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2 Which of the following is a polysaccharide?

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah polisakarida?

A Glycogen B Fructose
Glikogen Fruktosa
C Galactose D Maltose
Galaktosa Maltosa

9 Table 4 shows the elements found in food classes P and Q.

Jadual 4 menunjukkan unsur-unsur dalam kelas makanan P dan Q.

Food class
Kelas makanan
C, H, O C, H, O, N
Table 4
Jadual 4

What are food classes P and Q?

Apakah kelas makanan P dan Q?
A Carbohydrate Protein
Karbohidrat Protein
B Protein Lipid
Protein Lipid
C Protein Carbohydrate
Protein Karbohidrat
D Carbohydrate Lipid
Karbohidrat Lipid

11 Diagram 6 shows the mechanism of enzyme action.

Rajah 6 menunjukkan mekanisma tindakan enzim.

Diagram 6
Rajah 6
What are X, Y and Z?
Apakah X, Y dan Z?
A Product Enzyme Substrate
Hasil Enzim Substrat
B Substrate Product Enzyme
Substrat Hasil Enzim
C Substrate Enzyme Product
Substrat Enzim Hasil
D Enzyme Substrate Product
Enzim Substrat Hasil
14 Table 7 shows two shirts, M and N, stained with butter. The shirts were washed using washing
powder which contains enzyme P at different temperature.
Jadual 7 menunjukkan dua helai baju, M dan N, dikotori oleh mentega. Baju-baju tersebut dicuci dengan
menggunakan serbuk pencuci yang mengandungi enzim P pada suhu yang berbeza.
Before After

Table 7
Jadual 7

What is enzyme P and the temperatures for M and N?

Apakah enzim P dan suhu bagi M dan N?
Enzyme P Temperature for A (C) Temperature for B (C)
Enzim P Suhu untuk A (C) Suhu untuk B (C)
A Amylase
35 10
B Lipase
35 10
C Lipase
10 35
D Amylase
10 35

20 Diagram 12 is a graph which shows the optimum pH of an enzyme X in its reaction.

Rajah 12 ialah satu graf yang menunjukkan pH optimum satu enzim X dalam tindak balasnya.

Diagram 12
Rajah 12

What is enzyme X?
Apakah enzim X?
A Salivary amylase B Rennin
Amilase liur Renin
C Trypsin D Pepsin
Tripsin Pepsin
3 The correct sequence of mitosis is
Urutanmitosisi yang betulialah
A Telophase Metaphase Prophase Anaphase
Telofasa Metafasa Profasa Anafasa
B Anaphase Metaphase Prophase Telophase
Anafasa Metafasa Profasa Telofasa
C Prophase Telophase Metaphase Anaphase
Profasa Telofasa Metafasa Anafasa
D Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase
Profasa Metafasa Anafasa Telofasa

7 Diagram 5 shows the phases of a cell cycle in an organism.

Rajah 5 menunjukkanfasa-fasadalamsuatukitarselorganisma.

Diagram 5
Rajah 5

The correct sequence of the interphase stage is

Urutan peringkat interfasa ialah
A G1 S G2 B G 2 S G 1
C S G1 M D M G1 S

10 Table 8 shows the changes in a cell during mitosis.

Jadual 8 menunjukkan perubahan dalam sel semasa mitosis.
Structure in cell Peringkat
Nucleus membrane Present Nil
Membrannukleus Ada Tiada
Chromosome At cell poles Randomly distributed in cell
Kromosom Di kutubsel Tersebar rawak dalam sel
Cytoplasm Divides Does not divide
Sitoplasma Membahagi Tidak membahagi
Spindle fibre Nil Present
Gentian gelendung Tiada Ada
Table 8
Jadual 8
What is X and Y?
Apakah X dan Y?
A Prophase Anaphase
Profasa Anafasa
B Anaphase Metaphase
Anafasa Metafasa
C Telophase Prophase
Telofasa Profasa
D Telophase Metaphase
Telofasa Metafasa

17 What is the importance of meiosis?

Apakahkepentingan meiosis?
A Cloning
B Tissue culture
Kultur tisu
C To produce haploid cells
Untuk menghasilkan sel haploid
D To produce diploid cells
Untuk menghasilkan sel diploid

18 Which of the following causes Down's syndrome?

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah menyebabkan sindrom Down?
A Synapsis did not occur during prophase I
Sinapsis tidak berlaku semasa profasa I
B Nucleus membrane did not form during telophase II
Membran nucleus tidak terbentuk semasa telofasa II
C Cytokinesis did not occur during telophase II
Sitokinesis tidak berlaku semasa telofasa II
D Sister chromatid did not separate during anaphase II
Pasangan kromatid tidak terpisah semasa anafasa II

24 The following information shows four types of enzymes.

Maklumat yang berikutmenunjukkanempatjenisenzim.
Amylase Sucrase
Amilase Sukrase
Lactase Maltase
Laktase Maltase

Nutrient that can be hydrolysed by all the four types of enzymes is

Nutrien yang bolehdihidrolisiskanolehkesemuaempatenzimtersebutialah
A lipid B mineral salts
lipid garam mineral
C carbohydrate D protein
karbohidrat protein

27 Diagram 15 shows a human digestive system.

Rajah 15 menunjukkansistempencernaanmanusia.
Diagram 15
Rajah 15

Which of the labelled part, A, B, C or D, produces an enzyme that hydrolyses fats?

AntarabahagianberlabelA, B, CdanD, yang manakahmenghasilkanenzim yang menghidrolisiskanlemak?

31 The process that occurs only in a liver cell is

Proses yang hanyaberlaku di dalamsuatuselhatiialah
A the synthesis of new protoplasm
B the synthesis of bile
C the repair of damaged tissues
D the synthesis of plasma membrane
sintesismembran plasma

32 Which of the following is involved in the process of reabsorption of water and mineral?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakahterlibatdalam proses penyerapansemula air dan mineral?
A Small intestine B Rectum
Ususkecil Rektum
C Appendix D Colon
Apendiks Kolon

33 The problem that is related to defaecation is

Masalah yang berkaitandenganpenyahtinjaanialah
A constipation B gastritis
sembelit gastrik
C lung cancer D anemia
kanserpeparu anemia

1 The main substrate of cellular respiration is

A galactose B glucose
galaktosa glukosa
C sucrose D cellulose
sukrosa selulosa

2 Diagram 1 shows an equation for the anaerobic respiration of yeast.

Rajah 1 menunjukkansuatupersamaanbagirespirasianaerobyis.
Diagram 1

What is X?
A Water B Lactic acid
Air Asidlaktik
C Carbon dioxide D Ethanol
Karbondioksida Etanol

3 Diagram 2 shows an equation.

Rajah 2 menunjukkansuatupersamaan.
Glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + ATP
Glukosa oksigen karbondioksida air
Diagram 2

It represents
A the anaerobic respiration
B the hydrolysis of glucose
C the aerobic respiration
D the condensation of glucose

4 The anaerobic respiration in muscle cells is represented by the following equation.

Respirasianaerobikdalamselototdiwakiliolehpersamaan yang berikut.

X + 150 kJ

What is X?
Apakah X?
A Lactic acid B Water
Asidlaktik Air
C Ethanol D Carbon dioxide
Etanol Karbondioksida

5 An athlete takes part in a weightlifting competition.

Which equation represents his respiration process after he lifted the weight?
Persamaan yang manakahmewakili proses respirasinyaselepasdiamengangkatberat?
A Glucose + Oxygen Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy
Glukosa + Oksigen Karbondioksida + Air + Tenaga
B Glucose Lactic acid + Energy
Glukosa Asidlaktik + Tenaga
C Glucose Ethanol + Carbon dioxide + Energy
Glukosa Etanol + Karbondioksida + Tenaga
D Glucose + Oxygen Lactic acid + Energy
Glukosa + Oksigen Asidlaktik + Tenaga

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