Martin Ibasco LC Adventurous Artist

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Adventurous Artist
Name: Martin Ibasco
Text: The Odyssey Books 5-8
Date: August 11
Books: 5-8

Adventurous Artist: The Odyssey features some of literature's most visually

memorable scenes; bring these epic settings to life by a) listing down words from the text
that help create vivid images, and (b) drawing some kind of picture or using multimedia forms
which captures the essence of the reading. It can be a sketch, cartoon, painting (by you or a
renowned painter), a flow chart or a diagram. The illustration must feature (a) a scene that's
discussed specifically in your book, or (b) something that the reading reminded you of, or (c) a
picture that conveys any idea or feeling you got from the reading. You may label the picture
with words if you wish. During the circle, feature the work you made or selected to the group first
without comment or explanation. Ask the members of your group to guess what your picture
means, to connect the drawing to their own ideas about the reading. After everyone has had a
say, tell them what it means, where it came from, or what it represents to you.

Write down the words or passages in the text that helped create vivid mental images.
Identify the sense that the image appealed to.

Word or Passage Sense Book #

where the largest trees grew--alder, poplar and pine, that Sight 5
reached the sky--very dry and well seasoned, so as to sail
light for him in the water.
The sea took the raft and tossed it about as Autumn Touch 5
winds whirl thistledown round and round upon a road.
As he said this he crept from under his bush, and broke off Sight 6
a bough covered with thick leaves to hide his nakedness.
Minerva then made him look taller and stronger than Sight 6
before, she also made the hair grow thick on the top of his
Outside the gate of the outer court there is a large garden Sight 7
of about four acres with a wall all round it.
a dozen sheep, eight full grown pigs, and two oxen. These Sight, Taste 8
they skinned and dressed so as to provide a magnificent
Supper was then served, and the wine was mixed for Touch, Taste 8
drinking. A servant led in the favourite bard Demodocus,
and set him in the midst of the company,
You may create images from Comic Life or make a collage of pictures (don't forget to
indicate the websites!)

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