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Name: _________________ 3rd English Test FE2 Date: _________

1) Verdadero o falso. Haz tick en la celda correcta.

You must wash your hands before lunch.

You mustn't listen to your parents.
You must break the windows at school.
You must take a shower every day.
You mustn't eat fruit and vegetables every day.
You must eat lots of sweets if you want to lose some weight.
You must feed your dog every day.

2) Une las oraciones con la imagen correcta.

3) Elige la opcion correcta

a) I have to / dont have to finish my project on Monday. The deadline is Monday.

b) My father has to / doesnt have to be at work at eight oclock. He is the boss.

c) My father warned me about the party.

d) I have to / dont have to be at home before midnight.

e) The doors have to / dont have to be closed at five oclock.

f) I have to / dont have to finish painting. Otherwise I will be punished.

g) The students have to / dont have to go to school on Sunday.

h) You have to / dont have to wear a helmet in the construction area.

4) Escribe los nombres de las partes de la computadora.

2) ____________________
3) ____________________
4) ____________________
5) ____________________
6) ____________________
7) ____________________

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