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English II Homework #7 Conjunctions/Pronouns

Conjunctions: (for, and, but, or, so, because, who, although, however, after, as,
because, if, since, until, when, while, therefore, instead of)
1. I love books _____because__________ they are fun to read.
2. Do you want to play volleyball ______or_________ soccer tonight?
3. It is my Moms birthday ________so_______ I bought her a gift.
4. Diegos Dad was mad ______so_________ he hit his sister.
5. Was the movie good _____or__________ bad?
6. My favorite colors are purple _____and__________ red.
7. The store was closed, ____so___________ I went home.
8. Will you go to Guayaquil ______or_________ Galapagos for vacation?
9. It began to rain ______so_________ I put on my coat.
10. Nestor went to the doctor ____because___________ he was sick.
11. I have been waiting for two ______or_________ three hours.
12. Paula walked her dog ______until_________ she went to work.
13. Mark went to the bank ______after_________ he came home.
14. Michaela took care of her sister _____and__________ her mom could go to work.
15. We will go see Pirates of the Caribbean _______as________ Alien.
16. I have known Tain ____since______ 1990

Choose the correct pronoun.

1. Samuel is in my class. ______He_______(He/Him) is my friend.
2. My mother and I bought some things at the store. The store will deliver them to
3. I baked a cake for my Grandmother. I could not wait until Sunday to give it to
____she__________ (she/her).
4. Uncle Jos is coming to visit in January. __He_________(He/Him) will stay in our
guest room.
5. Our family is taking a trip to Disney Land. Our neighbor is going to watch our house
for ____we___________(we/us).
6. Jorge and ____her______ (his/her) sister will arrive on the next plane. I am going
to pick _______they___________ (they/them) up.

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