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Dragonlance - Sorcery Magic

Nortur's Heat Shield:

Invocation: 10 minutes (3)

Range: Melee (2)
Duration: 1 hour (5)
Area: Small group (3)
Spell effect: Hindering (3)
Total: 16 spell points

This spell was created by Nortur when he and his party were at Southern Ergoth (now Gellidus'
Realm), after their warm clothes were destroyed in a fight against a group of Thanoi. He created a
wall of pure heat that allowed his party to survive in those cold lands without freezing. This wall works
for an hour covering a group of up to five people.

Identify an Item:

Invocation: 30 minutes (1)

Range: Personal (1)
Duration: 1 minute (2)
Area: Individual (1)
Spell effect: Hindering (3)
Total: 8 spell points

In Solace's Academy of Sorcery, adventurers of all Ansalon bring their items of power to be identified.
This spell allows the sorcerer who casts it to know the powers a magical item has, no matter how
powerful it is. This magic may suffer resistance from intelligent magical items, but if it happens the
Narrator determines how difficult it becomes.

Dana's Flying Disc:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Personal (1)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Small room (2)
Spell effect: Hindering (3)
Total: 13 spell points

Dana Ulther created this spell when she and her companions found themselves without any chests or
sacks to carry a huge amount of steel pieces they found out in a dragon's lair. She solidified the air in
a disc shape able to carry up to a small room amount of steel pieces. It can be used in several ways,
from carrying something up to 200 kg to levitating up to 2 people.

Nortur's Passwall:

Invocation: 20 minutes (2)

Range: Personal (1)
Duration: 1 minute (2)
Area: Small room (2)
Spell effect: Impeding (4)
Total: 11 spell points
Nortur used this spell for the first time when he was trapped in a dungeon on Gellidus' Realm. This
spell opens a hole bigger than a door on any stone or earth-built wall. It will be opened for 1 minute,
allowing as many people as possible to pass the wall in safety.

Dana's Water Walking:

Invocation: 10 minutes (3)

Range: Personal (1)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Small group (3)
Spell effect: Hindering (3)
Total: 13 spell points

Dana Ulther created this spell to pretend she and her companions were gods while dealing to a pack
of Brutes in an island on southern Ansalon. This spell allows the caster and up to 4 people to walk
over the water as if it is as solid as the ground.


Invocation: 10 minutes (3)

Range: Melee (2)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Small group (3)
Spell effect: Impeding (4)
Total: 15 spell points

This is one of the main effects studied by the Spectramancy sorcerers in the Academy of Sorcery of
Solace. Casting this spell allows a group of up to 5 people to become completely invisible to all means
of visual detection. This spell can be nullified by a reverse usage of Spectramancy.

Lukka's Magic Armor:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Personal (1)
Duration: 30 minutes (4)
Area: Personal (1)
Spell effect: -14 points (4)
Total: 15 spell points

Lukka is a con artist who knows one or two magic tricks - and this one is by far his favorite. Using
Enchantment, Lukka can turn his ordinary clothings into a powerful armor, giving him -14 defense
points in game terms. This magic will last for 30 minutes, what is more than sufficient to run from his


Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Melee (2)
Duration: Instant (1)
Area: Personal (1)
Spell effect: 500 miles (8)
Total: 16 spell points

This powerful spell allows the caster to send a target of middle to large size to a distance equivalent
to 500 miles on any direction. It is very useful to get rid of menaces the party is not able to fight, such
as small dragons or catapults. A house cannot be abjured, but middle-sized to big creatures can. This
spell is not able to return an elemental to its origin plane, but it certainly avoids a combat.

Dana's Ice Bridge:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Melee (2)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Large house (5)
Spell effect: Impeding (4)
Total: 18 spell points

Dana Ulther saved her companions' lives again by casting this spell. Being chased by draconians, the
party faced a huge gorge. Without any means to make all the group (including their horses) to fly,
Dana created an ice bridge connecting both sides of the gorge. After the party crossed the bridge,
Dana turned the ice into water, making all chasers to fall.

Lightning Bolt:

Invocation: Instant (5)

Range: Near missile (3)
Duration: Instant (1)
Area: Individual (1)
Spell effect: 20 damage points (5)
Total: 15 spell points

This is one of the basic effects of the Electromancy school, and a very useful offensive spell in
combat. If the target of this spell is wearing any type of metallic armor, the action to resist this spell is
50% more difficult (for example, if 16 is necessary to avoid this spell, and the target is wearing plate
armor, the final value for the resistance test is 24).

Rock to Mud:

Invocation: 10 minutes (3)

Range: Touch (1)
Duration: 30 minutes (4)
Area: Large room (3)
Spell effect: Impeding (4)
Total: 15 spell points

Using this spell, the mage can transform a certain amount of rock into a pile of mud. This spell can be
useful to open holes in walls, soften boulders and other uses. The reversed form of this spell, Mud to
Rock, can be useful to imprison foes in a pond of mud, create instant barriers, among other functions.
The cost is the same for both versions of this spell.

Silence 15' Radius:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Melee (2)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Large room (3)
Spell effect: Hindering (3)
Total: 15 spell points
This spell creates a circle of silence by stagnating the air in a given area. Mages find it useful to block
a dragon's booming voice or impeach magical rituals that involve chantings. Outside of the magical
area, one can speak and listen normally.

Fire Trap:

Invocation: 20 minutes (2)

Range: Touch (1)
Duration: 1 hour (5)
Area: Individual (1)
Spell effect: Painful (5)
Total: 14 spell points

This spell creates a magical trap that triggers if someone tries to open a lock without using a proper
key. It releases a burst of flame that causes 16 damage points to anyone trying to pick the lock. The
spellcaster can undo this magic by speaking a command word or using the right key to open the lock.
This spell can also be placed in doors, books and hallways.

Nortur's Lava to Rock:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Melee (2)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Small house (4)
Spell effect: Hindering (3)
Total: 16 spell points

Nortur used this spell to cross a river of lava in the Desolation. By commanding the earth, he
sollidified the lava to form a bridge across the lava flow. This spell can also be reverted, making rock
to become fiery lava, causing up to 9 points of damage to anyone in contact with it.

Know Weather:

Invocation: 20 minutes (2)

Range: Artillery (5)
Duration: 1 minute (2)
Area: Week (4)
Spell effect: Hindering (3)
Total: 16 spell points

Sailors and farmers all across Ansalon rely on Sorcery when they need to know how the weather will
be like in a given period of time. Using this spell a sorcerer can foresee the weather for the duration
of a week with incredible precision. The caster should choose how many days he/she wants to
forecast, to a maximum of 7 days. The Narrator should reveal to the player the right information,
according to the top card of the Fate Deck: if the card is White, the forecast is right for 7 days; if the
card is Red, the forecast is right for the first 5 days; if the card is Black, the forecast is right for the
first 3 days. If the card is from the Suit of Dragons, one forecast is right, but all others are
dramatically wrong (a storm instead of a sunny day).

Harolkk's Perfect Passage:

Invocation: 10 minutes (3)

Range: Melee (2)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Large group (4)
Spell effect: Troublesome (2)
Total: 14 spell points

Harolkk Haakun, a priest of the Ice Barbarians, created this spell to help warriors in his tribe to cross
the vast plains of ice and snow without hindrance. Under the effect of this spell, a target can move
freely in snow or ice, using the same movement ratios as the one in grass plains. The opposite spell
can also be cast, creating an icy surface that reduces the target's movement rate.


Invocation: 20 minutes (2)

Range: Personal (1)
Duration: Instant (1)
Area: Individual (1)
Spell effect: Painful (5)
Total: 10 spell points

This is one of the most basic spells for war wizards in the Fifth Age. It allows a mage to fix weapons
and other items that were broken or rusty without the use of a forge. Magical weapons cannot be
fixed with this spell. A mage must have 50% or more of the desired weapons to fix it, otherwise the
spell will not work.

Dragonlance - Mystic Magic

Damaris' Minor Illusions:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Near missile (3)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Couple (2)
Spell effect: Irritating (1)
Total: 13 spell points

Damaris learned during her travels that civilized people are not especially attentive. So she created
her Minor Illusions, easy tricks involving human senses. She can make an onion taste like an apple, or
a loud sound near one's ear. All things she creates are illusions, so the onion is still an onion, and it
will taste like one if someone who is not affected by this spell eats it.

Know the Truth:

Invocation: 10 minutes (3)

Range: Personal (1)
Duration: 1 minute (2)
Area: Individual (1)
Spell effect: Hindering (3)
Total: 10 spell points
The Citadel of Light is one of the places that fights against the tyranny of the Great Dragons, and the
dangers of being spied or eavesdropped while planning against the tyrants are high. Therefore, some
mystics developed this spell, allowing its caster to know if someone is telling the truth or not. It
doesn't allow someone to read other's mind, but it prevents one from lying to a Citadel Mystic.

Joshun's Complete Heal:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Personal (1)
Duration: Instant (1)
Area: Individual (1)
Spell effect: 5 cards (5)
Total: 12 spell points

Joshun Sanders, a mystic from Southern Ergoth, saved Stahn's life using this mystic spell. It can heals
a hero up to 5 cards in just a minute.

Mahnk's Hold Undead:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Melee (2)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Small group (3)
Spell effect: Impeding (4)
Total: 16 spell points

Lord Mahnk of the Knights of Takhisis created this spell to avoid being attacked by the undead he
commands. This spell paralyzes up to 5 undeads in melee range. This spell lasts for 15 minutes,
enough time Mahnk can call his soldiers to destroy the rebel undeads.

Danalyn's Beast Soothing:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Near missile (3)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Large group (4)
Spell effect: Troublesome (2)
Total: 16 spell points

Danalyn crafted this spell when her party was attacked by winter wolves in Southern Ergoth. It
soothes up to a pack of 10 wild animals, making them friendly to the caster and his/her companions.
It can be used to tame or avoid attacks from wild but intelligent animals. It won't work with any
humanoid beings, such as goblins or draconians.

Sir Juner's Strength Surge:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Personal (1)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Individual (1)
Spell effect: 14 points (4)
Total: 13 spell points

Sir Juner used this spell to defeat the stone men in the Rock Sanctuary at Southern Ergoth. The caster
of this spell can add 14 points to his Strength attribute during 15 minutes.
Urak's Ancestral Call:

Invocation: 30 minutes (1)

Range: Personal (1)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Individual (1)
Spell effect: Impeding (4)
Total: 10 spell points

This spell saved the life of the Heroes during their underground journey to the Thorbardin tunnels.
Urak, the Dwarven Mystic, summoned one of the Ancestral Souls that live in the underground, asking
for guidance. Only dwarven mystics can use this spell. It summons a dwarven spirit who lives in the
underground, and who can answer five questions from the party. The questions may be about
precious stones found in their way, the condition of the tunnels, or for a source of water, but not
questions as: "Where is the exit to the surface?". If asked about things the spirit may not know, he
will simply say that he doesn't know the answer. Questions related to the underground environment
or dwarven culture are suited.

Danalyn's Chameleon Skin:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Melee (2)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Small group (3)
Spell effect: Impeding (4)
Total: 16 spell points

Danalyn used this spell to save the party from a flight of skull moles. This spell allows its targets to
disappear from the eyes of their pursuers by becoming one with the background, copying its color on
their clothes and skin. The characters appear only as a transparent frame on the woods or the rocks,
like a chameleon. In game terms, consider the characters invisible unless the pursuer is successful on
a Daunting Perception (Spirit) test.

Auryan's Animal Senses:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Touch (1)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Couple (2)
Spell effect: +9 points (3)
Total: 13 spell points

Auryan, the golden centaur, used this spell to show Danalyn the way to the caves in Duntollik. This
spell increases the target's Perception attribute by 9 points, bestowing very acute senses, similar to
animal senses. This spell can also help while a target is resisting to Sorcery effects, since the target's
Perception is increased. However, the target's senses become very acute, and strong sensorial
influences (light, noises) can stun the target.

Danalyn's Wall of Roots:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Near missile (3)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Large room (3)
Spell effect: Hindering (3)
Total: 16 spell points
Danalyn used this spell to stop an attack of a lion. Living roots from nearby plants erupt from the soil,
forming a thick living wall. The wall can be easily destroyed by fire or common attacks, but its main
utility is to slow an enemy for enough time to allow the party to escape.

Bethany's Curse:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Melee (2)
Duration: 1 hour (5)
Area: Individual (1)
Spell effect: Painful (5)
Total: 17 spell points

This difficult spell was created by a lonesome Mystic called Bethany. She didn't like to have her
studies bothered by other people, and so she created a spell to drive intruders away. When Anton
looked for an herbarium in Lacynos, Bethany used this spell on him, making him believe it was a
Sensitivity spell. Using this powerful curse, Bethany can turn anyone into a small animal. Her favourite
choices are frogs and insects, but she can cast it on herself and become a crow. Bethany usually
allows the people she cursed to flee and try to survive during the curse duration, but when she
consider someone a worthy menace she tries to kill the target while he/she is vulnerable.


Invocation: 10 minutes (3)

Range: Near missile (3)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Crowd (5)
Spell effect: Irritating (1)
Total: 15 spell points

Some members of the Church of Sargas developed this Mystic spell to control masses. It induces a
desire to kill and cause destruction, especially when the targets are minotaurs. In fact, this is a minor
suggestion in a group's mind to hunt down and kill a designed target named by the spellcaster. The
clerics of Sargas use their lectures as a form of casting this spell in the crowds.

Rager Dakk's Touch of Revenge:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Personal (1)
Duration: 1 minute (2)
Area: Individual (1)
Spell effect: 14 points (4)
Total: 12 spell points

Rager Dakk, a minotaur mystic, used this spell to protect him from attacks. Any damage caused to the
spellcaster by the target of this spell, up to 14 points, is returned to the target. The caster still suffers
the damage, but the target suffers as much damage as he/she caused to the spellcaster.

Aura Mask:

Invocation: 10 minutes (3)

Range: Personal (1)
Duration: 1 hour (5)
Area: Small group (3)
Spell effect: Hindering (3)
Total: 15 spell points
Legionnaire mystics use this spell to act in Dark Knights territories such as Beryl's realm or Neraka.
The target of this spell has its aura altered to a different pattern, disguising his own Nature for means
of magic detection. A white aura can be turned into a black or red aura, depending on the caster's
choice. Note that this spell implies an extra Daunting difficulty added to any Sensitivity spells cast on
the target during the spell duration.

Mahnk's Bone Crusher:

Invocation: 1 minute (4)

Range: Melee (2)
Duration: Instant (1)
Area: Individual (1)
Spell effect: 18 points (5)
Total: 13 spell points

Sir Mahnk of the Knights of Neraka discovered this spell while fighting the skeletons of an enemy
necromancer. This spell shatters one's bones entirely, leaving its corpse without any support.
Skeletons that are targets of this spell vanish instantly. On living targets, this spell must be resisted: if
the resistance lower than the spell power, the target suffers 18 damage points and the target's bones
are very weakened, becoming easily broken by crushing weapons.

Alen's Disguise:

Invocation: 10 minutes (3)

Range: Personal (1)
Duration: 15 minutes (3)
Area: Individual (1)
Spell effect: Hindering (3)
Total: 11 spell points

Alen Shapper, a skilled actor in the inns of Palanthas, developed this spell to alter his face during his
presentations, allowing him to play more than one character at once. As a thief, he uses this skill to
cause mischief and steal without being identified. This spells allows the target to change its facial
makeup (hair colour, eyes colour, the shape and size of eyes, ears, mouth and nose). This spell can
be detected through Divination or Sensitivity.

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