Epfeoo3lab 5

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Name: ORGANIS, ZENAIDA D. Date Performed: April 16, 2015

Section: GEN1
Lab Activity Title: PCM ENCODING
Laboratory Activity No. : 4

To able to understand PCM Decoding
To be able to recover the signal that is produce by PCM Decoding
To be able to understand the PCM Decoding


Emona TIMS301
Digital Multimeter
WIDE band true rms meter

PROCEDURE: (Based on TIMS module)

Before plugging in PCM ENCODER module, set the toggles of the on-board
SYNC MESSAGE switch SW2. Set the left hand toggle DOWN, and the right
hand toggle UP. This selects a 130 Hz sinusoidal message, which will be used
later. Now insert the module into the TIMS system
Use the 8.333 kHz TTL signal from the MASTER SIGNALS module for the clck
Select, with the front panel toggle switch, the 4-bit LINEAR coding scheme.
Synchronize the oscilloscope externally to the frame synchronization signal
at FS. Set the sweep speed to 0.5 ms/cm (say). This should show a few
frames on the screen.
Connect CH1-A of the SCOPE SELECTOR to the PCM OUTPUT of the PCM
vary the DC output and show the appearance of new patterns on CH1-A
use the front panel toggle switch to select the 4-bit LINEAR decoding scheme
steal an 8.333 kHz TTL clock signal from the transmitter and connect it to
the CLK input.
in the first instance steal the frame synchronization signal FS from the
transmitter by connecting it to the frame synchronization input FS of the
receiver. At the same time ensure that the FS SELECT toggle switch on the
receiver is set to EXT. FS.
ensure both channels of the oscilloscope are set to accept DC;
connect CH2-A to the sample-and-hold output of the PCM DECODER
Connect the PCM DATA output signal from the transmitter to the PCM DATA
input of the receiver.
Slowly vary the DC output from the VARIABLE DC module back and forth over
its complete range. Observe the behaviour of the two traces.
compare the quantizing levels just measured with those determined in the
experiment entitled PCM encoding
reset the coding scheme on both modules to 7-bit. Sweep the input DC
signal over the complete range as before. Notice the granularity inthe output
is almost un-noticeable compared with the 4-bit case. There are now 27
rather than 24 steps over the range.

Laboratory (Data Collected)

4-bit linear decoder

7- Output waveform bit linear

7-bit linear
Voutput waveform


In this activity, we decoded the encoded signal using the PCM decoder. We used dc
voltage as an input. With this input, I observed that when the input is in minimum, the PCM
width of the rectangular waveform is narrow. When its in 0V input, the PCM width widens
but theres still a narrow rectangular wave inside it. When its in maximum input, the PCM
width widens that the narrow width inside it disappeared. In conclusion with regards to 4-
bit linear and 7-bit linear decoder, it reconstructs the almost the same message as the
original message due to high quantisizing level in 7-bit linear decoder while in 4bit linear
decoder, theres a phase shift in its output waveform due to low quantisizing level. PCM
decoding involves the processes of identifying each frame in the data stream of the encoded
PCM, extracting the binary numbers of each frame, generating a voltage proportional to the
binary number, and reconstructing the message by passing the PAM signal generated from the
previous process through the low pass filter.

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