The Language Problem

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The Language Problem

By: Maqsood Hasni

Free Abuzar Barqi Kutabkhana
July 2017

1. Why jump to learn Urdu under any language of
the world
2. Word is the silent instrument of expression
3. This is the endless truth
4. The words will not remain in the same style
5. Hindasthani can be suggested as mans
communicational language!
6. Nothing new has been added in the alphabet
7. A language teacher would have to be aware
8. A language teacher can make a lot for the
human society
9. Hidden sounds of alphabet are not in the books
10. The children are large, important and
sensitive resource of the sounds

11. Observes over the roof

12. The search of new sounds is not a difficult matter
as it seems
13. The strong thought makes ordinary to special one
14. For the revelations of expressions man collects
the words from the different cultivations
15. Five qualifications are required for a language
16. Student must be has left liberations in order
to express his ideas
17. Expression is much impotent one then designates
or that correct or wrong writing
18. Seven Senses importance in the life of a language
19. Every language has more than two pronunciations
20- The language is a strong element of pride for
the people

21- Languages are by the men and for the men

22- What bad or wrong with it?!

Why to do it jump to learn Urdu under any language of

the world

This age is very strange cruel and painful for slave

nations. They are not knowing or not understanding what
to do or which to leave. They are breathing under the
domination powers. They have not the clear destination.
There the departments work under the guaiac or the
supervision of others. The true unfortunate is this that
the powers of forgoing do not know there needs, mental
level, thought anatomy, working preferences etc. They
know only how to return these weak and weak nations
and order over their resources. The education
department is especially disrupted by their interference
and attitude. The principal courses of university have not
the individual match of spirit and mind. For example I will
talk here on the subject of the language of Urdu. The
language of Urdu is a 2nd speaking language of the

world. That has a stronger expressing power and a

sounds system of his matching man. In this regard no
language can be held before Urdu. This language has its
own sentence to do the rules and the code. Why to do it
jump to learn it under any language of the world. This is
the true Muslims have their own methods, psychology,
attitude, likes, dislikes and life preferences. This is
equally the Muslim registered of a fact are as and like
the Persian one and the Arabic. Reasoning, the two
languages affected on their local languages. The Muslims
have heart relation with these languages. But his
average no under which
One must think the Urdu or by or with the assistance of
these languages. The languages ie Arabic and Persian
one have possess there installed linguistics and the
system of sounds that is different absolutely of the Urdu
or of behind. In the universities Arabic and the Persian
one are included as coerce necessary. The student must

study these two languages. Which need of the study of

these two languages to learn the Urdu? Which links and
coercion of these languages with the Urdu. One does not
think currently nevertheless any language of the world
or by the assistance of other languages. They have
adopted the so many words of other languages. You can
obtain the English as example. It let words of thousands
adopt of other, not only this English has got a lot of
sounds of compounds Sh, kh, ph, ch, gh etc. English is not
thought anywhere in the world by or trough or with the
help of any other language. Why the Arabic and the
Persian one are included in the principal courses. Which
Arabic and Persian word took place in the Urdu is not
now the Arabic or Persian. That very different of these
two languages by a lot of reasons:
1. There the meanings in the Urdu are different
2. In the Urdu there the usages are not as there
maternal languages

3. Here the words mahajar have the different

pronunciation there in value and the value is different
4. The system of linguistics of the Urdu is different
quietly of the latter bilingual ones It is stupid and old
days thinking that we cannot learn and pass Know
outside the Arabic and the Persian one. While these are
languages of separate so why to learn itself there for the
better one and learn consequently the language of Urdu.
I want to mention a certain example the release and
arrangement and to clear my point of view:
Hoor, oqaat, asami, ahwaal are plural in Arab but the
words are the unique one used in the Urdu.
These words equally are not employed as there
systems of linguistic of mother tongues.
A more thing they have the different Urdu of meaning
of there maternal language.
Aie'nak (means eye glasses) is a composed world

(Aien, the Arab means eyes); runs naak, average smell,

(a local word) and never are employed in Arbaic.
Zimma; an Arabic word, (responsible means) but
speaks here the zomma. Zomawaar, zomma'dar are
heard to the western Pendjab. Tashnagi speaks the
tashnagi, khalwat speaks the khilwat.
As these hundreds of words the words are speaks inside
in different. Khasam is employed for the husband and the
I can here mention of the examples of hundreds to show
that these words mahajar are have not now a small
concern with the Arab or Persian. It is true that these
languages did the effects on the Urdu but his average no
that now the Urdu has the Arabic or the Persian become
one. On the reasoning that these languages have the
affect and deep affections on the Urdu thus these
languages are necessary to learn the Urdu, why not
English, Japanese, Turkish and a lot of other languages

did not include in courses of Masters of Urdu. I think that

no one have answer of this question. In the new age the
English did the effects of root on the Urdu. On this earth
masters editors of coerce should take the English in the
principal courses because modern the Urdu have the
word of thousands of the English in different model and
meanings of form. I recommended that the Urdu must be
matter and treated by the Urdu because it has its own
rules of identity and of linguistics. The word transfer
from a language to other is not a strange process. In
fact the gathering of man the other visits men or of man
to other places or the man come from different places.
They would have to take care of the various works and
life business. Of this manner they obtain a lot of things of
every other. They speak on a lot of questions and of
burning matters of the day. By this manner, the words
move themselves of here to there. The Urdu is a
language of phase and social. It obtains not only of the
effects of the other equally put effect of languages on

them. A sincere and a researcher working hard can find

words of language of Urdu in different forms, forms and
meaning in the world languages.

Word is a silence instrument of expression

It may be under many reasons of conflict between

nations, cultures, civilizations, families, even man to man.
But two reasons cannot ignorable: 1Man remains
Officers' Club of Revolutionary Armed Forces or keep
Officers' Club of Revolutionary Armed Forces form man
to man on the bases of selfishness. Selfish elements to
ever desired to have hold on resources of world or keep
to man in lowest position for getting his resources and
services on low rates. Crown or to power holders also
did the same game.
2 Having one mistaken some sayings. Sayings maybe
quietly different as have understood. Word is to silence
instrument of expression. When to person touch this
instrument, it should see started working under the
decision of that person's social, economic and religious
required needs and desires. It works according to the

equality, dislikeness of the need or the style or the mood

of his speaker. Meaning do not sees fixed for Word. One
Word do sees used for many type meaning i.e. beauty,
not beauty, selfishness, true, rolls, angry, agree,
disagree, faith, death and under. Some times to speaker
say very different or opposite from understanding. It
also sees happened people understandingly get wrong or
opposite meaning for their benefits. Way of talking or
mood of two listener also sees caused misunderstanding
and conflict. It sees represented language of court for as
example reference. If Word has fixed meaning this
contradictory position shall to never occurs. Law will to
never seem helpless on various situations. Lower courts
decisions will sees considered final. Word meanings
game takes to matter to higher aplenty courts. Who do
nothing but is punished while criminals and to personnel
who there are committed some bad deed released and
get escapes. It is to strong and important deed and need
of the day that man should eats to closer to each to

other. In this deed, service man respecting authorities

must also see taken part with true and to sincere desire.
I say with full responsibility man there are not serious
matters or contradictions with each and to other. All
conflicts raised and have taken pleases by the heads of
states / institutions, political elements as well as selfish
and greedy money and resources controlling powers.
They have not care man's pain, hunger and thirst. They
only know how to get dollars, which is in pain and cruces
they have not care at all. The final man with the man
balances the life. Man will try to know the other man by
his life put up, metal approach, mood, personality
opinion, social and economic needs. Often way of the
traffic needs routine and act etc. By this way will come
cultural and civilization similarities also on the surface.
Man will respect each other. He will do many type
relations with everybody. He will carry each other with
the whole use and beds. He will help other in bad times,
and celebrate in good times. Personal other ones

speaking a language even then they may see same

language speaking and same City or street persons.
After knowing someone personally, meanings sees got
properly and according to his sayings. Conversion
process is very sanative. Talking and listening, both
depend upon personal understanding and confidence.
Without understanding and knowing each to other,
decisions not sees taken freely with justice. Every one of
us to whether there are is king, president of a country,
businessman or bigger common individual or to layman,
there are to very short life. In this short no affords life
conflicts. Man should live peacefully happily and tension
relief throughout. Give love and get love. Help everyone
under that there is help you. Provide everyone without
any likeness. Don't see who is there in color by race.
Peace is not without implementation stupefies stated two
basic but important necessities of life.

This is the endless truth

Points out that this is the endless truth, so universal

cannot support his state of origin. Every instant of life, to
change form, sense, use, quality and uses it now. Finally,
the end of last year, Communications / death.
Nevertheless, it is as an universal fact as the transfer of
experience and from competences to other one and of
next year will not be stop process at any time. Novels of
the name of model, culture and civilization. Budh pad is
Papulose religion and his impact on the subcontinent in
the community. Zartusht has a good name between the
religious of world. We are well known of all are not well
brought up, in most cases the name and the respect for
the world of the modern society. It makes no doubt that
they still exist, but are not well known, was in epoch.
They do not dominate the heart of the people and from
the Earth. Even they do not have control over their own

means. When Hazrarat Esa left the world, and to teach

the sensitization of its ideas worldwide. Appeared even
the religion as a culture and from the society of a big
creed. That's how this religion thing Now, in daytimes! He
stays only as a personal question. Islam as potency
worldwide. Abolition of the big countries of Islam, their
ideology and their way of life in these days. Muslim
teachers, and previous Sophie Ulmas part of world. They
talked in the people on the beneficial effects of Islam.
Sowed holders also to do the job on the name of Islam. As
we must acknowledge that their efforts, the Islam
prevailing in Muslims here and there, and respected
dignity. But what took place the last year?! Now, the day
the Muslim community is at the very least from the
worldwide society. None Muslims that they do not like the
thread. They think that they terrorist. Socialism is a
consider check "Ism" of the world. After 70 years of it
and loses its value and stocks. It is necessary to say that
these countries will be accept efforts khalafat-e-Arzi /

Badshahi. The country controls it all characters. Besides,

as I made it experience and competences are going to
continue. All these countries are still in the file. The
language is not a separate by the people. That have even
never left only two loudspeakers them. Besides, the
predominant language of the person, across their
speeches. The impact of the acquisition of the language
and the near language, at the same time, in the short
term and the effect of the language. The countries of
parse language a big country of the world is not, but he
can set up a certain number of words and language close
to the world. Very as Persian, Arab language, are also
worldwide. The different materials that Pacific has no
original form, no form or the sense of this Jalso, faislo,
Jaluso, Zimma / Zomma, khasam, Katakana / kanakata
and so on, word Arabic is not. Arab, and can be
withdrawn if Parisian the language in the world under
different forms, in forms, sounds and meanings. In the
course of meeting formulated a certain number of so-

called English governments, the poor people and which is

the weeks underlines that there was nothing in position
of not in English. The Organization of United Nations or
even a person cannot advance without the English
language. People can have their own objectives and the
English language movement. What is nonsense Statement
and stupid?!
Who can say that this decision position will continue in
next time?
There is not length. This in may to be in French and
English will be a history of past. English has very poor
system of sound. It pleaded so that the sounds of
linguistics Shanghai Composite Engineering, methane,
Kazykhanov, the value of the ph. As an integrant party of
the language is communication. They speak across their
advance. Every language has its own value. Other dealers
of the English language and then most speakers of this
language. They have a very good potency and a purchase

big. There are numerous natural resources of their

competences is in the daytime in the control of a
superpower. Who knows when they will be weak and the
poor countries will in power? 2ndly if they are going to
leave the product and then using English and to speak
English will cease existing. My point of view is
fundamental today that situation and position is not
always in one state. As a result, a superpower and its
pointed cruel and evil, leaders of the necessary slaves to
attack these weaknesses of the poverty of hard labor
and love of respect and love. They have to look after
their needs. Chinese and Japanese work hard, and very
good in Monaco, and we think that Iran is Faith Strong
and audacious. It is possible tomorrow one of them will
be. Difficulties met in problem and Pashtuns in conflict.
There will probably be to fight in the next fruits. And then
all Pakhto is going to dominate the world languages. All
that despite shall never forget the fact that the language
will lose its value and the value of communication

according to objective. Mahajar will be full value of the

fact that the language. I underline one more time that the
English algorithm decuples behave their business; they
will not have peace in the world.

The words will not remain the same style

It is a fact that the dictionary is a useful tool in order to

understand the meaning of the word. Moreover it helps
to sense of a word. Without doubt dictionary a sure time
identify a track trace or a sigh. The dictionary to
moreover says what a word is in itself if relative
pronoun of name or some other more. But my point is
this that we cannot render them low to knowing or to
understand a word. Perhaps the dictionary
demonstrates to a tool or an element helping in the
search of the linguistic process. Bessie this, is often
transformed in a hurdle to knowing or the understanding
or discovering of the meanings of a word. A earth part,
country does not have a community of the acronyms.
That one can have many communities. That one has
always different colors thus, race like the different
languages that they speak people. Not only has this had

the same colored, race pure the same people speaking

about language do not have one-way of conversation
style or speaking. However cultivation of that country on
the whole will be considered cultivation. Relative it
means that culture of the country, in fact having much
mini/little cultivation. Every minimums cultivation have
relative the own style, rules and living codes of value of
life and traditions social that are only for that cultivation.
Perhaps prominent identity of that cultivation. Here their
of the citizen or the country language of communication
of language, own making style, conversation and phrase
will even have their rules. The words have the different
uses and meanings in the other zones. The word second
gives to the meaning the relative phrase. Every
construction of phrase within of the situation puts into
effect them of value of the cultivation, event or need or
of the legal document of conversation. The words
moreover give to the meanings second the relative
social condition and of operation. A word can have

different meanings between the people that different the

two for example one is servant while other is landlord.
Their talk never matches with an each and other. The
phrases are spoken in the different experiences and on
the situations different. Here the word differs from
already in use to the meaning or available in the
meanings of the dictionaries. Reason for which every
experience and every situation perhaps different in the
experiences record. The language of the market is not
like the domestic language. Here the style and the sense
of conversation will be changed automatically. This
change, changes the meanings of a word. The
market/bazzar is not to consist of one type stores of
things for the people. Thus influences of this variety on
the meaning of the word. In fact the word has relative
survival and the life in a sentence. Thus the meanings
have deep relationship with the relative one sentence. If
we try to having meanings without a phrase that will be
limited the word for fixed and already the meanings.

While the fact is this that the word is nothing without a

sentence. It is to align that the word indicates a sure
thing. The chair means a thing for location down. But the
chair has many to mean other than this meaning. They
are not wrong meanings or unaccepted. As an example:
The chair has relative own preferences.
The chair must see all the good ones or beds
The not grad ice chair people of the anti-chair.
The chair does not have justification for the critics.
The chair cannot make some unusual one without
relative sorters submissive. The words will not remain
the same style, conversation sense or of it pronounces
in the different situations, places of the different,
between different people and the different houses. It
does not forget that to mean and the word form they are
living in the movements. The movement supplies energy
to a word. After experience and long and deep
experiments I have obtained this result that; the

dictionary is a useful tool for the meanings of words but

they are not last and minimal. The second thing is this
that the dictionary does not make resolve all the
linguistics problems of communities. The relative
meanings supplied perhaps refused to many places,
situations, experiences, needs to be human and
necessity. The words have not repaired and stationary
meanings. A word that has positive bonds and meanings
but it has a strong possibility perhaps that negative the
defective meanings and are available in the market. As an
O (yes, in Urdu acha) it was you who abuse me. (Acha to yah
tum thay jis nay mujhy galiaan dein.)
O now i have to leave. (acha to ab mein chalta hoon)
No doubt you have done a good job./Bilashoba tum nay acha kaam
kiya hai.
Ab woh acha ho giya hai. Now he is better./Bimar tha sehatmand ho
giya hai/bora

tha magar ab bora nahain raha.

Urdu word acha is using for good or better in dictionary
but in the life market it has also bad usages.

Hindasthani can be suggested makes man

communication language!

The department of the man by the religion of the color

language range/country or culture actual not an
expenditure today. It started very makes first movement
of the life. The egoistic elements never like to have a fort
or until common an association makes man. They always
had tried to create one conflict enter the man to the
man. Why they make thus?
Simple It, they knows if the man close makes man its
finical robbery and desires dominate over men will be
closed. They will remain one common and nobody will
bend to them. Who will serve and load its rough and not
palimony conversations of nonsense and orders. When
and where they turn a unit man or association they had
started its badly dirty and dull methods of the unit in
addition of man. Why the man is not wanted to

understand the egoism of being able egoistic?

If the man makes to remain in pieces, the abandonment
of poverty and a slavery will leave never it to free a
hand. It will not move away a land freely. His brothers
but life of distant places will understand never him and
he does not make in the position to serve in it bad
weather. Today present age of hunter of resources and
money is much more dangerous then no past. The money
and the hunters of appositive resources are seemed one
active very then some time. A religion is resource
greatest can be made a unit of human beings. Unhappily
religion failed badly because religion is also has divided
in as many parts little and small. It is difficulty to decide
a person who is in right or truth. A culture also has
much many differences. A land is divided in the many
pieces. A thing only remains who can be made a unit of
men. Many languages are spoken in the word. The man
love one its language but an example is available in the

world that had joined men of different areas. It is the

Urdu. Urdu is not a native language of Pakistanis. Each
province have as its proper native language/languages.
The Punjabi for Punjabis, Sindhi for Sindhis, Balochi for
Balochis while Pakhto is a native language of Pakhtoons.
People of all area can speak and understand Urdu easily.
The whole Pakistanis thinks and considers it one its
national language. When they find one another they use
this language each conversation of type its. Aries a
question, why the Hindustani (Urdu+Hindi) can be
suggested makes man communication/talk language! In
fact it is Hindustani (Hindi + Urdu). It only has a writing
difference. In another way in it speaks and
understanding, is same. The egoistic elements divide it
for finical and governing benefits. Hindi is a national
language and communicative/talk of India. In the
different Universities of the world Hindi and Urdu
(Hidustani/Hindasthani) are taught as a subject. It very
means many people who do not live in Subcontinent, are

in the position to speak or to understand or to have both

as abilities. Conde that papulation that they do not live or
live in Subcontinent is more then a half papulation makes
world. The Hindustani (hindi / Urdu) has the excess and
more sounds of each language make world. It is in the
position to cover necessities of language without the
sound of substitute of each language makes world. It can
adopt each thing that is the style or the way
takes/conversation. In this direction see this example:
Os nay khana khaya Hindustani sentence making style
khaya Khana os nay/ Khana khaya os nay Japanese
sentence making style This Japanese style is not strange
or difficult for Hindustani. Each speaks of Hindustani or
Hindustani man knowledge can easily understand a
significance of the conjunct. An only substance remains
what it is writing. Logotype it has three writings of
Arabic (Urdu)

Dev'nagri (Hindi)
Roman (English)
Third is common of Urdu or Hindi that it knows people. It
does not have doubt Roman has as many defects in
consideration with sounds. Linguistics can be decided. I
am in the position to argue and also ready the
conversations of comparative in languages make world. I
know that this thing is not digestible but second option
and a solution of this substance is not available in the
market of languages. The Hindustani is a learning
language the easy one makes world. It has more ability to
adopt words, styles, way of saying and types of different
of the creation of sentences. As above mentioned
khaya Khana os nay/ Khana khaya os nay this conjunct
that makes styles can easily be understood. Lets to try
to demonstrate putting with the presentation of the
sounds of some languages of the prominent. You will see

that Hindudtani (Hindi+Urdu) is the richer language of

the world regarding the relative acoustic system and is
in the position to obtain the place like language of
comunication of the world. Urdu

( Aao ,khao, pao, lao, pilao, Badamaan, farozaan,
charaghaan, mehmaan, Sonae, othae, lae, aae)
Maha Paran:

Symbolic sounds: Zabar, zair, paish, shaad, jazam :05
2 zabar and 2 zai :2
Khari zabar, khari zair :02
Olta paish: :01
Azghambilghona: :01 (In writing donba but in speaking

domba) (Donbala in writing but in speaking dombala)

Total: 63
I have made deliberately not pointed out some sounds of
the street in the list.

2 zabar and 2 zai :2
Symbolic sounds: Zabar, zair, paish, shaad, jazam :05
Khari zabar, khari zair :02
Olta paish, Azghambilghona :02
Total: :41
Total: 32
English a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z :26
ee, ll, mm, oo, ss, tt :06
Double letter sounds do not consider like shad or do not

think that it is a subtitle of shad Compound sounds: sh,

ph, ch. gh, kh, bh, dh, jh, th :09
Th provides two sounds: : :the, this, that, them
thali, thaal, brtha Thought, through
(th do not provide full coverage to .In fact this sound is
mostly used for )su for sheen () e .g. suger :01
ion :01
Some impotent points: 1. For and the s is only
available. 2. For and the z it is used. for zaay
farsi () e.g. Session, vision
3. is not available in English. The relative sound of the
substitute is t while the relative sound is 4 . for the
sound of the residual one of K h is used while it
pronounced Example: khali mean empty khata mean the
workplace, the book record, the layer of balance etc.
khana means the meal Total: :41
Japani: K, s, t, n, h, m, y, r, w, g, z, d, b, p :14

K has two sounds ka and kha J :01

With reference to h, f fu :01 with reference to ch chi, cha,
chu, cho :04
i e o u are used with the basic sounds :05
Azghambilghona: :01
Example: Shumbon will be pronounced shunbon Total:
Turkish A a, B be, C ce, e, D de, E e, F fe,
G ge, e, H he I - Ii, j-je, K-ke, L-le, M-me, N-ne, O
o, - as in "urge",P pe, R re, S se, - e as in
"shelf", T te, U u, as in "fruit, nude", V ve, Y
ye, Z - ze as in "zebra" Total: :28
German Aa ah, , ay/ai, Bb-bay, Cc say, Dd-day, Ee-
ay, Ff-Ef, Gg-gay, Hh-haa, Ii-eeh, Jj-yot, Kk kh, Ll-ell,
Mm-emm, Nn-enn, Oo-oh, -ooh, Pp-pay, Qq-koo, Rr-
err, Ss-ess, , Tt-tay, Uu-ooh, -uyuh, Vv-fow, Xx-ixx,
Ww-oop-see-lohn, Zz-zett -ess -zett (s-z ligature) Total:

Spanish Aa, B be V ve, C ce, D de, E (e), f (efe), G (ge), H
(hache), I (i), J (jota), K (ka), L (ele), M (eme) N (en),
(ee), O (o), P (pe), Q (cu), R (ere) S (ese), T (te), U (u),
B (be) and (ve), W (double u/double v), X (equis), Y (i
griega), Z (zeta) Ch (che), LL (elle), RR (double ere)
Total: :29
I want to say that many sounds have place in atmosphere
and in the seasons as also our speaking organs are in
the position in order to express the majority of they easy
but these sounds are not in use in the languages in the
state of writing.
Why they are not in use?
Much simple one, because they are not included in the
alphabet. Perhaps the experts in language never try to
know or have ignored many talks of the street. They
would have to put attention on the conversation of people
in the procedure or on the talks franchi free. Surely

thinks that many sounds are going in the talks but they
have not included in the alphabet of languages. Many
sounds are in fact in use in the conversations or in the
talks but these sounds have not obtained the room in the
writing sounds. Here I would be to point out an example
from the Punjabi: in the writing in speaking In the
relative result all the writings have existence second the
sounds written annotation (alphabet). On this base they
think that only the alphabet sounds are available in their
atmosphere and in their seasons. The experts in
language must work in this field. Sure they must think
that only Hindustani can help it in so far as. Every sound
of the pointed out languages could be easy pronounced
direct Hindustani but many play especially the maha'
paran and the symbolic sounds are not available in their
annotation of written language. Sure you have thought
that Hindustani has expression reading of the room for
all the type conversation. In fact I want to eliminate that
sound are main source of VIP and to express one. The

words are decuples of these sounds. Every sound has

own putting to point of expression and the cultivation. It
gives the figure to the ideas, expression of thoughts and
to the needs of situation. They convert in the figure or
image or follows to our sensibility. They are signs of the
traces and symbols that what is going in our body heart
or mind or what we want to say the things, the person or
the place. This thing leads to the comments event of
audience or situation or atmosphere or seasons and
their presentations. The sounds moreover give the
figure to the result and to the conclusions. In fact the
sounds are agencies in tension but hard or kind touch
speak or existence must.

Not new has been added in the alphabet

In refuse or the deny of the services of the experts in

language it will be clearly an unjust one. They have made
a lot of research for the languages. In so far as they
have tried to even try an aspect of the smile. We can find
that they reserve on the mythology and ideology of
languages. Many books are available in the market on the
grammar and the dispone of language. Not only this can
have we found many books on the research of the family
of languages. The incomparable dictionaries are
moreover available in the market. In spite of all this, this
field is still uncomplete and no satisfying. Expression has
need of the words and the words are constructed from
the sounds. In so far as the experts in language have not
made anything. It seems that they do not have much
interest in this field. They have not made the change in
alphabet of languages. The old alphabet is still in use for

the purpose of writing. Not new (sound) has been added

in the alphabet or in the (helping) compound sounds. The
producers are limited to write with these the alphabet.
No doubt this is not an easy field but it is a lot important
and much sensitive for the expression wide. All side of
this fact, the life and the body of languages depends on
the sounds. This fact cannot be refused that all the
writings are living annotation of their speaking persons
but don' t forgets this fact that all the writings are for
the people who speak the languages. If you have serious
interest in the language you must try thus to the books
of understanding like the language speaking about
people. The talks of Street have always to have a
difference from the language of the book. Many sounds
have free existence in the street but cannot find in the
writings. Here I want to demonstrate this declaration
with some examples from the language speaking about
streets Gurmakhi/Punjabi in fashion to be able to
become my clear point of view. use of Rather than

the bho, the sound of Poh is in the uses of the street. Bho
is only founded in the writings but in the talks of street
the Poh it is a lot command and much usual one.
bhonka in writing but ponka in speaking
bhola of writing speaking but in pohla
bhaka of writing speaking but in pahka use of
jhola in writing but in speaking cohla/chohla
jhotha in writing but in speaking cuhtha/chuhtha
jhaka in writing but in speaking cahka/chahka
jhagra in writing but cahgra in speaking For a nd
we can feel six or more then six sounds in the street:
Bh :pah, phah, poun Jh :cah, chah, cuh These six
sounds have completely existence in the street and
people are speaking them frequently but these sounds do

not have written annotation. The same circumstance is

with other languages of the world.

The pronunciation problem

The experts in language often but the teachers of

languages force always to the students of languages for
of right and neighbor originates them to pronounce been
born them. It is a good thing and the words would have to
be said second right and like been born it pronounces
here them originates them. My point of view is this that
is completely impossible to speak about right originates
them and appreciates the native one. Even the persons
who live in the same house of the members of family,
cannot speak a single phrase in the same sense same
way and in the same one pronounces. It has many
1. They must have different society.
2. Instructed not equal.
3. The schools different must have the formation and to

read different object and courses different.

4. Perhaps someone of not instructed.
5. They must not have the same size and same type
speaking organs.
6. Their similar and aversion would not have same.
7. Their preference would have to be different.
8. They must have grammar different.
9. Different moods and attitudes.
10. Their perhaps different program and pains of
entertainment from each another. Like these, many
causes are found in their taken sense of and of it
pronounces. While the members of a family that does not
have same pronounces. As it could be the same one
expected it pronounces and it originates them from
treatment! Never deny for the value and the need it
originates them or like pronation been born them. Street
has the own preferences of references, cultivation,

atmosphere, verities and the social needs. Streetman,

who is instructed or does not have formation lowland but
he has experience of life, cannot follow the fixed rules of
language in that his speaks. A Streetman:
1. He can add the sounds in his words to speak.
2. He can fall the sounds his words to speak.
3. He can render plural on his like or according to
his knowledge.
4. Own grammar for the production can use its of
the sort.
5. The sounds of Street can be a wall for his just
one pronounce.
6. The sounds of Substitute can be used in his talk.
7. He must have speaking organs different. A student of
languages is a lot different from a person speaking about
father language. As an example:

In the Mivati shein (Sh) is not in the alphabet for this

reason, like mivati can say the shift. He will pronounce
sure it shifts.
In English, the sounds of Urdu are not in its
alphabet, like can pronounced these sounds!
An Arab cannot pronounce .If a
function teacher of languages of Urdu from its Arabic
student originates them and from the pronounce been
born them of these sounds, surly it will never happen. Of
right, he originates them and as pronounces demand
many things. A teacher of the language would have to be
wear that:
Father Language of his student.
His grad ice and aversion.
His style and sense of conversation.
He must have awareness of the sounds of the
substitute against no sounds available for no speaking

persons been born them. As an example in Arabic the

sound it is not in its alphabet. Teacher of languages must
know that the it is the turned out sound of the
substitute of Results
He originates them or of right or as he pronounces
been born them it is the impossible matter also from an
aborigine. He does not laugh thus never of that he is to
speak different from originates them or give of right or
as he pronounces been born them. The basic thing
understands if understood its talk, it is enough for you.
A teacher of languages must have knowledge of
substitute sounds. Otherwise he has not right to teach to
the language.
Teacher of languages must use the different methods
in teaching a language..

A language teacher can make a lot for the human

Society The reading, the writing and to speak are

different abilities. A person perhaps a good speaker or a
good debater but not good producer or reader or writer.
As this a good reader cannot demonstrate a good
producer. To the time if a man has all these abilities are
not possible cases but some rare perhaps views in the
society. The second thing is this that a man does not
study that a speaker or a producer. He studies to earn
the knowledge. Some graduated have an interest in the
writing or demonstrate the investigator of themselves.
As this little well-educated persons become political and
must speech on the phase in order to obtain the ballots
or the favor from people. Otherwise the majority
instructed they go to the different fields or they join the
offices. Here different persons of the street must
communicate and of conversations of the livings

different. Perhaps or an average person is well to the

producer or the investigator and or half become speaker
that remain on the contrary they have made the intense
activities different. The relative one half that it speaks
ability is a lot command. When a beginning teacher of
languages his job he would have in the first instance to
judge its student who learns attitude of the behavior and
to study humor. It has moreover to judge his student if
he has an ability for the search producer a speaker or a
debater. It would have to make his job on these bases will
not on the contrary obtain that the successes in his job.
His students will not obtain the success in their life. For
these purpose he would have to adopt many methods. If a
teacher of languages obtains the subject of the success
that he demonstrates identification of his student will be
sure a large one assists for the human society. Doub that
a teacher of the language can make a lot for the human
society. When his students enter in the society they will
have ability of their choice. After an all teacher of

languages it must second supply knowledge to his

students according to their attitudes. In fact the
language is for the conversation. Every graduated must
pass with many interviews for a job. If he fail to convene
the persons interviewing he remains without job. In the
conversation mainly four things are considered
1 Knowledge of talk
2 Sense of conversation
3 Language of conversation
4 Confidence in relative subject of talk All the talks and
conversations are must gone in the street or the
different markets. That means a teacher of languages
must thus have street like the knowledge of language of
the market. Otherwise its not useful production for the
society. The hundreds candidates of PhD or MPhil have
met me in the different periods. They have had good
result in their job of the course as also he has had

priority pleasant educational lowland. I have seen the

confidence of wonderful conversation and convincing in
the candidates of MPhil or PhD. Also collected the
relative material of the good ones remarkable. But they
have had writing ability score was nil. In this phase
seriously I have thought and had turned out that the PhD
or MPhil or other candidates of search degrees must be
uniforms in two parts:
1 Those candidates who have writing ability would have to
introduce their research work to the faculties relative.
2 Those even medium candidates who are not good in the
writing that would have also to search on their subjects
but must evocated through the various way.
Task that faculties of languages moreover be is uniforms
in two parts, those who elevate the writing production
while that second one must judge ability speaking in the
candidates about the research. Sure that 2nd has been
also able to supply to bundle of acquaintance to their

students with their talks and conversations of the

lecturers their students. Their students must
demonstrate persons successful to be human society.
They will make a good business in the life market.

Hidden sounds of alphabet are not in the books

The alphabet sounds that we read within the books of
school from the instructors are not met to our need and
requirement of expression. Many other sounds that we
do not read within the school are hidden in the alphabet.
We second use them naturally at our needs to many
situations and places of occasions. The poetry, sing a
song and street talks lead us toward these hidden
sounds. These hidden sounds are not in the books or
teacher never has been talked or indicates. It is an
aspect and the demands sensitive and requires serious
attention of search of deep worry and annotation written
for the language learners.
The prose and the poetry have quietly various ways and

draft of expressions. These differences have had the

much cause. Like:
The poetry depends from the tester. The prose is not
tester of need
Sentential the figure, the recording and the putting to
point of the words are do not have a small match one
that other poetry can be sung or for it is singing while
the prose is in order only the reading and
The poetry has attitude of optics
Even the prose poetry lines do not have match with the
lines/prose phrases
In the poetry, use of the poet little words for
expression of its sensibility.
Every poetry line obtains the sweetness or some
cronometrano the bitterness warm
The expressions of Poetic can be special and

completely different from prose

The differences are found in the sense both type
The poetry has various language from every other is
not a thing of the street. The relative ones demands are
a lot different from prose. When the poet occur of
pregnancy in tension in the pain works the relative one
delivery. At the times of delivery the poet cannot be
based in people. He tries solitude and special
atmosphere, in which the cloud of delivery be it is
happened. This job is a job of single man. This is single
edition that universe of delivery at the time of entire it
obtains the room spirit of mind and in the heart of the
poet. The presentation process is moreover different
from the usual talks. As an example: 1It can be introduced
in the reunions of poets
2 Can be introduced in order to sing. Here it goes in
many processes.

3 For the purpose of song music of the requires

equilibrium has referred to the relative lines and tester
4 Can be quoted in the talks for the sport of subject
5 It is only for listen but in order not to answer 6It
addresses to the man but is not for some specifics
person or persons now next to the of the point I want to
express. At the times of presentation of poetry or a
ghazal style not match with the talks of the market or the
daily paper. To the times of the song the style will be a
lot different from a narration and can be noticed clearly.
When a singer it sings a song, the sounds (alphabet)
must follow music or music must go before the sounds.
In or in the song or the narration, you not ago play
remain second we often it uses or it has read within the
school books. Here it expresses the tone would have to
be different from the tone of the street talks. Here
sounds originate lost them alphabet. Like this, music

moreover makes the differences in the prescribed

sounds of the school books. Music has relative own
alphabets. When music obtains the place and has
entrance alphabet that of the words renders them
different alphabet of the school book. Relative the
average, the relative sounds of alphabet of the school
book are transformed in separate with the sounds
alphabet of the poetry words. Not a moment but always
languages prose or poetry that, rests beginning from
one and another. In spite of this fact that we understand
the poetry language these are two languages through all
means. Linguistics would have must examine this matter
that whether the sounds of the alphabets of the book and
the sounds of music and song alphabet is the same one?
Not, not at all?
Its means:
1. Some other sounds alphabet of the school book are
never rests speaking organ but has not been considered

or they do not have uncovered or has included strict

requirement of alphabet of the school book.
2. Some different sounds that they do not have room in
alphabet of the book have existence with complete force
in the poetry. Result:
Alphabet of the book is extensible and here the
extension it is necessary for the best expression.
Alphabet available of the school book is not enough for
the best or some special expressions.
The nature and the needs are turned towards man
towards those sounds that do not make part of the
school alphabet.
Alphabet of the school book has many other sounds
from the sounds prescribed here of alphabet of the
school book.

The children are great, important and sensitive resource

of the sounds

The children possess great importance in the human life;

are serious need of life. They are future of today's man.
They give pleasure to the old ones in various ways. Their
smiles are like hindered blossoming charming and
beautiful flowers of time. Their symbolic talk and
significant sounds supply peace and happiness. Besides
all these facts, the children supply several things to man
of the day but man of the day does not think next to these
things. One of these things is language which has not
been discussed seriously or taken to some platform. The
kidskin supplies us:
1. Symbolic talk
2. Talk of signs
3. Talk of the sounds soon after the birth a beginning of

the kidskin that communicates but after the ten days of

his age, language of a kidskin becomes clear over his
parents or on them that they are participating to his
service. The talks of the kidskin are different from the
books and the language of the street. He expresses his
need with the movements of the hands and the piedini, to
smile, to cry, and through the unacknowledged and
unrecognized sounds. After the 30 days a kidskin
becomes in the position to express his likeness or
dislikeness, aversion or love, happiness, upsetness,
thirst or hunger with the moment of the piedini and the
hands or sorridere or to cry but after the 40 days
begins to show his expression from the different sounds.
All these things have not been dates never the place
alphabet or in the sounds of talk of the street. He uses
different the substitutive sounds that have never used in
the talks arranged us of the market or the streat. As an
example: The kidskin says: chochi rather than the roti.
The relative one of use of the means kidskin for and

The kidskin says: taam rather than kaam the relative

means the is used for The kidskin say: pop rather
than chup means is used for As these many
examples could have been introduced here. The
substitutive sounds of the kidskin are not used in the
street and usual talks. These substitutive sounds are not
useless or groundless. In fact these sounds are in order
but this is other thing that here customer is only little
ones children. The children are a great important
resource and of the sounds. -- (paish picked
over ) ,are command in children. As these many other
sounds appear from the mouth of a kidskin but these
sounds do not make part leaves alphabet or not of the
sounds composed of languages. Every man is the son of
Adam, thus in fact is a member of family. The first
kidskin of Adam through all the average ones was like the
kidskin man today. Its symbolic ones, signs or sounds
communicate has not had different today's kidskin. The
kidskin expresses its to say or thoughts of sensibility in

the words but we listen to them in the sounds. However

when he is carried on these words like the sounds
becomes clear and the mature under influence and the
pressure of the social life of the man and of the society
and putting to language point. The sons and the
daughters of Adam migrated to the different places.
Those seasons, needs, atmosphere, preferences and
circumstances of the places were different that they
have made the sons of Adam of differences in a same
Children everywhere render to the same sounds to work
to their age of the 270 days. After the 400 days of their
life they begin and they adopt their parents language.
Today only the kidskin refers to the language of the first
son and beginning of Adam. The experts in language have
wasted their time to the search of the families of
languages. It is especially today, a useless subject
because the children have the same language but the

languages man to have possesses the structue here of

language. Every language has relative own idenity and
put to speaking point social. All the languages have
adopted many words from other languages. In fact I want
to present three points here:
1. Every language has first worry for a language family
and obtains beginning from the children.
2. Never it has been cure over the symbolic step of
3. The talk of kidskin could have been a resource
reasonable to obtain new single or the composed sounds.
This action could be a useful profit and for the best talks
and the systematic conversations that happening in the
street or the market.

Observes over the Roof

A very famous saying that man has been generated on

the nature of the God the omnipotent. Nothing as the God
the same thing is with man. Nobody could have taken
over the God. It is impossible to think or image the God.
Nothing is universe that has power/shakti to excessive
next the God. What could be made from the God in
movement the much following nobody has knowledge or
can be obtained the knowledge from wherever or anyone
in universe? The God is not generated from anyone. The
God is not a creation like others. However it is a perfect
one and over the doubt and the truth of the rejected that
the God the omnipotent is that one in itself and nothing it
is other or wherever in universe like he or other is like
him in the universe. It can express everything as that is
in the relative existence but it could not expressed from
anyone in universe. This is a decisive and universal fact

that man is the best and incomparable creation of the

God. His heart, soul and brain do not introduce
limitations or foundations. These three, the heart the
soul and the brain a man never do remain to an only one
or a silent conservation anytime. Man has limitless
desires, thoughts, sensibility, emotions, ideas, point of
the sights and many innumerevoli things even have here
room in his own body. This fact is full of displeasure that
one; when man wants to express something, tact of same
in itself important words. Alphabet of languages is
dressed short how much to within of usury for an
elephant. The words are only symbols for the things or
thoughts or sensibility or emotions but is not since is in
their existence. When a word exits from the lepidopteron
of a man who only refers to that thing or thought or
sensibility or emotion or situation. We understand them
because the images already have been conserved in the
mind and with these images we understand the meanings
of the words. Here a sure thing otherwise could be

happened that perhaps it has generated a sure

misunderstanding. For example
Union of shanno the two times in a week.
(Shanno ki shadi haftay main doo baar)
This phrase generates the confusion that is:
Shanno is a woman who obtains two times union in week.
The relative means are not a good and credible lady. The
fact is this that is name of a drama that could be
watched two times to the television in week.
Roko mat janay doo can be under stood:
Roko, mat janay doo (stop and does not to go)
Roko mat, janay doo (Does not stop leave to go)
The first phrase demonstrates this fact that to observe
under the roof it is not sufficient. It is necessary for
explaining or the understanding, trying that side of the
wall or under but observing over the roof cannot only be

ignored to obtain the meanings of the relevant and of the

exact of the words. The second phrase is eliminating this
fact that it lists to it is equipped special attention also
demanded and this power/shakti of the God have need of
sensitive or second cure demanded in the uses to the
places, the occasions, the events and the different
situations. The things, the birds, atmosphere, animals as
also thinking to one sure object etc. of details of what all
the countries are not same over the world. As other
living colleagues of the countries will understand to them
because here the images are not conserved or available
in the minds. Khora, changair or charkha are things of
subcontinent. Man others of the country will not
understand or image these things. Charkha is an
industrial thing and while it is in use it gives the different
sounds. A man who does not know what is charkha, to
understand the relative sounds or image is not possible
for him. Hundreds birds and animals are in the world.
They have own speaking sounds for the situations and

the different occasions. We have only name of their

speaking sounds. As an example The words bark for the
dog or the female dog chirp for the birds, brag for ass is
famous and within and very famous for us. As the type
these speaking sounds is, the words are not explain. The
poet says that the nightingale is singing. Like the type
this sings, this word is not explaining. The reader must
understand it through its own vision, images and
knowledge. Many words cannot in spoken in or in our
knowledge of the book but as the type their sounds is
igniting or their partially existence, in the words they are
to explain. My talk indicates that the words cannot fullfil
the needs of the thoughts originate them, of the
sensibility, emotion or event man spirit or in the hearing
body. The words are constructed from the sounds.
Someone says that he is pain in his shoulders like
countinusely the hitting by a stone. Relative a test to
explain the matter that it ignites inside of the body. In
fact nobody is giving of soccer or hiting to the shoulders

by a stone. It will be a stupid understanding that

someone has supplied in the shoulder and is here giving
of soccer or hitting by a stone. The world languages have
sounds to satisfy not enough man even command and the
requirements of the daily paper. He is a large one hurdle
in the sense to adopt those sounds that have they
existence. As an example Barking: ba' oon ba' oon we find
two sounds here ba and oon Chirp: cheen cheen we find
here that che and een choon choon we find cho Mew:
miaon It is here aon Thak Thak the sound ak can be
adopted Fatik Fatik tik and ik they could have been
obtained annotation
Tip tip
ip could be a part of the talks or writings
Kokroonkaroon kok and roon can be used in many new
words Experts of the languages can obtain many sounds
from the nature, air, from the birds, animal, from the
things of operation, the tools of operation in the

industries etc. Through these new sounds the words

have been able formatted easy. Their this action of
goodness will be useful for a man in his speak, more well
in the understanding and the writing. Moreover it will
lose or less the baron than not or wrong understandings.

The search of new sounds is not a difficult matter as it


In my different articles I have tried to explain that single

or composed sounds; which are used in speaking or
writing, insufficient and you make no in order not to
meet itself to the need human expression and is a
demand strict and serious of the day to try the single
sounds or more compounds and perhaps included
alphabet or to obtain annotation for the students of
languages. In this article for research purposes of the
sounds I will try to express my point of view from the
various ways. The search of new sounds is not a difficult
matter as it seems. Before test to understand this
matter from five senses:
1. The languages single sounds have repaired the
alphabets here and are in the frequent uses. some
sounds give the various sounds in routine uses. As an

example zim in it z, it supplies the sound of the s, In but

put universe, u supplies the different sounds. As this
example you can find many sounds for a single letter.
This situation is not only with English but all the position
of latters of languages is same as it.
2. Some composed sounds are in knowledge but through
this knowledge lame the three points raised:
The sounds of Compound are in the frequent uses but
not in record like sounds of the separate ones for the
learners that is. ph, (Psychology) ch, (chest) etc.
These compounds are needed research for their other
uses and sounds.
Some compound sounds are in little uses but they are
not and never discussed. For example su for sh () look
in word sugar
s for z () as in word season, ch for Kh () as in
word Munich (munakh). The ch is used for Kh () rather

than ch
(,)ion for the za' ay Farsi as in word vision
Some single sounds have doubles quantity play. As an
example the letter c gives two sounds K () and S (
)as in words cat (k ) and city (s )
Many sounds are in the knowledge but they are not
within record or in uses. As an example
The voice of the drum gives to two plays a low level
while other high/fort. High sound is not or b ut it is
between the both.
To many places in subcontinent and some places of the
china; the ladies use a stick detail for the clothes of
washing that is called thapa. It is like the block of cricket
bat not block and drink in the format. When they use this
tool, it seems a sound that sound is between a nd .
. This sound is between a nd .
The chassis of being able while in the position of

working, it gives two sounds. First one is between

and In the second place one gives between the sound of
the .4. Many sounds that are not still in order
but surely have their existence in the universe, and are
demand to search. 5. Miscellaneous people gathering of
the places and the countries of the cultivations for the
different needs would even have reunion in the
battlefields. Here they exchange the things. Perhaps
many talks to the different situations are happened.
Determined times deliberately and determined times
their tendency of behavior of the cultivation of thought
and religious values even transfers unknowingly hence
here. In this all event, the languages are not to remain
behind. Many languages of periods examine the front
part. Within of this all process, transfer of words on one
side to other side do not stop. These words come part of
the talks or second happen in their writings (according
to rules of linguistic) in their native languages. From this
sense, words:

changes form
changes their pronunciations
changes their kinds
changes their meanings
Change in singular and plural took place A thing has
come that is a lot important that the occur here with
these words, new sounds obtain to place in their native
languages. As an example are not
Hindustani (Hindi+Udru) sounds. These sounds have
come from Arabic and Persian. All the compound sounds
of English has come from the different languages. Not
only this nothing is relative own here that everything has
come from other languages of the world. Also thoughts
obtained English from other languages. The sound of Ka
has entered in Japanese from Arab. It has two

Ka as in the kaghaz, akarat, kargozari, aaqa From an

old but in order fan a sound papers that is like
but it is not
kha as in khata, khao, kha-ja The kanakata/katakana in
facts that this expresses origin is kana katiba/katiba of
kana. Both the words, Japanese and Araba have
approximately the same meaning. The Ka has gone from
Arbic but that is moreover in use of Hindustani while the
kha, it has gone from Hindustani. Japanese can very easy
speak Ka and kha. Kami-san Kamisan (wife, bivi
crossroads) san is for respect and relationship
identification. The real word is kami. Here in
subcontinent kami is used for that woman who works,
feminine laborer, female servant. San has rendered it
respectable and this has word come in use with the
meaning of the wife. The sound Mi is a lot command in the
languages. In so far as I can introduce the hundred
examples here but now I come to my point of view, the

language has ability in the bodies to adopt deliberately

the sounds from other language if directed or through
exchange of the words. No matter determined times that
it pronounces will be changed as an example the English
cannot pronounce (K h). They pronounce Relative
not the matter of disowned but the relative matter of the
procedure. If the experts in language seriously take up
to this matter, many sounds of other languages can be
adopted easy in original or with some changes. This
action or knowingly test will supply the resistance and
will slide the languages.

The strong thought makes ordinary to special one

A great mistake and misunderstanding go on with

languages in the world. One says that Punabi is
language of the people cheers of Punjab that sindhi
is language of sindhs the Japanese is language on
which they are living in Japan from their birth. For
this often two term are used native working and no
native one (2nd language). This thinking is totally
wrong and a horrible cause to differentiate between
the human beings.* The language experts are until
today in the search of the language families. A
mother of the baby is the English. Soon after that
baby is engaged in France and he/she brings above
for in French-speaker male/female or by a kinder
institution. That baby will not speak English language.
The English will be his 2nd language whereas the
French will be his language of the first. This thing

denies this thought that the man speaks his

maternal language. In fact, the man speaks language
of his zone. This example clears this confusion that
the man speaks language of his mother. The sea of
thoughts, emotions, passions, sensations and of
diagrams is flowing in the intern of human beings.
Not only has this he had life, facts, deeds, needs and
ability of the professional experience. These all the
things want to have an existence. Man expresses
them to his zone language that he always uses.
Nevertheless he wants that everybody may know
channel him its expression but this thing is not
direct possible through his zone language. He wants
to express his intern in so much or the majority of
the famous languages of the world but two walls
stand mainly before his expression: 1. Wall of s and
es (grammatical) 2. Wall of the fixed spellings for
the words teases him to a fear whenever people
laugh at his uses. He never gets to be enough

courage to break these walls. This thing does not

allow so that he expresses any other then his zone
language. If these walls clear of his way he can
easily attempt that language in which he wants to
express himself. After the time that goes ahead he
will have earned/gained experience in the
expression enough another then his own/the zone
language. The flow and the improvement will be
appeared automatically in his applications. A time
will come when he begins to think inside under
language of the use. By this way he must have his
own way of oration doing, style of the writing;
speech, thought, understanding and pronunciations
of words. Nevertheless its own language still
continues being support with him to use the local
street-man. That man, who speaks a language of the
beginning of his life, does not have a hand or a
superior of upper that one who obtains starts using
another language. Must a native user consider s or

es (grammatical) during his maternal language

He has ever wished that he can be successful to
transport his thoughts, sensations, emotions,
passions, demands, plots etc. in original or whereas
he wants to transport in others. Its complete
attention will be in which he uses but not in the
words or the orations. If a native use hajoor in the
utility of the hazoor, joma instead of zima, qulfi in the
utility of qofli, that correct. Raqibi, la'raibi, ajibay,
gharibay, raqibay, payam, wanjaem, kitam, navayam,
honslo, jalso are not incorrect or bad for a native
one of the Punjabi. If a man uses Japanese in his own
way and style and listener or reader under support
that is meant, whats wrong with him? Why that will
be considered mistake or bad using. Please has a
glance in these English words and orations:
Siti, falawar, noz, naes, ki(1)

He do not laek vaigitaibals.(2)

He daed yastarday. (3)
My waef is sik. (4)
Satars ar shaenig in the sakae. (5)
What is wrong or bad with these words and orations.
There pronunciation is near or near the original
articulation. Please have a look at these Urdu
sentences spoken by a Pakhto speaking male:
Mein lahore Gaee. (6)
Mein nay eak ourat daikha. (7)
Maira baap bimar pari hai. (8)
Maira maan mar giya. (9)
Mein tum say piyar karti hai. (10)
The Urdu-man that knows the person can
understand the meaning of above orations
mentioned. He also can sort of understand there

through its user. If we considered incorrect or the

bad using, the user will not try to express his
thoughts, emotions, passions, diagrams etc in the
language another then his own ones. The first thing
understands of the applications. The strong thought,
the pure emotion, the true sensation, the good
diagram and the passion sensitive can make
ordinary to a special one. The language is one 2nd
thing whereas one is thought, emotion, sensation of
the passion or plot. The words must follow the
thought, the emotion, the sensation of the passion
and polt. The word cannot appear without thoughts,
emotions, sensations of the passions and plots. They
are limited to express thoughts, emotions, passions,
sensations and plots. It is also a practitioner that the
words are poor to express the thought, the emotion,
the sensations of the passion and plot because they
are not in original or like the intern of a person.
Unfortunately in our study places (11) does not have

room for the thoughts, the emotions, the sensations

of the passions and plots. There students/learners
Learns/studies the words but not the emotions, the
sensations of the passions and plots behind which they
are lying or in the intern of the words. There is no doubt
that words have a lot importance but the soul of words is
cause of words. Fodder that the thoughts, the emotions,
the sensations of the passions and plots have great
importance in the life of human beings. This thing
promotes knowledge of a student/learner. It is quite
strange that the words have impotence whereas the
internal words have 2nd place in the learning process.
1-city, flower, nose, nice key
2- He does not like vegetables.
3- He died yesterday.
4- My wife is sick.

5- Stars are shining in the sky.

6- Mein lahore giya.
7- Mein nay eak orat daikhi.
8- Maira baap bimaar para hai.
9- Mairi maan mar gae.
10- Mein tum say piyar karta hoon.
11- School, College, University etc.
*All is by monk or place or thinking or by color or the race
they are differentiated by the selfish for their inner
satisfaction and ruling purpose. All are unknowingly or with
knowledge direct or indirect operation for the crown and its
chair. Allah taala has not created even a little defferece
between the men. All the men by everybody are brother and
children and daughter of Adam (AS) and Ammaan Hawa.
Everyone is equal by his blood and origin.
** Read, speaks, writes, understands or thinks.

For the revelations of expressions man collects the

words from the different cultivations

Every word has its own meanings and cultivation for

which that word was constructed or has entered in
existence. It is possible that a situation, atmosphere, a
event, a season, a change material, an emotion, feeing, a
passion or some things otherwise that they have
modeled more here. After to have figures, words are not
maintained alof or it in a life more cannot adjust detail.
The words go around always in the situations the
different seasons and the atmospheres of the
cultivations. In the different places or the different
situation they obtain the new figures, different meanings,
different uses and different pronunciations. If someone
test to impose foundations or the limitations there an
expression has disturbed badly. There the words do not
appear like the best sincere and honest friends. They

want to live but someone wants to break off crosspiece

here. Without organs and aid of tools what could be
appeared or has free existence to the hemp burlap?
The life has figures limitless and the word must second
the needs and the senses of life. The expressions are not
limited of the words but the words are limited for the
needs of the expressions. They would have must to
expressions continuations. Realistic it is that the words
at the new places and the new situations must new
meanings, figures and uses obtained. To every place,
situation, need, atmosphere and season words are
transformed in a simple of that thing, movement, person,
situation, need, and atmosphere, season, sensibility,
emotion, diagram etc. For the revelations of expressions
man collects the words from the different cultivations
and uses them according to his need. This thing gives
vastness to the words and it renders them more useful
and social for the expressions. It is some like the words

seem like identification to the varied situation for things,

places, men and its movements from the various ways.
The words of militia are used in the talks and in the
writings rather than their meanings originate them and
shapes/form. It has I pray a look of the synchros to the
examples. These examples will eliminate that the words
are not stationary. They always remain in the movement
in the different circles:
Jannat (heaven) Name of a beautiful place but does not
have existence in this world but after died it will receive
from Allah Ta'ala to his faithful men
Chand (moon) is used for beauty and peace.
Bahaar (spring) motivating force; this word is not use
only for a season but it is moreover in use for peace,
beauty creation and bonds days.
Khizaan (autumn) this word is a symbol of the bad
defective and unrest days.

Barsaat (rainy season) this word is used for

Romanesco and enormous outside it puts. Moreover it is
used for the Marcy.
Surakh (name of a color/ red) this color has four
1 - Spirit, slaughter, conflict, the danger and turn
2 - Movement
3 -the happiness, sandoor has red color.
The Hindu married ladies are put this red color pale in
their hair and it is a symbol that they are married and
their husband are alive.
4 - Menses when this color obtains association with
some other words. there this cloud gives the different
meaning. For example Arosi jora (dressed for the
spouse); here in subcontinent red garment are used for
spouses at the times of their union. Red Pencil; this
pencil is used for indication the errors and the mistakes.

Red entry; a term of office that is used for a negative

writing in the official book of service.
Siya (black) this color is used for the literacy, lack of
knowledge, unjust and defective event with those bonds,
defective event on the social and cultural values. The
composed black sheep is used for the crept persons of
the society or the civil employee of the public who draft
the offices. This residual one has the good sense or does
not use positive.
Sofaid (white) this color is used for peace, fear and the
dissertation of the spirit relationships. It examines this
combination: white elephant a man who takes a lot but
returns nothing. This residual one is often used for the
government officials.
Nila (blue), fear, for that circumstance when a person
is met an incident and much blood waste from his body.
Zard (yellow color) this color indicates the fear and
the annoyance.

Sabz (green) is symbol for happiness and a creation.

Sanp (snake), injurious to life, culture, social values.
That one who has injurious nature; who has wealth but
does not use it for oneself like also not allowing that
to use it to others.
Ollu (gufo/owl), Foolish, that it wants the barons.
Oldman who can silently watch all but to have
permession not to say or coment on the transactions or
event even then in his own house.
Kotta (dog) faithful, without a stop about the full sick
and badly that who always speaks. This word moreover
is used for a tool that is used in a bicycle. A square of the
electricity unit.
Khota (ass), Folish that who does not have sense, that
who can make the job unbeliveable, that who not cure for
the good councils.
Kavwa (crow) the irrelevent speaker, who has

defective voice.
Ga' ay (cow) simple, than not ago resists to in all the
Bakri (sheep) that person who can come under
pressure in the first one atempt. Who does not make
Magar' mach (crocodile) a person who carries out the
double role. Pain of the showig of aprenty but when it has
probability damage.
Koel (cucoo) a lady who has honey and beautiful voice.
Bulbul (nightingale), lady who has sudato the voice
Rich (bear) this word is used for that male who
demand a long period for intercource and not the free
his female or always ready for intercource.
Ont (camel) tall man; that who bears all good and bad
seasons of the life.
Gidar (jacal) that who does not have courage, that

person who is not brave.

Su' ar (pig) that it is not pure; impure, that one who is
not good, person which disliked by all. Person who have
high weight. Who has good health with unfair feed? That
money which is awarded someone for doing wrong
demerit, unfair or undew work
Bichu (scorpion) this word is used for the persons
Bundar (monkey) that person who seems occupied but
do nothing. This expresses moreover is used for the
noughty children.
Parwana (lepidottero) that who has deep love for his
female and always to encircle around her.
Makhi (fly) that who does not leave you alone and
disturb your privacy.
Tota (parrot) that who always does not have his opion
and reciting others sayings. Who do not test to knowing

the lesson of the school but can recite frequently and he

never damages the relative one follow. Who asks always
something for eats?
Kabutar (pigion) innocent, massenger
Gidh (volture) that who does not save the poor ill or
weak people and in the test in order to obtain always
some thing from them.
Tidda (grass-hopper) that person whose hight much
Jonk (leech) Black Maler that who always in the test to
obtain something. Persons who are making the
commerce of sodiums (sodi karobar).
Morni {peacook (f)} symble of beauty. This word is
used for the beautiful walk of a female.
Chonti (ant) worthless, that it is in the phase much
lowland. That who is nothing in itself.

Baghla (heron) in the look a lot gental or lazy but does

not leave the probability for hiting.
Kachwa (tortoise) that who does not rest and making
his job countinously.
Titli (buterfly) symble of beauty
Jugnu (lucciola) symble of dawn and light. A hope of
the black days.
Chuha (rat) a symble of the weakness.
Jangli Bakri (the wild sheep) this word is used for the
lady of the vagabound and in good health.
Shaiar (lion) this word is used for the brave persons.
Chapkili (lucertola) this word is used for the silm and
the weak ladies.
Fakhta (dove) a symble for peace.
Baigan (brinjal), aam (mango), kaila (banana) are used
for the organ of sex of the male.

Qainchi (scissors) this word is used for the lose and ill
talk of ladies
Qaroon that a man who has a great amount of wealth
but not to share it with others.
Mir Jafar a symble for that person who is friendly of
the enemy but not sincere to his country/family/zone of
the men.
Hussain a symble of the single fight secrifing and alway
against more unjest.
Tipu a symble of value.
Esa Its a symbol of love and mercy.
Dholae eak bar ki dholae main dagh jaein saray (from a
single one washed remains no dot). The word dholae
moreover is used for the punishment. Once that allowed
of punchment no defective elements will remain in a
Gaz name of a measuement that it is used for the

measurement of the cloth. Gaz does not have curve.

Sentence: Now he is like a gaz. Its means that he is now
on the right distance and no defective elements are in
him. Kailay ka chika (cover of the banana), is a useless
thing. After to have obtained the services to leave the
cure or shooting someone outside from the game or the

Five Qualifications Are Required For A Language

There are five different capacities/qualifications are

required about awearness of a language. If a person
applies even one of them he should be considered litrate
in that language. For example a man who lives in France
but his ground is Japan. There language of streat and
office is franch. He will think in the Japanese but he owes
to express if writing or speaking, in Franch. The office
language of the Slavic grounds of the world is English.
One must think in official sectors in his native or
fatherland language but he is bound to write in an
English. Its means that the first and impotent
stage/element regarding the litracy in a language is
thinking. The linguistic effects of fatherland language can
be felt in his English writings. This fact cannot to be
rejected at any stage; even a person who spent his 25
years in the second ground but this man should be think

in his fatherland language. Thinking Thinking demands:

Man spirit should be able of the creavity.
Must have right or wrong concepts about house,
streat, Scoiety and work and businesses routine of the
Experiment of the life.
Manutely which examining the things, behavior and
attitudes; men, situations, atmosphare, seasons, nature,
nature of creations and others then needs and
constracts to be human being.
Study or have a bond spirit with the universe.
Personal point of view about the people, things and
businesses of his living rooms. Understanding the
understanding is an importent aspect and also has need
of many elements. For examples: a. Knoweldge of streat
word meanings b. Knoweldge of the meanings already in
the uses

c. Man must obtain the meaning of the words that

according to his own living way and style of life d. Man
makes the meanings of the words that according to his
personal awearness and knoweldge of transactions of
the society. e. Man has his own taste of language as well
as likeness and dislikenes.
f. Man makes the meanings of the terms that according
to his living set up point of view and need. g. Store of
words Speaking In talking all or some directions must be
in rule. To speak the better clear and impressive
conversation has needed many things. As example it
Knoweldge of the language of conversation.
The speaking organs should be in order.
Helping speaking organs ie lungs should be in rule.
Knoweldge of tone of speaking language.
Knoweldge of behind and hiden tones of the alphabet.

Strong knoweldge of new words of manufacture.

The speaker shold have enough knoweldge to build new
Knoweldge of the tonalities of the streat words.
Knoweldge of the tonalities of the words other then in
service in the text books.
Knoweldge of ajduestment of words in an expression.
The speaker should have abilty by making new words.
The peaker should have his own point of view about the
happenings and of the transactions of the things.
The speaker should have enough abilty in repling.
Speaker must has his own point of view about
hapinings and the transactions of things. The tonality and
the model of speaking become in existence below 18
a. Attitude of Pesonal

b. Personal needs
c. Personal Knoweldge of language d. Subject
e. Circumstances f. Situations
g. Needs for public demonds and desires
h. Personal and public interests
i. Practical of speaking
j. Economic position
k. Social status
l. Common affairs
m. Thought and behavior about reactionality of the
n. Self-confidence
o. Desire of expression
p. Mood
q. Place of site

r. Seasons affacts Reading the reading is a question of

personal interest likeness and dislikeness. A person
often likes to read the writings of his own choice and
interest. Knoweldge of the readings improve by this
element. This knoweldge is absolutely different from the
knoweldge of speaking and writing. The reader makes
significances of the words according to his model alive
interest and experiment. Those writings which are not
included in his interest, sure there the part in his spirit
and confidence to return will not have there the good
ones or false significances. Writing Writing is very an
exit sensative responsible serious and dificult job for an
author. He must write under so many boundations and
limitations. For example
a. Author must build the words with accordence to the
linguistica rules b. He must be employed the letters of
the text book (alphabet) in his writings
c. He cannot employ those sounds which are hiden behind

the alphabet
d. Where he thinks a certain thing will be worng or bad
produced with him there he use the words in the manner
of symbolic system
e. He can apply a method which obtains the double
quantity some or much of significances of the words.
f. He can use the words in various forms for the
particular direction for the manufacture of the same
g. By having experience he can have to gain his own way
of model and direction of writing.
h. If he writes in other lipi (alphabet/transcript) he will
try to transport the words according to their original
i. Knoweldge of streat expresses significances
j. Knoweldge of the significances under there of the uses
k. Man must obtain the significance of the words which

according to his own alive manner and the model of life

l. Man makes the significances of the words which
according to his awearness and knoweldge
m. Man has his own taste of language as well as the
likeness and the dislikenes. n. Man makes the
significances of the limits which according to his alive
point of view and the need.
o. Stock of words at the time of talking, above cited
elements never leave a freehand to the speaker. Which
sounds are not avilable in that lipi there the sounds of
susbtitute will be preferred?
For this qualification please see these sampals:
a. better will be written baitar b. The social one will be
obtain the form soshal
c. The boch will have the equipped bokh d. The kamisan
will be written khamisan.
e. The situation will have its form sichuaishan.

f. The will be in the written of form

g. The will be changed in to
h. The will obtain the s hape
i. Identify by the and are not found in English
alphabet. In English t and r/d are available as
replacement sounds.
j. In the German language ch is employed for khay () ie
Munich (Munikh), Boch (bokh), but ch is not in common
use for khay () in the other languages thus this sound
will be taken khay (kh) differently.
l. Malaysia (Malayshia), in this word si sheen ( ,)thus
this sound will be taken of sh. Here in Malaysia it is
read as in six. Provides sh ( ,)si is nonusable for
m. In the word this th
(i) produced the but th is not common for the thus for
the sound

D will be used like a sound of replacement.

n. In ox, taxi, maximum, oxygen and proxy, x provides two
sounds kaaf (k, ch - )and seen (s, c - .)These words
will be writen in the other lipis according to there sounds
system. For example Oks (ox), taksi (taxi), maksimum
(maximum), oksigen (oxygen), and proksi (proxy).
Whereas it is not adopts ususal attitude.
sounds are not found in Arabic but
substitute sounds
can be used for carry on the language necessary

Student must be has left liberations to express his ideas

All moment a lot in advance to be human begins to

express that regarding his needs and pains. His
movement of the body says others that he has certainly
problem in the respiration. Then he cries for thirst and
hunger. His healthy sleep expresses that now he is fine.
After to have last little hours, if there is everything is in
the normal state, kidskin that expression becomes clear.
After the passage to the 40 days his expression would
have to become clearer. He has the various ways to
express but after the 90 days his parents and care
takers understand that his from his habits and
procedure and the kidskin to moreover understand them.
No misunderstanding remains between them. The mother
knows that why her kidskin is crying. His every sign and
sound are like a older talk to his parents and care taker.
The relative one to be human of means is not like feeling

less things. He wants that people would have to know and

identifying him. After time that passes his expression
becomes clear and clear more and wrathful for others. It
can also happen that his expression obtains many
meanings. At the age of the 1380 days his power of
expression has it to completion. He can say everything.
He can understand what others say or what is going
around him. He likes to make everything by himself.
When ago something solo thinks the happiness. He
breaks the things, why?
Since he wants to deeply know them by their parts. Door
its ice-skates of the parents because he wants to
express that now he is not a child and is older like other
old ones. The doubt during this period his parents and
care takers thus do not say him to cure and helps the
different arguments as to inform him about life and
relative ups and downs but the two laborers they that is
help moreover him one is nature and other is 1,64,31,242

skaties/powers which are hidden in his own body. With

these powers/Shaktis he becomes enough to
understand the transactions and life event inside and
outside parteggiare its domestic hatch. At this stage he
can identify that what is good and what is not good, what
is of right and what is not of right. He knows if the fire
interferes will burn that him. If the snake interferes will
bite that him and he lose his life. Its means that little one
knows the fears and the dangers. He obtains the job from
its organs of the body. He comes to know that what is
dead body and what is life. He loves the life and he never
wants to die. It is some like the style of maximum of life
opened before him but two things it is still base remain
to know and to understand; reading and writing. Sure he
wants to know and to understand written annotation of
life. Moreover he wants to maintain annotation of his
experiences. He wants to the comments on written
annotation precedence. To obtain these both the abilities
have need instruction of 4280 days. If his teachers put

the sincere and kind efforts he/she must undoubtedly

have perfection in the abilities at the previously writings.
He not only comes to know to use of the words that must
also have knowledge here using the time and the
situation. He comes to know that meanings will be
declared if says get out in the anger and what is meant
of this residual one portly in saying. These 4280 days
are very important and sensitive of his life. In this period
if or given the probabilities to make the things and
teacher has only made his job like a kind and sincere
assistant, nothing will be left or not uncovered his
likeness and silkiness of attitude preferences. Here
teacher must be a kind and sincere assisted but not a
stick holding sheep-man. Those students who will not
have their objective choice always must compelled for
the capture bar from their parents or teachers. If a
student has interest in the language he must not compel
for reading any other subject i.e. economics or math. He
wants to eat the eggplant because the someone has of

right to impose him in to take the meat of the hen while

both are disposed on the table? It is not a stupid action?
It is to align that the parents want that their boy must be
adopts that field which will be useful and favorable for
the gain in days of their boy. They want to have better
return of their investment regarding instruction of their
boy. This thinks is a cruel and artificial thought for their
beloved and loving boy or girl. The 4280 days are enough
for knowing that like writing or reading. Student must be
has left liberations to express his ideas about persons
places and things. It is duty of a teacher to instruct his
student in atmosphere friendly in fashion from being able
to have his own options and point of view about the
different writings and different things. These writings
must be to possess the choice of the student. The worthy
teacher only can guide the writings in the field detail. He
Can also help/assist that as the study can be carried
out. Own point of view can inform his student but he
would not have to stamp his option. His option is not the

last option. Student can observe the writings and things

from his own seven senses. The wrong real thing or
dangerous of his of twisted point of view perhaps has his
own thought. In this case a hatch of new search oppened
because other can enter through this hatch. After the
4280 days that instruct what already he need of the
courses prescribed. If the courses already decisive they
are taught to in the places of formation to the students
from the fixed sense instruction of the students who
think that shaktis/powers sure are died or disturbed or
a lot the doubt will have appeared in the mind of the
students. It is a real duty of a worthy teacher in order to
develop power of thought in his student to the writings
and reading. High education to supply made others the
courses principiante student is not less than a fatal
disease. Nearly the topics are given from the faculties. If
luckily own choice topic of a student is approved of,
supervisor does not give to a paper white woman.
Researcher must worked under supervising in order to

recommend or according to supervising like or the

dislikeness. Student cannot point out even a single line in
the desertion from himself. I think it is unjust with the
student. I have seen hundreds the desertions of the
gradation. Many of them badly disappointed me, because:
1. nothing is new in them except the information gone of
days. Researcher collects the dozens books and gets
informations form them and maintain them in the
desertion according to the council or guidance of
supervising authority.
2. Many desertions are hardly explanations of the
different references. To the graduation level student
must have ability to express his thinkings, point of the
view enough or has the clear ideas about the writings,
things or all the subjects of the life that would have
linked to his subject/topic. I duel respect the degree that
check the university on the base of experience of life/
work/job/service/search. No doubt they are making a

great job but a serious and fetal defect is giving fire with
them. Resume/CV is not enough for the division of the
(MA/MBA/MSC, or PhD) degree. They must demand in
order a desertion of at least 10000 words from their
students*. Here the evaluator worthy must try to find
that the new things/experiences of writings of their
students and that would not have to exist already
previously in the record of the research work. Which
student does not make has enrolled ability for his
experience he does not have to receive any degree. -----
----*about their life, work, job, service or search

Expression is much important one then designates or

that correct or wrong writing

The countless universes have here real life in the mind,

the heart and the soul of a man. Due to this reason man
is a undiscoverable creation. These universes cannot
always explain but they want to have a material garment.
Many of them obtain to through of existence happenings
or the different situation or events. But all these cannot
have since existence while they are in originates them.
By chance some of them have obtained the material
garment. However some events and desires equip hides
from others deliberately. Not grad ice to say its history
of love, homicide of the secretes that is of someone,
even with his loving and more beloveds.
Di kaontles uniwarsiz hav haiar rial laef in di
maend, di hart and di sool of ay man. Diu to
dis rizan man iz ay undiskawaraibal kiriashan.

Deez uniwarsiz kan nat aalwaiz xpalin bat day

want to hav matirial gamat. Maini of dem
abtain to tharo of exzistens hapnigz ar di
difrant sichuaishan ar events. Bat all deez kan
nat hav since xzistens wael day ar in originats
dem. Baee chans sam of dam hav abtaind di
maririal garmet. Haouaiwar sam evants and
dizairz equip haedz farom adarz dailibaraitli.
Nat gradice to say histari of lav, homisaed of
di sikrits dait iz of samone, its sapaishal
dakuments difaktiv laiyar noeingli wid di
adarz ewan hiz lavingz and mor bilavds.
Some blind forces are working inside of a man. They
want to expose to all the hides. Man wants to have his
prominent position in the material world. He wants
for respect in his localities. This thing is not possible
without some disowned and additional event. These
strangest and supplements can render them prominent

between people.
Sam balaend forsez ar warking insaed of ay
man. Day want to xpoz to aal di hidan. Man
wants to hav hiz parominent pozishan in di
maririal ward. Hi wants far raspekt in hiz
lokiltiz. Dis thing iz nat posibal widaot sam
disownd and adishnal event. Deez satrangz and
sapliments kan rendar dem parominent bitween
It is my strong believes that every man has some
qualities various from others oneself but in the lack of
being able of expression these succeeded qualities not to
appear on the burlap of life hemp. I know the men of
hundreds that the native one can speak to a language
other easy then his native language. They have ability
much pleasant one to express their thinking
communicating. A sure time seems that the native one is
their language street but unfortunately they cannot write

even a single phrase in that language. Because:

It iz mae strong balivz dait aiviri man haz
sam spaishal kowaltiz difrant farom adarz
oneself bat in di lack of bing aibal of
xparaishan deez saksided kowaltiz in adar nat
to apear on di barlep of laef hemp. I no di
men of handradz dait the naitiv one kan
sapeek to languaij adar ezi dan hiz naitiv
languaij. Day hav abiti mach plaizant one to
xpress daiar thinking komunikaiting. Ay shior
taem seemz dait di naitiv one is daiar languaij
satriat bat unfarchunatli day kan nat raet
ewan a sigal faraiz in dait languaij, bikaz:
1. Hesitation
2. They think that it is impossible so that they
obtain the write or to express through the pen
and the paper.
3. They think that they can express their

present thoughts easy communicating but is

not easy so that it in the writing.
4. They think that they have only speaking
ability but has not power of writing.
5. They think if they try to write people will
laugh of had the wrong writings.
6. They have not schooling that language.
7. They think that to write it has needed a lot
8 If they have some to only instruct era for the
examinations compulsory.
1 Haizitaishan
2 Day think dait iz imposibal so dait abtain di
raet ar to xpres tharo pen and di paipar.
3 Day think dait day kan xpres daiar paraisant
thaghts ezi komunikaiting bat iz nat ezi to so
dait it in raeting.

4 Day think dait day hav onli sapiking abilti

bat haz nat pawar of raetingz.
5 Day think if day tarae to raet pipal wil laaf
of had rong raetingz.
6 Day hav nat sakoling dait languaij.
7 Day think dait to raet it haz need a lat
8 If day hav sam to onli sakoling for di
egzaminaishanz kampalsari.
The study on a language is a sensitive scientific and a job
of full time. It is not a stupid joke. Learning of a language
has needed deep interest and complete attention of the
relative principia. Learning of a language with force or
for the gain of the certificate can never have of room in
the mind of the relative principia.
Di satadi on ay languaij iz ay sensativ sentifik
and ay jab of ful taem. Larning ay languaij

haz nidid deep intarest and kampleet atenshan

of di rilaitiv principaint. Larning of ay
languaij wid forss or far di sirtifikate kan
nevar hav of room in di maend of di relaitiv
Task that expression is much important one then
designates or that correct or wrong writing. If a person
does not express himself he will become abnormal. 2ndly
many thinkings and experiences slipped and will never
have room on others. It will be a great loss of the
humanity. Which solution can be suggested in this favor?
It is not an aspect of the difficult. It has two eassy
Task dait xparaishan iz mach importent one
dan disignait or dait korakt or inkorakt
raeting. If parsan daz nat xpress himself hi wil
bikam abnarmal.

Saikandli maini thinkings and xpraraishanz

silipd and wil newar hav room on adarz. It wil
bi ay garait las of di humanti. Wich salushan
kan bi sojested in dis faiwar? It iz nat ain
aspekt of di dificalt. It haz 2 ezi wayz:
1. One is not the English and he can speak this
language frequently but he does not have ability in
the writing. He need not worry, he can write English
in his native language. With his writings a who knows
both the languages transfer it within English. He has
to only change the written one. As examples:
One iz nat di english and hi kan sapeek dis
languaij fariquintli bat hi kan nat hav
abilti in di raeting. Hi needz no wari, hi
kan raet english in hiz naitiv languaij. Wid
hiz raeting ay ho no both di languaijz
taransfar it widin english. Hi haz to onli
cainj di ritan one. Iz ain exzampalz:

Kamisan wife -
aki oka Autum, fall Hill, height

zabar on the alif
paish on the alif) - -
firuta Filter Kami god --- head seasoning
heavan delicious This Is Book

Glass Class



Cooler An University College

2. The person who knows Hindustani (Urdu+Hindi) can
easily write Roman Hindustani. If the languages of
the subcontinent and Japanese Hiragana and
kanakata can be written in roman script why not
English cannot write in Hindustani roman or in
Japanese Romji. Please have a kind look on these
Di pasan ho noz Hindustani (Urdu+Hindi) kan ezili raet
roman Hindustani. If di languaij of di sabkontinent and
jaipanez Hairagana ana kanakata kan bi ritan in roman
sakript wae nat english kan nat raet in Hindustani
roman or japnez romaji. Pileez hav a kaed lok on deez


This Is Book Registered Glass Class Situation Cooler

An University College Vegetable Copy Clock Watch
Happy Later Yellow Up bok rigistard galas kalas
sichuaishan kolar ain uniwarasti kolej vaigitaibal
kapi/kopi kolak/kalak wach haipi laitar yailo ap
Down Life Wife Table Right Bright Flight Sky Key
Site/sight daoon laef waef taibal raet baraet falaet sakae
ki saet
I think that nothing is wrong with these two senses of the
expression. Sure it will help in passing the expressions
and man who knows to speak English will express easy in
writing. These methods can be applied all other to speak
about language.
I think dait nathing iz rong wid deez
2 sensez of di xparaishanz. Shor it wil help in pasing di
xpreshanz and man ho noz to sapeek english wil xpress
ezi in raeting. Deez maithards kan bi aplaed all adarz to
sapeek abaout languaij.

Seven Senses importance in the life of a language

What is language?
The language story can be narrated in a single sentence:
Words that they are founded from the sounds and the
sentence that are constructed from the words. The
word is free or symbolic indications to the persons place
things and their necessary revelations. The words are
founded and live within the senses. The senses discover
persons places things and their necessary revelations
and supplies information about them. The language
cannot move in ahead not even a single step with outside
the senses. It has I pray a friendly look to these example:
We observe with a look to a flower and declare the
relative ones color, figure, format, form, foundation,
good or not good by a look. Touching from we come to
know that it is much soft one. With taste we aware that it
is bitter or insipid or sweat. By Smell we come to know

that it has good or defective fragmented. After a look,

touch, smell, taste what is happened in our inside, this
thing is declared from the sense of sensibility. The flo in
facts it is the Fo that mean the blossom or fluting In urdu
it is phoo means phola howa. On the whole we obtain to
the relative one meant:
Flower is a thing that it is blossom, beautiful,
motivating force, have good fragmented and attractive
Its touch and smell please to us. We listen to a song.
Listening sense declares:
1. The voice, music tone and thoughts are supply pleasure
2. Music and thoughts are not that good one and they do
not supply pleasure
3. Music and thoughts are pleasant but the voice is not
that good one and it does not supply pleasure
4. Thoughts and music are not that good one and they do

not supply pleasure

5. Voice is that pleasant one but the thought and the tone
of the song are not good and satisfactory the sixth sense
carries out an active role in via of development of a
language. Fear, cry, shout, doubt, unclearness or haras,
they have turned out of sixth sense. Intuition (vajdan)
and post talks in fact, are connected with the sixth
sense. As an example see this sentence: The post talker
informs to someone `This night is not good for you.
Nothing is in the taken one of five senses. But this news
will generate a condition of fear and doubt into the inner
of its listener. The Post talker can supply good news. The
inner condition would be developed like the nature of the
informission. The good or defective positive or negative
news sure develops a condition in to the inner of its
listener. In fact its a seventh sense. The brain receives
the massages from the senses. The seventh sense
moreover supplies the material to the brain. With the

help of seven senses massages, brain makes decisions

easy. Brain generates the words in order to express the
relative result. With this talk I want to demonstrate that:
The seven senses have a lot importance and a key status
in the life of a language. Without seven senses language
cannot come to an existence. If by chance gets existence
it survival rests in a danger.

Every language has more than two pronunciations

It is a natural fact that every language has more than

two pronunciations in the street and these
pronunciations are not hidden but they have permanently
place in the market of life in that locality. Well educated
persons by nature use the words in their proper
pronunciation while uneducated persons do not use the
words in their original pronunciation. They use the words
under subsume sounds. They remove omit or add many
sounds in the original words. Low educated persons have
their own pronunciation. Sometimes it seems that is not
a single language but different languages are in use in
the same locality. Actually one thing is very strange that
these pronunciations are made no difficulties or
complications in understanding the expressions.
Uneducated and low educated persons with reference to
the word are deeply near to the street language. But

educated persons with reference to the word are living

in the street only for their daily needs and requirements.
They have to adopt street rules and pronunciations
otherwise they will no earn their room in the street.
After all they live in their own street as migrated
persons. If some of them get a favorable status and
respect in the street that means he is a well do person
by economically or he is a ruling person or have closed
link with the ruling authorities.
So many sounds are available in the books and can be
spoken easily but in instead of under use sounds,
substitute sounds have room in the street. Here I want to
present for example some words with reference to the
Punjabi street. These words are in comman usage:
(zaal) (zay) (zaqwad/dawad) (z oay/zoein)
sounds are not Stanger in the Pujabi language but their
substitute sound is frequently used in the street.
(zakhira) street pronunciation (

jakhira) (zooq) street pronunciation (jooq)

(zaleel) street pronunciation ( jaleel) (

zaria) street pronunciation (jaria) (
zakham) street pronunciation (jakham) (
ezzat/izzat) street pronunciation , (ejjat,
ijjat) (bazug) street pronunciation , (
bajug) (hamza) street pronunciation (
humja) (roza) street pronunciation (
roja) (hazoor) street pronunciation (
hajoor) (z arb) street pronunciation (
jarb) ( zaeef) street pronunciation (
jaeef) (nabz) street pronunciation , (
n abaj) (ghazab) ( z alim) street
pronunciation ( jalim, jalam) (zarf) street
pronunciation (jarf) ( z abt) street
pronunciation , (jabt, japt) (azhar) street
pronunciation (ajhar) s ubstitute sound

( bhanbar) street pronunciation (

pahnbar) ( bhul) substitute sound (
jhagra) streat pronunciation (c ahgra)
street pronunciation (pohl) street pronunciation (
gajab, ghajab)
substitute sound substitute sound
substitute sound gham is
pronounced in the street g am zabar over gaaf ()
(master) street pronunciation ( mashtar) (
darsk) (sheet) (ghata) (ghar) street
pronunciation street pronunciation ( k ahta)
(kahr) (dars) street pronunciation (seat) street
pronunciation ghossa is pronounced in the street
gossa arz is pronounced in the street arj
garj gharz is pronounced in the street feed
is pronounced in the street fiat Omission of Sounds

is pronounced in the street pakkha is

pronounced in the street sap honsla
Saanap Addition of sounds Hosla
is pronounced in the street
Fazool is pronounced in the street Substitute
street words Phatkat is pronounced in the street

The language is a strong element of pride for the people

The language is a strong element of pride for the people.

They claim that their language is the best, easy for
learning and expression. Their language can express all
kinds of thoughts and events. Unfortunately, they
express their thinking about their language for the blind.
They never try to learn or know about other languages.
Especially now a days people use the dictionary as a
perimeter for this purpose. They think that their
language has words count a lot in other languages later.
No doubt, it is certainly a strong argument and rationale
for their declaration.

I mentioned somewhere that dictionary is not a useful

instrument for the expression or to learn the meanings
of a word. It is a source for just over a side or to know a
few meanings of a word. But it is not a complete and
reliable source for understanding words. Words their
pronunciations, meanings and different uses can be

calculated only into the street life. Street and book

languages are different from each other. Book cannot
provide maximum informations required about words.
Every language is a representative of a land and its
culture. The language is bound to follow the needs of a
man, thoughts, new events and other situations in
progress. But man is not obliged to follow the words as
words are intended to hold the finger of the minds of his
people and their souls.

Territory and culture of each language has many small

groups and cultural objectives. These different cultural
groups are:

a- thinking preferences
b. castes
c. religions
d. Lifestyles
e. thoughts
f. socity involvement
g. political events

h. methods gain
g. taste for good or bad
a- knowledge
b- resources of earnings
c- Art
d- Work Unit
e- Workplaces
f- Indoor activities
g- Games
h- shows

Under these influences facts and circumstances, a

language must move towards his goal.
Users of a language:

1 - use words as their needs and requirements

2 - say the words in different pronunciations
3 - get very different meanings at different places, event
and situations of the words

It is barely insufficient for poets, writers of fiction or


drama, historical, political, etc. To approach all mini

cultures. In this way, he cannot detect street words from
different cultures and mini groups of a big cultural set
up. For this reason, dictionary always remain a failure
machine to collect complete data about words of street,
their meanings and usages, but behind the record of
uncalculated word of the street remains in the street.
After knowing this fact no one can say with full
responsibility that the dictionary is a parameter to
compare the words and figure to be counted.

In the present age, English is a dominant and ruling

language in the world. A class dictionaries are available
in the markets. But these two items mentioned above, do
not make it the biggest and the largest language in the
world. These two elements are in English, cannot claim
that English literature is unparalleled in other languages
to compare.

In the present era more then half population of the world

is speaking Chinese. This language has not less then lacs
words in cheese literary and none literary books.

Besides this fact, hundreds of words can be searched

which are wondering in the street and are waiting for
their forms of book. But this thing cannot demonstrate
that the Chinese is the biggest and the largest language
in the world. Reasons are that this language has not
massive sounds controls. For none available sounds,
substitutes sounds are always got the room.

Hindustani/Bar-and-Sagirian (Hindi+Urdu) is the second

most spoken language in the world. This language can be
judged by different ways. For example:
1- It has more than 63 basic sounds
2- More than 123 compounds of sounds
3- This languages is comparetively more social then
other languages of the World
4- It met and took a breath under infulence dozens
cultures (1)
5- Its languistics rules and devices allow to its speaker
to make pural by different ways.
6- In this strange language singuler can be spoken of
7- Many words have dozens of decisions and meanings

8- Many words has dozens of their uses

9- Many words have their dozens forms and verities
10- Many words have meanings that have dozens more
space in books.
11- There huhundreds ways to make new words
12- masadars (2) can be used with the words of other
languages (3)
13- lok said, adverbs and masadars are still under
14- Masadar can be made up by a adition of composed
sound "na" after a verb
15- Kay ki can be added to make a name of a place (4)
16- Ka can be used after a verb/noun for the female
names (5)
17- Arts have an important and respectable place in the
life of a man
living in the subcontinent.
18- It 's full of substitutes
19- Compound noun can be done easily by the addition of
compound sound kar.(6)
Subcontinent is a beautiful land where the art has a
certainly very important. Even a common man

unconsciously put his hand in the arts.

I have a lot of topics and noted the reference in my

previous postings. The words that took place in books
and dictionaries are hundreds times more than other
languages of the world. With reference to cubulation of
words it can be easily declared that Hindustani is the
biggest and the largest language in the world. But no one
should blindly declare this statement because this area
has still sincere and serious need for further research.

1 - Iraqi, Unani, Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, Afghani,
Russian, French Walandaizi, Duch purtaghali, Irani,
Aryae, Tatars, etc.
2 - infinite
3 - advice karna, advice Daina, tip laina, capture karna ,
capture Hona, help Milna
help laina, help Daina, help karna, kill karna, kill hona, etc.
this attitude and language set set-up is not found in the
languages of the world .
4- Patoki, Kamoki, ghoeinki, satoki
jamkay, moreedkay, badhaekay
5- Devika, Anamika, merrika, Ritika,rozika
6- Dinkar parbhakar, diyakar, Ataka, Ziakar, Shankar

Languages are by the men and for the men

Its a common and open fact that every language sounds

and words are getting effect from local and foreign
languages. But each language has its own style, word's
culture, language speaking, listening and writing system,
grammar, sentence requirements, the speaker's
attitude, flexibility in form of organs, its people's
behavior, needs of society, the economic situation and
the circle and social relations. These facts and many
other references are most effective helper to invent new
sounds and words with the help of imported words from
other languages. If these sounds and words will follow
the rules of that language then these words or sounds
will have got room in that language or lounge otherwise
they will not have space/place in that language. During
this process something new takes place in that language.
For example:

1 - The worlds cannot be written in Roman characters

with the za'ay Farsi ().
To resolve this matter, compound/substitute sounds
j/g/y/ion will be used
i.e. mijgaan/miya/mijda/television/decision
2 - Which language is governed other languages spoken
words can be converted that
the language sounds available from its own alphabet
sounds rather than the
original speech sounds. For ready reference please see
these examples:
( , , , ( Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Punjabi Saraeki.
Pothohari, Gojri etc.) reads:


kamisan (wife) camizn insted of camisan
nozomi (Wish) nozomi, insted of nosomi
oozora (Heaven) oozora insted of oosora
3 - Where the sounds are not available there substitute
sounds can be used.
For reference check out these examples:

4 - Words get associated with that language. See these
a. advice advice laina, advice karna, advice hona etc.
bound bound karna, bound hona, bound nikalna etc.
care care karna, care hona, care daina etc.
b. vote votroon, votaan, votraan, votain etc.
sport spotraan, spotoon, spotain etc.
c. minute mint'mar

5 - Singular plural and sexual identity are lost:

* word media is used singular in Urdu, Punjabi saraeki,
Gojra, Barahvi, Gujrati,
Pothohari, Pakhto etc.
* these words: hoor, ahwal, asami, oqaat are prural in
Arabic but are used singular in
many languages of the sub-continent.
* Firdoos is a Persian word. It is famine in Punjab, but
opsonist sex in Sarhad.

6 - In the new language the words often fail to remain

their meanings. ie. Sex animal, glass, jaloos, etc. have not
used in their original meaning in Urdu, Punjabi etc.
As these examples I can present here hundreds. These
six examples are enough to demonstrate that words and
sounds cannot keep their forms and meanings in original
in other languages. Like many other languages, English
have taken hundreds of words and sounds from other
languages. English words and sounds have not taken
them self to remain in the original sounds, forms or
meanings. After migration in this language we cannot
identify their oriban. If the new language to meet the

substitute sounds then what need to deliver through

composed migrated sounds?!
Hundreds words started by ch and provide sound kaaf
(k). I think this is not fair because ch is composed at a
time many sounds. For example:
ch sh sheen shes s Nietzsche clich, Fitch, charade,
Khay ch kh Munch, Zelicha (qibti)
Chay ch chest, chair, Chester
ch kaaf K chemical kemi kl
chemist ke mist
chiasma ki az'ma
chiasmus ki az'mas
chimeric ka merik
chlorophyll klo ra fil
chrismal kriz'ml
Christ krist
chrome krom
chronic karonik
chromite kromit
Chroma kroma

These words get start by compound ch and are providing

sound k. These words are almost come from the Greek.
Here my goal is depending on three things:

1 - The English alphabet has its own registered alphabet

letter k. What it need to
start these words by ch. While this thing was decided
that English is a language
with its own identity. Because to start migrate words
with their original style rules and
linguistics established. The compound ch that give sound
k (kaaf) can be written by
letter k.

2- chrismal kriz'ml
chiasmus ki az'mas
reason rizan
season siazan
treason trizan
prose proz
rose roz
pose poz

nose noz
hose hoz
lose loz
resume rezum
resist rezist
cosy cozi
misery mizeri

In many words sound s is giving sound z what need to

write it with s why not with z? Many words are available
in English, which are providing their original sound s
(-seen). Please see these words:

Dose dos
Loose loos
Noose noos
Goose goos
3 - The third point is that some words end with e and this
additional e has no function
in a word. For example look at these words:
resume, Dose, loose, prose, pink, pose, nose, hose, lose,
chromium, chromite

I think after removing this extra e, no bad effect can be

seen at any stage.

Of course this argument cans not easily digest and a

book written logic that are different from the language of
the street.
My option is that this place to get all the writings in the
books of the street and all the writings are on the road
but not above or below ground.
Literature is by the man and for the man.

What bad or wrong with it?!

After a deep, long, sensitive thinking and linguistic

experiments of books and interviews with the experts on
languages that I have mentioned four points in my
a. languages alphabets of exercise are insufficient to
meet the street talking and some very
personal conversations/interviews.

b. This is a serious and hot need of this age that linguistic

experts must do their best to invent and create
some more alphabet sounds.

c. Crunt alphabets of the languages have more than one

sound in speaking or writing but they are not in record.
d. Languages experts should get sounds from nature,
street talks or children talks. They can easily convert
these sounds into symbols for alphabet.

These points are connected. Someone took them serious,


but their attempts turtle are not sufficient to meet the

needs of this age. With the passage of time due
circumstances different lifestyles and preferences have
been totally changed. In every moment of life challenges
encountered strange horrible and hard events. These
are stand before men as a policy and not as qualified
engineer. Getting to register for these events available
alphabets are not enough. Poets and writers events
paining people face a very uncomfortable. They cover
and to overcome this deficiency through the sounds
made compounds. But this attitude is incorrect and so
low slandered by all means. These compounds always
create complications in pronunciation.

For example, sheen sound is very common in the world

languages. In eastern, especially sub-continent
languages have this sound almost like a part of the sound
alphabet? But languages of the west have not this sound
like the sound of alphabet. They use ten or more than
compounds for this sound:

1- ch clich Nietzsche, Fitches, charade, chauvinism


2- ce Croce
3- cI facial precious, special, social, ancient, appreciate,
4- sh shift, sheet, shirt, shawl, shrink, ship, shop, shade,
5- si Asia, Malaysia, tension, dimension, impulsion
6- ti action, mention, residential, confidential
essential potential
initial, addition
7- ssi mission, permission, discussion, procession,
8- ssu issue, assure, pressure
9- su sugar, sure, insurance
10- sch schedule, schizophrenia

These compounds are also other sounds shine. Reader

feel difficulty to pronounce these sounds to made up.
What bad or wrong in addition of a sound on regular
bases in alphabet of the world's languages instead of
using many different types of compounds. S is available
in the alphabets of the western languages. After S shes
(s)sound can be adapted. It can be demonstrated by a

second s under line or a line could be put on it. It can be

read shes. Do see this added sound in English alphabet:

a ay an apple
b bi book
C ce cat
d de dog
e ee egg
f eff fan
g ge/gi girl
h eh hen
i ae inkwell
j jay jug
k kay kite
l el lemon
m em mango
n en nothing
o oo orange
p pe/pi pen
q ku
r ar rail
s es sachool

s shes sirt, screening, set, sawal, shrink, morose,

nietzose, Crosse, Fasil,
precious, census, asa, Malaysia, Manson, Essensa,
t te/ti tree
u yo umbrella
V vi van
w dablu whistle, west
x ex x-rays
y wae year
z zee (zed American)zoo

Certainly first time s (shes) will be appeared as a

stranger, but when it will become part of the alphabet
sound, people will not feel strange with.

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