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The contract of sale is the backbone of international trade in all countries,

irrespective of their legal tradition or level of economic development. For the last
two decades, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International
Sale of Goods (CISG)1 and the International Institute for the Unication of Private
Laws (UNIDROIT) Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC) 2
have stood as cornerstones in the efforts to modernize and harmonize international
contract law.

1 UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (11 April 1980) 1489
UNTS 3 <
book.pdf> accessed 30 July 2016 [CISG].
2 International Institute for the Unication of Private Law (UNIDROIT), Principles of
International Commercial Contracts (3rd edn, Transnational 2010) [PICC].



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Bloomsbury Publishing, 2006


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Ole Lando, CISG and its Followers: A Proposal to Adopt Some International
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Standard Contracts and General Conditions,17, The International and
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Schwenzer, Ingeborg. "Who Needs a Uniform Contract Law, and Why." 58, Vill.
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Harry M. Flechtner, "The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the

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Gopalan New Trends in the Making of International Commercial Law23,
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Anna Veneziano, The Soft Law Approach To Unification Of International

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Experience, 58, Villanova Law Review, 521(2013)

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