Silabus MM6061 Modelling in Business and Management EMBA54 PDF

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MM6061 Modeling in Business and



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Table of Contents
1. Mission of SBM ITB ............................................................................................................................... 4

2. Course Description ................................................................................................................................ 4

3. Learning Goals and Objectives of <Study Program> ............................................................................. 4

4. Learning Outcomes of <Courses Name>.............................................................................................. 7

5. Reading Material ................................................................................................................................... 7

6. The Course Schedule/ Plan ................................................................................................................... 8

7. Assessment Summary ......................................................................................................................... 13

8. Grading Policy ..................................................................................................................................... 13

9. Course Policy ....................................................................................................................................... 13

10. Lecture(S)/ Facilitator(S) Profile ...................................................................................................... 14

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1. Mission of SBM ITB
SBM ITB has mission as follows:

To educate students to be innovative leaders with an entrepreneurial mindset and to

develop and disseminate knowledge of business and management for the betterment of
business, government, and society

2. Course Description
Business and management in the real world is very complex, therefore we need methodologies to
describe the complexity for the purpose of understanding comprehensively. This course will provide
student with ability to understand phenomena holistically and detail at once, then student will
understand that systemic structure will cause the behavior over time and how to change it. This course
is designed to more practical than theoretical, and suitable for the students who is preparing to be a
decision maker than to be a researcher.

3. Learning Goals and Objectives of Modeling in Business and

Master of Business Administration Program has learning goals and objectives as on Table 1
below. Fourth column shows the LG/LO of study program attached to courses.

Table 1. Learning Goals and Objectives of Modeling in Business and Management

No Learning Goal Learning Objectives Course LG/LO

Identify and analyze central problems with x

integrative thinking
Problem solving through multiple
perspectives that integrate both functional x
1 Integrative Thinking
and relevant contextual information
Create recommendation based on the
perspective above and the companys x
strategic objectives
Understand how to collaborate with others

2 Team work Apply the concept of managing conflict to

resolve problem in small group learning

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Demonstrate constructive feedback in
small group learning environment
Present information in an organized and x
concise manner.
Communication Skill Demonstrate skill to persuade others in x
persuasive manners
Demonstrate oral communication and
listening skills
Recognize ethical issues in business context

Explain ethical considerations, recognize

the rights and responsibilities of the
stakeholder and the impact toward various
4 Ethical Responsibility
Systematically analyse the pro and cons of
any decisions related to ethical issues.
Demonstrate and understanding a concept
of Corporate Social Responsibility
Demonstrate and understanding on a
concept of environment sustainability
Awareness of what it takes to exercise
effective leadership
Understand the concept of influence and
inspire others by evaluating, analyzing, and
providing critics on how leadership
5 Leadership behaviors and characteristics affect
employees, businesses, situations, and
Demonstrate and understand the concept
of empowering people and managing
Understand global industry and identify
global issues that may affect the industry
Global Awareness (Global Intellectual Capital)
Develop passion for diversity and ability to
work with diverse group by understanding
multicultural aspects (Global Social Capital)

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Develop recommendations that consider
global dimensions and multicultural

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4. Learning Outcomes of Modeling in Business and Management
Learning outcomes of this course can be seen in table 2 below. Each of learning outcomes
should be mapped to course LG/LO.

Table 2. Learning Outcomes of Modeling in Business and Management

No Learning Outcomes Course LG/LO
1 Students will be able to think systemic rather 1.1
than even or pattern
2 Students will be able to implement system dynamic 1.2
in real problem and analyse the scenario
3 Students will be able to create recommendation 1.3
based on the results of simulation
4 Students will be able to express their decision 3.1
through modelling and simulation
5 Students will have modeling and simulation skill 3.2
as tools to convince other

5. Reading Material
The text books assigned to this subject are :

1. Anderson, V. and Lauren Johson, Systems Thinking Basics: From Concepts to Causal Loops, Pegasus
Communications, Inc., 1997.
2. Sterman, J., Business Dynamics, McGraw-Hill, 2004.
3. James M. Lynes, 1980, Corporate Planning and Policy Design: A System Dynamics Approach, The MIT
Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, and London England
4. VENSIM PLE Plus: Users Guide Version 4
5. Linking Balanced Scorecard to System Dynamics, Frank Schoeneborn
6. Developing a Balanced Scorecard with System Dynamics, Henk Akkermans and Kim van Oorschot
7. System Dynamics Modeling for Balanced Scorecard: With a special Emphasis on Skill, Customer
Based, and WIP, Steen Neilsen

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6. The Course Schedule/ Plan
Table 3 present the class activities that are required to achieve the learning objectives of this course.

Table 3. Weekly Class Activities of <Courses Name>

Week/ Date/ Module Activities Other Activities

download Vensim PLE:
Topic : Overview of system

Sub-topic/ Issue covered :
From phenomena to
Causal Loop Diagram Practicing VENSIM: 1.1,1.2
From phenomena to
Saturday, January 21, Stock and Flow Diagram
2017 Activity : Lecture and Exercise

Learning Outcome : 1.1, 1.2, and


Reading/ References : Ref.1 (All),

Ref.2: Ch.1, Ch.5, Ch.6, Ch.8;
Ref3: Ch.1;Ref.4: Ch.4, Ch.5
Topic : Step by step model
Saturday, February 4,
Sub-topic/ Issue covered : modeling practice with VENSIM
Inventory management
Activity : Lecture and practicing

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Learning Outcome : 1.1,1.2 and
Reading/ References : Ref.2:
Ch.6, Ref3: Ch.2
Topic : Step by step model
Sub-topic/ Issue covered : New
Product Development
Saturday, February 11,
Activity : Lecture and practicing modeling practice with VENSIM
Learning Outcome : 1.1,1.2 and
Reading/ References : Ref.2:
Topic : Step by step model
Sub-topic/ Issue covered :
Dynamic Balanced Scorecard
Saturday, February 18,
Activity : Lecture and practicing modeling practice with VENSIM
Learning Outcome : 1.1,1.2 and
Reading/ References : Ref.5,
Ref.6 and Ref.7
Topic : Step by step model
Sub-topic/ Issue covered :
Saturday, February 25, Financial Modeling in System
modeling practice with VENSIM
2017 Dynamics
Activity : Lecture and practicing
Learning Outcome : 1.1,1.2 and

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Reading/ References : Ref.4: Ch. 7
Topic : Step by step model
Sub-topic/ Issue covered :
Capacity and Market Growth in
Saturday, March 4, 2017 System Dynamics modeling practice with VENSIM
Activity : Lecture and practicing
Learning Outcome : 1.1,1.2 and
Reading/ References : Ref.4: Ch. 5
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Mid Exam
Topic : Constructing Model for
Final Project (1)
Sub-topic/ Issue covered :
Building CLD
Activity : Discussion and
Saturday, March 18, 2017 modeling practice with VENSIM
Learning Outcome : 1.1,1.2 and
Reading/ References: Ref.1: All;
Ref4. Ch. 4 and Ch 5
Topic : Constructing Model for
Final Project (2)
Sub-topic/ Issue covered :
Building SFD
Saturday, March 25, 2017 modeling practice with VENSIM
Activity : Discussion and
Learning Outcome : 1.1,1.2 and

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Reading/ References: Ref.1: All;
Ref4. Ch. 4 and Ch 5
Topic : Constructing Model for
Final Project (3)
Sub-topic/ Issue covered :
Constructing Equations
Activity : Discussion and
Saturday, April 1, 2017 modeling practice with VENSIM
Learning Outcome : 1.1,1.2 and
Reading/ References: Ref.2;
Topic : Constructing Model for
Final Project (4)
Sub-topic/ Issue covered :
Simulation and Analysis
Activity : Discussion and
Saturday, April 8, 2017 modeling practice with VENSIM
Learning Outcome : 1.1,1.2 and
Reading/ References: Ref.2;
Topic : Constructing Model for
Final Project (5)
Sub-topic/ Issue covered : Model
Saturday, April 22, 2017 modeling practice with VENSIM
Activity : Discussion and
Learning Outcome : 1.1,1.2 and

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Reading/ References: Ref.2;
Topic : Final Project Presentation

Activity : Discussion
Saturday, April 29, 2017 Learning Outcome : 1.1,1.2, 3.1 modeling practice with VENSIM
and 3.2
Reading/ References: Ref.2;
Saturday, May 6, 2017 Final Exam

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7. Assessment Summary
Table 4. Assessment summary and weight of Modeling in Business and Management
Whole 1.1,1.2,1.3, 3.1,
Assignment + Participation 15%/ 100
semester 3.2
At the end of
Presentation 15%/ 100 3.1,3.2
week 7
Mid Semester Test 11 March 2017 30%/ 100 1.1,1.2,1.3
Final Examination 6 May 2017 30%/ 100 1.1,1.2,1.3

8. Grading Policy
Item Weight
Case Assignment and Participation 15%
Presentation 15%
Mid Test 30%
Final Test 30%

TOTAL 100%

9. Course Policy
In order to succeed, students are advised to do the followings:
(i) Allocate sufficient time for self-preparation
(ii) Discuss concepts and cases with their group
(iii) Have a real world case to be modeled
(iv) Have a proper notes of all lecture
(v) Contribute actively in the class

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10. Lecture(S)/ Facilitator(S) Profile

Lecture Profile
1. Name: Dr. Manahan Siallagan, S.Si, MT, M.Sc.,
Office: SBM ITB Building Room 305
Short Profile: Manahan Siallagan graduated from Mathematic, InstitutTeknologi Bandung in
1998. He got master degree from electrical engineering, InstitutTeknologi Bandung in 2003. He
continued his study at Tokyo Institute of Technology and got both of Master and Doctoral degree
in computational intelligent and systems science in 2013. Joined the School of Business and
Management (SBM) ITB as a full-time tutor in 2007 and as a full time lecturer after he received
M.Scand PhD in Computational Intelligence and Systems Science from Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Japan in 2011 and 2013. His experiences are as a lecturer in private university since
2000, as a research assistant and full time tutor at decision making and strategic negotiation of
research interest group since 2005.

He has several International publications, such as Systems Research and Behavioral Science,
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, and Frontiers in Psychological and Behavioral
Science also some books chapters in Springer edition. His research interest social simulation,
decision science and negotiation, system thinking and agent based modeling.

2. Name : Teten W. Avianto

E-mail :
Office: SBM ITB Building Room 305

Short Profile: Teten Avianto, since 1999have been working in field of Systems Thinking &System
Dynamics modeling. At the first time learn systems thinking in Leadership for Environment and
Development Program (1996 1998), and learn system dynamics in Master Program of
Development Studies ITB (1997 -2000). Graduated from agricultural engineering Unpad, 1990.
Currently, as a student of DSM SBM ITB.
As systems thinking / System dynamics modeling facilitator, have experiences at various institution
/ organization, corporate, government, such as Bank BNI, Bank DBS, Bank Indonesia (BI),
BAPENAS, BIGS (Bakosurtanal), PERTAMINA, PT. Wijaya Karya, UNDP, USAID Timor Leste,
Jawa Barat Province, Papua Province, Kebumen District, Balitbang Teknologi Pertanian, Balitbang
Peternakan, LEAD Program, Yayasan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, Yayasan Leuser Indonesia,
UID, and some universities.
Since 2002 developed system dynamics mailing list group discussion at, more than 800 members
One of his research published by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) as a chapter
in a book of Negotiating Water Rights edited by Bryan Bruns & Ruth Meinzen-Dick, 2000.

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