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YOUR local Fraser Lake, Endako, Fort Fraser & area NEWS

Phraser Connector
100% volunteer run local paper! Sponsored in part by the Nechako Literacy Committee

Distribution Issue Date JULY 2017 Volume # 60 Free

1480 copies monthly

By Elaine Storey
to handle
The BC Wildfire Service confirmed 13 new There have been a crop of new blazes in the followed by the Williams Lake reentry
wildfires were started July 30th bringing Monte Lake areas between Vernon and which began on July 28th.
the current total of blazes in the province Kamloops. The first Monte Lake fire on
Although many have been allowed to re-
to 150. July 26th, saw crews drop a record
turn home, Emergency Management BC
amount of retardant in a single day measur-
Since April 1st, there have been 818 fires estimates that about 5,000 people are still
ing 600,000 liters. The fire is presently
which have burned nearly 426,000 hectares under evacuation order and 41,600 on
30% contained and covers 150 hectares.
of forest. alert. A state of Emergency remains in ef-
The Elephant Hill Fire around Clinton is a fect until the beginning of August.
Battling these numerous fires has cost al-
beast and continues to burn aggressively at
most $172,5 million. Since the first round In the Vernon area, campers were spotted
74,000 hectares with just 30% contain-
of lightening strikes in early July, crews on enjoying beverages around a fully engaged
ment. On July 29th, Clinton was issued an
the ground and in the air include: 4600 BC campfire. Wildfire personnel responded,
Evacuation Oder as the fire crossed the
firefighters; 1000 from out of province; extinguished the fire and immediately is-
Bonaparte River and was moving upslope
200 from Australia; 200 water bombers sued a$1,150 fine. CFIO Kevin Screpnek
to Clinton. Within a day of this, the Order
and helicopters;1500 private contractors reminds people that a campfire ban remains
was extended north to Green Lake, where
doing back burns and making fire guards. throughout most of the province. And the
Highway 97 was closed southbound at 70
public is warned to stay off the back roads
Chief Fire Information Officer Kevin Mile House. This fire has been a challenge
and not impede the work of fire fighters on
Screpnek of Kamloops says, Ongoing as it continues to moves unpredictably.
the ground and on the lakes as they scoop
weather conditions remain a concern. We
While some families continue to run from water with their helicopters and planes.
are on the cusp of a heat wave, the temper-
their communities, others thankfully are
atures will be reaching the high 30s and They are claiming this fire season to date is
returning. Relief came to thousands who
40s into the next week. Gusty winds, ex- the worst in 56 years. Unfortunately many
were evacuated to Prince George and other
treme dryness and no substantial rain is in of these large hectare fires are burning near
parts of the province at the beginning of
the foreseeable future. This current weath- towns and close to pubic property which
July. Ministry of Transportation spokesper-
er pattern is going to cease and that can negate human safety, forcing evacuations
son Norm Parks says the 100 Mile House re
happen quite aggressively with high winds. and road closures.
-entry process went smoothly on July 25th,
The Official Community Plan is a document with a land use focus yet when
Community questions thirty-five people came together at Autumn Services to hear the public
presentation, questions spilled into all facets of community sustainability
including recycling, attracting small business and health care.
By Elaine Storey
The last plan was presented in 2008 when the southside subdivision was
being constructed, said CAO Rod Holland. Lets re-set the button. How
do we keep residents safe, happy, and healthy? What about quality of life?
Goals and policies? What direction do we want to go?
With little prompting questions emerged like, How do we keep family
doctors so we can have consistency in peoples health? Why cant we have
curb-side recycling? Do we need a design standard for future development
or is it covered in by-laws? What about unsightly yards? Potholes?
A working group formed from the presentations and will be tasked to gen-
erate ideas that will enhance the OCP and lend some direction.

collected her and she lazed for the weekend, And on those occasions we would rush off in
licking raw, a row of about twenty stitches. the car and herd her home. Once she was on
Recovery came quick, and within a few days the lam she would have nothing to do with
By Elaine Storey she established a new normal with one sleek the car-ride home, but would turn around
Editor/publisher side bearing a row of plastic knots. Her and race you, taking all the shortcuts. By
appetite returned and she used her forward the time you drove down the driveway, she
You cant teach an old dog new tricks they momentum to run down the driveway, wind was faking sleep on the front step.
say whistling in her ears. Several years ago on a cold winter day, I
NEWS FLASH!!! The pill helps with her achy joints, and she got word that she was out chasing coyotes
likes the taste of them. It wasnt long for on the lake. The CN crew had watched the
Venus (who is 83 in people years) has
her to get us trainedhalf a pill every morn- coyotes close in on her until she turned and
learned to drink from the toilet bowland
while you may not think that is a commend- ing in a treat. She loves the idea of getting put the chase on them. I left work and
treats without doing tricks (not that she spent an hour scouring the white landscape
able skill, I beg to differ.
performed tricks even in her youth) but, she for the frozen body only to come home and
At 83 she is almost blind, mostly deaf and stands by the fridge door waiting. You can find her curled up on the front step as if
unsteady on her hind legs. The spring in her see your reflection in her glassy eyes and nothing happened.
legs has sprung...Her kiddy-up-go is on while she may not know which hand you In aging Venus has been seventy parts pre-
vacation. She is a permanent fixture on her hold the treat, she blocks your way until she dictable and thirty parts unpredictable. She
mat in front of the fireplace and on the rare gets what she wants. moves with less ease, eats less and doesn't
occasion still watches TV with us from her
Her muzzle greyed about four years ago and stray far from the yard. The unpredictable
corner of the couch downstairs.
she is continually shedding. When she set- parts are how she reacts to kids and other
Although wobbly, she still manages the tles at her mat a cloud of cast-off fur settles dogs. Like a cat, she once would disappear
stairs both up and down. Where she once in around her. Its a full time gig snatching when kids came over. Now she wants to be
barely touched a step she now hits them all fur from her coat and scooping clumps off right beside them as if drawing energy from
and through sheer force and determination the floor. their highly charged bodies. And other dogs?
gets to the top. On occasion she attempts She not only tolerates them, but shares her
them two at a time- its not pretty but with Being pet owners we recognize the subtleties blanket and worms in for her share when
me in the stern, I can keep her from sliding of dog-aging. Wikipedia explains it like treats or dinner are being offered.
back down. At the top, or the bottom, she is this : "Aging begins at birth, but its mani-
happy and wiggles her appreciation may- festations are not noticeable for several We keep Venuss dish by the patio doors and
years. The first sign of aging is a general unless were in the kitchen we dont hear
be recalling a time when she could jump
onto the hood of the truck from a still posi- decrease in activity level, including a ten- her eating or drinking. So, it was a surprise
dency to sleep longer and more soundly, a one day to hear a loud slurping sound com-
tion at my feet.
waning of enthusiasm for long walks and ing from the bathroom. I did the mental
Venus has been very healthy until the last games of catch, and a loss of interest in the check in my head and realized that the
few years when a plate-sized growth planted goings on in the home." Venus is exhibiting granddogs and a company dog had all gone
itself on her left front flank. Bob took her progressive signs of being less rambunctious home. Curious if another animal could have
for the ride (to the vet) and I thought she and less inquisitive. Her morning jaunt made its way into the house for a drink I
may not return. down the block takes about ten minutes, searched for who or what was slurping. To
Alas, the growth was benign and the vet was after which she may curl up in the garage my surprise it was Venus. I shooed her away
more than happy to lob it off at a later on her outside bed. from the bathroom and checked her water
date. Some anti-wobble pills were in order As a young, active dog, she would ask to go bowlsure enough it was empty.
and she came home with renewed vigor and out for a tour and end up in the lake, where At 83 she had discovered a new water source
a new lease on life. she would swim and drink water. On occa- inside the house. For a dog who has never
Thursday before the Maylong weekend, she sion she could end up downtown where a slurped from the porcelain bowl, it was a
went in for surgery and again I was sur- kind policemen would give her a ride home. pleasant surprise to realize she is still capa-
prised when they called to say she was in People would call sometimes to say she was ble of problem solving and obviously not too
recovery When could we pick her up?. We here or there dragging her chain or halter. old to teach herself a new trick.
Fraser Lake Fire Rescue Team
members held a vehicle wash, Amandas car full of fire fighters
and BBQ on July 22.
The fundraiser was in support
of building the Fraser Lake Fire
Rescue Training Society Re-
gional Training Centre.
The carwash was a busy place
from 10:00 am to 2:00pm with
the fire rescue volunteers wash-
ing several cars, vans, trucks
and one dusty logging truck -
shown below.

Fire Chief
Reds Bike ..

The aerial view of logging truck

being washed pic by Ian Balcombe

This is the COMMUNITY

FLESS...many people are
working very hard to
keep this garden watered
and tended...PLEASE

This was the second bout of vandalism at the community garden. The first one went unmentioned as one of
the gardeners was able to figure out who the culprits were and spoke to the parents who thankfully made
their kids go back and clean up the mess. Carrots, zucchini, strawberries, peppers and lots of lettuce was
strewn all the way around to half way across the playground. This time it was only baby carrots pulled and
thrown in a water barrel, but the gardener's work hard to grow what they do and even donate produce to the
Community Market to fundraise for berry bushes to plant back at the garden plots. Its very disheartening to
see the wanton destruction. Parents PLEASE talk to your children to have more respect for the hard work
that goes into growing food and for the food itself.


Come find our buns at the Fraser Lake Shopping Centre

Get your Subs, Cinnamon Buns, Muffins and more
Lunch Specials include-Soup or Chili or Lasagna
Doors open at 4:00 a.m. for all YOU early risers

8th Annual Dennis Hiatt Memorial REMINDER From Fraser Lake Festival of the
Arts (August 11th and 12th)

MUD B GS If you have any art form you'd like to display,

please contact Cathy Harder at 699-1234.
Bring the Family out An exciting event being held is a "Make and Take" free art class given by
Hear the ENGINES ROAR! Geri Malchow using the Bob Ross oil painting technique with Mouse
and see the MUD FLY! Mountain being the subject. Check out Bob Ross's website. The 2 hour
class starts at 1 p.m. and Geri would like around 10 participants,
from 10- 100 years old :) All materials will be supplied.
To sign up or for more info contact Geri, via her cell
(she would prefer texting), 250-699-2844,
or Tammy Gensmeyer 250-699-8092.

August 19 & 20 at There will be other workshops happening on Aug. 12th in

Endako Rod & Gun Club the arena, including children's painting,
dyeing, etc. which do not need pre-registration.
Gill Kopy will be offering free 4 x 6 portraits

SPECTATOR PASSES Fraser Lake Community

- Ages 5 & under, free
- Ages 6-12 $10 per day Health Centre
- Ages 13 & up $15 per day Fun for KIDS! Ginny Burns-Nurse Practitioner
Or $20 for weekend Mud Pit Dr Shannon Douglas To Book an Appt:
- Family of 5 - $30 per day Foot Races! Call 250.699-6225
Dr Midori Yamamoto
Or $45 for the weekend Closed 12:001:00 daily
Dr Rena Romain

Events start @ 11am Saturday & 10 am Sunday Medical Clinic open Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Concession, washrooms, parking, kids activities and more Ambulatory Outpatient Monday to Friday 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Contact Tammy @ 250.567-0340 or Judy at 250.570-0077 Lab open Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 10:30 am
for more information go to Xray open Mon & Wed 9:00 3:30 / Thursday 9:00 - 11:00 or like us on Facebook Public Healthall inquiries call 250-699-6225

The Phraser Connector is on-line. READ IT @

Outdoors in the Summer its the place to be

Nothing says
Summer Fun !
like White Tents,
Peter Oulette crooning some Music, and old cars..
favourites for the crowd Such was the scene on the weekend
of the White Swan Music Festival and
Car Rally..
About 50 drivers took part in the Classic
Car Rally that showcased motorbikes,
Fords, Chevys and an A&W Root Beer
Mug in the window
Volunteer Rick Wymer teaching tourists
how to make fish hooks under the canopy
Kayaking on a summer day at the park photo submitted
Photo by Paige Allen

Cutting the hay fields with Mouse Mountain in background

Picture submitted by Lori Steiner

Health Centre Gets New Administrator

By Elaine Storey
A Leaflet of Canada
By Grace Anderson Welcome Angie Sterling To Fraser Lake. You may have seen her
(or not) as she has technically been working at the Community
A maple leaf fluttered softly down Health Center since April 20th.
Out from a pale autumn sky
Angie manages the day to day working operations at the clinic.
Fluttered, landing on the lap of a child
Her duties include handling the MOAs, supervising the staff and
A child, though long stretched her years.
support staff and generally making sure things run smoothly.
For eyes which had seen two wars and a peace
Knew also the music of joy; Angie organizes the work schedule for the entire clinic staff.
And the Light which nourished her flicker of hope, When a hole appears in the medical coverage, she works with the
Had been born on a winter's night still. Rural Locum Program to find someone to cover shifts. Because
the Fraser Lake Community Health Center is considered a
A maple leaf crunched noisily Learning Placement for
Under work boots tired and worn students from UNBC,
As snow-shedding winds tore loud and shrill she will often oversee
On shoulders hunched against the cold. their placement in Fra-
Shoulders bearing the weight of a tree ser Lake.
Though they say hes a workman plain
Yet quickens his step to a drum almost missed - Its my job to make
For a chirp now heralds the spring. sure there is coverage
every week, says An-
A maple leaf raised by hands soft yet firm gie who has been on
Is held aloft to catch morning light. the job now for about
The eyes which ponder are old not with age three months. While
But the heart pounding swiftly is young. she admits she came
Now a glorious radiance shines in her eyes here because the pace
And faster! lighter! comes the step: promised to be a bit
As the hope leading life through joys and tears quieter, the former
Draws youth onward, to eternitys dawn. Vanderhoof resident, plans to enjoy her down time so she can
enjoy her hobbies. Looking forward to getting to know people,
trying the walking trails, and sampling the eating choices, Angie is
happy to spend her time here and not on the road travelling back
and forth between Vanderhoof & Prince George.

Fraser Lake
Society BBQ
Book an appointment today!
August 4th
11:30am 2pm

In Front of
Par 3 Sports

August 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5
Market 12-4
Endowment Fund
BBQ 11:30

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
BC Day Market 12-4
Festival of Arts
10-4 arena
Festival of Arts

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Explore Dance Explore Dance Explore Dance Explore Dance Market 12-4
Community Mud Bogs
Market 12-4pm

20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Starters & Enders
Mud Bogs 5:00 pm at SFN Slo-Pitch
Autumn Services Tournament
$10 a Ticket

27 28 29 30 31
SFN Slo-Pitch Stellaten Salmonfest & the
Stellaten Wellness
Tournament Salmonfest Centre Open House

HUGE THANK-YOU in order pancakes, Regina Kemp for taking a turn in the Autumn
kitchen, Bobby Hurry for flipping pancakes, Service
A huge Shout-Out to Lynda Rubis and Lori & hanging posters, setting up, taking down and Presidents
Bobby Hurry who organized the BBQ at White everything in between . We at Autumn Report
Swan Park the weekend of the Music Festival Services thank you ALL from the bottom of
& Car Rally. Not only did they cook all week- our heart.
end, but they ordered the food, packed it to
Look for Autumn Services to run a BBQ on By Anne Letz
the park, set everything up and took it all
Saturday at the Festival of Arts, Saturday Au-
down on Sunday.
gust 12th...see you there.
As if BBQ hamburgers and hotdogs wasn't
At Autumn Services there is no end to the
enough they added breakfast to the menu (on
ways we can help out. When the call came out
Sat night) and were at the park at 7:00 am on
Sunday morning with a compete breakfast
that Fire Evacuees were in need of towels and
toiletries and books and toys- word spread and
menu and pre-cooked eggs and bacon.
in two days we were able to collect 6 totes full Starters and Enders dinner
The Hurrys are also to be recognized for go- of dry goods to be given to evacuees from the =Join us at Autumn Services=
ing over and above the description of various places in the province. Some went to
Volunteer when they asked if they could the Williams Lake Evacuees, and the rest were for Appys & Dessert Night
donate all the food..THANKYOU!!!! sent to some remote camps in the Interior. Dress code is summer-dressy
Special thanks to everyone who helped-May Thank you to those who made donations: Con- Tickets $10 each/ table settings of 4
Reid for manning the order table, Grace An- nie Rye, Heather Derkson, Bonnie Plowman, Sitting for 50 only.
derson and friends for spelling off the cooks, Mens Shed, Mike Walsh, Bob Storey, Marilyn
Eleanor MacDonald for helping with prep and Urlaquer, Colleen Hinds. Thank you all so
Fri Aug 25 @ 5pm
cooking and making delicious maple butter for much. And Thanks to Lori Slater for driving.
Our congratulations to Trevor & Janice Tapp from the Copper-T Ranch on receiving the 2017 British Columbia
Cattlemen's Association (BCCA) Ranch Sustainability Award. This award, formerly called the Environmental
Endako Stewardship Award, recognizes ranchers that have demonstrated excellence in environmental stewardship and
sustainability. Way to go Trevor & Janice, Bill Lloyd, Jamie Richardson and their son Jessie Lloyd. Bill and Ja-
This & That mie will eventually be taking over from the Tapp's and continue to breed Polled Hereford cattle.
By Audrey Read Many forest fires are reported in the Quesnel, Williams Lake, One Hundred Mile
House and areas. A real scary situation for homeowners and also people owning live-
stock. Several fires around the Fraser Lake area too, we should pack a few things too.
Have you ever taken on a project called: "Selling a ranch, buying land, building a house and moving?" It is one project
that can have more sharp curves and square corners than you could possibly imagine! WOW! But I am SO lucky to have
some of my family and some wonderful friends that know what they are doing and are willing to give good advice! But
never mind, five years from now I will be able to look back on this adventure with amazement and contentment I am
sure! Good thing I love to move.
Can't believe how windy it has been all spring, just dries things right out, seems like I have to water the garden every This noisy crowbaby balanced
other day! My lawn is getting to look pretty brown....saves having to mow it anyway. And my flower beds, well, on this branch for a few days
they are looking pretty sad but...whatever, maybe it will rain, they need to be dug up and replanted that is for with Mamma tucking food into
sure....."Next year" that is what we say about farming isn't it! LOL its beak every ten minutes
=== cant wait for it fly away
Savory Road welcomes new neighbours who have bought the Read Ranch, Joe, Ria, Justin, Sarah, Dixie and Levi Photo by E Storey
Beckman. They come to our wonderful area from Alberta and are very excited about living here. As they won't be moving for awhile I am able to
stay here until I get my house built....a great opportunity for me! Good luck in your future endeavours folks!
Crazy I know but I have several trees that their leaves are turning color...what on earth is with that for land sakes! It
isn't from lack of moisture that is for sure. Maybe some kind of a bug or something. Some of my friends were telling me Yep! The
about a large sized white moth that is flying around, at the time I hadn't seen any but when we went to Smithers they Huckles
were all over the side walks! I saw one here this morning but that is all I have seen here.... Someone said they turn into are BACK
the worm that eats the poplar leaves.
I pulled out ALL of my onions this morning....all twenty-three of them! And I planted three hundred sets! Those darn
onion maggots, my own darn fault, I forgot to put salt, flour and wood ashes in the row before I planted them this
year! Darn it anyhow! Well, I don't think I'll forget another time!
Hope everyone is enjoying the Farmer's Market again this year, all the great produce, jams, jellies, pork, beef, baking
and many other items,
This morning I have four does wandering around the corral, the grass is very tall so I didn't see any fawns although they
could have been with their mothers. Very nice to see but I hope they don't get possessive like that one did last year....after all this IS my yard and
not theirs! Sure a lot of black bears around the fields too, hope they stay away from the house!
Our sincere condolences go to Janet Gumm and her father, Ben Gumm and their family in the loss of their dear mother and wife, Loretta Gumm
on Sunday July 23, 2017. Rest in peace Loretta.

Teresa no longer has regular

OFFERING THESE SERVICES Flexible hours for your Joanne Bussi
hours. To book with her
-CUTS convenience! is back!
call the salon directly @
-PERMS Monday & Tuesday Book your
250.699-0055 -WAXING
Evenings & Weekends appointments
-EYEBROW TINTING with her on
-PEDICURES, Wednesday
-MANICURES or Thursday
-GEL NAILS, 699-1457

EVACUATION FOR REAL. The second vehicles occupants are my niece Amanda, my 88
year old dad and two more dogs. The dogs are smaller but space
By Julia Jack of Williams Lake (formerly of Fraser Lake) needs to be found for a cooler for dads Celiac-based dietary
food. They are also transporting items for someone that was out
(July 8th) It is very hot and dry and thoughts of putting an evac- of town when the alert was sounded.
uation kit together cross my mind. What to put in it? I recall see-
After a lengthy drive we arrive at my cousins lake-view home.
ing a list some place; meds, important papers, pictures, pets, and
Adjustments were made with the sleeping arraignments and we
parents. Dont forget to grab the parents aged 86 and 88. I
all settled in. There was only one chair that my mother could sit
thought that in the very least I should go and discuss with them
in and still get out of and we made adjustments to her bed. My
the prospect of putting together a grab bag of what they would
niece set up a tent for herself and I had the luxury of a small trail-
need and arrange with my niece how to execute a possible escape
er all to myself. Everyday we would drive within range to pick
if needed. The smell of smoke permeates the air.
up on the latest news. Evacuation of the entire city of Williams
Dad is reluctant to take me seriously until I lead him out into Lake .. more fires .. more waiting.
the driveway and point to Fox Mountain behind our houses and
We all adjust to our new routine, becoming familiar with the
the funnel of smoke spiraling above it. He then begins to pack.
rural setting and the quiet. There is no end in sight to the evacua-
The smoke is getting thicker. By the end of the day it is so
tion order. My Dad and his dog moved into the pump house to
smokey that I make the decision to take my parents across to the
have their own space, and Amanda moved into the motor home.
other side of the city to higher ground and clearer air. We take
over my brothers vacant house for three days. It turns out that The next few days are full of trips to PG to get food vouchers,
this was merely a dry run for the real thing. Upon my brothers Burns Lake to spend the food vouchers and trips into Fraser Lake.
return from his cabin we feel it is less smokey and could handle Each parent evacuated with only one pair of pants so the Crisis
the situation only to arrive home in time to be issued an alert. Center helped us out. George was a welcome face at the Medi-
Smoke thickens, time to repack and prepare for the worst. My cine Center refilling medications. Autumn Services held a few
son Gareth who ran from the Fort McMurray Dad is reluctant to more familiar faces from the past. Mom is bored. She is
fires the previous summer urges us to get ahead take me seriously. tired of being so dependent on everyone to get around. She
of the pack as evacuation appears immanent. wants to be in her garden, which is probably dead now.
When asked what the worst part of being evacuated has been she
Ready but where do we go? Register at WL campus of Lake
stated, the toilet which was not made to accommodate the el-
City Secondary my work place. Call my cousin and announce
derly. She was afraid that when she sat down she would get stuck
that we are coming for an unexpected visit! We leave in a convoy
and not get back up. I guess she managed this task much like the
of two vehicles. My small Jeep Wrangler carries four passengers -
traditional toilets in Japan. Dad is bored and states, I just move
my 86 year old mobility-challenged mother, a cat in a carrier and
from one chair to another
two large dogs among whatever else we deem important.
(July 27th) Jubilation! The announcement has come through
today that the evacuation order has been lifted. Plans
House for Sale need to be made. Of all the plans, the hardest have
been my sons wedding which was to take place Aug
On the beautiful North 12th in Williams Lake. With the evacuation, and now
Shore of Fraser Lake. no end in sight to the alert being in place, the wedding
140 acres of Hobby
Farm. 900 feet of shore-
is being moved to Kamloops. A golf course there
front. Fenced &cross- which is always booked solid had one date available,
fenced-80 acres of pro- August 12. Engagement and wedding celebrations
duction plagued with fires hopefully means the worst will be
4 bedrooms behind them. So this Saturday we are planning the
3 full bathrooms trek back to Williams Lake, although Fraser Lake feels
Full basement Asking very much like our second home. The people here
3 tiered patio
Cement Root Cellar 3-tiered deck with great lake view Price have been both very welcoming and accommodating.
Thank you Fraser Lake for your hospitality and thank
26 ft x 32 ft work $489,000 you to my cousin and her family for making us feel at
shop Phone
2 hay sheds home. Written by Julia Jack
Bee House/Green Text * UPDATE-The Jack family only spent a few
250.699-2456 days at their home in Williams Lake before
Garden Shed/Big
Garden being RE-EVACUATED back to Fraser Lake

GUEST COLUMN Written by Summer Student Grace Anderson

I awoke with
smile on
OFmy face, although most of the world still slept - and stretched lazily. Phil Vassars
Just another day in Paradise; Good song, I mused profoundly
It was an hour-long bus ride from my rental to the university. I attributed my scenic ride to the fact that insur-
ance costs for 5 years car ownership before age 25 surpasses the worth of anything a broke student dreams of.
And, all my classes in the week began bright and early at 8:00 am (or 8:30 on the sleep-in days). This meant set-
ting two alarms: one for Get-Up, and one for Get-Out! Im generally a light sleeper after sun-up; a page turns or a
board creaks after the tender hour of 2 am and you might think someone had zapped me.
So, my wake-up alarms fluctuated between gently crashing waves and birds twittering softly. You might then
be asking yourself: Why did she wake up to a peppy country song then? My only answer is, sleep deprivation
works marvels in the ruins of a university student and you guessed it! The music flooding my room with com-
fortable waves of happy memory was instantly transformed into a panic alarm. 6:50!!!!!!!! I was supposed to be
briskly covering the 12-minute walk to the bus stop RIGHT NOW, where my bus would be leaving at 7!
I was frozen with horror. Worse yet, I realized that this was a class I couldnt afford to miss - one including
juicy tidbits our professor had slotted for the exam this would be the last bus that could bring me there.
each seconds were slipping through my fingers as I deliberated whether to switch gears to super-speed
and hope for the best, or disintegrate onto the floor in a heap of weep.
All I know in retrospect, is that it shouldnt have happened: I still cant explain how. But in between one back-
pack laden roadrunner and a mercifully late bus, 38 minutes later, the nutrition class was made (with 5 minutes to
Of course, details like crimson cheeks, fogged glasses and wind-blown hair had to be humbly swallowed - as
the trimmings to a (literally) staggering victory!


Mon to Fri
-Tool Rentals -Wood Stoves 9:00 to 5:30
-Paint Sales OPEN Sat
-Key Cutting 9:00 to 5:00
-Lock Keying -Propane Sales
-Delivery Service -Kitchen Cabinets 250.699-6506
-Building Quotes -Pellet Stoves
40 Cougar Street, Fraser Lake

Fraser Lake Building Center


Free ads on this page Community page

2017 Gymkhana
Sept 16th Gymkhana EVERY FRIDAY NOON TO 4:00PM
Sept 30th Gymkhana
August 4,11,18,25
Membership Fees:
Non Riding $10 September 1,8,15
Single Riding $30
Family Riding $50
For more info call: FL LIBRARY HOURS
Kerry @ 250.699-6806 Monday closed
Visit the Facebook page Tuesday 10:00 - 4:00 pm
Fraser Lake Saddle Club Riders Wednesday 12:00 - 8:00 pm
Thursday 12:00 - 8:00 pm
MISSING PERSON - Fraser Lake Friday 10:00 - 4:00 pm
Jerry Keith KRIETZ 42 years of age was Saturday 10:00 - 2:00 pm
reported missing by family. He travelled from
Fraser Lake to Prince George on July 7th to pur-
chase some camping equipment at Canadian Tire.
Krietz stayed overnight at the Downtown Motel in Thanks to all our friends in our time of need.
Prince George. Krietz departed the motel between
10 - 11 on July 8th. Krietz has not been seen or Special thanks to the Mickey & Elvina Plowman family,
heard from since. He was driving a 2001 and to the Steiners.
Chevrolet Cavalier with Pontiac Sunfire Rims, Thanks to Clayton who seemed to be on call 24 hours a day.
the British Columbia license plate is- EK2 27K.
To Marcel & Helena Edel and our administrator Ron Teresky-
Mr. KRIETZ was to return to work on Monday
July 10th 2017 at 4:30 PM but failed to show up Without you, Jack couldn't have stayed here.
for work. This is out of character for him. Mr. Im so grateful to everyone.
KRIETZ recently moved from Manitoba to Fraser Betty Meilgaard
Lake. He calls his mother almost every day and it
is highly unusual to not have regular contact with FL Early Childhood Development
family members.
Fraser Lake
Mr. Jerry Keith KRIETZ is described as:
**Fort Fraser Play Day - Tuesday Time 9:30 -
Caucasian: 5 10;185 lbs; Brown eyes; Dark
Brown Hair (however it is usually shaved) 11:30 Fort Fraser Rec Building (by playground) Open from
Anyone who may have information on the ** Fraser Lake Indoor Playground - Tuesday 10:00 am
location of Mr. KRIETZ or any infor- Time 1:00 to 3:00 Upstairs in FL Arena
mation regarding this vehicle is asked to ** Mouse Mountain School Tent Days - Wednes-
call the Fraser Lake RCMP at day 9-10 (Excluding July 12 & 19)
2:00 pm
250 699-7777 or BC Crime Stoppers at ** Tots Around Town- Thursday 10-11:30 at Ongoing Garage
1-800-222-8477 various locations Sale...Come on
**Tentative Adventure Play Group in an check out
Thursday 10-11:30 in Augustmust pre-register the bargains..
Children must be accompanied by an adult
for updates or call 250. 570-7868 Across from YRB
For more info follow us
Missing 2001 Chevrolet Cavalier at FraserLakeEarlyChildDevelopment on Facebook


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