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Ee SEE rte or gina sears March 26,2017 Dr. Karen Murphy, Secretary PA Department of Health Floor, Heath & Weare Bulding 625 Forester Street Harrisburg, PA 17120 Dear or. Murphy | am writing in support of Bluestone Biomedical Group's application being submitted to the Department of Health for a Medical Marjuane Grower/Processor License Bluestone iomecical Group s collaborating wth terman Massser and Keystone Potato Products (FP) so establish an Industry leading, eco-‘rendiy, agrtfocured, sustainable medical maruana {rower/processorfacity located atthe KPP property in Fraley Township, Schuyikil County. Bluestone Biomedical Group members have strong community tes, excellent business reputations, along history of ‘economic development and enhancing the quality of fe for individuals in and around Schuylkill County. ram quite impressed with Bluestone Biomedical Group's desice to play an integral role in helping Pennsylvania be the nation's leader in formaizng the sustainability of growing/rocessing marijuana and minimizing the environmental impact. Opioid addiction has reached epidemic proportions inthe Commonwealth. Bluestone Biomedical ‘Group stands committed to becoming leader in education, support and awareness campaigns required to reverse the Commonwealth's current state. situated in the Southeast Region with regards tthe distribution of grower/processor and dspensary permits, Schuykl County isin need of new industries and jobs to assist in evitalizing the community ‘nce the grower/processr licensing is alized and the Bluestone Biomedical Groups approved, all tems wl be in piace to begin the process of growing immediately. | encourage the Department of Health to extend every consideration tothe Bluestone Biomedical Group during the competitive selection process. “ely, fos. aioe State Sen 29° bist GA:maw Senate of Permayluanta January 18, 207 ‘he Honorable Karen Murphy Seretry Se- Perks Depart of Heats Heath and Welfare Building 8" Floor, 625 Forster Street Farrsburg, PA 17120 Dear Secretary Murphy: 1am viriting to share my full support of GenGrovs, LLC application for a Cultivation/Processing Permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Health, As a strong supporter of medical cannabis, 1 ‘would be thrilled to have a business such as GenGrow, LLC open up a facility in Washington County ‘As their application details, GenGrow, LLC intends to apply for a permit to become one of two cullivators/processors in Southwestern Pennsylvania, A cultivation and processing facility within ‘my district brings not only financial and economic opportunities but provides the necessary relief for millions of Pennsylvanians that suffer on a daily basis {believe that GenGrow, LLC will ensure compliance with all State and Local laws and regulations during operations and’ become a steward for responsible medical cannabis cultivation and processing. In addition to adhering to all DOH guidelines, they will work to foster postive relationships within the community Again, please accept my full support for GenGrow, LIC Cultivation/Processor Permit application ‘Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter. Should you have any additional questions or wish to discuss this application in further desi, please do not hesitate to contact me. iF Jano 9 ntCD Bila "Ea, Seeae of Peypupyl ain ‘The Honorable Karen Murphy Seoretary Department of Health Health and Welfare Building 8" Floor, 625 Forster Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120 Dear Secretary Murphy: ‘Lam writing to share my full support of Sirona’s application for a Cultivaion/Processing Permit ‘rom the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH). Asa strong supporter of medicinal cannabis, | would be thrilled to have a business such Sirona open up a facility in Hopewell Township ‘Washington County. ‘As their application details, Sirona intends o apply for a permit become a cultivator/processor in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Tis type of facility within my district brings not only financial and economic opportunities but will also provide relief for many Pennsylvanians that sufer on a daily basis. Sirona is committed to ensuring compliance with all State and Local laws and regulations during ‘operations and acting asa steward for responsible medicinal cannabis cultivation and processing. Inaddition to adhering to all DOH guidelines, they area socially conscious group that has indicated strong desire to foster positive relationship in the community ‘Again, please accept my full support for Sirona’s Cultivation/Processor Permit application. Thank you in advance for your consideration inthis matter. Should you have any additional questions or ‘wish to discuss this application in futher detail, please do not hesitate to contact me, Bla Aenea oa po Senate of Yernsylvania ep pelielepes Februaty 16,2017 ‘The Honorable Karen Murphy Secretary Department of Health Health and Welfare Building 8 Floor, 625 Forster Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120 Dear Secretary Murphy: 1am writing to share my full support of The Healing Center, LLC application for a Dispensary Permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH). As a strong supporter of medicinal cannabis, lam thrilled to have a business such as The Healing Center, LLC open up a facility to ‘operate in Souhwester Pers vane {As their application details, The Healing Center, LLC intends to apply for a permit to become one of five dispensary locations in Southwestern Pennsylvania; one in twenty seven across the Commonwealth, Comprised entiely of Pennsylvania residents, The Healing Center, LLC, is committed to providing top-notch care and services to patients and caretakers along with individualized counseling and product education ‘The Healing Center, LLC will ensure compliance with all State and Local laws and regulations during operations and become a steward for responsible medicinal cannabis dispensary. In ‘addition to adhering o all DOH guidelines, they will work to foster positive relationships within the community Again, please accept my full support for The Healing Center, LLC Dispensary Permit application. ‘Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter. Should you have any additional questions or wish to discuss this application in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ‘Camera Barolotta Bla January 12,2017 SP-Pall: De. Karen Murphy, Secretary Pennsylvania Department of Health Health and Welfare Building, 8° Floor West Harrisburg, PA. 17120 Dear Secretary Murphy: ae Over the course ofthe last few months, have had the distnet pleasure of getting to know the principals of ‘The Healing Center LLC, a local Southwestern Pennsylvania based group seeking a license to dispense ‘medical marijuana under the Commonvvealth of Pennsylvania's nascent Medical Marijuana Program, The Healing Center exemplifies the character, approach and professionalism thatthe State Senate envisioned Would spearhead this new industry when we passed Senate Bill 3 ‘The Healing Center is comprised entirely of Pennsylvania residents commited toa benevolent mission of providing top-notch services to patients and thir caretakers, including individualized counseling and product education. Their commitment to the Commonwealth's patients has been evident to lawmakers, Senate staffers, program advoeates ad community leaders alike since they first eame to Harrisburg three yeas ago to lend any assistance necessary, including acting as moral support for many of the mathers of sick children ‘who stand to benefit from marijuana based medicines, along the way to pass this great law. This organization is deserving, credible and capable of handling the great responsibilities that come with leading this program into the future. {Lean say with confidence that The Healing Center is qualified to operate a dispensary in Region 5, covering ‘Southwest Pennsylvania in fll compliance with the letter, spirit and intent of Act 16. Iam proud to lend this ‘organization my endorsement for their application o become a dispensary licensee and respectfully request that you give them every consideration that they deserve. Sipgprely, g Brewster ‘ Slate Senator Ce: The Honorable Tom Wolf, Governor ‘The Honorable Jay Costa, Senate Democratic Leader John J Collins, Director, PA Office of Medical Marijuana JIM CHRISTIANA, MEMBER [Sth LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT Ditrict omc nes PA th Phone (724) 28555 Faw 2s) 737002 inipatocronain House of Representations ae Commonwealth ofPennsyvania "heb Pa 1312 Harisburg Phone: (720) 5673085, May t,2017 ‘The Honorable Karen Murphy Secretary Deparment of Heth Heal and Welle Building Flor, 625 Forster Steet arriba, PA 7120 ‘To Whom It May Concer, arb, PA 171202018, hone: (717) 246148 FAX (17) 702919 malt: ‘Webs sor repehistian om Comite: Appropriations Commerce Professional Licensure ‘Site Government (On 331/17, met wth members of GenGrow ZC (Applian) and was made fly avare of thei iant to apply fora Cukivatio’Pocesing Liens through the sat of Penasyvans's Medical Marijana Act No 16 pplication 1. On Api 17,2016 the Medical Marijuana Act No. 16 ("Ac beste effete i the Sat of Pennsyvania making ithe 24 state witha replated medical marijuana progam. 2. Applicat intends to apply for a license 10 become one of the tweny-five Steeped culivation/pocesing nee 3. Applica’ intended culivaion/rocessng fit willbe loeted within Washington County. 44 Applicant wil ensure compliance wit ll State and Lacl laws and regulations daring operations and ‘bcome a tear for responsible media cannabis clvation and processing 5. Granting «cutvavionrecessng license to Applicant wil bring a wealth of new jobs and economic evelopment the suounding community 1 am writing to confirm that the growefprocessor operations and activites intended by the Applicant within Washington County are supported and eacouraged by my office. We believe that the sensu of Gente LLC willbe a postive econamie ver creating es jbe sh industy fr our community. ‘When al fctors re considered, my fice fel GenGrow LLC a srongly qualified applicant, Tank you for your ‘consideration of our support for tee candidacy and lceasure a this newly implemented, highly impor State ‘moti cannabis program, Respects, il im Cina 13 Legisltive Distt MADELEINE DEAN, uewoen conmirTees tsrournaatve oie pe pee ener ReaSSOR pa ener Enver caucuses District oFrice PRONE Sa ATOR NYPD Yor ROAD House of Representatives fhe Conon wealitt OF PENNSYLVANIA eroemormrescoey BaRraspuRa Mr. Jon Collins Office of Medical Marana Department of Health Room 628, Health and Welfare Building 625 Forester Sueet, Harrisburg, PA 17120, March 17,2017 Dear Mr. Collins: am writing to offer my support forthe Terravida Holistic Centers’ (Terravid plans to obtain a medical marijuana dispensary license. The license would allow Terravida to open up to thee sispensaries, including one in my legislative district. strongly suppor their proposal and encourage {you to approve thei application, (Owners Chaistina Visco and Adin Birnbaum are dedicated to creating a patient-centered environment, focusing on the medical needs of children, the eldetly and veterans. To that end, they have reseatched locations within close proximity to veterans’ hospitals, elder cate facilites, and cancer treatment facilites, Terravida is 88% women owned and operated, Their advisory team draws experience from many felevant fields, including medical—specializing in cancer and pediatrics—pharmaceuticals, retail, public policy. legal, and veteran affairs. Teravida is smartly positioned to bring compassionate care to patients, as well as drive economic growth and revenue in southeastern Pennsylvania, {appreciate your consideration of Teravide's medical marijuana dispensary license application. If you hhave any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Madberns Mian ao State Representative 153 Legislative District FLORNDO J FLO" FABRIZIO ween En couerres Sree House of Representatines beleedteae (COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA astute Janay, 2017 ‘The Honore Karen Murph, Serta _ at Deparment ct Heh SpE oh Ret Wel Bung 2 gs 8" Floor West 625 Forster Steet Harisburg, PA 17120 ‘Re: Samuel P. Black II, and Calypso Enterprises, LLC, application Dear Secretary Murphy: Please accept this correspondence in support ofthe aplication submitted by Mr. Samu! P. Black, Il, and Calypso Enterprises, LLC, to secure a license to operate as « medicinal cannabis growerfprocessor under Title 28 ofthe Pennsylvania Code ‘Through this venture, Mr. Black continues his commitment othe greater Erie community and the region, a he already ‘ns established with his work at Erie Management Group and the groups affiliated companies. -Mr. Black has done a yeoman's jb of revitalizing areas within the City of Erie with his other portfolioed businesses, always with a commitment toa diverse workforce. The footprint on which Mr. Black and Calypso have chosen to locate the facility isin the City of Erie within severely economically disadvantaged area. The Calypso project sims to create upwards of $0 new jobs with competitive wages and benefits as well as partner with ‘onganizations and initiatives tobe part of communityIedeffrs targeting self-sufficiency and edveational atsinment. \We ask for your favorable consideration of tis application and ean be reached st your convenience should there be any further need. Thank you, Sincerely, ‘Ve eh [ibis ba Aor Cot Sora Pavick J. Harkins Flocindo J. Fabrizio Ryan A Bizzarro Cutis 6. Sonney State Representative Stale Representative State Representative Slate Representative 1 Legislative Dist 2 Legislative Dist 3 Legislative Distriet 4 Legislative District, «cc: Laura Guneheon, Project Manager, Calypso Enterprises @rmermourricevnves Hearn commrree FLORINOO "FLO" FABRIZIO, een 2 euocrAe CHARMAN Seam House of Representatives as oi at Somonweatire OF PENNSYLVANIA HARRISBURG sianuary 12,2017 ‘Te Honorable Karen Murphy, Secretary L Department of Health zi se- Ha 8° Floor West, H& W Busing 1525 Forster Sirect ot Harfeburg, PA 17120 RE; Samuel P. Black, Ill, and Calypso Enterpiee, LLC, application Dear Secretary Murphy: ‘As the Democratic Chairman of the House Health Committee, | am offering my personal, professional and unequivocal support of Mr. Sam Black, Ill and Calypso, LLC's application to Secure a license to operate as a medicinal cannabis growerfprocassor under Tite 28 ofthe Pennsylvania Code. nave known Mr. Black for many years and can attest that the Fria Management Group and ite affietes companies have proved to be economic engines in our region. Mr Black's success is ‘a direct result of hard work, dedication and laudable business practices, ‘The approval ofthis license wil create many employment opportunities with attendant competitive wages and benefits in the Ere area, | respectfully request that you give your most serious consideration to Mr. Black and Calypso Enterprises, LLC's application to operate as a mecicinal cannabis growerlprocessor in Pennsyivania, ‘Thank you for your time and attention inthis mater. If | can be of futher assistance or if you {are in need of additional information, please contact my office at your convenience. Sincerely, Wh wives Florindo J, Fabrizio, Demacratic Chairman House Health Committee 2 Legislative District FF @ mormoourecasoraen ‘caucuses se of sentatives one IMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA ee amen ‘HARRISBURG nae March 22, 2017 Dr. Karen Murphy, Seeretary Pennsylvania Department of Health 8° Floor, Health & Welfare Building Harrisburg, PA 17120 Dear Secretary Murphy: We are writing to urge the Department of Health to consider Schuylkill County as location for ‘one of the two grower/prosescor permits to be awarded in Regio 1-Southeast Schuylkill County is the only county in Region 1 not selected to host a dispensary. We hope thet will give us editions consideration when evaluating the appicans forthe two groviet/processor ‘permits to be awarded in Region 1. There are at least two companies from the county thet ‘applied - TheraBloom, Inc. in Kline Township and The Herbal Care Association in West Brunswick Township. ‘We are confident Therailoom, Inc. and The Herbal Care Association meet the department's strict guidelines with egard to establishing a medical marijuana grower/processor facility, and that they will score well in your evaluations. We support the applications of both entities, “Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request. — a en hob VEL 123" Legislative District islative District 125" Legislative District (eerocare (ec, liebe i @omceosenecie rien send STE nn cnveuses “ha tgasa House of Representatives aaa heart Sownionweattn OF PENNSYLVANIA Sree mochO ence, ee scorers January 31,2017 My Dr. Karen Murphy, Secretary Se ve Pennsylvania Department of Health 8° Foor, Heath & Welfare Building Harisburg, PA 17120 RE: Letter of support for TheraBloom Inc. to obtain a Region 1 grower/processor permit Dear Secretary Murphy: | am writing to express my suppor for the application of TheraBloom Ine. to receive a Region 1 srower/processor permit as pat of Pennsylvania's Medical Marijuana Program, ‘TheraBloom Inc. is a newly formed company by Lori van Hockelen, majority owner of van Hockelen Greenhouses, Ine. Van Hockelen Greenhouses isa privately held, woman-owned business curently operating two 7.5 acte greenhouses in Kline Township, Schuylkill County. Itis a well-respected company, growing numerous varieties of plants for nearly 30 years, and is the largest bulb grower on the East Coast. It is also among the nation's top 100 growers ‘Van Hockelen’s company is also avery good employer. Though located just ouside my legislative district, van Hoekelen employs numerous constituents among its 160 employees. The good-paying Jobs that would be created if TheraBloom received this permit would be a tremendous boon for our region. Schuylkill County has one ofthe highest unemployment rates in the stat, as well as among the ‘counties in Region I-Southeast. | strongly encourage the Department of Health to consider approval of TheraBloom's application, ‘Thank you for your attention to this matter Sincerely, Le State Representative 123 Legislative District NPGIKpo ‘cc: Lori van Hockelen @rmnaeocntecrsoraen NEAL. GOODMAN conmrrees caucuses at paroee House of Representatives = veumereagat COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA SAT erence “eat Fer HARRISBURG antes ‘March 22, 2017 Dr. Karen Murphy, Secretary Pennsylvania Department of Health 8 Floor, Health & Welfare Building Harrisburg, PA 17120 Dear Secretary Murphy: ‘We are writing to urge the Department of Health to consider Schuylkill County as a location for ‘one ofthe wo yrower/processor permis 1 be awarded in Kegion I-Southeast ‘Schuyikill County isthe only county in Region I not selected to host a dispensary. We hope thet will give us additional consideration when evaluating the applicants forthe two grower/processor ‘permits to be awarded in Region 1, There are atleast two companies from the county that, applied - TheraBloom, Inc. in Kline Township and The Herbal Care Association in West Brunswick Township, ‘We are confident TheraBloom, Inc. and The Herbal Care Association meet the department's strict guidelines with regard to establishing a medical marijuana grower/processor facility, and ‘hat they will score well in your evaluations. We support the applications ofboth entities. ‘Thank you in advance for your consideration ofthis request. slative District 125 Legislative District Representatives House of Representatives Sincerely, Neal P. Goodman 123 Legislative District House of Representatives NPGikpo sKEAL SOOO couarrees saan een ros “CAUCUSES: ee * Sane bo House of Representatives ons pepmlaadg COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. Play Og BRR HARRISBURG ee March 82017 Office of Medica! Marijuana PA Deparment of Health ‘Room 628, Health and Welfare Building 625 Forster Steet Harisburg, PA 17120 Re: Leter of support for The Herbal Care Association's application - Southeast Region Grower Permit eae Si/Madam: 1 am writing to express support for The Herbal Care Association's (THCA) application to receive a Southeast region {grower permit as part of Pennsylvania's Medical Marijuana Program. The fellty would be loceted in West Brunswick ‘Towne, Shuyil County ‘Ihave known the general partners of THCA, Michael Rich and Roy Heim, for many yeats, They hive many years of experience running sucessful companies in Schuylkill County, end I have no dou hey would ran a successful and carefully managed growing facility. Michael Rich isan owner and officer of many ofthe Rich Family of Companies, ‘including Reading Anthracite Company, Schuylkill Energy Resources, Cilberton Power Company. Beat Ridge Machine and Fabrication, and Jack Rich, Ine. Roy Heim has owned Heim Construction Co, In. fr almost 30 years “Michael and Roy are also very involved in numerous community chartes and have pledged THCA’s support of various ‘community projects, including the Orwigsburg Memorial Hall revitalization project to better serve veterans. ‘hey will ‘work with muniipal officials, law enforcement, and other groups to ensure a positive community outcome. THCA will reate between 30 and 50 jobs in our county. Schuylkill County ha one ofthe highest unemployment ates in the state, aswell as among the counties in Region I-Southeast. The award of this pemit would bea tremendous boon for cur county. # strongly support THCA’s aplication, Thank you for your attention to this matter, ae ker oe ce: Michael Rich Roy Heim @munerourecaeorven ‘House of Representatives Eouaton Weal br PENNSYLVANIA RARIISECRS February 15,2017 Dr Karen Murphy, Secretary Pennsyvania Department of Health Health and Welfare Bulag, 8 Flor West Narvsburg, PA 17120 Dear Secretary Murphy, |.am writing to incate my suppor foran application submitted by The Healing Center LLC to obtain @ Tense to dispense medical marijuana under the common\veath’s Medial Marjuana Program in Region 5, covering Southwest Pennsyvania, After meeting withthe organization's leaders, lam encouraged by both their professionalism and knowledge of the industry along witha genuine awareness ofthe lcs! ‘community within whieh they seek to operate, ‘The Healing Center is comprised entirely of Penasyvania residents committed to a benevolent mission of providing top-notch services to patents and ther caretakers, Including Indviduatced wurst and product education. Their commitment to the commonwealth’ patients has been evident to lawmakers, Staffers, program advocates and community leaders alike since they fist came tothe Capitol thee years ago to provide any assistance necessary, including acting as maral support for many of the caretakers so Geepy invested in the legisiative outcome, This organization is deserving, credible and capable of handing the great responsibilities that come with leading this program into the future. ‘Asa member ofthe legislature, lam proud ofthe deliberation and care taken inthe passoge of Act 16 of 2016. This legislation went theough numerous trations with Involvement from stakeholders aross the State to ensure that all involved parties were promoting a system that was safe and responsive for patients believe that The Healing Center wil full this mandate and lend my support to their aplication to become a dispensary license. joe Wacherrk Joe Matkosek CC: The Honorable Tom Walt, Governor “The Honorable Frank Dermody, Democratic Leader, House of Representatives John J. Calin, Director, Office of Medical Marijuana, Pennsyivania Department of Heath Neil Malady, Director, Office of Lepisiative Atfairs, Pennsyvania Department of Heath @ erorneurereeorver Seuate of Yeunsyloania So = Denier 2Lamie <5 MMoffce Lagstet The Honorable Karen Murphy, Ph.D. eo ote Secretary Department of Health Heath and Welfare Building, 625 Forester Street, 8* Floor West arvsburg, PA 17120, Dear Secretary Murphy ‘On behalf of The Marella Group, Iam pleased to write in support ofits application to be licensed to dispense medical cannabis as provided for inthe Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Act ‘The newly passed Medical Marijuana Act provies for up of dispensaries in the ‘Commonwveath. As you ae avare, these dispensaries will function much like a pharmocy and wll be required to meet strict record Keeping. security, surveillan, and packaging standards Having provided Pharmacy services in our stat for over fifly years, The Martella Group is wel suited to ensure the safe

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