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2016 10th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing

Cloud Encryption using Distributed Environmental Keys

Kun-Lin Tsai1*, Fang-Yie Leu2*, Yi-Fung Huang2, Chi Yang1, Cheng-Hsin Chang1,
King-Shing Yip1, Yuchen Xue1, Guan-Chi Lai1
Department of Electrical Engineering, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan
Department of Computer Science, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan

AbstractIn recent years, cloud storage has been popularly claimed that all these storage services have their own
used by people in different areas to store their personal or security problems that could result in data leakage.
commercial data so as to make the data able to be accessed To secure cloud data, Lee et al. [6] proposed a Digital
anytime and anywhere. However, when data is distributed to Rights Management (DRM) cloud, which, as a modified
many locations, the risk of unauthorized access will increase. version of existing DRM technology [7], is a cloud
To secure cloud storage, data is often encrypted by using one architecture with a specific content protection scheme. The
encryption key, which is shared by those people who need to authors also provided service scenarios, like content
access the data. The key sharing method, unfortunately, packaging, license acquisition, and content sharing, to
dramatically increases the risk of data leakage, particularly
protect those files stored in the cloud. In [8], Renjith and
when the key is hacked or lost. Another choice is multi-key
Sabitha introduced a re-encryption scheme for the data stored
encryption, which also increases the difficulty of data sharing
and usage, especially in a cloud environment. To solve this in a cloud. Encrypted data is shared by authorized clients.
problem, in this paper, we propose a secure cloud data However, if automatic re-encryption is done too frequently,
encryption system, named the Distributed ENvironmental Key it will lead to wastage of resources.
(DENK in short), with which all files are encrypted by one Although many studies [6, 8-9] tried to prevent cloud
encryption key derived from multiple matching keys which are data from being lost and keep the convenience of data
keys derived from authorized users password keys and a sharing at the same time, data leakage still exists. Therefore,
trusted computers environmental key. An authorized user can in this paper, we propose an efficient and secure data
decrypt the files on a trusted computer by using one matching encryption system, named Distributed ENvironmental Key
key and one auxiliary key provided by system server. The (DENK in short), to protect cloud data from being invalidly
security analyses show that the DENK is able to resist accessed by unauthorized users. In the DENK, group files
machine-specific data leakage, replay attack, eavesdropping are encrypted by one encryption key derived from all
attack, and impersonation attack, and is practically useful in matching keys, which are matching keys calculated by using
business. an authorized users password key and a trusted computers
environmental key so that only the authorized user can
Keywords-Cloud storage; cloud security; group key; access the files in a specific trusted computer. Also, user
environmental key
authorization and parameters verification are done by
I. INTRODUCTION employing dynamic system time and the trusted computers
hardware configuration. Besides, important parameters are
In recent years, with the development of cloud hidden in the trusted computer to avoid them from being
technology, cloud storage, such as Dropbox [1], Google cracked easily. Based on our security analyses, the proposed
Cloud Storage [2], OneDrive [3], Asus Webstorage [4], etc., system is able to resist machine-specific data leakage [10],
has been widely used to store personal or commercial data. replay attack [11], eavesdropping attack [12], and
People use such cloud storage to share data or exchange impersonation attack [13].
information with authorized users. For example, business The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
data or customers personal information of a company is introduces the related studies of this paper. Section III
stored in cloud storage from which authorized employees describes our system architecture and environmental key
can access the data through their own electronic devices, e.g. generation procedure. The encryption key generation and file
computers or smart phones. Therefore, a considerable encryption/decryption procedures are presented in Section
number of commercial files and sensitive information are IV. The security of the DENK is analyzed in Section V.
distributed on many cloud servers. However, without data Section VI concludes this paper and outlines our future
encryption and/or password protection, the problem of data studies.
loss will be worse. If the privacy information stored in the
cloud is hacked, those sensitive data may be exposed to a II. RELATED STUDIES
fatal risk, resulting in huge business-reputation damages and Previous studies [6, 14-15] pointed out four threats for
credit loss. In [5], Chu et al. analyzed a systematic security cloud storage, including computer incursion by hackers,
of sharing methods from three major cloud storages, i.e., incursion by malware, accidental data loss by user, and data
Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft SkyDrive, and leakage by insiders. To protect cloud data from being lost,

978-1-5090-0984-8/16 $31.00 2016 IEEE 476

DOI 10.1109/IMIS.2016.73
many cloud computing environments use Advanced Trusted Computer

Encryption Standard (AES) to encrypt cloud data. However,

AES may be cracked by using the brute-force attack. In [16], kAM1
Huang et al. proposed the SeFEM encryption approach M1
which utilizes three security schemes, including a kAM2
sequentiallogic style encryption/decryption mechanism, 3D User A
operators, and a dynamic transition box, to increase the
difficulty of cracking encryption keys so as to effectively M2
protect encrypted data from bruteforce and cryptanalysis kBM4
attacks. In [17], Wang et al. presented a protocol supporting User B kCM2
dynamic data operations to secure a public auditing system kCM1
which is used to protect data storage in a cloud system. Their M3
scheme is a batch auditing mechanism where multiple kCM4
delegated auditing tasks can be performed by a third party User C
auditor. Shin and Kwon [18] explained the concept of remote M4
data auditing, and described system model and taxonomy of
remote data auditing schemes. They introduced many Fig. 1. System architecture and matching keys distribution of the DENK.
challenging issues for designing an efficient batch auditing,
including high communication cost, inefficient identification server. For example, user A can access cloud data through
protocol of corrupted data, and high computational trusted computer M1, M2, or M3; however, he/she cannot
complexity. decrypt files via M4 since he/she has not registered his/her
To deal with multiuser and their group keys, the key matching pair with M4 and been authorized by the server.
management scheme is another important issue. Ateniese et
al. [19] indicated that, in an open network, communication B. Initial Phase
among group members must be secure and efficient. They In the initial phase of the DENK, the server generates
proposed a multiparty authentication services scheme which system parameters and selects a large prime number
extends the group Diffie-Hellman key agreement, focusing  2 ,  > 160. After that, the server
on key authentication, key confirmation and data integrity. (1) determines Fq, which is a finite field of characteristic 2
Chen et al. [9] also presented a secure group key and the order of q;
management method by using a proxy re-encryption scheme (2) determines the elliptic curve :  
which is developed based on RSA [20] and has the (  ) , where ,  and 4 + 27 
properties of uni-directionality and multi-hop. Each group 0(mod );
member holds just one secret auxiliary key and logN public
(3) selects a base point P of order n on E, and  
auxiliary keys where N is the number of group members.
1 ( ) for any k, 1  < 100;
The group key will be updated when members join or leave.
(4) generates a cyclic additive group G by P, the order of
The time complexity of computing the newest group key
which is n;
from the key update history is O(logN).
(5) chooses a secure hash function  :   ;
Several cloud security approaches have been studied. But
(6) publishes the system parameters {E, P, H1}.
currently, it is still hard for multiple users to share cloud data
in a heterogeneous environment. That is why the DENK is C. Environmental Key Generation Function
proposed to effectively encrypt shared cloud data and The environmental key is first introduced in [14]. A
prevent it from being decrypted by attackers or leaked by trusted computer Cs parameters, which can be CPU ID, disk
unauthorized users. serial number, Mac address of NIC, OS serial number, etc.,
III. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL KEY are used to create one unique environmental key. By using
Cs environmental key, an encrypted file can only be
A. System Architecture accessed on C. Assuming that there are w parameters of C
The DENK architecture, as shown in Fig. 1, consists of a which are numbered from 1 to w. The procedure of the
server, trust computers and users. Before accessing a file, a environmental key generation function (Fenvironment) is as
user is required to register with the server and then follows.
authorized by the enterprises administrator. After 1) Set the users password key kPWi, where i is users ID,
authorization, the server will generate a password key for the as the input of hash function H1;
user. A user and a trusted computer as a matching pair (e.g., 2) Use H1(kPW) to generate a parameter sequence, e.g., {1,
user A and trusted computer M1) also need to be registered 2, 1, , 9, 3};
with and stored in the server, so that the matching keys 3) Use the parameter sequence to access device numbers,
derived from users password key and the trusted computers as the inputs of hash function H2, to generate the
environment key can be used to generate a file encryption environmental key
key. If one users ID can match with any his/her trusted ! =  ("#$%||%&'*-||"#$%|| ||./"), where H2
computers IDs, then, he/she can access the file stored in the is defined as  :  3  .

(1) kM 1  Fenvironment ( H1 (k PWA )); Fig. 2 summarizes the steps of Round 1.
(2) k AM 1  (kM 1  kPWA )  2 kPWA ; K AM 1  k AM 1  P;
(3) Fetch system time tnonce; Derive kct from tnonce;
(4) Generate random number rA  Z n*;
Round 2: by server S
(5) RA  rA  P;r ' A  ((rA || UIDA || UIDM 1 )  kct ) 2 kct ;
User A In Round 2, server S first collects the matching key from
(6) K ' AM 1  ( K AM 1  2 rA )  kct ;
Trusted Computer (7) CK AM 1  RA  K AM 1; a user and a trusted computer as a matching pair, user A and
M1 (8) {UIDA , UIDM 1 , K ' AM 1 , r ' A , RA , CK AM 1 , tnonce } Server S trusted computer M1 as an example. Server S
(1) fetches the system time tnonce,S and checks to see
Fig. 2. The encryption-key-generation procedure of Round 1. whether or not GHEI,J GHEI G, where G as a
predefined time threshold is the allowable maximum
Note that the length of parameter sequence may vary transmission delay from user A to S;
according to the required systems security level. The longer (2) derives kct from tnonce;
the sequence, the higher the security level. (3) obtains rA,C, UIDA,C, and UIDM1,C by calculating
IV. ENCRYPTION KEY GENERATION AND FILE 5 ||$%5 ||$%! = (5C + EF )EF , and then
ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION calculates B5,L = 5,L #;
(4) checks to see whether B5,L = B5 , $%5,L = $%5 , and
A. Encryption Key Generation and File Encryption $%!,L = $%! or not;
Following the procedure of the encryption key generation, If not, it discards this message and sends a
an authorized group user can encrypt his/her private files and verification-failure message to A to terminate this
share the files with other authorized users. The procedure has procedure. Otherwise, it
two rounds. In round 1, as shown in Fig. 2, user A produces (5) calculates ?5!,L = (?5! EF ) 5 ;
a matching key KAM1 on trusted computer M1 and, in round 2, (6) calculates "?5!,L = B5 +MLL ?5!,L , where +ECC is an
as illustrated in Fig. 3, server S generates an encryption key addition operation on ECC;
by using the produced matching keys. (7) checks to see whether "?5!,L = "?5! ;
Round 1: by user A If not, it discards this message and sends a verification-
failure message to A to terminate this procedure.
(1) derives kM1 from kPWA, hash function H1, and Otherwise, it keeps KAM1.
environmental key function Fenvironment; Then, by using the same steps from (1) to (7), server S
(2) calculates 5! = (! 9;5 )+ 9;5 and (E1) collects all matching key KiMj from all matching pairs,
?5!@ 5! # by using ECC ; where i is the users ID, i=1, 2, , n, and j is the
(3) fetches the system time tnonce, with which to derive the trusted computers ID, j=1, 2, , w;
time key kct; (E2) calculates file encryption key ? = O,P ?O!P by
(4) generates a random number 5 , 5  ; using an ECC addition operation;
(5) calculates B5 = 5 # and (E3) uses EK to encrypt group files.
5C = ((5 ||$%5 ||$%! ) EF ) EF ; Fig. 3 summarizes the steps of Round 2.
(6) calculates ?5! = (?5! + 5 )EF ; B. File Decryption
(7) calculates "?5! = B5 + ?5! ; When an authorized group member (e.g., user B) would
(8) sends {$%5 , $%! , ?5! , 5C , B5 , "?5! , GHEI } to like to decrypt a file on certain trusted computer (e.g., M3),
server S. as shown in Figs. from 4 to 6, there are 3 rounds.

{UIDA , UIDM 1 , K ' AM 1 , r ' A , RA , CK AM 1 , tnonce }

(1) Fetch system time tnonce,S when the packet is received;

Verify tnonce, S  tnonce  t ? Yes, No, terminate this procedure;
continue this procedure;
(2) Derive kct from tnonce; Server S
(3) rA,C || UIDA,C || UIDM 1,C  (r ' A  2 kct )  kct ; RA,C  rA,C  P;
{ No, terminate this procedure;
(4) Verify RA,C=RA? UIDA,C=UIDA? UIDM1,C=UIDM1? Yes, continue this procedure;
(5) K AM 1,C  ( K ' AM 1  kct )  2 rA ;
User A
Trusted (6) CK AM 1,C  RA  ECC K AM 1,C ;
Computer (7) Verify CK =CK ? No, terminate this procedure;
M1 AM1,C AM1 {
Yes, keep KAM1;
(E1) Collect KiMj from users and trusted computers;
(E2) EK  K AM 1  ECC K AM 2  ECC ...  ECC K nMl  ECC KiMj ;

i , j
(E3) Encrypt files by using EK.

Fig. 3. The encryption key generation procedure of Round 2.

(1) Fetch system time t 'nonce ; Derive k 'ct from t 'nonce ; C CC
(9) computes ?5TU = ?5TU +MLL
#, and ?5TU =
(2) Generate random number rB  Z n*;
?5TU +MLL BR ;
(3) RB  rB  P; r 'B  (rB  k 'ct )  2 k 'ct ; C CC }
(4) REQB  ((UIDB || UIDM 3 || FID)  2 rB )  k 'ct
(10) sends {?5TU , ?5TU to user B.
User B Fig. 5 summarizes the steps of Round 2.
Trusted Computer (5){UIDB , r 'B , RB , REQB , t 'nonce } Server S
M3 Round 3: by user B
Fig. 4. The file decryption procedure of Round 1.
Upon receiving the message, user B in Round 3
Round 1: by user B (1) computes ?5TU,L = ?5TU MLL BR ;
(2) computes
= (R + EF )(EF  R ) and ?5TU,L =
User B first ?5TU,L +MLL
(1) fetches the system time GHEI , with which to derive (3) checks to see whether ?5TU,L C C
= ?5TU or not;
EF ; If not, it discards this message and sends a verification-
(2) generates a random number R , R  ; failure message to S to terminate the procedure.
(3) calculates BR = R # and RC = (R EF C C
)+ EF ; Otherwise, it
(4) selects the file to be accessed, of which the file ID is (4) calculates ! = IVOHWIF ( (9;R ));
FID, and calculates (5) calculates R! = (! 9;R )+ 9;R and
BSR = (($%R ||$%! ||$%)+ R )EF ; ?5! @ 5! # by using ECC ;
(5) sends {$%R , RC , BR , BSR , GHEI } to S. (6) computes file decryption key ? = ?5TU +MLL ?R! ,
Fig. 4 summarizes the steps of Round 1. and decrypts files with EK.
Round 2: by server S Fig. 6 summarizes the steps of Round 3.
Server S in Round 2 V. SECURITY ANALYSIS
(1) fetches the system time GHEI,J and checks to see
C C A. Machine-specific data leakage
whether or not GHEI,J GHEI G where G as a
predefined time threshold is the allowable maximum In the encryption key generation procedure, the matching
transmission delay from user B to S; key is derived from the authorized users password key and
(2) derives EFC C
from GHEI ; trusted computers environmental key. To our knowledge,
(3) computes R,L = (RC  EF C
and BR,L = R,L #; system parameters, like MAC address of NIC, CPU ID, and
(4) checks to see whether BR,L = BR ; OS serial number, are individually unique among all
computers having been produced in the world. Hence, it is
If not, it discards this message and sends a verification-
almost impossible for users to generate the same kMj in
failure message to user B to terminate the procedure.
Otherwise, it different computers given the same parameter sequence. As a
(5) obtains UIDB,C , UIDM3 and FID by calculating result, even a user copies the files to other computer, e.g., an
C untrusted computer X, from the trusted one, he/she is still
$%R,L ||$%! ||$% = (BSR EF ) R ;
unable to decrypt it on X, meaning that the DENK well
(6) checks to see whether $%R,L = $%R ; protects data from leakage.
If not, S discards and sends a verification-failure
message to user B to terminate the procedure. B. Replay attacks
Otherwise, it In the DENK, the time key EF is derived in Round 1 of
(7) generates auxiliary key ?5TU = ?MLL ?R! ; both encryption key generation and file decryption
(8) computes
= (R + EF )(EF  R );
{UIDB , r 'B , RB , REQB , t ' nonce }

(1) Fetch system time t 'nonce, S when the packet is received;

{ No, terminate the procedure;
Verify t 'nonce, S  t 'nonce  t ? Yes, continue the procedure;
(2) Derive k 'ct from t 'nonce ;
(3) rB ,C  (r 'B  2 k 'ct )  k 'ct ; RB ,C  rB ,C  P;
(4) Verify RB,C=RB? No, terminate the procedure;
Yes, continue the procedure;
(5) UIDB,C ||UID M 3 || FID  ( REQB  k 'ct )  2 rB
(6) Verify UIDB,C=UIDB? No, terminate the procedure;
Yes, continue the procedure;
User B Trusted (7) K AUX  EK  ECC K BM 3 ;
Computer (8) x  (rB + 2 k 'ct )  (k 'ct  2 rB ); Server S
M3 (9) K ' AUX  K AUX  ECC x  P; K '' AUX  K AUX  ECC RB ;
(10) {K ' AUX , K '' AUX }

Fig. 5. The file decryption procedure of Round 2.

{K ' AUX , K '' AUX } pass the verification procedure, meaning that the DENK can
effectively defend forgery attacks.
(1) K AUX ,C1  K '' AUX  ECC RB ;
(2) x  (rB + 2 k 'ct )  (k 'ct  2 rB ); K ' AUX ,C  K AUX ,C1  ECC x  P;
Trusted Computer
(3) Verify K ' AUX ,C  K ' AUX ? Yes, No, terminate this procedure;
continue this procedure;
(4) kM 3  Fenvironment ( H1 (k PWB )); To prevent data from leakage in cloud storage, in this
(5) kBM 3  (kM 3  kPWB )  2 kPWB ; K BM 3  k BM 3  P; study, the DENK is used to encrypt secret group files so that
(6) EK  K AUX ,C1  ECC K BM 3 ; Decrypt files with EK; these files can be shared by all authorized users on trusted
Server S
User B
computers. The matching keys together with users password
Fig. 6. The file decryption procedure of Round 3. key and trusted computers environmental keys generate the
file encryption key. During the decryption procedure, one
procedures. When an adversary intercepts the message sent auxiliary key and one matching key are computed by using
by a user to the server, there may be two cases. First, the ECC addition operation to generate the file decryption key.
adversary keeps the original message without modifying it Further, according to our security analyses, the DENK is
and pretends the corresponding legal user to transmit this able to resist machine-specific data leakage, replay attack,
message to the server. In this case, GHEI,J GHEI G eavesdropping attack, and impersonation attack, and can be
does not hold because the retransmission is delayed where t used for business data sharing.
is the maximal time required by a message to be transmitted In the near future, we would like to improve the key
from a user to the server. Second, the adversary modifies the generation procedure as well as the file decryption procedure.
time tnonce to make GHEI,J GHEI G . However, the Although the DENK has a high level of security, the
authentication (Step (4)) of Round 2 in both procedures complex steps used for parameter hiding and verification
would fail because the time key is different from the original need to be improved so that the trusted computer and
one. Therefore, the DENK is invulnerable to replay attacks. servers processing time can be further reduced. Besides, we
would also like to derive the reliability and behaviour models
C. Eavesdropping attack of the DENK so that users can predict the system reliability
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underlying network, he/she can extract sensitive information, studies.
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