Lions Arise July Issue 2017

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JULY 2017
*What Does "Namaste" Mean?*_
```It is paying homage or showing respect to one another, much as is the Prayer```.
In Sanskrit the word is *namah + te = namaste*, which means ```I bow to you```".
The word *namaha* can also be literally interpreted as "na ma" ( _*not mine*_).
It has a spiritual significance of negating or reducing one's ego in the presence of another.
*However, there is much more to it than meets the eye.*_ The real meeting between people is the
meeting of their minds. When we greet one another with namaste, it means, *may our minds meet*,
indicated by the folded palms placed before the chest. The bowing down of the head is a gracious
form of extending friendship in love, respect and humility.
The reason why we use namaste has a deeper spiritual significance. _*It recognizes the
belief that the life force, the divinity, the Self or the God in me is the same in all*_.
Acknowledging this oneness with the meeting of the palms, we honor the god in the
person we meet.
Editor - Lions Arise
Dear lions,
Editorial Board
I am delighted to meet you through Lions Arise this year
Editor: Lion Parvathy Viswanath
Co Editor: Lion K.B. Raju We witnessed a year packed with activities across the globe and grand
centennial celebration at Chicago.
Members Ex-Officio
MFJ Lion VR. Shanmuga Sundaram, District Governor As we step into the second century, let us all work together in unity to make life a
MFJ Lion E. Ravichandran, First Vice District Governor better place for millions of people around us.
MFJ Lion B. Satyanarayana Murthy, Second Vice District Governor
Lion M. Murugappan, Cabinet Secretary In line with this motto our District Governor has started the year with his programs
MJF Lion A. Prabhakaran, Cabinet Treasurer since April.
MJF Lion Lalitha Mohanan, DC - Lioness
Well begun is half done. A good beginning almost assures success.
Lion Barnabas Osborn Sundar, DC - Leo
Our year started with a flurry of activities on July 1 st. Almost 50 clubs of our district
MJF Lion Mariappan, DC - PRO
participated in it.Much earlier in the month of may Leadership schooling for RCs
and ZCs and Club officers were organised. Directory meetings were held to
Region Chairpersons mobilise funds for our activities and our permanent projects. After completing all
PMFJ Lion Vsubhalakshmi Viswanath these programs successfully our Governor left for Chicago with 3 new clubs in
MFJ Lion B. Vijayakumar hand for his grand installation.We witnessed the international parade and the
MFJ Lion S. Thangamani installation of Our Governor live on Astha channel. Wasn't that awesome.
Lion K. Nandagopal
Lion Dr. A. Ramalingam With club installations happening all over, our service activities also is gaining
Lion M. Selvam momentum.

"I celebrate myself ", the great poet Walt Witman wrote. Our governor's slogan is
Editorial Office
serve, cherish and celebrate .
Lion Parvathy Viswanath Small acts, when multiplied by Lion members, can transform the world!!The
Flat 7, Anusuya Graham, capacity to care, gives life it's deepest significance.
5, Lady Desika Road,
Mylapore, Chennai 600004
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others..." said
Mobile : 9444960643
E mail : lionsarise100@ Mahatma Gandhi. Friends, service to others defines who we are. It's our very
reason to exist as global organisation
Published by
PMJF Lion Dr. N.R. Dhanapalan Friends, let us believe in ' the power of We', let us stand together and serve the
N.R.D. Towers, No.11, 100 Feet Road needy increasing our hours of service and membership. Let us act now, Let us be
1st Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai - 600 083 the change that we wish to see in the world. Enjoy this year, enjoy this issue.
Ph: 044-2489 9111 / 611 / 811
Thank you for your support.
Designed & Printed by
Lion Parvathy Viswanath
5, Chockalingam Nagar Main Road Editor - Lions Arise
V. Teynampet, Chennai - 600 086
(P) 2432 7060, 2434 7060 (M) 98847 00060

Lion K.B. Raju
Co- Editor - Lions Arise

1 | July 2017 | Lions Arise

from the


Dear Lion Colleague, The Bon Voyage and the Reception arranged by Lion
A great juncture initiated in our friendship from my various Arul Rabi, DC Bon Voyage and Lion Karthikeyan DC
assignments we fused to a new conception as a leader of Reception can't be expressed in words. My
the District. Task may be different but my inner feelings complements to them.
and deliberations are the same. No words can be The Lions Year Inaugural Project arranged by Lion
substituted for your confidence on my veracity. Harikrishan, DC Activities, well attended by most of the
Empathy, Consistency, Honesty, Direction, clubs in our district, was the best in the History of District
Communication, Flexibility, conviction the characters of 324-A5. Thanks to the DC Activities and his team.
a leader. I vow myself to go with this and involve to the In the Banquet and Felicitation function my vision in the
extent possible in the immense work of this greatest year's Program and Policies has been presented.
association. The program includes the Development of Dialysis and
Talent win games but the team work and the intelligence Diagnostic Centres, RO Plant, steps to inaugurate the
win championships. I strongly believe the results come out proposed second dialysis centre, increase the
of a panel work. This strengthens the system and the membership strength, extension of new clubs, Tree
leaders will be the emblems of the precepts that the plantations, women empowerment, mega Fund
movement stands for. Raising Program, LCIF contribution and Lions Welfare.
I have buoyancy that my fellow members will discharge Announcement of District Contributions in the area of
their respective duties and bear the reliabilities that membership, new club extension and LCIF contribution
delegate to them. This outcome our aspirations and have been offered in the policies. Time management,
comprehend our reveries of our structure. I know my lions Digitalization and various options in the cabinet
fraternities will always prop up me and reach the subscription have been pointed out in the policies
unreachable. I hope you vouch me in my appeal and extend your
The year started with an outstanding Banquet and precious co-operation for the betterment of our
Felicitation function. Thanks to the marvelous work done organization.
by Lion Hemalatha Harigopal, DC Felicitation and Lion Let us SERVE, CHERISH AND CELEBRATE
Kannan, DC Banquet. I extend my gratitude to Lion RM Yours in Lionism
Thyagarajan, DC Leadership for his amazing effort in the MJF Lion VR. SHANMUGA SUNDARAM
RC/ZC schooling and the PST Schooling. DISTRICT GOVERNOR

2 | July 2017 | Lions Arise


3 | July 2017 | Lions Arise


4 | July 2017 | Lions Arise

A Psh A |sP@, Fellow Lions
Fraternal Greetings!
nUP! I feel delighted to communicate through our official Magazine LIONS
E[P AUS C 2017&2018 A ARISE in the capacity as Second Vice District Governor While I thank
Bsi zusk zxUP. each one of you for reposing confidence in me and electing to the
coveted office of Second Vice District Governor and I assure you all that
mh B| Lion VR. sP u AP P I will live up to the expectations to the best of my ability. The process of
]P vmhmk 2017&18 hzu xUQ facing the election and going around meeting various sections of our
CUQP. Cu h P ] hP Lions gave me complete insight of our District and members feel.
A Gh zxUP uzx I take this opportunity to thank the clubs for inviting me for the New Club
PQ@. officers Installation and New member Induction am of the firm opinion
Cu h vuP @ ]P @ that I will discharge my duties on the expected lines of our Lion
# vUS [Pzv u, , Members.
It is all going to be grand festivity in the next few days Yes the Installation
shz u,
of Cabinet Officers on 22nd July and let us all thank our International
mhzu, mhzu AUS President Lion Naresh Agarwal who will be gracing the great occasion
Gh zxUP, mkuP as Chief guest I am sure there will be much more occasions during this
uzxU PQ@. Lions year.
PSTs A Fmi |hu ] Let me address all of you about our Membership which is going to be our
mh Px Psk ]zwP, A[S prime issue during the year and our Governor has promised the
Pu E[P [Pzv kzx[P, PSTs International Leadership that he will try and achieve 1000 plus growth I
Cnx [P, E[P [P @ request each one of you join in the mission of achieving the desired goal
and We have one more task cut out, that is Let us strive hard to make all
vmh[PUS RCs, ZCs Azx @ #[P,
the club Members be part of LCIF by becoming contributing members
E[P @ vmh[P zvP by a small contribution of 20 Dollars .
iUP zxUP. Cu To accomplish the above tasks I am always available to assist you in
]mi G {UP @sh. A[RP G person or through my Mobile, E Mail.
{zxUP[P. Our International President has given a clarion call by framing the
Ehi u [P a]UPP, PSTs following slogans The Power of you The Power of Service The Power
FUSUS uzv mk mhzv of Action Our District is already adhering to his call, the Power of you is
our involvement in our Legacy project Our Lions Activity Centre which
u [PP k[P.
the Power of Action and our munificent contribution to run this projects
Rcs, ZCs Azx [P @z vmh[P PSTs smoothly is the Power of Action. Let us keep involving in our projects and
Family Function Px P[P. Ax and contribute liberally in the years to come and make our District
APUS E[PUS |m S, EP numero Uno.
@k. Let me close with the following quote Every Teacher was once a
student, every winner was once a looser, every expert was once a
sk v@ beginner Every Lion Leader was once a Lion but all of us have crossed
| nUP the bridge called Learning
With you in Lionism for ever

MJF Lion E. Ravichandran MJF Lion B. Satyanarayana Murthy

First Vice District Governor First Vice District Governor

5 | July 2017 | Lions Arise

Dear Lions, Respected Lions,
Greetings and best wishes. Greetings.
It is the pertinent occasion to show my gratitude to our At the outset I thank our adored Governor giving me an
beloved District Governor MJF Lion Shanmugasundaram for opportunity to serve as the Cabinet Treasurer in his cabinet for
assigning me as Cabinet Secretary for the forth coming year. the year 2017-18.
Friends it is high time to have cordial acquaintance and I assure you that I will full fill my responsibilities with your precious
companionship with each one of our non contentious united sustain.
district. I declare you that I will do my level best in my task with The statutory dues bills have been raised and are being
team work. dispatched. My sincere appeal to all the club leaders to pay
I am always available for any clarifications regarding our their statutory dues on or before the District Cabinet installation.
movement and also ready to assist you in the data related The clubs will be duly recognized by the Governor
uploading and reporting parts. My Gratitude to the clubs those have paid their International,
25 Lions clubs have finished their Installation programs so for (till Multiple and District legislative obligations.
20th July 2017). On behalf of DG Team I thank the club leaders I request all the Cabinet officials to pay their Cabinet
for their teamwork. 9 more clubs have blocked their dates for subscription on or before the First Cabinet meeting which
installation. I appeal the remaining clubs to finish the program enable us to take the District Administration in an evenly
as early as possible. manner.
Also thank all the clubs for their admirable exertions in the I call for the leaders whom have secured the commercials to
timely submission of club particulars and the commercial pay the related Directory amount at the earliest which give us a
details for the advertisements rallied by the Region prospect to carry out may service activities in our District.
Chairpersons, Zone Chairpersons and District Chairpersons to Let us Serve Cherish Celebrate
enable our District Governor to release the District Information With warm regards,
book on the date of Cabinet installation. In this regard every
one of you has honored the commitments given by our
MJF Lion A. Prabhakaran
Governor during the felicitation meeting.
Cabinet Treasurer
I request all the club leaders to fix the Governor's Annual Visit
dates before 31st December 2017.
I take this opportunity to invite the District Cabinet Officials for Rate for the Month of August
our First Cabinet Meeting to be held on 30th July 2017, 10.00
AM at Hotel 'THE PARK'. 64.25 per USD
Let us start a new era in Lionism by giving our hands to the
betterment of our District.
My best wishes to Lion Parvathy Viswanath, District for International Dues
Chairperson Lions Arise for her success in the innings.
With regards, Cheque / DD / NEFT/ RTGS in favour of
The International Association of Lions Clubs
Lion M. Murugappan Payable at Mumbai.
Cabinet Secretary for MJF / PMJF Contributions
Lions Clubs International Foundation
Payable at Mumbai.

6 | July 2017 | Lions Arise


7 | July 2017 | Lions Arise


8 | July 2017 | Lions Arise

9 | July 2017 | Lions Arise
10 | July 2017 | Lions Arise
11 | July 2017 | Lions Arise
12 | July 2017 | Lions Arise
13 | July 2017 | Lions Arise
14 | July 2017 | Lions Arise
Year Beginning Projects on 1st July 2017

15 | July 2017 | Lions Arise



District Chairperson District Chairperson

Leo Clubs provide young people with an opportunity for development

Dear Leaders, and contribution individually and collectively as responsible
members of their local, national and international communities.
My Sincere thanks to Our Governor MJF. Lion. Shanmuga Sundaram
Leo Clubs are open to young people with good character who have an
for giving me an opportunity to be the District Chairperson of Lioness,
interest in serving their communities. Leo Clubs are divided into two
which I whole heartedly accepted.
tracks: Alpha and Omega.
We have 7 Active Lioness clubs in our District in total we are more
Alpha Leo Clubs are designed for youth between 12 and 18 years old.
than 250 members with many Vibrant Talents.
This track focuses on the individual and social development of teens and
On July 1st - The beginning of this Lionistic yearwe started with Dine
with Divine in Sarvodaya Girls Hostel, Chetpet. .by serving dinner to 80
Omega Leo Clubs are tailored for young adults between 18 and 30
children. Our Council Member for Dine with Divine Lns. Vasuki Bahubali
years old. This track encourages the personal and professional
was the sponsor & Lns. Komal also contributed.
development of young adults.
I foresee all the Club's & Council Members will do their projects and
Lions clubs can sponsor a Leo club, as this is treated as their project and
also planning for many Mega Projects during this year.
benefit through the voluntary services of youth and help in developing
their Skills.

District Chairperson - Lioness
1. On 16.07.2017 Leo club of Meenambakkam was installed by

2. On 19.07.2017 Leo club of Patrician college was installed by

Lion MANIVANNAN of Pudumai Gemini.

3. On 24.07.2017 Leo club of Valliammal & Padi Shenoy Nagar Leo Club
will be installed.
Lion Barnabas Osborn Sundar
District Chairperson - LEO

16 | July 2017 | Lions Arise

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