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The Role of Hypoxia-Induced Factors

in Tumor Progression
Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany

Key Words. Hypoxia HIF-1 Proteome changes Angiogenesis Genome changes


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After completing this course, the reader will be able to:
1. Describe hypoxia-induced mechanisms for cell survival.
2. Discuss hypoxia-induced gene expression.
3. Relate hypoxia and glucose metabolism.

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Hypoxia is a common characteristic of locally deficient environment. The transcription factor hypoxia-
advanced solid tumors that has been associated with inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) is a major regulator of tumor
diminished therapeutic response and, more recently, with cell adaptation to hypoxic stress. Tumor cells with pro-
malignant progression, that is, an increasing probability teomic and genomic changes favoring survival under
of recurrence, locoregional spread, and distant metastasis. hypoxic conditions will proliferate, thereby further aggra-
Emerging evidence indicates that the effect of hypoxia on vating the hypoxia. The selection and expansion of new
malignant progression is mediated by a series of hypoxia- (and more aggressive) clones, which eventually become
induced proteomic and genomic changes activating angio- the dominant tumor cell type, lead to the establishment
genesis, anaerobic metabolism, and other processes that of a vicious circle of hypoxia and malignant progression.
enable tumor cells to survive or escape their oxygen- The Oncologist 2004(suppl 5):10-17

INTRODUCTION microenvironment are due to an inadequate oxygen (O2)

Solid tumors comprise approximately 90% of all supply and the resultant hypoxia or even anoxia [2, 3].
known cancers [1]. They develop from a single mutated cell To grow beyond a diameter of approximately 1 mm,
and lead to significant morbidity and mortality, either by newly developing tumors must form their own vascular
invading normal tissue or by metastasizing to vital organs, network and blood supply, which they accomplish either
such as the liver, lung, or brain. The process of tumor pro- by incorporating preexisting host vessels or by forming
gression (i.e., proliferation, local invasion, and distant new microvessels through the influence of tumor angio-
metastasis) is characterized by rapid cellular growth genesis factors [2, 4]. However, the newly formed vascular
accompanied by alterations of the microenvironment of the network differs greatly from that found in normal tissue,
tumor cells. To a large extent, the alterations in the cellular typically displaying a broad range of structural and functional

Correspondence: Peter Vaupel, M.D., Dr. Med., M.A., Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology, University of Mainz,
Duesbergweg 6, 55099 Mainz, Germany. Telephone: 49-6131-3925929; Fax: 49-6131-3925774; e-mail:
Received August 19, 2004; accepted for publication September 5, 2004. AlphaMed Press 1083-7159/2004/$12.00/0

The Oncologist 2004;9(suppl 5):10-17

Vaupel 11

abnormalities, including dilations, incomplete or absent activation of the genes for erythropoietin, transferrin, and
endothelial linings and basement membranes, leakiness, transferrin receptors) [6, 13]. Additionally, hypoxia may
irregular and tortuous architecture, arteriovenous shunts, induce downregulation of adhesion molecules, thereby facil-
blind ends, and a lack of contractile wall components and itating tumor cell detachment [14, 15]. Many of these
pharmacological/physiological receptors [2]. These abnor- hypoxia-inducible genes are controlled by hypoxia-inducible
malities lead to irregular and sluggish blood flow, thereby factor 1 (HIF-1) (see below).
diminishing the delivery of O2 (and nutrients) to the tumor
cells, with the resultant development of hypoxic or even CHANGES IN GENE EXPRESSION: HIF-1 AND OTHER
anoxic areas. The oxygenation status of the tumor can be FACTORS
worsened further by increases in diffusion distances, which Cells that are poorly oxygenated (pO2 <7 mmHg) dis-
occur when the tumor cells spread beyond the distance that play a series of adaptive responses that allow for survival
allows adequate delivery of O2 by the blood vessels (>70 m) and continued proliferation. Among these, changes in the
[1, 2, 5]. Additionally, diminished tumor oxygenation and expression of genes for erythropoietin, the angiogenic vas-
subsequent hypoxia can be induced or exacerbated by a cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), transferrin recep-
reduced O2 transport capacity of the blood due to the pres- tors, and other proteins allow for the development of a more

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ence of cancer-related or cancer treatment-induced anemia. effective O2 (and nutrient) supply. Another group of genes
For many years, tumor hypoxia has been recognized as a involved in this adaptive response controls metabolic path-
potential therapeutic problem because of its adverse impact ways that can meet the cellular energy requirements (e.g.,
on the effectiveness of radiation therapy. However, hypoxia glycolytic enzymes and glucose transporters). Expression
has recently emerged as a major factor that influences tumor of the genes for most of these proteins is regulated by HIF-
proliferation and malignant progression [6]. Although some 1. This transcription factor was first identified by Semenza
of the effects of hypoxia negatively impact tumor cell growth and colleagues as a regulator of hypoxia-induced erythro-
[7], they may, antithetically, lead to hypoxia-driven poietin expression [16-18] and has since been demonstrated
responses that enhance malignant progression and aggres- to regulate the expression of more than 30 target genes
siveness, ultimately resulting in increased resistance to ther- (Table 1). These genes also play roles in tumor progression
apy and a poor long-term prognosis. Malignant progression (i.e., proliferation, invasion, and metastasis), thereby con-
associated with tumor hypoxia appears to be mediated by tributing to tumor aggressiveness (Fig. 1) [19]. Other factors
several mechanisms, including changes in gene expression, involved in the regulation of O2-dependent transcription are
inactivation of suppressor genes or activation of oncogenes, nuclear factor kappa B (NF-B) and activator protein-1
genomic instability, and clonal selection. (AP-1) (see below).


Table 1. Known HIF-1 target genes (gene products) [19]
Hypoxia (oxygen tension [pO2] <7 mmHg) can induce Adenylate kinase 3 IGF-2
changes in the proteome of tumor cells that lead to impaired 1B-adrenergic receptor IGF binding protein 1
growth or to cell death, including cell-cycle arrest, differ- Adrenomedullin IGF binding protein 3
entiation, apoptosis, and necrosis [8-12]. Alternatively, Aldolase A Lactate dehydrogenase A
however, hypoxia can induce proteomic changes that allow Aldolase C Nitric oxide synthetase 2 (NOS 2)
the tumor cells to successfully adapt to or overcome their Carbonic anhydrase IX p21
O2- and nutrient-deprived state and to survive in or escape Carbonic anhydrase XII p35srj
from their hostile environment. This is accomplished Coeruloplasmin Phosphofructokinase L
through hypoxia-stimulated angiogenesis, glycolysis, inhi- Endothelin-1 (ET-1) Phosphoglycerate kinase 1
bition of apoptosis, and upregulation of growth factors Enolase 1 (ENO1) Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
(e.g., platelet-derived growth factor-B [PDGF-B], trans- Erythropoietin (EPO) PDGF-B
forming growth factor beta [TGF-], insulin-like growth GLUT-1 Pyruvate kinase M
factor-2 [IGF-2], epidermal growth factor [EGF]) and other Glyceraldehyde phosphate Transferrin receptor
proteins involved in tumor invasiveness (e.g., urokinase- dehydrogenase
type plasminogen activator). Systemic responses leading to Heme oxygenase 1 TGF-
an elevation in the hemoglobin level, and thus improvement Hexokinase 1 VEGF
in the O2 transport capacity of the blood, can support the Hexokinase 2 Flt-1
local mechanisms mentioned within tumors (e.g., through
12 Hypoxia-Induced Tumor Progression

Figure 1. Expression of HIF-1 in

human cancer: causes and conse-
quences. Structural/functional Increased Anemia-
abnormalities of diffusion related
vasculature distances O2 transport

HIF-1 is a heterodimer Inadequate O2 supply
comprising HIF-1 and HIF-
1 subunits, both of which are
basic helix-loop-helix tran- Hypoxia
scription factors [17, 20].
HIF-1 (ARNT) is a nuclear HIF-1
protein that is constitutively
expressed and is independent
of O2 tension [21]. HIF-1, in

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contrast to HIF-1, is a cyto- EGF Glycolytic enzymes,
plasmic protein responsive to glucose transporters
O2 levels. In well-oxygenated
cells, HIF-1 is continuously
degraded by the ubiquitin-pro-
Angiogenesis Cell proliferation Metabolic
teasome system. This degra-
and survival adaptation
dation process takes place
only when certain conserved
prolyl residues of HIF-1 are
hydroxylated, a modification Tumor growth,
invasion, metastasis
requiring O2-dependent enzyme
activity [22]. Only HIF-1 con-
taining modified prolyl sites binds to the von Hippel-Lindau principle mechanism for the maintenance of an adequate
protein, which is the recognition component of an E3 ubiqui- blood flow in expanding cell populations, including those
tin ligase that finally targets HIF-1 for proteasomal degrada- of tumor tissue. In a rapidly growing tumor, O2 demand
tion. Under hypoxic conditions, HIF-1 subunits translocate to increases and O2 delivery decreases, primarily because of:
the nucleus, where they heterodimerize with HIF-1 subunits. A) insufficient blood supply (at least to some tumor areas)
The resultant product is an active HIF-1 protein that binds to and B) increasing diffusion distances between the blood
specific hypoxic response elements present in target genes, vessels and the O2-consuming cells [2, 20]. This leads to
ultimately activating transcription of these genes (Fig. 2), hypoxia in the expanding tumor mass, triggering events that
which encode for erythropoietin, VEGF, various glycolytic stimulate angiogenesis in an effort to ameliorate the
enzymes, transferrin, and a variety of other proteins essential hypoxic condition. In tumor tissue, the ability to induce
for systemic, local, and intracellular homeostasis. Impor- angiogenesis is associated with the development of an
tantly, the vast majority of these gene products are overex- aggressive phenotype, as metastatic cells have more oppor-
pressed in human tumor cells [19], suggesting that the tunity to enter the circulation in a well-vascularized tumor
HIF-dependent transcriptome changes are important in tumor and thereby escape their hostile environment [25, 27].
pathophysiology. Overall, these adaptive responses to low O2 One of the most potent stimulators of angiogenesis is
levels serve as a compensatory mechanism for increasing VEGF, which is essential for the proliferation and migration
delivery of O2 (and nutrients) for any body cells with an inad- of vascular endothelial cells, thereby enabling the formation
equate O2 supply. However, for hypoxic tumor cells, these of new blood vessels [10, 24, 28, 29]. Production of VEGF is
adaptive responses can additionally favor cell survival, further driven by hypoxia via transcription activation of the VEGF
expansion, and metastasis, as outlined below [19-26]. gene by HIF-1 [30]. The basic importance of HIF-1 in the
angiogenic process has been demonstrated in several experi-
HIF-1, VEGF, AND ANGIOGENESIS mental and clinical studies [31]. Carmeliet et al. reported a
Angiogenesis is the process by which new blood ves- reduced hypoxic induction of VEGF in vitro in mouse
sels develop from existing vasculature, thereby providing a embryonic stem cells with inactivated HIF-1 genes [32].
Vaupel 13

Figure 2. Regulation of HIF-1

by cellular O2 level. O2 determines Normoxia Hypoxia
the subjection of HIF-1 to protein
hydroxylation. Under normoxic Fe2+ O2
conditions, ubiquitination of HIF-
1 targets the subunit for protea- Prolyl-hydroxylases Prolyl-hydroxylases
some degradation. Under hypoxic (active) (inactive)
conditions, HIF-1 dimerizes with
HIF-1, and the active HIF-1
dimer binds to hypoxia response
elements containing the core OH HIF-1 vHL HIF-1
recognition sequence 5-RCGTC-3
and then recruits coactivator mole-
cules, resulting in the formation of Ubiquitination - proteasome HIF-1 accumulation
an increased transcription initia- +
tion complex and mRNA synthesis, HIF-1 binding
leading ultimately to the biosynthe-
sis of proteins that mediate HIF-1 degradation

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responses to hypoxia [23].
Recognition of DNA binding sites
(5 RCGTG 3)

Ryan et al., in in vivo studies,

found that HIF-1/ embry- Coactivation, transcription, mRNA synthesis
onic stem-cell-derived tumors
had fewer blood vessels and Protein biosynthesis
impaired hemodynamics with- (physiologic response to hypoxia)
in the tumor mass, and further,
that HIF-1 knockout mice
died in utero with a complete lack of cephalic vasculature as p53 tumor-suppressor activity either by direct mutational
a consequence of disrupted angiogenesis [3, 33]. Addition- inactivation or by overexpression of mouse double minute, a
ally, VEGF has been shown to stimulate migration of ubiquitin protein ligase involved in the degradation of p53.
macrophages by activation of the VEGF receptor (Flt-1). Loss of p53 activity results in decreased hypoxia-mediated
Macrophages produce several angiogenic factors, including apoptosis, possibly increased HIF-1 expression [37], and a
VEGF and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-) [34, 35]. At subsequent increase in HIF-1-mediated transactivation of
the clinical level, the results of the majority of over a dozen VEGF and other target genes, thereby facilitating tumor
studies comprising more than 3,500 patients generally speak angiogenesis.
in favor of an independent prognostic impact of VEGF
expression regarding relapse-free and overall survival. HIF-1 AND GLUCOSE METABOLISM
Additionally, VEGF expression may be predictive of the In contrast to normal cells, tumor cells characteristically
anatomical site of first recurrence [25]. display a relatively high glycolytic rate, even when growing
In addition to VEGF, other angiogenesis-related gene in the presence of O2. Under normoxic conditions, cells gen-
products and receptors are regulated by HIF-1, including erate ATP via oxidative phosphorylation. However, in the
PDGF-B, VEGFR-1, endothelin-1, inducible nitric oxide syn- expanding tumor mass, which is generally characterized by a
thetase (iNOS), monocyte chemotactic protein, adreno- limited O2 supply and a high glucose consumption rate, anaer-
medullin, and EGF. Several of these, including iNOS, obic glycolysis can become the predominant pathway of ATP
endothelin-1, heme oxygenase 1, and adrenomedullin, have generation [2, 36]. This metabolic shift appears to be regu-
been shown to play roles in the regulation of local blood flow lated by HIF-1 (Fig. 3). Enzymesincluding aldolase A,
by the modulation of vascular tone [36]. Thus, it appears that phosphoglycerate kinase 1, and pyruvate kinase Mare
HIF-1 not only mediates angiogenesis by VEGF induction but induced by HIF-1 in vitro, and lactate dehydrogenase is
also influences tumor blood flow by more complex mecha- induced by HIF-1 in breast carcinoma lines [38]. The effi-
nisms involving target genes playing a role in vessel tone. cacy of the glycolytic response is enhanced by overexpression
Yet another mechanism for stimulation of tumor angio- of other proteins, including glucose transporters (e.g., glucose
genesis is induction of HIF-1 and VEGF subsequent to transporter 1 [GLUT-1]), which facilitate glucose uptake by
somatic mutation. One example of this is seen in the loss of the cells, and by hexokinase, which enhances the capacity of
14 Hypoxia-Induced Tumor Progression

may depend on HIF-1, with both of these cooperating in

the transactivation of target genes [41]. However, such
interactions are still not completely understood and require
further studies aimed at elucidating more details.
O2 sensor
The tumor microenvironment is considered hostile,
being characterized by areas of chronic or transient hypoxia,
low pH, nutrient deprivation, and energy depletion. In a
Glucose Glycolytic enzymes
classic study, Reynolds and colleagues examined the conse-
quences of tumor growth under these conditions, using a
tumorigenic cell line carrying a recoverable, chromosomally
based lambda phage shuttle vector designed to identify
Lac H+
mutations without the need for a genetic selection of mutant
cells [42]. The cells were grown concurrently either in cul-

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ture or as tumors in nude mice. The frequency of mutations
in the cells within the murine tumors was found to be five
pHe times that of the comparator cultured cells (9.3 105 versus
1.8 105, respectively; p < 0.0001). Moreover, the mutation
patterns of the two cell groups differed, with the tumor-
Figure 3. HIF-1-mediated switch from aerobic to anaerobic metab- grown cells displaying significantly more deletions and
olism in hypoxic tumors for energy preservation. The activation of transversions than those grown in culture. Particularly note-
genes for glucose transporters (GLUT-1) and glycolytic enzymes
worthy is the finding that exposure of cultured cells to
results in an increased glycolytic rate. H+ ions produced are prefer-
entially exported via a lactate/H+ symporter and a Na+/H+ hypoxic conditions produced an elevated mutation fre-
antiporter, leading to a decrease in extracellular pH [44]. quency and a mutation pattern similar to those observed in
the tumor-grown cells. These findings suggest that the type
of genetic instability found in malignant tumors may in part
tumor cells to catabolize glucose at higher metabolic rates, be the consequence of specific mutagenic properties of the
thereby increasing the production of precursors needed for hypoxic microenvironment [43].
cell growth and maintaining high ATP production under con-
ditions of O2 deficiency [39]. Thus, HIF-1-induced adaptive HYPOXIA-INDUCED GENOME CHANGES AND CLONAL
responses not only provide for VEGF-mediated angiogenesis, SELECTION
but also ensure that the energy requirements of the cells are Accumulating evidence suggests that hypoxia may lead
met, thereby allowing their survival in a hostile environment. to malignant progression by means of genomic changes in
the tumor cells and clonal selection. Both of these actions
HIF-1 INDEPENDENT PATHWAYS have been associated with tumor cell pO2 values 0.7 mm
Although HIF-1 seems to play a pivotal role in hypoxic Hg [44] (Fig. 4). Hypoxia, with or without reoxygenation,
response, other hypoxia-regulated transcription factors do promotes genomic instability through point mutations, gene
exist. For example, NF-B can also be activated by hypoxia amplification, and chromosomal rearrangement [45].
[40]. Activation of NF-B leads to transcription of target Point mutations may develop in tumor cells exposed to
genes such as those encoding proinflammatory cytokines hypoxia and reoxygenation through several mechanisms,
(e.g., interleukins 6 and 8, TNF-) and cyclooxygenase-2 including insufficient DNA repair, errors in DNA replication,
(COX-2). COX-2 has angiogenic and growth-stimulatory or both [42, 46]. Metabolic damage to DNA bases may also
properties, and is able to activate the genes for urokinase-like play a role in point mutations, since a hypoxia-reoxygenation
plasminogen activator and matrix metalloproteinase-2, both sequence may cause oxidative damage. Such damage has the
of which are associated with tumor invasiveness. NF-B has potential to lead to various pyrimidine- and purine-derived
also been shown to play an important role in apoptosis regu- lesions in DNA. The most abundant of these is the generation
lation since it leads to overexpression of the antiapoptotic of 8-hydroxyguanine, which has been shown to mispair with
factor bcl-2. adenine and lead to G:C to T:A transversions [47, 48].
AP-1 has also been identified as a hypoxia-inducible Several studies have demonstrated that hypoxia followed
transcription factor. Prolonged AP-1 activation by hypoxia by reoxygenation can lead to gene amplification [49], which,
Vaupel 15

Aggressiveness The vicious circle of tumor hypoxia

Tumor progression

Genome changes Tumor hypoxia

Clonal heterogeneity Normoxia
(hostile microenvironment)
Clonal selection

Proteome changes via gene expression

Posttranscriptional and posttranslational effects
Protein degradation Changes in gene expression
Tumor Proteome changes
Genome changes
Clonal selection
10-1 100 101 pO2 (mm Hg) 102

Figure 4. Approximate critical O2 levels in solid tumors leading Malignant progression

to alterations in gene expression and posttranslational and post- Aggressiveness

transcriptional modulations resulting in proteomic changes, and

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approximate critical O2 levels furthering persistent genomic
changes and clonal selection. These hypoxia-mediated changes can
promote tumor aggressiveness and malignant progression. Reprinted Figure 5. Schematic displaying the vicious circle of tumor hypoxia
from Vaupel et al. [5]. and malignant progression [6].

together with chromosomal rearrangements, can be caused pivotal biological mechanism of advanced (and often
by DNA strand breaks or decreased repair of DNA strand incurable) disease (Fig. 5) [52].
breaks [45]. The strand breaks may occur as a result of
increased expression of endogenous endonuclease [50]. REOXYGENATION AND MALIGNANT PROGRESSION
Hypoxia-induced point mutations, chromosomal rearrange- Results of several preclinical studies have provided evi-
ments, and gene amplification may, in turn, promote devel- dence that hypoxia, with or without reoxygenation, may
opment of metastatic disease by several mechanisms, result in malignant progression and poor prognosis. In the
including inactivation of metastasis suppressor genes or Reynolds et al. study discussed above, the frequency and
increased expression of oncogenes involved in the metasta- pattern of mutations in hypoxically cultured cells were sim-
tic process, for example, genes encoding for angiogenesis ilar to those observed in the tumor-grown cells [42]. The
and growth factors. mutation frequency of the cultured cells continued to rise
The overall effect of hypoxia-induced mutation and gene with repeated exposure to hypoxia followed by reoxygena-
amplification is an increase in the number of gene variants. It tion, suggesting impairment of cellular repair capabilities. It
has also been suggested that hypoxia exerts a strong selection has been suggested that repeated hypoxia-reoxygenation
pressure on malignant cells [5, 6, 51, 52]. Thus, any malig- cycles may function as a mutagenic force by increasing the
nant cells with proteomic or genomic adaptive changes levels of superoxides and other O2 radicals [53]. Cycles may
favoring survival under hypoxic conditions (e.g., decreased also lead to chromosomal rearrangements and gene amplifi-
capacity for cell-cycle arrest, differentiation, or apoptosis, or cation [43]. As stated in a lecture given by P.W. Vaupel,
increased angiogenic potential) will have selection advan- M.D. (1994), at the Ernst Schering Research Foundation in
tages over nonadapted cells. The progeny of the adapted cells Berlin, it is well recognized in the clinical setting that
will increase at a greater rate than those of the nonadapted patients receiving blood transfusions experience intermittent
cells and eventually will become the dominant cell subpopu- hypoxia and reoxygenation [54, 55]. Reoxygenation-related
lation within the tumor. Moreover, these cells are likely to increases in free radical formation can, in turn, activate
have more favorable traits related to invasion, metastasis stress response genes, such as heat shock protein 70 (which
capability, and aggressiveness, providing the basis for the is an effective inhibitor of apoptosis), or stress-response
clinical findings of increased locoregional spread, distant transcription factors, such as NF-B (which regulates
tumor metastasis, and treatment resistance in advanced dis- numerous genes including VEGF), potentially leading to
ease. Additionally, hypoxia-mediated clonal selection of malignant progression.
tumor cells with genomic changes leading to apoptotic insen-
sitivity, and possibly increased angiogenic potential, further SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
aggravates tumor hypoxia and establishes a vicious circle of Because of its demonstrated impact on malignant
hypoxia and malignant progression that is considered a progression and therapeutic response, leading to a poor
16 Hypoxia-Induced Tumor Progression

long-term disease outcome, tumor hypoxia is a growing HIF-1 has emerged as a major regulator of adaptive
concern in the oncology setting. Results of preclinical and processes (including angiogenesis) that can support tumor
clinical investigations during the past decade have estab- cell survival, proliferation, invasion, and metastatic spread.
lished that tumor hypoxia may promote malignant progres- Also, it has been shown that hypoxia can enhance malig-
sion by several mechanisms, including an increased nant progression and increase aggressiveness through
expression of transcription factors and gene products clonal selection. Therefore, in developing treatment strate-
involved in tumor propagation and induction of genomic gies for cancer patients, it is reasonable to consider
instability (e.g., point mutations, deletions, and gene ampli- approaches aimed at ameliorating tumor hypoxia in an
fication). In those investigations, the transcriptional factor effort to maximize the effects of cancer therapy.

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