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SERIES IN AFFECTIVE SCIENCE SERIES EDITORS Richard J, Davidson Paul Ekman Klaus Scherer ‘The Nature of Emotion Fundamental Questions Edited by Paul Ekman and Richard J, Davidson Boo! Culture, Experience, and the Startle Reflex Ronald Simons Emotions in Psychopathology Theory and Research Edited by William F. Flack Jr. and James D. Laird Affective Neuroscience The Foundation of Human and Animal Emovions Jaak Panksepp WHAT THE FACE REVEALS Basic and Applied Studies of Spontaneous Expression Using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) Edited by PAUL EKMAN & ERIKA L, ROSENBERG New Work Oxford © Oxford Univery Press 1997 Conia © 199 by Oxo Urvesy Fres s. egret e Acknowledgments Ekman P reer Want Sons, R (1985) the stn reton a mation? our ral of Personality and Social Psychol) 49, 1516-1428, Coptigh 1983 by the [American PaycolgtalAseciion Repent wih permission Hager, & Ekman (1985) The async of iil ations tcosinet wh nll of oraspeic specialization. Pacha 22, 807-318 Capy gh 98S by Cami University ress. Repos wih he permis of We pubis Rosebere. E & Ekman. (19), Cobrence ewe exesive and experiential ‘yuems in emotion. Crption& roto, & 201-209, Copyright 1994 by Eur {UX Taylor Francs Reprinted with he permission ofthe pubis uch, W. (1905), Wil be real relation bce aia expression and afte ox ince pene sand up. Te cae of ethan, Copniton & Enon 9.335. {Copy 995 by Lawes Ebon Asis Lined. Rep wi he ei “Sono te plier. Ruch, W. (195), Extaversion, leo aelenoymen Personality and Idi Diferences 1689-102. Copyright 193 Pergamon Pron Lid Repent wt nd per rison fom Eleier Scene Lid, The Boulevard, Langlod Lane, Klingon OXS 18, UK Keiner,D. (1988). Sign of appeasement ides forthe int dip feb sessment, anemone she sour of Personal and Seca schol 8. E1-ES4Copyrigh 19 hy he American Pactnop! Aesciton, Repia th ermision Chg gd, & Pac, C1991. Gene supesied and ae ail ior during exacerbation of eho ow bck pin Pa 8 161-171 Copyright 191 hve Scece Puinier. Repemod wih Kind pemisian a Ever Seence -achio, K (1992). The cosiseney of fail expmsons of pin: A compares srs toes. Pu 97, 297-308, Copyright 1992 eve Sete Pulte ‘Raprinod wih Riad peraistion from Elsevier Science Lid. Ws Aaronedrets ‘man, ese. W. & Sulvan M, (1988. res when ing. ural of Per sonal and Sac Pischolgy, 56 14-420. Caveat 198 by te Ametea Py ‘holla Asenton Repent with emi Frank, Mt. Ek ,& Fun, W, (1993), Bevin markers a snp of Ine amie of eymen. downal of Personality and Sri! Pryholgh. 6, 83-93, Copy 199 y the American Pyeolosel Associaton. Rend ith perms Gost, P, Klos G, & Dor (1998). Components a eopiion of facial ex reson nf cement of emotion by actos, ural of Prana and Sil Prycholgy 68 8-86. Copyright 188 y he Amin Psychologies! Asociaton. epi ith emis, Hes, U, &Rlek, (199) Dieting emotion ce and deliberate erase faci exssons. European Journal of Socal Paeoloy 2, 369-385 Copyeeh Than Ft Wiley & Sons, La Rem with te pes e publisher (Cares Ose, Hl Campos, Mikes K Bra D. (1992). Japnese and ‘ssa ft responses wantin. Deslopmentl Piha, 2, 378-383 pyre 1982 bythe American Pehalogical Ascii, Repel ith permit Roses, D. & Oster, (1948) Diller ial responses formset in nents, Cid Developmen 38, 855-1568. Copyrih 1988 by te Soy for Re ‘earch in Child Development ne Rep with he perssion of he pubiner ‘ereninum,H, & Otrans (1992, ein exerince and een nin pei a depen Jou Abnormal Pct 10, 37-4. Copyright 1982 Fvthe Ameria Paychiogia! Asotin. Rene wah pms. Sicimer Kraus, Kae R& Wager G, (18D). eration eulitions wd by ‘ckzopreic and peychosrai patients’ Sadis a fal behaved” tions Poehiany 9, 208-228. Copyright 990 by the Called Press. Reyne with ‘he peomision of he pusher Bring, H. (1986, Nonsetbl expression of pyshoell sm pyc ‘eas Eumpean Aves of Path and Neotel Sens, 298.3134. COPY "ihr 1986 by Springer Verlag. Reps with he ermsion of he pubis Hele, M & Haya ¥ (1998), Depression and ae aes Cabin Prchrqus Geneos 15, WALT, This ace eaally appeared in the Pech in Cahers Px. ‘hariqus Genes Repined ite pei 0 he pubs eninge Hub, (1982) Pay aleve microssquene in pyc: ‘ie teraction, Pychoterapy essrch, 2, 291-306 Capit 192 y the Gullo Press: Repent wi the pasion o the polish eter, D, Mois. & Stoner Lote, M1988), Facial express of em ‘on and psychopailogy i adecent oye Zurn of Arnal Payee TOS, (4-652, Copyright 195 bythe American Pycholagil Axion. Reprint pesmison (Cheney, Mt, Fan, Friesen, W. Black, Hecker, M, 1990 Type Bei ater Facile an psc conponants Pehmomac Medicine 53307319. Repeined by person of Wills & Wks. Contents Foreword Inratin:The Sty of Spontansos Face Expressions ineycnloey PareOne Bosickesarch on Eaton 19 | sth Stan Reston an Eneton? 21 “Aferword: The Strle Renton wt Emotion 36 tervond FACS ie Stay ofthe Lah Syme 38 2. The Asymmetry of acl Acs I Insonsteo wih Modes of Hemiphrc Speciiion 40 ‘Miersont: Asynmy itFai Macular Acioes 58 3. Coherence Bewsen Exproisive ad Experiential Sens Emotion 8) ‘Aierwonts Emotions United Responses 86 4 Wil te Rel Relaonship Between Fas Exgresion an Affective Experience Pete Sat Up The Cae of Fairaion 89 ‘eran Tne FACS inane Reseuich 108 5 Exravesion Alcohol std Enoyment 112 AMtermork Shera Temperament 131 Sano Azpessmen: Eves bint Dsl of "ihononk The Forts wn Furcons of Enburasment 158 envi Suppress Fake Facial Betviordring aacerbtion ‘remem Low Bak Pain 16 “Afernnd: On KrowingAthe's Pin 178 “The Conssencyof For Expresons of Pl A Comparion ‘Acme Maier 16) “Atersont The Comisency of Fail Exresions of alt 198 Sits When Lying 201 "Atermnd Ss When tying, 218 Behar Makers and Resoprzability fhe Smile oF Enjoyment 217 ‘erm Some Towson FACS, Dynamic Makers of Emotion tnd Basal 239 Componsas and Region of Fas Expression nthe ‘Commoniaton of Emotion by Actor 283, ‘umn cosen cis ROUHEFEANCOS DORE ‘ermon.Conponent ant Recon of Facial Espresso in ‘he Communication of Enon by Actes 268 Diereniting Enon Fld ans Deere Ena Fit Exressont 271 “Apenvord Obgsve lenses ers Observe! Raigs 257 panes and Ameren Infants Responses © Arm Resta 289 “Aeon To Cia Cla Staly ofan Fac Espresione 300 4 Diet Fai Responses Foer Basie Tents inNeubomns 302 "Atersod: acl Expression a a Widow on Senay Exper Tl Afar in Newborn fans 320, PareTwo Apps Research 15. Facil apres in Alfecive Dierdrs 331 “Afterword: Depression snd Expression 342 116 Ennion! Expect nce and Expression in Setizophveia ts Depression 3 ‘Merson: Enon, Fetal Expreston hd Prchapubology 58 17 nsacton Regulation Used by Sctiophene at aychosomatc Patents: Stubs on Fata Behavior Dy serene 361 “ters Inercion Repairs Usd 9) Seize ans Paybosomatie Patents 38D 18 onscial Expression of Prychoogcl Sates a PoehaiePuiens 186 > “Afar. None Exgreion of Paychologic Stein Psychiat Pate 398 19) epesinand Suicide Faces 398 cWatL tt VERONIQUE HAYNAL "Aterard: Bonpsives a Stes of Pychopbolgy snd Pochaienpy 08 aches nett, ¥EFONIOLE HAYA 20. Petpet Aetve Micoequenes in Pychterapeaic Trion 14 “Afteonont From PAMS TRAPS: Investigating Gait Fines iteAcs 0) 2 Facial xpresion f Elon an Poychoptoloy in Aescet Boys ase ‘Aeron Facil Expression, Peso, nd Pyehopolosy 0 22 Type Behavior Pater: Fal Bebwvor an Speck Componene 33 “Aferword: Type and Facial Behavior 467 CConcsion: What We Hive eared by Measuring Facil Behavior 459 Index 487 Foreword Whore Face Reels is ston evidence fect ies ofthe systematic analysis of ficial expec wate by Pal Eka and Wallac V Fsn in 1976 nd 197; wl also become vale even eigaaryresorce fal investors wo wish tone runt the Faia Acton Cong System FACS) 8 Eka rise’ apache. This ook soul aso Be a tres 0 rade com tency tan stds of hfe and fer face expres cas nfmtion Soa wie arg of phenome, and Haig repre te ea on spe 3 ingeronaiypeychopathloy nd ety developmen Asan ier the ton {in whch Ekman wor, have been imprest byte import pate a i ‘eapes have payed in esto alee ern tan appropri cna pce in aman psyco Esta Roweber estan the ory in er inc pe: How bain only denigrated he inne experience of emovon bu cannizt al dats othe ‘posed call arenes of tnonl expression. Aer mien. Sian “Tomin's eas abat th feta hing wo since aia expesion ine he wa. bt his preetton an afvoescy tee oes were so ilsyeac Sl ical o pest hy eae generelly known ony afte al kan nd ‘Cari fash unetsken groundbreaking feat de nlc Forth lt "wo decades, E's grup his eon the ponsial conto otis compet Ad segue! othe “vgnine oslo” insist hk mo the ormltons of vera ryehoony The dtd borus work vith FACS rept ts book cao asa Partha cotibaton Kreps 2 el beaktogh they ofl ape on, Viral all previous rnc focued onthe inrencs observe aw fom de ‘iceder meted ical enresons: intel eae what wa ong one ice sel Ts ook storing together esr hi eae al avr declan arone Wiest th free of Eras apache ny spontisoes faa prsion "Te ais pinta his eum dt fo 198240 1995, withthe mai (1S ‘2 coming fm the 19, Th aclu an erty pape by Ekman, Matsmo,nd Friesen hat ha tt bee previously pls feaose twas erly je. The tutors hve god round by tow for frase tht hs wana era mi take The repent articles appeal in 13 erent ouale—se Ekman and Ronen. ers oem range beyond! the potable Ken of he contr henseles. Tey Salve pric ass fm Eo ad Canada at well athe Unie Sty The "Asemblng ido major ports of bse eerch on enol expetion aed spoliod scart ona varity tps aging fom schizo depesion, ah > ‘leo terapeatitracon ap Type A bevel peace vs PACS ors > Fvaives te bok provides idence forthe vale npoyng Ws sanded Imethed for he analysis facial expession. father feature. which mikes or fs hating reding she informal “aferword contbuted by the ators of ech Fe Prin site in which the sutor deri their sequen wa on the op oir Taper ringing the reset aly pdt an oe specsting me sy aot the sae vin th coli huptrby Ekman, “What We Have Lead by Mes ‘ing the Face" Thi hapless wih the various arvude, vey elsinely beings th rear ast ofthe caren st othe a. Eka ana Rosebery obviously med he book 1 azact more psjcoleis tote method. Dozens of tseree [OEMS ae eed alge the wa. Sevetlmibor cisions of FACS scorns ae ‘So spied: respective wes ned to cosa th book “Tis ebook for reference and slecive reading, Pom my ose’ vanage point ote tat alioogh FACS fa rcly fia device that nals cumolte Search on facil expression, is o magical "open ssa” Is inert Taboos Sndexpensive and rere rough aig Ar th phenom that eae tare plex not rechible sinpisie formals A damatially stntive Hing Sch tthe dicovery of the Dachne felt ile ands oto ot suprisingly, the ner conection of fail expres in with he eof nan pcan emo comp ‘tpeson, wit good cera and nsped pectene, te rach ended by Contributors 5 pir, Depa of Cina Pci, Unveny of Zach owagonexexanun, eprint of Pryshoagy, Unive of Minis ‘roc W.LAck, Department of Epidemiology ad Bia, Schoo of Ming ‘Univey of Caller San Francis Dona means, Poycholopy and Sci Relations, Harvard Univesity ‘ose. cars, site for Human Develpnt, rivers of Clos Betsy um 4. c.s, Deparment of Paycholoy, DePil Unies axoaner cuts, Dearie of Epidemiology and Bist, Shea of Medine Univers of Calton San Franco sane o-canto,Deprment of Pyclony, Univers of rsh Coun "xan: bow, Deparment of Psychology, Unive of Lava, Qu, Cane ALL ERMAN, Deparment of shir, Unversity of Califo, Sa rtcico "rive ech, Max Pek ls for Pci, Germany ai c Puan, Scho! of Communication, Rages Uniersy \ALLAc ¥ rats, Deprnent of Pca. Uniesty of Caio, San Fran ‘lm cosse:n, Deparment of Pxychoogy, Unies of awa, Canada oem AGE, Network Infra Resetch Corporation Salt ake Ci, ah inowiove navn, Lara Aet an Communion, Gener, Suited MCTAEL Wt ER, RE Iteration, Meno Path Califa NAB nrtte, Laboratory Affect an Commeniatin, Geneva, Smita ‘sua Hs, Deparment of Pacholor, Univers of Geneve Swiverand ‘0544 se, Cape Bren Hospital, Cpe Breton, Canad ‘DACHER KELIWER, Department of Payehalogy. University af California, Berkeley ‘nus kmovae, Deparment of Psyclony. Universy of aval, Quétec, Canad owen «LE, Deparment of sjholgy, Dano Colege ten exaust, Deprent of Cll Psychology, University of the Saran, ‘Gemany evip warsomoro, Deparment of Psychology San Faaico Sate Univesiy ‘azo mtvakt Kewama Gakuen Womt’s Unive, Abiko, Chita em, lpn ‘ean mortr, Departmea of sjchology University of Whoa, Maison AU NSESSON, Deparment of Psychiatry, University of Mitigin avers ois, Deparment of Psyc, Cniversty of an Frac ‘ost r.trmass, Depart of Psychology, Univer of Vea anni can, Stoo Paychology Programs New York Unies custom, xtc, Departea of sycoly, lord tte Univerty UNE AL HeAACHIN,Psyeoogy Program, Uiveriy of Nea Bish Colum mk open, Deparment of Psychology. Collegeof Wiliam and Mary ‘wma nue, Deprtent of Psychology. Univers of sel, Germany wa nosesran, Deparment of Pryehology, Univesity af Peonsyvania onaco-. sos, Deparment of Psych & Atoplog, Michi Sta ‘Unser, Es Lansing, Deprent of Psychiatry & Behan Seen, Unies of Washington vtuyse srraexinuse, Depanent of Cline Pychlory, Univesity fhe Svan, Germany ‘wsaoa stout. conse, Western ayia ne, University of Par -SoNTER at, Deparment of Cscl Psychology, Univesity fhe sla. ‘Gemany WHAT THE FACE REVEALS Introduction The Study of Spontaneous Facial Expressions in Psychology [Miche eserchn which facil ehvir as en meas and eld to ather varies unknown many pyco}ogsts bese he wor as Ben pu ted n'a wide vat paces In an ulin peo, may es have ape in jours of pacar, Enopeah ral, jonas o hie ‘Ths amue bak pees reve pled aes Sentara ox ‘on ining volumes a bey maybe messes ined cols 6 wt aso cosas servo y tears ter the ea ie the rece conen ang on he seed eae “Tiss mo atk tt peop’ iy een fail exes: The

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