Common Game Modes

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Common Game Modes

ap All Pick. Each player is allowed to pick a hero from any tavern.
ar All Random. Each player is given a random hero from any tavern.
Random Draft. 20 random heroes from any tavern are selected and players take turns
picking from them.
sd Single Draft. Each player chooses from one of 3 individual random heroes.
Captains Draft. 24 random heroes are selected. Then Blue and Pink take turns banning
heroes, then picking heroes. Then the players on each team pick from their team's heroes.
Captains Mode. Blue and Pink take turns banning heroes, then take turns picking heroes.
These heroes are then chosen by members of their team.
em Easy Mode. Towers are weaker, and players get extra gold and experience.
Death Match. When you die you are given a new hero. The game can end normally, or
dm when one team reaches a certain amount of deaths. lives # can be used to set life limit,
and -nd to remove respawn timer along with this mode.

Other Game Modes

rs Random Side. Places each team on a random side.
du Duplicate. More than one of each hero can be played.
sp Shuffle Players. Randomly switches around players from each team.
Extended League. Both Sides will take turns picking heroes. Each team captain can pick 4
heroes to remove from the pool.
om Only Mid. Only the middle lane is used.
sc Super Creeps. Powerful creeps will spawn every 10 minutes.
lm League Mode. Both Sides will take turns picking heroes.
mm Mirror Mode. After one minute, each team will have the same heroes.
tr Team Random. You will be given a random hero from your taverns.
mr Mode Random. Selects a random game mode.
vr Vote Random. You will be given a random hero from the voted groupset.
rv Reverse. You pick a hero for your opponent.
oi Observer Info. Disables extra information display for observers.
sh Same Hero. All players will be given the hero that Blue has.
aa All Agility. Only Agility heroes are used.
ai All Intelligence. Only Intelligence heroes are used.
as All Strength. Only Strength heroes are used.
id Item Drop. When you die, a random inventory slot will drop an item.
np No Powerups. No runes spawn.
nt No Top. The top lane is not used.
nm No Mid. The middle lane is not used.
nb No Bot. The bottom lane is not used.
ns No Swap. Swapping heroes is not allowed.
nr No Repick. Repicking heroes is not allowed.
pm Pooling Mode. All items can be used by other players.
mi Mini Heroes. All heroes are half normal size.
fr Fast Respawn. Reduces death times by 50%.
mo Melee Only. Only melee heroes are used.
ro Ranged Only. Only ranged heroes are used.
er Experimental Runes. Uses an experimental rune spawning system.
Switch On. Allows use of the -switch command. Leavers items can be unlocked by -unlock
command when this mode is activated.
zm Zoom mode. Observers will view the game from a zoomed out state.
Capture Point. Specific areas appear at 10 minute mark. Capturing them grants various
bonus auras.
wtf Fun mode. Spells have no cooldown or manacost.

tips Gives you various helpful pointers about your hero throughout the game.
random Random. Gives you a random hero in modes like All Pick. You get 250 extra gold.
Random. Gives you a random Intelligence hero in modes like All Pick. You get 150 extra
random int
random str Random. Gives you a random Strength hero in modes like All Pick. You get 150 extra gold.
random agi Random. Gives you a random Agility hero in modes like All Pick. You get 150 extra gold.
ma Displays the heroes your opponents control and their levels. Alias: -matchup.
ms Displays your hero's current movement speed. Alias: -movespeed.
apm Displays apm ( actions per minute ) of all players.
cs Displays your creep kills, denies, and neutral kills.
Allows you to switch teams with another player. Other players vote with -ok or -no after this
switch #
command is entered.
cson Activates the cs display to display your creep kills and denies.
es Enables selection helper. This is enabled by default. Alias: -enableselection
es Disables selection helper. Alias: -disableselection
csoff Deactivates the cs display.
c Center. Locks the camera on your hero.
co Centeroff. Turns center mode off.
Prevents certain spells, such as Test of Faith cast by an allied Holy Knight, from affecting
you. Also prevents allies from picking up your items in the fountain area.
Re-enables effects from certain allied spells and allows allies to pick up your items in the
fountain area.
unstuck Pauses your hero for 60 seconds, after which you are teleported to your base.
Sometimes rare glitches occur with certain heroes, recreate can fix those glitches.
recreate Recreate takes about 2 minutes to complete, and only works on Lycanthrope, Lifestealer,
Dragon Knight, Soul Keeper, and Tormented Soul.
swap # Offers to swap your hero with another player's. -swaphero # can also be used.
showmsg Shows messages.
hidemsg Hides messages.
showdeny Shows a '!' above a creep when it is denied.
hidedeny Hides the '!'.
quote # Plays a hero quote. Writing it without a number will play a random hero quote.
weather rain Switches weather to rain.
weather snow Switches weather to snow.
Switches weather to moonlight.
weather wind Switches weather to wind.
weather random Switches to random weather.
weather off Turns weather off.
di Enables -cson and -showdeny. Alias: -denyinfo. -di is initially enabled.
don Shows the death timer. Alias: -deathon
doff Hides the death timer. -deathoff
roll # Shows a random number between 1 and the number entered, max of 2000. Default of 100.
rollon Enables roll command. This is initially enabled.
rolloff Disables roll command.
hhn Hides the hero name portion of player's names. Alias: -hideheronames.
test Enables single player commands.
mute Toggles sounds on and off.
clear Clears the messages.
ii Item info. Shows items of allied heroes on multiboard.
gameinfo Displays information about the current game modes.
kickafk # Used to kick a player who has been AFK for a long period of time.
mines Shows you how many Land Mines you have placed with Goblin Techies.
mc Shows how many times you have Multicast with Ogre Magi.
Shows how much bonus Strength you have gained from Flesh Heap with Pudge. Alias:
int Shows how much bonus Intelligence you have gained from Last Word with Silencer.
ha Shows your average accuracy with Meat Hook or Hookshot.
aa Shows your average accuracy with Elune's Arrow.
invokelist Displays all of Invoker's spells, and what reagents are needed to use them.
water red Makes the water red.
water green Makes the water green.
water blue Makes the water blue.
water default Makes the water the default color.
Sets the water color to the color specified by r, g, and b. Example: "-water 255 0 0" is the
water r g b
same as "-water red".
water random Sets the water to a random color.
gg Displays bonus gold gained from Alchemist's Goblin Greed ability.
rh Displays a random hero name. Alias: -rollhero.

Single Player Commands

lvlup # Increases level of your hero by entered value.
refresh Resets ability cooldowns, sets health and mana of your hero to 100%.
spawncreeps Spawns creeps from all lanes.
powerup Spawns runes.
neutrals Forces neutral spawn.
kill Kills your last picked hero. This kill will be considered as a suicide.
gold # Increases your gold by entered value.
time # Sets time of day. Values should be between 0 and 24.
killsent Kills sentinel creeps.
killscourge Kills scourge creeps.
killall Kills all creeps.
noherolimitt Allows you to pick multiple heroes.
trees Forces a tree spawn.
killwards Removes wards from the map.
spawnon Enables creep spawn. This is enabled initially.
spawnoff Disables creep spawn.


Cheat List
In single-player games press [Enter] on your keyboard. Type the code (the word or words on the right of the
colonm and then press enter. Words in the parenthesis are to be entered without the parenthesis. After the
code is typed press [Enter] again and it should say {Cheat Enabled!} across the screen assuming you did it
correctly. <br /> <br />Example: [Enter] greedisgood 100000 [Enter] Cheat Enabled!
Password Effect

WhoIsJohnGalt Enable research

Password Effect

keysersoze (value) Gold

thereisnospoon Infinite mana

iocainepowder Instant doom

somebodysetusupthebomb Instant Loss

thedudeabides Instant spell performance

allyourbasearebelongtous Instant Win

whosyourdaddy Invulnerability and 1 shot kills

motherland (race) (level Level select


addlevel (level number) Level selecting

leafittome (value) Lumber

greedisgood (value) Lumber and Gold

samelevel Make heroes level as sames as the strongest enemy heroes or creeps.

onehundredplus Makes the building of Night Elves move faster.

riseandshine Morning

lightsout Night

strengthandhonor Play after dying in campaign mode

TenthLevelTaurenChieftain Play the "Power of the Horde" song

whoisjohngalt Quick research

= Re-enters the last cheat code you typed.

sharpandshiny Research all upgrades

DaylightSavings (Insert Hour) Reset the time to the hour specificed (without a number, this toggle the
day/night cycle on/off)
Password Effect

"maxfps(x)" where x is number sets the frames per second into the set number

WarpTen Speeds up the construction of buildings and units

synergy Turn off Tech-Tree

itvexesme Turn off Victory

pointbreak Units need no farms

iseedeadpeople View entire map

Contributed By: Trohan, PhilSplee, SSGOKU4, Idnailuj, Atheistic One, GreatSkeeve, and War4Starcraft.



Secert Level - Chapter 3 of the Blood Elf campign

In Chapter 3 of the Blood Elf campign
In your travels thrugh the dunguns you will encounter a large battle in the south center area of the map, if you
go south of this battle and through the iron gate on the left you will see three sheep, click the platforms in front
of them in this order: TOP THEN BOTTEM THEN MIDDLE, the iron get to the north will then open, pick up the
question mark then beat the level normally to unlock the bonus mission called The Crossing.
For beating The Crossing completely, you'll gain access to a Pandaren Brewmaster in Chapter Four: The
Search for Illidan.

Contributed By: Mewt64.



Iron Chef Parody

In game, click on one of your Troll Witch Doctor units many times. Eventually after many clicks, voices and
sounds will start to be heard being very similar to the television show Iron Chef.

Contributed By: Throbulator.


Wirt's other leg

In the last mission of the Alliance campaign - Chapter 6 (Lord of Outland) - you can slay Diablo's The Butcher
(an abomination) who drops an item called "wirt's other leg". This is a reference to Blizzard's own Diablo 2 item
"Wirt's leg" which in turn is a reference to the boy Wirt from Diablo. The item itself is useless in The Frozen

Contributed By: odino.



Find the Penguin King!

To find the Penguin King you must first start mission 4 for the Scourge/undead. In The begining you will notice
there is a fork in the road to your left. Take the most bottom path. After you have started going down the most
bottom path continue to go to the left until you reach a tunnel ( which really isn't a tunnel because you can't go
through it ). On the other side of the tunnel is the Penguin King. To get to the Penguin King go up till you are at
the edge of the cliff that blocks you from the king. Then start trailing down the opposite side of which you came
up the cliff to get to a patch trees. Make your way through the trees. Once you reach a certain point in the patch
of trees the gates Leading to the Penguin King open and the Penguin King lays down a Ring of protection+4 for
all of your hard work. Make your way into the area to grab the Item. ( Note: you could just put in the
''iseedeadpeople'' cheat with no quotes so you could see exactly where the King is )

Contributed By: pet phantom.


Secret Area: Tomes of Ancient

On the second level of the Night Elf campaign there is a secret area containing two tomes of intelligence and
one tome of strength along with two mana runes. Just kill all the Makrura's in the top left hand corner of the
map. Then to get the tomes use Maiev's blink ability to get on top of the wall at the northernmost part of the
base. ''Secret Area Tomes of Ancients Discovered'' will flash up on the screen. Now just grab the tomes.

Contributed By: Conkermon.

Secret Areas in Night Elf Chapter 4
In the Night Elf Chapter 4 (Wrath of the Betrayer), there are 4 secret areas that Maiev could go into using her
blink ability.

The first one is below your base, just north east of the southernmost Naga base. It has a statue that looks like a
keeper of the grove hero. The message ''Secret Area Found'' will show up if you correctly found it. The second
one is at the center of the map. It has a large gate that can be destroyed, and you will battle an infernal there.
This is also the only secret area where you can go to without using the blink ability. The third is a garden just
east of the area where you finish the mission. It has a critter named ''Grank the Rat'' that cannot be destroyed.
The last one is at the southwestern most part of the map. It has a level 1 pandaren at a platform with the
message ''Pandaren drinking area'' appearing if you are at the correct place. The pandaren will leave, leaving
behind a treasure box.

Contributed By: Number 25.


Secret Island
This secret island is in Chapter 1: Rise Of The Naga in the Sentinel Campaign.

To find this secret island you have to go near the coast where the burning boats are and note the patch of land
across the water. You then use Maiev's Blink skill to teleport her over to this island where you will engage with
one of Illidan's Naga. Destroy the Naga (Using you Fan of Knives makes it a lot easier) and you will earn a
Rune of Mana and a Tome of Strength.

Contributed By: TehSpecialVet0rz.


Secret Shop
Undead Mission 1

On the left side of the topmost town on Arthas' side of the map there is an opening in the trees big enough for
one person. It's hidden by the branches and leaves. Through the path you'll find a shop that takes the form of a
villiage boy named Timmy who sells Ice Shards to summon Ice Revenants.

Contributed By: JJ912.

Early Game Item Build
Armlet Of Mordiggian
Heart Of Tarasque
Luxury Item
Sange and Yasha
Early Game Item Build

Phase Boots

Aghanims Scepter
The Butterfly
Assault Cuirass
Sange and yasha
Lothar Edge
Power Threads
helm of dominator (satanic)
The Butterfly
Manta Style

Oye of Skadi

Boots of travel/ arcane boots

Soul ring

Sange and yasha

Heart of tarasque



Power Threads

Lothars Edge
Linkens Sphere
Stygian Desolator
Assault Cuirass
The Butterfly
Buriza do Kyanon

Early Game Arc Warden Item Build
Ironwood branch
Ancient Tango of Essifation
Empty Bottle
Magic Stick
Clarity Potion

Core Arc Warden Item Build

Power Threads
Lothar's Edge
Assault Cuirass

Power Threads

Lothars Edge
Stygian Desolator

Assault Cuirass
The Butterfly
Buriza do Kyanon


Boots of Travel
Shivas Guard
Dagon .
Linken Sphere
Early Game Item Build
Soul Ring
Arcane Boots/bot
Kellens Dagger
Aghanims Scepter
Refresher ORB
Heart of Tarasque
Hood of Defiance

Power Tread
Mask of Madness
Sange and Yasha
Assault Cuirass
Aghanims Scepter

Buriza do Kyanon

Early Game Item Build

Ring of Aquila
Empty Bottle
Boots of Speed
Ring of Aquila is perfect for you Because it will be Able to add your AGI stat. Empty Bootle,
covering the needs of HP and Mana over at Lane. Boots of Speed makes it easy to move
because it adds movement speed.

Middle Game Item Build

Power Threads
Sange and Yasha
Power Threads, add to AGI stat, movement speed and attack speed. Sange and Yasha,
increase attack speed, but it also makes it easy to slow enemies that attack.
Late Game Item Build

Ursa warrior:
Item Early

Poorman's Shield

Block damage is very helpful for the farming in the early days, especially when
ngutan. BOOTS OF SPEED Namabhin 50 movement speed, this item is important in
the beginning of the game, if km and teman2 you intend to butt your opponent to
get first blood at the beginning of the game. Vladmir's OFFERING The only way
you get lifesteal of Enrage and fury swipes, hero with attack speed and damage gede
kayak km weve need lifesteal. Besides these items nambahin armor and mana regen
as well. Gameplay Early
Drafting ...

Do not pick Ursa:

1. If your opponent a lot of Warder / stunner / disablers.
2. Your team has a lot of carry.
3. Tim shortage Support
4. Tim shortage disabler / Slower Pick Ursa: 1. Tim you need Tanker ... 2. Looking
hero who carry his cell thick. 3. You dare 1 vs 1 with anyone. 4. you want to solo


Carry / Semi-Carry = you have it all ...

ganker / disabler = not
Nuker / Pusher = Not!
Support / Warder = not
Initiator = Can ...
Tanker / Semi-Tanker = Yes! If there is a stronger ngetank, you Semi-
Tanker. Lane Buy a stout shield and tango sebanyak2nya, do not play solo mid, at
level 1 km ga may directly play utan, was the first main line. In line km have to play
safe bgt, jgn often maju2. Klo uda level 3 at least km've got a level 2 fury swipes
new safe for playing utan, but neutral creep who mudah2 first, jgn direct opponent
centaur, wolf, satyrs, palagi dragon. Ursa is a hero late, and difficulty creeping in line
(large body with armor that thin, easily killed) so that should be done in the early
game is to kill as many as possible to creep2 utan naikin lecel secepat2nya. But
despite playing utan, remain always alert if there is an opponent I want in kroyok, or
to help a friend who dikroyok in line. Km may start nyearang ancient creep in level 7,
with bgt km could earn more money and faster leveling. Strategy to butt an
opponent on the line, at level 4 km already bs do so, provided km uda ngambil
Earthshock skill. Never butt own opponent in the early game especially his stunner,
too risky. You may buttocks opponent Quote situation, among others, km can power
up Invis, or Haste, klo ga ad power up, km appear dr utan behind enemy so long as
there is your friend who has skill stun. Make a surprise attack by using Earthshock dr
behind pohon2 (fog of war) to the opponent if the opponent to the tree where you
are.Discover pohon2 position where byasanya orang2 passing, klo can read his
movements, or even read his mind, hahahaha ... Item Mid

This shoe is perfect for you, important thing is that these shoes could make roads
'penetrate' creep, so no one will stop you advance towards the target and using the
earth shock. Sange and Yasha Item DPS is very important for Ursa. All stats are
given adding Attack Damagemu. plus a bonus of MS and slow anyway. BLACK KING
BAR Item that is very important for ursa, ursa is food for the nukers (spell caster
who like menyicil HP with spell2 mreka) because he has a big (easy in the 'click')
attack rangenya very close which means has always been at the forefront. Therefore,
to prevent such disabler stun spell or hex (chicken), always carry BKB before start
attacking. Gameplay Mid
TIME's Up, Time To Kill, out dr utan and began to help teman2 km on the line and
started to participate ngegank. You should begin to butt an opponent, remove all of
what you get for at utan, but do not forget to keep playing utan lg klo war uda
completed. Since it was mid game, so first km must know one trick attack ursa,
named ' 12-hit-combo '.. and this langkah2 trick ... 1. Define your target, you should
find that his own and did not have a disable (if you have not got BKB) 2. Turn
overpower and do not always attack any (creep, hero who is not your target,
etc.) 3. Wait until 8 seconds (or according to your distance with the target, or some
time with the intention of waiting cooldownnya already in position 'at 7') 4. After
cooldown overpower uda in position 7 hours or more, turn Enrage 5. Advanced to the
target (exit dr klo utan utans) at 6 times (if Overpowernya uda level 4)6. Now
overpower cooldown is finished, turn again and lg attack six times, with the help
Earthshock km bs easier to prevent blurring. do not always do this trick to opponents
who bs windwalk or ilang prior km tide ward or bw gem. Klo km can rune 'Haste' all
going to be much easier. Klo in the buttocks by hero2 melee, try to use Earthshock
in your area and immediately departed for musuh2 it was slow. Klo dibokong hero2
who got sick let alone disable nuke / stun, immediately activate BKB prior km disable
(stun or hex, etc.). But if you do not have BKB ........ yes just tried to get away, do
juking. try to immediately retreat klo see mreka, lest they reach distance spell
casting them, klo ga want complicated so, farming quickly buy BKB. Klo more
'relaxed' or ga lane that must be in defense, and ga war or friend who should
rescued, returned to utan, this time definitely km uda bs killing creeps utan was
much shorter, with fury swipes level 4, in the first attack km got 24 bonus damage,
and in the second attack uda 48 bonus damage, the easier it .. . Item Late

These items are cheap, tp adds a lot of STR which means nambahin HP, and the
more HP then the damage from Enrage be greater. Earns 450 HP klo in turn, not her
mobile number which is important, Tp dr Enrage damage that the bigger,
remember ... build up is to get as much damage. Kelen's DAGGER Dgn this item,
km bs use many other tricks (explanation in late strategy). And perform various
tricks with ease. LUXURY

Assault Cuirass

add Attack speed and minus the armor, mempersakit pukulanmu. HEART OF
Tarasque additional STR that much, it means HP so much more, with so damage dr
Enrage also smakin large, slain that HP regennya also very good. Divine Rapier If
the entire core has been hands and you feel 'immortal', go ahead! RADIANCE If you
have a lot of money and do not know what else you want to buy, buy aj radiance. Do
not ever buy these items in early or mid game, not because of his relic that hard, tp
weve still many other items that are more useful drpd radiance. CRANIUM
BASHER This item Stack with all your skill. Overpower will accelerate Bashnya
triggered, but it's Bash will pause addition of jamming damage of fury swipes, after a
new bash damage fury will increase again. ALTERNATIVE Bracer Bracer km buy 2 klo
ga play utan, as byasanya ... tp klo play utan km may buy one of these items, more
efficient tp klo km buying tango sebnyak2nya, byar bs longer survive in an
orangutan. Lothar EDGEAlternative of Kelen's dagger, so km bs diam2 tiba2
attack. Tp like Vyasa anyway, this item's easy on the counter with the ward or
gem. The price is also two times more expensive dr dagger. The slain cooldown
easier calculation Quote wear a dagger. THE BUTTERFLY Item alternative late, very
good speednya attack, attack speednya km slain tp ga dr bgt require additional
damage agility. ursa membuang2 not need money to buy items adder damage, Klo is
practically only with additional HP, damage is uda bgt ride. Orchid If you get bored
and want variety, these items can add color build-mu in late. But this is not the
core! BAD ITEM MONKEY KING BAR bonus damage is NOT stack with fury swipes
which means this item is only useful to add 75 damage. Because the bonus 100
damage ga will be active slama km has fury swipes, with items as expensive as MKB
km just got damage and bs km get with items as cheaply armlet of mordiggian and
Enrage, slain was also an item that only nambahin 75 damage only this, ga useful at
all to Enrage. Buriza DO KYANON core explanation is almost the same with the
monkey king bar, there remains a critical strikex tp ga calculated dr dr additional
damage fury swipes, so criticalnya only counted dr total attack damage only. With
the price of these items that are expensive, taste loss bgt klo just got a little bonus
critical strike damage dr, whereas km bs get far more damage item2 dr who
nambahin HP. Gameplay Late
Okay, klo km already holding Kelen's dagger, no change in '12 -hit trick-combos' ..
use is so much easier now ... 1. Find a secure position, ga opponent caught behind
pohon2 (fog of war) tp Blink bs you reach your opponent's position. 2. Activate
Armlet of Mordiggian, then over power! 3. Wait about eight seconds, with sm
explanation in '12 -hi trick-combos' mid game. 4. if uda about 8 seconds after
overpower activated .... Turn Enrage 5. BLINK! to the target position (opponent) and
direct at 6 times6. if he begins to retreat, use Earthshock to memperlamabt speed. If
you want more comfortable, after a blink km bs directly Earthshock aj, or activate
phase boots. 7. if cooldown overpower is finished, turn it on again and at 6 times, or
until death, Do Blink-shock, which blink + Earthshock towards opponents who were
jamming the buttocks friends km, then immediately went wrote, essentially only
intended to help a friend km if dibokong-do. You could be the initiator of war,
especially when markasmu is under attack and you have to defense, blink toward
lawan2 mu and use Earthshock, with gt teman2 km properly developed bantuin km,
so you should plan first, klo teman2 you to want catch up km, mending km
disposable '12 -hit trick-combos' aj, so no need to retreat. one of the advantages of
other ursa is actually able to kill roshan alone even in the early game, not believe ..?
skil2 very suitable to kill his opponents like roshan, km ga took a long time to kill
roshan own, because with fury swipes skill, your damage will continue to grow,
grow, and grow. When it was so, so yours aegis donk ... Klo play imaginable mode
power up, try to know if there are power up 'Haste' km reply ngambil. For others, it's
up deh ... So, kumpulin HP banyak2,, with so km ga will kliatan cupu deh ... sering2
use trik2 above no need to fear death, the death of his cupu ga reflect a dota player,
remember .. ga No dota players who cupu ... that there is only teamwork that cupu.

Starting Game Items

Trying to complete the Power Threads as fast as you can by buying the Glove Of Haste
plus Tango for HP protections. So stay away from be attacked by enemy because you
don't have any defensive item in the starting game.

Next Traxex Item Build

So firstly complete the Power Threads for getting the speed of attacks, agility stats
additions and movement speed for run away from enemy or chasing an enemy.

Then make Lothar's Edge for your Traxex in order to run when been hit and killing
enemies heroes.


There are two option here which you want to use Helm Of Dominator or Mask of
Madness. If you want extra 20 damage and +5 armor, you should use HoD. If you want
Traxex have extra 100 attack speed and 25% movement speed, you should use MoM.
But if you want to be a killer, choose MoM but aware because using it will cause you to
take 30% extra damage.

Late Game Traxex Item Build

After a lot of time in farming, now its time to make killer item and firstly try to make
Manta Style which giving Traxex additional agility.

Then complete the Buriza for getting more chance on critical and lastly complete the
Power Treads (STR) (1850) For basic movement speed, good attack speed, and
the bonus stats will be helpful. I think Power Treads better than Boots of Travel
because changing into wolf will max his speed already. Holding a TP scroll to get
back to base to defend will take over the job of BoT even thou without the tele-to-
creep privilages as i think it isnt needed till lategame where pushing gets more and
more important.

Vladmirs Offering (2075) Lifesteal from Vladmirs Offering is sustainable when

fighting a hero. With the bonus damage aura, which synergies with Howl, it is a
great addition to the teams total amount of DPS. It is useful too when you are NC-
ing with your wolves as they can sustain their life longer.

Black King Bar (3800)

I add this Item (BKB) into core item because we rarely meet our opponent without
1 or 2 disabler in their team. With strength and damage boost plus 16 second
Avatar that will be enough to pawn those irritating disablers during your insane wolf
form. The duration of 10 seconds of magical invulnerability goes almost smoothly
with your Shapeshift duration.


Stygian Desolator (4420)

This item has a Great damage, and this item makes lycan to be the best hunting
heroes and farming. And even better combined with Battle fury as it improves
cleaved damage.

Assault Cuirass (6120)

GREAT attack speed and armor reduction(to enemies) and addition(allies) aura
which helps ur team in battles and goes well with Desolator and/or Battle Fury.
Heart Of Tarrasque (5500)
Good damage addition and tankability for a STR hero. Able to sustain survivabilty
as enemies may focus fire on you due to your dmg.
This build is GREAT for hunting down single heroes and enables you to take out 2 or
3 heroes in a major battle.It is also great for pushing as this build provides you to
deal heavy, i mean HEAVY, DPS to your helpless enemies and towers. Sadly, its
only flaw is that it is too single targeted.

Battle Fury (4350)

Other builds would be adding a Battle Fury to your inventory rather than a Heart of
Tarrasque as there will not be much of tanking to do if your team has a great aoe
disabler who r capable of bringing your enemies close to gather like Enigma or
Magnataur. It is known that the cleave of Battle Fury is based on your main targets
armor, the items listed which minuses the targets armor is crucial in dealing heavy
damage. With a Battle Fury and your armor reducing items, you can clear a entire
team with just a few nasty swipes of your paws.

Burizza ( )

This item can be very deadly. It has critical damage that synergy with vlads
lifesteal witch boost your hit point to full in a secong and synergy with wolf critical
damage so that almost ever hit you will see the red number from one or two even
three wolf.

Radiance ( )

You can use this item if you have invincible enemies. Have great damage and the
aura can reduce hit point other enemies. And the aura very usefull to chase
enemies who wants to escape from battle. Just chase them and they will be dead.


Early Game : Get a Ring of Basillus and Tangos. From level 1 to 3 you can join
your teamate in a line (this is faster to gain level 3 in a line than you have to wait
noob camp to spawn 3 times). Level 3-7 Neutral Creep your way to a Power
Threads and a Vladmirs Offering and try to get Black King Bar When you get your
lvl 2 Summon Wolves, go to Ogre (lvl 3)or Mud Golems (lvl 5) or Dark Troll (lvl6).
After level 5, you are now able to kill Centaurs or Furlbogs, but dodged their Claps
or Stuns. Just farm farm and farm your way to succesion on owning the game. And
if you want you can solo ROSHAN at level 7 with full mana and hit point and your
item already boots and vlads. Summon level 4 wolves for 3 times and you can say
bye bye to Roshan. After you kill ROSHAN continue to 1 or 2 NC-ing and you will
arrive to Level 9.

Mid Game : Level 9, your team is bound to gank enemies, and Howl will be helpful
in successfully eliminate the targeted hero. You should be doing some hunting of
heroes yourself. Pick out those heroes who dare to farm themselves without their
teammates around. If your best enemy is Tanker, get Deso or Burizza and Assault
Cuirass. If your teammates is mass disabler, get Battle Fury. The item
build depending on your opponents team line-up.
Late Game : Walk with your team to push down their tower, one after another,
alternating lanes one at a time and pick out Disablers (e.g. Lion, Rhasta) heroes
first. Then the Carry hero (e.g. Troll Warlord), then finally the Tanker (e.g.

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