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Scheme of Marking for 014 2016 Format

Scheme of Marking for 014

Section Award 2 marks for each correct answer with NO error.
A Award 1 mark for each correct answer with spelling or punctuation errors.
(10 marks) No mark for distorted or unclear meaning answer.
Section Award 1 mark for each correct answer with NO spelling or punctuation errors.
B (i) No mark for answer with errors and distorted or unclear meaning.
(3 marks)
Section Super EX Band Excellent Band Good Band Satisfactory Weak Band
B (ii) Band
(12 marks) (11 & 12) (8, 9 & 10) (5, 6 & 7) (3 & 4) (0, 1 & 2)
C (23 25) (18 22) (12 17) (5 11) (0 4)
(25 marks)

- All ideas are very - Most ideas are well- - Some ideas are - Ideas are in - Most ideas are in
relevant and well- organized and relevant relevant and paragraph(s). chunks and almost
organized in well-plotted in sequenced organized in disorganized.
paragraphs. paragraphs. paragraph(s).

- Very excellent and - Excellent use of the - Proficient use of the - Use of language is - Poor use of language
proficient use of the language throughout language with some just sufficient with with too many
language throughout with a few errors in errors in both frequent errors in multiple errors in
with hardly any error in grammar and grammar and grammar and grammar in
grammar and structure. structures. structures. structures. structures.

- Almost perfect in - A few errors in - Some errors in - Frequent errors in - Spelling and
punctuation and spelling punctuation and spelling and spelling and punctuation errors
with a high command of spelling and correct use punctuation. punctuation. are found
vocabulary. of vocabulary. Vocabulary is just Vocabulary is throughout.
sufficient. barely sufficient. Vocabulary can
hardly convey any

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