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I am Richa Bhatnagar, a business student at SIT in New Zealand taking up the Post Graduate

Diploma in Business Enterprise. For my dissertation, I am writing a feasibility paper on setting

up a specialty pizza restaurant in Chandigarh. This survey seeks to determine customer
preferences for the proposed restaurant. All answers will be kept strictly confidential and at no
point will your data be used for any other purpose than the specific market research for our
business. We appreciate your generosity in giving us your valuable time.

If you have never tried pizza before or you dont like to eat pizza so you dont need to complete
this survey. Thank you for your participation and time.

Demographic Information
1. Age: 18-24 25-34 35-44

45-54 55- Above

2. Gender (please tick): - Male Female

3. Occupation: Student Office employee Self-employed


Other please specify______________

Please tick the box that corresponds to your answer:

4. How often do you go to a pizza restaurant?

More than once a week

Once a week

Once every two weeks

Once a month

More than a months time

Never (I do not go to a pizza restaurant.)

5. Who usually goes with you to a pizza restaurant?




I usually go alone.

I never go to a pizza restaurant.

6. Which Pizza Restaurant do you usually go to? If you go often to more than one
restaurant e.g. you go twice a month to Restaurant A and Restaurant B --please tick
the appropriate boxes.

Pizza Hut


La Pinoz

Sams Pizza

Casa Bella Vista Pizzeria

I never go to a pizza restaurant.

Others: Please indicate _______________________

7. Within a months time, how often do you order pizza for delivery?

More than 8 times

4 to 8 times

3 times or less

I never order delivery

8. Where do you usually have your pizza delivered?



I have never ordered delivery

Other (please specify) ________________

9. Authentic Italian Pizza is made the traditional Italian way, with a thin crust, usually
tomato sauce, mozzarella and toppings. It is considered more premium quality than Pizza
Hut or Dominos. Are you willing to spend more than Rs 100 for authentic large size Italian

Rs 150 or less

Rs 200 or less

Rs 300 or less

I am willing to spend more than Rs300 for authentic Italian Pizza

I am not willing to spend more than Rs300 for authentic Italian Pizza.

I am not willing to spend more than Rs100 for authentic Italian pizza.

10. We plan to serve customised pizza, where customers can choose their own
ingredients. For Make Your Own Pizza, please tick (as many as you like) which
ingredients you may put on your pizza:


Grilled Chicken Italian Sausage Pepperoni

Salami Smoked Ham

Other (please specify) ______

Veggie Toppings

Jalapeno Peppers Green Peppers Tomatoes

Chopped Garlic Onions Mushrooms

Olives Pineapple Artichokes

Other (please specify) ______


Mozzarella Gorgonzola Ricotta

Parmesan Vegan Cheese

Other (please specify) ______


Classic Red Sauce Spicy Red Sauce

Pesto Olive Oil Drizzle

Other (please specify) ______

11. Are you more likely to order popular pizza flavours (Margherita with mozzarella
cheese and garlic organo.etc; Napolitana with tomato sauce and mozzarella) or
Make My Own pizza?

Popular pizza

Make My Own Pizza

I will try both.

12. Do you think Make My Own Pizza is an interesting option to try?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly


o o o o o
13. Please indicate your preference for these self service features that might be offered in a
pizza restaurant.

Self- Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

service Agree Disagree
Electronic * * * * *
ordering at
your table
(through a

Online * * * * *
before you
arrive at
website or
mobile app
Self- * * * * *
pay for
your order
at the
cashier and
wait for
your pizza
at the
Choose * * * * *
your own
flavours at
14. Please indicate your preference for these digital features that might be offered in a
pizza restaurant.

Features Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
Wifi * * * * *
Mobile * * * * *
Online * * * * *
Online * * * * *
content I
can browse
through at
my table
with news
Mobile * * * * *
or digital

15. Would you like In-house music in the pizza restaurant?

Yes, I would love it. Yes, its fine Neutral

No, I prefer silence, actually. No, I cant stand in-house music.

16. Would you like the restaurant to use recycled packaging?

Yes Neutral No

Thank you very much.

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