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Possible Topics for Test #1

1. Very Simple Linear First-Order ODEsIntegrate Both Sides!

2. Linear First-Order ODEsIntegrating Factors.

a. For what Values of t Does the Solution y(t) Exist?

3. Nonlinear First-Order ODEsSep. of Vars. (Partial Fractions!)

a. I-V Problems with Plus or Minus Square Root in Soln!
b. For what Values of x Does the Solution y(x) Exist?

4. Nonlinear First-Order ODEsHomogeneous Eqs. (Part. Fract.)

a. Substitution v(x) = y(x)/x to Make Equation Separable (?)
b. B-V Problems with Plus or Minus Square Root in Soln!
c. For what Values of x Does the Solution y(x) Exist?

5. Autonomous ODEs and Population Dynamics.

a. Equilibrium solutions, Plot of f(y) (= dy/dt) vs. y.
b. Phase Line (One-Dimensional Phase Space), Trajectories.
c. Sketch Soln Curves vs. t Curvatures & Inflect. Pts. via y

6. Bernoulli Equations.

7. Modeling Problems (Word Problems). Tank problems, rate problems,

radioactive decay problems, bank interest problems, etc.

8. Nonlinear First-Order ODEsExact ODEs.

a. My = Nx.
b. Psi = Constant!
c. For what Values of x Does the Solution y(x) Exist?

9. Nonlinear First-Order ODEsExact ODEs by Integrating Factor.

10. Second-Order ODEs that can be transformed into First-Order ODEs by

substitution [e.g. v(x) = y(x)] and then solved.

11. A Little Proof !!

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