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Lesson Plan: Would you Like a Robot

Secondary school

A: Level intermediate
Time: 45 min.: from 8-8:45 AM
Students between the ages of 17-19

B: Recent work:
1.The Future Tense
2.The Future Passive

C: Objectives:
1. Introduction: to discuss about robots 10 min
2. To create interest in science fiction 5 min
3. To read and talk about lesson 15 min
4. To study relevant words-new vocabulary 10 min

D: Contents:

Objective 1 10 min
- Context: robots, jobs they can do in home, industry
- Communicative: dialogue activity
- Language: related on machines
- Possible problems: Ss may not have much to say. The T will be prepared to prompt if necessary or
shorten the act if that seems appropriate.

Objective 2 5 min
- Context: science fiction-talk about SF movies and if Ss believe that someday it will be true.
- Communicative- dialogue activity
-Language: related on SF terms
-Possible problems: Ss don’t know words. T assesses the situation and is prepared for more

Objective 3 15 min
-Context: 1. Silent reading for general understanding.
2. Discuss with Ss about the lesson and Ss answering the question under the text.
3. The question under the text.
-Activity: Ss reading, individual and pair work .T gives oral feedback.
-Aids: Textbook
-Possible problems: in reading and understanding. T explains the unknown material.

Objective 4 10 min.
-Context: unknown words: repetitive, scrubbing, assembly.
-Act: communacitive, pair and group work, to elicit some more words connected with the subject.
-Possible problems: misunderstanding of certain words, possible need for translation into mother

E: Additional possibility 5 min.

-Introducing a 5 min. activity called “Martian”.
Secondary School: ”Petar Kostic”, Negotin; class III1
Lesson Plan

Elementary school

A: Elementary level
Time: 45 min., from 8:55 to 9:40
Students between the ages of 11-13

B: Recent work:
1. Present Perfect Simple
2. Lesson: “New Clothes”

C: Objectives:
1. To discuss Saxon genitive
2. To discuss possessive adjectives
3. Possessive pronouns- teaching and explaining the lesson
4. To apply possessive pronouns on the text and exercises

D: Contents:

Objective 1 5 min.
-To elicit from the Ss knowledge about Saxon genitive.
-After individual work T gives feedback
-Possible problems: shortage of knowledge grammar

Objective 2 5min.
-To elicit from the Ss knowledge about possessive adjective (recalling from 5th grade).
-Ss make up sentences using poss. adj. and Saxon gen.
-Pair work, T gives feedback
-Language: comparing with adj. in mother tongue
-Possible problems: shortage of knowledge grammar

Objective 3 20 min.
-Teaching and explaining possessive pronouns
-Aids: graphic displays, blackboard and chalk.
-Problems in understanding poss. pronouns. Ss could mix it up (poss. pronouns and poss. adjective).

Objective 4 10 min.
-Exercising: pair and group work. T leads the oral feedback section.
-Aids: written exercises from the exercise book (workbook) and written feedback on blackboard.

E: Additional Possibilities
-After firm grammatical study Ss are going to do so-called “Walking warmers” 5-min. activity. The
physical movement and the inventiveness can provide a welcome change from sedentary work. (Ss
can walk as if they are sleepwalking, exhausted, very cold, and beggar...).

Elementary School: ”Vuk Karadzic” Negotin class VI1

Observation Task 1(What helps people learn?)

The classroom:
-There are three rows of desks (5 desks in each row) so there is no much free space. The classroom
is very light because there are big windows. All we have in that classroom is one blackboard, desks
and chairs, one bookcase and few posters and placards (map of the British isles, irregular verb chart,
picture of Shakespeare and Lord Byron).

The activities:
-During the class T used almost all language skills: reading, speaking and writing. Ss were reading a
new text, answering the questions, talking about the text and writing new words. At the beginning
of the class Ss were a little bit shy, they were not active very much, but later on, after reading the
text, they were more free and talkative. Firstly T presented the subject (robots) and then Ss were
talking about what they know about it. Usually, T was only asking questions and the Ss were

The teacher:
--The T is very young, so that he uses a lot of jokes and interesting things. Therefore atmosphere in
the classroom is cheerful so it is very nice to be a student in this classroom.

The learners:
-They were not very motivated in the beginning because it was their first lesson, and their brain was
not at the class, but later on, the T tried to motivate them by some interesting jobs and they become
interested in work. They know that the T will help them when they doesn’t know something or even
go to the next question.

Observation Task 2(Options and decisions)

Dealing with unexpected problems:

Situation: A student overslept and arrived 15 minutes late for the lesson.
Action: T told the student who was late that the principle said to him not to tolerate unexcused
absence any more .T wrote his name in the attendance register. Student was upset during the lesson.
Other options: T could have said hello and give him a “wrist-slap” after the class.
T could have asked why the student was late.
T could have used a few min. at the end of the class to tell the Ss that he can’t
tolerate unexcused absence any more because the principle told him not to.

Student participation in the lesson:

Situation: reading the text.

Action: Ss they were reading paragraph by paragraph. One S read first p. the other one read second,
and so on.
Other options: The T could read whole text by himself .One S could read whole text alone or the
whole class could read the text in silent.

Grouping of students; arrangement of seating:

Situation: answering the question about the text.

Action: Ss are responding from their seats.
Other options: T could rearrange the desks for group work and tell them to discuss the question
within a group.

Board; classroom equipment; instructions:

Situation: learning new words

Action: T was writing new words on the board (only words in English and their pronunciation) and
connected them with some situations in life.
Other options: T could use visual aids more. He could show some pictures, flashcards, something
connected with space and robots.

Teacher’s role and participation:

Situation: Explaining grammar (The Future Tense).

Action: T only explains rules and the Ss are making examples (mostly about space and robots).
Other options: T could have made some examples by himself. T could read them some other text
with future tense, not connected with space and robots.

Observation task 3(Classroom interaction)

-Some Ss students are not listening at all. One S in the last bench near the window is practically
sleeping. One girl in the first bench by the door does not stop raising her hand. Two girls in the
second bench by the door talk to each other and I think that they are playing some game.
-Besides those few, working environment is good.

Observation task 4(Staging)

ARC Skill area/further details Time

A Introduction 3 min.
C Explaining grammar rules 10 min.
R Language practice (examples) 5 min.
R Course book text 8 min.
A Communication practice 10 min.
R Copying 4 min.
C Error analysis 3 min.

Observation task 5(Objectives)

My perception of the likely Ss achievements within the lesson:

5 minutes: By the end of this lesson the Ss won’t learn much because they are not motivated.
10 minutes: By the end of this lesson some Ss will have better knowledge of future tense.
25 minutes: By the end of this lesson most Ss will know more about space, robots and SF future.
40 minutes: By the end of this lesson they will know more words connected with space and robots.

Actually achievements:
45 minutes: The students have accomplished a lot because they were interested on the subject-SF,
robots, space and so on. They also learned many new words and did some grammatical exercises
learning or reminding about future tense.

-He thinks that the lesson was successful and that he had accomplished what he indented to. He is
satisfied because he had working environment all 40 minutes and because they were interested in
the grammar as well (thanks to robots and “Star treks”).

Observation task 6(The learners)

A: She is doing:
Listening to the teacher, looking at back, answers question, looks at watch, she whispers to her
girlfriend an answer she did not know, she wrote something in her notebook and she is turning the
pages in her text book.

B: She is thinking/feeling:
She knows English very well and she is not bored when T talks or when she has to do something,
but when other Ss are answering questions she is bored. At the end of the class she got impassioned.

C: Hers description of the lesson:

It was ok when we have finished grammar section. I hate grammar and all that rules but working on
that text was interesting. I hate when that girl, that “brown nose” talked, she is always talking and
her accent is so bad. Besides that, lesson was very educative and I have learned a lot of things (as all
other Ss, I think).

Observation task 7(Feedback to learners)

Situation 1:
Student: The S said a sentence about robots, using future tense.
Teacher: He said OK and asked another S to give one more example.
Commentary: T could ask that S for one more example, but it look like he was in a hurry.

Situation 2:
Student: S made a grammatical mistake.
Teacher: he said: ”what?” and he was determined to wait until S corrects his answer.
Commentary: S was feeling unpleasant since he didn’t know how to correct himself, and he was
waiting for help from the Ss near by. T didn’t notice all that.

Situation 3:
Student: S didn’t know the meaning of one word so he asked the T.
Teacher: After a lot of explaining and giving some simple examples, S still haven’t understood so
the T told him the word in mother tongue.
Commentary: T could tell the S to look up that word in the dictionary (which was on the T desk
during the class).

Observation task 8(Errors and corrections)

Situation 1:
Error: I will came.
Type of error: wrong tense
Indication/correction: T said to S that it was in wrong tense so S repeated correctly.

Situation 2:
Error: S used mother tong to ask to go out.
Type of error: unauthorized language.
Indication/correction: T reminded the S that they agree to speak only English.

Observation task 9(Thoughts and question)

During the lesson:

1.I noticed that T is trying really hard to wake up Ss (by using jokes and asking questions
randomly) and I thought that it’s nice to have T committed like that.

2.I noticed that Ss are not really interested in grammar section but they do participate and I was
wondering how you managed to get them to take part.

3.I noticed that the work was from T to Ss and vice versa and I wanted to ask you why you haven’t
used pair or group work instead.

4.I noticed that the girl in the middle row in third bench speaks English very well and that she is
really interested in this subject and I wanted to say to you to get her involved in some extra
activities or even encourage her to study English.

Observation task 10(Stolen goods)

Stolen item 1: sense of humor

Description of item: refined jokes in the rightful moment
I stole this because: it’s the best way to wake up students, get them interested and make proper
working atmosphere.
Stolen item 2: accent.
Description of item: proper British accent.
I stole this because: mine is little bit American.

Stolen item 3: atmosphere in the class.

Description of item: relaxed but working atmosphere created by the T.
I stole this because: the only way to teach somebody something is to relax him and make him

I’d like to give you: little bit of strictness.

I think you’d like this because: you are too pliable.

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