachitto in northeastern Thailand struggled to protect
local forests from being converted into eucalyptus plantations to produce
wood pulp for export, and to prevent the dislocation of villagers whose eco-
nomic livelihood depended, in part, on income from forest products. He
became noted for his most famous technique to combat government and
private schemes by ordaining trees with saffron sashes tied around their
trunks, a practice adopted by other forest conservation monks and Bud-
dhist NGOs. Susan Darlington observes that symbolically ordaining large
trees in an endangered forest serves three purposes: it draws attention to
the threat of deforestation; provides an opportunity to teach the values of
conservation; and demonstrates the relevance of the dhamma to a rapidly
changing world.47
Phra Prachaks outspoken criticism of private business schemes and gov-
ernment policies that endanger community forests and villagers livelihood
aroused the opposition of powerful economic and political interests that
154 part iii

Figure 3.6. A yang tree

ordained with a saffron sash.
Northern Thailand.

led to his arrest and brief imprisonment for allegedly violating national laws.
Faced with government harassment, Phra Prachak disrobed, went into hid-
ing, and disappeared from public view. It was only in 2004 that news of his
conviction and subsequent parole appeared in the Thai press.
Phrakhru Phitak Nantakhun is another monk actively engaged in forest
conservation work. In 1990 he sponsored tree ordinations in the commu-
nity forest of his home village to protect four hundred acres of land from
development and excessive exploitation by the local population, and in 1991
conducted the same ritual in ten villages along the Nan River.48 In addition to
these important symbolic acts, he educates villagers on environmental issues,
instructs young novices in conservation methods, promotes economic alter-
natives to clearing the forest and planting maize as a cash crop, uses visual aids
to show the effects of deforestation, and promotes integrated agricultural
buddhism and modernization 155

schemes planting for subsistence rather than profit.49 In Susan Darling-

tons assessment, The tree ordination was the symbolic center of Phrakhru
Phitaks conservation program. The discussions with the villagers leading
up to the ordination and the conservation activities organized afterwards
were all motivated by the emotional and spiritual commitment created by
the ceremony . . . . Buddhist symbols were used to stress the religious con-
nection with the forest, and the moral basis of the project.50
Some Thai forest ecology monks have received international recognition
for their efforts. In 1990 Achan Phongsak Techathammamo, the former
abbot of Wat Pha Lat, a small forest monastery on Suthep Mountain near
Chiang Mai was a recipient of the Global 500 Roll of Honour given by
the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). Working in Mae
Soi, a poor, deforested subdistrict of Chom Thong, Chiang Mai Province,
Achan Phongsak developed an effective forest preservation project.51 Unfor-
tunately, what happened in Mae Soi is not unique to Thailand or to many
other parts of the developing world. Prior to 1950, the subdistrict of Mae Soi,
like much of Thailands northern highlands, was covered by a dense, diverse
forest, which protected water sources and provided the villagers with water,
building materials, food, fuel, and medicinal plants. By the mid-1950s a
commercial timber company was granted a government concession to cut
selectively teak and other large trees on the Mae Soi plain. Instead, most of
the timber was clear-cut. In 1973 a tobacco company was given permission
to continue felling trees to use as fuel for curing leaf tobacco. In order to sal-
vage some income from the forest, the villagers completed the destruction
of the forest by cutting most of the remaining trees. By 1978 the forest was
devastated. To make matters worse, a Hmong hill tribe of a hundred families
was resettled in Mae Soi as part of the Thai governments efforts to promote
commercial crop production by hill tribe peoples as a substitute for opium
production. Extensive use of pesticides on fields of cabbage planted by the
Hmong led to pollution of the watershed, conflict with the villagers, and a
compromised crop.
Achan Phongsak became familiar with the Mae Soi valley in the 1960s
when wandering as a Y]jiVc\V (ascetical practice) monk. By the mid-1970s,
156 part iii

he had established a meditation center in the area for the use of student
activists for whom his monastery, Wat Pha Lat, had become a refuge and
discussion center. In 1983 the monk began the task of helping the villagers
restore the watershed. First, he advised them to seek permission from the
Royal Forestry Department to reclaim the forest area of the Mae Soi valley
by designating it as a Buddhist Park as a way of protecting both trees and
animals. Second, he sought to change the attitude of the villagers toward
the forest by convincing them that environmental problems have a spiritual
dimension; that morality is not merely a matter of obeying the Buddhist
precepts; it also means striving to achieve a balance between the physical
and spiritual, society and the natural environment:

The balance of nature in the environment is achieved and regulated by the

functions of the forest . . . . It provides a space for humans to live in peace
and contentment. Destroying the forest or not recognizing the value of all
the benefits we owe to . . . nature is a lack of morality [h^aV"Y]VbbV]. When
we destroy the forest, we offend basic morality, both physical and spiritual.
[Human] kind may take whatever the natural world provides, but [we] must
also exercise responsible action in order to maintain it. To have a sense of
gratitude to nature . . . is to gain an understanding of the essence of Buddhist

Achan Phongsak convinced the villagers that the forest was a source of
life, and not an object to be exploited for material gain. He taught them that
forests are our first home and second parents as provider of the four requi-
sites of life: food, shelter, clothing, and medicine. Gradually, he was able to
protect and improve the environment of the Mae Soi valley. Volunteer labor
groups cleared firebreaks, repaired fences, and laid water pipes. Through the
Thammanat Foundation at Wat Pha Lat, private donations were received
and administered, and Achan Phongsak established rice and seed banks
and a cooperative store. In 1988 the Forestry Department and the Tham-
manat Foundation began a reforestation project, and in 1989 as a response
to disastrous floods in southern Thailand, the government banned all logging
buddhism and modernization 157

concessions in northern Thailand. Many problems still remain, among them

the sensitive issue of hill tribe resettlement. Despite this and other problems,
the Conservation Group in the Chom Thong district of the Mae Soi valley
now claims 97,000 members; a formal association of forest conservation
monks with Achan Phongsak as its head was organized in 1989 to balance
conservation and development based on Buddhist principles; and in 1990,
it was proposed that the Royal Forestry Department and the Department
of Religious Affairs join together to work for the protection of Thailands
forests. Not surprising, the success of activist conservation monks like Phra
Prachak and Achan Phongsak has produced repercussions. Achan Phong-
sak resigned from the monkhood in 1993 on controversial charges that he
committed a eVgV_^`V offense against the disciplinary rules punishable by
dismissal from the order. Although he has continued his conservation work
as a white-robed VcV\Vg^`V, one who renounces the householder life at his
center in Chom Thong, the aging monk is in poor health.
Vested economic interests have attacked the environmental activism of
Phra Prachak, Achan Phongsak, and other forest consevation monks. Tragi-
cally, on June 17, 2005, Phra Supot Suvacana of the Mettadhamma Forest
Sanctuary Dhamma Center in Ban Huai Ngu Nai, Fang District, north of
Chiang Mai, was murdered. A group of local influenctial businessmen who
hoped to develop the land on which the Dhamma Center is located, had in
the past actively attempted to drive away the monks and their supporters
with threats of violence. The Northern Development Monks Network has
called for the governmental authorities to find those responsible and bring
them to justice, and also urged Buddhist organizations to work together
to develop effective standards for protecting and supporting those monks
dedicated to conserving Thailands natural resources.
In addition to the sanghas active involvement in local forest conservation
and economic development projects, it is also responding to the problems
of drug addiction and the HIV/AIDS crisis in Thailand. One of the oldest
and most controversial treatment centers is located at Thamkrabok north of
Bangkok in Saraburi Province. The monastery was first established in 1958
by Luang Pho Charoen Panchand, his brother, Luang Pho Chamron, and
158 part iii

their aunt, Mae Chi Bunruen. Upon her death in 1970, she was given the
title, Luang Pho Yai, and since then, Mae Chi Bunruen has been venerated
as the patron saint of Thamkrabok.
In 1959 the Thamkrabok Center established its first heroin and opium
drug detoxification program, and over one hundred thousand addicts have
been treated there. Even though the abbot received the prestigious Magsay-
say Award in 1975 for the monasterys detoxification program, Thamkrabok
has been criticized by the medical establishment for the unconventional
nature of its drug treatment program, and attacked by political authorities
for treating Hmong refugees from Laos. As a consequence, Thamkrabok lost
its monastic status in the Thai sangha.
Finally, noteworthy among the Buddhist groups in the fight against HIV/
AIDS in Thailand is the Sangha Metta Project established in 1997 by young
monks and novices at Mahamakut Buddhist University in Chiang Mai.
The project instructs monks in HIV/AIDS prevention and care in their
communities: Using Buddhist ethics as their guideline, they teach villag-
ers how to avoid high-risk behavior, help to set up support groups, train
people with HIV/AIDS in handicrafts, donate their alms and take care of
AIDS orphans.53
As these stories indicate, development and conservation monks are mak-
ing a difference in the lives of the rural poor, while other monks reach out in
innovative and sometimes unconventional ways to serve the needs of those
marginalized by addiction and HIV/AIDS. Somboon Suksamrans conten-
tion that their work ensures the future viability of the sangha may, indeed, be
prophetic. For Theravada Buddhism to remain a vital force in the societies of
Southeast Asia, it must respond to deeply felt personal problems, social needs,
and the corrosive cultural impact of globalization. In this regard, Buddhism
does not differ from other religious traditions. Southeast Asian Buddhism, as
well as other world religions, face the challenge of addressing both local and
global problems and transforming their traditions to speak with a contempo-
rary voice and act without sacrificing their ethical and spiritual foundations.
As these examples demonstrate, part of this transformation has meant recon-
figuring the role of the monk in society. Reforming the structures and the
buddhism and modernization 159

teachings of the tradition itself, however, is an equally important task. Not

only the monks and nuns, but also the Buddhist worldview and the institu-
tions that have been shaped by it, must adapt to and help guide the social
and economic worlds in which they are embedded.

Reforming the Tradition

Theravada monks in Southeast Asia, as we have seen, are redefining their
role in relationship to contemporary politics, pressing social issues, and cur-
rent economic problems. Equally important, they have also criticized and
attempted to reform inherited models of Buddhist thought and practice. All
religious traditions move between times of reformation and counterreforma-
tion. Reformations serve to recall a religious tradition to its normative ideals
while transforming outmoded institutions and teachings.
Although reformation is not new to Buddhist history, Theravada sanghas
have experienced major changes in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries,
partially in response to Western influence. We shall briefly examine major
nineteenth century reformation movements in Sri Lanka and Myanmar before
turning to contemporary Thai reformist movements in greater depth.

Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Thailand

Nineteenth-century Sri Lanka witnessed the emergence of two reformist sects,

the Amarapura and the Ramaa. They arose primarily to counter the domi-
nation of the Sinhalese sangha by the \dn^\VbV caste. In 1800 the Amarapura
sect was created when a monk, five novices, and three laymen traveled to
the Burmese capital of Amarapura where they were ordained in a ceremony
sponsored by King Bodawpaya. In the late nineteenth century, monks of the
Amarapura sect led the protest against Christian missions. News of debates
between Buddhist monks and Christian missionaries brought the Western
theosophist, Henry Steele Olcott, to Sri Lanka in support of Buddhism.
160 part iii

Figure 3.7. The German monk,

Nyanaponika Thera, at the
Forest Hermitage, Kandy, Sri
Lanka, in 1967.

Olcott, in turn, was a major influence on the Anagarika Dharmapala, a leader

of the renewal of Buddhism in Sri Lanka during the period marking the end
of British rule on the island. Considered one of the founders of Buddhist
modernism, Dharmapala redefined the monks mission as one of reviving the
glories of the Sinhala nation and restoring a pure Buddhism that was rational,
ethical, and psychological to the exclusion of what he considered to be the
superstitious beliefs and practices of Buddhist folk traditions.54
The Ramaa monastic fraternity, also begun in the nineteenth century
through a Burmese ordination lineage, advocated a return to strict observance
of the monastic discipline and helped revitalize the forest tradition of
Buddhist piety and spiritual practice in Sri Lanka.55 The revival of the tradi-
tion of forest monks in Sri Lanka attracted Europeans to the island, several of
whom made significant contributions to Pali scholarship: Nyanatiloka Thera
buddhism and modernization 161

founded the Island Hermitage south of Colombo; Nyanaponika Thera was

one of the cofounders of the Buddhist Publication Society and established
the Forest Hermitage in Kandy. Both were German. Two British monks,
anamoli Thera and Soma Thera, translated important philosophical and
meditation texts into English. The revival of the forest tradition, the promo-
tion of Buddhist scholarship, and the mutual cooperation between Asian
and Western Theravada monks and laity, combined to strengthen the vitality
of Buddhism on the island. Nyanaponika, for example, was known for his
scholarly studies of the 6W]^Y]VbbV, the promotion of meditation, transla-
tion and analysis of the classical k^eVhhVcVmeditation text, the HVi^eVi]cV
HjiiV (The Foundation of Mindfulness), and the promotion of the dhamma
among the educated elites of Sri Lanka and in the West through his many
publications that appeared through the Buddhist Publication Society.
In the late nineteenth century, a revival of Buddhism occurred in Burma
under King Mindon (r. 18531878). Mindon convened the Fifth Buddhist
Council in 1871 for the purpose of producing a new redaction of the Pali
scriptures. It was engraved on 729 marble tablets erected within the precincts
of the Kuthodaw Pagoda located at the foot of Mandalay Hill. During this
period several reformist sects came into being. New monastic fraternities, the
Dwaya and the Shwegyin, advocated a stricter code of monastic conduct than
the mainstream Thudhamma tradition.56 In this respect, they were similar to
the so-called puritan reform movements that arose at the same time in Sri
Lanka and Thailand. In E. Michael Mendelsons view, the fundamental crite-
rion for sectarian differentiation in Myanmar was cleaving to the Vinaya.57
Burmese reform sects objected to what they considered to be the disciplinary
laxity of the dominant tradition. Increasingly, it was common to see monks
wearing silk robes, eschew eating directly from begging bowls, wearing san-
dals, using umbrellas, handling money, and attending public entertainment
venues. In Burma and Sri Lanka, disagreements over monastic discipline
and practice tended to overshadow doctrinal disputes. Doctrinal interests
were shaped largely in response to Western critiques of Buddhist thought.
For example, Buddhist apologists defended the doctrine of kamma against
162 part iii

the charge that it undermined the freedom of the will, and at the same time
argued that Buddhist rationalism trumped Christian fideism.58
Ledi Sayadaw (18461923) deserves special attention for his role in
the revival of k^eVhhVcV meditation and VW]^Y]VbbV studies in Myamnar.
Ordained as a novice at age fifteen under U Nandadhaja Sayadaw, he studied
in Mandalay under the Venerable Sankyaung Sayadaw. At the Fifth Council
sponsored by King Mindon in 1871, Ledi, a brilliant student, was one of the
editors and translators of VW]^Y]VbbVtexts. The author of more than sev-
enty manuals (Y^eVc^) in English, Pali, and Burmese, among his best known
treatises are the EVgVbVii]V9eVc, a commentary on the 6W]^Y]VbbVii]V
HVc\V]V, and a meditation manual, the K^eVhhVc9eVc.59 Ledi founded
the Leditawya Monastery in Monywa, north of Mandalay, however, he often
toured throughout the country establishing meditation centers and lecturing
on the k^cVnV and VW]^Y]VbbV. Ledis influence spread beyond Myanmar.
His gifted lay disciple, Saya Thet Gyi, taught U Ba Khin (18991971) who
trained S. N. Goenka (1924). Goenkas k^eVhhVcVcenter in Igatpuri, India,
has attracted many students from around the world.60
Like Sri Lanka and Burma, Thailand also experienced a major reform-
ist impulse in the nineteenth century when the future monarch, Mongkut
(Rama IV, r. 18511868), formed the Thammayut sect while he was still
a monk. During his monastic tenure (18241851), Mongkut engaged in
intensive study of the Pali scriptures. In 1840 and 1843 he sent monks to Sri
Lanka who returned to Thailand with seventy volumes of the Sinhalese Pali
scriptures. The name, Thammayut (Pali, Dhammayutika), meaning those
adhering to the law, was an apt choice, for Mongkut advocated a stricter
adherence to the monastic disciplinary rules (k^cVnV) in contrast to the Mah-
anikai (Pali, Mahanikaya) sect of Thai Buddhism. As the abbot of the royal
monastery, Wat Boworniwes, which became the center of the Thammayut
sect, he formulated a reformist orthodoxy that included correct procedures
for establishing the sacred boundary stones (h^bV) around the perimeter of
an ordination hall, the ordination ritual itself, the way that monastic robes
were worn (covering both shoulders instead of only one), how to hold the
alms bowl, the receiving of robes (`Vi]^cV) presented at the end of the rains
buddhism and modernization 163

retreat, and the style of Pali chant.61 Through correspondence with Sinhalese
monks who were engaged in defending Buddhism against Christian mis-
sionaries, he began to envision Buddhism as a universal religion that could
be defended on rational grounds.62 Protestant missionaries in Thailand had
hoped to convert Mongkut, but instead, he skillfully exploited their knowl-
edge of Western science, learned English from them, and enjoyed debating
with them on the comparative merits of Christianity and Buddhism.
In the assessment of S. J. Tambiah, Mongkuts reform emphasized scriptur-
alism, intellectualism, and rationalism.63 The future king laid the foundation
for modern Thai Buddhism which became formally institutionalized under
Mongkuts son, King Chulalongkorn (Rama V, r. 18861910), and by Supreme
Patriarch Wachirayan (Vajiraanavarorasa, 18601921), the head of the
Thammayut order. The Sangha Administration Act of 1902 incorporated
all monks into one national structure; established a hierarchical principle of
authority; and created a nationwide system of monastic education. Wachi-
rayan traveled to outlying provinces to ensure that it was being followed.
Essential to the centralization process was the practice of sending monks
to Bangkok for their higher studies and the appointment of central Thai
monks to high positions in the provincial ecclesiastical hierarchies, which
were organized along lines parallel to the national political structure. In
additional to his role as administrator, Wachirayan was an able scholar who
authored many books that formed the core of the national monastic cur-
riculum. In the early decades of the twentieth century, Khruba Siwichai,
a charismatic northern Thai monk, challenged the authority of the new
national sangha administration by accepting novices under his tutelage as
their instructor (jeV__]VnV), and ordaining them even though he was not
officially authorized to do so.64 Eventually the breach was healed, and even
though Buddhism in northern and northeastern Thailand retained some
distinctive features, the modern Thai Buddhist sangha initiated by Mong-
kut and organized by Wachirayan has dominated Buddhism at the national
level to the present.65 Furthermore, as in Myanmar and Sri Lanka, reform-
ist trends in Thai Buddhism are particularly indebted to the forest tradition
(VgVVkVhV) of Theravada Buddhism.
164 part iii

Traditionally the work of a monk in Theravada Buddhism has been

defined as study (\Vci]VY]jgV) and practice or meditation (k^eVhhVcVY]jgV),
the latter most often associated with forest monasteries. Various permuta-
tions of the Theravada forest tradition considered to be closer to the ideals
of pure Buddhism have influenced the shape of Buddhist reformism and
revitalization in Southeast Asia, as have new developments in education
and scholarship. Changes in this area have resulted, at least in part, from
the impact of Western curricula and modes of inquiry. Although monastic
education is still grounded in the study of Buddhist texts, doctrine, and the
Pali language, the curricula of monastic colleges and universities also reflect
subject matter and disciplines associated with Western education. These
institutions include the former monastic colleges in Sri Lanka, Vidyodaya
and Vidyalankara, and in Thailand, the Mahamakut and Mahachulalong-
korn Buddhist Universities.
Buddhist scholarship, in many cases, has also broken out of the confines
of traditional, scripturally based approaches. In the best instances, this has
resulted in scholarship firmly grounded in Pali texts and Buddhist doctrine,
but fashioned to appeal to an urban, educated audience. In Sri Lanka, several
outstanding scholar-monks resided at the Vajirarama Monastery in Colombo,
which included the noted Narada Thera (18981983). His bilingual Pali
and English edition of the 9]VbbVeVYVwith notes from the Dhammapada
commentary was published in the Wisdom of the East series. The Venerable
Walpola Rahulas, L]Vii]Z7jYY]VIVj\]i, a skillful interpretation of mod-
ernist Buddhist thought, continues to be widely used in Western colleges and
universities, even though it is regarded as an Vedad\^V for Buddhist rational-
ism. Rahulas =^hidgnd[7jYY]^hb^c8Znadc, has likewise been critiqued as
a celebration of Sri Lankas past with an idyllic Buddhist society, monkhood,
and kingship rather than a work of objective history.66
In Thailand, P. A. Payutto (Phra Prayudh Payutto), whose current monas-
tic title is Phra Brahmagunabhorn (former titles: Dhammapitaka, Debvedi,
Rajavaramuni), has emerged as the unrivaled dean of Thai Buddhist scholar-
ship. His magnum opus, 7jYY]VY]VbbV, and his two Buddhist dictionaries
buddhism and modernization 165

match or surpass the Pali erudition of Wachirayan who is credited with cre-
ating the modern monastic educational system still in place today.67
Payutto, a former administrator at Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist Uni-
versity, has not limited his scholarly output to dictionaries or exegetical
tomes. He has written extensively in both Thai and English on a wide vari-
ety of philosophical, social, and cultural subjects. One example is the paper
he prepared for the Parliament of the Worlds Religions held in Chicago in
1993 entitled, A Buddhist Solution for the Twenty-First Century. Payutto
begins his essay with an analysis of the three basic misperceptions he believes
are at the heart of todays global problems: humankind is separated from
nature and consequently needs to control and manipulate it; fellow human
beings are seen as other rather than as sharing a common human nature;
happiness depends on an abundance of material possessions.68
After analyzing the problems resultant from these misperceptions, Payutto
argues that Buddhism challenges these beliefs with three counterclaims or
truths: human beings are only one element within a natural system of cause
and effect; all beings are co-dwellers within this system of natural laws (e.g.,
birth, suffering, death); and true happiness is comprised of three freedoms:
external freedom (sufficiency of four necessitiesfood, clothing, shelter, and
medicine); freedom from social harassment because of class, race, gender, and
so forth; and above all, the inner freedom that comes from true wisdom and
equanimity. Living in terms of these truths results in a balanced harmonious
life, one that is lived both for the benefit of oneself and of others.69 In the
essay, Payutto integrates a Buddhistic mode of cause and effect argumentation
and a doctrinally grounded analysis of the nature of things with an informed
understanding of the problems of the contemporary world.

The Forest Ideal and Its Legacies

The forest dwelling ideal and its association with meditation practice played
a major role in promoting reform movements in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and
Thailand in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Michael Carrith-
166 part iii

ers has shown that Sinhalese forest monks inspired a reformist tradition in
Sri Lanka that emphasized the attainment of liberation in this life, a fun-
damental theme of reformist Buddhist movements.70 In Myanmar under
Prime Minister U Nu, meditation practice was encouraged for both monks
and the laity. U Nu was a personal supporter of Mahasi Sayadaw (1904
1982), and invited him to establish a meditation center in Rangoon. With
government support the Mahasi Thathana Yeiktha Center soon attracted
thousands of meditation practitioners from Myanmar and abroad.71 The
Mahasi technique of insight meditation has been taught with great success
in Thailand and in Sri Lanka. Burmese meditation teachers in the Mahasi
Sayadaw tradition were first invited to Sri Lanka in 1955. George Bond con-
tends that this event helped spark one of the major elements in the revival
of Buddhism in Sri Lanka.72
During the 1920s and 1930s, significant changes occurred in Thailand,
most notably the overthrow of the absolute monarchy in 1932. At this time
two monks, Achan Man Bhuridatta and Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, differentially
indebted to the forest tradition of Buddhism, began careers that have had
a tremendous impact on Thai Buddhism. Achan Man (Mun, 18701949)
became a noted Thammayut meditation teacher in northeast Thailand.73 His
reputation attracted many disciples who promulgated his teachings and prac-
tice in different regions of Thailand, including Achan Li (Lee Dhammadharo,
19071961) in central Thailand, Achan Cha Subhaddo (19181992) and
Achan Mahabua (Boowa) anasampanno (1913) in the northeast, and
Luang Pu Sim Buddhacaro (19091992) in the north.74
Prior to Achan Man and his teacher, Achan Sao Kantasilo (18611941),
forest monks in Thailand were noted for their magical powers and lax k^cVnV
practice. Achan Sao and Achan Man took the Thammayut scholarship on
the dhamma and k^cVnV and the section on the thirteen ascetical practices
(Y]jiVc\V) from Buddhaghosas K^hjYY]^bV\\V and applied them to the
life of the forest monk, eschewing magic and adhering to the k^cVnV. They
advocated strict observance of the monastic precepts and rigorous medita-
tion practice, which became two major reformist elements of late nineteenth
buddhism and modernization 167

century Theravada Buddhism together with the belief that nibbana was
attainable in the present, a view they also held.
The Achan Man tradition has attracted a wide following in Thailand and
beyond. The international monastery built at Achan Chas lVi in Ubon Thani
has attracted many Westerners. Among the best-known American monks
in the Achan Man lineage are: Achan Sumedho, a student of Achan Cha,
and Thanissaro Bhikkhu, a student of Achan Fuang, who was a disciple of
Achan Li.75 Thanissaro is the abbot of the Metta Forest Monastery in Valley
Center, California; Sumedho is abbot of the Amaravati Buddhist Centre in
England. The ideal of a simple, ascetical life has also influenced other distinc-
tive movements in contemporary Thai Buddhism, most notably, Santi Asok.
The forest ideal also inspired the late Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, Thailands most
original and controversial interpreter of the Buddha-dhamma.
Buddhadasa Bhikkhu (19061993) began his monastic career in a con-
ventional manner, but early on he established a forest hermitage near his
home of Chaiya in southern Thailand where he adopted a simple lifestyle
in emulation of the early Indian Buddhist tradition.76 Soon after his return
to Chaiya from his studies in Bangkok, Buddhadasas teachings began to be
published, initially with the help of his brother, Dhammadasa, a scholar in
his own right. By the 1960s Buddhadasa was recognized as a major interpreter
of Theravada Buddhism. Whereas Achan Mans reputation was associated
primarily with the path of meditation, Buddhadasa is noted for his innova-
tive scholarship and unique interpretation of the dhamma.
Ordained a monk in 1927, Buddhadasa withdrew from the Thai sanghas
system of monastic educational advancement after a frustrating experience in
Bangkok with the rigid system of Pali language examinations established by
Wachirayan, coupled with city noise and the lifestyle of an urban monastery.
He decided that living in the forest and delving deeply into the Pali scriptures
on his own would be more conducive to practicing the Buddhas dhamma,
and to that end he founded The Garden of Empowering Liberation or Wat
Suan Mokkhabalarama, commonly known as Suan Mokkh, located about
four kilometers from Chaiya. He writes, The place for practicing Dhamma
168 part iii

Figure 3.8. Buddhadasa

Bhikkhu. Wat Suan Mokkha-
balarama, Chaiya, Thailand,

is . . . a matter of great importance. This is because we have to study directly

from nature.77
Wat Suan Mokkh has living quarters for monks, accommodations for lay
visitors, and an international meditation center. The monks live in adequate
but modest wooden structures and engage in some form of manual labor
in addition to time spent in meditation and study, rather than chanting at
merit-making ceremonies, a practice Buddhadasa deplored. When his health
permitted, Buddhadasa lectured regularly at the hermitage. In his early years
he spoke at universities and other gatherings of various professional groups,
including lawyers and medical practitioners. Many of these talks were recorded
and printed to form a part of his collected works.78
Certain themes are pivotal to Buddhadasas thought, and they include
the traditional Theravada teaching of nonattachment, which he relates to
buddhism and modernization 169

the concepts of not-self (VcViiV), interdependent co-arising (eVi^XXV"hVb"

jeeVYV), and emptiness (hjViV). 79 He regards essentialism in any form,
including language, as obscuring the deeper dhammic meaning of reality.
His unconventional, iconoclastic approach to interpreting and propagat-
ing Buddha-dhamma from his forest monastery emphasizes the Buddhist
principle of impermanence (Vc^XXV). For Buddhadasa this concept and its
corollariesnot-self, interdependent co-arising, and emptinessare not
abstract notions, but have a practical and existential import.
Buddhadasa persistently addressed problems of current political, social,
and economic urgency. During the political upheavals of the mid-1970s,
topics of his dhamma talks included, The Kind of Political Reform that
Creates Problems and Democratic Socialism. In the face of aggressive eco-
nomic despoliation of the environment, Buddhadasa was an early advocate
for the conservation of nature based on a dhammic biocentrism.80 Unlike
Kitthiwuttho who subordinates Buddhist dhamma to the interests of Thai
nationalism, Buddhadasa offers a spiritual politics grounded in the central
Buddhist teachings of nonattachment and interdependent co-arising (eVi^XXV"
hVbjeeVYV). He interprets interdependent co-arising to mean mutual balance,
a whole composed of interconnected, mutually influencing, and mutually
influenced parts. For individuals, it means that one acts in a nonattached
manner on behalf of the whole or on behalf of others. This leads to a middle
way ethic of sufficiency, adequacy, appropriateness, and normalcynothing
in excess. When this concept is applied to politics, we have what Buddha-
dasa characterizes as spiritual politics, which is the proper balance among
human beings and nature, actions that take into account the interests of the
whole as well as the individual parts.
In more practical terms, spiritual politics can be regarded as a kind of
socialism, a fellowship of restraint (hVc\`]dbc^ndb). For Buddhadasa,
socialism as an economic system is inherently better than capitalism, because
it is less acquisitive and competitive.81However, modern socialism is too
materialistic for him; instead he advocates a spiritual socialism that must
be rooted in the practice of truth (h^aV"Y]VbbV). Its governing principles
work for the best balance among individual goods. No policy in one area
170 part iii

should be isolated from policy matters in another. With regard to over-

population, for example, Buddhadasa argues that population growth must
take into account resource use, production, and distribution. He contends
that it is possible for the earth to sustain an even larger population, but only
if there is an appropriate balance among production, distribution, and use.
Buddhadasa concludes that Buddhisms contribution to spiritual politics is
to help people see the fundamental interrelatedness of all things.
Most Thais, claims Buddhadasa, believe either that the highest principles
of Buddhism demand a separation from the world, or that these principles
are too profound to be comprehended by ordinary people. But such is not
the case, he argues. The principles of nibbana (i.e., nonattachment) are for
everyone, because the state of nonattachment was our original state, and the
state we strive to recover from our present unsatisfactory (Yj``]V) condition:
To be nonattached means to be in ones true or original conditionfree,
at peace, quiet, nonsuffering, totally aware.82 While some may regard this
teaching as being more appropriate for monks than the laity, just the opposite
pertains, says Buddhadasa. Laypeople are usually more stressed than monks,
and Those who are hot and bothered need to cool off. It is precisely for
this reason that the Buddha taught that emptiness (hjViV) is the basis for
the action of ordinary people.83 In Buddhadasas view, emptiness and nonat-
tachment are at the heart of a truly socialistic society where people work for
the benefit of the whole and overcome their acquisitive interests.
In the thought and example of Bhikkhu Buddhadasa, we see an attempt
to emulate the highest teachings of Buddhism and apply them to political
and social life to promote interpersonal and civic well-being.84 He urges a
political involvement that is based on dhammic insight, which sees all forms
of political, social, and economic organization not as ends in themselves but
serving spiritual goals. Buddhadasa also applies Buddhist doctrine to a wide
range of social-ethical issues such as the environment. At the heart of his
innovative interpretations is the conviction that the transmundane (ad`ji"
iVgV) and the mundane (ad`^nV) are essentially intertwined, or as he phrases
it in terms having a decided Mahayana epistemic resonance, c^WWVcV is in
buddhism and modernization 171

hVbhVgV. Instead of retreating [gdb the world, Buddhadasas forest hermit-

age in southern Thailand is very much ^cthe world.
Buddhadasa, despite his influence, has not been without his detractors
and critics. From one quarter, his constructive interpretations of Buddhist
thought have been criticized as too abstract and impractical; from another
quarter, scholarly monks regard his creative reinterpretations as too radi-
cal a departure from Pali canonical and commentarial texts. Others accuse
Buddhadasa of propagating an eclectic blend of various Buddhisms, espe-
cially Zen, and Taoism, while some attack his interpretation of nature as
an ideal state of peace and harmony. Buddhadasas admirers far outnumber
his critics, however. His death on July 8, 1993, was an occasion of national
mourning, and 2006, the centenary of his birth, was a year-long celebration
of his life and teaching that included seminars, lectures, and the addition
of several volumes to the corpus of Buddhadasas writing published in the
multivolume Thammakot (9]VbbV`dhV) series. His memory was celebrated
by UNESCO on the occasion of his one hundredth natal anniversary and
honored with the following citation that appeared in the first of three vol-
umes entitled, Buddhadasa Has Not Passed Away But Continues to Live,
referring to the lasting presence of his dhamma: A pioneer in the promo-
tion of the inter-religious understanding through dialogue among people
of different faiths, Buddhadsa Bhikkhu, a famous Buddhist monk was
highly respected worldwide . . . . His emphasis on the interdependence of
all things made of him a precursor of ecological thought and a champion of
peace among nations.85
Buddhadasas wide-ranging influence has led Suchira Payulpitack to refer to
a Buddhadasa movement, which she characterizes as a return to the original
meaning of Buddhist doctrine coupled with a strategy to adjust Buddhism
to meet the needs of the modern world.86 Suchiras statistical data supports
Peter Jacksons socio-political analysis of Thai Buddhism. Jackson sees the
rationalistic reformism of Buddhadasa as a vehicle for modern, urbanized
politico-religious dissent associated primarily with a university-educated pro-
fessional class, rather than as a vehicle of middle-class aspirations to which
some new religious movements in Thailand appeal.87
172 part iii

Buddhadasa did not establish a formal lineage, even though several

well-known activist monks who either spent time at Suan Mokkh or who
acknowledge Buddhadasa as their VX]Vc(teacher) could be considered as
being in his lineage. Among those nationally-known monks, we can cite
Phra Phaisan Visalo, whose critical analysis and evaluation of the state of
the Thai sangha, in Phutthasatsana Thai nai anakhot: Naeonom lae thang
ok chakl^`g^i[The future of Thai Buddhism: trends and a solution to the
crisis, 2003], calls for radical sangha reform. Phra Phayom Kalayano, a monk
noted as a compelling speaker, created a crisis for the Supreme Sangha Coun-
cil in 1994 by spearheading an attack on worldliness in the Thai sangha that
eventually led to the explusion of Phra Yantra Amaro.88 Lay social activist
leaders like Sulak Sivaraksa, Dr. Praves Wasi, and Dhammananda Bhikk-
huni (Chatsumarn Kabilsingh) are among those who have been influenced
by Buddhadasa and are indebted to his modernist interpretation of the
Santi Asok, a radical sectarian movement in Thailand, indirectly reflects
the forest traditions ideals of simplicity, and its founder, Phra Phothirak,
claims to have been influenced by Buddhadasa, a claim he later recanted.90
Unlike Achan Man and Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, Phothirak did not spend his
early years as a forest monk, nor did he live in a forest hermitage like Buddha-
dasa; he was a television entertainer and songwriter. Phothirak was ordained
following a conversion experience, which he describes as follows: At two
oclock in the morning of Tuesday, 17 January 1970, I woke up and walked
from my bedroom to the bathroom to relieve myself. Suddenly a brilliant
flash occurred within mea brightness, an openness, and detachment which
could not be explained in human terms. I know only that my life opened
before me and that the whole world seemed to be revealed.91
Phothirak was ordained in 1970 at Wat Asokaram in the Thammayut
sect, but from the very beginning of his monastic career he forged his own
way. He developed a following at Wat Asokaram and Wat Mahathat in
Bangkok, which he called the Asoka group. He soon established a center
near Nakhon Pathom about thirty miles from Bangkok, which he named
Asokas Land(Daen Asok) where monks and laypeople, both Thammayut
buddhism and modernization 173

Figure 3.9. Phothirak,

founder of Santi Asok.
Reprinted by permission of
Santi Asok Foundation.

and Mahanikai, could practice the dhamma together. When he was forced to
disrobe as a Thammayut monk because of his unorthodox activities, he was
reordained in the Mahanikai sect in 1973. However, the Thai sangha hier-
archy continued to object to his independent ways, and when they ordered
him to disband Daen Asok, Phothirak and his fellow monks cut all ties with
the national Thai sangha.
Santi Asok continued to grow. The movement established a foundation
to manage its many publishing ventures and founded three communities
where monks and laity observed a moderately ascetic regime. They live in
simple wood and thatch huts, eat one vegetarian meal a day, and eschew
intoxicants, stimulants, and tobacco. In over forty years since the founding
of Santi Asok, the movement continues to define itself in terms of a simple,
disciplined lifestyle reminiscent of the forest tradition ideal. The movement
174 part iii

Figure 3.10. A Santi Asok publication pokes fun at the Tourist Organization of Thailand
for promoting commercial interests at the expense of cultural values.

has expanded to include nine Asok communities operating under the Asok
Sangha Council with approximately eight hundred residents, seven thou-
sand nonresident members, several hundred boarding students, and four
lay organizations.92 Asok communities have been characterized as a radical,
conservative Buddhist utopia; an anti-mainstream, counter-state religion;
and as an alternative development paradigm of self-reliant communities
where both lay and ordained members seek to achieve self-perfection and
serve the greater community.93
One of Santi Asoks nationally prominent members is a former military
general and the ex-mayor of Bangkok, Chamlong Srimuang, a highly visible
national politician from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s.94 Elected governor
of Bangkok in 1985, he formed the Phalang Tham Party (Power of Dhamma/
Moral Force Party) in 1988 with strong connections to Santi Asok. Even
though Chamlong was reelected governor of Bangkok in 1990 and in October
1992 was successful in his bid for election as a Bangkok member of parlia-
buddhism and modernization 175

ment, his political star gradually began to wane following his dramatic hunger
strike in May 1992. The hunger strike was an effort to force the resignation of
General Suchinda Kraprayoon who had taken over the reins of government
in a February 1991 coup detat. By 1995 Chamlong had resigned as head of
the Phalang Tham Party. Leaving his politics aside, Chamlong exemplifies
the moral and religious ideals of the Santi Asok movement, and like other
Asok members, in his personal lifestyle he applies the ideals represented by
the forest tradition to a modern, lay, urban context.
Santi Asoks moral critique of Thai society and laxity in the Thai monastic
order appeals to many Thais, but the strident tone of its attacks repels others.
Phothiraks outspoken manner, his claims of exalted spiritual attainment, and
disregard for Thai ecclesiastical law and k^cVnV rules regarding ordination
provoked a committee of senior monks on May 23, 1989, to recommend that
he be defrocked by the Supreme Sangha Council (bV]Vi]ZgVhVbV`]db) for
rebellion against the monastic order.95 This recommendation was bolstered
by criticisms from the highly regarded monk, P. A. Payutto, and respected
laypersons.96 On June 19, 1989, Phothirak and seventy-nine ordained follow-
ers were arrested. He was forced to replace the saffron robes of a Thai monk
with white robes worn by those who practice a renunciant life but are not
official members of the Thai sangha. Several legal proceedings ensued that
placed Phothirak in what amounted to legal limbo. In October 1995 the
court found him guilty of disobeying the 1989 order of the Supreme Sangha
Council to disrobe, and in 1997 an appeals court upheld the Councils deci-
sion, sentencing him to six months in prison and two years probation. Despite
such a setback, Santi Asok continues to attract adherents, and has even won
acceptance by some former prominent critics. As Sanitsuda Ekachai, a well-
known editor and columnist of the 7Vc\`d`Edhi and social critic observed
in regard to the continued appeal of Santi Asok:

What Phothirak . . . has done is offer dissatisfied Buddhists an alternative. In

contrast to mainstream monks, Santi Asok disciples follow strict moral dis-
cipline, eating only one vegetarian meal a day and living a Spartan life. They
also reject object worship and Buddhism by the clergy. While the feudalistic
176 part iii

clergy has lost touch with the world, Santi Asok effectively attracts those disil-
lusioned with materialism by offering them a sense of mission and belonging
to a close-knit community.97

Santi Asok communities are based on the principle of bun niyom or merit-
ism in contrast to i]jcc^ndb or capitalism. The differences between the
two are shown in the following table.

Bun niyom and thun niyom in Asok

Thun Niyom Bun Niyom
1. Characteristic Endless economic growth Economic growth in
moderation based on
2. Objective Material richness Spiritual richness
3. Criteria of success The four dreams Free of personal desires of
r material riches r material riches

r worldly position r worldly position

r fame r fame

r mundane pleasures r mundane pleasures

4. Ultimate goal Attachment to material Detachment from

richness material richness
5. Outlook Big, more, luxurious Small, less, simple
competition, selfishness abundance generosity
6. Activities Work less, take more Work more, take less,
administer, control manual, participation
7. Effect on the Pollution, destruction Protection of the
environment of the balance of nature ecological system

Figure 3.11. Reprinted by permission of Marja-Leena Heikkil-Horn 1997, 123.

The principle of meritism is embodied in the movements slogan, Con-

sume Little, Work Hard, and Give the Rest to Society. In a challenge to
Max Webers ideal-type distinction between this-worldly and other-worldly
buddhism and modernization 177

asceticism, Asok residents give time and energy for the good of the commu-
nity, and in turn, their community-wide self-dependent model provides for
others outside the Santi Asok community.98 Asoka residents follow a simple,
nonacquisitive lifestyle. Viewing vegetarianism as an expression of adherence
to the five precepts, members operate inexpensive vegetarian restaurants and
nonprofit markets to provide the Thai public with low-cost, useful goods
and in so doing they adhere to the principle of bun niyom.99
During the past century Buddhism in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia has
experienced both doctrinal and institutional reform. Some reforms were
promoted by enlightened monarchs such as King Mindon or nurtured by
national governments. Other revival movements like the Ramaa Nikaya
assumed the form of a new sect or denomination. Over time, some have
lost the earlier reformist impetus from which they arose, but not before
influencing mainstream traditions. Other reformers have been indebted to
the ideals of the forest tradition of early Buddhism, which is perceived as
embodying the ideals of an original or pure Buddhism. In some cases
meditation has been the raison dtre of the movement (the Mahasi Sayadaw
and Achan Man traditions). Others, however, developed primarily as innova-
tive voices for doctrinal and institutional renewal like Buddhadasa Bhikkhu
or the radically sectarian Santi Asok movement. Changes in the traditional
patterns of monastic education and scholarship have also transformed Bud-
dhist traditions, especially in Sri Lanka and Thailand. P. A. Payuttoabbot,
university administrator, and scholarexemplifies this dimension of mod-
ernist reformism in Thailand.

The Changing Role of the Laity

Are Theravada monks in Southeast Asia in danger of losing their distinctive-
ness and coming to resemble their lay constituents? Perhaps, but it may be
equally true that some laypeople are becoming more like monks. At one time
the ideal of nibbana and the practice of meditation associated with its attain-
ment were identified almost exclusively with the monastic vocation. Now
178 part iii

this ideal is becoming more a part of lay religious life. Earlier we saw how U
Nu encouraged Burmese civil servants to practice meditation. In fact, the
impetus for the development of lay meditation centers in Theravada South-
east Asia emanates largely from Myanmar. In this section we shall examine
the emergence of lay meditation organizations as one of the distinguishing
features of contemporary Theravada Buddhism. This transformation in lay
Buddhist practice reflects two historical developments: challenges to the
place of the sangha and the role of the monk in society; and the identifica-
tion of meditation with authentic Buddhism.100
Another significant development in Theravada countries in the modern
period has been the formation of lay Buddhist associations that have par-
tially assumed the social service responsibilities formerly associated with the
monastery.101 In recent years lay Buddhists increasingly have come to define
the shape of Buddhist ethical concerns ranging from the place and role of
women in the tradition and in society to the destruction of rural habitats
and the natural environment by corporate economic interests. Lay Bud-
dhists have also played a major role in shaping an emerging international
Buddhism. Each of these topics will be explored in the remainder of this
section. They are part and parcel of the most challenging and problematic
issues facing Buddhism in the twenty-first century, namely, the respective
roles of the monk and the laity and related issues such as the reform of the
monastic code.

Meditation and the Revival of Theravada Buddhism

The practice of meditation has played a central role in the revitalization of

Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Thailand, not only through its asso-
ciation with the reformist monastic traditions but also among the laity. Lay
interest in meditation in Myanmar can be traced to four principal factors:
Westerners attracted to the practice of insight meditation; the revival of inter-
est in Buddhism as part of the rise of nationalism in the late colonial period;
the personal example and encouragement of the prime minister, U Nu; and
buddhism and modernization 179

the appearance of outstanding monastic and lay meditation teachers who

developed simple methods of practice. Three of the best known meditation
masters in Burma were two monks, Ledi Sayadaw and Mahasi Sayadaw, and a
layman, U Ba Khin.102 U Nu invited Mahasi Sayadaw to come from Shwebo
to Rangoon in 1949 to establish a meditation center, and in December of
that year the center was formally opened. Since that time branches have been
opened elsewhere in Myanmar and other Theravada countries. The Mahasi
Sayadaws methods of instruction in mindfulness have been published in
Burmese, English, and other languages.103
U Ba Khin is of special interest, not solely because he was a layman, but
also because k^eVhhVcV meditation centers in the United States were founded
by Americans who studied with his students. U Ba Khin worked as an
accountant general in the Burmese government under U Nu and became
an advocate of meditation practice on the basis of his own personal experi-
ence. When he was nearly fifty years old, he developed a cancerous growth
on the bone and in the tissue immediately below his right eye. After some
years of meditation, he claims to have cured himself completely; To him
the moral was obvious; a calm and pure spirit produces a healthy body and
furthers efficiency in ones work.104 To promote these goals he established
the International Meditation Center (IMC) in Yangon (Rangoon), which
continues to thrive as a center of meditation practice for both Burmese and
Western practitioners.
Winston L. King, who spent a ten-day retreat at the IMC in 1960 when
U Ba Khin was still alive, described the \jgj_^ as a fascinating combina-
tion of worldly wisdom and ingeniousness, inner quiet and outward good
humor, efficiency and gentleness, relaxedness and full self-control.105 The
daily schedule at the center was rigorous, beginning with meditation at 4:30
A.M. and alternating two and three-hour periods of meditation with an hour
of rest, an hour for breakfast and lunch, and an evening talk by U Ba Khin.
King characterized the method as concentration without tension, a middle
way between sloth and a focused tension of mind. Although many of his own
personal objectives for embarking on this experience were realized, King was
unable to decide whether U Ba Khin was a kind of genius who makes his
180 part iii

Figure 3.12. Two yogi meditating at the Northern Insight Meditation Center. Wat
Rampoeng, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

system work or whether he represents an important new type in Burmese

Buddhismthe lay teacher who combines meditation and active work in a
successful synthesis.106 Whatever the nature of his particular genius, U Ba
Khin encouraged the practice of meditation as part of the daily routine of
Buddhist and non-Buddhist laypersons.
The lay Buddhist meditation movement has been equally important in
Sri Lanka and Thailand with both lay and monastic meditation teachers
developing sizable followings. In Sri Lanka lay meditation organizations,
such as the Saddhamma Friends Society, have been organized specifically
to promote meditation among the laity.107 In Thailand several lay medita-
tion teachers have attracted wide attention, and meditation centers in which
monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen practice together have become almost
buddhism and modernization 181

Khun Mae Dr. Siri Krinchai is one example. A schoolteacher by training,

after her retirement in the 1980s and 1990s she conducted insight medita-
tion workshops in cities throughout the country. Numbers participating in
the workshops ranged from fifty to three hundred.108 In 1994, she sched-
uled forty-six workshops in the four major regions of Thailand. Various
other centers of meditation practice also attract hundreds of practitioners.
Wat Thammakais popularity stems, in part, from a unique visualization
meditation technique promoted as a practice for both monks and laity. In
northern Thailand, Wat Rampoeng has become a major meditation center
(the Northern Insight Meditation Center, nimc) attracting, in particular,
Thai women. In 2007 a total of 6,259 people participated in k^eVhhVcV medita-
tion training at Wat Rampoeng and of that number, 5,128 were Thai women.
In addition, three-day group retreats totaling 7,129 participants were held
at a newly constructed meditation center outside the monastery compound.
During the nine-year period from 1996 to 2007, Wat Rampoeng attracted
approximately 80,000 to its meditation courses, including over 3,000 young
men and women from a dozen different countries. In 2007, 421 participated
in courses ranging from ten days to several months. Furthermore, twenty
branch nimc centers have been founded in the region.
Wat Rampoeng was built in 1492 as a royal monastery at the foot of Doi
Kham Mountain in Chiang Mai.109 For years the monastery lay abandoned
until it was occupied by Japanese troops during World War II. In 1974 the
rebuilding of the monastery began, and a year later, a meditation center was
established there by Phrakhru Phiphat Khanaphiban (generally known as
Achan Thong), the abbot of Wat Mueang Mang, one of Chiang Mais oldest
monasteries. Achan Thong studied insight meditation in Burma for two years
with Mahasi Sayadaw, and then became one of the principal teachers of the
Mahasi method of breathing meditation in northern Thailand.110 Instruc-
tion at the Northern Insight Meditation Center under the leadership of
the abbot, Phrakhru Suphan Acinnasilo, is based in the HVi^eV]cVHjiiV
(Foundation of Mindfulness Sutta), which focuses on the development of
insight in two primary postures, sitting and walking, as well as bowing or
prostrating.111 All meditation practitioners follow the same intensive medita-
182 part iii

tion schedule: 46 A.M., 12:004 P.M., 510 P.M. Most of the practitioners
time is spent in private meditation in addition to one or two daily consulta-
tions with a meditation teacher.
In addition to approximately 110 resident monks and novices at Wat
Rampoeng, dozens of Thai practitioners, both male and female, reside at the
monastery at any given time. The women take either full renunciant vows as
X]^ or bVZX]^112 or ordain as a nd\^. The X]^ take the eight precepts observed
by laity on the Buddhist sabbath days (the five precepts plus abstaining
from eating after noon, from entertainment, and from wearing perfume or
jewelry), shave their heads and eyebrows, and wear white robes. Nd\^, both
men and women, observe the five precepts and dress in white clothing. As
a rule, the women are not required to shave their heads. A German, Maggie
Neukirch, was the first Westerner ordained as a bVZX]^at Wat Rampoeng
over thirty years ago. Now as a nd\^she assists the abbot in the instruction
of the international meditation students at the Northern Insight Medita-
tion Center. Reflecting on the increasing numbers, both Thai and foreign,
involved in the meditation programs at the Northern Insight Meditation
Center, she cites these factors: the charisma of Achan Thong, the founder,
and the current abbot, Achan Suphan; the quest for spiritual fulfillment in
the face of violence, suffering, and materialism; and the global influence of
such Buddhist luminaries as the Dalai Lama.
Meditation is also being promoted in Thailand as a treatment for patients
with AIDS.113 Beginning in 1989, a team of psychologists, social workers, and
nurses began to utilize meditation techniques as part of a hospital training
program for healthcare workers to treat HIV and drug-dependent patients.
Trainees participate in a seven-day insight meditation course taught by a skilled
meditation teacher. Adhering to the basic principle of insight meditation
to understand the nature of the psycho-physical phenomena taking place in
the bodythe trainees practice focuses on becoming as aware as possible
of all bodily and mental acts, feelings, and thoughts while sitting, walking,
or in other settings. The purpose of the training is to develop patience, self-
understanding, concentration, and the qualities of empathy and altruism. The
weeks training is followed by discussions relating the intensive meditation
buddhism and modernization 183

experience to cognitive categories at the core of Buddhist mental and moral

development, such as mindfulness (hVi^), compassion (`VgjcV), and equa-
nimity (jeZ``]V). The training program concludes with clinical supervision.
Results from questionnaires, self-reports, and observations of colleagues show
positive results among the majority of health care workers: higher altruism
and empathy among trainees; less verbal abuse toward clients; and a greater
personal feeling of tranquility, happiness, and patience.114
Cumulative evidence from Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia supports the view
that meditation has been a major factor in the revitalization of Theravada
Buddhism in the modern period. This feature of contemporary Buddhism
is even more striking when coupled with the resurgence of the forest tradi-
tion in its various forms in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Thailand. Three related
inferences may be drawn from the modern revival of the monastic forest tra-
dition and lay meditation practice: (1) traditional mainstream, institutional
Buddhism is no longer sufficient to define personal meaning and social iden-
tity; (2) there is a desire to recapture an enduring core or essential Buddhism
in ones personal life; (3) insight meditation, in particular, is less bound to
specific cultural forms, and hence, more adaptable to modern settings than
other more parochial forms of Buddhist practice.115 Western Buddhists have
also been drawn to the individualistic, adaptable, and non-doctrinaire nature
of insight meditation practice.

Lay Buddhist Movements and Associations

Another major aspect of the changing place of the laity in Theravada Southeast
Asia has been the active leadership role undertaken by laymen and laywomen
in the formation of various movements and associations devoted to education,
public welfare, social service, and political activism. Some groups include
monks in their programs, although laypeople usually serve in leadership roles.
Several of these movements and associations were established at the turn of
the twentieth century and were associated with the revival of Buddhism dur-
ing the waning days of British colonial power that gave rise to nationalism in
184 part iii

Sri Lanka and Myanmar. D. D. Jayatilaka, one of the early lay leaders in the
movement to revive Buddhism in Sri Lanka through educational institutions,
founded the Young Mens Buddhist Association of Colombo, Sri Lanka. He
was principal of two Buddhist colleges in Colombo, Ananda and Dharma-
raja, and he served as the general manager of the schools sponsored by the
Theosophical Society. The Colombo YMBA continues to sponsor Dhamma
Schools and hold Dhamma examinations aimed at providing the youth of
the land with the same standard of religious instruction and Buddhist edu-
cation as was imparted by the Maha Sangha in the temple schools in times
before foreigners destroyed that great national institution.116 From an ini-
tial twenty-seven schools in 1919, fifty years later it had established three
thousand educational centers throughout the island.
Other prominent Buddhist lay organizations devoted to various kinds
of educational institutions in Sri Lanka and other countries include the
Mahabodhi Society, founded by the Anagarika Dharmapala, and the Bud-
dhist Publication Society headquartered in Kandy, Sri Lanka.117 The latter
has been a major publisher and distributor of essays on Theravada doctrine
and English translations of Pali hjiiVs. Monks from Germany, Great Brit-
ain, and the U.S. have made major contributions to the work of the society,
notably, the late Nyanaponika Thera, one of the societys founders, and
Bhikkhu Bodhi.118
Lay Buddhist social service organizations that have been established in
Theravada countries since the 1950s function much like lay associations in
the West that grew out of religious institutions. Many are national or regional
in scope. In Sri Lanka several lay organizations have sponsored social wel-
fare projects. The All Ceylon Buddhist Congress founded in 1919 supports
hospital welfare services, orphanages, homes for the elderly and centers for
delinquent youth. The Sasana Sevaka Society founded in 1958 to promote
the study and promotion of Buddhism has sponsored social services in the
areas of poverty alleviation and providing for the homeless. During the past
half century, however, the most significant Buddhist social welfare organiza-
tion in Sri Lanka has been Sarvodaya Shramadana.
buddhism and modernization 185

The Sarvodaya Shramadana, a rural self-help program begun in the late

1950s, has developed into the most ambitious volunteer service organiza-
tion in any Theravada Buddhist country. Its training programs and projects
in fifteen thousand villages focus on the areas of agriculture, village infra-
structure, health, preschool education, and womens health and welfare.119
A major welfare service organization with 1,500 full time employees and
approximately 200,000 volunteers, it cares for over 1,000 orphaned and
destitute children, and sponsors 4,335 preschools that serve over 98,000
children ( Its founder, A. T. Ariyaratne,
states that his efforts are inspired by the Buddhas teaching to strive for awak-
ening. For Ariyaratne the primary meaning of hVgkdYVnV is liberation, first
from the defilements within ones own mind . . . and secondly, from unjust
and immoral socio-economic chains.120 Ariyaratne grounds liberation in
individual transformation, but he expands the concept to include a univer-
sal utopian vision that moves from individual to village, from community
to nation, and from nation to the whole world.
Ariyaratne acknowledges his indebtedness to the philosophy of Gandhian
nonviolence, especially as mediated through Gandhis activist disciple, Vinoba
Bhave, but more important, the philosophy of Sarvodaya is grounded in basic
Theravada teachings: the three characteristics of existence (suffering, imper-
manence, not-self ); the mutually interdependent and co-arising nature of
reality; the Noble Eightfold Path encompassing moral virtue, meditation,
and wisdom; the mental perfections of loving-kindness, compassion, sympa-
thetic joy, and equanimity; and the moral precepts (h^aV). However, Ariyaratne
extrapolates classical Buddhist teachings as practical action guides to meet
current needs. For example, equanimity (jeZ``]V), a mental-affective con-
dition linked with nibbana, is transformed into the ability to look at both
sides of life rather than primarily as a mental state associated with the attain-
ment of higher states of consciousness.121 The Four Noble Truths are given
social correlates: (1) there is an unproductive village; (2) there is a cause for
its lack of productivity; (3) there is hope that the village can renewed; and
(4) there is a way to its renewal.122 Ariyaratnes interpretation of Buddhism
186 part iii

is an outstanding instance of a modern, reformist tendency to interpret the

tradition in pragmatic, ethical terms.
Some Buddhist social activists criticize the Sarvodaya movement for being
overly success oriented and dependent on financial support from the govern-
ment and Western foundations. Yet, Ariyaratne has steadfastly resisted being
co-opted by the national government even as support from international NGOs
has declined significantly. His refusal to join the Premadasa administration in
1990 prompted the government to attack Sarvodayas activities, restrict foreign
contributions, and threaten Ariyaratnes safety.123 With Premadasas death in
1992, Sarvodayas relationship with the Sri Lankan government improved and
the work of the movement continues to expand. Since 1983, the year that
marked the beginning of the religiously and ethnically rooted conflict between
the Sinhalese (Buddhist) and the Tamils (Hindu), the Sarvodaya movement
has directed its attention to the reduction of violence and building a peaceful
resolution to ethnic conflict. Sarvodayas efforts have included staging national
peace conferences, leading peace marches, carrying out relief work in war zones,
and in constructing a new peace center, Vishva Nektan, in 1997. The center
provides a neutral ground for conflict resolution, training mediators, and
studying the causes and dynamics of specific conflict situations.124
In Thailand, the driving force behind many NGOs is the controversial
social activist and lay Buddhist leader, Sulak Sivaraksa.125 Sulak launched
his career as teacher, intellectual gadfly, moral critic, and Buddhist social
activist upon his return from studying in England. He founded several jour-
nals including the HdX^VaHX^ZcXZGZk^Zl (HVc\`]dbhViEVg^i]Vi), and HZZYh
d[EZVXZ, the English-language publication of the International Network of
Engaged Buddhists. The organizations that Sulak has founded or assisted in
directing include the Asian Cultural Forum on Development (ACFOD); the
Coordinating Group for Religion and Society (CGRS), an ecumenical Bud-
dhist and Christian human rights organization; and the Thai Inter-Religious
Commission for Development (TICD), which has sought to encourage Bud-
dhist student associations to participate in social service and social change
programs, to act as a bridge between rural and urban groups, and to coop-
buddhism and modernization 187

Conflict Spiritual

Health Cultural
Oppression Harsh Speech Development

Disease Poverty Education
Stagnation Development


Egoism Selflessness

Love Cooperation
Ill-will Competition

Equality Sharing
Disunity Possessiveness

Pleasant Constructive
Speech Activity

Figure 3.13. The Sarvodaya Four Noble Truths of Village Awakening. Reprinted by per-
mission of Kumarian Press, Inc.

erate with various organizations in short-term educational and recreational

projects for children in slum areas.
Upon founding the first NGO in the early 1970s, Sulak characterized his
Buddhist social activist stance as follows: Our main objective was to pro-
mote idealism among the young so that they would dedicate themselves to
work for the people. We tried to revive Buddhist values . . . . We [also] felt
that the monkhood could play a role again through education and pub-
lic health . . . .126 One of the most visible of the NGOs is the Santi (peace)
Pracha (democratic participation) Dhamma (justice) Institute (SPDI). Its
projects include the Thai Forum Program that provides information to the
188 part iii

Figure 3.14. Sulak Sivaraksa,

Thai Buddhist social activist.
Courtesy of INEB.

mass media on matters of alternative approaches to peace and justice; the

Thai-Indochinese Dialogue Project that facilitates dialogue among Thai, Lao,
Khmer, and Vietnamese; and Sekiyadhamma, an organization that assists
and supports the work of monks dedicated to developing a constructive Bud-
dhist challenge to the rapid destruction of the natural environment and the
dissolution of religious and cultural values.127 The SPDI has been especially
active in supporting the efforts of forest conservation monks to challenge
the government policy of resettling farmers in northeast Thailand for the
purpose of taking over thousands of acres of forest lands assessed by the
government as degraded. The philosophical basis for SPDIs approach to its
mission is founded on Buddhadasa Bhikkhus holistic vision of spiritual or
dhammic socialism.
Sulak is a leader in many ecumenical, international organizations. He
serves on several advisory boards including the Society for Buddhist-Chris-
buddhism and modernization 189

tian Studies, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, the Gandhi Peace Foundation, and
he co-founded the International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB),
whose journal, HZZYhd[EZVXZ, is a major publication of the Engaged Bud-
dhist movement. In addition to an annual international conference, INEB
sponsors human rights and welfare projects for Buddhists in Sri Lanka,
Myanmar, and Bangladesh.
Together with A. T. Ariyaratne, Sulak Sivaraksa stands out as one of the
most visible international lay Buddhist social activists. Like Ariyaratne, he
bases his philosophy of social activism on Buddhist teachings and seeks to
reinterpret them in a personal and socially relevant manner. For example,
Sulak contemporizes the five precepts as social criticism. He extends the
first precept of non-killing to the use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides
that deplete the soil of rich microorganisms, the destruction of forests that
contributes to a loss of biodiversity, and the contamination caused by the
dumping of nuclear and chemical waste. He uses the fourth precept of non-
lying to advocate for truth-in-advertising and to expose the mindlessness of
commercial television and the sensationalism of newspapers.128 Not even the
sangha is exempt from Sulaks critical eye and pen. In a newspaper article
that appeared in the 7Vc\`d`Edhi, he applies the traditional monastic vow
of chastity to question the increasing affluence of Thai monastic life. He
argues that in a consumerist society the endless seeking of sensory pleasures
and possessions has become an obsession, whereas Buddhism advocates
nonattachment. When a society is driven by lust and greed, Sulak contends,
living a chaste life becomes virtually impossible: Unfortunately, this kind
of thinking is also pervasive among monks. They have mistaken a chaste life
as meaning only celibacy. Senior monks are then living in luxurious quarters
similar to those of millionaires. They are riding in Volvos and Mercedes. They
are fiercely competitive. They are strict on rules and forms, which show that
they are pure. But their way of life directly violates the pious existence pre-
scribed by Buddha.129 Although Sulak articulates his philosophy of social
action primarily by reinterpreting classical Theravada philosophical and
ethical teachings, he is also indebted to other international Buddhist lead-
ers identified with socially engaged Buddhism, in particular, the Vietnamese
190 part iii

Zen monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, and H. H. the Dalai Lama. He also admires
Christian liberation theologians and especially the spiritual activism of the
American Catholic Trappist monk, the late Thomas Merton.
Sulaks outspoken criticism of the Thai government and Thai society has
brought reprisals. In 1984 he was arrested on charges of aZhZbV_ZhiZ,but after
serving four months in prison, he was released. In September 1991, the mili-
tary government, stung by his attacks, again issued a warrant for his arrest on
the same charges. Sulak, fearing for his life, fled the country and lived in exile
for a year, lecturing in Europe, the United States, and Japan. In August 2006,
Sulak was acquitted of the charges that were brought against him in March
1998 for obstructing the construction of the Yadana gas pipeline between
Myanmar and Thailand. While Sulak was told that the Royal Household
instructed the chief of police to remove the accusation of aZhZbV_ZhiZagainst
him, pursuant of his criticism of the Thaksin Sinawatra government, he has
not been informed officially nor has he received a written reprieve.
Sulak has been attacked not only by military and government leaders, but
also he has come under criticism from his own sympathizers who contend
that his outspoken style has blunted the effectiveness of his work. Others
argue, however, that Sulaks biting sarcasm has allowed other Buddhist
social critics speaking in a more moderate voice to be heard. Even his critics
acknowledge that S. Sivaraksa has been an effective agent in promoting ide-
alism and public service, revived Buddhist values, and has built cooperative
networks of religiously committed and motivated peopleclergy and lay,
Buddhist and non-Buddhist.

Women and Buddhism

In Buddhist texts authored by male monastics, women appear positively as
female renunciants who attain arahantship and renowned lay women who
give generously to the hVc\]V, but negatively as a threat to the stability of
the male renunciant order and as greedy, weak in wisdom, and inferior to
buddhism and modernization 191

Alan Sponberg has examined a wide range of classical Indian Buddhist

texts and gleans from them four diverse attitudes toward women, which he
labels as soteriological inclusiveness, institutional androcentrism, ascetic
misogyny, and soteriological androgyny.131 In general, Sponberg opines that
while the early Indian Buddhist tradition acknowledged gender differences,
it saw them as soteriologically insignificant (i.e., soteriological inclusive-
ness). As the Buddhist movement became larger and cenobitic monastic
traditions became the norm, womens renunciant lives became more and
more carefully regulated (institutional androcentrism). As class and caste
differences came to be determined by constructions of purity and pollution,
women were defined as a threat to the purity of the male monastic vocation
(ascetic misogyny). Finally, in the Vajrayana tradition Sponberg contends
that gender differences become insignificant relative to the goal, and that
ultimately they are perceived as unreal or mutually complementary (soterio-
logical androgyny). While Sponbergs analysis presents only a broad thematic
overview, his schema suggests the complexity of the place of women in the
Buddhist worldview and the cultural society it reflects.
The Buddhist womens movement in Theravada Buddhism, especially in
Thailand and Sri Lanka, has assumed an increasingly important place in the
changing role of the laity in the contemporary period. The traditional role of
women in Southeast Asian society reflects the values of a patriarchal society.
Womens roles were defined primarily by men in relationship to men.132 The
ideal woman was portrayed as a loyal wife and devoted mother. When this
portrayal is translated into the Buddhist monastic context, women are seen
as mothers who produce sons who become monks, and as homemakers who
prepare the food donated to monks. In the legendary story of the life of the
Buddha, this latter role is valorized in the person of Sujata, who offers milk
and honey-sweetened rice to Prince Siddhattha after he breaks his ascetic
fast prior to his enlightenment. In the same legendary life of the Buddha, the
earth is portrayed as a goddess who bears witness to the accumulated virtues
of the future Buddha. By her witness, she foils the attack by the evil Lord
Mara, thereby becoming an instrumental cause of the Buddhas awakening.
Other stories in the Pali texts uphold female exemplary donors like Visakha,
192 part iii

as well as men like Anathapindika. These differing images of the feminine in

the Pali texts are reflected in the roles played by Buddhist women today in
Southeast Asia. For the most part, it is women who provide material support
for the male monastic order, especially the preparation and donation of food.
Laywomen also serve institutional leadership roles that range from oversee-
ing the preparations for various Buddhist rituals to membership on boards
of temples as deacons and trustees. Furthermore, without the participation
of women, Buddhist sabbath meetings would be sparsely attended.
Students of Thai Buddhism debate whether or not Buddhism constrains the
development of women, devalues them as persons, or is silent when violence
is waged against them in ways similar to feminist critiques of Christianity
and Judaism. Thomas Kirsch suggests that in Thailand the Theravada world-
view both constrains and encourages women to be more worldly and more
attached than men to the realm of desire, which hinders the attainment of
salvation.133 Kirsch bases his view, in part, on occupational specialization,
for it is the case that women tend to be involved in economic-type activities,
such as market vending, which are perceived as being more worldly. Extend-
ing this argument, Khin Thitsa contends that it is this materialistic image
of women that legitimates prostitution as the place where women can best
fulfill the role that society expects of themto support their parents and
family.134 She argues for a direct link between Buddhism and the promotion
of wide-scale prostitution in Thailand.
Some critics regard these interpretations as overly simplistic, inadequate,
or simply erroneous. Charles F. Keyes counters Kirschs view.135 Relying
primarily on sources from popular village traditions, Keyes contends that
relative to the dominant Buddhist value of overcoming attachment, women
are perceived in a more positive light than men. In his analysis of images of
women as mother, suffering lover, and passionate mistress as constructed in
Buddhist sermons, popular legends, and courting songs, Keyes argues that
women are depicted as being more sensitive to the problem of suffering
produced by attachment and, therefore, women naturally embody more posi-
tive Buddhist values than do men. Because the natural state of men inclines
toward immoral acts, males are required to enter the monastery to be taught
buddhism and modernization 193

or trained in the very virtues that occur naturally in women. Whether or not
Keyess sympathetic reading of the rural Thai Buddhist tradition is correct,
the differing views represented by Kirsch and Khin Thitsa on the one hand,
and Keyes on the other regarding the impact of Buddhism on women in
Thailand, suggest the difficulty of coming to a definitive conclusion regard-
ing Buddhist influences on the cultural construction of women. In that vein,
Penny Van Esteriks richly textured study of Thai constructions of gender
cautions against privileging Buddhism either negatively or positively in any
interpretation of the place of women in Thai society.136
It should be noted that womens roles in Theravada Southeast Asia vary
among different cultural environments. In Myanmar, for example, the ado-
lescent rite of passage, exclusively for males in Thailand, is also accorded
females, even though the ceremony itself is gender differentiated. Further-
more, although female renunciants (i]^aVh]^c) in Myanmar are technically
not nuns (bhikkhuni), they are granted a higher social status and accorded
a cultural respect that is missing for their Thai female counterparts (bVZ
X]^). Not only are their numbers significantly larger, some Burmese nun-
neries offer highly regarded courses in the Pali scriptures, and i]^aVh]^c are
given national honors for high achievement on the Pali exams. Interest in
womens renunciant/lay orders of nuns in Sri Lanka (YVhVh^aVbViVkVs) and
Thailand (bVZX]^) is increasing. In Thailand in the early 1960s a founda-
tion for bVZX]^ was established under royal patronage headquartered at the
Mahamakut Buddhist University located at Wat Boworniwes, and in 1972
an institute for the purpose of organizing bVZX]^ on the national level was
established.137 There are nearly thirteen thousand bVZX]^ in Thailand. The
three major bVZX]^ institutes located in central Thailand are: Wat Boworni-
wes in Bangkok, Wat Paknam in Thonburi, and the Paktho Institute in
Ratchaburi. The largest of these is at Wat Paknam with two hundred and
fifty bVZX]^ in residence.138
Mae Chi Sansanee Sathirasut, Director of Sathira Dhammasathan Institute
located in a Bangkok suburb, has achieved national and international fame for
her humanitarian work and radiant charisma as a teacher. She co-chairs the
Global Initiative of Women, an organization dedicated to interfaith dialogue
194 part iii

Figure 3.15. Mae Chi Sansanee.

Courtesy of Sathira Dham-
masathan Institute.

to create world peace, engages with international youth through the Global
Young Leaders Alliance, and supervises several ongoing programs at the Sathira
Dhammasathan Institute with particular attention to young children, teenag-
ers, and families. A former fashion model before her ordination as a bVZX]^,
Sansanee skillfully promotes her projects through the media, which include
a live radio program broadcast on Saturday and Sunday, a brief weekly televi-
sion program, a monthly print publication, HVk^`V, a website (www.sansanee.
org), and a DVD entitled, A Walk of Wisdom.
It is generally agreed that the tradition of bhikkhuni ordination for women
ended in 456 C.E. in the Theravada Buddhist tradition, however, in recent
years the bhikkhuni order has been restored in Sri Lanka, and there are efforts
underway to inaugurate a female order in Thailand.139 The first attempt was
in 1932 when a monk secretly ordained two women as bhikkhuni. The monk
buddhism and modernization 195

who was suspected of conducting the ordination was forced to leave the
sangha. The Thai monastic order never recognized the ordination as valid, and
public pressure eventually forced both women to disrobe. In 1956 Voramai
Kabilsingh received the eight precepts of the Thai female renunciant (bVZ
X]^) from Phra Phrommuni of Wat Boworniwes.140 To distinguish herself
from the usual white-robed bVZX]^, she chose to wear a light yellow robe
and referred to herself as a cV`WjVi (ordained person). Voramai adopted
a strict regime that included continuing the meditation practice she began
in 1953 and keeping a strict vegetarian diet. As her reputation spread, a few
young women joined her in becoming yellow-robed nuns. In 1957 Voramai
purchased land in Nakhon Pathom Province near Bangkok and after a few
years opened Wat Songdhammakalyani, the first monastery in Thailand
established by and for Buddhist women. The monastery operates a school for
orphans, prints its own publications on its printing press, and conducts social
service activities for the poor and needy. In 1971 Voramai traveled to Taiwan
where she received bhikkhuni ordination in the Dharmagupta tradition; how-
ever, her ordination was never recognized by the Thai sangha. Although no
Theravada country other than Sri Lanka recognizes the bhikkhuni order, it
exists in other Buddhist traditions in Central and East Asia. Furthermore,
an increasing number of Western women are being ordained as nuns.
Despite continued resistance, the movement for bhikkhuni ordination
is gradually gaining momentum. In August of 1996, a group of Sinhalese
women received bhikkhuni ordination at Sarnath, India. In December of
1998, they returned to Sri Lanka at the invitation of the Bhikkhuni Sasano-
daya Society, and in that year the Venerable Sumangala of the Siam Nikaya
began to ordain women. Vorami Kabilsinghs daughter, Chatsumarn, a highly
regarded Buddhist scholar and former chair of the philosophy department at
Thammasat University, was ordained a hVbVcZg^ in March 2001, by a chap-
ter of progressive Mahathera monks at Tapodanaramaya, Mount Lavina, Sri
Lanka, and two years later on February 28, 2003, received full ordination
as a bhikkhuni with the monastic name, Dhammananda. Following in her
mothers footsteps, she makes Wat Songdhammakalyani in Nakhon Pathom
her center and base for Buddhist womens activities. To date, four other Thai
196 part iii

bhikkhunis and twenty female novices have been ordained in Sri Lanka and
Thailand.141 Even though Dhammananda has received moral support from
individual senior Thai monks, her ordination has yet to be recognized as
official by the Supreme Sangha Council.
Both lay Buddhist women and nuns are leaders in the international Bud-
dhist womens movement.142 Karma Lekshe Tsomo, an American woman
ordained in the Tibetan tradition, is a cofounder of Sakyadhita, the Inter-
national Association of Buddhist Women. The organization publishes the
HV`nVY]^iVnewsletter and supports the following projects: the Jamyang
Foundation educational project for Himalayan women; the Gaden Relief
Project in support of the Chuchikjall Nunnery in Ladak; the Sakyapa Nuns
Project in Australia to establish the first Sakyapa nunnery outside of Tibet;
and the Kurukulla Center in Boston in support of the Khachoe Ghakyil
Nunnery in Nepal.

HV`nVY]^iV, the name of the International Association of Buddhist Women,

means Daughters of the Buddha. The objectives of Sakyadhita, as expressed
at its founding meeting in 1987 in Bodhgaya, India, are:

To promote world peace through the practice of the Buddhas Teachings

To create a network of communications for Buddhist women through-
out the world
To promote harmony and understanding among the various Buddhist
To encourage and help educate women as teachers of Buddhadharma
To provide improved facilities for women to study and practice the
To help establish the Bhikkhuni Sangha where it does not currently exist

Sakyadhita website:

Figure 3.16. Objectives of Sakyadhita. From Sakyadhita, International Association of

Budddhist Women 4:1 (Winter 1993), 12.
buddhism and modernization 197

Lay Buddhist educational, social welfare, and human rights organizations

and movements are growing worldwide. Their proliferation reflects the vitality
of lay leadership in the revival of Buddhism in the modern period in Southeast
Asia, but also underlines the increasing ambiguity of the leadership position of
the monk in the Theravada tradition. What justification remains for the monas-
tic order as traditionally defined if laymen and laywomen are able to become
meditation teachers and provide the social services once rendered solely by the
monastery that once served as the most important organization beyond the fam-
ily? Can the dominant male character of the monastic order be sustained when
it is challenged by respected Buddhist womens organizations? Such questions
are both immediate and practical in the Theravada cultures of Buddhist Asia.

Buddhism and the West

The future of Theravada Buddhism will unfold in the West as well as its
natal countries of Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia,
although intercourse between the West and Theravada Buddhist countries
is far from new. Travelers accounts written during the early colonial period
often portrayed Buddhism in either unsympathetic or exotic and esoteric
terms, however, by the end of the nineteenth century, Western interest in
Buddhism had become both intensive and extensive. Westerners made many
contributions to Buddhist scholarship, and some took a personal interest in
the tradition. T. William and Caroline Rhys Davids founded the Pali Text
Society, an organization devoted to editing and translating Pali canonical
and commentarial texts. They also helped to found the London Buddhist
Society. These early Western Buddhists and sympathetic scholars were respon-
sible for creating and promoting a rationalized, demythologized Buddhism
that appeals as much to twenty-first century Europeans and Americans as
it does to Western-educated Asians.143 In this section we shall explore three
distinct but related aspects of a new ecumenical Buddhism: the emergence
of an international Buddha-dhamma; the popularity of Theravada insight
meditation (k^eVhhVcV); and the expansion of expatriate Buddhism.
198 part iii

In 1959 L]Vii]Z7jYY]VIVj\]i, authored by the Sinhalese monk-scholar-

educator Walpola Rahula, was published in the West. Soundly grounded in the
Pali scriptures, the book discusses such seminal teachings as the Four Noble
Truths, not-self, dependent co-arising, meditation, and nibbana. Like D. T.
Suzukis idealistic interpretations of Zen, Rahulas clearly articulated inter-
pretation of Theravada thought is still regarded as a masterpiece of apologetic
literature. It presents a rationalized, demythologized version of Buddhism
devoid of reference to aspects of popular Buddhist beliefs and practices such
as the Buddha cult or merit-making rituals. The Venerable Rahula did not
intend for his interpretation of Buddhism to be a comprehensive treatment of
the variety of genre in Buddhist literature; rather, L]Vii]Z7jYY]VIVj\]i
represents a tradition of modern, rationalist reinterpretations of Theravada
doctrine propounded by both Asian Buddhists and Westerners.
A modern, rationalized Buddha-dhamma gauged to appeal to a West-
ern-educated audience has many representatives from Sri Lanka, Thailand,
Myanmar, and the West. Sinhalese scholars have been particularly influential.
The late K. N. Jayatilleke of Peradeniya University, Sri Lanka, who studied
with Ludwig Wittgenstein, and several of Jayatillekes students, most nota-
bly David J. Kalupahana and Padmasiri de Silva, have written sophisticated
interpretations of Buddhist thought in dialogue with modern epistemol-
ogy, British empiricism, American pragmatism, and Western psychology.144
Kalupahana argues that the middle way philosophy of early Buddhism was
fashioned as a counter to essentialism on the one hand, and nihilism on the
other. He contends, furthermore, that the history of Buddhist philosophy
ethics, epistemology, psychology, and logichas been an endeavor to maintain
that middle way. Western philosophers in this tradition find parallels between
Humean empiricism and post-modern deconstructionism.145
This modernized view of the Buddha-dhamma demythologizes the tradi-
tion in the service of ethical and psychological values. Nibbana, for example,
is interpreted primarily as a nonattached way of being in the world that
affects how we act, rather than as an extraordinary and difficult-to-achieve
state of enlightenment. Prince Siddhattha, the mythic hero of the Buddha
legend, is transformed into a social critic and moral exemplar.146 However,
buddhism and modernization 199

this is not to say that the modernized Buddha-dhamma misinterprets the

inherited tradition of Buddhist doctrine, but rather, that the tradition is
skillfully reinterpreted to appeal to a rational, Western-educated audience.
Although critics have faulted this modernized Buddha-dhamma for its over-
emphasis on Buddhism as a philosophical and ethical system while ignoring
the rich textures of Buddhist practice and nonphilosophical forms of Bud-
dhist thought, without such reinterpretations, a religious tradition loses its
relevance and saliency for the twenty-first century. There is a risk, however,
that in the service of rationality and relevance, the varied and challenging
complexity of the tradition is ignored or lost.
The sine qua non of Buddhism in the West has been and continues to be
the practice of meditation. Beginning with the popularity of Zen Buddhism
in America after World War II, and promoted primarily through the writings
of D. T. Suzuki and the founding of the early Zen centers in New York, San
Francisco, and Los Angeles, meditation has been at the heart of Buddhisms
appeal to Westerners. The practice of oVoZc continues to flourish in North
America and Europe. With the creation of a Tibetan Buddhist diaspora in
the West following the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1958, Tibetan forms of
Buddhist meditation as taught by Chogyam Trungpa Rimpoche and inter-
preted through the Yod\X]Zc tradition have further expanded the practice
of Buddhist meditation.147
The interest in Theravada insight meditation (k^eVhhVcV) in the United
States and the West is a more recent development. The major k^eVhhVcVcenter
in the U.S., the Insight Meditation Society, is located in Barre, Massachusetts,
founded by Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, and Sharon Salzberg. Two cen-
ters linked to IMS are the Cambridge (Massachusetts) Insight Meditation
Center led by Larry Rosenberg, and Spirit Rock in Woodacre, California.
Some insight teachers are Asian Buddhists monks; others are American lay-
persons who have studied with Burmese or Thai meditation teachers, such as
Joseph Goldstein of the Barre meditation center; and still others are Ameri-
can monks ordained in Asia who are now teaching in this country, such as
Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff ), the abbot of the Metta Forest
Monastery. Thanissaro and Achan Sumedho, abbot of Amaravati Buddhist
200 part iii

Centre in Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England, were trained in the Thai

forest tradition, under Achan Cha and Achan Fuang Jotiko, respectively.148
Both were granted the authority to ordain by the Thai sangha.
Ordained in Thailand in 1976, Thanissaro studied and practiced under
the tutelage of Achan Fuang at Wat Dhammasathit until his teachers death
in 1986. In 1991 he assisted Achan Suwat Suwaco in establishing the Metta
Forest Monastery, a Thai monastery near San Diego, California, and in 1993
Thanissaro became its abbot. Thanissaro Bhikkhu occupies a unique niche
in the contours of Buddhism in the U.S. between what is called, immigrant
Buddhism, American Buddhism, or convert Buddhism. His position,
teachings, and writings defy most of the categories devised by scholars to
classify types or representations of Buddhism in America.149
In December of 2004, the Thai sangha conferred on Thanissaro the ecclesi-
astical rank of X]Vd`]jc, a rare honor for a non-Thai bhikkhu, in recognition
of his scholarly contributions, his leadership of the Metta Forest Monastery,
as an VX]Vc (VXVg^nV) in the Thai sangha, and as a highly respected monk in
the Thai Thammayut order in America. His translations of Pali hjiiVs and
the writings of seminal figures in the Thai forest tradition have been widely
distributed as print publications and are available through the web site:
accesstoinsight. His contributions to Buddhist studies include an anthol-
ogy of translations from the Pali canon, a translation and interpretation
of the monks disciplinary code, and joint authorship of a major university
textbook on Buddhism.150
Theravada Buddhism in the West includes forms of American Buddhism
associated, in particular, with k^eVhhVcV, as well as an estimated three hun-
dred Thai, Lao, Cambodian, Burmese, and Sri Lankan monasteries in North
America. As of this writing, these Buddhist centers minister primarily to
the needs of expatriate Southeast Asian populations, many of them origi-
nally refugees. Lao and Cambodian monasteries serve as important cultural
outposts for those dislocated from their home countries, many of whom
experienced untold hardships in their escape from Laos, Cambodia, and
Vietnam in the 1970s and 1980s.
buddhism and modernization 201

Figure 3.17. Thanissaro Bhik-

khu. Courtesy of Metta Forest

Southeast Asian monasteries in America and the West observe major Bud-
dhist holidays and ceremonies such as Visakha Puja, transporting in memory
the participants back to their Thai, Lao, or Cambodian homelands. Classes
held in natal languages and the arts, including classical dance, perpetuate
Southeast Asian cultural identity in a new environment. Informal counseling
on issues ranging from family problems to civil rights teach a variety of cop-
ing skills. Above all, these centers honor the Buddha and study his teachings.
In the coming decades Theravada Buddhism in America and in the West will
inevitably undergo major changes in order to remain relevant to second and
third generation immigrant populations. Although Southeast Asian mon-
asteries will continue to serve their Thai, Lao, Cambodian, and Burmese
202 part iii

populations, the greatest challenge will be to adapt to a Western setting that

will lead to new and creative forms of religious thought and practice.151
buddhism and modernization 203

We have explored Buddhism in Southeast Asia as a dynamic multiplex and
multivalent system of thought and practice embedded in the respective
cultures, societies, and histories of the region. Such a holistic, multifaceted
approach belies the possibility of a grand interpretative theory in terms of
which we can easily characterize the nature of Southeast Asian Buddhism
or predict its future. Certainly, any interpretation of religion and society in
Southeast Asia begs a crucial question. Can or will Theravada Buddhism,
which has been such an integral part of the societies of Sri Lanka, Thailand,
Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia, be sustained in a form resembling the
description given in these pages?
The post-World War II years have brought major changes to much of
Southeast Asia, so drastic that the Buddhist worldview and the institutions
fostered there are under threat. In Cambodia and Laos, the Buddhist sangha
was severely disrupted by the Vietnam War and its aftermath. The sacred
monarchical traditions of Southeast Asia traditionally identified with Bud-
dhism and largely undermined during the colonial period, exist only in vague,
vestigial forms. Even Thailands existing monarchy is no longer immune from
challenge or criticism.152 The traditional religious festivals that once shaped
community life are gradually losing their importance. A smaller percentage
of the male population is being ordained into the Buddhist monkhood. Nev-
ertheless, in much of what remains of rural Southeast Asia, traditional rites,
rituals, and festivals continue to bind people together in a common identity;
Buddhist values continue to play a normative role in a peoples view of social
well-being and personal salvation; and Buddhist institutions are making cre-
ative adjustments to economic, social, and political changes. Furthermore,
new forms of Buddhist thought and practice that are emerging from extensive
interaction between Asia and the West, between men and women, between
monk and laity hold great promise for the future. Indeed, although the face
of Buddhism will reflect its Asian roots, its visage will assume a new aspect,
one that is increasingly international and broadly multicultural.
204 part iii

At a symposium on the impact of globalization on Thailand, a professor

of Buddhism at Chiang Mai University suggested that while a global or
international Buddhism was philosophically realistic, it would necessarily
be culturally impoverished. He concluded his remarks with the question, Is
this really the kind of Buddhism that we would like to have? At the same
symposium, a Thai monk with a doctorate from India suggested an even
more distressing possibility. Seeing globalization primarily as the commer-
cialization of culture, a globalized Buddhism would inevitably become a
religion whose values were determined more by the ideology of commerce
than the idioms of the Buddha-dhamma.
These two views offer starkly different visions, one a rationalized, cultur-
ally denuded Buddhism taught by philosophers and subject to sloganizing
by politicians with little meaning to real-life people in Southeast Asia; the
other, a Buddhism overwhelmed by the commercialization of culture, a
Buddhism devoid of the power to define or challenge a communitys moral
identity or transform individual lives spiritually. As a longtime student of
Thai Buddhism, I see and fear the truth of both possibilities; I hope that the
reality will be neither.
Appendix 1
SIGLAKA SUTTA: Code of Lay Ethics
In the H^\aV`VHjiiV that is found in the Discourses of the Buddha (9\]V
C^`nV III.180), the Buddha ethicizes the Brahmanical custom of worship-
ping the deities of the four cardinal directions, the zenith, and nadir. The
Buddha interprets the six directions as metaphors for different social relation-
ships: parents (east); teachers (south); wife and children (west); friends and
relatives (north); servants and workers (nadir); brahmans, and mendicants
(zenith). The Buddhas moral admonitions may strike us as old-fashioned,
but we must keep in mind the historical contexthierarchical and patri-
archalin which they were written. Taking the context into account, one
cannot but be impressed with the underlying premise of mutual responsi-
bility for social and moral well-being. The Buddha outlines the duties and
obligations as follows.1


Forward direction signifying mother and father whom their children should
uphold in five ways: (1) parents have cared for and raised their children, so
children should repay this kindness by caring for them; (2) children should
help their parents by looking after their affairs; (3) children should ensure
the endurance of the family name; (4) children should conduct themselves
in ways that make them worthy to receive inherited wealth; (5) after their
parents have died, children should make merit on their behalf.
The childrens mother and father, having been upheld in the preceding
ways, should help their children in five ways by: (1) helping them avoid doing
evil; (2) encouraging them to do good; (3) seeing that they receive an edu-
cation; (4) finding a suitable mate for them; (5) giving them their wealth at
the appropriate time.

206 appendix i


To the right, signifying the teacher whom the pupil should uphold in five ways
by: (1) standing up to receive the teacher (as a sign of respect); (2) waiting
in attendance on the teacher; (3) paying attention to what the teacher says;
(4) being the teachers attendant; (5) being a diligent student.
The teacher, having been upheld in these five ways should help students by:
(1) setting a good example; (2) motivating the student to study; (3) telling
the student as much as the teacher knows without holding anything back;
(4) praising the students among their friends; (5) making sure that the stu-
dents are properly supported and cared for.


Signifying the wife whom her husband should uphold in five ways by: (1)
praising her and upholding the relationship; (2) not looking down on her;
(3) not being unfaithful; (4) giving her charge of the home and family; (5)
giving her clothing and presents.
The husbands wife, having been upheld in these ways, should support her
husband by: (1) organizing family affairs well; (2) helping her husbands rela-
tives and friends; (3) not being unfaithful to her husband; (4) looking after
the valuables and property; (5) being energetic in her duties.


Signifying friends, good people whom one should uphold in five ways by:
(1) sharing things with them; (2) talking agreeably with them; (3) doing
useful things for them; (4) being even-minded and without pride; (5) not
speaking pretentiously and by being truthful.
Ones friends, having been upheld in the preceding ways, should then
help as follows by: (1) protecting them from being careless; (2) protecting
siglaka sutta 207

their property and valuables if they are careless and neglectful; (3) providing
shelter when there is danger; (4) not abandoning them in times of adversity;
(5) taking care of the relatives of ones friends.


Signifying servants whom their master should uphold in five ways by: (1)
arranging work that is suitable and not beyond their capability; (2) provid-
ing them with food and other compensation; (3) taking care of them when
they are sick; (4) sharing delicacies with them; (5) giving them time off.
A masters servants, having been upheld in these ways, should help their
master by: (1) arising before their master and starting their work; (2) quit-
ting work after their master; (3) not stealing from their master; (4) constantly
trying to improve their work; (5) praising the virtues of their master.


Signifying hVbVcV (religious practitioners) whom their disciples should

uphold in five ways by: (1) acting with loving-kindness; (2) speaking with
loving-kindness; (3) thinking thoughts with loving-kindness; (4) always
welcoming them into their homes; (5) providing them with material req-
HVbVcVs, having been upheld in these ways, should then assist their fol-
lowers by: (1) helping them avoid evil; (2) encouraging them to do the good;
(3) helping them with a compassionate mind; (4) teaching them what they
do not know; (5) clarifying for them what they might know already.
Appendix 2
The pyramidal terrace known as Borobudur was constructed on the Kedu
Plain near Jogjakarta between 760 and 830 C.E. by the ruling Sailendra
(kings of the mountain) dynasty.1 Under King Sumaratunga (792824),
the Sailendras controlled most of central Java and enjoyed especially close
relations with the Pala kings of north India, who were patrons of Mahayana
and Tantrayana forms of Buddhism.2 Borobudur, the only surviving monu-
ment of its type in Java, embodies a set of complex meanings: The monument
has multiple layers of meaning which accumulated during its active life, and
it therefore represents a process of cultural evolution rather than a single
moment in Javanese history.3 Interpretations variously identify Borobudur
as a cosmic mountain, a stupa,4 a bVcYVaV, or the stages of development of
a spiritual journey.5
The structure consists of six square terraces, the lowest being 479 square
feet, topped by three circular platforms bearing seventy-two perforated,
hollow stupas covering seated Buddha images and a solid central stupa fifty-
two feet in diameter.6 The walls of the terraces and the lower foundation are
covered with bas-reliefs. The ground level is designed to illustrate the opera-
tion of kamma and rebirth, depicting in graphic detail the punishments that
result from evil deeds. The terraces are for perambulation. Here bas-reliefs
carved in stone depict the life of the Buddha according to the AVa^iVk^hiVgV,
and stories from the 9^knkVYcV, the ?iV`Vba, and the <VY]Vkn]V.
A total of ninety-two Buddha images are situated in niches on the outer gal-
lery walls of the monuments five levels.
Borobudurs terraced pyramid appears to represent a spiritual ascent or
journey from the mundane world of karmic action and rebirth to that supreme
reality beyond all form. Along the ascending path, pilgrims encounter the
Buddha Sakyamuni and Mahayana WdY]^hViikVh carved in bas-relief on the
circumambulatory terraces. Borobudur can be constructed in ways other
than mapping stages of a spiritual journey. Paul Mus sees the monument as

borobudur 209

Figure A.1. Top view of Borobudur. From A. J. Bernet Kempers, Ancient Indonesian Art.
Harvard University Press, 1959, 42. Reprinted by permission of Harvard University Press.

a representation of the upper reaches of a cosmic mountain enclosed by the

cupola of the sky.7 As a cosmic mountain or Vm^hbjcY^, it serves to connect
the divine source of royal power with the Buddha. From this perspective,
Borobudur has been interpreted as merging a chthonous cult of kings of the
mountain with the Buddha Vairocana, the universal, unconditioned Adi-
Buddha. J. G. De Casparis argues that in Sailendra inscriptions the Sanskrit
term, \digV, was used to refer to the fundamental element of Buddhahood as
well as the line of the ancestors, thereby linking the family of the Tathagata
with the Sailendra ancestral line.8 R. Soekmono agrees with the underlying
assumption of this view when he contends that a stepped pyramid crowned
210 appendix ii

by a stupa is the most appropriate symbol to depict the virtues successively

accumulated by the lineage of forebears along the WdY]^hViikV path to Bud-
Although scholarly interpretations of Borobudur differ, there does seem to
be a general consensus that the monument integrates three levels of meaning
germane to our study of the symbiosis between political authority and cos-
mology, namely, cosmic, royal, and Buddhist. At the macrocosmic level, the
monument connects royal power with the universal Buddha at the center of
a complex cosmology; at the microcosmic level, Borobudur represents stages
of spiritual ascent from the realm of desire, through the realm of form, and
finally to the realm beyond form, orin terms more specifically related to
kingshipBorobudur represents stages of WdY]^hViikV perfection, not only
to the unconditioned ground of reality, but also to the foundation of the
royal Sailendra lineage.10


1. For a more detailed discussion of the development of Buddhism in Southeast Asia,

see Donald K. Swearer, Buddhism in Southeast Asia, in vol. 2 of The Encyclopedia of Religion,
ed. Mircea Eliade (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1987), 385400. This article
was reprinted in Joseph M. Kitagawa and Mark D. Cummings, eds., The Religious Traditions
of Asia (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1989); and Joseph M. Kitagawa and
Mark D. Cummings, eds., Buddhism and Asian History (New York: Macmillan Publishing
Company, 1989). For a discussion of Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka and its legacy in
India, see Richard F. Gombrich, Theravada Buddhism: A Social History from Ancient Benares
to Modern Colombo (London and New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1988).
Students unfamiliar with the Pali canon of Theravada Buddhism can consult K. R. Nor-
man, Pali Literature (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1983). The Pali canon and a number
of Pali commentaries have been edited and published by the Pali Text Society. Many volumes
are available in English in the Pali Text Society Translation Series. Recent English translations
of the Long Discourses of the Buddha (9\]VC^`nV) and the Middle Length Discourses
(BV__]^bVC^`nV) are Maurice Walshe, trans., Thus I Have Heard. The Long Discourses of
the Buddha (London: Wisdom Publications, 1987); and Bhikkhu anamoli and Bhikkhu
Bodhi, trans., The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (Somerville, Mass.: Wisdom
Publications, 1995).
2. Current scholarly convention uses Tai or Dai as a collective term for various Tai eth-
nic groups, such as the Shan of Burma, the Lue, the Khoen, and the Yuan. I use, Thai, when
referring to the Thais of modern Thailand.
3. See the introduction in Patrick Henry and Donald K. Swearer, For the Sake of the
World: The Spirit of Buddhist and Christian Monasticism (Minneapolis, Minn.: Augsburg-
Fortress Press; Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1989), for a discussion on the use of the
terms monk and nun.

212 notes


1. I use the terms ethos and worldview in the sense defined by Clifford Geertz in his article,
Ethos, World View, and the Analysis of Sacred Symbols, in The Interpretation of Cultures, ed.
Clifford Geertz (New York: Basic Books, 1973), 127: A peoples ethos is the tone, character
and quality of their life, its moral and aesthetic style and mood; it is the underlying attitude
toward themselves and their world that life reflects. Their worldview is their picture of the
way things in sheer actuality are, their concept of nature, of self, of society. It contains their
most comprehensive ideas of order.

Part i. The Popular Tradition

1. I shall use Burma as the country name in historical references and citations, and
Myanmar in other instances.
2. For the most part, Buddhist terms will appear in their Pali form, the scriptural lan-
guage of Theravada Buddhism. When the context demands, Sanskrit or a vernacular term
will be used. For Thai words, I follow the transliteration system of the Royal Institute. Widely
known Pali and Sanskrit terms used frequently in this monograph are not italicized: bhik-
khu, bhikkuni, dharma, dhamma, karma, kamma, mantra, nibbana, nirvana, sangha, stupa.
In the interest of non-specialist readers, Pali and Sanskrit diacritcs have been omitted except
where they appear in titles, texts, quoted material, and glossary terms. The one exception is
instead of ny.
3. See Max Weber, The Religions of India, trans. and ed. Hans H. Gerth and Don Mar-
tindale (New York: The Free Press, 1958), chaps. 67.
4. For example, see Melford E. Spiro, Buddhism and Society: A Great Tradition and Its
Burmese Vicissitudes, 2d ed. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982). For an analy-
sis of Burmese Buddhist ethics, see Winston L. King, In the Hope of Nibbana: An Essay on
Theravada Buddhist Ethics (LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, 1964). For a critique of Spiro and King,
see Damien Keown, The Nature of Buddhist Ethics (New York: St. Martins Press, 1992),
chap. 4.
5. For a critical analysis of the concept of the Pali canon, see Steven Collins, The Very
Idea of a Pali Canon, Journal of the Pali Text Society 15 (1990): 89126.
part i. the popular tradition 213

6. For Buddhist attitudes toward wealth, see Russell Sizemore and Donald K. Swearer,
eds., Ethics, Wealth and Salvation: A Study in Buddhist Social Ethics (Columbia: University
of South Carolina Press, 1990).
7. For a discussion of this issue, see Steven Collins, Selfless Persons: Imagery and Thought
in Theravada Buddhism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982), pt. 1.
8. The _ViV`Vs were written as stories of the Buddhas previous lives. Because they are
examples of how folk traditions became incorporated into a set form and are linked by the
WdY]^hViiV concept, they provide a rich textual resource for the popular tradition of Indian
Buddhism. In addition to the Pali _ViV`Vs, there is an extensive vernacular _ViV`V tradition,
among them the EVVhV?iV`V (Fifty Jatakas) written in northern Thailand. See I. B. Horner,
and Padmanabh S. Jaini, trans., Apocryphal Birth-Stories (EVhV?iV`V), 2 vols. (London:
Pali Text Society, 198586). The specific perfections as represented in the last ten _ViV`V tales
are: renunciation, loving-kindness, effort, determination, wisdom, forbearance, truthfulness,
good conduct, equanimity, and generosity.
9. In the interest of simplicity, I have disregarded the distinctions between stupa, XZi^nV,
and Y]Vij\VgW]V (Sinhalese, YV\dWV). See part 2 for a discussion of the stupa. The solid dome
or pyramidal architectural structures to which these terms refer embody both a cosmic refer-
ent (Vm^hbjcY^) and a Buddhist referent. The latter derives from the fact that these structures
enshrine a material artifactalthough not always a bodily relicassociated with the person
and life of the Buddha or a Buddhist saint.
10. For a discussion of the supreme saintly ideal in Theravada Buddhism, see George D.
Bond, The Arahant: Sainthood in Theravada Buddhism, in Sainthood: Its Manifestations
in World Religions, ed. Richard Kieckhefer and George D. Bond (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1988), 14071. See also Stanley J. Tambiah, The Buddhist Arahant: Clas-
sical Paradigm and Modern Thai Manifestations, in Saints and Virtues, ed. John S. Hawley
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), 11126.
11. Margaret Cone and Richard Gombrich, The Perfect Generosity of Prince Vessantara
(Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1977). For a discussion of the Vessantara murals in Thailand,
see Forrest McGill, Painting the Great Life, in Sacred Biography in the Buddhist Traditions of
South and Southeast Asia, ed. Juliane Schober (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1997),
195217. For a critical analysis of the KZhhVciVgV?iV`V, see Steven Collins, Nirvana and
Other Buddhist Felicities: Utopias of the Pali Imaginaire (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1998), chap. 7; see also, Louis Gabaude, Controverses modernes autour du Vessantara
214 notes

Jtaka, Cahiers de lAsie du Sud-Est, no. 2930 (1991); and Sanitsuda Ekachai, Madsi: A
Female Bodhisattva, in Keeping the Faith: Thai Buddhism at the Crossroads, ed. Nick Wilgus
(Bangkok: Post Books, 2001): 197202, for a gender critique of Vessantara.
12. Although the theological contexts are different, there are structural parallels between
the story of Abrahams willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac, found in the Hebrew scriptures
and Vessantaras willingness to sacrifice his family.
13. Steven Collins, in Selfless Persons, provides a detailed analysis of the not-self doctrine
in the Pali scriptures and its implications for Buddhist institutional life and practice.
14. Ranjini Obeyesekere, trans., Yasodaravata: The Story of Yasodara or Yasodaras Lament
(Colombo: Godage International Publishers, Ltd., 2005). For a northern Thai version of
the same story, see Donald K. Swearer, trans., Bimbas Lament, in Buddhism in Practice, ed.
Donald S. Lopez Jr. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1995), 54152.
15. See Alan Sponberg, Attitudes Toward Women and the Feminine in Early Buddhism,
in Buddhism, Sexuality, and Gender, ed. Jos Ignacio Cabezn (Albany: State University of
New York Press, 1992), 336.
16. See Nancy Auer Falk, Exemplary Donors of the Pali Tradition, in Ethics, Wealth,
and Salvation: A Study in Buddhist Social Ethics, ed. Russell F. Sizemore and Donald K.
Swearer (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1990), 12443.
17. Susan Murcott, The First Buddhist Women (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1991), 5051.
For another translation, see C. A. F. Rhys Davids and K. R. Norman, trans., Poems of Early
Buddhist Nuns (Thergth), rev. ed. (Oxford: Pali Text Society, 1989), 49.
18. For sources about Mahasi Sayadaw, see Ashin Silanandabhivumsa, The Venerable
Mahasi Sayadaw Biography, abridged ed., trans. U Min Swe, pt. 1 (Rangoon: Buddha Sasana
Nuggaha Organization, 1982); Mahasi Sayadaw, I]ZHVi^eV]cVK^eVhhVcBZY^iVi^dc,
trans. U Pe Thin (Rangoon: Department of Religious Affairs, 1979); Mahasi Sayadaw, The
Progress of Insight, trans. Nyanaponika Thera (Kandy: The Buddhist Publication Society,
1965). For an analysis of the biography of U Ba Khin, see Gustaaf Houtman, The Biography
of Modern Burmese Buddhist Meditation Master U Ba Khin: Life before the Cradle and
past the Grave, in Sacred Biography in the Buddhist Traditions of South and Southeast Asia,
ed. Juliane Schober (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1997), 31044.
19. Michael Carrithers, The Forest Monks of Sri Lanka: An Anthropological and Histori-
cal Study (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1983), 70.
part i. the popular tradition 215

20. Maha Boowa anasampanno, Venerable cariya Mun Bhridatta Thera, trans. Bhik-
khu Dick Silaranto (Udon Thani, Thailand: Wat Pa Baan Taad, 2003). For accounts of Thai
forest monks, see Kamala Tiyavanich, Forest Recollections: Wandering Monks in Twentieth-
Century Thailand (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1997); and Kamala Tiyavanich,
The Buddha in the Jungle (Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2003). For interpretations of the
tradition of forest monks, see Stanley J. Tambiah, The Buddhist Saints of the Forest and the
Cult of Amulets: A Study in Charisma, Hagiography, Sectarianism, and Millennial Buddhism
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984); James L. Taylor, Forest Monks and the
Nation-State: An Anthropological and Historical Study in Northeastern Thailand (Singapore:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1993).
21. James L. Taylor, The Textualization of a Monastic Tradition: Forest Monks, Lineage,
and the Biographical Process in Thailand, in Sacred Biography in the Buddhist Traditions of
South and Southeast Asia, ed. Juliane Schober (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1997),
22. See Tambiah, The Buddhist Saints of the Forest and the Cult of Amulets, pt. 3. An
influential study of the cult of saints in the Christian tradition is Peter Brown, The Cult of
the Saints: Its Rise and Function in Latin Christianity (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
23. John Van Esterik, Women Meditation Teachers in Thailand, in Women of Southeast
Asia, ed. Penny Van Esterik (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University, 1996), 36.
24. Tan Acharn Kor Khao-suan-luang, Looking Inward: Observations on the Art of Medi-
tation (Bangkok: P. Samphanpanich Ltd., n.d.), 54. For a different translation, see Tan Acharn
Kor Khao-suan-luang, Looking Inward: Observations on the Art of Meditation, Wheel Publi-
cation, no. 373374 (Kandy: The Buddhist Publication Society, 1991). See also, Tan Acharn
Kor Khao-suan-luang, Directing to Self Penetration: Six Dhamma Talks About Centering the
Mind in Non-attachment (Bangkok: Chuan Press Ltd., 1984).
25. For a discussion of Devadatta, see Edward J. Thomas, The Life of the Buddha in Leg-
end and History, 3d ed. (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1956), 131ff.
26. Bonnie Pacala Brereton, Thai Tellings of Phra Malai: Texts and Rituals Concerning
a Popular Buddhist Saint (Tempe: Arizona State University Press, 1995).
27. See Robin Lovin and Frank E. Reynolds, Cosmology and Ethical Order: New Studies
in Comparative Ethics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985), especially the introduc-
tion and chap. 8.
216 notes

28. I. B. Horner, trans., Basket of Conduct (8Vg^ne^V`V, in The Minor Anthologies of

the Pali Canon, part 3 (London: Pali Text Society, 1975), 2223.
29. Spiro, Buddhism and Society, 19192.
30. Ibid., 192.
31. Tambiah, The Buddhist Saints of the Forest and the Cult of Amulets, pt. 3.
32. For example, see Michael Ames, Magical-Animism and Buddhism: A Structural Anal-
ysis of the Sinhalese Religious System, Journal of Asian Studies 23 ( June 1964): 2152.
33. Gananath Obeyesekere, The Buddhist Pantheon in Ceylon and Its Extensions, in
Anthropological Studies in Theravada Buddhism, ed. Manning Nash (New Haven, Conn.: Yale
University Southeast Asian Studies, 1966), 126; John C. Holt, The Buddhist K^j: Religious
Transformation, Politics, and Culture (New York: Columbia University Press, 2004).
34. Melford Spiro, Burmese Supernaturalism: A Study in the Explanation and Reduction
of Suffering (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967).
35. See Stanley J. Tambiah, Buddhism and the Spirit Cults in North-east Thailand, (Cam-
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970); Marcel Zago, Rites et Ceremonies en Milieu
Bouddhiste Lao (Roma: Universita Gregoriana Editrice, 1972).
36. For a discussion of the historical formation and use of the paritta in Sri Lanka, see
Lily de Silva, The Paritta Ceremony of Sri Lanka: Its Antiquity and Symbolism, in Buddhist
Thought and Ritual, ed. David J. Kalupahana (New York: Paragon House, 1991), 13950; and
Hammalawa Saddhatissa, The Significance of Paritta and Its Application in the Theravda
Tradition, in Buddhist Thought and Ritual, ed. David J. Kalupahana (New York: Paragon
House, 1991), 12538.
37. Maria Heim, Theories of the Gift in South Asia: Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain Reflections
on Dna (New York and London: Routledge, 2004); Reiko Ohnuma, Gift, in Critical Terms for
the Study of Buddhism, ed. Donald S. Lopez Jr. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005).
38. H. S. Gehman, trans., Petavatthu: Stories of the Departed, in The Minor Antholo-
gies of the Pali Canon, part 4 (London: Pali Text Society, 1974), 5.
39. Ibid., 2728.
40. This basic pattern of reciprocity may reflect an ancient Vedic notion of sacrificial
efficacy in which Brahman priests make an offering to a deity on behalf of lay patrons or
sponsors to secure for them a benefit or boon.
part ii. buddhism and the state 217

41. The literal meaning of kathina is frame. Originally, monks would take the cloth
received on this particular day and stretch it on a frame (much like a quilting frame), and
working jointly, stitch the pieces together. In northern Thailand this custom is still observed,
but it has become a rare occasion.
42. See Sukumar Dutt, The Buddha and Five After-Centuries (London: Luzac and Com-
pany, 1957) for a discussion of this transformation of monastic life and practice.
43. Tambiah, Buddhism and the Spirit Cults in North-east Thailand, 158.
44. Adapted from A Manual of Buddhist Chants and Ordination Procedures (Chicago:
Wat Dhammarama Press, 1993), 6061.
45. Spiro, Buddhism and Society, 301.
46. For a more extensive description and analysis of the Buddha image consecration cer-
emony in northern Thailand, see Donald K. Swearer, Hypostasizing the Buddha: Buddha
Image Consecration in Northern Thailand, History of Religions 34, no. 3 (February 1995);
and Donald K. Swearer, Becoming the Buddha: The Ritual of Image Consecration in Thailand
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2004). For Sri Lanka, see Richard F. Gombrich,
The Consecration of a Buddha Image, Journal of Asian Studies 26, no. 1 (November 1966);
and for Cambodia, see Franois Bizot, La conscration des statues et le culte des morts, in
Recherches nouvelles sur le Cambodge, ed. Franois Bizot (Paris: cole Franaise dExtrme-
Orient, 1994).
47. For a broad, psychologically nuanced, comparative study of the power of images, see
David Freedberg, The Power of Images: Studies in the History and Theory of Response (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1989).
48. Piyadassi Thera, trans., and introduction to The Book of Protection (Paritta) (Kandy:
The Buddhist Publication Society, 1975), 5.
49. Ibid., 12.
50. Ibid., 1417.
51. N. A. Jayawickrama, trans., The Story of Gotama Buddha: the Nidna-kath of the
Jtaktthakath (Oxford: The Pali Text Society), 1990.
52. Shway Yoe [Sir James George Scott], The Burman: His Life and Notions (New York:
W. W. Norton, 1963), 33637.
53. Informants also interpret the three knowledges as the Buddhas omniscience, that is,
knowledge of the past, present, and future.
54. Narada Thera, trans., The Dhammapada (London: J. Murray, 1954), 46.
218 notes

55. A. K. Coomaraswamy, Medieval Sinhalese Art, 2d ed. (1908; reprint, New York:
Pantheon Books, 1956), 71.
56. Gombrich and Obeyesekere regard the introduction of Buddhist hVXgVa^V into the
Sri Lankan wedding ceremony as a sign of the embourgeoisement of this rite. See Richard
F. Gombrich and Gananath Obeyesekere, Buddhism Transformed: Religious Change in Sri
Lanka (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1988), 25573.
57. Tambiah, Buddhism and the Spirit Cults in North-east Thailand, 160.
58. Scholars have argued that the consequentialist view of the efficacy of ritual action
in Buddhism is a Brahmanical influence with roots in the intentionality of the Vedic ritual
sacrifice, wherein ritual offerings obligate the deities to act on behalf of the sponsor of the
59. Phya Anuman Rajadhon, Thet Maha Chat Ceremony (Bangkok: Fine Arts Depart-
ment, 1969); G. E. Gerini, A Retrospective View and Account of the Origin of the Thet Mah
Chat Ceremony (BV]?i^9ZhVc) or Exposition of the Tale of the Great Birth as Performed
in Siam, 2d ed. (Bangkok: Santhirakoses-Nagapradipa Foundation, 1976); Tambiah, Bud-
dhism and the Spirit Cults in North-east Thailand, 16068. My description also includes my
field notes from observations of the ceremony in 1976 and 1989.
60. Sanguan Chotisukharat, Prapheni Thai Phak Nuea [The customs of northern Thai-
land] (Bangkok: Odian, 2512 B.E. / 1969 C.E.), 125 ff.
61. Tambiah, Buddhism and the Spirit Cults in North-east Thailand, 153. For a discussion
of Buddhist holidays in Laos, see Ren de Berval, Kingdom of Laos: The Land of a Million
Elephants and of the White Parasols, trans. Teissier du Cros (Saigon: France-Asie, 1959).
62. Shway Yoe, The Burman, 35051.
63. Spiro, Buddhism and Society, 200.
64. The story is found in John Hoskin and Geoffrey Walton, eds., Folk Tales and Legends
of the Dai People, trans. Ying Yi (from the Chinese) (Bangkok: DD Books, 1992), 1012.
65. Ibid., 10.
66. Ibid., 12.
67. The definitive study of the sand mountain in Laos and Thailand is Louis Gabaude,
Les ceitya de sable au Laos et en Thalande (Paris: cole Franaise dExtrme-Orient, 1979).
According to Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Thais believe that the purpose of the sand mountain is to
replenish the soil worn away during the preceding year. Pious Thais fear appropriating even
the smallest amount of monastic property, including sand.
part i. the popular tradition 219

68. Sanguan Chotisukharat, Prapheni Thai Phak Nuea, 6.

69. Tambiah, The Buddhist Saints of the Forest, 23042.
70. Adapted from Plaek Santhirak, Latthi Prapheni lae Phithikam [Beliefs, customs,
and merit-making ceremonies] (Bangkok: Pannakhan, 1972), 302ff. Bumphen Rawin edited
the northern Thai version of the EV]VbVhVbWdY]^, which probably was written in Chiang
Mai in the fifteenth or sixteenth century. See Bumphen Rawin, Pathomsomphot Samnuan
Lanna [The northern Thai version of the Buddhas first enlightenment] (Bangkok: Odian
Store, 2535 B.E. / 1992 C.E.). Two nineteenth century Thai versions are: Kromsomdet Phra
Paramanuchit-chinorot (Bangkok: Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University, 1960) and Som-
det Phrasangharaja Sa Pussadeva, EVi]dbhdbe]di@Vi]V[The Buddhas first enlightenment]
(Bangkok: Mahamakut Buddhist University, 1985). A major contribution to our understand-
ing of the development of Buddha biography would be a comparison of the C^YcV`Vi],
the AVa^iVk^hiVgV, the 7jYY]VXVg^iV, and the EVi]dbhdbe]di@Vi]V.
71. Donald K. Swearer, Wat Haripujaya: A Study of the Royal Temple of the Buddhas
Relic, Lamphun, Thailand, AAR Studies in Religion, no. 10 (Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press,
1976), chap. 3.
72. The Loi Krathong celebration in northern Thailand is well known. Even though it
has become overly commercialized in Chiang Mai, in smaller towns the quiet beauty of can-
dlelit krathongs floating on the northern rivers and the community spirit experienced in the
celebration make it a particularly delightful observance.
73. Phya Anuman Rajadhon, Essays on Thai Folklore (Bangkok: Social Science Associa-
tion Press, 1968), 39.
74. Kenneth E. Wells, Thai Buddhism: Its Rites and Activities, rev. ed. (Bangkok: Suri-
yabun Publishers, 1975), 114. For a discussion of the cult of Upagutta (Sanskrit, Upagupta)
in Southeast Asia, see John S. Strong, The Legend and Cult of Upagupta: Sanskrit Buddhism
in North India and Southeast Asia (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1992).
75. Singkha Wannasi, Prapheni Lae Ngan Nakkhattaruek Haeng Lanna Thai [Customs
and astrological celebrations of the northern Thai] (mimeograph, n.d.), 1.
76. Wells, Thai Buddhism, 142.
77. See Charles F. Keyes, The Golden Peninsula: Culture and Adaptation in Mainland
Southeast Asia (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1977; Honolulu: University of
Hawaii Press, 1995) for a discussion of the afterbirth ritual of lying by the fire.
78. Tambiah, Buddhism and the Spirit Cults in North-east Thailand, 192.
220 notes

79. Originally, there was a bhikkhuni order in India and Sri Lanka that eventually died out.
Because today there is no longer a bhikkhuni sangha in Theravada Southeast Asia, it would
be misleading to consider entrance into the monastic order as being inclusive of both men
and women. Consequently, the following discussion of ordination deals primarily with male
initiation. Women renunciants will be discussed in part 3 in conjunction with the changing
roles of monk and laity.
80. Sukumar Dutt, Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India: Their History and Contri-
bution to Indian Culture (London: G. Allen and Unwin, 1962), 36. For a description of an
ordination ritual, see Henry C. Warren, Buddhism in Translations (New York: Atheneum,
1963), 393401. For a description of Theravada monastic life, see Mohan Wijayaratna, Bud-
dhist Monastic Life, trans. Claude Grangier and Steven Collins (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1990).
81. This passage is from the W]^``]jkV\\V chapter of the 9]VbbVeVYV.
82. Spiro, Buddhism and Society, 32238. It is not surprising that Spiros analysis of the
motivational structure of monastic recruitment in Burma was not well received in that coun-
83. David K. Wyatt, The Buddhist Monkhood as an Avenue of Social Mobility in Tra-
ditional Thai Society, in Studies in Thai History, ed. David K. Wyatt (Chiang Mai: Silkworm
Books, 1994).
84. This pattern also reflects the Hindu WgV]bVXVg^ stage of life.
85. See Charles F. Keyes, Mother, Mistress, but Never a Monk: Buddhist Notions of
Female Gender in Rural Thailand, American Ethnologist 11, no. 2 (May 1984): 22341.
86. Donald K. Swearer, The Layman Extraordinaire in Northern Thai Buddhism, Jour-
nal of the Siam Society 64, no. 1 ( January 1976): 15168.
87. Charles F. Keyes, Ambiguous Gender: Male Initiation in Northern Thai Buddhist
Society, in Gender and Religion: On the Complexity of Symbols, ed. Carolyn Walker Bynum
et al. (Boston: Beacon Press, 1986), 6696.
88. Wells, Thai Buddhism, 21415.
89. For a description of a Theravada ordination in Sri Lanka, see Warren, Buddhism in
Translations, 393401. See also Vajiraanavarorasa, Entrance to the Vinaya (Bangkok: Maha-
makuta University, 1960).
90. Sponberg analyzes four types of attitudes toward women in the Buddhist tradition
in his essay, Attitudes Toward Women and the Feminine in Early Buddhism.
part ii. buddhism and the state 221

91. Ingrid Jordt, Bhikkhuni, Thilashin, Mae-Chii: Women Who Renounce the World
in Burma, Thailand and the Classical Buddhist Texts, Crossroads 4, no. 1 (fall 1988): 31.
Feminist studies have contributed to a growing literature on issues of women, sexuality, and
gender in Buddhism. For example, see Jos Ignacio Cabezn, ed. Buddhism, Sexuality, and
Gender (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992).
92. For a description of renunciant womens groups in Thailand, see Chatsumarn Kabils-
ingh, Thai Women in Buddhism (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1991).
93. Shway Yoe, The Burman, 57.
94. Gombrich and Obeyesekere, Buddhism Transformed.
95. Adapted from Piyadassi Thera, trans., The Book of Protection, 2930. In 1991, I
attended a unique Buddhist-Christian wedding held in the Wellesley Congregational Church
(Wellesley, Mass.) The groom was a Burmese and the bride was the daughter of the pastor
of the church. Burmese monks led the first half of the ceremony in which they chanted the
BV\VaVHjiiV in Pali.
96. Sanguan Chotisukharat, Prapheni Thai Phak Nuea, 5361; Mani Phayomyong, Pra-
pheni Sipsong Duean Lanna Thai [The twelve month customs of northern Thailand], vol. 1
(Chiang Mai: Chiang Mai University, 2529 B.E. / 1986 C.E.), 89101.
97. The number 108 is the multiple of the square of 1, 2, and 3.
98. For example, see Shway Yoe, The Burman, chap. 64; Tambiah, Buddhism and the
Spirit Cults in North-east Thailand, chap. 11.
99. Konrad Kingshill, Ku Daeng-The Red Tomb: A Village Study in Northern Thailand,
3d ed., rev. (Bangkok: Suriyaban Publishers, 1976), 20624.
100. Wells, Thai Buddhism: Its Rites and Activities, 21415.
101. Kingshill, Ku Daeng, 212.
102. Customarily, Thai people sleep with their heads to the east, the direction of life. Bud-
dhist temples also face the east.
103. Tambiah, Buddhism and the Spirit Cults in North-east Thailand, 180.
104. Kingshill, Ku Daeng, 223.

Part II. Buddhism and the State

1. For example, see Bardwell L. Smith, ed., Religion and Legitimation of Power in Sri
Lanka (Chambersburg, Pa.: Anima Books, 1978); Bardwell L. Smith, ed., Religion and
222 notes

Legitimation of Power in Thailand, Laos, and Burma (Chambersburg, Pa: Anima Books,
1978); Manuel Sarkisyanz, Buddhist Backgrounds of the Burmese Revolution (The Hague: Mar-
tinus Nijhoff, 1965); Stanley J. Tambiah, World Conqueror and World Renouncer: A Study of
Buddhism and Polity in Thailand Against a Historical Background (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1976); Yoneo Ishii, Sangha, State, and Society: Thai Buddhism in History,
trans. Peter Hawkes (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1986); Trevor Ling, Buddhism,
Imperialism and War: Burma and Thailand in Modern History (London: George Allen and
Unwin, 1979); Heinz Bechert, Aspects of Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka and Southeast
Asia, in The Buddhist Heritage, ed. T. Skorupski (Trink, U.K.: Institute of Buddhist Studies,
1989); George D. Bond, The Buddhist Revival in Sri Lanka: Religious Tradition, Reinterpreta-
tion and Response (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1988), chap. 13; Charles
F. Keyes, Communist Revolution and the Buddhist Past in Cambodia, in Asian Visions of
Authority: Religion and the Modern States of East and Southeast Asia, ed. Charles F. Keyes et
al. (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1994); Ian Harris, ed., Buddhism and Politics in
Twentieth-Century Asia (London: Pinter, 1999); H. L. Seneviratne, The Work of Kings: The
New Buddhism in Sri Lanka (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999); Ananda Abey-
sekara, Colors of the Robe: Religion, Identity, and Difference (Columbia: University of South
Carolina Press, 2002); Ian Harris, Cambodian Buddhism: History and Practice (Honolulu:
University of Hawaii Press, 2005); Michael A. Aung-Thwin, The Mists of Rmaa: The
Legend That Was Lower Burma (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2005). With a few
exceptions, transliterations of Burmese and Thai place names and proper names follow gen-
erally accepted usage, for example, Sukhothai rather than Sukhodaya.
2. Bechert, Aspects of Theravda Buddhism in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, 2021. The
concept of the YZkVgV_V as the apotheosis of a human being is still a matter of scholarly debate.
3. The Pali words for the ten royal virtues are YVcV,h^aV,eVg^XXV\V,V__VkV,bVYYVkV,
iVeV,V``dY]V,V]^bhV,`]Vci^,Vk^gdY]VcV. See ?iV`V V.378.
4. See John Irwin, Asokan Pillars: A Reassessment of Evidence, Burlington Magazine
115 (November 1973): 70622. Irwin argues that the so-called Asokan or Mauryan pillars,
the earliest surviving stone monuments in India, are pre-Mauryan in their architectural form.
He contends, furthermore, that the pillars were fundamentally religious in nature rather than
imperial or secular, and that the main symbolic function of the pillars was to serve as an eso-
teric link between the Waters of Creation in the netherworld and the celestial sphere above
part ii. buddhism and the state 223

(720). Irwin speculates, therefore, that the primordial meaning of the pillar, later appropriated
by Asoka, was an Indian variant of an Vm^hbjcY^ cosmology. This theory links the archaic
meaning of the pillar with the stupa.
5. John S. Strong discusses the Asokan legends, inscriptional evidence, and scholarly
interpretations in The Legend of King Aoka: A Study and Translation of the Aokvadna
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1983), chap. 1. See also, John S. Strong, Images
of Aoka: Some Indian and Sri Lankan Legends and Their Development, in King Aoka and
Buddhism: Historical and Literary Studies, ed. Anuradha Seneviratna (Kandy: The Buddhist
Publication Society, 1994), 99125.
6. Northern Thai chronicles (tamnan) often portray the Buddha and King Asoka as
being simultaneously present at the actual or predicted establishment of towns and sacred
sites. See Donald K. Swearer, Sommai Premchit, and Phaithoon Dokbuakaew, Sacred Moun-
tains in Northern Thailand and Their Legends (Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2004), chap.
3. A northern Thai chronicle, the Tamnan Mulasasana Wat Suan Dok (The Flower Garden
Monastery Chronicle), possibly composed in Chiang Mai in the fifteenth century, situates
the establishment of this monastic lineage not only within the context of a universal Buddhist
history associated with the Buddha Gotama and King Asoka, but also at the very beginning
of the world as described in the 6\\VVHjiiV and within the lineage of previous eonic Bud-
dhas recounted in the 7jYY]VkVhV.
7. On the basis of Asokas Bhabru Rock Edict, Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff )
observes that Asoka recommends the following hjiiVs to all Buddhists, both lay and ordained:
K^cVnV"hVbj`VhZ (Mv.VI.40.1); 6a^nV"kVhV (A.IV.28); 6c\ViV"W]VnVc^ (A.V.7780); Bjc
HjiiV (Sn.I.12); 6bWVaVii]^`VgV"gV]jaVdkYVHjiiV (M.61). See Thanissaro Bhikkhu, That the
True Dhamma Might Last a Long Time (Valley Center, Calif.: Metta Forest Monastery, n.d.).
8. Pillar Edict No. 2, quoted in T. W. Rhys Davids, Buddhist India, 8th ed. (Calcutta:
Susil Gupta, 1959), 134.
9. For analyses of the 6\\VVHjiiV, see Tambiah, World Conqueror and World Renouncer,
chap. 2; and Collins, Nirvana and Other Buddhist Felicities, chap. 6 and appendix 5.
10. Bardwell L. Smith, The Ideal Social Order as Portrayed in the Chronicles of Ceylon,
in The Two Wheels of Dhamma: Essays on the Theravada Tradition in India and Ceylon, ed. B.
L. Smith, AAR Studies in Religion, no. 3 (Chambersburg, Pa: American Academy of Reli-
gion, 1972), 40. In the same volume, see Frank E. Reynolds, The Two Wheels of Dhamma.
A Study of Early Buddhism.
224 notes

11. This name is transliterated as Anoratha, Aniruddha, Anuruddha, or Anawrahta. I

follow Michael Aung-Thwins transliteration (Aniruddha) used in The Mists of Rmaa.
12. On Dutthagamani, see Alice Greenwald, The Relic on the Spear: Historiography
and the Saga of Dutthagamani, in Buddhism and Legitimation of Power in Sri Lanka, ed.
Bardwell L. Smith (Chambersburg, Pa: Anima Books, 1978), 1325.
13. Xangzangs (Hsan-tsang) diary testifies to the omnipresence of stupas and their
centrality to popular piety throughout his travels in India. For Xangzangs diary, see Samuel
Beal, trans., Si-Yu-Ki: Buddhist Records of the Western World, 2 vols. (1884; reprint, Delhi:
Oriental Books Reprint Corporation, 1969).
14. David Snellgrove, ed., The Image of the Buddha (New York and Tokyo: Kodansha Inter-
national/UNESCO, 1978), 404. The stupa as pilgrimage site and the cult of Buddha relics are two
of the hallmarks of the relationship between kingship and Buddhism. In the BV]eVg^c^WWcV
HjiiV, it is recorded that after the Buddhas death, the eight world rulers divided the Buddhas
relics. Legend claims that King Asoka subsequently increased the number of relics to 84,000.
15. A valuable and detailed study of the stupa in Buddhist Asia is Adrian Snodgrass, The
Symbolism of the Stupa (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Southeast Asian Studies Program,
1985). Snodgrass is indebted to previous work on stupa symbolism by Heinrich Zimmer,
Mircea Eliade, and in particular, Paul Muss monumental work, Barabudur: Esquisse dune
histoire du bouddhisme fondee sur la critique archeologique des texts, 2 vols. (1932; reprint,
Hanoi and Paris: cole Franaise dExtrme Orient, 1978). For a collection of interpretative
essays, see Anna Libera Dallapiccola, ed., The Stpa: Its Religious, Historical and Architectural
Significance (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1980).
16. See Mus, Barabudur; and A. M. Hocart, The Origin of the Stupa, Ceylon Journal
of Science 1, no. 1 (1924): 1526.
17. John Irwin, The Stpa and the Cosmic Axis: The Archaeological Evidence, in
South Asian Archaeology 1977, ed. Maurizio Taddei (Naples: Instituto Universitario Orientale,
1979), 842, quoted in W. Norman Brown, The Creation Myth of the Rig-veda, Journal of
the American Oriental Society 62 (1942): 8598.
18. Irwin, The Stpa and the Cosmic Axis, 826.
19. Benjamin Rowland, Jr., The Art and Architecture of India (London: Penguin Books,
1953), 51. The number 84,000 also refers to the totality of the Buddhas teaching, or cosmi-
cally, the sum total of reality. This cosmological reference underlies the mythic association
of 84,000 with relics.
part ii. buddhism and the state 225

20. Dutt, The Buddha and Five After-Centuries, 174.

21. Heinrich Zimmer, The Art of Indian Asia, 2d ed., vol. 1, Bollingen Series, 39 (New
York: Pantheon Books, 1960), 233.
22. Dutt, The Buddha and Five After-Centuries, 178.
23. Zimmer, The Art of Indian Asia, 236.
24. Dutt, The Buddha and Five After-Centuries, 170. Dutt makes a strong but unsub-
stantiated identification with King Asoka.
25. Tambiah, World Conqueror and World Renouncer, 70.
26. Michael A. Aung-Thwin, Pagan: The Origins of Modern Burma (Honolulu: Univer-
sity of Hawaii Press, 1985), 47.
27. Robert von Heine-Geldern, Conceptions of State and Kingship in Southeast Asia,
Southeast Asia Data Paper, no. 18 (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University, 1956). See also Tambiah,
World Conqueror and World Renouncer, 109.
28. George Coeds, Angkor: An Introduction, trans. and ed. Emily Floyd Gardiner (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1963), quoted in Robert von Heine-Geldern, Weltbild und
Bauform in Sudostasien, Wiener Beitrage zur Kunst und Kultur Asiens 4 (1930): 2878.
29. Charles Higham, The Archaeology of Mainland Southeast Asia from 10,000 B.C. to the
Fall of Angkor, Cambridge World Archeology Series (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1989), 254. Scholars who have interpreted the classical polities of Southeast
Asia in terms of mandalic structure, galactic polity, and the categories of center-periphery
include: Oliver W. Wolters, History, Culture and Region in Southeast Asian Perspectives (Sin-
gapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1982); and Tambiah, World Conqueror and
World Renouncer.
30. See Paul Mus, Thousand-Armed Kannon: A Mystery or a Problem? Journal of
Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkygaku Kenky), 12, no. 1 ( January 1964).
31. Tambiah, World Conqueror and World Renouncer, 5.
32. Ibid., 109.
33. Ibid., 10811. Tambiah focuses his analysis on the Thai kingdom of Ayutthaya and
its transformations into the Bangkok period.
34. Hermann Kulke, The Devarja Cult, trans. I. W. Mabbett, Southeast Asia Program
Data Paper, no. 108 (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1978). Kulke challenges the
interpretation of the YZkVgV_V concept in which the king is seen as an apotheosis of a divine
being. See also, Eleanor Mannikka, Angkor Wat: Time, Space, and Kingship (Honolulu: Uni-
226 notes

versity of Hawaii Press, 1996), 69, who observes: some aspect of the divine nature of iva,
construed as a supreme deity, was shared by the king (7).
35. Coeds, Angkor, 31.
36. Lawrence P. Briggs, The Syncretism of Religions in Southeast Asia, Especially in
the Khmer Empire, Journal of the American Oriental Society 71, no. 4 (OctoberDecember
1951): 235.
37. Heine-Geldern, Conceptions of State and Kingship in Southeast Asia, 56.
38. See Jean Filliozat, New Researches on the Relations Between India and Cambodia,
Indica, 3, no. 2 (1966): 95106; I. W. Mabbett, Devarja, Journal of Southeast Asian History
10, no. 2 (September 1969): 202ff; Kulke, The Devarja Cult.
39. Kulke, The Devarja Cult, 33.
40. The history and architecture of Angkor has been the subject of numerous studies.
See, in particular, Coeds, Angkor: An Introduction; Bernard Groslier and Jacques Arthaud,
Angkor: Art and Civilization, rev. ed. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966); Joan L. Cohen
and Bila Kalman, Angkor: The Monuments of the God Kings (London: Thames and Hudson,
1975); Michael Freeman, Angkor: The Hidden Glories (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990);
Mannikka, Angkor Wat: Time, Space, and Kingship; Charles Higham, The Civilization of
Angkor (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001); Jon Ortner, Angkor: The Celestial
Temples of the Khmer (New York: Abbeville Press, 2002); Michael D. Coe, Angkor and the
Khmer Civilization (London: Thames and Hudson, 2005). For additional bibliography and
extensive information on Angkor, consult the website of the Greater Angkor Project, a mul-
tinational research project based at the University of Sydney (
gap/). For the Bayon, see Joyce Clark, ed., Bayon: New Perspectives (Bangkok: River Books,
41. A. K. Coomaraswamy, History of Indian and Indonesian Art (New York: Dover Pub-
lications, 1965), 204.
42. George Coeds, The Making of South East Asia, trans. H. M. Wright (Berkeley: Uni-
versity of California Press, 1966), 57.
43. H. G. Quartich Wales, The Making of Greater India, (London: Bernard Quartich,
1961), 188.
44. Ibid., 195. H. G. Quartich Wales argues that the cult of mountain deities influenced
the construction of the religio-royal monumental structures in Southeast Asia in The Moun-
tain of God: A Study in Early Religion and Kingship (London: Bernard Quartich, 1953).
part ii. buddhism and the state 227

45. George Coeds, Le culte de la royaut divinise, source dinspiration des grands
monuments du Cambodge ancien, Serie Orientale Roma (Roma: Instituto Italiano per il
Medio ed Estremo Oriente) 5, no. 1 (1941): 123.
46. See Peter Sharrock, The Mystery of the Face Towers, in Bayon: New Perspectives,
ed. Joyce Clark (Bangkok: River Books, 2007), 23081.
47. Zimmer, The Art of Indian Asia, 210.
48. See Coomaraswamy, History of Indian and Indonesian Art, 19294; Zimmer, The Art
of Indian Asia, 20912; Groslier and Arthaud, Angkor; and Cohen and Kalman, Angkor.
49. See Coeds, Angkor: An Introduction, chap. 5. Mountains and oceans are fundamen-
tal components of mythic world construction.
50. Quoted in Coeds, Angkor: An Introduction, 5455.
51. Coeds, Angkor: An Introduction, 64. See also Higham, The Archaeology of Mainland
Southeast Asia, 335.
52. Coeds, Angkor: An Introduction, 65, quoted in Paul Mus, Angkor in the Time of
Jayavarman VII, Indian Arts and Letters 11, no. 2 (1937): 6575.
53. According to the Burmese chronicles, the Burmese adopted Theravada Buddhism
from the Mon of central Burma. Theravada Buddhism also was mediated to the Siamese
through the Mon state of Dvaravati. The conventional view identifying Pali Theravada Bud-
dhism with mainland Southeast Asia ignores the diversity of Buddhist influences in the area
that more recent scholarship has demonstrated. Michael Aung-Thwin challenges the Mon
paradigm, which argues that Aniruddha adopted a Theravada Mon polity through conquest.
See Aung-Thwin, The Mists of Rmaa. In his study of the cult of Upagupta, John S. Strong
convincingly demonstrates the influence of Sanskritic Hinayana Buddhism in Burma, Thai-
land, and Laos. See Strong, The Legend and Cult of Upagupta.
54. See Gordon H. Luce, Old BurmaEarly Pagan, 3 vols. (Locust Valley, N.Y.: J. J. Augustin,
196970). For a well-illustrated study of Pagan, see Paul Strachan, Pagan: Art and Architecture of
Old Burma (Whiting Bay, Scotland: Kiscadale Publications, 1989). For an analysis of the Pagan
conception of Buddhist kingship, see Aung-Thwin, Pagan: The Origins of Modern Burma.
55. See E. Michael Mendelson, Observations on a Tour in the Region of Mount Popa,
Central Burma, France-Asie 179 (1963): 780807.
56. See Pe Maung Tin and G. H. Luce, trans., The Glass Palace Chronicle of the Kings of
Burma (1923; reprint, Rangoon: Rangoon University, 1960), 8689, for a discussion of the
building of the Shwezigon Temple.
228 notes

57. Strachan, Pagan, 14.

58. Coomaraswamy, History of Indian and Indonesian Art, 211. See also Aung Thaw,
Historical Sites in Burma (Rangoon: Ministry of Culture, 1972), chap. 5; and Reginald Le
May, The Culture of Southeast Asia (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1954), chap. 3.
59. See Strachan, Pagan, 6571, for a description of the Ananda Temple.
60. Aung Thaw, Historical Sites in Burma, 58.
61. Keyes, The Golden Peninsula, 72.
62. Of particular interest for the study of Sukhothai history, art, religion, and king-
ship is Betty Gosling, Sukhothai: Its History, Culture, and Art (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1991); A. B. Griswold, Towards a History of Sukhodaya Art (Bangkok: The Fine Arts
Department, 1967); Jean Boisselier, The Heritage of Thai Sculpture, trans. James Emmons
(New York and Tokyo: Weatherhill, 1975); Carol Stratton and Miriam McNair Scott, The
Art of Sukhothai (Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1981); James R. Chamberlain,
ed., The Ram Khamhaeng Controversy: Collected Papers (Bangkok: The Siam Society, 1991);
Frank E. Reynolds and Mani B. Reynolds, The Three Worlds According to King Ruang: A Thai
Buddhist Cosmology (Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1982); and George Coeds, The
Traibhmikath: Buddhist Cosmology and Treatise on Ethics, East and West 7 (1957). See
also Tambiah, World Conqueror and World Renouncer, pt. 1.
63. I follow the interpretation of Betty Gosling, Sukhothai, found in chap. 4. Gosling dis-
agrees with the usual identification of the BVcVch^aVeVigV with a stone platform or throne that
currently resides in the Grand Palace, Bangkok. See Hiram W. Woodward, Jr., Ram Kham-
haengs Inscription: The Search for Context, The Ram Khamhaeng Controversy, ed. James R.
Chamberlain, 41937. Gosling sees similarities between the stepped Kon Laeng altar or plat-
form and Chinese altars to the gods of earth located at the southern periphery of the city.
64. B. Gosling, Sukhothai, 43.
65. See Reynolds and Reynolds, Three Worlds According to King Ruang.
66. B. Gosling, Sukhothai, 64.
67. Barbara Watson Andaya, Statecraft in the Reign of L Tai of Sukhodaya (ca. 1347
1374), in Religion and Legitimation of Power in Thailand, Laos, and Burma, ed. Bardwell L.
Smith (Chambersburg, Pa: Anima Books, 1978), 9.
68. For a discussion of the Phra Buddha Singha image, see Tambiah, The Buddhist Saints
of the Forest and the Cult of Amulets, chap. 16; and Carol Stratton, Buddhist Sculpture of
Northern Thailand (Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2004), chap. 7.
part ii. buddhism and the state 229

69. Andaya, Statecraft in the Reign of L Tai of Sukhodaya, 9.

70. See Chamberlain, ed., The Ram Khamhaeng Controversy.
71. See Michael Vickery, On IgV^W]b^`Vi], Journal of the Siam Society 79, pt. 2
(1991). Vickery advances his position on linguistic grounds rather than political ones.
72. Peter A. Jackson, Thai-Buddhist Identity: Debates on the Traiphuum Phra Ruang,
in National Identity and Its Defenders: Thailand, 19391989, ed. Craig J. Reynolds, Monash
Papers on Southeast Asia, no. 25 (Clayton, Victoria, Australia: Monash University, 1991),
210. Jacksons analysis of the use of the IgV^W]b^`Vi] by liberal reformists relies primarily
on the writings of P. A. Payutto, who is regarded as the most articulate and highly respected
scholar-monk in Thailand.
73. Coeds, Angkor: An Introduction, 50.
74. Collins, Nirvana and Other Buddhist Felicities, 417.
75. A parallelism pertains between the Buddhas first discourse, 9]VbbVXV``VeeVkViiVcV
HjiiV (Turning the Wheel of the Law), and the title of the Buddhist world ruler, XV``VkVi"
i^c (wheel turner). Steven Collins provides a detailed critical analysis of the two-dhamma
modalities. He queries the use of the two wheels of dhamma as an interpretative model,
noting that the explicit juxtaposition of the two wheels is, in fact, quite uncommon in the
Pali texts. See Collins, Nirvana and Other Buddhist Felicities, chap. 6, 473ff.
76. Pe Maung Tin and G. H. Luce, trans., The Glass Palace Chronicle of the Kings of Burma,
77. Ibid., xiii.
78. Ratanapaa Thera, The Sheaf of Garlands of the Epochs of the Conqueror
(?^cV`aVbaeV`VgVVb), trans. N. A. Jayawickrama, Pali Text Society Translation Series,
no. 36 (London: Luzac and Company, 1968), 10708.
79. Swearer, Wat Haripujaya, chap. 1; Donald K. Swearer and Sommai Premchit, The
Legend of Queen Cma: 7dY]^gVhh8bVYZkkVhV, a Translation and Commentary (Albany:
State University of New York Press, 1998), especially the introduction.
80. Adapted from Frank Reynolds, The Holy Emerald Jewel: Some Aspects of Buddhist
Symbolism and Political Legitimation in Thailand and Laos, in Religion and Legitimation
of Power in Thailand, Laos, and Burma, ed. Bardwell L. Smith (Chambersburg, Pa: Anima
Books, 1978), 176.
81. Ibid., 18384. The extensive travels of the Emerald Buddha image in northern
Thailand and the several temples that bear its name suggest the possibility that the image
230 notes

may have functioned not only as a palladium of particular Tai city-states, but also as a means
of linking together or enforcing political alliances among those Tai city-states.
82. See Tambiah, World Conqueror and World Renouncer, chap. 2.
83. See the Government of the Union of Burma Land Nationalization Act, 1948, page 29,
paragraph 9, quoted in Sarkisyanz, Buddhist Backgrounds to the Burmese Revolution, 215.
84. Donald K. Swearer, Buddhism in Transition (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1970),
85. The Nation (Bangkok), October 1958, quoted in Richard Butwell, U Nu of Burma
(Palo Alto, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1963), 62.
86. Donald E. Smith, Religion and Politics in Burma (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni-
versity Press, 1965), 31819.
87. Tin Maung Maung Than, Sangha and Sasana in Socialist Burma, Sojourn: Social
Issues in Southeast Asia 3, no. 1 (February 1989): 27.
88. See Aung San Suu Kyi, Freedom From Fear (New York: Penguin Books, 1991); Bruce
Matthews, Buddhism Under a Military Regime, Asian Survey 33, no. 4 (1993). For a his-
torical and political study of contemporary Burma, see Robert H. Taylor, The State in Burma
(London: C. Hurst and Company, 1987); and David Joel Steinberg, The Future of Burma:
Crises and Choice in Myanmar (Lanham, Md: University Press of America, 1990). In this
volume, Steinberg argues that political power is calculated primarily in personal terms, which
explains the rise and the dominance of a strongman like General Ne Win or the SLORC leader,
Lt. Gen. Khin Nyunt. Aung San Suu Kyi, the daughter of the assassinated leader (Aung San)
of the Burmese nationalist movement against British colonialism, therefore, is a particularly
potent and poignant figure given the personalized basis of political power in Myanmar, past
and present.
See Gustaaf Houtman, Mental Culture in Burmese Crisis Politics: Aung San Suu Kyi and
the National League for Democracy (Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Institute for
the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, 1999). For an analysis of the cur-
rent military regime, see, M. P. Callahan, Making Enemies: War and State Building in Burma
(Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2003).
89. Tin Maung Maung Than, Sangha and Sasana in Socialist Burma, 41. See also by the
same author, Sangha Reforms and Renewal of Sasana in Myanmar: Historical Trends and
Contemporary Practice, in Buddhist Trends in Southeast Asia, ed. Trevor Ling (Singapore:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1993), 663.
part ii. buddhism and the state 231

90. Sao Htun Hmat Win, The Unique Solidarity of the Sangha Order, The Light of the
Dhamma (Rangoon) 1, no. 1 (August 1981): 28.
91. For a well-documented report, consult this internet site:
92. Heinz Bechert, S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike and the Legitimation of Power Through
Buddhist Ideals, in Religion and Legitimation of Power in Sri Lanka, ed. Bardwell L. Smith
(Chambersburg, Pa: Anima Books, 1978), 204.
93. Tessa Bartholomeusz, First Among Equals: Buddhism and the Sri Lankan State,
in Buddhism and Politics in Twentieth-Century Asia, ed. Ian Harris (London: Pinter, 1999),
94. S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike, Speeches and Writings (Colombo, Sri Lanka: Department
of Broadcasting and Information, 1963), 308.
95. For a life of the Anagarika Dharmapala, see B. G. Gokhale, Anagarika Dharmapala:
Toward Modernity Through Tradition in Ceylon, in Tradition and Change in Theravada
Buddhism, ed. Bardwell L. Smith, Contributions to Asian Studies, vol. 4 (Leiden: E. J. Brill,
1973), 3039. For a discussion of Dharmapala and creation of Buddhist modernism, see
Seneviratne, The Work of Kings: The New Buddhism in Sri Lanka, chap. 2.
96. Bartholomeusz, First Among Equals: Buddhism and the Sri Lankan State, 174.
97. For a major study of the Tamil-Sinhalese conflict up to the mid-1980s, see S. J. Tam-
biah, Sri Lanka: Ethnic Fratricide and the Dismantling of Democracy (Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1986). For a study of the conflict through the interpretative lens of funda-
mentalism, see Donald K. Swearer, Fundamentalistic Movements in Theravada Buddhism,
in Fundamentalisms Observed, ed. Martin Marty and R. Scott Appleby (Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1991), 62890. For a study of religious nationalisms that situates the Sri
Lankan case within a broad comparative context, see Mark Juergensmeyer, The New Cold
War: Religious Nationalism Confronts the Secular State (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1993). A bibliography on the subject of religion and violence appears in Christopher
Candland, The Spirit of Violence: An Interdisciplinary Bibliography of Religion and Violence,
Occasional Papers of the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, no. 6 (New York: Guggen-
heim Foundation, 1992).
98. For an analysis of the complex relationship between Premadasa, Buddhism, and
Sinhala identity, see Abeysekara, Colors of the Robe, chap. 5.
232 notes

99. See Ishii, Sangha, State, and Society; Somboon Suksamran, Political Buddhism in
Southeast Asia: The Role of the Sangha in the Modernization of Thailand (New York: St. Mar-
tins Press, 1976); and Somboon Suksamrans more recent Buddhism and Political Legitimacy
(Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University, 1993); Charles F. Keyes, Buddhism and National
Integration in Thailand, Journal of Asian Studies 33, no. 3 (May 1971); Charles F. Keyes,
Buddhist Politics and Their Revolutionary Origins in Thailand, International Political Sci-
ence Review 10, no. 2 (1989); Donald K. Swearer, Center and Periphery: Buddhism and
Politics in Modern Thailand, in Buddhism and Politics in Twentieth-Century Asia, ed. Ian
Harris (London and New York: Pinter, 1999), 194228; Donald K. Swearer, Buddhism
and Globalization from the Historical Perspective of Thailand, in The Anthropologist and
the Native: Essays for Gananath Obeyesekere, ed. H. L. Seneviratne (forthcoming).
100. See Ishii, Sangha, State, and Society, chap. 4.
101. See Peter A. Jackson, Buddhism, Legitimation, and Conflict: The Political Functions
of Urban Thai Buddhism (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1989); and Keyes,
Buddhist Politics and Their Revolutionary Origins in Thailand.
102. For an analysis of the veneration of monuments dedicated to political figures in Thai-
land and Laos, see Shigeharu Tanabe and Charles F. Keyes, eds., Cultural Crisis and Social
Memory: Modernity and Identity in Thailand and Laos (Honolulu: University of Hawaii
Press, 2002), chap. 46.
103. For an interpretation of King Rama IX as a modern Y]VbbVgV_V, see Paul Handley,
The King Never Smiles: A Biography of Thailands Bhumibol Adulyadej (New Haven, Conn.:
Yale University Press, 2006).
104. Ian Harris, Buddhism in Extremis: The Case of Cambodia, in Buddhism and Poli-
tics in the Twentieth Century, ed. Ian Harris (London: Pinter, 1999), 71.
105. Harris, Cambodian Buddhism, 11213.
106. Keyes, Communist Revolution and the Buddhist Past in Cambodia, 48.
107. Harris, Cambodian Buddhism, 129.
108. Ibid., 137.
109. Ibid., 16061. Quoting from Monarchy or Democracy, that appeared in the Khmer
Nissit (The Cambodian Student) in 1952. Translated into French by Thion Serge and Ben
Kiernan, and published as Khmers rouges: Matriaux pour lhistoire du communisme au Cam-
bodge (Paris: J. E. Hallier-Albin Michel, 1981), 35761.
part iii. buddhism and modernization 233

110. Henri Locard, The Khmer Rouge Ideology, a lecture presented at a meeting of the
Informal Northern Thai Group, Chiang Mai, Thailand, March 28, 2005.
111. On this point, see Harris, Cambodian Buddhism, 17071.
112. Keyes, Communist Revolution and the Buddhist Past in Cambodia, 54.
113. See Harris, Cambodian Buddhism, chap. 8, Cambodian Buddhism After the Khmer
114. Ibid., 230.
115. Martin Stuart-Fox, Laos: From Buddhist Kingdom to Marxist State, in Buddhism
and Politics in Twentieth-Century Asia, ed. Ian Harris (London: Pinter, 1999), 15455.
116. Grant Evans, The Politics of Ritual and Remembrance: Laos Since 1975 (Honolulu:
University of Hawaii Press, 1998), 5051.
117. Stuart-Fox, Laos: From Buddhist Kingdom to Marxist State, 159. See also Martin
Stuart-Fox and Roderick S. Bucknell, Politicization of the Buddhist Sangha in Laos, Journal
of Southeast Asia Studies 13, no. 1 (1982): 6080.
118. Stuart-Fox, Laos: From Buddhist Kingdom to Marxist State, 163.
119. Evans, The Politics of Ritual and Remembrance, 57.
120. Ibid., 67.
121. Stuart-Fox, Laos: From Buddhist Kingdom to Marxist State, 169.

Part iii. Buddhism and Modernization

1. For a detailed historical survey of Southeast Asia from the eighteenth century through
the Vietnam War, see David J. Steinberg, ed., In Search of Southeast Asia: A Modern History,
rev. ed. (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1987).
2. David P. Chandler, The Tragedy of Cambodian History, Politics, War, and Revolution
Since 1945 (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1991), 236.
3. For discussions of Buddhism in specific cultural areas, see Heinz Bechert and Richard
Gombrich, eds., The World of Buddhism: Buddhist Monks and Nuns in Society and Culture
(London: Thames and Hudson, 1991). An older but still useful work is Heinrich Dumoulin
and John C. Maraldo, eds., The Cultural, Political, and Religious Significance of Buddhism in
the Modern World (New York: Collier Books, 1976).
4. I am indebted to Thanissaro Bhikkhu for suggesting the basic content of this para-
graph. In general, Buddhist social ethics tends to emphasize the importance of the attitude
234 notes

or intention underlying action, rather than a strict adherence to a set of rules. This emphasis
on intentionality can be seen, for example, in the Buddhist attitude toward the acquisition
and use of wealth. See Sizemore and Swearer, ed., Ethics, Wealth, and Salvation: A Study in
Buddhist Social Ethics.
5. The Vietnamese Zen monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, analyzes the Vietnam War from
a Buddhist perspective in Lotus in a Sea of Fire (London: SCM Press, 1961). Nhat Hanh
is a leading spokesperson for a social activist involvement for which he coined the phrase,
Engaged Buddhism.
6. Western scholarly interest in the political involvement of the Buddhist sangha in Sri
Lanka and Southeast Asia peaked in the 1960s and 1970s. The role of Buddhism in the post-
colonial / early nationalist period and the Buddhist protest against the Diem regime during
the Vietnam War contributed to this interest. Jerrold Schechters The New Face of Buddha
(Tokyo: John Weatherhill, 1967) typifies a popular, journalistic approach to this issue. For
substantial collections of scholarly articles on the subject in both historical and modern con-
texts, see two works edited by Bardwell L. Smith, Religion and Legitimation of Power in Sri
Lanka; and Religion and Legitimation of Power in Thailand, Laos, and Burma.
7. This issue is discussed in Donald K. Swearer, Community Development and Thai
Buddhism: The Dynamics of Tradition and Change, Visakha Puja 2516 (Bangkok: Buddhist
Association of Thailand, 1973).
8. Charles F. Keyes, Moral Authority of the Sangha and Modernity in Thailand: Sexual
Scandals, Sectarian Dissent, and Political Resistance, in Socially Engaged Buddhism for the
New Millennium: Essays in Honor of the Ven. Phra Dhammapitaka (Bhikkhu P. A. Payutto)
on his 60th Birthday Anniversary, ed. Sulak Sivaraksa (Bangkok: Sathira-Nagapradipa Foun-
dation and Foundation for Children, 1999), 12147.
9. The Buddhist 38, no. 2 ( July 1967): 47.
10. For a discussion of the Phra Phimontham case, see Jackson, Buddhism, Legitima-
tion and Conflict, chap. 5; also see chap. 3 of Somboon Suksamran, Buddhism and Politics in
Thailand: A Study of Socio-Political Change and Political Activism of the Thai Sangha (Singa-
pore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1982). The Phra Phimontham case also involved
sectarian rivalry within the Thai sangha between the Thammayut and Mahanikai.
11. Andrew Higgins, How Buddhism Became a Force for Political Activism, The Wall
Street Journal, November 7, 2007.
part iii. buddhism and modernization 235

12. For a recent interpretation from a philosophical/ethnographical perspective of the

political events surrounding the coups of 1973, 1976, and 1991 in Thailand, see Alan Klima,
The Funeral Casino: Meditation, Massacre, and Exchange with the Dead in Thailand (Princ-
eton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2002), chap. 35.
13. See Charles F. Keyes, Political Crisis and Militant Buddhism in Contemporary Thai-
land, in Religion and Legitimation of Power in Thailand, Laos, and Burma, ed. Bardwell L.
Smith (Chambersburg, Pa: Anima Books, 1978); and Somboon Suksamran, Buddhism and
Politics in Thailand, chap. 5. I cite this case at some length to illustrate a type of politicization
of the sangha.
14. For a discussion of the Village Scouts, see Katherine Bowie, Rituals of National Loy-
alty: An Anthropology of the State and the Village Scout Movement in Thailand (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1997).
15. Bhikkhu Kitthiwuttho, Sing Thi Khuan Khamnueng [Things we should reflect on]
(Bangkok: Abhidhamma Foundation, 1971), 8.
16. Ibid., 48.
17. Keyes, Political Crisis and Militant Buddhism in Contemporary Thailand, 153.
18. Ibid.
19. Bhikkhu Kitthiwuttho, Kha Communist Mai Bap [Killing communists is not demeri-
torious] (Bangkok: Abhidhamma Foundation, 1976), 4952.
20. Ibid., 48.
21. See Jackson, Buddhism, Legitimation, and Conflict, chap. 8; Edwin Zehner, Reform
Symbolism of a Thai Middle-Class Sect: The Growth and Appeal of the Thammakai Move-
ment, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 21, no. 2 (September 1990); Suwanna Satha-Anand,
Religious Movements in Contemporary Thailand: Buddhist Struggles for Modern Relevance,
Asian Survey 30, no. 4 (April 1990); James L. Taylor, New Buddhist Movements in Thailand:
An Individualistic Revolution, Reform and Political Dissonance, Journal of Southeast Asian
Studies 21, no. 1 (March 1990); Swearer, Fundamentalistic Movements in Theravada Bud-
22. Adapted from Robert S. Ellwood, Jr., Religious and Spiritual Groups in Modern
America (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1973), 2830. In Rory Mackenzies study
of Wat Thammakai and Santi Asok, he develops emic (insider) and etic (outsider) analyses
of the Thammakai movement. His emic description includes the following characteristics: a
charismatic leader believed to have special powers; generous giving to the movement guaran-
236 notes

tees both economic and spiritual success; a large, efficient, and prosperous national center; a
simple form of meditation practice that fits well with a busy, consumer lifestyle; the support
of some national leaders. His summary of etic types includes: a fundamentalistic millenarian-
ism; a galactic structure; and a commodity-prosperity movement. See Rory Mackenzie, New
Buddhist Movements in Thailand: Towards an Understanding of Wat Phra Dhammakya and
Santi Asoke (London and New York: Routledge, 2007), chap. 3.
23. Suwanna Satha-Anand, Religious Movements in Contemporary Thailand, 402.
24. See Paisal Sricharatchanya and Ian Buruma, Praise the Buddha and Pass the Baht,
Far Eastern Economic Review, June 18, 1987, 5355. For critiques of the movement, see P. A.
Payutto (Phra Dhammapitaka), Karani Thammakai [The case of Thammakai] (Bangkok:
Buddhadhamma Foundation, 1998); and Sulak Sivaraksa, Thammakai: Fang Sen Sutthai
Haeng Khwam Sueam Salai [Thammakai: The last straw in the decline of the Thai sangha]
(Bangkok: Thammasan, 1999).
25. Sanitsuda Ekachai, Keeping the Faith, Bangkok Post, December 21, 1998. For her
analysis, she relies upon Apinya Fuengfusakuls article, Sasanatat Khong Chumchon Mueang
Samai Mai: Sueksa Karani Wat Phrathammakai [Religious propensity of urban communi-
ties: a case study of Phra Thammakai temple], Warasan Phutthasasanasueksa Chulalongkorn
Mahawitayalai [ Journal of Buddhist Studies, Chulalongkorn University] 5, no. 1 (March
April 1998), 484.
Thanissaro Bhikkhu applies the following typology to monks actively involved in reformist
movements and national development projects in Thailand: (1) monks who are influenced
by Western models and who believe that they should be directly involved in the economic
uplift of the poor (e.g., Phra Phutthaphotnawaraphon); (2) monks who draw upon the tra-
ditional alliance that exists between sangha and state (e.g., the Wat Thammakai movement);
(3) monks who seek inspiration from the forest tradition perceived as the original, authentic
tradition (e.g., Buddhadasa or Phothiraks Santi Asok movement).
26. See Dhammapitaka (P. A. Payutto), Karani Thammakai, 33; Mano Mettanando
Laohavanich, Thai Rak Thai Party and Dhammakaya Templeperfect match, http://www.
27. F. Bruce Morgan, Vocation of Monk and Layman: Signs of Change in Thai Buddhist
Ethics, in Tradition and Change in Theravada Buddhism, ed. Bardwell L. Smith, Contribu-
tions to Asian Studies, no. 4 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1973), 71. See also, David L. Gosling, New
Directions in Thai Buddhism, Modern Asian Studies 14, no. 3 (1980): 41139.
part iii. buddhism and modernization 237

28. E. Michael Mendelson, Sangha and State in Burma: A Study of Monastic Sectarianism
and Leadership, ed. John P. Ferguson (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1975), 306ff.
29. Swearer, Buddhism in Transition, 46ff.
30. See George D. Bond, The Buddhist Revival in Sri Lanka: Religious Tradition Reinter-
pretation and Response (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1988), chap. 7; and
George D. Bond, Buddhism at Work: Community Development, Social Empowerment, and
the Sarvodaya Movement (Bloomfield, Conn.: Kumarian Press, Inc., 2004), chap. 1.
31. Bond, The Buddhist Revival in Sri Lanka, 241.
32. Phra Mahachai Aphakaro, Kan Prapprung Botbat Khong Phra Song [Reforming
the role of the sangha], Kalapa-phruek 1, no. 1 (1972): 1. On this issue, note the contrast
between the interpretations of Bruce Morgan and Phra Mahachai.
33. Ibid., 423.
34. Keyes, Moral Authority of the Sangha and Modernity in Thailand, 12129; Peter
A. Jackson, The Enchanting Spirit of Thai Capitalism: The Cult of Luang Phor Khoon and
the Post-modernization of Thai Buddhism, South East Asia Research 7, no. 1 (March 1999):
6. Keyes maintains that those who identify the cult of Luang Pho Khun (Khoon) with the
commercialization of Thai Buddhism reflect an anxiety about what constitutes moral author-
ity in modernized Thai Buddhism, whereas Jackson proposes that the cult should be seen as
an example of Thai cultural adaptability in which Western capitalism has been indigenized
within a Thai symbolic framework.
35. Somboon Suksamran, A Buddhist Approach to Development: The Case of Devel-
opment Monks in Thailand, in Reflections on Development in Southeast Asia, ed. Teck Ghee
(Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1988), 26. See also Somboon Suksamran,
Political Buddhism in Southeast Asia: The Role of the Sangha in the Modernization of Thailand
(New York: St. Martins Press, 1976). For a discussion on the distinction between monks
involved in government development programs and those working independently or as an
NGO, see Susan M. Darlington, Buddhism and Development: The Ecology Monks of Thai-
land, in Action Dharma: New Studies in Engaged Buddhism, ed. Christopher Queen, Charles
Prebish, and Damien Keown (London: Routledge Curzon Press, 2003), 96109; Pithaya
Wongkun, Luang Pho Nan: Building Peace, trans. Joshua J. Prokopy (Bangkok: TICD and
Santi Pracha Dhamma Institute, 1996), 67.
36. Somboon Suksamran, A Buddhist Approach to Development, 2627.
238 notes

37. Most studies of Thai monks involved in social and economic development issues
have focused on its political aspects. See, for example, Somboon Suksamran, Political Bud-
dhism in Southeast Asia, chap. 4. For a descriptive account of the work of individual monks,
see Seri Phongphit, Religion in a Changing Society: Buddhism, Reform and the Role of Monks
in Community Development in Thailand (Hong Kong: Arena Press, 1988). For studies of
development and forest conservation monks, consult three works of Susan M. Darlington:
The Ordination of a Tree: The Buddhist Ecology Movement in Thailand, Ethnology 37,
no. 1 (winter 1998); Ritual and Risk: Environmental Buddhism in Practice, accessed on
December 10, 2005,
ton.pdf/; Buddhism and Development: The Ecology Monks of Thailand. See also, James
L. Taylor, Thamma-chaat: Activist monks and competing discourses of nature and nation
in northeastern Thailand, in Seeing Forests for Trees: Environment and Environmentalism
in Thailand, ed. Philip Hirsch (Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 1996).
38. Seri Phongphit, Religion in a Changing Society, 45.
39. Ibid., 49.
40. Ibid., 51.
41. Ibid., 52.
42. Ibid., 57. For a biography of Luang Pho Nan published in 1988, and subsequently
translated into English, see Pithaya Wongkun, Luang Pho Nan.
43. Pithaya Wongkun, Luang Pho Nan, 31.
44. For a brief biography of Luang Pu Chan (aka Phra Phutthaphotnawaraphon, Phra
Dhammadilok, and Thepkavi Kusalo) and a description of the work of the Foundation for
Education and Development of Rural Areas (FEDRA) in both Thai and English, see Thi Raluek
71 Pi Phra Thepkavi [In honor of Phra Thepkavis 71st birthday] (Chiang Mai: Foundation
for Rural Development, 2532 B.E. / 1989 C.E.). See also Susan M. Darlington, Buddhism,
Morality, and Change: The Local Response to Development in Thailand (Ann Arbor, Mich.:
University Microfilms, 1990).
45. The Foundation for Children in Bangkok claims that there were 2.5 million prosti-
tutes in Thailand in 1994 with an increasing number of them children, both male and female.
Other NGOs set the figure at one million children with government estimates even lower.
Prostitution has greatly abetted the spread of AIDS in Thailand, a problem largely ignored
in the country until 1990.
part iii. buddhism and modernization 239

46. This is adapted from Wisdom of Ven. Phra Thepkavi, trans. S. Chandra Ngarm (Chiang
Mai, 1988).
47. Darlington, Buddhism and Development: The Ecology Monks of Thailand, 104.
Darlington is of the opinion that the first tree ordination was done by Phrakhru Manas of
Phayao Province as a strategy for forest conservation.
48. Ibid., 105.
49. Darlington, The Ordination of a Tree, 6.
50. Ibid.
51. Suchira Payulpitack, Buddhadsas Movement: An Analysis of Its Origins, Develop-
ment, and Social Impact, (Ph.D. diss., University of Bielefeld, 1991), chap. 7. Suchira analyzes
Achan Phongsak as an example of an activist monk-follower of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu.
52. Ibid., 226, with minor adaptations.
53. The Sangha Metta Project,
54. Seneviratne, The Work of Kings, chap. 2.
55. See Kitsiri Malalgoda, Buddhism in Sinhalese Society 17501900 (Berkeley: Univer-
sity of California Press, 1976).
56. Mendelson, Sangha and State in Burma, 93ff. See also John P. Ferguson, The Quest
for Legitimation by Burmese Monks and Kings: The Case of the Shwegyin Sect (19th20th
Centuries), in Religion and the Legitimation of Power in Thailand, Laos, and Burma, ed.
Bardwell L. Smith (Chambersburg, Pa: Anima Books, 1978). Tambiahs subsequent study
of forest monks in Thailand (The Buddhist Saints of the Forest and the Cult of Amulets) more
fully develops Fergusons theme of the relationship between king/politician and monk. For
a study of the relationship between the Thai forest monk tradition and political elites, see J.
L. Taylor, Forest Monks and the Nation-State: Despite their close proximity to the establish-
ment, it is rarely eVg^nVi monks (clerical educators, scholars, and administrators) but forest
dwellers who are fervently sought after to secure and buttress secular power bases. (285).
57. Mendelson, Sangha and State in Burma, 88. For the rules of the Shwegyin sect, see
Than Tun, Essays on the History and Buddhism of Burma (Whiting Bay, Scotland: Kiscadale
Publications, 1988), 16773.
58. See the work of the Sinhalese Buddhist philosopher, K. N. Jayatilleke, Ethics in Bud-
dhist Perspective, Wheel Publication, no. 175176 (Kandy: The Buddhist Publication Society,
1972); Facets of Buddhist Thought, Wheel Publication, no. 162164 (Kandy: The Buddhist
240 notes

Publication Society, 1971); Survival and Karma in Buddhist Perspective, Wheel Publication,
no. 141143 (Kandy: The Buddhist Publication Society, 1969). For a Theravada critique of
Christian fideism, see Gunapala Dharmasiri, A Buddhist Critique of the Christian Conception
of God, 2d ed. (Sierra Madre, Calif.: Golden Leaves Publishing Company, 1988).
59. For example, see Ledi Sayadaw, The Manuals of Buddhism (Rangoon: Union Buddha
Sasana Council, 1965); and Ledi Sayadaw, A Manual of the Excellent Man (JiiVbVejg^hV
9eVc), ed. Bhikkhu Pescala (Kandy: The Buddhist Publication Society, 2000).
60. For an analysis of the biography of U Ba Khin, see Houtman, The Biography of
Modern Burmese Buddhist Meditation Master U Ba Khin. See also Sayagyi U Ba Khin,
The Real Values of True Buddhist Meditation (Rangoon: Vipassana Association, 1961); S. N.
Goenka, Meditation Now: Inner Peace Through Inner Wisdom (Igatpuri, India: Vipassana
Research Publication, 2002).
61. Tambiah, World Conqueror and World Renouncer, 20812.
62. Keyes, Buddhist Politics and Their Revolutionary Origins in Thailand, 124.
63. Tambiah, World Conqueror and World Renouncer, 20818. Thanissaro Bhikkhu
suggests that a more accurate characterization would be a strict scripturalism with regard to
the vinaya, a more critical rationalism with regard to the dhamma, and a critical-historical
approach to the commentaries. Thanissaro Bhikkhu, letter to author, November 14, 1994.
64. Sanguan Chotisukharat, Khon Di Mueang Nuea [The good people of northern Thai-
land] (Bangkok: Odian Store, 1972), 328.
65. Keyes, Buddhism and National Integration in Thailand, 55167.
66. Seneviratne, The Work of Kings, 136.
67. Phra Rajavaramuni (P. A. Payutto) Photchananukrom Phutthasat Chabap Pramuan
Tham [Dictionary of Buddhism: Dhamma] (Bangkok: Mahachulalongkorn University, 2538
B.E. / 1995 C.E.); Phra Debvedi (P. A. Payutto) Photchananukrom Phutthasat Chabap Pramuan
Sap [Dictionary of Buddhism: vocabulary] (Bangkok: Mahachulalongkorn University, 2531
B.E. / 1988 C.E.); Phra Prayudh Payutto (P. A. Payutto), Buddhadhamma: Natural Laws and
Values for Life, trans. Grant A. Olson (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995). Eng-
lish translations of Payuttos work published by the Buddhadhamma Foundation, Bangkok,
include: Buddhist Economics: A Middle Way for the Market Place, 2d ed., trans. Dhammavi-
jaya and Bruce G. Evans (1994); Dependent Origination: The Buddhist Law of Conditionality,
trans. Bruce G. Evans (1994); Good, Evil, and Beyond: Kamma in the Buddhas Teaching, 2d
ed., trans. Bruce G. Evans (1995). See also Toward Sustainable Science: A Buddhist Look at
part iii. buddhism and modernization 241

Trends in Scientific Development, trans. Bruce G. Evans (Bangkok: Buddhadhamma Founda-

tion, 1993).
68. Phra Dhammapitaka (P. A. Payutto), A Buddhist Solution for the Twenty-first Century
(Chiang Mai: The Buddhist Association, 1993), 7.
69. Ibid.
70. For a detailed discussion of the nineteenth and early twentieth-century revival of
the forest tradition, see Carrithers, The Forest Monks of Sri Lanka.
71. Ingrid Jordt, Burmas Mass Lay Meditation Movement: Buddhism and the Cultural
Construction of Power (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2007), chap. 4.
72. Bond argues this point in The Buddhist Revival in Sri Lanka, chap. 46.
73. Maha Boowa anasampanno, Venerable cariya Mun Bhridatta Thera; Maha Boowa
anasampanno, Patipad or The Mode of Practice of Venerable Acharn Mun, trans. Paavad-
dho Bhikkhu (Udon Thani, Thailand: Wat Pa Baan Taad, 1997); Tambiah, The Buddhist
Saints of the Forest and the Cult of Amulets, chap. 6. Man is also transliterated Mun, which
follows the Thai pronunciation rather than the orthography.
74. For hagiographic accounts of monks in the Achan Man lineage, see two works by
Kamala Tiyavanich, Forest Recollections and The Buddha In the Jungle. For teachings of monks
in the Achan Man lineage translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, see httpp://www.accesstoinsight.
75. Lee Dhammadharo, The Autobiography of Phra Ajaan Lee, trans. Thanissaro Bhik-
khu (Bangkok: Thep Prathan, 1991).
76. For a descriptive account of Buddhadasas life and career, see Kamala Tiyavanich,
Sons of the Buddha: The Early Lives of Three Extraordinary Thai Masters (Somerville, Mass.:
Wisdom Publications, 2007), pt. 1; Peter A. Jackson, Buddhadsa: Theravada Buddhism
and Modernist Reform in Thailand (Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2003). For a collection of
Buddhadasas essays, see Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, Me and Mine: Selected Essays of Bhikkhu Bud-
dhadasa, ed. Donald K. Swearer (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989; Delhi:
Sri Satguru Publications, 1991). Single titles of Buddhadasas published essays in translation
include Heartwood of the Bodhi Tree: The Buddhas Teachings on Voidness, trans. Santikaro
Bhikkhu (Somerville, Mass.: Wisdom Publications, 1994); Mindfulness with Breathing, trans.
Santikaro Bhikkhu (Somerville, Mass.: Wisdom Publications, 1997); Handbook for Mankind,
trans. Roderick S. Bucknell (Chaiya, Thailand: Dhammadana Foundation, 2005); Paticca-
samuppada: Practical Dependent Origination, trans. Steven Schmidt (Bangkok: Dhamma
242 notes

Study Group, 1992). See Jack Kornfeld, Living Buddhist Masters (Santa Cruz, Calif: Unity
Press, 1977) for selections from the writings of several modern Theravada meditation teach-
ers, including Buddhadasa.
77. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, Ten Years in Suan Moke, trans. Mongkol Dejnakarintra
(Bangkok: Pacharayasarn Editorial Board, 1984), 1516. Quoted in Suwanna Satha-Anand,
Religious Movements in Contemporary Thailand: Buddhist Struggles for Modern Relevance,
78. Buddhadasa has been the subject of several doctoral dissertations in the U.S., France,
Germany, and Australia. For the two most extensive studies, see Louis Gabaude, Une Her-
mneutique Bouddhique Contemporaine de Thalande: Buddhadasa Bhikkhu (Paris: cole
Franaise dExtrme-Orient, 1988); and Tomoi Ito, Discussions in the Buddhist Public
Sphere in Twentieth-century Thailand: Buddhadsa Bhikkhu and His World (Ph.D. diss.,
Australian National University, Canberra, 2001). Also, Suchira Payulpitack, Buddhadsas
Movement: An Analysis of Its Origins, Development and Social Impact.
79. Buddhadasas interpretation of Buddhism was influenced by both Asian and Western
modernist Buddhist interpreters as well as Western thought, his reading of Christian scrip-
tures and, in particular, Zen Buddhism. Some critics of Buddhadasa accuse him of being a
crypto-Mahayanist because of his emphasis on emptiness and his statement that nibbana is
in samsara. Buddhadasas major themes, especially his critical stance with regard to any kind
of essentialism, are consistent with other contemporary interpreters of Theravada Buddhism.
For example, see David J. Kalupahana, A History of Buddhist Philosophy: Continuities and
Discontinuities (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1992).
80. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, Buddhasasanik Kap Kan Anurak Thammachat [Buddhists
and the conservation of nature] (Bangkok: Komol Khemthong Foundation, 1990).
81. Buddhadasa, conversation with the author at Suan Mokkh, November 10, 1976.
82. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, Kan Tham-ngan Duai Chit Wang [Working with a liberated
mind] (Bangkok: Society for the Propagation of Buddhism, 1975), 13.
83. Ibid., 1415.
84. Buddhadasas philosophy of interdependence is a basic theme in contemporary
reformist Buddhism, especially socially engaged Buddhism. See Thich Nhat Hanh, Interbe-
ing: Commentaries on the Tiep Hien Precepts (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1987). See also, Donald
K. Swearer, Buddhism and the Challenges of the Modern World, Seeds of Peace 23, no. 1
( JanuaryApril, 2550 B.E. / 2007 C.E.).
part iii. buddhism and modernization 243

85. Santisuk Sobhanasiri, ed., Phutthathat Yang Yu Pai Mai Tai [Buddhadasa has not
passed away but continues to live], 2 vols. (Bangkok: Committee Managing the 100th
Celebration of Buddhadasa, 2549 B.E. / 2006 C.E.). Volume 1 is entitled, Chiwit lae Kan
Thamngan [Life and work]; volume 2 contains essays on Buddhadasa; and volume 3 contains
three essays written by him. The one hundredth natal centenary publications include Wirot
Siriat, ed., Phutthathat Bhikkhu: Prawatchiwit, Kan-ngan, Laktham [Buddhadasa Bhikkhu:
life, work, and teachings] (Bangkok: Dhamma Association and Center for Buddhist Books,
2549 B.E. / 2006 C.E.).
86. Suchira Payulpitack, Buddhadsas Movement, 178.
87. Jackson, Buddhism, Legitimation, and Conflict, 120.
88. Phra Phayom focused his attack on Phra Yantra. During the first few months of 1994,
both Thai and English language newspapers carried almost daily coverage of the Yantra scan-
dal. The most serious charge brought against the monk was that he committed the eVgV_^`V
offense of sexual intercourse. The Department of Religious Affairs and the Supreme Sangha
Council reviewed the case and found insufficient evidence to substantiate the charges. A
group of forty-three professors from Chiang Mai University requested that the SSC recon-
sider its ruling. Phra Phayom used the occasion to call into question the adulation afforded
popular, charismatic monks, which, he contends, is more appropriate for movie stars than
renunciants. P. A. Payutto makes a similar point, seeing in the Phra Yantra case a symptom of
a chronic problem in Thai society, wherein consumerism has become the new religion, and
monks are treated as just one more commodity. In an earlier period, P. A. Payutto contends,
the laity gave to the monastic order to get rid of selfishness and elevate ones state of mind.
Now, however, people do not give but buy what they believe will help them grow richer.
See Sanitsuda Ekachai, Why Wisdom Is Better Than Magic, Bangkok Post, March 17, 1994.
In response to mounting criticism, the SSC expelled Phra Yantra from the Thai sangha.
Gender, sexuality, and sexual behavior have become major religious issues today, especially
with regard to religious celibacy. The Phra Yantra case is not unlike the widely publicized
incidents of sexual misconduct in both Roman Catholicism and Protestantism in America.
Sexuality has become an occasion for heated debate and discussion in Thailand. One monk
phrased the dilemma of celibacy in modern Thai consumerist society in this way: There seems
to be no more room for monks in this society . . . If we look [straight] ahead we are criticized
as not being riap-roi [polite]. If we lower our eyes, we cannot see the cluttered way [in front
244 notes

of us]. If we look up, there it isthe advertisement for womens underpants. Quoted in San-
itsuda Ekachai, Buddhism at Odds with Sexuality Bangkok Post, March 4, 1994.
89. Sulak Sivaraksa and Dhammananda Bhikkhuni (Chatsumarn Kabilsingh) are dis-
cussed in the following section. Dr. Praves Wasi, former rector of Mahidol University and
recipient of the Magsaysay Award for his outstanding contribution to medical research, is
advisor to several Buddhistically-grounded NGOs. He has written extensively on issues of
Buddhism and the problems facing contemporary Thai society.
90. For the purposes of this study, I interpret Santi Asok as a movement that adapts ideals
exemplified by the Thai forest tradition, rather than my previous characterization as a funda-
mentalistic or neotraditional-type movement. See my essays, Fundamentalistic Movements
in Theravda Buddhism, and Sulak Sivaraksas Buddhist Vision for Renewing Society.
91. Phra Phothirak, Satcha Haeng Chiwit [My life story] (Bangkok: Dhammasanti Foun-
dation, 1982), 84. In addition to Phothirak, several popular contemporary Buddhist teachers
from secular backgrounds became monks, for example, the founders of the Thammakai move-
ment. For studies of the Thammakai and Santi Asok movements, see Apinya Fuengfusakul,
Empire of Crystal and Utopian Commune: Two types of contemporary Theravda reform
in Thailand, Sojourn 8, no. 1 (February 1993); James L. Taylor, Buddhist Revitalization,
Modernization, and Social Change in Contemporary Thailand, Sojourn 8, no. 1 (February
1993); Mackenzie, New Buddhist Movements.
92. Current statistics for Santi Asok are difficult to determine. I have drawn from Kanok-
sak Kaewthep, An Imagining Community: The Case of Sisa Asoke, Si Sa Ket Province, in
Imagining Communities in Thailand: Ethnographic Approaches, ed. Shigeharu Tanabe (Chiang
Mai: Mekong Press, 2008), 62; and Juliana M. Essen, Santi Asoke Buddhist Reform Move-
ment: Building Individuals, Community, and (Thai) Society, Journal of Buddhist Ethics 11
(2004): 7. See also, Juliana M. Essen, Right Development: The Santi Asoke Buddhist Reform
Movement of Thailand (Lanham, Md: Lexington Books, 2005); and Marja-Leena Heikkil-
Horn, Buddhism With Open Eyes: Belief and Practice of Santi Asoke (Bangkok: Fah Apai
Company, Ltd., 1997).
93. Kanoksak Kaewthep, An Imagining Community, 5967.
94. See Duncan J. McCargo, Chamlong Srimuang and the New Thai Politics (New York:
St. Martins Press, 1997) for a discussion of Chamlongs career and his connection to the Santi
Asok movement.
95. Keyes, Moral Authority of the Sangha and Modernity in Thailand, 123.
part iii. buddhism and modernization 245

96. Phra Dhammapitaka (P. A. Payutto), Karani Santi Asok [The case of Santi Asok]
(Bangkok: Buddhadhamma Foundation, 1998).
97. Sanitsuda Ekachai, Phothirak may have the last laugh, Bangkok Post, March 26,
1997, quoted in Keyes, Moral Authority of the Sangha and Modernity in Thailand, 129.
98. Essen, Santi Asoke Buddhist Reform Movement, 89.
99. Ibid., 14. Kanoksak Kaewthep, An Imagining Community, analyzes bun niyom
under the heading, From an economics of giving to an economics of nirvana, 75.
100. See Charles Hallisey, Roads Taken and Not Taken in the Study of Theravada Bud-
dhism, in Curators of the Buddha: The Study of Buddhism Under Colonialism, ed. Donald S.
Lopez, Jr. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995).
101. See Phra Debvedi (P. A. Payutto) Helping Yourself to Help Others, trans. Puriso Bhik-
khu (Bangkok: Buddhadhamma Foundation, 1990) for an approach to the self/other ethical
polarity that is at the core of a Buddhist justification for social service.
102. See Winston L. King, Contemporary Burmese Buddhism, in The Cultural, Politi-
cal, and Religious Significance of Buddhism in the Modern World, ed. Heinrich Dumoulin and
John C. Maraldo (New York: Collier Books, 1976), 8198; and Winston L. King, A Thou-
sand Lives Away: Buddhism in Contemporary Burma (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press, 1964).
103. For example, see Mahasi Sayadaw, The Progress of Insight; and Mahasi Sayadaw, Prac-
tical Insight Meditation (Kandy: The Buddhist Publication Society, 1971). Also see Jordt,
Burmas Mass Lay Meditation Movement, chap. 12.
104. King, A Thousand Lives Away, 227.
105. Ibid., 22627.
106. Ibid., 227.
107. Bond, The Buddhist Revival, 212ff. Bond places a major emphasis on meditation
movements in the revival of Buddhism in Sri Lanka.
108. Thammathan Khong Khun Mae Dr. Siri Krinchai [Mother Dr. Siri Krinchais gift
of Dhamma], 5th printing (Bangkok: Horatanachaikan Press, 2536 B.E. / 1993 C.E.), 4852.
Published in honor of Dr. Siri Krinchais seventy-second birthday, this volume includes a
biography, an essay on her philosophy of meditation, and testimonials by her followers.
Her workshops are very demanding. Participants spend most of the day in meditation. I
am grateful to Sukhon Polpatipicharn, one of her followers, for calling my attention to this
246 notes

109. Prawat Wat Rampoeng [History of Wat Rampoeng] (Chiang Mai: Chang Pueak
Press, n.d.), 9.
110. This practice focuses on the rising and falling of the abdomen. In Thailand it is usually
referred to simply as the rising and falling (phong-no/yup-no) insight (vipassana) method.
Although several different types of meditation practice are current in Thailand, practitioners
often ask if you practice the vipassana method of phong-no/yup-no, that is, the Mahasi Say-
adaw method, or the concentration (samatha) method of Phuttho . . . Phuttho (focusing on
the name of the Buddha) associated with Achan Man.
111. This method can be found in a booklet available at the monastery entitled, Khumue
Kanpatibat Vipassanakammatthan [Handbook for meditation practice] (Chiang Mai: Wat
Rampoeng, 1993).
112. The Thai term chi is derived from the Pali pabbajita (one who has gone forth, a renun-
113. Tipawadee Amawattana et al., The Use of Vipassana Meditation as a Strategy for
Developing [a] Qualitative Counseling Service (paper presented at the Fifth International
Conference on Thai Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University,
July 8, 1993). Several wats throughout the country also promote meditation-based AIDS and
addictive drug treatment centers, an example being Wat Doi Keong in Mae Hong Son Province.
114. Ibid., 78.
115. This observation corresponds to Robert Bellahs characterization of the individualistic
character of the modern stage of religious development. See Robert N. Bellah, Religious
Evolution, in Beyond Belief, ed. Robert N. Bellah (New York: Harper and Row, 1970). See
also J. L. Taylor, New Buddhist Movements in Thailand, who makes a similar point but
from a different analytical perspective.
116. The Buddhist 37, no. 1 ( June 1966): 7.
117. Discussed in Donald K. Swearer, Lay Buddhism and the Buddhist Revival in Cey-
lon, Journal of the American Academy of Religion 38, no. 3 (September 1970): 266ff.
118. Nyanaponikas best-known book in the West is The Heart of Buddhist Meditation
(London: Rider, 1962). His articles and translations cover a wide range of subjects, in par-
ticular, the Abhidhamma. Nyanaponika was a student of the German monk, Nyanatiloka
who founded the Island Hermitage monastery near Colombo on land donated by the Sina-
lese business magnate and philanthropist, Sir Ernest de Silva. Bhikkhu Bodhis translations
of Pali suttas are published by Wisdom Publications in Somerville, Massachusetts.
part iii. buddhism and modernization 247

119. Information about the Sarvodaya movement and its founder, A. T. Ariyaratne, can be
found on the website: For studies about Ariyaratne and the Sarvodaya
movement, see Joanna Rogers Macy, Dharma and Development: Religion as Resource in the
Sarvodaya Self Help Movement (West Hartford, Conn.: Kumarian Press, 1983); Bond, Bud-
dhism at Work: Community Development, Social Empowerment and the Sarvodaya Movement;
Bond, The Buddhist Revival in Sri Lanka, chap. 7; Gombrich and Obeyesekere, Buddhism
Transformed, chap. 7; Denis Goulet, Survival with Integrity (Colombo: Marga Institute, 1981);
and Detlef Kantowsky, Sarvodaya: The Other Development (Delhi: Vikas, 1980). Gombrich
and Obeyesekere offer the most critical interpretation of the movement as an expression of
what they call protestant Buddhism. They regard much of what has been written about
Sarvodaya as well intentioned but naive reflections of their authors own utopian fanta-
sies of a benevolent social order (243). Bonds more descriptive view contrasts Sarvodayan
engaged Buddhism with the chauvinistic, militant civic religion Buddhism that S. J. Tam-
biah critiques in Buddhism Betrayed? Religion, Politics and Violence in Sri Lanka (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1992).
120. Joanna Rogers Macy, Dependent Co-arising: The Distinctiveness of Buddhist Eth-
ics, Journal of Religious Ethics 7, no. 1 (spring 1979): 49.
121. A. T. Ariyaratne, (lecture given at the University of Hawaii, September 17, 1993).
122. Macy, Dependent Co-arising, 50.
123. Bond, Buddhism At Work, 7887.
124. Ibid. , chap. 2. See also, Abeysekara, Colors of the Robe, 21339.
125. Sulak Sivaraksa has written extensively in both Thai and English. Information about
him and his writings can be found on his website: His autobiog-
raphy, Chuang Haeng Chiwit [Phases of my life] (Bangkok: Thianwan Press, 1984), lists
eighty-four Thai book titles, and the list continues to grow. An abbreviated autobiography
has been published in English, Loyalty Demands Dissent: Autobiography of an Engaged Bud-
dhist (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1998). Among his most recent English language publications
is Conflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing World (Somerville, Mass.:
Wisdom Publications, 2005). A collection of essays published for Sulaks seventieth birthday
is Socially Engaged Spirituality: Essays in Honor of Sulak Sivaraksa on his 70th Birthday, ed.
David W. Chappell (Bangkok: Santi Pracha Dhamma Institute, 2003). The following discus-
sion about Sulak borrows from my article, Sulak Sivaraksas Buddhist Vision for Renewing
Society, Crossroads 7, no. 1 ( January 1991). This article also appeared as the afterword in
248 notes

the Thai edition of Sulak Sivaraksa, Seeds of Peace: A Buddhist Vision for Renewing Society
(Berkeley: Parallax Press / International Network of Engaged Buddhists, 1992). An expanded
and revised version of my essay is included in Sallie B. King and Christopher S. Queen, eds.,
Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia (Albany: State University of
New York Press, 1995).
126. Sulak Sivaraksa, Siamese Resurgence (Bangkok: Asian Forum on Development, 1985),
127. The Committee on Religion and Development, a group that Sulak was instrumental
in founding, publishes the journal, Sekhiyadhamma. Its stated purpose is the exchange of ideas
and experiences regarding ways to make Buddhism both personally and socially relevant to
the problems of contemporary Thailand.
128. Swearer, Sulak Sivaraksas Buddhist Vision for Renewing Society, 4647.
129. See Sulak Sivaraksa, Seeds of Peace 23, no. 1 ( JanuaryApril 2007): 3.
130. Sanitsuda Ekachai, Buddhism at Odds with Sexuality. In the Aguttara Nikya.
II.82.3. [Ananda asks the Buddha], Pray, lord, what is the reason, what is the cause why
women neither sit in a court of justice, nor embark on business, nor reach the heart of any
matter? To which Gotama replies, Women are uncontrolled, Ananda. Women are envi-
ous, Ananda. Women are greedy, Ananda. Women are weak in wisdom, Ananda. This is the
reason why women do not sit in a court of justice, do not embark on business, do not reach
the heart of the matter.
131. Sponberg, Attitudes Toward Women and the Feminine in Early Buddhism, 8.
132. Academic studies of women and Buddhism have prompted a wide range of scholar-
ship on feminist and gender related issues. See the essays on this subject in Cabezn, Buddhism,
Sexuality, and Gender.
133. Thomas Kirsch, Buddhism, Sex Roles and the Thai Economy, in Women of South-
east Asia, ed. Penny Van Esterik, Center for Southeast Asia Studies, Occasional Paper, no. 9
(DeKalb: Northern Illinois University, 1982), 1641.
134. See Khin Thitsa (Khin-Thi-Da Lwin), Providence and Prostitution: Image and Reality
for Women in Buddhist Thailand (London: Change International Reports, 1980). See also,
Marjorie Muecke, Mother Sold Food, Daughter Sells Her Body: The Cultural Continuity
of Prostitution, Social Science and Medicine 35, no. 7 (1992): 891901.
135. See Keyes, Mother, Mistress, but Never a Monk.
part iii. buddhism and modernization 249

136. Penny Van Esterik, Materializing Thailand (Oxford: Berg, 2000), 66, chap. 36, and
16465 for a summary of discourses on Thai prostitution.
137. David L. Gosling, The Changing Roles of Thailands Lay Nuns (Mae Chii), South-
east Asian Journal of Social Science 26, no. 1 (1998): 128.
138. Ibid.
139. See Chatsumarn Kabilsingh, Buddhist Nuns in Other Countries, in Thai Women
in Buddhism (Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1991), 8991; Jordt, Bhikkhuni, Thilashin Mae-chii:
Women Who Renounce the World in Buddhist Texts. For women renunciants in Sri Lanka,
see Tessa Bartholomeusz, The Female Mendicant in Buddhist Sri Lanka, in Buddhism, Sex-
uality, and Gender, ed. Jos Ignacio Cabezn (Albany: State University of New York Press,
1989): 3761; also her Women Under the Bo Tree (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1994); Gombrich and Obeyesekere, Buddhism Transformed, chap. 8.
140. The story of Voramai Kabilsingh can be found in Chatsumarn Kabilsingh, Two
Bhikkhuni Movements in Thailand, in Thai Women in Buddhism, (Berkeley: Parallax Press,
1991), 4554.
141. Subatra Bhumiprabhas and Aree Chaisatien, Spiritual Subordination, The Nation
(Bangkok), August 20, 2006. See Chatsumarn Kabilsingh (Dhammananda Bhikkhuni), Bhik-
khuni Buat Mai Dai [Nuns cannot be ordained] (Bangkok: Sukhaphap Cai, 2002).
142. Among American Buddhist women, Rita M. Gross plays a major role in the inter-
national Buddhist womens movement. For her interpretation of Buddhism and women, see
Buddhism After Patriarchy: A Feminist History, Analysis, and Reconstruction of Buddhism
(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993).
143. See Guy Richard Welbon, Buddhist Nirvana and Its Western Interpreters (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1968); also Hallisey, Roads Taken and Not Taken.
144. Padmasiri de Silva, An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology, 2d ed. (New York: Mac-
millan Publishing Company, 1992); Padmasiri de Silva, Twin Peaks: Compassion and Insight;
David J. Kalupahana, Buddhist Philosophy: A Historical Analysis (Honolulu: University of
Hawaii Press, 1976); Kalupahana, A History of Buddhist Philosophy. In addition to his two
surveys of Buddhist philosophy, Kalupahana has written interpretations of the Dhammapada:
A Path of Righteousness (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1987); The Principles of
Buddhist Psychology (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1987); and Ngrjuna
(Albany: State University of New York Press, 1986).
145. One example is Nolan P. Jacobson, Buddhism: The Religion of Analysis (London:
George Allen and Unwin, 1966).
250 notes

146. David Kalupahana and Indrani Kalupahana, The Way of Siddhartha: A Life of the
Buddha (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1982).
147. See John Makransky, Awakening Through Love: Unveiling Your Deepest Goodness
(Somerville, Mass.: Wisdom Publications, 2007) for meditations inspired by the wisdom of
148. Ajahn Sumedho, The Sound of Silence: The Selected Teachings of Ajahn Sumedho
(Somerville, Mass.: Wisdom Publications, 2000). See Thanissaro Bhikkhu, The Mind Like
Fire Unbound (Barre, Mass.: Dhamma Dana Publications, 1993), and his essays in Purity of
Heart: Essays on the Buddhist Path (Valley Center, Calif.: Metta Forest Monastery, 2006);
and Noble Strategy: Essays on the Buddhist Path (Valley Center, Calif.: Metta Forest Monas-
tery, 1999).
149. For two books specifically on Buddhism in the U.S., see Duncan Ryuken Williams
and Christopher S. Queen, eds. American Buddhism: Methods and Finds in Recent Scholar-
ship, (London: Curzon, 1999); and Charles S. Prebish and Kenneth K. Tanaka, eds., The Faces
of Buddhism in America (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998). Many different
terms have been used to classify types of Buddhists in the U.S.elite, evangelical, ethnic,
nightstand, baggage, and sympathizers. See, for example, Thomas Tweed, Night-Stand
Buddhists and Other Creatures: Sympathizers, Adherents, and the Study of Religion,
in American Buddhism: Methods and Finds in Recent Scholarship, ed. Duncan Ryken
Williams and Christopher S. Queen, 7190; Jan Nattier, Buddhism Comes to Main Street, The
Wilson Quarterly 21 (spring 1997): 7280.
150. See Thanissaro Bhikkhu, The Wings to Awakening (Barre, Mass.: Dharma Education
Association, 1996); Thanissaro Bhikkhu, The Buddhist Monastic Code, rev. ed., 2 vols. (Valley
Center, Calif.: Metta Forest Monastery, 2007); Richard H. Robinson, Willard L. Johnson,
and Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Buddhist Religions: A Historical Introduction (Belmont, Calif.:
Wadsworth, 2005).
151. For a descriptive account of Lao Buddhism in North America, see Penny Van Esterik,
Taking Refuge: Lao Buddhists in North America (North York, Ont.: York Lanes Press, 1993).
Two major studies of Theravada immigrant centers are: Paul David Numrich, Old Wisdom
in the New World (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1996); and Wendy Cadge,
Heartwood: The First Generation of Theravada Buddhism in America (Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 2005).
152. Handley, The King Never Smiles.
part iii. buddhism and modernization
appendix 2 251

Appendix 1 Siglaka Sutta

1. Adapted from Vajiraanavarorasa, Navakovada [Instructions to the newly ordained]

(Bangkok: Mahamakuta, 1971), 8694.

Appendix 2 Borobudur

1. Contributions to the study of Borobudur include John N. Miksic, Borobudur: Golden

Tales of the Buddhas (Boston: Shambala Press, 1990); R. Soekmono, Jacques Dumarcay, and
J. G. De Casparis, Borobudur: Prayer in Stone (London: Thames and Hudson, 1990); and
Luis O. Gomez and Hiram W. Woodward, Jr., eds., Barabudur: History and Significance of
a Buddhist Monument (Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1981). See also Wales, The Mak-
ing of Greater India; George Coeds, The Indianized States of Southeast Asia, ed. W. F. Vella
(Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1968); Heinrich Zimmer, The Art of Indian Asia,
2d ed., vol. 1, Bollingen Series, no. 39 (New York: Pantheon Books, 1960); Coomaraswamy,
History of Indian and Indonesian Art.
2. J. G. De Casparis, Introduction, in Soekmono, Dumarcay, and De Casparis, Borobu-
dur: Prayer in Stone, 14.
3. Miksic, Borobudur, 47.
4. See Miksic, Borobudur, 49, for a discussion of the distinction between the terms,
stupa and cetiya.
5. The symbolism of the stupa has been analyzed and described using a variety of forms
and idioms, including levels of spiritual development in yogic and meditative states of con-
sciousness. These particular idioms are explored in several monographs, including: Mircea
Eliade, Yoga: Freedom and Immortality (New York: Pantheon Books, 1958); Lama Anagarika
Govinda, Psycho-Cosmic Symbolism of the Buddhist Stupa (Emeryville, Calif.: Dharma Pub-
lications, 1976); Roderick S. Bucknell and Martin Stuart-Fox, The Twilight of Language:
Explorations in Buddhist Meditation and Symbolism (New York: St. Martins Press, 1986).
6. Le May, The Culture of Southeast Asia, 98.
7. Mus, Barabudur: Esquisse dune histoire du bouddhisme foundee la critique arche-
ologique des texts.
8. Wales, The Making of Greater India, 123, referring to J. G. De Casparis, Prasati Indo-
nesia, vol. 1, 195.
252 notes

9. Soekmono, Dumarcay, and De Casparis, Borobudur: Prayer in Stone, 32.

10. The collection of essays on Borobudur in Gomez and Woodward, eds., Barabudur
provides an overview of various interpretations of the monument.

6W]^Y]VbbV Literally, the higher (abhi) teaching (dhamma). Refers to the third division
(pitaka) of the Pali language scriptures of Theravada Buddhism. Contains a diverse body
of texts, but many of them represent more technical or scholastic interpretations of the
dialogue (sutta) texts.
6W]^hZ`V Literally, to pour water. To consecrate as in royal consecration (raja-abhiseka)
or the consecration of Buddha images (buddha-abhiseka).
Y^7jYY]V Literally, the beginning or original Buddha. In Mahayana and Vajrayana
Buddhism, often identified as the central Buddha of the five dhyani Buddhas, usually the
Buddha Vairocana.
6\\VVHjiiV One of the suttas in the 9\]VC^`nV (Long Discourses), which deals
with the origin of the world and the reason for the selection of a righteous ruler.
cVcYV In the Pali sutta texts of Theravada Buddhism, Ananda appears as one of the most
important disciples of the Buddha. From a literary point of view, Ananda acts as a foil to
the Buddha in the BV]eVg^c^WWcVHjiiV.
6ci]Ve^^`V A banker of Savatthi. He is a paradigm of the lay supporter of the Buddha
and the sangha. Visakha is his female counterpart.
6c^gjYY]V (10401077 C.E.) Considered to be the founder of the unified Burmese king-
dom with the capital at Pagan.
6c\ja^baV A robber who became a follower of the Buddha and later attained arahantship.
A story in the BV__]^bVC^`nV (Middle Length Discourses) 11.103104 that tells how
he eased a womans birth pains by an act of truth (saccakiriya). This came to be regarded
as a paritta to ward off danger.
6cVii Literally, not (an-) self (atta). One of the seminal concepts in the teachings of
the Buddha. Often misinterpreted as a world-denying concept. Refers to the non-sub-
stantiality of the self.
6c^XXV Impermanence, not-enduring. One of the three characteristics of existence together
with suffering and not-self.
6gV]Vci Literally, one who is worthy, deserving. A Pali term applied to one who attains

254 glossary

h]E_ A celebration recalling the Buddhas first discourse, the Dhammacakkappa-

vattana Sutta (Turning the Wheel of the Law) delivered at the Deer Park in Varanasi
(Benares). It occurs on the full-moon sabbath of the eighth lunar month (asalha).
hVkV An outflowing, a canker. The four asavas that are to be overcome in order to gain
freedom are sensuality (kamma), desire for rebirth (bhava), attachment to views (ditthi),
and ignorance (avijja).

7]^``]j$W]^``]jc Literally, almsperson. Terms used to designate monastic followers
of the Buddha; the terms refer to the fact that Theravada monks and nuns depend upon the
generosity of the laity for their material well-being. The Theravada monastic order is referred
to as the bhikkhu-sangha / bhikkhuni-sangha, the order of male and female almspersons.
7^bW^hgV King of Magadha and patron of the Buddha.
7dY]^hViikV (Pali, bodhisatta) Literally, a wisdom (bodhi) being (sattva). In the Theravada
tradition the word usually refers to the Buddha in his various earthly rebirths. In the
Mahayana tradition the term extends to all beings seeking enlightenment or those who
will be future Buddhas.
7gV]bVad`V Literally, the world (loka) of Brahma. One of the abodes of the gods in
Theravada cosmology.

8V``VkVii^c Literally, a wheel turner. The term refers to Buddhist monarchs whose
power in the secular realm parallels the power of the Buddha in the sacred realm.
8V``VkVii^H]VcYVHjiiV A sutta in the 9\]VC^`nV (Long Discourses), which is an
important source of information about the traditional understanding of the cakkavatti(n)
8Vg^ne^V`V One of the fifteen books of the @]jYYV`VC^`nV (Collection of Gradual
Sayings). Sets forth the Buddhas ten moral perfections (parami) by which he attained
8Zi^nV See X]ZY^.
8]Vd A Thai term with several different possible meanings: spirit, deity, lord.
8]ZY^ (Pali, cetiya) A tumulus, a reliquary monument embodying both cosmological and
Buddhological symbolism.
glossary 255

9cV The virtue of generosity, one of the principal Theravada moral perfections (parami).
9ZkVYViiV Son of the Buddhas maternal uncle. He became one of the Buddhas almsper-
sons, but later he attempts to kill the Buddha and split the order.
9ZkVg_V Literally, god-king. Thought to have been a notion of divine kingship that
developed in the Khmer kingdom in the ninth century, which had an important influence
on the monarchial traditions of the classical states of Southeast Asia.
9]VbbV (Sanskrit, dharma) A central concept of Theravada thought. It can refer to the
basic constituents of reality, the truth, or the teachings of the Buddha. Identified with
paticca-samuppada (interdependent co-arising).
9]VbbVnji^`VC^`nV See I]VbbVnji.
9]ij"\VWW]V The Pali form of the Sinhalese term, dagoba, referring to a reliquary mound;
i.e., a cetiya.
9eVkVhV The Island Chronicle, one of the three major chronicles of Sinhalese Buddhism.
9^knkVYcV A Mahayana Buddhist text that contains a legendary account of the life of
the Buddha.
9j``]V Suffering, anxiety. The unsatisfactory nature of existence limited by the sensory
or the mundane world.
9j]V\bV^ Ruler of Sri Lanka (161137 B.C.E.) noted for defeating the Tamils and
reuniting the country under Sinhalese rule.

<V]Vkn]V A Mahayana text concerned with the enlightenment quest of Sudhana.
Sometimes referred to as a Mahayana pilgrims progress.

=Vg^ej_VnV Modern day Lamphun. The pre-Thai Mon-Lawa center of culture and
political power in northern Thailand. In the thirteenth century, it was conquered by the
Tai led by King Mangrai who subsequently established Chiang Mai as the dominant
petty kingdom in northern Thailand.
256 glossary

>cYgV A Hindu deity of great importance in Vedic Hinduism. In Buddhism, Indra is known
as Sakka, the ruler of the gods.

?iV`V The tenth book of the @]jYYV`VC^`nV (Collection of Gradual Sayings) contain-
ing 547 legendary stories framed as the former lives of the Buddha.
?iV`Vba Literally, a Garland of Birth Stories. A Sanskrit rendering of thirty-four
jatakas ascribed to Arya Sura, who may have lived in the first century C.E.
?]cV States of consciousness attained through meditation. Divided into several stages,
such as the four material and immaterial absorptions (D. 111. 222).

@VbbV (Sanskrit, karma) A central concept in Theravada Buddhist doctrine. In general
parlance, kamma means act or action, however, technically it refers to the Law of Kamma,
meaning that good / bad acts will bring good / bad consequences.
@VgVnVbZiiHjiiV or Metta Sutta. One of the central paritta texts excerpted from the
HVbnjiiVC^`nV (Collected Discourses).
@Vgj The moral perfection of compassion.
@V]^cV The robes presented to Buddhist monks at the end of the three-month rains
retreat period when they are confined to the monastery. @V]^cV celebrations usually
take place during the month of November.
@]lVc A Thai term meaning spirit. In Thai Buddhism every individual possesses thirty-
two khwan or bodily spirits.
@nVco^ii]V The grandson of the founder of the Pagan dynasty in Burma, and one of its
most powerful rulers. He ascended to the throne in 1084 C.E.

AVa^iVk^hiVgV A proto-Mahayana biography of the Buddha associated with the Sarvasti-
vada tradition.
A^\V A phallic symbol of the Hindu god Siva. Understood by some scholars to be a symbol
of the god-king (devaraja).
glossary 257

Ad^ @gVi]dc\ The festival of the floating (loi) boats (krathong) celebrated in Thailand
during the month of November. Considered to be Brahmanical in origin.
Ad`ZkVgV $ 6kVad`^iZkVgV A bodhisattva in divine form whose face dominates the Bayon,
the central temple of the ancient Khmer capital of Angkor Thom; thought to be identified
with King Jayavarman VII.
Ad`^nV Literally, mundane or of the world.
Ad`jiiVgV Literally, transmundane.

BV]`VhhVeV One of the principal disciples of the Buddha.
BV]eVg^c^WWcVHjiiV The Discourse of the Great Decease, which recounts the last
days of the Buddha.
BV]hVbbViV The great elect; a just ruler. A term applied to the first monarch chosen to
establish order in a chaotic world (see Aggaa Sutta).
BV]kVhV The Great Chronicle, the most celebrated chronicle of Sinhalese Buddhism,
produced by the Mahavihara monastic lineage.
BV]k^]gV A great monastery of the Sinhalese Buddhist capital, Anuradhapura. Became
the center of Theravada Buddhism and repository of the Sinhalese commentaries.
Buddhaghosa compiled his Pali commentaries there. Restored by Parakkama Bahu I
(twelfth century). From this monastery, Theravada spread to mainland Southeast Asia.
B\]E_ The celebration that marks the miraculous gathering of 1,250 disciples of
the Buddha at Veluvanna Mahavihara in Rajagaha, north India.
BVVaV A diagram usually in the form of a squared circle, which variously symbolizes
the unity of the individual, society, and the cosmos. In Southeast Asias ancient capitals,
royal and religious buildings were constructed in the form of a bVVaV.
BVcigV A word or chant with special power or potency.
BgV In the Theravada tradition, Mara is the equivalent of Satan. Mara tested the Buddha
at his departure from Kapilavatthu, and again when the Buddha was seated under the
Bodhi tree at his enlightenment.
BZii Loving-kindness. First of the Divine Abodes (brahmavihara); unlimited states of
consciousness (appamaa).
Bd\\VaacV One of the Buddhas chief disciples. In Buddhist iconography he is often
depicted paying respects to the Buddha.
258 glossary

BjYgV A hand position of a Buddha image or a practitioner. Buddha images are often
identified by their mudras.

CVi A Burmese term for a powerful guardian spirit.
C^WWcV (Sanskrit, c^gkVcV) The soteriological goal in Theravada Buddhism, meaning to
have the passions extinguished, to have gained knowledge of the true nature of things.

EVWWV__ Leaving the world, adopting an ascetic life, or ordination as a novice.
EVXXZ`VWjYY]V One who becomes a Buddha by his or her own efforts, but who does not
share the fruits of enlightenment with others.
EeV Evil, wicked, demeritorious action (papakamma).
EgVbPiVR Literally, perfection. In Theravada Buddhism the term often refers to the
ten moral perfections personified in the last ten jataka stories in the Pali canon.
EVg^iiV Literally, protection, safeguard. Commonly applied to a group of Pali texts first
collated in Sri Lanka that are chanted at auspicious occasions throughout Theravada
Southeast Asia.
EV]VbVhVbWdY]^ A text thought to have been written in northern Thailand in the six-
teenth century that recounts the life of the Buddha.
EV^XXV"hVbjeeYV A theory of causality or conditionality. Literally, dependent co-
arising. The term refers to the basic teaching of canonical Theravada Buddhism that
appears in a classical twelve-fold formula.
Ei^bd``]V The 227 rules to which fully ordained monks subscribe in a confessional
ceremony held fortnightly.
EZiVad`V Refers to one of the hells or places of punishment in the Theravada cosmology.
The petas (Sanskrit, preta) are likened to hungry ghosts.
EZiVkVii]j (Stories of the Departed Ghosts) The seventh book of the @]jYYV`VC^`nV
(Collection of Gradual Sayings) featuring stories of those reborn in the realm of the
hungry ghosts because of their misdeeds.
E]^ A Thai term for spirits believed to have malicious or mischievous powers.
glossary 259

E]gVBVaV^ A Thai Buddhist text about a saintly monk who visits those punished in hell
for breaking the Buddhist precepts and those rewarded in heaven for keeping them. He
then teaches humankind the consequences of good and bad actions.
E_ To make an offering, to worship, or to honor a god.
EjV Meritorious acts that cause or influence good consequences.

HbV One of the final ten jataka stories in the Theravada canon. Sama personifies the
virtue of loving-kindness.
HVbY]^ Concentration, intent state of mind; one of the constituents of the Noble
Eightfold Path.
HVhgV Literally, to come again and again, revolve, hence, rebirth or transmigration.
HVc\]V An assemblage. Usually refers to the assembly of monks (bhikkhu) and/or nuns
HVg^ejiiV One of the principal disciples of the Buddha who is often depicted with
Moggalana paying respects to the Buddha.
H^\aV`VHjiiV One of the discourses in the 9^\]VC^`nV (Long Discourses) that pre-
scribes the ethic of the householder.
HaV Moral virtue. Often identified with the basic Buddhist precepts not to kill, steal, lie,
commit adultery, or ingest intoxicants.
H^b The boundary stones that demarcate an ordination hall.
HjbZgj, Mount (var., Meru, Sineru) In Indian cosmology, the central axis or mountain
of the universe.
HjVi Literally, emptiness. The term generally connotes that all dhammas are empty
of self, and also interdependent co-arising (paticca-samuppada).
HjiiV Literally, thread. Represents the threads of discourse or dialogue texts in the Pali
canon of Theravada Buddhism. There are four sections or collections of suttas: long
(digha); middle (majjhima); collected (samyutta); and gradual (anguttara).

IVi]\ViV Literally, thus gone. A title for the Buddha, referring to his crossing over to
nibbana, that is, his enlightenment.
260 glossary

IkVi^hV The second of the six deva or divine/heavenly realms in Theravada cosmology.
The Buddha is reputed to have preached the Abhidhamma to his mother in Tavatimsa
I]VbbVnji C^`V^ (Pali, Dhammayutika Nikya) A Buddhist sect founded by King
Mongkut of Thailand in the nineteenth century.
I]ZgV\i]V $ I]Zg\i] Eighth and ninth books of the @]jYYV`VC^`nV (Collection
of Gradual Sayings). Poems attributed to the male and female renunciant followers of
the Buddha. Many are biographical in nature.
I^ad`Vg_V (14421487 C.E.) Ruler of Chiang Mai, the dominant Tai state in northern
Ijh^iV The fourth of the six deva or heavenly realms in Theravada cosmology.

JeV\jiiV (Sanskrit, Upagupta) An enlightened Buddhist saint with protective powers
ascribed to him because of his legendary victory over Mara. Prominent in legendary
literature (avadana) associated with the Sarvastivada tradition.
JeVhVbeVY Higher ordination; the rite of entrance into the Buddhist monkhood.
JeZ``] Equanimity; one of the sublime states of consciousness.
JedhVi]V The Buddhist sabbath day calculated according to the four phases of the moon.

KVhhV The period of the monsoon rains retreat observed by Buddhist monks; usually occurs
between July and October.
KZhhVciVgV The last incarnation of the Buddha prior to his rebirth as Siddhattha Gotama.
In the last of the 547 Pali canonical jataka stories, he personifies the virtue of generosity.
K^]gV Literally, an abode or dwelling place. Also refers to the building where monks
gather for chanting services.
K^bcVkVii]j (Stories of the Heavenly Mansions) Sixth book of the @]jYYV`VC^`nV
(Collection of Gradual Sayings) that describes the splendors of the celestial abodes
belonging to different deities obtained as a reward in previous lives.
K^cVnV The monks discipline. The K^cVnVE^V`V refers to those texts that concern the
monastic order and the rules of discipline.
K^V Consciousness; a mental quality constituent of individuality.
glossary 261

K^eVhhVc Insight meditation in contrast to trance (samatha) meditation.

K^h`] Daughter of a wealthy merchant. She is a supporter and patron of the Buddha
and the sangha. Her male counterpart is Anathapindika.
K^h`] E_ An occasion celebrating the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Bud-
dha. Usually occurs in May.

NVhdY]VgV The wife of Prince Siddhattha. Also known as Bimba.

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A ascetic (al) practices. See Y]jiVc\V

Abeysekara, Ananda, 221n1, 231n98, Ashin Silanandabivumsa, 214n18
247n124 Asoka, King, 7282, 123, 222n4, 223n3,
6W]^Y]VbbV, 13, 47, 65, 161 223n5, 223n7, 223n8
Adi-Buddha. HZZ Buddha Aung San Suu Kyi, 112 fig. 2.11, 113, 117,
Adittaraja, King, 107, 109 230n88
6\\VVHjiiV, 75, 223n6, 223n9 Aung Thaw, 228n58, 228n60
All Ceylon Buddhist Congress, 143, 184 Aung-Thwin, Michael A., 8283, 222n1,
Amarapura. HZZ monastic fraternity 224n11, 225n26, 227n53, 227n54
Ames, Michael, 216n32 Vm^hbjcY^, 91, 107, 209, 222n4
amulets, 17, 18 Ayutthaya, 93, 98, 100, 103, 225n33
Anagarika Dharmapala. HZZ Dharmapala
Ananda, 46, 131, 248n130 B
Ananda Temple, 96 fig. 2.8, 97 Ba Khin, U, 12, 162, 179180, 214n18,
Anathapindika, 10, 192 240n60
VcViiV, 2, 9, 69, 169, 214n13 Bagyidaw, King, 106
Vc^XXV, 6, 169 Bandaranaike, S. W. R. D., 110, 11618,
Andaya, Barbara Watson, 228n 67, 229n69 124, 231n94
Angkor Thom, 90 fig. 2.5, 91, 92 fig. 2.6 Bartholomeusz, Tessa, 231n93, 231n96,
Angkor Wat, 84, 85, 86, 8793, 88 fig. 2.4, 249n139
226n40 Basket of Conduct. See 8Vg^ne^V`V
Aniruddha, King, 75, 94, 102, 107, 224n11 Bayon, 87, 89, 90, 90 fig. 2.5, 9193, 92
Anuman Rajadhon, Phya, 218n59, 219n73 fig. 2.6
Apinya Fuengfusakul, 236n25, 244n91 Beal, Samuel, 224n13
VgV]Vci, 10, 38, 46, 106 Bechert, Heinz, 72, 222n1, 222n2, 231n92,
Ariyaratne, A. T., 11819, 143, 18586, 233n3
189, 247n119, 247n121. HZZVahd Sar- Bellah, Robert, 246n115
vodaya Shramadana bhikkhu, 2, 51
Arthaud, Jacques, 226n40, 227n48 bhikkhuni, 2, 51, 57, 193, 19496, 221n92
Asalha Puja, 38 bhikkhuni order, 5758, 195, 220n79

288 index

Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX), King, Metteyya/Maitreya, 46, 117, 123

12223, 153, 232n103 relics, 7, 17, 18, 22, 39, 47, 73, 77, 8182,
Bimba, 214n14. HZZVahd Yasodhara 94, 100, 102, 105, 107, 109, 224n14
Bimbisara, King, 46 Sakyamuni, 208
Bizot, Franois, 217n46 Vairocana, 209
Bodawpaya, King, 159 7jYY]V6W]^hZ`V, 30
Bodhi, Bhikkhu, 184, 246n118 7jYY]V6W]^hZ`VBV\VaVJYcV@Vi],
Bodhi tree, 7, 30, 31, 39, 45 32
WdY]^hViiV/WdY]^hViikV, 4, 7, 34, 82, 85, 97, 7jYY]VXVg^iV, 219n70
105, 208, 210 Buddhadasa, Bhikkhu, 16672, 168 fig.
Boisselier, Jean, 228n62 3.8, 188, 241n76, 242n77, 242n78,
Bond, George D., 143, 166, 213n10, 221n1, 242n79, 242n80, 242n81, 242,n82,
237n30, 237n31, 241n72, 245n107, 242n83, 242n84, 243n85
247n119, 247n123, 247n124 WjYY]V"YZhV, 10506, 107, 109, 231
Book of Protection. See eVg^iiV Buddha-dhamma, 109, 132, 167, 197, 198,
Borobudur, 76, 94, 95, appendix 2, 252n10 199
boundary stones. See h^bV Buddhaghosa, 4, 73, 166
Bowie, Katherine, 235n14 Buddha image, 7, 22, 33, 39, 76, 94, 102,
Brahma, 89, 92 107, 109, 217n47
Brahmagunabhorn, Phra. HZZ Payutto, P. A. consecration, 2634, 29 fig. 1.12, 217n46
Brahmanism, 18, 39, 41, 48, 49, 60, 81, 93, Emerald, 10709, 229n81
216n40, 218n58 eye opening ritual, 30, 33, 38
WgV]bVad`V, 45, 47 Jaya Buddha Mahanatha, 93, 102
Brereton, Bonnie Pacala, 215n26 Phra Buddha Singha, 42, 102, 228n68
Briggs, Lawrence, 86, 226n36 Buddha image consecration text. See 7jY"
Brown, Peter, 215n22 Y]V6W]^hZ`V
Brown, W. Norman, 77, 224n17 WjYY]VgV_V, 8687, 93
Bucknell, Roderick S., 233n117, 251n5 cult of, 89, 97
Buddha 7jYY]VkVhV, 223n6
Adi-, 209 Buddhas First Discourse, 38, 229n75. See
amulets, 17, 18 also 9]VbbVXV``VeeVkViiVcVHjiiV
footprints, 102, 109 Buddhas First Enlightenment text. See
Gotama, 223n6 EVi]dbhdbe]di@Vi]V
index 289

Buddhas Great Decease text. See Chan Kusalo, Luang Pu, 147, 15053, 151
BV]eVg^c^WWcVHjiiV fig. 3.5, 236n25, 238n44, 239n46
Buddhism in North America, 130 Chappell, David W., 247n125
in the United States, 250n149 Cha Subhaddo, Achan, 166, 167, 200
Buddhist modernism, 19798 Chatsumarn Kabilsingh, 172, 195, 196,
Buddhist Publication Society, 161, 184 221n92, 244n89, 249n139, 249n140,
Buddhist socialism, 11011, 11617, 123 249n141
Bumphen Rawin, 219n70 X]ZY^, 81, 83 fig. 2.3, 126#See also XZi^nV
Wjcc^ndb, 176, 176 fig. 3.11, 177 Chiang Mai, 4243, 67, 73, 75, 82, 93, 108,
Buruma, Ian, 236n24 122, 157, 223n3
Butwell, Richard, 230n85 Chiang Rai, 122
Chulalongkorn (Rama V), King, 120, 121
C 22, 121 fig. 2.14
Cabezn, Jos Ignacio, 221n91, 248n132 city pillar. HZZ Indakhin
Cadge, Wendy, 250n151 Clark, Joyce, 226n40
8V``VkVii^H]VcYVHjiiV, 75 Coe, Michael D., 226n40
XV``VkVii^c, 72, 82, 83, 94, 97, 100, 101, Coeds, George, 85, 86, 92, 103, 225n28,
102, 105, 107, 108, 111, 229n75 226n35, 226n40, 226n42, 227n45,
Callahan, M. P., 230n88 227n49, 227n50, 227n51, 227n52,
calling the spirits, 22, 60, 61, 62. See also 228n62, 229n73, 251n1
g^V``]lVc Cohen, Joan L., 226n40, 227n48
Candland, Christopher, 231n97 Collins, Steven, 104, 212n5, 213n7,
8Vg^ne^V`V, 4, 1617, 216n28 213n11, 214n13, 223n9, 229n74,
Carrithers, Michael, 16566, 214n19, 229n75
241n70 Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK),
Celebrated Chronicle, 106 129
XZi^nV, 7, 17, 22, 42, 44 fig. 1.16, 49, 100, Cone, Margaret, 213n11
102, 105, 107, 114. HZZVahd stupa Coomaraswamy, A. K., 33, 87, 218n55,
Chakri Dynasty, 107, 108, 122 226n41, 227n48, 228n58
Chamberlain, James R., 228n62, 229n70 cosmology, 85, 87, 10203
Chamlong Srimuang, 17475, 244n94 Ananda Temple, 97
Chandler, David P., 233n2 Buddhist, 66, 76, 94, 100, 101
and kingship, 81104
290 index

Three Worlds, 101 fig. 2.10. See also 9]VbbVeVYV, 16, 51, 22081
IgV^W]b^`Vi] 9]VbbVeVYV6]V`Vi], 16
Dhammapitaka, Phra. HZZ Payutto, P. A.
D Y]VbbVgV_V, 81, 82, 85, 102, 109, 110, 116,
Daen Asok, 17273. HZZVahd Santi Asok 119, 128, 232n103
Dallapiccola, Anna Libera, 224n15 Dhammayangyi Temple, 97
YVcV, 4, 7, 8, 9, 34, 45 dhammic socialism, 188
Dangers of the Palace Paritta, 131 Dharmapala, Anagarika, 117, 118, 160,
Darlington, Susan, 153, 155, 237n35, 184, 231n95
238n37, 238n44, 239n47, 239n49, Dharmasiri, Gunapala, 239n58
239n50 Y]jiVc\V, 155, 166. HZZVahd monk
YVhVgV_VY]VbbV, 73. HZZVahd ten royal 9\]VC^`nV, 69, 75, 205, 211n1
virtues 9eVkVhV, 73, 106
de Berval, Ren, 218n61 9^knkVYcV!208
Debvedi, Phra. HZZ Payutto, P. A. Doi Kham Mountain, 43, 181
De Casparis, J. G., 209, 251n1, 251n2, Yj``]V, 6, 64, 170
252n9 Dumarcay, Jacques, 251n1, 251n2, 252n9
9ZhVcBV]_i^, 3437. See also KZhhVc" Dumoulin, Heinrich, 233n3
iVgV?iV`V Dutt, Sukumar, 80, 81, 217n42, 220n80,
de Silva, Lily, 216n36 225n20, 225n22, 225n24
de Silva, Padmasiri, 198, 249n144 Dutthagamani, King, 75, 117, 118, 224n12
YZkV/YZkViV, 25, 85, 86 Dwaya, 161. HZZVahd monastic fraternity
Devadatta, 1415, 46, 215n25
Devanampiyatissa, King, 106 E
YZkVgV_V, 72, 82, 8687, 89, 9798, 122, ear-piercing ritual, 50, 57. See also h]^cWnj
222n2, 225n34 earth goddess (Nang Thorani), 45, 191
development monks. HZZ monks cole Suprieure de Pali, 124
9]VbbVXV``VeeVkViiVcVHjiiV, 2, 30, 32, Eksat Bhikkhu Peramuna, 117
37, 45, 229n75 Elara, King, 118
Dhammakaya, 138, 140. HZZVahd Tham- Eliade, Mircea, 251n5
makai, Wat Ellwood, Robert S. Jr., 235n22
Dhammananda Bhikkhuni. HZZ Chat- Emerald Buddha. See Buddha image
sumarn Kabilsingh Engaged Buddhism, 186, 189, 234n5
index 291

Essen, Juliana M., 244n92, 245n98 Gehman, H. S., 216n38, 216n39

Evans, Grant, 233n116, 233n119, 233n120 Gerini, G. E., 2118n59
F 7jgbV, 97, 106, 227n56
Faulk, Nancy Auer, 214n16 Goenka, S. N., 162, 240n60
Ferguson, John P., 239n56 Gokhale, B. G., 231n95
Festival of the Floating Boats. HZZ Loi Kra- Gombrich, Richard F., 211n1, 213n11,
thong 217n46, 218n56, 221n94, 233n3,
Fifth Buddhist Council, 161, 162 247n119, 249n139
Filliozat, Jean, 226n38 Gomez, Luis O., 251n1, 252n10
five royal insignia, 30 Gosling, Betty, 228n62, 228n63, 228n64,
forest conservation/ecology monk. See 228n66
monk Gosling, David L., 236n27, 249n137,
Foundation for Education and Devel- 249n138
opment of Rural Areas (FEDRA), Goulet, Denis, 247n119
15052 Great Chronicle. See BV]kVhV
Foundation of Mindfulness Sutta. See Greenwald, Alice, 224n12
HVi^eV]cVHjiiV Griswold, A. B., 228n62
Four Noble Truths, 1, 37, 187, 198 Groslier, Bernard, 226n40, 227n48
Freedberg, David, 217n47 Gross, Rita, 249n142
Freeman, Michael, 226n40 guardian deities, 33, 43, 85, 94, 98, 108
Fuang Jotiko, Achan, 200
funerals, 6470 H
Future Dangers Sutta, 131 Hallisey, Charles, 245n100, 249n143
Hamsavati, 85. HZZVahd Pegu
G Handley, Paul, 232n103
Gabaude, Louis, 213n11, 218n67, 242n78 Haripujaya, 49, 107. HZZVahd Wat Phra
galatic polity, 76, 85, 93, 225n29 That Hariphunchai
Gambhiresvara, 89 Harris, Ian, 221n1, 232n104, 232n105,
Gandamadana, Mount, 97 232n107, 232n108, 232n109,
<VY]Vkn]V, 208 233n111, 233n113, 233n114
Ganges River, 49 heaven, 47
Geertz, Clifford, 212n1 Heikkil-Horn, Marja-Leena, 244n92
292 index

Heim, Maria, 216n37 International Network of Engaged Bud-

Heine-Geldern, Robert von, 84, 85, dhists, 186, 189
225n27, 226n37 Irwin, John, 7677, 81, 222n4, 224n17,
hell, 15, 20 fig. 1.9, 21, 35, 47, 101 224n18
Henry, Patrick, 211n3 Ishii, Yoneo, 221n1, 232n99, 232n100
Higgins, Andrew, 234n11 Island Chronicle. See 9eVkVhV
Higham, Charles, 84, 225n29, 226n40 Ito, Tomoi, 242n78
Hinayana Buddhism, 227n53
Hinduism, 18, 33, 77, 86, 87, 89, 90. HZZ J
Vahd Shiva, Vishnu Jackson, Peter A., 171, 229n72, 232n101,
HIV/AIDS programs, 145, 157, 158 234n10, 235n21, 237n34, 241n76,
Hocart, A. M., 76, 224n16 243n87
Holt, John, 216n33 Jacobson, Nolan P., 249n145
Horner, I. B., 2113n8, 216n28 Jaini, Padmanabh S., 213n8
Hoskin, John, 218n64, 218n65, 218n66 Jambudipa, 82
Houtman, Gustaaf, 214n18, 230n88, _ViV`V, 4, 7, 3437, 95, 213n8
240n60 plaques, 94
Hsan-tsang, 224n13 ?iV`Vba, 208
Htun Hmat Win, Sao, 231n90 Jathika Hela Urumaya, 134
Jaya Buddha Mahanatha, 93, 102. HZZVahd
I Buddha image
interdependent co-arising. See eVi^XXV" Jayatilaka, D. D., 184
hVbjeeVYV Jayavarman II, King, 87, 90, 93
^YVeeVXXVnViV!6 Jayavarman VII, King, 89, 92 fig. 2.6, 93,
Indakhin. See >cYgV"`^aV 98, 102, 103, 123
Indra/Inda, 9, 18, 41, 42, 45, 77, 82, 85, Jayatilleke, K. N., 198, 239n58
100, 101, 108. HZZVahd Sakka Jayawardena, J. R., 118
>cYgV"`^aV, 42, 77, 108 Jayawickrama, N. A., 217n51
insight meditation. HZZ meditation _]VcV, 18
Insight Meditation Society, 199 Jordt, Ingrid, 221n91, 241n71, 245n103,
International Meditation Center 249n139
(Myanmar), 179 Juergensmeyer, Mark, 231n97
index 293

K Khun Yai, Achan Chanda, 139

Kalman, Bila, 226n40, 227n48 King, Sallie B., 247n125
Kalupahana, David J., 198, 216n36, King, Winston L., 179, 212n4, 245n102,
242n79, 249n144, 250n146 245n104, 245n105, 245n106
Kalupahana, Indrani, 250n146 Kingshill, Konrad, 221n99, 221n101,
Kamala, King, 49 221n104
Kamala Tiyavanich, 215n20, 241n74, Kirsch, Thomas, 192, 193, 248n133
241n76 Kitthiwuttho, Bhikkhu, 13538, 169,
kamma/karma, 2, 4, 9, 19, 37 235n15, 235n16, 235n19, 235n20
`VbbVgV_V, 82, 83 Klima, Alan, 235n12
Kanoksak Kaewthep, 244n92, 244n93 Kor Khao-suan-luang, Tan Acharn, 13,
Kantowsky, Detlef, 247n119 215n24
Kapilavatthu, 46 Kornfeld, Jack, 241n76
@VgVnVbZiiHjiiV, 29 `gVi]dc\, 4850, 219n72
`VgjcV, 4, 183 Ku Daeng, 6769
Kataragama, 18 Kuena, King, 81
`Vi]^cV, 2226, 24 fig. 1.10, 33, 47, 139, Kulke, Hermann, 225n34, 226n38, 226n39
217n41 Kuthodaw Pagoda, 161
`Vi]^cV robes, 23, 24, 26, 162 Kyanzittha, King, 73, 81, 94, 95, 97, 98,
Kee, Nanayon, Upasika. HZZ Kor Khao- 103
Kempers, A. J. Bernet, 209 fig. A.1 L
Keown, Damien, 212n4 AVa^iVk^hiVgV, 208, 219n70
Keyes, Charles F., 133, 192, 193, 219n77, Lan Chang (Luang Prabang), 93
220n85, 220n87, 222n1, 228n61, Ledi Sayadaw, 162, 179, 240n59
232n99, 232n101, 232n102, 233n112, Lee Dhammadharo, 166, 241n35. HZZVahd
234n8, 235n13, 235n17, 235n18, Achan Li
237n34, 240n62, 240n65, 244n95, LeMay, Reginald, 228n58, 251n6
245n97, 248n135 Li, Achan, 166, 167. HZZVahd Lee Dham-
Khin Thitsa, 192, 193, 248n134 madharo
Khmer, Rouge, 12425 Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE),
Khun Parisuttho, Luang Pho, 14647, 119, 135
237n34 Ling, Trevor, 222n1
294 index

Lions Roar on the Turning of the Wheel. Mahamakut Buddhist University, 164, 193
See 8V``VkVii^H]VcYVHjiiV Mahamaya, 44
Lithai (Mahadhammaraja I), King, 100, Mahanikai/Mahanikay, 124, 134, 162, 173,
10203 234n10
Locard, Henri, 124, 233n110 BV]eVg^c^WWcVHjiiV, 77, 81, 105,
Loethai (Dhammaraja), King, 98 224n14
Loi Krathong, 4850, 219n72 bV]Vejg^hV, 44, 105
ad`VeVaV, 85 bV]VhVbbViV, 75, 82
Lokeshvara, 86, 89, 92 Mahasi Sayadaw, 12, 166, 177, 179, 181,
ad`^nV/ad`jiiVgV, 105, 109, 145, 170 214n18, 245n103, 246n10
Long Discourses of the Buddha. See 9\]V Mahathammakai Chedi, 139, 140 fig. 3.2
C^`nV BV]kV\\V, 23
Loti, Pierre, 91, 92 BV]kVhV, 73, 75, 106, 118
Lovin, Robin, 215n27 Mahavihara monastic lineage, 23, 28
Luce, Gordon H., 227n54, 227n56, MahavijayaPagoda, 11314, 114 fig. 2.12
229n76, 229n77 Mahayana Buddhism, 87, 89, 90, 208
Mahinda, 106
M Maitreya.HZZ Buddha
Mabbett, I. W., 226n38 BV__]^bVC^`nV, 130
Mackenzie, Rory, 235n22, 244n91 Makransky, John, 250n147
Macy, Joanna Rogers, 247n119, 247n120, Malagoda, Kitsiri, 239n55
247n122 Malai, Phra, 14 fig. 1.6, 15, 16, 20 fig. 1.9,
Maddi, 8 fig. 1.4, 9 21, 36
bVZX]^, 31, 182, 19395, 194 fig. 3.15 Manansilapatra, 98, 228n63
Magha Puja, 38, 38 fig. 1.14 Man (Mun) Bhuridatta, Achan, 12, 166,
Mahabodhi Society, 184 167, 177, 241n73, 241n74, 246n110
Mahabua (Boowa) anasampanno, Achan, bVcYVaV, 75, 84, 85, 90, 93, 208, 225n29
12, 166, 215n20, 241n73 bVc\VaV, 61
Mahachai Aphakaro, Phra, 144, 237n32, BV\VaVHjiiV, 6061, 221n95
237n33 Mani Phayomyong, 221n96
Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University, Mannikka, Eleanor, 225n34, 226n40
133 fig. 3.1, 164, 165 Mano Mettanando Laohavanich, 141,
Mahakassapa, 47 236n26
index 295

BVcjVad[7jYY]^hi8]VcihVcYDgY^cV" Metta Forest Monastery, 167, 199

i^dcEgdXZYjgZh, 217n44 BZiiHjiiV, 60
Mara, 1, 7, 45, 49, 56, 137, 191 Metteyya. HZZ Buddha
Maraldo, John, 233n3 Middle Length Sayings of the Buddha. See
bVgVk^_VnV, 1 BV__]^bVC^`nV
Matthews, Bruce, 230n88 Miksic, John N., 251n1
McCargo, Duncan J., 244n94 Milinda (Menander), King, 107
McGill, Forrest, 213n11 mimesis, 8385, 87, 93, 94, 104
meditation, 12, 13, 177, 17883 Mindon, King, 161, 162, 179
and HIV/AIDS treatment, 182, 246n113 Ministry of Religion and Cults, 125, 126
Mahasi Sayadaw method, 181, 246n110 Moertono, R., 85
k^__V"Y]VbbV`VnV, 139 Moggallana, 46, 47
k^eVhhVcV, 12, 14, 161, 162, 164, 178, Mon, 85, 94, 107, 111, 227n53
179, 18183, 197, 199, 200, 246n110, Mon paradigm, 227n53
246n113 monastic fraternity
meditation centers, 180, 181 Amarapura, 159
International Meditation Center, 179 Dwaya, 161
Insight Meditation Center, 19899 Mahanikai, 162
Northern Insight Meditation Center, Ramaa, 159, 160, 177
18082 Shwegyin, 161, 239n57
k^eVhhVcVcenters, 179, 19899 Thammayut, 162
Wat Thammakai (Dhammakaya), 180, Thudhamma, 161
181 monastic universities
meditation teachers Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University
Ledi Sayadaw, 178 164, 165
Mahasi Sayadaw, 178, 179, 181 Mahamakut Buddhist University, 158,
U Ba Khin, 178, 179, 180 164
Mendelson, E. Michael, 161, 227n55, Vidyalankara monastic college, 164
237n28, 239n56, 239n57 Vidyodaya monastic college, 164
merit/merit making, 19, 21, 25, 31, 33, 34, Mongkut (Rama IV ), King, 102, 162,
37, 47, 50, 5354, 105, 150 163
Meru, Mount, 47, 85, 86, 89, 91, 94, 100 monk. HZZVahd ordination
bZiiV, 6, 51 development monk, 147153, 158
296 index

Y]jiVc\V(ascetic), 155, 16667 nirvana, 10, 80. HZZVahd nibbana

forest conservation/ecology monk, 147, Noble Eightfold Path, 1, 2, 37, 185
15359, 239n56, 241n70, 244n90 nonattachment, 168, 170
Morgan, F. Bruce, 236n27, 237n32 Norman, K. R., 211n1, 214n17
Mucalinda, 45 Norodom, King, 123
Muecke, Marjorie, 248n134 Northern Development Monks Network,
Murcott, Susan, 214n17 157
Mus, Paul, 76, 84, 85, 92, 93, 20809, Northern Insight Meditation Center, 180
224n15, 224n16, 225n30, 251n7 fig. 3.12, 18182
not-self, 2, 9, 69, 169. See also VcViiV
N Nu, U, 11013, 117, 124, 143, 166, 178,
Naeb, Achan, 13 179
cV\V, 16, 42, 49 number 108, 63, 67, 102, 221n97
Nan, Luang Pho, 147, 150, 153, 238n42 number 84,000, 49, 77, 81, 224n19
anamoli, Bhikkhu, 161, 211n1 Numrich, Paul David, 250n151
Nang Thorani, 45. HZZVahd earth goddess Nyanamoli, Thera. HZZ anamoli, Bhikkhu
Narada Thera, 164, 217n54 Nyanaponika Thera, 160 fig. 3.7, 161, 184,
cVi, 18, 82, 94 246n118
National Heritage Party. HZZ Jathika Hela Nyanatiloka Thera, 160, 246n118
Nattier, Jan, 250n149 O
Ne Win, General, 110, 111, 112, 11314, Obeyesekere, Gananath, 216n33, 218n56,
230n88 221n94, 247n119, 249n139
New Year festival, 3943 Obeyesekere, Ranjini, 214n14
China, 4041 Ohnuma, Reiko, 216n37
Laos, 42 Olcott, Henry Steele, 159
Myanmar, 39, 4041, 42 ordination, 50, 5158, 220n80
Thailand, 42, 43 and Buddha story, 5556
Nhat Hanh, Thich, 190, 234n5, 242n84 female, 5658
nibbana, 6, 9, 14, 31, 61, 66, 75, 170, 177, male, 5256
185, 198 motives for, 5254
C^YcV`Vi], 219n70 ritual, 220n80, 220n89
c^gVnV, 21. HZZVahd hell
index 297

ordination of trees, 153, 154 fig. 3.6, 155, Payutto, P. A., 164, 165, 175, 177, 235n8,
238n37, 239n47 236n24, 236n26, 240n67, 241n68,
Ortner, Jon, 226n40 241n69, 243n88, 245n96, 245n101
Oslo Agreement, 119 Pegu, 49, 85, 93, 107. HZZVahd Hamsavati
Pe Maung Tin, 227n56, 229n76, 229n77
P Peoples Power Party, 123
Pagan, 73, 75, 81, 84, 85, 9398, 95 fig. 2.7, Peoples Republic of Kampuchea (PRK),
96 fig. 2.8, 227n54, 239n47 130
Paisal Sricharatchanya, 236n24 eZiVad`V, 47. HZZVahd hell
Pali canon, 211n1, 212n5 eZiV$eZi^, 2122
eVXVh^aV, 28 EZiVkVii]j, 21
EVVhV?iV`V (Fifty Jatakas), 213n8 Phaisan Visalo, Phra, 172
eVgV_^`V, 146, 157 Phaithoon Dokbuakaew, 223n6
Parakrama Bahu I (King), 117 Phalang Tham Party, 174, 175
Paramanuchit-chinorot, Kromsomdet Phra, Phayom Kalayano, Phra, 172, 243n88
219n70 e]^, 18
EVgVbVii]V9eVc, 162 Phimontham, Phra, 120, 134, 234n10
eVgVb^$eVgVb^iV, 4 Phiphat Khanaphiban (Achan Thong),
eVg^c^WWVcV, 46 fig. 1.17, 47 Phrakhru, 181, 182
eVg^iiV, 18, 2830, 50, 60, 61, 63, 131, Phitak Nantakhun, Phrakhru, 147, 154, 155
216n36 Phongsak Techathammamo, Achan,
eVg^iiV texts 15557, 239n51
6\ja^baVEVg^iiV, 29 Phothirak, Phra, 17273, 175, 236n25,
@VgVnVbZiiHjiiV, 29 244n91
EV]VbVhVbWdY]^, 37, 43, 48, 219n70 E]gVX]VdA^VeAd`, 107
EVi]dbhdbe]di@Vi]V, 219n70 Phra Malai. HZZ Malai, Phra
EVi]dbhdbe]diHVbcjVcAVccV, Phra Singha Buddha image, 42. HZZVahd
219n70 Buddha image
Pathet Lao, 12627, 130 e^cYVeViV, 19, 19 fig. 1.8
eVi^XXV"hVbjeeVYV, 31, 45, 169 Pithaya Wongkun, 237n35, 238n42,
eVi^bd``]V, 23, 38, 127 238n43
patronage, 72, 76, 78, 107 Piyadassi, Thera, 2829, 217n48, 217n49,
217n50, 221n95
298 index

Plaek Santhirak, 219n70 Rama IV, King, 124, 162. HZZVahd Mong-
Poems of the Nuns. See I]Zg\i] kut, King
political legitimation, 72 Rama V, King, 12021, 121 fig. 2.14, 122,
Polonnaruva, 75 163. HZZVahd Chulalongkorn, King
Pol Pot (Saloth Sar), 124, 129, 130, 134 Rama IX, King, 123, 232n103. HZZVahd
Popa, Mount, 94, 227n55 Bhumibol Adulydej, King
Prachak Kuttachitto, Phra, 147, 153, 154, Ramaa. HZZ monastic fraternity
157 Ramkhamhaeng, King, 98, 100, 102,
Praves Wasi, Dr., 172, 244n89 228n63
Prebish, Charles S., 250n149 Rattanapaa Thera, 229n78
precepts relics. HZZVahd Buddha relics
five, 15, 25, 60, 107, 182 cult of, 77, 105, 224n14
ten, 56 84,000 sites, 77, 81, 224n19
Premadasa, Ranasingha, 118, 186, 231n98 of monks, 13, 18
Project for Encouraging the Participation stupa as, 77
of Monks in Community Develop- Reynolds, Frank E., 215n27, 223n10,
ment, 144, 145 228n62, 228n65, 229n80
protection hjiiV. See eVg^iiV Reynolds, Mani B., 228n62, 228n65
ejV, 2, 19, 37 Rhys Davids, Caroline, 197, 214n17
Pyu, 94 Rhys Davids, T. W., 197, 223n8
g^V``]lVc, 22, 5455, 59 fig. 1.20, 60, 62
Q and ordination 5455
Queen, Christopher S., 248n125, 250n149 ritual, 55
at weddings, 60
R ritual action, 17, 19, 22
Rahula, Walpola, 164, 198 Robinson, Richard H., 250n150
rains retreat, 2226, 24 fig. 1.10, 139. See Rowland, Benjamin, 224n19
also `Vi]^cV
gV_VY]VbbV, 72 S
Rajagaha, 46 sacred thread, 27, 30
Rajapakse, Mahinda, 119 Saddhatissa, Hammalawa, 216n36
Rajavaramuni, Phra. HZZ Payutto, P. A. hV^h^XVcV. HZZsacred thread
Rama I, King, 103
index 299

Sakhon Sangworakit, Phrakhru, 14750, hVi^, 136, 183

148 fig. 3.4, 153 HVi^eV]cV HjiiV, 161, 181
Sakka, 18, 41, 82, 85, 108. HZZVahd Indra Schechter, Jerrold, 234n6
Sakula, 10 Scott, Miriam McNair, 99 fig. 2.9, 228n62
Sakyadhita, 196, 197 fig. 3.16 Scott, Sir James George. HZZShway Yoe
Saloth Sar. HZZ Pol Pot HZ``]^nY]VbbV, 248n127
Sama, 4 Seneviratne, H. L., 222n1, 231n95, 239n54,
hVbVY]^, 1, 5, 136 240n66
hVbhVgV, 2, 4, 37, 75, 80, 171 Seri Phongphit, 238n37, 238n38, 238n39,
Saci, 78, 79 fig. 2.2, 80 238n 40, 238n41, 238n42
sand mountain, 42, 44 fig. 1.16, 218n67 Sharrock, Peter, 227n46
Sangha Administration Act of 1902, 163 H]ZV[d[<VgaVcYhd[i]Z:edX]hd[i]Z8dc"
Sangha Metta Project, 158 fjZgdgh, 106, 229n78
hVc\`]dbc^ndb, 169 h]^cWnj, 5658, 57 fig. 1.19
Sanitsuda Ekachai, 175, 213n11, 236n25, Shiva, 86, 87, 89, 92
243n88, 245n97, 248n130 Shway Yoe, 31, 59, 217n52, 218n62,
Sansansee Sathirasut, bVZX]^, 19394, 194 221n93, 221n98
fig. 3.15 Shwedagon Pagoda, 114, 116
Santi Asok, 135, 17277, 173 fig. 3.9, Shwegyin. HZZ monastic fraternity
174 fig. 3.10, 176 fig. 3.11, 235n22, Shwezigon, 81, 9397, 95 fig. 2.7, 96 fig.
244n90, 244n92 2.8, 227n56
Santi Pracha Dhamma Institute, 187, 188 Shorto, H. L. 85
Santisuk Sobhanasiri, 243n85 Siddhattha, Prince, 5, 6 fig. 1.3, 9, 10, 30,
Sao Kantasilo, Achan, 166 31, 34, 43, 44, 45, 54 fig. 1.18, 55,
Sa Pussadeva, Somdet Phrasangharaja, 7172, 105, 191,198
219n70 Siddhattha Gotama, 5, 6 fig. 1.3, 7, 9, 31,
Sariputta, 21, 46, 47 37, 48
Sarkisyanz, Manuel, 221n1, 230n83 Sigalaka, 16
Sarit Thanarat, 120 H^\aV`VHjiiV, 16, 74, 205, appendix 1
Sarvodaya Shramadana, 119, 143, 144, Sihanouk, Norodom, 124, 130
18486, 187 fig. 3.13, 247n119. HZZ Si Indradit, King, 98
Vahd A. T. Ariyaratne h^aV, 4, 16, 136, 137, 185
Sasana Sevaka Society, 184 h^bV, 55, 162
300 index

Sim Buddhacaro, Luang Pu, 166 State Peace and Development Council
Sineru, Mount, 47. HZZVahd Meru, (SPDC), 113
Mount Steinberg, David Joel, 230n88, 233n1
Singkha Wannasi, 59 fig. 1.20, 61 fig. 1.21, Stories of the Departed Ghosts. See EZiV"
219n75 kVii]j
Sinhala National Heritage Party, 117 Stories of the Heavenly Mansions. See
Siri Krinchai, Khun Mae Dr., 181, 245n108 K^bcVkVii]j
Si Satchanalai, 98 Strachan, Paul, 9495, 228n54, 228n57,
Si Satha, Somdet Phra Mahathera, 100 228n59
Sivi, 9, 34 Stratton, Carol, 99 fig. 2.9, 228n62,
Siwichai, Khruba, 120, 163 228n68
Sizemore, Russell, 213n6, 214n16, 233n4 Strong, John S., 219n74, 223n5, 227n53
Smith, Bardwell L., 221n1, 223n10, 234n6 Stuart-Fox, Martin, 233n115, 233n117,
Smith, Donald E., 11112, 230n86 233n118, 233n121, 251n5
Snellgrove, David, 224n14 stupa, 7677, 81, 100, 213n9, 224n14,
Snodgrass, Adrian, 76, 224n15 224n15, 251n5. See also XZi^nV
Soekmono, R., 20910, 251n1, 252n9 Borobudur, 95, appendix 2
Soma Thera, 161 cult of, 77
Somboon Suksamran, 147, 158, 232n99, as Y]Vbb^`VY]VbbVgV_V, 81
234n10, 235n13, 237n35, 237n36, as microcosm, 78 fig. 2.1
238n37 Pagan, 81, 94, 95 fig. 2.7
Sommai Premchit, 223n6, 229n79 Saci, 78, 79 fig. 2.2, 80
Songkran, 3943 symbolism of, 80, 224n15
Sot, Luang Pho, 139 Suan Mokkh. HZZ Wat Suan Mokkha-
spirit-calling ritual. See g^V``]lVc balarama
Spiro, Melford, 17, 40, 52, 212n4, 216n29, Suchinda Kraprayoon, General, 175
216n30, 216n34, 217n45, 218n63, Suchira Payulpitack, 171, 239n51, 239n52,
220n82 242n78, 243n86
Sponberg, Alan, 191, 214n15, 220n90, Suddhodana, King, 44, 46
248n131 hjZeX]ViV, 61 fig. 1.21, 6263
State Law and Order Restoration Council sufficiency economy, 153
(SLORC), 113, 230n88 Sujata, 31, 45, 191
index 301

Sukhothai, 84, 85, 93, 99 fig. 2.9, 98100, IVbcVcBjaVhVhVcVLViHjVc9d`,

102, 103, 122, 228n62 223n6
Sulak Sivaraksa, 172, 18690, 188 fig. 3.14, Tanabe, Shigeharu, 232n102
236n24, 244n89, 247n125, 248n126, Tanaka, Kenneth K., 250n149
248n128, 248n129 Tantrayana Buddhism, 89, 208
Sule Pagoda, 116 Tattachiwo/Dattajivo, 138
Sumedho, Achan, 167, 199, 250n148 Tavatimsa Heaven, 41, 47, 82, 85, 100
hjViV, 169, 170 Taylor, James L., 12, 215n20, 215n21,
Supot Suvacana, Phra, 157 235n21, 238n37, 239n56, 244n91,
Suryavarman I, King, 87 246n115
Suryavarman II, King, 89, 90 Taylor, Robert H., 230n88
Suthep Mountain, 82, 83 fig. 2.3, 155 ten precepts. HZZ precepts
Suwanna Satha-Anand, 235n21, 236n23, ten royal virtues, 73, 82, 105, 222n3
242n77 Thagya Min, 41
Suzuki, D. T., 198, 199 Thaksin Shinawatra, 122, 135, 141, 190
Swearer, Donald K., 211n1, 211n3, 213n6, Thamkrabok Center, 157, 158
214n14, 214n16, 217n46, 219n71, Thammacharik Program, 12021
220n86, 223n6, 229n79, 230n84, Thammachayo/Dhammajayo, 138, 141
231n97, 232n99, 233n4, 234n7, Thammakai, Wat, 13841, 140 fig. 3.2, 181,
235n21, 237n29, 242n84, 244n90, 235n22, 236n24, 236n25
246n117, 248n128 Thammakai movement, 244n91
Thammathut Program, 12021
T Thammayut, 120, 150, 162, 166, 172, 173,
Tambiah, Stanley J., 51, 84, 85, 163, 213n10, 200, 234n10
215n20, 215n22, 216n31, 216n35, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, 167, 199200, 201 fig.
217n43, 218n57, 218n59, 218n61, 3.17, 218n67, 223n7, 233n4, 236n25,
219n69, 219n78, 221n98, 221n103, 240n63, 241n74, 250n148, 250n150
222n1, 223n9, 225n25, 225n29, Than Tun, 239n57
225n31, 225n32, 225n33, 228n62, That Luang, 126
228n68, 230n82, 231n97, 239n56, Thepkavi Kusalo. HZZ Chan Kusalo, Luang Pu
240n61, 240n63, 241n73, 247n119 I]Zg\i], 10, 57
Tamil Eelam. HZZ Liberation Tigers of Thich Nhat Hanh. HZZ Nhat Hanh, Thich
Tamil Eelam i]^aVh]^c, 57-58, 193
302 index

I]^GVajZ`,&E^E]gVI]Ze`Vk^, 238n44 Vajiraanavarorasa. HZZ Wachirayan

Third Buddhist Council, 74 Vajiravudh, King, 120
Thomas, Edward J., 215n25 Vajrayana Buddhism, 89, 191
Thommakay, 124 Van Esterick, John, 215n23
Thommayut, 124. HZZVahd Thammayut Van Esterick, Penny, 193, 249n136,
Thong, Achan, 181. HZZ Vahd Phiphat 250n151
Khanaphiban, Phrakhru Veluvana Monastery, 38
Thorani. HZZ Nang Thorani Vessantara, Prince, 7, 8 fig. 1.4, 89, 15,
Three Gems, 25, 28, 36, 38, 56, 60, 66, 107 3437, 35 fig. 1.113, 213n11, 214n12
Three Refugees. HZZ Three Gems KZhhVciVgV?iV`V, 22, 3437, 35 fig. 1.13,
Three Worlds. See IgV^W]b^`Vi] 48, 50, 213n11
Thudhamma. HZZ monastic fraternity Vickery, Michael, 229n71
i]jcc^ndb, 176, 176 fig. 3.11 Vidyalankara, 164
Tilokaraja, King, 73, 75, 76, 108 Vidyodaya, 164
Tin Maung Maung Than, 230n87, 230,89 Vientiane, 126, 135
Tipawadee Amawattana, 246n113, Vietnam War, 110, 233n1, 234n5, 234n6
246n114 Village Scouts, 136, 235n14
IgV^W]b^`Vi], 100, 101 fig. 2.10, 102, K^bcVkVii]j, 21
103, 229n72 k^cVnV, 138, 161, 162, 166, 175
Tusita Heaven, 44 k^VcV, 69
Tweed, Thomas, 250n149 k^eVhhVcV. HZZ meditation
two wheels of dhamma, 105, 229n75 K^eVhhVc9eVc, 162
Visakha, 10, 191
U Visakha Puja, 18, 3839, 4348
Upagutta/Upagupta, 49, 227n53 Vishnu, 18, 86, 87, 90, 91, 97
Upasika Kee Nanayon. HZZ Kor Khao-suan- K^hjYY]^bV\\V, 166
luang Vorami Kabilsingh, 195, 249n140
jeZ``]V, 4, 183 votive tablets, 76, 94
jedhVi]V, 22
Uruvela, 46 W
Wachirayan, 163, 165, 220n89
V Wales, H. G. Quartich, 89, 226n43,
Vairocana. HZZ Buddha 226n44, 251n1, 251n8
index 303

Walshe, Maurice, 211n1 Suan Dok, Wat, 133 fig. 3.1, 223n3
Walton, Geoffrey, 218n64, 218n65, Suan Mokkhbalarama, Wat, 167, 168
218n66 Thammakai, Wat, 13841, 140, 141 fig.
Warren, Henry C., 220n80, 220n89 3.2, 181, 235n22
lVi (temple-monastery), 3 That Chom Doi, Wat, 46 fig. 1.17
Asokaram, Wat, 172 That Luang, Wat, 126, 135
Bo Kut, Wat, 44 fig. 1.16 Vajirarama Monastery, 164
Boworniwes, Wat, 162, 193, 195 Yang Khuang, Wat, 54 fig. 1.18
Chedi Luang, Wat, 42, 150, 151 fig. 3.5 Yokkrabat, Wat, 14749
Chetuphon, Wat, 26 fig. 1.11, 40 fig. Water Festival, 3943
1.15 in China, 4041
Doi Keong, Wat, 246n113 in Laos, 40, 42
Kukut, Wat, 5 fig. 1.1 in Myanmar, 4042
Luang, Wat, 8 fig. 1.4, 35 fig. 1.13 in Thailand, 39, 4243
Mahathat, Wat, 99 fig. 2.9, 100, 134, 172 Weber, Max, 1, 71, 176
Metta Forest Monastery, 167, 199, 200 Welbon, Guy Richard, 249n143
Mueang Mang, Wat, 181 Wells, Kenneth E., 219n74, 219n76,
Pa Dara Phirom, Wat, 152 220n88, 221n100
Paknam Phasi Charoen, Wat, 138, 193 Wijayaratna, Mohan, 220n80
Pha Lat, Wat, 155, 156 Williams, Duncan Ryken, 250n149
Phra Kaeo, Wat, 126 Wirot Siriat, 243n85
Phra That Doi Suthep, 6 fig. 1.3, 82, 83 Wolters, Oliver W., 225n29
fig. 2.3 women and Buddhism, 5758, 19096,
Phra That Doi Tung, Wat, 8 fig. 1.14 220n90, 221n91, 248n130, 248n131,
Phra That Hariphunchai, Wat, 5 fig. 1.2, 248n132, 248n133, 248n134,
14 fig. 1.6, 20 fig. 1.9 248n135, 249n136, 249n137,
Phra That Pha Ngao, Wat, 11 fig. 1.5 249n138, 248n139, 248n140,
Rampoeng, Wat, 180 fig. 3.12, 18182, 249n141, 249n142
246n109 Woodward, Hiram W. Jr., 228n63, 251n1,
Samakkhi, Wat, 150 252n10
San Pa Yang, Wat, 29 fig. 1.12 World Pillar. See >cYgV"`^aV
Songdhammakalyani, Wat, 195 Wyatt, David K., 220n83
304 index

Xangzang. HZZ Hsan-tsang

Yantra Amaro, Phra, 138, 146, 172, 243n88
NVhdYVgVkViV, 10, 214n14
Yasodhara, 10, 44, 46, 214n14
nd\^, 180 fig. 3.12, 182
Young Mens Buddhist Association of
Colombo, 184

Zago, Marcel, 216n35
Zehner, Edwin, 235n21
Zimmer, Heinrich, 8081, 225n21,
225n23, 227n47, 251n1

An unparalleled portrait, Donald K. Swearers The Buddhist World of

Southeast Asia has been a key source for all those interested in the
Theravada homelands since the works publication in 1995. Expanded
and updated, the second edition offers this wide-ranging account for
readers at the beginning of the twenty-rst century.
Swearer shows Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia to be a
dynamic, complex system of thought and practice embedded in the
cultures, societies, and histories of Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), Laos,
Cambodia, and Sri Lanka. The work focuses on three distinct yet
interrelated aspects of this milieu. The rst is the popular tradition
of life models personied in myths and legends, rites of passage,
festival celebrations, and ritual occasions. The second deals with Buddhism
and the state, illustrating how King Asoka serves as the paradigmatic
Buddhist monarch, discussing the relationship of cosmology and
kingship, and detailing the rise of charismatic Buddhist political leaders
in the postcolonial period. The third is the modern transformation of
Buddhism: the changing roles of monks and laity, modern reform move-
ments, the role of women, and Buddhism in the West.


There are many books by notable authorities on the Buddhist world

of Southeast Asia. However, these are almost always focused on just one
country or culture, while the Swearer book embraces the whole region.
I know of no other text in the English language that sets down such a
good descriptive analysis of contemporary Theravada practices.
Bruce Matthews, Professor Emeritus of Comparative Religion, Acadia University

Donald K. Swearer is Distinguished Visiting Professor of Buddhist

Studies and Director of the Center for the Study of World Religions at
the Harvard Divinity School. He is the author or editor of several books,
including Becoming the Buddha: The Ritual of Image Consecration in Thailand.

A volume in the SUNY

series in Religious Studies
Harold Coward, editor

State University of
New York Press

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