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AIPGME EXAMINATION aos / 2o15-16 ETO aA eT en See LCC aL ee Ta Ra A OO Te examinations over the previous years. Om x OY OC constituents of the entire explanatory I La Te oracle asked repeatedly. The reader is advised fo pay more attention to the entire portion of text marked “OQ” as prefix ERO Ae All of the following statements about Intervertebral disc are true, except ‘A. Annulus fibrosus is made up of fibrocartilage B. Nucleus Pulposus functions as a shock absorber C. End Plates are made of Hyaline cartilage D. Anmulus Fibrosus is derived from Notochord | ‘Strongest layer of Oesophagus is ‘A. Mucosa B. Submucosa C. Muscularis externa D. Adventitia | | ‘Which of the following muscles does NOT take part in the formation of rotator cuff? A. Teres major B._ Infraspinatus CC. Subscapularis D. Supraspinatus All of the following structures pass through the esophageal hiatus ofthe diaphragm, except? | ‘A. Esophageal Branch of left gastric artery B. Left Vagus Nerve CC. Right Vagus nerve D. Thoracic Duct ‘The left suprarenal vein drains into A. Leftrenal vein, B. Internal Iliac vei C. Inferior vena cava. D. Left suprarenal vein, “Pecten’ of Anal Canal is lined by ‘A. Simple columnar epithelium B. Non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium C. Keratinized stratified - squamous epithelium D, Stratified Columnar Epithelium | ‘Common Segmental Joint innervation for movements | of knee and ankle joints is | A. L2,13,L4 | B. L3,L4,L5 | Cc. 14,L5,S1 | D. L5,S1, 82 All ofthe following are muscles of Tongue, except | A. Genioglossus. | B. Hyoglossus. C._ Styloglossus D. Palatoglossus ‘Which of the following verebal levels best determine | the position of the thyroid isthmus: c1-c2 c2-c4 C406 €6-C7 pomp 10. Lateral atlanto-axial joint belongs to the variety of: | A. Ellipsoid B. Pivot C. Plane synovial D. Hinge Whitnall’s ligament refers to A. Superior oblique tendon B. Superior transverse ligament of the eye C. Suspensory ligament of lens D. None of the above . Muscle which contributes to two triangles in the back is A. Trapezius B. Latissimus Dorsi CC. Splenius Capitis D. Serratus Anterior . Which of the following is the remnant of Mesonephric tubules in Males ‘A. Appendix of Epidydmis B. Paradydimis C. Ductus deferens D. Seminal vesicle | . Ligamentum teres is a remnant of A. Umbilical Vein, B. Umbilical Artery. C. Ductus Venosus. D. Ductus Arteriosus | All of the following are derivative from embryonic cartilage of the first pharyngeal arch, except: A. Malleus | B. Incus | C. Mandible D. Sphenomandibular Ligament PHYSIOLOGY 16, Which ofthe following statement about Sacomere | arrangements is true ‘A. Zine is present in the middle ofthe Tband | B, [Band represents the fll length ofthe Thin | Filament | C. ABand represents the fill length ofthe Thin | Filament . Mine is resent inthe middle ofthe I band 1. Which of the following statements about nerve fibers, is true A. A fibers are more susceptible to hypoxia than B fibers. B. A fibers are more sensitive to pressure than C fibers. C. C fibers are more sensitive to pressure than A D. fibers. C fibers are more sensitive to hypoxia than B fibers | E 2015-16 - QUESTIONS. 4 18. Re 20. (22, ‘© MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ~ 2015-16 Repolarization of nerve action potential is due to A. Inward Sodium Current B. Inward Potassium Current C. Inward Potassium Current and Outward Sodium Current ‘D. Outward Potassium Current and Inward Sodium Current . Rapidly adapting capsulated receptors for Low Frequency Vibration in non-hairy skin are: ‘A. Meissner’s Corpuscles B. Pacinian Corpuscles C. Merkel’s Disks D. Ruffini’s Endings Most blood enters the ventricle during which of the folowing poe of the cardiac ele: Atrial systole By Aral Gastle C._ Ventricular systole Isovolumic contraction Elasticity of the heart is due to Actin B. Myosin C. Titin Dystrophin All of the following statements about Glomerular Filtration are TRUE, EXCEPT A. Low molecular weight molecules filter easily B. Negatively charged molecules are filtered readily C. Basement membrane carries a net negative charge D. Myoglobin is filtered more readily than albumin . Which part of the renal tubule in a normal Functioning Kidney will reabsorb most water in a dehydrated patient with very high levels of ADH A. Proximal tubule B. Distal tubule C. Cortical collecting tubule D. Medullary collecting duct . The Most important stimulus for central chemoreceptors is ‘A. HT ions in blood B._ Increased pCO; in blood C. Decreased pO2 in blood D. Dectesaed Po? in CSF . Which of the following best describes ‘Incretin” A. VIP B. CCX C. Gastrin D. GIP . Primary funetion of Auerbach’ plexuses is Control of Intestinal secretion Regulation of epithelial cell function Control of motility of digestive tract All of the following statements about Hunger pangs) are true, except : | A. Represent intense hunger contractions | B. Typically begin 6 to 8 hours after last meal C. May cause pain in the pit of stomach D. Reach greatest intensity in 3-4 days in starvation 27. | | 28. Destruction of which of the following centers ofthe | hypothalamus leads to anorexia and starvation | AL Anterior mucte B. Ventromedial nuclei |G. Supraoptic nuclei D. Lateral nuclei | 29. Which among the following causes an increase in | serum Hepcidin ‘A. Decreased iron stores |B. Increased erythropoietic activity C. Inflammation D. Hypoxia 30. Difficulty when attempting to see near objects may result from inability of contract which of the following A. Ciliary body B. Lens zonules C. Iris D. Pupils BIOCHEMISTRY 31, Net number of molecules of ATP gained from one glucose in aerobic glycolysis when the G3P Shuttle is | utilized: A 6 B 8 | cm D. 36 32. In which of the following tissues, is glycogen | incapable of contributing directly to blood glucose? A. Liver Muscle Both None B. c D. 33. Cytoplasmic Rate limiting enzyme for Urea Cycle is ‘A. Carbonyl Phosphate Synthetase 1 B. Arginosuccinate Synthetase CC. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II D. Isocitrate dehydrogenase |. All of the following statements about Chylomicrons are true, except ‘A. Contain highest percentage of lipids B. Contain least amount of cholesterol C. Move the furthest distance on electro D. Found predominantly after a fatty meal ——— 39. | 42, 1” Which ofthe following nitrogenous bases is absent in . The TATA box is located in . All of the following are disorders of Purine . In Beri-Beri, the blood levels of which of the DNA? A. Uracil B. Guanine C. Thymine D. Cytosine ‘A. Promoter region. B. Splice enhancer. C. Between Intron-exon, D. Poly-asdiction site, Metabolism, except : ‘A Lesch-Nyban Syndrome | B. Hereditary OroticAciduria | C. Severe Combined Immunodeficiency | D. Gout | ‘The buffering capacity of some proteins and | hemoglobin is mainly due to A. Arginine. B. Histidine C. Glutamine. D. Phenylalnine ‘The proper folding of newly synthesised proteins in endoplasmic reticulum is carried out by A. Ubiquitin B. Granzyme C. Chaperone D. Proteosome Which ofthe following inborn errors of metabolism is, known to have ‘Sweaty Feet’ odour of urine? | A. Tyrosinemia B. Phenylketonuria C. Glutarie acidemia D. Maple Syrup Urine Ideal investigation for analysis of very small ‘mutations in a chromosome is: A. FISH B. Karyotyping C. PCR based assay D. None Which of the following enzymes is involved in conversion of ferrous iron (Fe”’) to ferric iron (Fe) | A. Ferricarboxylase B. Ferroxidase C. Ferrireductase D, Ferrodehydogenase following is higher than the normal? A. Glutamate B. Acetyl CoA C. Suceinyl COA and Succinate D. Pyruvate and Alpha Ketoglutarate (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS - 2015-16» |. Which of the following is the preferred specimen for glucose estimation? A. Sodium Citrate B. EDTA plasma CC. Heparinised plasma D. Fluoride-Oxalated plasma 48, ‘The principle of X-Inactivation is explained by: A. Sutton-Bovery theory B. Lyon hypothesis CC. Barr hypothesis |. Genetic balance theory | PHARMACOLOGY | 46. Which of the following statements about Orphan Drugs is true : ‘A. Includes drugs for Rare Diseases only B. Includes drugs for some common diseases in developing countries C. Includes Profitable drugs only D. Includes drugs with no adverse effects 46b.Which of the following is true about Orphan Receptors A. Receptors for Orphan Drugs B. Receptors for which there is no endogenous ‘mediator or ligand C._ Receptors which cause Adverse Effects only D. Receptors which bind specific drugs but no pharmacological response is elicited 47. Bioavailability of an orally administered drug is best | defined as ‘A. AUC intravenous _ 100 ‘AUC oral AUC oral_x 100 ‘AUC intravenous AUC oral_x 100 Time AUC intravenous 100 Time Logarithmic Graded Dose Response Curve is A. Hyperbola B. Parabola C. Sigmoid D. Gaussian B. | oc D. 48. 49, the following adrenergic drugs ‘A. Phenylephrine Yohimbine B. Dobutamine-Butoxamaine C. Clonidine-Yohimbine D. Salbutamol-Atenolol Following is the effect of adrenaline when ‘administered after alpha-receptors blockad A. Rise in blood pressure B. Fall in blood pressure CC. Rise followed by fall in blood pressure D,, Fall followed by rise in blood pressure 50. | | Chose the correct Agonist-Antagonist match amongst | a MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS - 2015-16 _ ‘i. 52. 53. \s6. \s7. 58. All of the following are side effects of nitrates, Except ‘A. Orthostatic hypotension, B. Tachycardia C. Gi disturbance D. Tachyphylaxis Which of the following correctly describes the ‘mechanism of action of Levosimenden ‘A. Potassium Channel Opener B. Calcium Sensitizer C. Selective Myosin Activator D. Nat/K+-ATPase Inhibitor Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) inhibitor for treatment of Dyslipidemia A. Lomitapide B. Torcetrapib C. Mipomersen D. Evolocumab First line drugs for the management of hypertension in patients with no other comorbidities include all of the following, except: A. ACE Inhibitor B. Beta blocker C. Calcium channel blocker D. Diuretics . Which of the following drugs when combined with ‘Thiazide diuretics is least effective in further reducing blood pressure A. ACE Inhibitor B. ARB C. Beta blocker D. Calcium channel blockers Peakless Insulin is A. Insulin Glargine B. Regular Insulin C.NPH Insulin D. Insulin Glusitine All ofthe following statements about Pethidine/ Meperidine are true Except ‘A. Has significant Antimuscaranic effects B. Has Pronounced Antishivering Properties CC. Has pronounced Antitussive action D. Seizures are not reversed by Nalaxone Pill Induced Esophagitis is most commonly associated with A. Doxycycline B. Ciprofloxacin CC. Azithromycin D. Sulphonamides . Which of the following Carbapenems is not recommended for treatment of nosocomial infections Ertapenem Imipenem Meropenem Doripenem, pomp ‘59b.Ertapenem is not effective again A. Kleibsella B. Pseudomonas C. E.Coli D. Proteus 60. Aminoglycoside with more cochlear toxicity than vestibular toxicity is A. Streptomycin B. Tobramycin C. Kanamyein D. Sisomicin 61. Gramicidin $ is a A. Tripeptide B. Dipeptide C. Cyclic Pentapeptide D. Cyclic Decapeptide 62. Which of the following anti-tubercular drugs has the highest sterilizing action: A. Isoniazid B. Rifampicin CC. Ethambutol D. Cycloserine 62b.Which of the following Antitubercular drugs has highest ability to prevent emergence of Resistance to Isoniazid A. Rifampicin B. Ethambutol CC. Streptomycin D. Pyrizinamide 63. Treatment of choice of Tuberculosis in Pregnancy ‘A. HRE 2 Months and HR 7 months B. HRZE 2 Months and HR 4 Months C._ HRZES 3 Months and HRE 5 Months D. RZE for 9 months (64, A patient is on the treatment with rifampicin, Which of the following agents is not preferred agent in first line HAART regimen for Rifampicin based tuberculosis treatment A. Zidovudine B. Nevirapine C. Lamivudine D. Efavirenz 65. All of the following Statements about Oseltamivir are tue, except: | ‘A. Neuramidinase Inhibi B. Treatment should be initiated within 48 hours of ‘| symptom onset C. Should not be co-administered with the vaccine D. Orally active with a Bioavailability of > 60 percent MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS=2015-16 © 7 (PATHOLOGY 75. All of the following statements about Anitschkow cells are true, except |66. All of the following Leukotrienes are A. Modified Cardiac Histiocytes ‘Vasoconstrictors, except B. Catterpiller Appearance on Longitudinal Section ‘A. Leukotriene B4 CC. Owl's Eye appearance on transverse section B. Leukotriene C4 1D. Pathognomonic of Rheumatic Heart Disease C. Leukotriene D4 D. Leukotriene E4 || 16. Which ofthe foliowing regions of the liver is most = | sensitive to ischemic injury 67. Cytokine responsible for activating macrophage and | AL Periportal converting to giant cell is |) BL Midzonal 2 A 12 | C. Centrilobular 3 B. ILI7 D. Perihepatic —E C. TNFalpha a D. IFN gamma 77. Snover's triad in Acute cellular rejection of Liver 3 transplantation includes all ofthe following except i |68. Inclusion bodies seen in Alzheimer’s Disease ‘A. Portal inflammation 2 | A. Buschino B. Endothelialtis 8 |B. Lewy bodies. C. Cholangitis S C. Hirano bodies. D. Periportal Fibrosis ci | Di Lafora bodies | g | | 78. Alzheimer type II astrocyte are not seen in: 3 69. Deletion of one alpha globin gene on one ‘A. Hepatic encephalopathy = ‘chromosome is best defined as: B, Alzheimer’s disease < ‘A. Hb Barts C. Wilson's Disease | B. Alpha thalassemia major D. Urea Cycle Disorders C. Alpha thalassemia trait D. Alpha Thalassemia silent carrier 79, Zeliballen Patter is seen in all ofthe following, | except ‘A. Pheochromocytoma B. Carotid Body Tumor CC. Glomustugulare | D. Accoustic neuroma | 70, Heavy chain disease with Kappa light chains in urine: | ‘A. Muchain disease B. Seligman disease 1 C. Franklin disease | D. Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia | | 80. Which ofthe following isthe prefered ste of initia | | | 71. Alder-Reilley bodies are seen in ___ biopsy to confirm systemic amyloidosis ‘A. Mucopolysacharidosis A. Gingiva B. Langethans Histiocytosis B. Kidney C. Alports Syndrome CC. Rectal mucosa D. Chédiak-Higashi syndrome D. Abdominal fat 72. Dominantly inherited condition with Large Platelets 81. Shock lung is characterized by which of the | and Dohle bodies in neutrophils following? ‘A. Alder Reiley Anomaly A. Alveolar proteinosis B. Pelger-Huet Anomaly B. Bronchiolitis obliterans C. May-Hegglin Anomaly | C. Diffuse alveolar damage D. Chédiak-Higashi syndrome | _D._ Diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage 73, Transformation of CLL/SLL into DLBCL is called 82. What is the characteristic histological finding of ‘A. Richter syndrome | ehronie radiation pneumonit B. Evans syndrome | AL Foam cells in vessel wall CC. LiFraumeni syndrome | BL Fibroblasts in iumen D. Kostmann syndrome Epithelial cell hyperplasia. D. Presence of giant cell in vessel wall 74, Needle shaped empty space onthe histopathological slide of an atheromatous plaque represents 83. Michaelis -Gutmann Bodies are seen in ‘A. Cholesterol Cleft | ‘A. Malakoplakia B. Foam Cells | B. Xantohgranulomatous cystitis C. Smooth Muscle Cells CC. Langerhans cell histiocytosis D. Tuberculosis, D._ Glycogen J 8 © MULTIPLECHOICE QUESTIONS - 2015-16 si. (93. Most common agent responsible for UTI in children skeletal muscle fibers in is: | A. Myotonie dystrophy A. Eccoli = |B. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy |B. Klebsiella | C. Amyotrophic Latral Scerosis | C. Pseudomonas | _D. Mitochondrial myopathy D. Streptococcus coomenoa 85. Langerhans cell histiocytosis is characterised by |_| 94. Colonies with Bisected Pearl appearance is seen in presence of ‘A. Mycoplasma A. S-100 negativity. B. Brucella g B. CD-21 positivity C. Bordetella 6 CC. Basophilic Cytoplasm D. CDiptheriae & D. Linear grooves in the nuclei. | 3 86. Rokitansky protub is associated with which of | 95. a a following statements about Pontiac fever the following condition? ince Deca peace ° | A. Occurs in Epidemics 2) 2) Teno |B. Pneumonia is most common manifestation re B._ Sex cord stromal tumors x x 4 i paeemie! C. Antibiotic therapy is not required 8 Dt once ae D. Hasa High Attack Rate |. Which of the following is diagnostic of mixed 96. Weil's disease is caused by: connective tissue disease? | A. Leptospira Interrogans ‘A. Anti-nonlear antibody | B. Borrelia Recurrentis B. SCL-70 antibody C. Treponema Endemicum C._UL-RNP antibody D. Borrelia Burgdorfen D. Anti-CCP antibody a 97. Which of the following Rickettsial Diseases is '. Keratoderma Blennorrhagica is typically seen in associated with fever, tunica reaction and scrotal ‘A. Rheumatoid Arthritis necrosis on guinea pig inoculation B. Psoriatic Arthritis A. Rickettsia Rickettsiae CC. Reactive Arthritis | en D. Ankylosing spondylitis |G. Rickettsia Akari 39, Lupus Perio is seen in: | Di Rickettsia Typhi f A. Tuberculosis, lS su 98. Owl’s Eye Inclusion bodies are seen in | c PaN ae . CMV D._ Secoldorts C. Small Pox bo. ‘The highest level of acid phosphatase in serum in D. Vaccinia found in carcinoma of which organ? A. Liver 99. Most common virus implicated in Severe Acute B. Bone Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is C. Prostate ‘A. Corona Virus D. Thyroid gland B. Influenza Virus C. Picoma Virus {MICROBIOLOGY D. Herpes Virus Jo1. Oxidase positive Gram negative bacilli that do not — show coloured colonies on Mac-Conkey Media 100.The causative agent for Delhi Boil is A. Shigella A. LTropica._ B. Salmonella B. LDonovani C. Proteus CC. L.Brazilensis D. Pseudomonas Dit ence) 192. Which of the following is least likely to result from 101.Most common Helminthic disease associated with Strptococcus Pyogenes myocarditis is ‘A. Impetigo A. Trichinella B. Erysipelas B. Schistosoma C. Toxic Shock Syndrome CC. Strongyloides D. Scalded Skin Syndrome D. Trypanosoma MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ~2015-16 + (102.All of the following protozoa may be detected by | Fecal Acid Fast Stain, except | A Cryptosporidium B. Isospora C. Cyclospora D. Microsporidia 103.Rabies vaccine encephalitis is an example of ‘A. Molecular mimicry B. Sequestrated antigen C. C Antigen Alteration D. Epitope Spreading 104. Which of the following immunoglobulins is a pentamer? A. IgA B. gD Cc. IgG D. IgM 105.Phenol Coefficient test for testing the efficacy of disinfectants in the presence of organic matter is A. Chick- Martin test B. Kelsey Sykes test CC. Rideal Walker test D. In-use test 106.All of the following are Heterophile Agglutination tests, except: A. Paul-BunnelTest B. Weil-Felix C. Rose- Waller test D. Cold Agglutination test | 107.Standard agar recommended for susceptibility tests using antibiotic sensitivity disks ‘A. Mueller Hinton Agar |B. PLET Agar | C Castenada Agar D. Cetrimide Agar 108.Bile esculine Agar is used for identification of ‘A. Streptococei Pyogenes B. Enterococcus Faecalis C.Staphylcoccus Pyogenes D. Pneumococcus | FORENSIC | 109.Greeninsh discoloration of the right coecal area during pputrefaction is caused by | A. Carboxyhemoglobin |B. Methemoglobin C. Sulphmethemoglobin D. Hydrogen Sulphide gas 110. Which of the following is seen in Heat rupture ‘A. Irregular margin B. Ruptured vessels with imegular margins CC. Extravasation of blood D. Vital reaction | | | | 11 1-Hide and die Reaction with terminal Burrowing is seen in ‘A. Opioid Toxication B. Coccaine Intoxication C. Alcohol Poisoning D. Hypothermia 112.Fencing posture is caused by : ‘A. Coagulation of proteins B. Emulsification of fact CC. Exposure to excess cold D. Electric shock 113/'Streaming of nuclei’ on histopathology is scen in death due to ‘A. Electrocution B. Strangulation CC. Suffocation D. Arsenic Poisoning 114.Ladder tears are- ‘A. Spiral tears of aortic intima B. Vertical tears of aortic intima C. Transverse tears of aortic intima D. Oblique tears of aortic intima 115.Active agent in Sodomy when passive agent is a child is known as ‘A. Pedophile B. Pederast C. Catamite | D. Gerontophile 116.Corpus Delicti deals with ‘A. Dead Body B. Body of offense CC. Inquest D. Enquiry by Police 117.Which section of IPC defines hurt as bodily pain, disease or infirmity? A. 319 B. 323 c. 320 D. 322 118.Cold Turkey is used to describe the Withdrawal Symptoms of ‘A. Opioid Withdrawal B. Cocaine Withdrawal C._ Alcohol Withdrawal D. Benzodiazepine Withdrawal 118bJamaican Vomiting Sickness is due to ‘A. Hypoglyein B. Ricin C. Muscimol D. Psilocybin Siti og ‘= MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ~ 2015-16 PSM |119.Educating children for promoting healthy lifestyle is: | ‘A. Primary prevention | B. Secondary prevention | C. Tertiary prevention | D. Primo: prevention / | 120.All of the following statements about ‘Case Control Study” are true, except: | A. Itisa prospective study |B. Itproceeds from effect to cause | C. Recall bias is a major problem | De Costeffect | i | 121.All of the following are selection bias in case control studies except ‘A. Hawthome bias B. Berkesonian bias, C. Volunteer Bias D. Neyman’s bias p22 All of the following are true about propagated epidemics except - | A. Shows Successive Peaks B. Nosecondary waves occur C. Person to person transmission occurs D. Spread depends on Herd immunity i jaa boarding house is inhabited by 100 children out of | which 15 ae immunized against measles. During an outbreak of measles, 10 cases occurred on the first of the month while 35 cases occurred on the eleventh of the month. What is the secondary attack rate of measles. A. 35/85 100 B. 35/75 100 CC. 35/100 100 D. 45/85* 100 | |124. Association of two variables explained by a common third factor is known as: A. Spurious association | B. Indirect association D. Causal association 1125. Sampling method is most commonly used by WHO to assess levels of immunization coverage ‘A. Systemic sampling B. Stratified sampling, CC. Random sampling | D. Cluster sampling 1126. RNTCP defines a ‘pulmonary TB suspect’ as all of the following, except : | A. An individual having cough of 2 weeks or more |B. Contacts of smear-positive TB patients having | cough of 2 weeks or more 5 | | | | ‘C. Suspected/confirmed extra-pulmonary TB having cough of any duration D. HIV positive patient having cough of any | duration | 127, Under the National AIDS control programme all of the following pre-packed kits are available for the management of Genital Uleer Disease, Except A. White | B. Blue | C. Red | D. Green | 128.In National Water Supply and Sanitation programme a problem village is defined as all except | ‘A. Distance of safe water is greater than 1.6 km B. Water is exposed to the risk of cholera C. Water source has excess iron & heavy metals D. Water infested with Guniea worm 129. National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 2015-2016 represents which of the following National Surveys, A. 2nd B. 3rd Cc. 4th D. Sth 130.All ofthe following are dimension for Gender Empowerment Measures , Except : A. Political Participation and Decision-making Power B. Economic Participation and Decision-making Power | C. Power over Economic Resources D. Descent Standard of Living 131.UIJAWALA Scheme is an initiative to deal with ‘A. Child marriage B. Child labour C. Child trafficking D. Child abuse 132.Recommended BMI cut-off for ‘Normal’ amongst Indian Population is: A. 35 B. 30 c. 25 D. 23 133.Classification which does not consider height as a parameter: A. Quetelet’s index B. Brocca’s index C. Ponderal index D. Compullence index 134, What is definition of blindness as per WHO: A. 6/18 B. 6/60 Cc. 3/60 D. 1/60 (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS -2015-16 » 11 ite ‘How would you classify the water if the Level of 143. World health day is celebrated on: ™ Hardness has a value between 50-150 mg/L- | | A 268 hare A. Soft water | B. 7 April | B. Moderately hard water | C27 June | CC. Hard water |. 9 October | D. Very hard water : | MEDICINE | IS6.AM of te Bollowiag aro tree show: Anogbeles | | 144.The gold standard test forthe diagnosis of Paroxysmal mosquito except? | A. Eggs have no floats B. Larvae rest paralle! to water surface | CC. Rudimentary siphon tube | D. Spotted wings Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) is ‘A. Flow cytometry B. Sucrose hemolysis test 5 2 a < ‘semcocm CC. HAM test D. Genetic testing 136b, Which of the following is known as the ‘tiger | | | 144b. With regards to G6PD deficiency, which of the A. Aedes | mosquito’? following is FALSE? ‘A. Affects the pentose phosphate pathway | elon B. Associated with neonatal jaundice | © Culex CC. Acute haemolysis ean be precipitated by broad D 137. Incineration is a method of sterilization used for: heterozygous females ‘A. Sharp waste oe 145.Shelf life of blood in a blood bank in CPDA buffer: C. Liquid waste "A. 21 days D. Chemical waste B. 30days op 7 C. 35 days 158, Which ofthe following isa Live Vaccine : |p, adays ‘A. Hepatitis B | B. Oral Cholera || 146.Epsilon wave is seen in: | C. Nasal HINI 1 A. Brugada syndrome | D. POLIO (Salk) | B. Hypothermia | | C. WPW syndrome | | | | | ren : || |139.According to the Vaccine Vial Monitor, a Vaccine is D. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia | | usable if ; ‘ é | (A Outer Circle Dark; Inner Square Light | | 147,Treatment of choice for patients with Congestive | |B. Outer Square Dark; Inner Circle Light | | Heart Failure and an ejection fraction of < 40 percent | C. Outer circle Light; Inner Square Dark | is: D. Outer Square Dark; Inner Circle Light A. ACE + Beta Blocker | |B. ACEA+ Diuretic | | | | 140. Quadrivalent vaccine for HPV contains which of the | C, ACE ARB | following strains: D. ACEI+CCB A. 611,16, 18 | Co |B 61i,18,31 | 148, 30 to -60 degree axis deviation indicates: C. 6121831 ‘A. Left Axis Deviation D. 6,11, 16,17 { B. Right Axis Deviation C. Extreme Right Axis Deviation D. Normal Cardiac Axis quarantined for a period of | | 149.Duroziez’s sign is seen in | A. I days ‘A. Aortic Regurgitation B. 2days | B. Tricuspid Regurgitation C. 3days | CC. Mitral Stenosis D. Sdays | D. Pericardial effusion | [141 Asymptomatic Contacts of a cholera patient should be | | 142.Which of the following is not related to Durkheim == | 148b. Vitum’s Sign is seen in ‘A. Division of labor in society | A. Tricuspid Regurgitation B. Rules of sociological methods | B. Mitral Stenosis | | © Suicide C. Aortic Stenosis D. Wage Labour and Capital | D. Aortic Regurgitation 12 + MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ~ 2015-16 148-Carvallo's Sign representing a Diastolic Murmur that increases on inspiration is seen in | A. Tricuspid Stenosis Tricuspid Regurgitation C. Mitral Stenosis | _D. Aortic Regurgitation 150.Dose of Reteplase for management of Acute MI is? A. SIU B. 101U c 151U D. so1U 149b Target BP before thrombolysis in ischemic stroke is below? A. 185/110 mm Hg B. 165/100mm Hg C. 145/100Hg D. 120/80 mm Hg |151.Which of the following is NOT a feature of an exudate? A. Proteins< 3gm B, Cells> 1000/mm? C. Cloudy appearance D. Cells predominantly are neutrophils |152.A patient was admited to the casualty with hysteria and anxiety. Estimation of arterial plasma showed PH of 7.53; HCO, of 18 meq and Peo of 27 mm H g. which of the following is the patient’s primary diorder A. Metabolic acidosis B. Metabolic alkalosis CC. Respiratory acidosis D. Respiratory alkalosis |153.Bilateral upper lobe bronchiectasis suggests a | diagnosis of: ‘A. Tuberculosis B. Cystic Fibrosis C. Rheumatoid Arthritis D. Recurrent Aspiration 1153b.Brock’s Syndrome is: ‘A. Bronchiectasis Sicea B. Middle Lobe Bronchiectasis C. Kartagener's Syndrome D. Sarcoidosis 1153c.Bronchiectasis Sicca is seen with: ‘A. Tuberculosis B. Pertussis C. Cystic fibrosis, D. Kartagener syndrome [154.Anuria in clinical practice is defined as: ‘A. Urine output < 100 mar B. Urine output < 400 ml/hr CC. Urine output < 800 mifar D. Urine output < 1200 mifar 154b. Which of the following best defines Microscopic Hematuria as: ‘A. 3 or More RBC/HPF B. 5 orMore RBC/HPF C. 25 or More RBC/HPF D. 50 or More RBC/HPF 155,Distal renal tubular acidosis is associated with: ‘A. Oxalate stones B. Citrate stones C. Calcium stones D. Uric acid stones 156.Low Renin Hypertension is seen in all of the | following, Except ‘A. Essential hypertension B. Conn’s syndrome | C. Renovascular hypertension D. Liddle’s syndrome 157b.Dent's disease is characterized by all except: ‘A. Chloride channel defect B. Affects males more than females C. Low Molecular Weight proteinuria D. Distal Renal Tubule defect 157.Dialysis disequilibrium occurs due to: A. Reverse Urea effect B. Hypertension C. Aluminum toxicity D. Amyloid deposition 158.Large bowel Colonic Diarrhea is associated with all of the following, except: ‘A. Large Volume Stool B. Urgency C. Tenesmus D. Mucus 159. Which of the following Gastrointestinal Polyposis| syndromes is associated with Congenital Hypertrophy of Retinal Pigment Epithelium (CHRPE) ‘A. Cowden’s syndrome B. Gardner's syndrome C. Muir-Torre syndrome D. Turcot's Syndrome 160 Bilateral upper limb pulseless disease is? ‘A. Giant cell Arteritis B. Polyartertis Nodosa C. Takayasu Arteritis D. Coarctation of Aorta 161.Best provocative test for diagnosis of Gastrinoma ‘A. Ca" infusion test B. Secretin injection test C. ACTH stimulation test D. Steroid assay MULTIPLE CHOICE: ee 162.Most common subtype of hepatitis B in India: 169. Which of the following is not associated with A. Adr | hypothyroidism |B. Adw A. LowT3 |G Ayr B. High TSH D. Ayw | C. High Triglycerides | D. Lowcholestero! 163b.Which of the following serum markers is indicative of HBV vaccination? 170.Which of the following isa feature of Extrapyramidal =e ‘A. HBsAg ‘Tract Involvement: B. Anti-HBs ‘A. Increased Muscular Tone | C. Anti-HBelgM | B. Paralysis 2 | D. ANTLHBe IgG || C. Positive Babiniski Sign 3 | | D. Exageerated Deep tendon reflexes E 163.Which of the following is associated with chronic a liver disease? 171.Most common cause of intracranial hemorshage is: ‘A. Hepatitis A ‘A. Subarachnoid hemorthage 7 B. Chronic Malaria B. Intracerebral hemorrhage 2 | C. Infectious Mononucleosis C. Subdural hemorrhage a D. Alpha-I Antitrypsin deficiency | D. Extradural hemorrhage 8 164.Zieve syndrome is characterized by all except: || 172. Koenen’s tumor are seen in? g A. Alcohol abuse eee A. Neurofibromatosis 3 B. Hemolysis |B. Tuberous sclerosis s | C. Hyperlipidemia C. Struge weber syndrome = D. Pancreatic lipase deficiency D._ Tuberculosis | |165.All of the following statements about Wilson's disease 173. The most common form of diabetic neuropathy is | _—n | are true, except: | A. Distal symmetric sensory neuropathy ‘A. Total Serum Copper is increased |B. Distal symmetric sensory and motor neuropathy B. Ceruloplasmin levels are reduced C. Autonomic neuropathy C. Liver Copper is increased D, Distal Motor neuropathy | D. Urinary copper is increased | | 174,Which of the following statements about Mollaret’s 166.CDKNIB gene mutation is implicated in: ‘meningitis is true? ‘A. MEN-1 ‘A. Caused by Herpes simplex 2 in most of the B. MEN-2 cases. C. MEN-3 B. Isa recurrent, benign septic meningitis, D. MEN-4 C._Isalso referred to as “Benign Recurrent . —_ Neutrophilic Meningitis” 167.Early moming hyperglycemia with decreased blood D. Does not resolve without treatment glucose of 2.00 AM suggests: ‘A. Insufficient Insulin 175. Which of the following vitamin deficiencies is B. Dawn Phenomenon | uncommon in celiac disease C. Somogyi effect | A. Vitamin D D. None of the above B. Folic Acid 168.1n a patient if administration of exogenous vasopressin 5 — does not increase the osmolality of urine the likely : ba cause is | naan | | surgery B. Psychogenic polydipsia C._ Renal Hyposensitivity to ADH | D. ADH Deficiency 176.An asymptomatic patient presents with a reducible hemia below the inguinal ligament. Which of the | following is the most appropriate management to |170b.Mainstay of treatment of Nephrogenic Diabetes consider | Tnsipidus is — ‘A. Watchful waiting and follow up if symptomatic | A. Desmopressi B. Surgical repair on the next elective list B. Thiazide / Amiloride diureties and salt restriction C. Emergency surgical repair of hernia | C._ Desmopressin and salt restriction D, Emergency surgical repair with exploration of the, D. Vasopressin and salt restriction bowel a 14» MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ~ 2015-16 177.Which of the following nerves is most likely to be injured during Laparoscopic hernia surgery A. Tlioinguinal nerve B. Iliohypogastric nerve C. Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve D. Lateral Femoral cutaneous nerve 178.Triangle of Doom’ is bound by all of the following, except A. Vas Deferens B. Gonadal vessels C._ Peritoneal reflection D. Inguinal ligament 179.Open pre-peritoneal large mesh repair for complex ‘inguinal hernia ‘A. Lichtenstein operation B. Shouldice operation CC. Stoppa operation D. Mac-Vay Operation 180. Ankle Brachial Pressure Index Suggesting Imminent ‘Necrosis is : A < B. <09 c. <5 D. <03 |181.Which ofthe following is the commonest site of | peripheral arterial aneurysm? A. Axillary B. Popliteal C. Subelavian D. Superficial femoral | ae #2 Cio anyon of he scalp sn typically dived | x ” Superficial emporal artery B. Extemal carotid artery C.Intemal carotid artery D. Occipital artery 182.Most common Presentation of DVT is ‘A. Charley Horse Cramp B. Swelling C. Edema D. Respiratory distress 183.Alll ofthe following statements about ‘Burst ‘Abdomen’ are true, except : ‘A. Incidence is 1-3 percent B. Typically presents between postoperative day 3 and 5 C. Suture length should be 4 times of wound length D. High incidence if Catgut is used for closure 184,Obturator Sign in Acute Appendicitis is most commonly associated with ‘A. Pelvic Appendix B. Retrocecal C. Pre-lleal Post-lleal 185. Treatment of choice for a 0.5 mm those carcinoid ‘tumors at the tip of appendix is ‘A. Appendectomy B. Right Hemicolectomy C. Coecectomy D. Hepatic wedge resection 186, Treatment of choice for congenital biliary atresia is ‘A. Liver transplantation B. Roux-en-Y choledochojejunostomy C. Kasai procedure D. Vitamin E 187.Cut off for Severe Acute Pancreatitis is defined by : | ‘A. Ranson Score >I B. Imrie Score > 6 C. APACHE II Score>8 D. ROME Score >3 188.A Young male present with a midline painful ‘luctuant mass between the gluteal folds. Per-rectal examination is painless. The most likely diagnosis is A. Pilonidal abscess B. Perianal abscess C. Perirectal abscess D. Anal fissure 189, A Newborn male child is observed to have imperforate anus. On cross table lateral film rectal gas is above the coccyx. The initial treatment at choice is | A. Anoplasty B. PSARP with colostomy CC. PSARP without colostomy D. Colostomy 190.Gastrinoma triangle is bound by ll of the following except ‘A. Second and third part of duodenum B. Neck and body of pancreas C. Cystic and common bile duct D. Spleen vein and inferior mesenteric vein 191, The smallest recommended margin for wide local incision of a melanoma measuring 0.5 mm in depth should be: A. 3mm B. Smm C. lem D. 2cm 192,New Mammogram Screening Guidelines Recommend ‘Mammography should be routinely offered every two years starting at the age of ‘A. 40 years B. 50 years C. 60 years D. 70 years 193. Mainstay of treatment of for Zuska’s Disease is, | A. Hadfield operation B. Observation and NSAID'S C. Antibiotics, Incision and Drainage D. Mastectomy 194. Which of the following is the treatment of choice for Cystosarcoma Phyllodes ‘A. Wide local incision B. Lumpectomy and axillary lymphadenectomy CC. Modified radical mastectomy D. Radiotherapy and/or systemic chemotherapy 195.Tingling and Numbness over the posteromedial pat of upper arm after Modified Radical Mastectomy is most likely to be caused as result of injury to : | A. Intercostobrachial nerve |B. Medial Cutaneous nerve of arm | C. Long thoracic nerve of Bell |. Thoracodorsal Nerve PEDIATRICS 196.Al of the following are components of Pediatric ‘Assessment triangle , except | A. Appearance B. Effort of Breathing C. Circulation to Skin D. Heart Rate 197.Severe Acute Malnutrition is defined by all of the | following criteria, except : | A) Mid-Upper-Arm Circumference < 115mm, B. Weight for height <3 SD of WHO Standard C. Height for Age <2 SD of WHO Standard D._ Bilateral Pitting Edema |198.All ofthe following are true about Kwashiorkor, except ‘A. Moaning Cry |B. Red-Haired Boy C. Mosaic Dermatitis D. All Skin and Bone Appearance |199.A term infant has a preductal oxygen saturation of 85%, 5 minutes after birth. Which of the following is true? ‘A. Oxygen supplementation is necessary. B. Cyanotic heart disease is suspected. CC. This infantis achieving desired target oxygen saturation D. Supplemental oxygen should be given 100 % oxygen 200. Most common Cause of croup in children is ‘A. Respiratory Syncytial Virus |B. Influenza | C. Parainfluenza D. Streptococcus Pneumonia 201.Hecht’s Pneumonia is typically seen in ‘MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ~ 2015-16 © she ‘A. Measles B. Malaria c. RSV D. Pneumococeus | 201b.Round pneumonia is seen with: ‘A. Streptococcal pneumonia B. Kerosene oil aspiration C. Lung cancer D. Mendelson syndrome | 202.Which fo the following is the MOST common congenital Heart Disease associated with Down's Syndrome A. Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) B. Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) C. Tetralogy of fallot(TOF) D. Atrioventricular Septal Defect(AVSD) 203.Kidney attains adult level GFR by what age A. Bi B. 1-2 year C. 2-5 year D. Puberty 204, Which of the following Vaccines was withdrawn for increased risk of Intussusception: A. MMR B. Rota Virus Vaccine C. JE Vaccine D. Polio Vaccine | 205.Complete heart block in Neonatal Lupus is related to ‘which autoantibodies in Mother ‘A. Anti RNP B. Anti RO C. Anti-ds-DNA D. Anti- Sm 206. Maximum Score in the New Ballard Score is A. 30 B. 40 c. 50 D. 60 207.According to the Lund Bowder Chart, Body surface area for which of the regions does not change with agq A. Head 208.Classical Triad of Congenital Rubella Syndrome consists of all ofthe following, except: A. Cataract B. Deafness C. Heart Defects D, Mental Retardation u ay 2 2 6 5 a 2 g wy a = £ < 16 © MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS - 2015-16 except: A. Follicular Conjunctivitis B. Malformed incisors C. Interstitial keratitis, D. Vestibular deafness 209. Visceral Leishmaniasis yield is highest from ‘A. Spleen B. Liver CC. Bone marrow aspirate D. Lymph nodes '210.Handedness is established by what age: A. 2 Years B. 3 Years C. 4 Years D. 5 Years 211.Goldenhar’s syndrome is associated with abnormal development of ‘A. First and Second Branchial Arches B. First and Second Branchial Pouch Second and Third Branchial Arch C._ Second and Third Branchial Pouch (OBS & GYNAE |212.pH of vagina is lowest during: ‘A. Pregnancy B. Menopause CC. Pre-puberty D. Puberty '213.Most common cause of Vaginal Discharge in an 8 ‘year old Pre-pubertal gitl is ‘A. Physiological leucorrhoca B. Non-Specific Vulvovaginitis C. Bacterial Vaginosis D. Sexually Transmitted Disease [214.Which of the following should be the next investigation in a patient presenting with primary amenorthea and normal secondary sexual characteristics ‘A. Ultrasound of Uterus B. Serum FSH C. Serum LH D. Karyotyping 15.Al ofthe following require further evaluation, except: ‘A. Women who menstruate more than every 24 days B. Women who menstruate less often than every 35 days C. Women with menstrual flow for more than $ days D. Women with monthly menstrual blood loss more than 80 ml '208b.Hutchinson’s triad includes ail of the following, | ( | 216.Swiss cheese pattern endometrium is seen in ‘A. Carcinoma endometrium B. Metropathia haemorrhagica C. Hydatidiform mote D. Halban’s disease 217. All ofthe following are true about Halban’s Disease, except A. Anovulatory DUB B. Irregular shedding C._ Persistent corpus luteum D. Prolonged Menstruation 218.Pain in the right upper quadrant due to adhesions and inflammation between the liver and the diaphragm is known as: A. Mittelschmerz Syndrome B. Mirizzi Syndrome CC. Asherman’s syndrome D._Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome 219.All ofthe following mechanisms of action of oral contraceptive pill are true, except ‘A. Inhibition of ovulation B. Prevention of fertilization CC. Interference with implantation of fertilized ovum| D. Interference with placental functioning 220,Cu-380 has life span of: A. 3yrs B. Syrs C. 8yrs D. 10yrs 221 Ideal contraceptive after molar pregnancy is: ‘A. Barrier B. CuT CC. Progestasert D. Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCP) 222.Most common site for origin of Carcinoma Cervix ‘corresponds to ‘A. Original Squamocolumnar junction B. New/Physiologic Squamocolumnar junction C._ Region of Endocervical ectropion D. New/Physiologic Squamosquamous junction 223.Sarcoma Botryoides arises most commonly from A. Uterus B. Cervix C. Vagina D. Vulva 224.Coffee Bean Nuclei are seen in ‘A. Brenner Tumor B. Endodermal Sinus Tumor CC. Hilus Cell Tumor D. Krukenberg Tumor (225-A patient with a large thick walled Hydrosalpinx planned for IVF. Which of the following procedures has been shown to almost double the rate of successful pregnancy Salpingectomy Salpingostomy Hysteroscopic Cannulation Salpingography and tubal catheterization pomp |226b. VF with Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is indicated when Total Processed Motile Sperm count is | tess than | A. 1-Smillion |B. 5.20 million C. 20-40 million D. >40 million '226.MTP allowed till how many days as per MTP act: ‘A. 70 days B. 120 days C. 140 days D. 160 days 227. Metabolic changes in hyperemesis gravidarum: ‘A. Hyperthyroidism |B. Hyperatremia | C. Hyperchloremia D. Hyperkalemia '228.Which of the following is the most common cause of breech presentation: ‘A. Prematurity B. Cephalopelvic disproportion | C. Polyhydramnios | D. None 229, Which of the following is the most common Occiput- posterior position A. Direct Occiput-posterior B. Right Occiput-posterior | C. Left-Occiput-posterior D. Indirect Occiput-Posterior |230.Most common indication of Posterior Colpotomy is | A. Drainage of Pelvic Abscess B. Tubal Sterilization C. Removal of pelvic cyst D. Removal of uterine fibroid | '231 Softening of lower uterine segment on bimanual ‘examination is known as A. Hegar’s Sign B. Chadwick Sign C. Osiander’s Sign D. Goodell’s Sign [232. During twin gestation if division takes place on 7th | day, result would be: ‘A. Diamnionic, dichorionic | | | | 237. Damage to which of the following regions will lead | 239.Sound Baffle Operation refers to which of the MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS - 2015-16 © ‘monochorionic C. Monoamnionic, monochorionic D. Conjoined twins 233.Incidence of scar rupture in previous lower segment LSCS is about: A. 12% B. 2.3% C. 34% D. 4.5% 234.The term Couvelaire uterus is used in relation to ‘A. Uteroplacental Apoplexy B. Placenta Previa C. Pregnancy induced Hypertension D. Postpartum Haemorthage | 235.All of the following are true about Arias Stella Reaction, except ‘A. May be seen in Intrauterine Pregnancy B. Maybe seen in Ectopic Pregnancy CC. Hyper-sectetory Endometrium D. Follicular Endometrium | 236.At 28 weeks gestation amniocentesis reveals AOD 450 in Liley’s zone 3. Which of the following is the best line of management Immediate delivery Intrauterine transfusion Repeat amniocentesis after 1 week | Plasmapheresis poeP ENT ‘enmity wo bear high fequeny sounds Basilar membrane near Oval Window Bi. Basler membrane ner Hlcotema C._ Spiral Ganglion D. Stria Vascularis 238. Triad of Gradenigo includes all except: ‘A. Persistent ear discharge B. Lateral rectus palsy C. Superior oblique palsy D._ Retro-orbital pain following types of Tympanoplasty A. Type-l B. Type2 C. Types D. Type-4 240. Auditory fatigue at 4000 Hz usually appears at ‘A. 90db B. 100dB C. 140dB D, 160B = ee 18 + MULTIPLECHOICE QUESTIONS - 2015-16 "sear tefersto ‘A. Avulsion of pinna B. Otitis Externa c. D. (241.B . Crumpled pinna | D. Laceration of pin '242.Bill bar in internal auditory meatus is a vertical ridge separating? ‘A. Facial nerve and cochlear nerve B. Superior and inferior vestibular nerve C. Facial nerve and inferior vestibular nerve D. Facial nerve and superior vestibular nerve 243. Which of the following syndrome is caused by nasopharyngeal tumor and is characterized by pain similar to trigeminal neuralgia manifested in lower | jawand tongue and middle ear deafness? ‘A. Coston syndrome B. Homer syndrome CC. Trotter's syndrome D. Raeder’s syndrome '244. Modified Cottle testis used for the assessment of ‘A. Nasal Valve Collapse B. Deviated Nasal Septum. C. Otosclerosis D. Meniere's Disease 245, Proof puncrei is done through? Superior meatus B Middle meatus C. Inferior meatus D. Sphenoethmoidal recess |246 Inverted papilloma of the nose is also known by all the following names, except ‘A. Transitional cell papilloma |B. Ringertz tumor C._ Schneiderian papilloma D. Juvenile papilloma \ORTHOPAEDICS (247 Fracture involving the epiphysis, physis and ‘Metaphysis is Salter Harris Type AL B. It cm DWV 248. Unhappy Triad of O* Donoghue Includes all of the following Except Medial Meniscus Tear ACL tear Collateral Ligament PCL tear poe> | 252.Kienbock disease is due to avascular necrosis ‘249. Which of the following tumors arise in the Epiphysis in Children A. Chondroblastoma B. Aneurysmal Bone Cyst CC. Osteoclastoma D. Unicameral Bone Cyst 250. Which of the following nerves does not lie in close ‘contact with the humerus A. Axillary Nerve B. Radial Nerve C. Musculocutaneous Nerve D. Ulnar Nerve 251.Nursemaid’s Elbow refers to ‘A. Dislocation of elbow B. Subluxation of distal radioulnar joint C._ Subluxation of proximal radioulnar joint D. Fracture of the head of radius ‘A. Femoral neck B. Medial cuneiform bone C. Lamnate bone D. Scaphoid bone 253. Which of the following about Tuberculosis of Hip during the Stage of Synovitis IS TRUE ‘A. Flexion, Abduction, Internal Rotation B. Flexion, Adduction, External Rotation C. Apparent Lengthening D. True Shortening 254.Gallow’s traction is used for A. Perthe’s Disease B. Fracture Shaft of Humerus C. Fracture Shaft of Femur D. Fracture Pelvis 255. Kanavel Signs of pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis include all ofthe following, EXCEPT: ‘A. Tendemess along the flexor tendon sheath B. Flexed resting posture of the finger C. Fusiform swelling of the finger D. Pain on passive flexion ofthe finger 256.Which ofthe following structures is intracapsular but | cextrasynovial ‘A. Long Biceps Tendon B._Pectoralis Major CC. Popliteus muscle D. Supraspinatus tendon OPHTHALMOLOGY 257. All ofthe following are yoke muscles except : Right medial rectus and Left lateral rectus Right superior rectus and Left inferior oblique Right superior oblique and Left inferior rectus Right inferior rectus and Left inferior oblique pomp (258: Angalar conjunctivitis is caused by A. Neisseria B. Moraxella CC. Streptococcus D. Corynebacterium '259.Pinguecula is best characterized histologically by ‘A. Fatty degeneration B. Hyaline degeneration. C. Elastotic degeneration D._ Fibrinoid degeneration 260,Comeal sensation is measured by? A. Aesthesiometer Pachymeter Keratometer D. Tonometer |260b.Normal Intraocular Pressure is A. 2mm |B. 8mm C. 16mm D. 24mm |261.All ofthe folowing associations are true, except ‘A. Wilson's disease - Sunflower cataract B. Myotonic dystrophy - Christmas tree cataract C._ Acute Congestive Glaucoma -Glaukomflecken D. Galactosemia- Blue dot cataract |262. Humphrey field analyser is a type of ‘A. Manual Static Perimeter B. Automated Static Parimeter CC. Manual Kinetic Perimeter D. Automated Kinetic Perimeter 263.BETTS Classification is used for A. Ocular Trauma B. Retinopathy C. Comeal Ulcers D. Uveitis |264.Negative Jones-1 and Jones- II Dye test indicate: ‘A. Primary Hypersecretion of tears |B. Partial obstruction of distal nasolacrimal duct C. Lacrimal Pump Failure D. Partial obstruction of lacrimal canaliculi 265.Recurrent mobile hypopyon is seen in Acute Anterior Uveitis from? ‘A. Behcets Syndrome B. Reiter's Syndrome |. Enteropathic Uveitis | D. Ankylosing Spondylitis |266.All of the following statements about genetics of Retinoblastoma are true, except : ‘A. RbI gene is @ tumor suppressor gene B._Rbl gene is located on long arm of chromosome 13 (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS -2015-16 + 19 (—G Hereditary retinoblastoma accounts for 90 percent of all cases D._ Positive family history is seen in 10 percent of patients with retinoblastoma | 267.Lens of the eye develops from | “A. Surface ectoderm B. Mesoderm C. Neural ectoderm D. Neural crest derivatives | SKIN 268. Extra Layer of Skin Present in the Epidermis of Palms, and Soles is: ‘A. Stratum Corneum B. Stratum Lucidum CC. Stratum Granulosum D. Stratum Spinosum 269.All of the following are related to sebaceous glands, except: ‘A. Zzis glands B. Meibomian glands C. Glands of Moll D. Fordyce spots, 270.Tiny bleeding spots after removal of deep scales in| Plaque Psoriasis is known as | A. Candle Wax Sign B. Auspitz Sign CC. Burkley’s Sign D. Koebner’s Sign | 271 Bromhidrosis affects which glands | A. Apocrine Sweat Glands B. Ecerine Sweat glands , Both Apocrine and Eccrine Glands D. Sebaceous glands 272.Contact dermatitis known as ‘Scourge of India’ is ‘caused by A. Detergents B. Parthenium C. Nickle D. Ragweed 273,Mucocutaneous Pemphigus Vulgaris is characterized by antibodies against ‘A. Desmoglein 1 B. Desmoglein 3 CC. Desmoglein 1 and 3 D. None 274,A Hanging Curtain Sign is seen in ‘A. Psoriasis B. Lichen Planus C. Pityriasis Rosea D. Hordeolum extermum 2 3 Ee 3 Co 2 & 3 g g 3 cy = ; re é 6 3 2 3. 20» MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ~ 2015-16 (273b.Carpet Tack Sign is seen in A. DLE B. Pityriasis Versicolor C. Psoriasis D. Lichen Planus Dermatomyositis, except: A. Shawl Sign’ B. Heliotrope Rash C.. Mechanic Hands D. Gorlin’s Sign ANE 1A | | /275.Allof the following re cutaneous manifestations of i 276.Fifth vital sign commonly elicited by anaesthesiologists on surgical patients is A. Pain |B. Blood pressure C. FiO, D. Core temperature '277.Which of the following anticholinergic pre- medications causes maximum sedation A. Atropine B. Scopolamine | C. Glycopyrrolate D. None of the above 2278, Which of the following properties will lead to rapid onset of action of an inhalation agent ‘A. High oil : gas partition co-efficient B. Low oil : gas partition co-efficient C. High blood : gas partition co-efficient D. Low blood : gas partition co-efficient :279.All of the following are Mandatory steps of Traditional Rapid Sequence induction, Except ‘A. Preoxygenation B. Paralysis with Induction C. Bag and Mask Ventilation D. Intubation [280.Ketamine is the preferred anaesthetic agent in A. Bronchial asthma B. Hypertension C. Raised ICT D. Raised OT [281.Risk of Post Dural Puncture Headaches (PDPH) is increased with all of the following, except ‘A. Larger diameter Needles B. Elderly age C. Cutting needles D. Pregnancy (282. Which ofthe following is a low-pressure safety system A. PISS B. DISS c. Tiss D. ASSS 283. Which of the following is true about the “Gregg” effect: ‘A. Increased Coronary flow improves LV Systolic performance B, Increased Coronary blood flow reduces LV Diastolic distensibility C. Increase in coronary flow decreases the ‘myocardial oxygen demand. D. Increase in coronary flow decreases myoca work RADIOLOGY 284,An ideal therapeutic radioisotope is A. Strong Beta; Strong Gamma emitter B. Strong Beta; Low Gamma emitter C. Low Beta; Low Gamma emitter D. Low Beta; Strong Gamma emitter 285.Kilovolt Peak (KvP) controls all ofthe following, except A. Contrast B. Penetrating Power C. Density D. Quality 286.Which of the following is the most commonly used X-, Ray film for acnography A. Single Sereen-Single emulsion B. Single Screen Dual Emulsion . Dual Screen Dual emulsion D. Dual Screen Single emulsion 287.All of the following are true about T1 Weighted image, except A. Short TR B. Short TE C. Fat appears bright D. Fluid appears bright 288.Money Bag Appearance of Heart on Chest X-ray is seen in A. Tetralogy of Fallot B. TAPVC C. Pericardial Effusion D. Emphysema 289,Luckenschadel skull is typically seen in ‘A. Amold Chiari Malformation B. Paget's disease C. Crouzon Syndrome D. Sturge Weber Syndrome 289b.All ofthe following are seen in Hypothyroidism except- ‘A. Wormian bones B._ Stipulated ribs C._ Beaking of vertebra D. Epiphyseal Dysgenesis | | | '289c.Double bubble on abdominal i A. Colon carcinoma B. Perforation . Intussusception D. Duodenal atresia '290.Earliest sign on Barium Enema in patients with | Ulcerative colitis is | A. Mucosal Granularity B. Haustral Loss C. Pseudo-Polyps D. Collar Button Ulcers 291 Sign of Hepatobiliary asariasis on transverse scan ‘A. Stip Sign | Bl 4Line Sign Inner Tube sign D. Bull's eye sign 292.Blue colour on Colour Doppler represents? ‘A. Deoxygenated blood flow B. Flow away from the transducer C. Flow towards the transducer D. Venous flow pattern PSYCHIATRY 293.Alll of the following are disorders of Perception, except: | A. Mlusion B. Hallucination C. Delusion D. Depersonalisation '294.A 25 Year old woman suddenly collapsed on hearing. ‘a bad news. This phenomenon is known as | A. Catalepsy B. Cataplexy C. Catatonia D. Catathrenia | 295, Which of the following is a Delusional | misidentification syndrome ‘Capgras Syndrome Ekbom’s Syndrome Cotard’s Syndrome Othello Syndrome poe ces (296: | | | (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS - 2015-16» ‘Schizoid Personality is classified in which of the following Clusters A. Cluster A B. Cluster B C. Cluster C D. Cluster D 297.Bleuler’s criteria for schizophrenia include all the following, except ‘A. Loosening of association B. Automat C. Inappropriate affect D. Ambivalence 298, Which of the following best represents the Stages of Change in Transtheoretical Model A. Preparation — Contemplation Determination — Maintenance Preparation — Contemplation ~ Action ~ Maintenance Contemplation Action — Determination- Maintenance ‘Contemplation ~ Preparation - Action ~ Maintenance yoo» 299. The most important indication Bright light treatment is A. Schizophrenia B. Seasonal Affective Disorder C. Anorexia Nervosa D. Obsessive Compulsive Disorde 300.La Belle Indifference is seen in ‘A. Mania B. Depression C. Conversion disorder D. Schizophrenia a mea AIPGMEE 2015-16 - QUESTIONS | inca

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