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Course Syllabus

ME 2900: Introduction to Design in Mechanical Engineering

Autumn Semester, 2017

Course Times and Locations

Lecture: Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00 9:20 am in Scott Lab E004 or E200
Labs: T: 10:05,12:45 & 2:50, Th: 12:45
Arduino labs: Scott Lab W280
Machine shop labs: Scott Lab W170
Arduino Open Lab: Monday 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm & Wednesday 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Educational team


Blaine Lilly Sandra Metzler
Scott Lab W488 Scott Lab W292
Office Hours: T, R: 1:303:00 PM Office Hours: T, R: 1:30 3:00 PM

Machine Shop Supervisor

Chad Bivens
Scott Lab W170

Graduate Teaching Assistants

Arduino Machine Shop

Noah Einstein Ben Tedrick
Email via Carmen/Canvas

Undergraduate Teaching Assistants

Arduino Machine Shop

Elliot Harrod Simon Bogason Connor Smith Cal Shaw
Allison Scott Jimmy Gaydos Kali Boyd Andy Rygalski
Josh Huang Catherine Adams Niki Glass Tyler Fischer
Charles El-Helou Olivia Hemmelgarn Kohl Early Phillip Dalke
Peter Vuyk Caleb Caldwell Caleigh Straub
TJ Erb Brice Newto
Adam Smith Ryan Kodramaz
Sarah Farou Matt Rowland
Tejas Shah

Class Supplies

Arduino: Text and Parts kit, both required

Parts Kit: Parts kit is available from We have received a 15% discount from
Sparkfun for our parts kits. IMPORTANT: To make sure you get the discount you MUST use
this discount code: OSUME2900F17


Text: Text is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and others. Exploring Arduino: Tools
and Techniques for Engineering Wizardry by Jeremy Blum. ISBN-13: 978-1118549360, ISBN-
10: 1118549368.

Machine shop:

Safety Glasses: All students must wear safety glasses while in the machine shop. Approved
safety glasses can be purchased at the OSU Barnes and Noble bookstore.
Supplemental Material: Throughout the semester, we will post articles, text excerpts, and
videos on Carmen that you will be required to read or watch. You are expected to monitor
Carmen and keep up with all postings.

Reference Material (not required)

Texts that will be very useful to you throughout your academic career at OSU and your
professional career:
Shop Reference for Students and Apprentices, ISBN 978-0831130794
The Elements of Style, William Strunk, E.B. White, and Roger Angell, ISBN 978-

At the end of the semester, you will:
Have an understanding of the machining processes and tools used to fabricate many
types of mechanical devices.
Have an understanding of the engineering design process and the relationship of
engineering problems and models within mechanical design;
Have an understanding of how the major interest areas in mechanical engineering relate
to each other through the context of the engineering design process.
Be proficient in the use of basic machine tools, Arduino microcontroller, data acquisition
systems, mechanical and electrical measuring devices, and sensors and actuators.


Arduino half Machine Shop half

Homework & In-Class 8% 5%
Quizzes 7% 10%
Labs or Air Motor Fabrication 30% 10%
Midterm exam 15% 15%

IMPORTANT: A minimum grade of 50% is required in every major element (Homework,

Quizzes, Exams, Air Motor Fabrication, & Lab Assignments) to receive a passing grade in the
course. It is the students responsibility to keep track of their grades posted on the Carmen
website and notify an instructor of any wrong grades as soon as possible. It is the students
responsibility to keep all assignments in case of technical problem with the Carmen system.

Unless otherwise noted, all homework assigned in lecture is due at the beginning of the next
lecture. After that time, the assignment is considered late and will be penalized 30%. No
homework assignment will be accepted more than 48 hours after the due date. In the event of
an unexcused absence from a lecture in which a homework or in-class assignment is handed
out, makeup assignments will not be allowed. Unless otherwise noted, all homework and lab
work is to be done on an individual basis.

In-Class Quizzes & Assignments

Unless otherwise noted, in class assignments are due during that class period. Unless prior
arrangements are made, no late or make up quizzes or assignments will be given. A student
who is late for his/her scheduled quiz or exam should take a seat quietly and begin the quiz or
exam regardless of how much time remains; no additional time will be granted; no penalty will
be applied to the score.

Arduino section: The Arduino lecture follows the flipped classroom model, meaning you are
required to view a video and read the assigned chapter in the text BEFORE lecture. Lecture
will include a short quiz at the beginning of class & required in-class activities that will be
graded for completion.

Unless otherwise noted, lab reports shall be completed on an individual basis, typed, and turned
in to Canvas in pdf format at the beginning of the next lab period. After that time, they are
considered late and will be penalized 30%. No lab will be accepted 48 hours after the due date.
Lab quizzes will be given during the first 10 minutes of each Arduino lab session. They will
cover the pre-lab reading material, which includes background & procedures for the current lab.

Make-Up Lab, Quiz, and Exam Policy

You are expected to take each quiz and exam. You are also expected to participate in every lab
at your regularly scheduled time, do not attend a different lab unless you have prior approval. If
you are more than 5 minutes late to a lab, a grade penalty may be applied If you are late to two
labs, it will be counted as an absence and your grade will be treated as such. If you miss a lab
or quiz without a legitimate, documented excuse, you may receive a score of zero for that lab or
quiz. Exceptions will be made only under unusual circumstances approved by the instructors. If
you miss two labs, you will receive a failing grade in the course.

Accommodations may be made for the following reasons:
ILLNESS OR EMERGENCY ON LAB, QUIZ, OR EXAM DAY: Students who are ill or have a
family emergency (death or serious illness of a family member) on the day of a lab, quiz, or
exam will be allowed to take a make-up. Written documentation is required. You must contact
the instructors AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and certainly WITHIN 24 HOURS after the lab, quiz, or
exam. If you are sick, you must contact the instructor BEFORE the quiz or exam is
administered in order to be eligible for a make-up
UNAVOIDABLE CONFLICT: Students who have an interview, conference travel, or similar
academic or business related conflict MUST NOTIFY THE INSTRUCTOR IN ADVANCE and
make arrangements to complete any assignments, preferably in advance, with the instructors

Academic Misconduct such as cheating or plagiarism will be reported using official University
procedures. Policies and procedures can be found in the Code of Student Conduct available
online in several places including The Code of
Student Conduct is also printed in the Student Handbook and Student Telephone Directory.
Copies may be obtained from the Office of Student Judicial Affairs. All cases of suspected
misconduct must be reported to the University Committee on Misconduct. Any students
observing misconduct should report such to the course instructor. The Code of Student
Conduct defines Academic misconduct to include
Violation of course rules
Providing or receiving information during quizzes or exams
Submitting plagiarized work of any kind (e.g., written, computer produced, hand-drawn,
Falsification, fabrication, or dishonesty in reporting research results
As a student, you need to know that faculty members are obligated to report all misconduct
cases to the University Committee on Academic Misconduct. Not reporting suspected
misconduct is not an option.

Professional Conduct
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to abide by the
provisions in the Code of Student Conduct. Students should appreciate diversity, and they
should conduct themselves professionally with members of the opposite gender and/or from
different cultures. Any forms of sexual harassment or intimidation will not be tolerated. The
Universitys Code of Student Conduct and Sexual Harassment Policy are available on the OSU
website. Harassment can occur between two or more students and between students and
faculty, and the actions can take place in physical, verbal, or written forms. When a complaint is
received, the situation will be investigated by the department and possibly by the police even if
the harassment was done anonymously or possibly in jest.

Students with Disabilities

The University strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you
anticipate or experience academic barriers based on your disability (including mental health,
chronic or temporary medical conditions), please let me know immediately so that we can
privately discuss options. You are also welcome to register with Student Life Disability Services
to establish reasonable accommodations. After registration, make arrangements with me as
soon as possible to discuss your accommodations so that they may be implemented in a timely
fashion. SLDS contact information:; 614-292-3307;; 098 Baker
Hall, 113 W. 12th Avenue.

Tentative Lecture and Lab Topics (Course section 6653: Lectures in E200 first half and E004
second half)

Week Lecture Lab

Intro to Mechanical Engineering Design Using
the Arduino Arduino Lab 1
M: 8/21
Digital Inputs & Outputs, Pulse Width Modulation
2 Basics of DC Circuits & System Modeling
M: 8/28 Mechatronic Design: The Air Motor Design Arduino Lab 2

3 Reading Analog Sensors

Arduino Lab 3
M: 9/4 Transistors & Motors

4 Mastering the Arduino Language & Libraries Arduino Lab 4

M: 9/11 Making Sounds
5 USB & Serial Communication Arduino Lab 5
M: 9/18 Shift Registers
6 I2C bus communications Arduino Lab 6
M: 9/25 Hardware & Timer Interrupts
7 Building an engineering portfolio
Air Motor Lab 1
M: 10/2 Arduino Exam: Thursday 10/5 in Lecture
8 Precision measurement
No Labs: Fall Break
M: 10/9
9 Logic of Machining
Air Motor Lab 2
M: 10/16 Fabricating Axisymmetric Components
Air Motor Lab 3
M: 10/23 Fabricating Prismatic Components
11 Hole Making Operations
Air Motor Lab 4
M: 10/30 Threads and Fasteners
12 Engineering Materials
Air Motor Lab 5
M: 11/6 Machining Hard Metals
13 Order of Operations
Air Motor Lab 6
M: 11/13 Machine Components, I
14 Machine Components, II
No Labs: Thanksgiving week
M: 11/20 Intro to CNC machining
15 Torque and horsepower Motor Testing -
M: 11/27 Torque & Horsepower
Machining Exam Tuesday 12/5 in Lecture No labs
M: 12/4

Note: There is no final for this course. The only two tests are at the end of each half of the course (in

Tentative Lecture and Lab Topics (Course section 6657: Lectures in E0004 first half and
E200 second half)

Week Lecture Lab

1 Intro to Mechanical Engineering

Air Motor Lab 1
M: 8/21 Precision Measurement
2 Logic of Machining
Air Motor Lab 2
M: 8/28 Fabricating Axisymmetric Components
3 Fabricating Prismatic Components
Air Motor Lab 3
M: 9/4 Hole Making Operations
4 Threads and Fasteners
Air Motor Lab 4
M: 9/11 Engineering Materials
5 Machining Hard Metals
Air Motor Lab 5
M: 9/18 Order of Operations
Machine Components I
Machine Components, II Air Motor Lab 6
M: 9/25

7 Intro to CNC machining

Arduino Lab 1
M: 10/2 Machining Exam: Thursday 10/5 in Lecture
8 Intro to Mechanical Engineering Design Using
No Labs: Fall Break
M: 10/9 the Arduino
9 Digital Inputs & Outputs, Pulse Width Modulation Arduino Lab 2
M: 10/16 Basics of DC Circuits & System Modeling
Arduino Lab 3
10 Mechatronic Design: The Air Motor
M: 10/23 Reading Analog Sensors

11 Transistors & Motors Arduino Lab 4

M: 10/30 Mastering the Arduino Language & Libraries
12 Making Sounds
Arduino Lab 5
M: 11/6 USB & Serial Communication
13 Shift Registers Arduino Lab 6
M: 11/13 I2C bus communications
Open Lab Monday &
Hardware & Timer Interrupts Tuesday: Thanksgiving week
M: 11/20

15 Building an engineering portfolio Motor Testing

M: 11/27 Torque and horsepower Torque & horsepower
Arduino Exam Tuesday 12/5 in lecture No labs
M: 12/4

Note: There is no final for this course. The only two tests are at the end of each half of the course (in

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