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YOUR local Fraser Lake, Endako, Fort Fraser & area NEWS

Phraser Connector
100% volunteer run local paper! Sponsored in part by the Nechako Literacy Committee

Distribution Issue Date MAY 2017 Volume # 58 Free

1480 copies monthly


Name this ugly bug.

Photo credit to Shannon Read Turnbull
One year old Bailey (Chesapeake Bay Retriever) eyeing up the new

Find the snake

stick in the water at White Swan Park
photo credit to Heather Derkson

White Swan Park? Turn left at the deer.. Western Tanager amongst the new leaves
Photo credit to Ian Balcombe
The Fraser Lake Community Foundation Endowment Society was founded in
Endowment Society 2014. A partnership between The Village of Fraser Lake and Northern Devel-
poised to partner opment Initiative Trust generated the principal funds required to develop this
with your group The purpose of the Foundation is to establish a capital fund that will exist in
perpetuity for the benefit of the residents within the Foundations structure.

Our Mission: Working to form partnerships by promoting community involvement and engaging citizens and corpora-
tions to make charitable gifts to the Fraser Lake Community Foundation Endowment Society to build community ca-
pacity which will enrich the quality of life in Fraser Lake today and tomorrow.
The Foundation is a means to carry on the generosity of community spirit and giving that is integral to the residents
of the Fraser Lake Community Foundation Endowment Society geographic area. The Foundation is always eager to
welcome enthusiastic, community minded individuals to get involved.

You can contact the foundation by email:, or Contact Director Dave Christie at
250-699-6257, or for more information. Website: (still under development) --

Legion Events for June.. DONT GET

Are you being
*** Mixed Media Wine and Art Night pressured
on June 6th at 6:30pm, painting at 7pm. over the
Come and play with different mixed media techniques, have a glass of phone to buy
wine (more available) And enjoy each other's company. Cost Is $65 and gift cards?
must be prepaid. Pm [Cathy Harder] for contact info. E-transfers accept-
ed. All art materials are supplied.
*** Poetry and Pie The Canada
on Sunday, June 11th 2 pm Revenue
Everyone welcome to attend our second Poetry & Pie event Agency will
Open mic begins at 2:oo pm and all poets (Grade 9 & up) are invited to never:
participate. Pie to follow. Adults of all ages are also invited. And song- *Use aggres-
writers too! Everyone is invited to be in the audience. Pie and coffee/tea sive language
will be available, If you cant come for the poetry, come for the pie or tone
JULY 1ST-Pancake Breakfast; Dance in evening; July 2nd Breakfast *Ask for pre-
paid credit or
gift cards
arrest or send
For more in-
formation go

Orphaned Moose Twins sent to Shelter

Written by Elaine Storey
Thanks to several caring wild-life advocates and staff at the Northern Lights Wildlife Shelter in Smithers, two
newborn moose have been given a second chance at life.
The calves, about five days old, were discovered south of Prince George in the woods on the Northwood
Pulpmill Road over the long weekend. Their mother was struck down in a wildlife-vehicular collision late Fri-
day night and passer-by's who spotted the calves, marked the spot with a blue ribbon.
Fearing the calves would succumb if left alone in the woods, those passers-by's - Amanda & Melissa Mjols-
ness reported the incident to staff at the Smithers shelter.
When Angelika Langen, co-owner of the shelter, got the
call, she texted her friend Dr. Roy Rea, a biology and for-
estry lab instructor at UNBC who specializes in wildlife-
vehicular collisions. She asked if he could launch a search
in the area where the calves were last seen. Within hours,
searchers were on site and discovered the calves hunk-
ered down in a heavily wooden area. Initially Rea believed
one calf to be dead. But once they began loading them
into a dog kennel, both showed signs of life.
Animal Technologists at the Prince George Ospika Animal
Hospital had been put on standby to receive the calves.
Once in the hospital, they were revived with liquids and
weighed and measured. The calves - a 29 pound male
and a 26.5 pound female had both been SAVED!
With the patients showing strong signs of recovery- reports
were made about moose cuddles and licks - the Smithers
staff from Northern Lights agreed to meet the rescue team
Orphaned calf moose getting cared for at the on Highway 16 outside of Burns Lake with a batch of
Smithers Northern Lights Wildlife Shelter .. freshly mixed Moose Milk. Up a logging road, several
Photo submitted NLWS hours after being left for dead, two moose calves got their
first taste of artificial moose milk - full of life-saving nutri-
ents, a unique mix for each wildlife breed.
Many Good Samaritans made this rescue possible. And although the calves are left to grow up without a
mother, their prognosis at the Smithers North-
ern Lights Shelter is good. On last report, the
calves remained sensitive but were eating well.
Rea says if not for the coordinated rescue, the
calves would have surely died on Saturday.
To follow the story of these calf moose you can
go the Northern Lights Wildlife Society Face-
book page. There you will see footage of this
pair and two other calf moose getting to know
each other and getting stronger with every
Angelika Langen warns to Pick up fawns or
calves only when you KNOW the mother is Rescued twin Calf Moose
dead! Otherwise you should contact a Con- gaining strength after being
servation Officer or NLWS to determine if in- found in deep brush
tervention is needed.
Photo submitted NLWS

25the Anniversary of QUILT SHOW by Elaine Storey

Alison Weibe has easily produced over 200 quilts during her
Susan Steiners quilt Feather Your Nest featuring 25 year membership with the Guild..
chickadees, was voted Best in Show

The annual Fraser Quilters show at Ft Fraser hall was bursting at RCMP. She sewed birthday wishes on the bottom of the front
the seams with colourful fabric tacked on walls, draped over panel, and lined the inside with cozy flannel maple leaf-designed
rods, hanging on stands, stacked on tables and folded into fabric.
squares. It was another wonderful display of the dedication and Members of the Guild sewed 11 donation quilts in a variety of
the tedious work of many. sizes. Those quilts are given to patients at the Cordyban Lodge in
At the show there is always a Best in Show voted by members of Prince George, Children's Hospital in Vancouver, and local hos-
the Guild and those who attend. This year, the best in show quilt pitals in Vanderhoof and Burns Lake.
by Susan Steiner, called Feather Your Nest, was a hatch of chick- Alison Weibe, the matriarch of the club, at ninety-four years of
adees in various shades of blue. age, has personally contributed a minimum of 5-10 quilts a year
Eleanor MacDonald sewed two Canada 150 quilts pieces of for almost quarter of a century. She admits to slowing down a
fabric came from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and other ports across bit this year as her hands dont move the fabric as easily as they
the country. One quilt, For my nieces 50 birthday on July 1st, once did.
showed a map of Canada with a smattering of maple leaves and

Winners for the Legion Poster & Essay contest November (2016)
Poppy Chairperson Helen MacNiven
Intermediate Black & White Primary Black & White Junior Colour Poster with Mae Steiner winner of
Poster Poster 1st Madyson Dupuis Primary Colour Poster
1st Adrianna Hankins 1st Bowen Webb 2nd Callista Nooski
2nd Dylan Skerik 2nd Brielle Roberts 3rd Selena Fitzgerald
3rd Shaylynne Keffer
Primary Colour Poster
Intermediate Poems 1st Mae Steiner
1st Logan Chokarni 2nd Sarah Schneider
2nd Tai Hawkes 3rd Gavin Hein
3rd Christopher Daly
Junior Black & White Poster
Junior Poems 1st Raelysa Sanderson
1st Phoenix Lehmann 2nd Bailey Campbell
2nd Savannah Morris 3rd Ireland Webb Helen MacNiven with
3rd Keenan Forsberg Phoenix Lehmann
winner of Junior Poem
The Phraser Connector is on-line. READ IT @


#1)SENIOR PROGRAM ASSISTANT: 30 Hours a week Wage $13:00 an hour
#2)DROP-IN CENTER ASSISTANT: 30 Hours a week . Wage $13:00 an hour
Start date July 4th to August 26th, 2017
High school and university students welcome to apply BC Drivers licence and computer skills an asset.
JOB Description for Senior Program Assistant:
The successful applicant will learn how to use a data base, to use a photocopier for copying and printing, to plan and organize set-up and take-down
for events, to help with activities for seniors. They will learn the daily requirements of operating a not-for profit society, and how to interact with a
board of directors. The student will be responsible for the Food Share program both intaking and dispersing food and managing the documentation
for result-based reporting. They will assist with fundraising efforts and help where otherwise required.
JOB Description for Drop-in Centre Assistant:
The successful applicant will be based in the Autumn Services Drop-In Centre and will have job mentoring and supervision. The student will assist a
drop-in clients with a variety of needs. They will do general office and housekeeping duties and assist with set-up and take down for events. They will
learn the skills required to work in an office setting ie: answering phones, assisting with the mail, and answering e-mails and other duties as re-
Receiving resumes until June 9th
Please drop off your resume at Autumn Services 312 McMillan Avenue, Fraser Lake, BC
email to:
phone 250.699-0056 for more information

Fraser Lake Community

Health Centre Call:
Closed 12:001:00 daily

Dr Shannon Douglas Monday & Thursday

Dr Tim Bowen-Roberts Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Convenient instructor-led online access to hundreds of courses
Ginny Burns-Nurse Practitioner Tuesday to Friday for professional and career development , computer skills,
and personal enrichment!
Dr Rena Romain June 5 - June 30
Dr D. Morgan June 12 June 16 For more information contact the Fraser Lake
Public Library 250-699-8888 or the CALP Coordinator at 250-699-1681
Medical Clinic open Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Don't have internet access or a computer? Visit the Fraser Lake Library or the Learning Centre.
Ambulatory Outpatient Monday to Friday 9:30 am - 5:00 pm Learning Centre is open every Friday for computer access from 1-4 until the end of May.
Lab open Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 10:30 am The Learning Centre will also be open for independent learning until the end of May, Tuesdays
Xray open Mon & Wed 9:00 3:30 / Thursday 9:00 - 11:00 from 1pm - 4pm and Thursdays from 10am - 1pm (Except May 9th & 11th)
Public Healthall inquiries call 250-699-6225

The Endako Hall Society held a very successful "Kids Fun Day" at the hall on April 23rd. There
were LOTS of kids there to have fun doing crafts, hunting for Easter eggs or winning in the cake
walk...which every child did! The Jelly Bean count was won by Marick Farrell with his guess of

This & That 140 jelly beans in the jar. The fifty-fifty draw was won by Kiona Armatage making her $54.00
richer. Thanks to all our members who helped out.
By Audrey Read Went to McBride the first weekend of May to my oldest sisters "Celebration of Life". It was all
very nice....but sad. Got a ride with my son Calvin & his wife Brenda so I didn't have to
drive. Shannon came down as well after she was sure her old mare wasn't going to foal! Several
relatives and friends from Alberta didn't make it because of rock slides closing the highways.
I have hundreds of various kinds of birds devouring the sunflower seeds including five pair of Western Tanagers, they are surely one of the most
beautiful wild birds to be seen. Hope they nest here again this year. Evening Grosbeaks also nest here as well as the Purple Finch's, Red Winged
Blackbirds and the Yellow Headed Blackbirds among many others. It is a great time of year!
The Endako Hall Society Coffee House and spaghetti dinner was enjoyed by all who attended, hopefully there will be more in the future. The local
talent is amazing! Thank you!
Back home again from a great seven day cruise to Alaska, we couldn't have asked for better weather...or company! I was very pleasantly surprised
to see that both Juneau and Sitka have climates very similar to the Vancouver area! Juneau's temperature the day we were there was 61 degrees F!
And Sitka's was 48 degrees F! Sunburns were quite common to see,,,,They do have draw backs though, very few miles of roads...but sure lots of
cars! The trees and shrubs and many different flowers were in full bloom, some already finished, it was truly beautiful.
We travelled on the Noordam Ship, the Holland America Cruise Line, the ship is 935 feet long, 106 feet wide with a maximum speed of 25 knots,
weighs 82,000 tons! There were 1872 guests and 811 crew members, a little floating city all it's own. A wonderful way to take a holiday.
And now it is back to reality, planting the garden which was too wet before I left. The lawn looked like it may have to be cut with a swather and
not my lawn mower! At long last the leaves are all out and the spring flowers in full bloom, a beautiful time of year!
Hope everyone has an eventful spring and enjoys hours of sun and fresh air!

Pork, Poultry, Beef Dry Soup Mixes LOCALLY Grown, Crafted and Marketed
Bread, Buns, Pies Fishing Lures
Cookies, Squares Artwork
Jams & Jellies Photography
Garden Produce as available

Find us on the Recreation Field near Bandstand

BBQ on site
Hamburgers, Fridays 12:00 noon till 4:00 pm
Hotdogs, Starting June 2nd, through September 15th
Smokies New Vendors & YOUTH Vendors WELCOME!
Contact Market Manager Regina Kemp 250.699-8651

June 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3
Curling Meeting Community
4:30 arena Market 12-4pm

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mixed Media & BBQ 10:30-2:30 Community FLESS Grad
Wine 6:30 White Swan Park Market 12-4pm

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Poetry & Pie Big Bike Ride
Market 12-4pm Celebrating
2:00 Legion 6:30 pm FLESS Seniors 5pm
Auction 5:30

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Fathers Day Community
Market 12-4pm

25 26 27 28 29 30 July 1st
Mouse Mnt
Community Day parade-
Market 12-4pm Dance Legion

Autumn Mike Walsh for doing such a good job na, open from Noon until 4 p.m. every
Service calling. And thanks to everyone who Friday.
Presidents brought prizes from pork to cookies,
Report We will be holding our A.G. M. on
from money to hand lotion and every- June 29th 5 p.m. at Autumn Services
thing in between. and we will be electing the Officers.
By Anne Letz Our last Pot Luck was held on Sunday Pizza will be available, so come and
28th May. About 30 people attended have supper with us.
the final dinner and they seemed like On Saturday June 17th from 5 p.m.
they didnt want to leave. Look for the
Another month has gone by. Where until 8 p.m. we are celebrating our
winter potlucks to begin on the last
did May go? Seniors with a free turkey dinner and
Sunday of September the 24th. desert. The venue is at Mouse Moun-
Are we all enjoying the warm weather? The Soup programme will be carrying tain School. Pick up your Free tickets
It seems that we have waited a long on throughout the summer months at A.S. before June 9th so we know
time but its here at last. held every Friday lunch time. Please if how many to cater for.
We held our last bingo until Septem- you are in town, come and join us and I would like to take this opportunity to
ber. It seems it was well received by meet some wonderful people.
the people who attended, and a good Dont forget that the Community Mar- wish you all a safe Summer.
way to spend a couple of hours on a ket starts up again June 2nd by the Are-
Wednesday afternoon. My thanks to

Our Wee hamlet from the eye of a DJI Drone.

Recognize this?
These are pictures taken with a DJI Phan-
toms 3 Standard Drone.
It has a 500 m height capacity and can fly a
distance of 1000 m.
Ian Balcombe has been practicing with his
new bird and is getting some great shots.
This picture of the village of Fraser Lake is
similar to something taken from the top of
Mouse Mountain, but with a far wider pano-
Pics he has taken of the back of the mountain
show all the detail of rock slides and animal
trails. And his pictures of events like the
Family Day picnic at the lake in February are
able to give an overhead of what the whole
area looks like from the eye of an eagle.


Soil has been delivered to the site.

By Appointment only
Anyone still wishing garden plots is asked to contact
Lynn Clark. Plots numbered 8,12,14,16 are still
free. The school has 17-20 as well as 21-25 and
28/29. Lynn will see about getting lumber to build
26/27 at the west end. There is volunteer lettuce in
20 if anyone wants to transplant before the school
kids start weeding and planting. The strawberry bed
has been weeded already.

Congratulations to
Teresa no longer has
Copper T Ranch FLE
of J
regular hours.
To book with her call Cad
the salon directly @

cuts, colours, perms waxing,
eyelash extensions, eyebrow tinting,
pedicures, seniors foot care, gel nails,
manicures and
Threading & Eyelash perming

Flexible hours for your convenience!

CRYSTAL works Monday & Tuesday
and Evenings & Weekends Congratulations to Trevor and Janice Tapp of Copper -T
Ranch, recipients of the 2017 BC Ranch Sustainability Award
recognizing their commitment to, and excellence in
environmental stewardship and sustainability.
Call Photo submitted
Text Trevor and Janice Tapps Copper-T Ranch on the Northshore of Fraser Lake has
been a local icon since 1988 when they developed their own naturally grown,
grain and grass-fed beef.
Joanne Bussi The easy-going Herford cattle raised at Copper-T Ranch are a result of a strong
Is BACK! Book your culling and selection process. The calves are raised naturally and fed minimal grain
appointment with as weanlings and yearlings. No hormone implants or growth enhancers are used in
the cattle and the beef is antibiotic-free and government inspected.
Joanne on Wed or Thurs Besides raising cattle, Copper-T Ranch sells beef at different venues in the area
Please text or call and attend most Fridays at the Community Market in Fraser Lake.
directly to book your At a recent BC Cattleman Association AGM, the Tapps were recognized provin-
cially and given the 2017 Ranch Sustainability Award demonstrating their com-
appointment @ mitment to making improvements to the environmental management of their
250.699-1457 property.
Look for their booth at the Community Market starting on Friday June 2nd from
Noon to 4:00 pm.

8th Annual Fraser Lake Bike Rodeo

Submitted by Cst. James
THER. Potyok
The Fraser Lake RCMP, BC Ambulance, Fraser Lake Fire Rescue, and Fort Fraser Fire Department would like to thank everyone
who attended the 8th annual FL Bike Rodeo. We saw another great turnout from families in 2017. The number of community mem-
bers speak volumes about the strength of the Fraser Lake Community. The Fraser
Lake RCMP would like to thank the sponsors of the 2017 event. Bikes all waiting to get new owners
Special Thanks to our sponsors:
* Canfor Plateau * Fraser Lake Victim Services
* CIBC Fraser Lake Branch * Hurry Help Landscaping
* EveryBody Fitness * New Gold Black Water Project
* Fraser Lake & Area Early Childhood * Par 3 Sports
Development Committee * The Village of Fraser Lake
* Fort Fraser Fire Department * Western Financial
* Fraser Lake Fire Rescue * West Fraser Sawmill
* Tickets
Fraser Lake Medicine Centre
$1 each
We especially want to thank
all the community members
that attend each year.
This event would not be pos-
sible without your continued
See you next Year!
Cst James R Potyok
Fraser Lake RCMP

My heartfelt thanks to family and friends for all the Get Well
wishes, visits, flowers, and cards. And also the taxi service to
From appointments and coffee breaks. In a small town like this I was
Eileen Malchow blessed to have so many visitors. Thank-You! Thank-you!

Need patio blocks?

Need fertilizer? Mon to Fri
Need a new rake & 9:00 to 5:30
garden gloves? OPEN Sat
9:00 to 5:00
friendly folks at
Ace can help... 250.699-6506
40 Cougar Street, Fraser Lake

Fraser Lake Building Center


Free ads on this page Community page

2017 Gymkhana
May 6th Play Day & BBQ
May 7th Gymkhana
May 27th Gymkhana
June 3rd Gymkhana
June 24th Gymkhana
July 8th Gymkhana
July 22nd Gymkhana
Sept 16th Gymkhana
Sept 30th Gymkhana
Membership Fees:
Non Riding $10
Single Riding $30
Family Riding $50
For more info call:
Kerry @ 250.699-6806
Visit the Facebook page
Fraser Lake Saddle Club Riders

Community Market
June 2,9,16,23,30
BRACELETS TO SUPPORT July 7,14, 21, 28
Derek Jezewsky August 4,11,18,25
are available at Par 3 Sports September 1,8,15

FL Early Childhood Development FRASER LAKE PUBLIC

**Fort Fraser Play Day - Tuesdays Time 9:30 am to 11:30 am LIBRARY HOURS
Fort Fraser Recreation Building (by playground) Ages 0-6
Monday closed
** Fraser Lake Indoor Playground - Tuesday Time 1:00 to 3:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 4:00 pm
Upstairs in FL Arena
Wednesday 12:00 - 8:00 pm
** Fraser Lake Indoor Playground - Thursday Time 1:00 to 3:00
Thursday 12:00 - 8:00 pm
Upstairs in FL Arena
Friday 10:00 - 4:00 pm
** Fraser Lake Indoor Playground Bumps & Babes, Thursday, Saturday 10:00 - 2:00 pm
Time 1:15 to 2:45 Upstairs in Arena. Open to expectant moms and par-
ents with children up to 12 months old. Refreshments, speakers, baby BLOWOUT BOOK SALE
weights and measures.
** Fraser Lake Public Library Lego Day, Thursday Pocketbook paperbacks -10 cents
each //Trade Paperbacks, Hard
June 1st, 3:15 - 4:45pm at the Library. Open to all ages, children must
cover, fiction, non-fiction-25
be accompanied by an adult cents each
Follow us on facebook for updates or call 250. 570-7868




Autumn Services is the home of THE PHRASER CONNECTOR .
the Phraser Connector, your 100% THANK YOU FOR YOUR DEDICATED SUPPORT
volunteer run local paper!
Sponsored in part by the
Nechako Literacy Committee
Martineau Plumbing & Heating
312 McMillan Avenue Licensed Gas Fitter & Plumber
Po Box #557 95% High Efficient Furnace Replacement
Fraser Lake BC HotWaterTank Replacement
V0J 1S0 Call Wayne Martineau
Phone: (250) 699-0056 Phone 250.699-6597
Or (250) 699-1023 Cell 250.699-1384

To read the Phraser Connector on-line:

Phraser Connector is distributed
FREE once a month to
1480 area mail boxes
Business Card 5.3cm x 9.3cm - $30 per insert
3 x Business Card size - $75 per insert
1/4 Page size 6 cm x 19 cm - $105 per insert
1/2 Page 12cm x19cm - $185 per insert TECHNOPURE WATER
Full page 24cm x 19cm - $375 per insert
Ask about our rates for non-profits Water Treatment Systems
To advertise email:
Drink only the best
Dont forget to call
Autumn Services 250-699-0056
for all your
Copying & Designing needs!!
Book a Birthday Party, For bottled water, pick up, or delivery
Meeting or Baby Shower! Call 699-6688

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