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Forces and Motion Unit Learning Matrix

I I can
Ive heard understan apply
Unit Standards Learning Goal (What I will learn and be of this d this this and
able to do) teach it

Draw a simple vector.

Draw force diagrams.

Students will be able
to design, build, test,
and evaluate a crash Balance forces in a simulation.
test car.

Identify each of Newtons three


PS2-2 Recall Newtons first law.

Plan an investigation
to provide evidence
that the change in an
Solve the equation F=ma.
objects motion
depends on the sum
of the forces on the
object and the mass Solve the expression F1 + F2 in a
of the object diagram

Identify and describe the three

ways thermal energy can be
transferred (radiation, conduction,
Design, build, test, Identify that thermal energy can be
and evaluate a solar transferred from hotter objects to
oven. colder objects.

Identify materials that can be used

to minimize or maximize thermal

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