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Stained glass is a glass that has been colored during its manufacture. The
colored glass is crafted into stained glass windows in which small pieces of glass are
arranged to form patterns or pictures, held together by strips of lead and supported by
a rigid frame. Painted details and yellow stain are often used to enhance the design.
Stained glass is a combination of art and a craft that requires an artistic skill to conceive
an appropriate and workable design, and the engineering skills to assemble the piece. A
window must fit exactly into the space for which it is made, must resist wind and rain,
and must support its own weight. The design of a window may be abstract or
figurative; may incorporate narratives drawn from the Bible, history, or literature; may
represent saints or patrons, or use symbolic motifs, in particular armorial (Wikipedia,

According to Jennie French, the importance of designing for stained glass is the
artistic and style. Finding sources for inspiration can be as simple as walking down the,
street, looking through a book, or taking sides of things that please you. An imaginative
mind can make use of reflection in water, the cubist paintings, machinery, or
architecture. Sources for ideas abound in everything that touches the senses.

Customers now want unique, custom and personalized items. Research has
shown that users, who interact with products, designing them and personalizing them,
are far more likely to purchase them. Consumers are now expecting product
customization, and forward-thinking merchants realize the need to satisfy this growing
demand for choice. Customization can be as simple as letting your customers choose
their own color scheme, or as personal as letting consumers add their name and
favorite color to an item. Product customization is one of the best tools to understand
what your customers want (Net Press, 2017).

A successful personalization campaign involves learning, creating, delivering, and

testing the right content for the right person at the right time and place on your website
or digital experience. The reality is that while personalization sounds straightforward in
concept, managing all of these pieces over time takes a lot of ramping up, including
putting the proper processes and resources in place. Though less tangible, another
important reason to invest in personalization centers on the lift in your brands affinity.
Personalized marketing provides you opportunities to continue to flex your brand and
speak to different audiences while ensuring your core identity remains protected. In a
2012 consumer behavior report , Harvard Business Review reported that almost two-
thirds of brand loyalists remain so primarily because they feel shared values with a
brand ( Alex Angstrom, 2016).

According to Aviv Canaani (2016), technology is gradually evolving and apps are
part of that. Most people have smart phones today, so apps are easy to access and
simply make your life better as a result. There are millions of mobile apps and
businesses are using apps to improve their processes and increase the level of their
customer. The point of a mobile app is to seamlessly connect and interact with
customers, making it a valuable tool for the modern business.

According to Melanie Haselmayr (2017), a contributor, one of the biggest

benefits of having a mobile app is that all the information youd like to provide to your
customers including special sales and promotions is right at their fingertips.
Through push notifications youre getting even closer to a direct interaction, and can
easily remind customers about your products and services whenever it makes sense. A
mobile app for your business can greatly contribute to your brand awareness.

A new trend these days is to create photo collages. These are collation of several
images into one single photograph. These are very popular. Instead of developing
several pictures, you can pour in all memories in just one image. The best part about
creating collages is that all your favorite can be accommodated in one single picture
(Harsh Agrawal, 2015).

Photo collages are one of the most popular photo editing entertainments on the
web. There are over a dozen of Android photo collage makers: free and paid, with
different number of collage layouts and photo effects, with manifold collage saving

According to Rene A. Gooc (2017), who is originally working as a former painter

before he decided to pursue and develop his skills on a stained glass industry. His
desire to create a masterpiece into the glass art helped him to improve the
sustainability of his company. REGO stained glass company is now operating for more
than a decade and already done a lot of projects and continuously satisfying costumer
by offering a durable, quality and creative stained glass products. In our fast-paced
world, Art and technology turns into an effective combination when it comes to
simultaneously creating new artworks and introduce it to the world by the use of
modern devices and applications.

This is the reason why researchers proposed the REGO Stained Glass Creator
App, it has a feature that customer can create their own design which is advantage for
both owner and the customers, because creating original designs for the stained glass
is the backbone of the company. Some problem that is frequently encountered in
creating designs is the dissatisfaction of the customers when it comes to the detailed
and specific idea of what they want to be added, but with the customization, customers
can be more satisfied because they have a freedom to create and edit the designs that
they wanted. And also, the company can easily visualize the costumers idea as well.

Creating mobile application for REGO Stained Glass Company will change their
manual creation of designs into customized and personalized designs, increases more
customers, less time consuming and costly with the help of REGO Stained Glass Creator

The study aimed to design, develop and to test the Rego stained glass creator
app. Specifically it sought to meet the following objectives:

1. To describe the user stories of stakeholder of Rego Stained Glass Creator App;

2. To identify the hardware and software requirements of Rego Stained Glass

Creator App;

3. Functional and non-Functional;

4. Usability;


The conceptual framework of this study is reflected in the paradigm as shown in

Figure 1.1. The following are the identified input needed in the study: The Traditional
process of Creating and selling of the Stained glass; The Hardware and Software
requirements of the proposed REGO stained glass creator App; and The Features of the
proposed REGO stained glass creator Application.
After gathering all the necessary input, the agile software development will be
used as research methodology to produce the output. The gile involved requirements
analysis, Architecture and Design, Development, and Testing, delivery and feedback.

The output of the study will be the REGO stained glass creator Application.

Targ Requirements
et user Dev
System Requirements
Hardware Requirements
and Design

System Design

Database Testing and Delivery Feedback

and Feedback
GUI (Graphical User

Figure 1.1


The proposed application deemed significant as it could contribute helpful ideas

which is beneficial to the following:

Rego Stained Glass. The result of the study will be beneficial to Rego Stained Glass
Company to satisfy their customer and to introduce it to the world by the use of mobile
application which is could gain more customers.
Clients. The conduct study will help the client to achieved their wants and satisfy by
making their own design.

Developer. The study helped the developer to work independently, enhanced their
ability, and gain more knowledge in making mobile applications.

Future Researchers. This research will serve as guide and may help to increase the
interest and understanding of the future researchers in stained glass creator app.


REGO Stained Glass creator intend to set up an editor App which can help customer
to choose and create their own stained glass design. The Editor App will help them to
customize and personalize their designs.

The app will also provide options like narratives drawn from the bible history or use
symbolic motif and figures representing arts and sciences. However, the developers
limit the users device for android phones only.


The following terms are defined both lexically and operationally for a better
understanding of the readers.

Stained glass
stained glass was usually used to make windows, so that the light would shine
through the painting. It is a form of painting that began over 1,000 years ago
and is still essentially made the same way today.

a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a
building, garment, or other object before it is built or made.

having or revealing natural creative skill.
design or produce (something) to meet someone's individual requirements.

Dissatisfaction results from contemplating what falls short of one's wishes or

a person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or business.

Mobile application
A mobile application, most commonly referred to as an app, is a type of
application software designed to run on a mobile device, such as a smart phone
or tablet computer. Mobile applications frequently serve to provide users with
similar services to those accessed on PCs.

Software can be thought of as the variable part of a computer and hardware
the invariable part. Software is often divided into application software (programs
that do work users are directly interested in) and system software (which
includes operating systems and any program that supports application software).

The Android operating system (OS) is based on the Linux kernel. Android is
open source, meaning developers can modify and customize the OS for each

Usability is the ease of use and learn ability of a human-made object such as
a tool or device.In software engineering, usability is the degree to which a
software can be used by specified consumers to achieve quantified objectives
with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a quantified context of use.

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