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Science 4 Hand-out | 1


You have to know how to take care of your muscles and bones especially of if
they injured. The following are some of the common muscle and bone injuries and the
first-aid treatment for them.

A fracture is a broken bone that results from a severe blow, vehicular accident,
or fall. Bone fractures may be classified into the following types: greenstick, simple,
compound and comminuted.

Greenstick Fracture
o A fracture that is common among children. This happens when the bone is
cracked and bent without breaking completely.

Simple Fracture or Closed Fracture

o A fracture in which the broken bone slight or no damage to the
surrounding tissues. This fracture does not result into an open wound in
the skin.

Compound Fracture or Open Fracture

o The broken bone goes through the skin. Thus, an open wound is formed.

Comminuted Fracture
o A fracture that results when the bone is crushed into several pieces.

Bone fractures and other bone defects are usually seen through X-Ray. X-Ray
machine is used to obtain an image that shows the condition of the bones.

First-Aid Treatment:
1. Avoid moving the injured part so you do not aggravate the injury.
2. Apply cold compress on it to lessen the pain.
3. Provide a splint, or a material or device used to protect the broken part, for the
damaged area. For example, you can make a splint from sticks or thick cartons.
4. If a compound fracture is incurred, protect the injured part by covering the area
with sterile dressing to avoid infection.
5. Bring the victim immediately to the hospital.

A sprain is an injury that occurs when the ligaments that keep the bones
together are overstretched or torn. It may result from a bad fall. It is very painful and
often mistaken for a broken bone.
Science 4 Hand-out | 2

First-Aid Treatment:
1. Place the injured part in the most comfortable elevated position.
2. Apply a cold compress on it to lessen the swelling.
3. Wrap the injured area with a thick layer of cotton wool and a bandage.

A cramp is a sudden pain caused by the tightening or contraction of muscles.
Fatigue or overused muscles after playing a sport such as basketball or volleyball may
result in a cramp. Taking a long walk may also result in a cramp. Cramps are believed to
be aggravated by the decreased in the salt level of the body because the muscles are

First-Aid Treatment:
1. Give him/her a glass of water with a little amount of salt.
2. If the hand is the affected body part, stretched it backward to straighten it.
3. For an affected foot, straighten the patients toes by pushing them upward
and let him/her stand on the back of his/her foot.
4. For an affected thigh, straighten the victims knee, pull the patient to
breathe deeply to take in more air.

A dislocation is an injury that occurs when the bones in a joint are displayed.

First-Aid Treatment:
1. Apply hard material to support the injured part. Do not move the dislocated part.
Bring the patient immediately to the nearest hospital.
Science 4 Hand-out | 3


The musculoskeletal system is a very important and useful system in the body.
However, it may also suffer from many different ailments, which may in turn affect the
functioning of the bones and muscles needed for doing daily activities.

This is a condition that is very common o the elderly, is the inflammation of joints.
Arthritis is commonly caused by the normal wear and tear of cartilage tissues,, but it
may be aggravated by an infection or injury to the joints.
A person with arthritis experiences pain, stiffness, and swelling of the affected
joints. The joints that are mostly affected are those in the hands, hips, and knees. A
person with arthritis is usually prescribed with appropriate medications and are advised
to rest, apply hot compress to relieve the pain and swelling, and perform simple
exercises that will ease up the joints. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

This the condition in which the bones become weak and brittle as a result of
decreasing bone mass and enlargement of spaces in the bones. This condition affects
mostly of older women. Osteoporosis is caused by the disruption of the bone-building
process, which leads to bone loss.
Calcium and Vitamin D are given to people with osteoporosis so bone loss can
be prevented. Certain exercises are also recommended to help strengthen the bone
mass. Because the bones of the person with osteoporosis are already brittle falls and
bumps should be avoided, because the bones may not be strong enough to survive the

This the condition that is characterized by the inflammation or pain in the
muscles and joints. A person with rheumatism experiences fatigue, as well as swelling,
redness and tenderness of joints. He/She may also feel pain and stiffness in the joints,
especially in the morning.
There is no treatment that can cure rheumatism itself, but medications are
prescribed to reduce the swelling, relieve the pain, and prevent further damage of the

A person who suffers from rickets, a deficiency characterized by deformed or
soft bones, lacks, vitamin D, and other bone minerals like calcium and phosphorus. This
vitamin D and mineral deficiency makes the bones grow slow and soft. This disease
usually affects young children. The symptoms of rickets include delayed growth, muscle
Science 4 Hand-out | 4

weakness and pain in the spine and legs. Adequate exposure to sunlight and eating
nutritious foods rich in vitamin D can help prevent rickets. Calcium and phosphorus
supplements are also given to replace the lacking minerals in the body.

This is a condition characterized by the abnormal curvature of the backbone.
This condition may be visible during adolescence period. Women are more prone to be
affected by this disease than men. A person with scoliosis tends to lean on one side,
hence the unbalanced shoulder. The ribs on one side of the body may also stick out
farther than the other side. A person with scoliosis may also feel back pain and stiffness.
No medication is given to treat scoliosis. Instead, certain therapeutic exercises
are recommended to slow down the progress of bone curving. In severe cases, back
braces and surgery are the options offered to treat the condition.


1. Eat the right kinds of food.
2. Maintain good posture.
3. Have enough exercise.
4. Have enough rest and sleep.

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