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Health and Safety

Learner Work Book


Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 2


Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................................................................5

Electrical Health and Safety Unit Overview .................................................6

Practical Skills ...........................................................................................6
Knowledge Requirements .........................................................................6

Electrical Safety Legislation .........................................................................7

Reporting accidents.................................................................................17
Accident prevention.................................................................................20

Personal Protective Equipment ..................................................................21

Site Safety.....................................................................................................26
Working at height ....................................................................................26
Working in excavations............................................................................31
Manual handling ......................................................................................31
Tools and equipment...............................................................................32
Housekeeping .........................................................................................32

The Effects of Electric Shock......................................................................34

Electrical safety............................................................................................41
Hazards and Precautions ........................................................................41
Working with powered hand tools............................................................42
Safe and suitable equipment ...................................................................46
Common electrical safety ........................................................................47

Unsafe / safe electrical situations ..............................................................50

Identifying unsafe and safe electrical situations ......................................52
Common Circuit Faults ............................................................................53
Unintentional Isolation of Essential Supplies ...........................................56

Risk Assessment .........................................................................................58

What is a hazard and what is a risk?.......................................................58
How to assess risks in the workplace......................................................58

Permit to Work .............................................................................................62

Safe Isolation of electrical supplies ...........................................................64

1. The circuit............................................................................................64
2. Lockable Isolation device ....................................................................64
3. Test Instruments to GS38....................................................................65
4. Lockable device...................................................................................67
5. Notification...........................................................................................67
Electrical Competence - The Correct Procedure .....................................68
Algorithm drawing....................................................................................71

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 3


First Aid for electric shock..........................................................................74

Danger Responses Airways, Breathing, Circulation (DR’s ABC).............75
The recovery position ..............................................................................77
Treatment for burns, shock and breaks...................................................78
Treatment for smoke and fume inhalation ...............................................78

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 4



All employers, including the self-employed, have duties under the Health and Safety
at Work Act 1974 to ensure the health and safety of themselves and others affected
by what they do. This includes people working for employers and the self-employed
(e.g. part-time workers, trainees and subcontractors), those who use the workplace
and equipment they provide, those who visit their premises, and people affected by
their work (e.g. neighbours or the general public). This section looks at UK health and
safety legislation and its effects, and best practices to ensure a safe working
environment by avoiding accidents and understanding safe working practices on site.

In this section you will also learn about the dangers of electricity and the effect it has
upon the body. To couple with this we will also learn some basic first aid that we
could administer to anyone in the event of an electric shock.

This workbook is to be accompanied by PowerPoint

“Electrical Health and Safety”

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 5


Electrical Health and Safety Unit Overview

Practical Skills
To achieve the learning outcome the candidate must be able to:

Demonstrate health and safety awareness whilst carrying out tasks

throughout the electrical unit
Carry out activities to raise awareness of electrical safety
Identify safe and unsafe electrical situations
Carry out risk assessments
Demonstrate safe isolation on an electrical supply
Perform basic first aid on a shock victim in a training scenario

Knowledge Requirements
To achieve the learning outcome the candidate must know:

The various legislation that underpins the electrical industry

How to report accidents and how to avoid them
The various forms of PPE that are used in industry
The risks involved with various tasks in industry
The specific hazards and precautions involved with electricity
How to identify unsafe and safe electrical situations
How to carry out a risk assessment
The various parts of and how to perform a safe isolation of an electrical
How to carry out basic first aid to someone in the event of an electric

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 6


Electrical Safety Legislation

This section looks at the regulatory requirements and responsibilities laid down by
Acts and Regulations. All of the following legislation is law and enforceable. As a
worker, these Regulations provide a legal framework that protects you. This includes
the building in which you are working, the electrical supply that you are working with
and they also ensure that you do not cause harm to yourself or others by using bad

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA)

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA) is what

is called an ‘Enabling Act’. It sets out the basic principles by
which health and safety at work is regulated. Attached to the
Act is a series of Regulations covering the practical detail of
how employers and employees create, maintain and operate
a safe working environment. They are also used by
government authorities to control the standard of working
conditions throughout industry.

The Act is statutory, that means it is binding in law, and criminal penalties can be
imposed on people found guilty of malpractice and misconduct.
All employers are covered by the HASAWA. The Act places certain specific duties on
both employers and employees, which must be complied with by law.

Each employee, and this includes you, is also required by law to assist and co-
operate with their employer and others in making sure that safe working
environments are maintained, that all safety equipment is fully and correctly used and
that all safety procedures are followed.

Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 (EAWR)

Made under the HASAWA 1974, the Electricity at Work Regulations (EAWR) came
into force on 1 April 1990. They impose general health and safety requirements to do
with electricity at work, on employers, self-employed people and employees.

Every employer and self-employed person has a duty to comply with the provisions
of the Regulations, in so far as they relate to matters that are within their control.
Every employee has the duty to co-operate with their employer, so far as is
necessary to enable the Regulations to be complied with. Because these are
statutory Regulations, penalties can be imposed on people found guilty of
malpractice or misconduct.

The Regulations refer to a person as a ‘duty holder’ in respect of systems,

equipment, and conductors. The Regulations clearly define the various duty holders
(employers, self employed and employees). The duty holder’s status is deemed as
“responsible” whereas someone in charge of an installation’s inspection and testing
is deemed to be “responsible” and “competent”.

It is the duty of every duty holder to comply with the provisions of these Regulations
in so far as they relate to matters that are within their control.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 7


The Building Regulations 2000 (Part P)

The building Regulations are made under powers provided in the

Building Act 1984 and apply in England and Wales (Scotland
already has its own arrangements). Part P of the Building
Regulations was introduced by the Government on January 1st
2005. It is designed to reduce accidents caused by faulty electrical
installations and to prevent incompetent installers from leaving
electrical installations in an unsafe condition.

Part P applies to all fixed electrical installations after the suppliers' meter in buildings
or parts of buildings comprising:

Dwelling houses and flats

Dwellings and business premises that have a common supply e.g. shops
that have a flat above
Common access areas in blocks of flats such as corridors or staircases
Shared amenities in blocks of flats such as laundries or gyms
In or on land associated with dwellings – such as fixed lighting or pond
pumps in gardens
Outbuildings such as sheds, detached garages and greenhouses

Approved Document P is called ‘Electrical Safety’ and will be complied with if the
standard of electrical work meets the ‘Fundamental Requirements of Chapter 13 of
BS7671: 2001’. Section P1 of Part P states: ‘Reasonable provision shall be made in
the design, installation, inspection and testing of electrical installations in order to
protect persons from fire and injury’

It is not necessary to notify building control bodies when the electrical installation
work is to be undertaken by a 'Competent Person' and is self-certificated. Nor does it
when electrical installation work is 'Minor Work' and is not contained within the
kitchen or special location. Minor works certification needs to be completed though.

Minor work is classified as:

The replacement of accessories
Replacing damaged cable
Re-fixing or replacing enclosures
Providing mechanical protection
Adding lighting points to an existing circuit
Adding socket outlets to an existing ring or radial circuit
Installing or adding bonding

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 8


Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994 (CDM)

The CDM Regulations are aimed at improving the overall management and co-
operation of health, safety and welfare throughout all stages of a construction project
and so reducing the large number of serious and fatal accidents and cases of ill
health that happen every year in the construction industry.

The CDM Regulations place duties on all those who can contribute to the health and
safety of a construction project. Duties are placed upon clients, designers and
contractors and the Regulations create a new duty holder – the planning supervisor.
They also introduce new documents – health and safety plans and the health and
safety file.

Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992

These Regulations apply to all workplaces, where a workplace is defined as being

any premises or part of premises, which are not domestic premises, and are made
available to any person as a place of work.

The requirements of these Regulations are imposed upon every employer or any
person who has to any extent control of a workplace, in respect of the following
Working environment

Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002

The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002
replace the Electricity Supply Regulations 1988, and specify
safety standards that are aimed at protecting the general public
and consumers from danger. In addition, the Regulations specify
power quality and supply continuity requirements to ensure an
efficient and economic electricity supply service for consumers.

The requirements of the Regulations apply to public and private

operators and to electricity networks used to supply consumers in
England, Wales and Scotland.

The Regulations are mainly concerned with the electricity transmission and
distribution systems, the overhead service lines to consumers’ premises and the
apparatus therein up to the consumers’ terminals, as all of these are accessible to
the public. However, street furniture falling within the scope of the Regulations would
include streetlights, traffic signals, bollards, advertising hoardings, bus shelters,
public telephones, etc. situated on or adjacent to roads, streets and footpaths.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 9


Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 generally make
more explicit what employers are required to do to manage health and safety under
the Health and Safety at Work Act. Like the Act, they apply to every work activity.

The main requirement on employers is to carry out a risk assessment. Employers

with five or more employees need to record the significant findings of the risk

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)

PUWER 1998 replaced the Provision and Use of Work Equipment

Regulations 1992 and carried forward those existing requirements
with a few changes and additions, for example the inspection of
work equipment and specific new requirements for mobile work

In general terms, the Regulations require that equipment provided for use at work be:
Suitable for the intended use
Safe for use, maintained in a safe condition and, in certain circumstances,
inspected to ensure this remains the case
Used only by people who have received adequate information, instruction
and training; and accompanied by suitable safety measures, e.g.
protective devices, markings, warnings.

Generally, any equipment that is used by an employee at work is covered, for

example hammers, knives, ladders, drilling machines, power presses, circular saws,
photocopiers, lifting equipment (including lifts), dumper trucks and motor vehicles.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)

Using hazardous substances can put people’s health at risk. COSHH therefore
requires employers to control exposures to hazardous substances to protect both
employees and others who may be exposed from work activities.

Hazardous substances are found in nearly all work places e.g. factories, shops,
mines, construction sites and offices and can include:
Substances used directly in work activities, e.g. glues,
paints, cleaning agents
Substances generated during work activities, e.g. fumes
from soldering and welding
Naturally occurring substances, e.g. grain dust, blood,

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 10


Control of Major Accidents and Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH)

COMAH applies mainly to the chemical industry, but also to some storage activities,
explosives and nuclear sites and other industries where threshold quantities of
dangerous substances identified in the Regulations are kept or used.

Their main aim is to prevent and mitigate the effects of those major accidents
involving dangerous substances such as chlorine, liquefied petroleum gas,
explosives and arsenic pentoxide, which can cause serious damage/harm to people
and / or the environment.

Noise at Work Regulations 1989

Every employer shall reduce the risk of damage to the

hearing of his employees from exposure to noise to the
lowest level reasonably practicable. The first action
level is an optional daily personal noise exposure of 85
dB (A), the second action level is a daily personal noise
exposure of 90 dB (A) where ear protection is
mandatory, and the peak action level is 140dB(A) and
is also mandatory due to a permanent damage risk.

Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981

The Health and Safety (First-Aid)

Regulations 1981 require employers to
provide adequate and appropriate
equipment, facilities and personnel to
enable first aid to be given to
employees if they are injured or become
ill at work. These Regulations apply to
all workplaces including those with five
or fewer employees and to the self-

What is adequate will depend on the

circumstances in the workplace. This
includes whether trained first aiders are needed, what should be included in a first aid
box and if a first aid room is needed. Employers should carry out an assessment of
first aid needs to determine this.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 11


Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

seek to reduce the very large incidence of injury and
ill health arising from the manual handling of loads at
work. Manual handling causes more than one in four
of all reportable injuries. These accidents do not
include cumulative injuries, particularly to the back,
which can lead to physical impediment or even
permanent disablement.

The Regulations extend to the manual handling of

people and animals include ‘… any transporters or
supporting of a load (including the lifting, putting
down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving thereof)
by hand or by bodily force’.

Manual handling implies that an attempt is being made to move a load. Therefore, if
a girder being moved manually is dropped and fractures an employee’s foot, it is a
manual handling accident. If the girder is inadvertently knocked over and causes a
similar injury this would not be due to manual handling.

Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations 1989

The Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations 1989 (HSIER) require
employers to provide their employees with certain basic information concerning their
health, safety and welfare at work. This information is contained in both a poster and
a leaflet approved by HSE. Employers can comply with their duty by either displaying
the poster or providing employees with a copy of the leaflet.

Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regs 2002 (DSEAR)

The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres

Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) came into force on 9
December 2002. DSEAR applies to all dangerous
substances at nearly every workplace in the United
Kingdom and sets minimum requirements for the protection
of workers from fire and explosion risks arising from
dangerous substances and potentially explosive
atmospheres. DSEAR complements the requirement to
manage risks under the Management of Health and Safety
at Work Regulations 1999.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 12


Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995


The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995

(RIDDOR) place a legal duty on employers, the self-employed and those in control of
premises to report some work-related accidents, diseases and dangerous
occurrences to the relevant enforcing authority for their work activity. This can be the
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or one of the local authorities (LAs).

It stands for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences


Now complete the questions below

1. What does “statutory” mean?

2. What does the HASAWA require you to do?

3. What does the EAWR impose?

4. Name some work that is classed as minor work under Part P of the building regs

5. What do the CDM Regs aim at improving?

6. What are the Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002 mainly
concerned with?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 13


7. What is the main requirement of the Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999?

8. What sort of things are covered by the PUWER regs?

9. What does COSHH stand for?

10. What is the first level of action whereby employers have to act to protect
employee’s hearing?

11. What does the Health and Safety Regulations 1981 require employers to do?

12. When did the regulations that govern lifting come into force and what are they

13. What are the basic requirements of the DSEAR regs?

14. What does RIDDOR stand for and what it is its main aim?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 14



The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HASWA)

requires employers to ensure the health and safety of
their employees and others who may be affected by
their work activities. Under the HSW Act employees
are required not to endanger themselves or others, to
co-operate with their employer and to use any safety
equipment provided by their employer. Manufacturers
and suppliers have a duty to ensure that their products
are safe. Adequate information about the appropriate
use of products must also be provided.

Recognition of what accidents are

Example 1 (Extracted from a Health and Safety Executive publication)

A schoolboy helper was crushed to death by a trailer. A farmer was travelling

between fields on a public road. He was driving a tractor, which was pulling a trailer.
The schoolboy, who was a family friend and who had been helping out during the
holiday period with various tasks on the farm, was a passenger. He was standing on
the drawbar between the tractor and trailer and was holding on to the tractor’s
mudguards, leaning forward and talking to the driver. The farmer had previously told
the boy to sit on the mudguards and not to stand on the drawbar. The farmer was
driving along the road at about four miles an hour. The boy fell or jumped off the
drawbar. Before the farmer could apply the brakes, the trailer’s wheel ran over the
boy, resulting in fatal crush injuries to his chest.

Example 2 (Extracted from a Health and Safety Executive publication)

A tractor driver was electrocuted when his tipped trailer struck an overhead power
line. A contractor had been engaged to remove manure and deliver it to a field site
owned by another farmer. The team of three had spent some time on this farm
several weeks earlier and were travelling to the same tipping site as before. As the
driver drew forward from the heap with the trailer raised, he struck the 11 000 volt
overhead power line. When he tried to get off the tractor he made an earth contact
and was electrocuted. It is believed the power lines had been lower than usual due to
the high temperatures in the summer sun.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 15


In pairs discuss what you think accident is.

Then in your own words, write down what you would define one as.

Appreciation of the causes and effects of accidents

Slips, trips and falls on the level are the most common cause of major injuries in
workplaces and the second highest cause of over-three-day injuries. They
occasionally cause fatalities, for example from head injuries. The financial costs of
slip and trip incidents are considerable. Based on 2005/2006 figures it is estimated
that they cost employers £368 million and society as much as £763 million.

What do you think you will encounter in the workshop that may lead to a slip, trip
or fall? List 5

Electricity can kill. Each year about 1000 accidents at work involving electric shock or
burns are reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Around 30 of these are
fatal. Most of these fatalities arise from contact with overhead or underground power
cables. Even non-fatal shocks can cause severe and permanent injury. Shocks from
faulty equipment may lead to falls from ladders, scaffolds or other work platforms.

Those using electricity may not be the only ones at risk: poor electrical installations
and faulty electrical appliances can lead to fires, which may also cause death or
injury to others. Careful planning and straightforward precautions can avoid most of
these accidents.

Name at least five potentially hazardous electrical situations in the workshop or

at home.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 16


Reporting accidents

Reporting accidents and ill health at work is a legal requirement. The information
enables the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and local authorities (referred to as
‘the enforcing authorities’) to identify where and how risks arise and to investigate
serious accidents. They can then help you and give you advice on how to reduce
injury, ill health and accidental loss.

Accidents have to be reported in writing using a form. This is the job of the appointed
person or first aider. The following activity will give you an opportunity to talk about
accidents and to practice filling in a form.

The objectives of this activity are to understand how to report an accident and
complete an HSE Accident Record Form.

Stage 1
On your own, read the newspaper article on the following page. If there is anything
that is not clear to you, ask someone in your group or your trainer.

Stage 2
In your group, talk about what happened. See if you can all agree on what the causes
of the accident were. Agree some ways in which the accident could have been

Stage 3
Look at the accident form on the page after next and talk it through in pairs so that you
understand the kind of information it asks you to record. You may find it helpful to
highlight or underline the key points in the newspaper article.

Stage 4
On your own, complete an HSE Accident Record Form about Brian Leader, who died.
Show your completed form to someone you have not worked with in the session and
ask him or her to tell you what you have done well.

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Accident prevention

How do we prevent accidents? So far everything that we have looked at has been
based around the legal requirements and fairly obvious material problems. These
tend to be referred to as ‘environmental causes’ as they relate to the environment
that you are working in. Such causes can be unguarded machinery, defective tools
and equipment, poor ventilation, excessive noise, poorly lit workplaces, overcrowded
workplaces and untidy or dirty workplaces.

However, there are other causes of accidents and they invariably involve people. It
would be nice to think that we all possess common sense, but the ‘human’ causes of
accidents are generally the biggest factor involved.

Human causes of accidents

• Carelessness
• Bad and foolish behaviour
• Improper dress
• Lack of training
• Lack of experience
• Poor supervision
• Fatigue
• Use of alcohol or drugs

Health and safety in the workplace is something we each need to take personal
responsibility for, and by thinking about what we are doing, or are about to do, we
can avoid most potentially dangerous situations.

Equally, we can demonstrate a responsible approach by reporting potentially

dangerous situations, hazards or activity to the correct people. Even if the hazard is
something you can easily fix yourself, for instance you might move a brick that was
causing a trip hazard, still report it to your supervisor. The fact that the brick was
there at all might be indicative of someone not doing their job properly and it could
happen again.

You may also have a role to play in other circumstances. For example, at present
premises are inspected by local Fire Authorities. If you are aware of something
unsafe, such as a fire exit that has been blocked, then tell them about it.
As with the risk assessment process, the secret is to be aware of all possible danger
in the workplace and have a positive attitude towards health and safety.

Golden Rule
Follow safe and approved procedures where they exist, and always act in a
responsible way to protect yourself and others.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 20


Personal Protective Equipment

Updated in 2002, the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 set
out principles for selecting, providing, maintaining and using personal protective
equipment (PPE). This is equipment designed to be worn or held to protect against a
risk to health or safety. It includes most types of protective clothing and equipment
such as eye, hand, foot and head protection.

Employers have a duty to reduce the workplace risk to as low as is reasonably

practicable; where some risk remains then PPE is issued as a last resort. PPE
should then be issued free of charge by the employer and must be suitable to protect
against the risk for which it is issued.

Areas requiring protection, together with related examples of PPE, are shown on the
following pages. However, as formal risk assessment defines the type of PPE
required in any given situation, no attempt has been made to quantify the
circumstances in which they should be used.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 21


Eye protection
Every year thousands of workers suffer eye
injuries, which result in pain, discomfort, lost
income and even blindness. Following safety
procedures correctly and wearing eye protection
can prevent these injuries. There are many types
of eye protection equipment available, for example
safety spectacles, box goggles, cup goggles, face
shields, welding goggles etc. To be safe you have
to have the right type of equipment for the specific
hazard you face.

Foot and leg protection

Toe and foot accidents account for a large
proportion of reported accidents in the
workplace each year, and many more accidents
go unrecorded.

Guarding your toes, ankles, feet and legs from

injury also involves protecting your whole body
from injury caused by improper footwear, for
example an injury caused by electric shock.
Protective footwear can help prevent injury and
reduce the severity of injuries that do occur.

Hand protection
This involves the protection of two irreplaceable tools – your
hands, which you use for almost everything: working, playing,
driving, eating etc. Unfortunately hands are often injured. One of
the most common problems other than cutting, crushing or
puncture wounds is dermatitis.

Sores, blisters, redness or dry, cracked skin that is easily infected,

may indicate skin irritation. To protect your hands from irritating
substances you need to:
Keep them clean by regular washing using approved
Wear appropriate personal protection when required
Make good use of barrier creams where provided.

When are you required to wear gloves in the workshop?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 22


Head protection
People who are not wearing any protective equipment sustain an estimated 80% of
industrial head injuries. Head protection is important because it guards your most
vital organ – your brain! Head injuries pose a serious threat to your brain and your
life. Head protection can help to prevent such injuries.

Here is a list of good safety practice:

• Know the potential hazards of your job and what protective gear
to use
• Follow safe working procedures
• Take care of your protective headgear
• Notify your supervisor of unsafe conditions and equipment
• Get medical help promptly in the case of head injury.

There are several types of protective headwear for use in different situations; use
them correctly and wear them whenever they are required.

Safety helmets
Here are a few important rules: Only use approved
Adjust the fit of your types of identification
safety helmet so it is stickers on your safety
comfortable helmet, e.g. First Aider
All straps should be Do not use sticky tape
snug but not too tight or Dymo tape as the
Don’t wear your adhesive could
helmet tilted or back damage the helmet
to front Handle the helmet with
Never carry anything inside care: do not throw it or drop
the clearance space of a it etc.
hard hat, e.g. cigarettes, Regularly inspect and
cards and letters check the helmet for
Never wear an ordinary hat cracks, dents or signs of
under a safety helmet wear, and if you find any,
Do not paint your safety get your helmet replaced
helmet as this could Check the strap for
interfere with electrical looseness or worn stitching
protection or soften the and also check your safety
shell helmet is within its ‘use-by’

Bump caps
For less dangerous situations, where there is a risk of bumping your head rather than
things falling, or where space is restricted, bump caps, which are lighter than safety
helmets, may be acceptable. These look like baseball caps but have a hard plastic
protective layer.

Class discussion
Fazal is a first-year apprentice who is starting his first day on a construction site. The
electrician in charge gives Fazal a hard hat to wear. Fazal notices that the hat has a crack
down one side and reports this to his supervisor. The supervisor tells Fazal that he must
wear this hat because there are no more in the store and he needs to get on with his work.

1. What should Fazal do in this situation?

2. If an object hit Fazal on the head and he was injured because of the crack in the hat, who
would be responsible for this injury?
Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 23

Hearing protection
You may sometimes have to work in noisy
environments, and if you do, your employer should
provide you with suitable hearing protection. Like any
other sort of PPE it is important that you wear hearing
protection properly and check it regularly to make sure
it is not damaged. Typical types are earplugs that fit
inside the ear, or ear defenders that sit externally such
as headphones or even attach to a hard hat.

Lung protection
We all need clean air to live, and we need
correctly functioning lungs to allow us to inhale
that air. Fumes, dusts, airborne particles such as
asbestos or from loft insulation or just foul smells,
such as in sewage treatment plants, can all be
features of construction environments.

A range of respiratory protection is available; from

simple dust protection masks to half-face
respirators, full-face respirators and powered
breathing apparatus. To be effective these must be carefully matched to the hazard
involved and correctly fitted. You may also require training in how to use them

Whole body protection

To complete our ‘suit of armour’
against all things harmful, we
need to protect the rest of our
body. Usually this will involve
overalls, donkey jackets or
similar, to protect against dirt
and minor abrasions. However,
specialist waterproof or thermal
clothing will be needed in
adverse weather conditions;
high visibility clothing is required
on sites or near traffic; and
chemical resistant clothing, such
as neoprene aprons, are
necessary if working near or with
chemical substances. When
working outdoors, sunscreen is
now also a consideration.

Other items
When working involves long periods of kneeling or having to take your weight on your
elbows, you may be issued with specialist protectors for these areas. Other items you
may use could include facemasks, safety harnesses or breathing apparatus.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 24


When should I wear PPE?

Risk assessment is the key here, and we’ll talk more about that later. However, all
construction sites that you work on will require you to wear a similar basic level of

Now answer the questions below

1. Is wearing PPE the ideal situation? Explain your answer

2. State 2 things that employers must do and two things that employees must do with
regard to PPE

3. Name three ways in which you can protect your hands

4. State three important rules with regard to safety headwear.

5. Where are you most likely to need high visibility clothing?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 25


Site Safety
According to the HSE, falls from height are the most common cause of fatal injury
and the second most common cause of major injury to employees, accounting for 15
per cent of all such injuries. Therefore it is very important to have a good
understanding of access equipment and how to use them correctly.

Working at height

All industry sectors are exposed to the risks presented by this hazard, although the
level of incidence varies considerably.

List at least five tasks that require you, as an electrician, to use access equipment

Ladders, stepladders and trestles are perhaps the
most commonly used access equipment on sites
and they are also perhaps the most misused. It is
essential that safe working practices should be
followed if accidents are to be avoided.
Before you use a ladder or stepladder, check it –
make sure it is safe to use.
Look for:

Cracks in the rungs or the stiles (the

sides of the ladder)
Missing, broken or weakened rungs
Rungs depending solely on nails or
spikes for support
Mud, grease or oil either on the rungs or
the stiles
Obvious signs of permanent bending in
the rungs or stiles
Items stuck in the feet such as swarf or
stones, or grease or dirt, that prevent
the feet from making a direct contact
with the ground
Missing, damaged or worn anti-slip feet
on metal and fibreglass
Ladders and stepladders; with ladders,
check those at the top and bottom
Missing or loose screws or rivets
Cracked or damaged welds on metal ladders or stepladders
Rot, woodworm or tie rods that are either missing or damaged
Painted wooden ladders or stepladders: these should not be used as the
paint can hide defects.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 26


There are certain rules for erecting ladders, which must be followed to ensure safe
working. These are:

The ladder should be Alternatively someone

placed on firm, level holding the stiles and
ground. Bricks or blocks placing one foot on the
should not be used to ‘pack bottom rung may steady
up’ under the stiles to the ladder. This is
compensate for uneven commonly known as
ground ‘footing’ the ladder. This
person must not under any
If using extension ladders circumstances move away
they should be erected in from footing the ladder
the closed position and while someone is up it
extended one section at a
time. When extended there When the ladder provides
must be at least four or five access to a roof or working
rungs’ overlap on each platform, the ladder must
extension extend at least 1 m, or 5
rungs, above the landing
Ladders should be placed place
clear of any excavation,
and in such a position that Make sure that the ladder is
they are not causing a not resting against any
hazard, or placed anywhere fragile surface or against
where they may be struck fittings such as gutters or
or dislodged. If the ladder is drainpipes, as these may
placed in an exposed give way, resulting in an
position it should be accident
guarded with barriers
If a ladder has to be
The angle of the ladder to secured, never secure it by
the building should be in the rungs; always use the
the proportion of 4 up to 1 stiles
out, or at 75°
When climbing up ladders
The ladder should be you must use both hands to
secured at the top and as grip the rungs. This will give
necessary at the bottom to you better protection if you
prevent unwanted should slip
The working position
should be not less than five
rungs from the top of the

All ladders and stepladders should be tested and examined on an annual basis. The
results of the tests should be recorded (generally called a “Scafftag”) Ideally the item
tested should be marked to show it has been tested. A competent person must carry
out this test.

Class Discussion
Joe has been asked to change a lamp in a security light that is 3 metres above floor level.
When he locates the firm’s ladder he finds the Scafftag has expired. There is another ladder
there but it belongs to another company.
1. What should Joe do now?
2. Can Joe use the other ladder to do the job?
Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 27

A lot of the rules that apply to ladders also apply to stepladders. However, specifically
bear in mind the following:

All four legs of a stepladder should rest firmly

and squarely on the ground. They will do this
provided that the floor or ground on which they
stand is level and the steps themselves are not
worn or damaged
Ensure the legs are fully opened
Check that the hinge is in good condition
Check that the rope or hinged bracket is of
equal length and not frayed
When using the steps ensure that your knees
are below the top of the steps
The top of the steps should not be used unless
it is constructed as a platform.

Some jobs cannot be done safely from a ladder or
stepladder. In such cases, a working platform known
as a ‘trestle scaffold’ should be used. This consists of
two pairs of trestles or ‘A’ frames spanned by
scaffolding boards, which then provide a simple
working platform.

When erecting trestle scaffolds the following rules should be observed:

As with ladders they should be erected on a firm, level base with the
trestles fully opened
The platform must be at least 600 mm wide
The platform should be no higher than two thirds of the way up the trestle;
this ensures that there is at least one third of the trestle above the working
The scaffolding boards must be of equal length and thickness and should
not overhang the trestle by more than four times their own thickness, e.g.
a 40 mm board must not overhang by more than 160 mm
The trestles should be spaced at the following distances apart: 1 metre for
32 mm thick boards, 1.5 metres for 38 mm thick boards and 2.5 metres for
50 mm thick boards
If the platform is more than 2 m above the ground, toe boards and
guardrails must be fitted and a separate ladder provided for access
trestles must not be used where anyone can fall more than 4.5 m trestles
over 3.5 m tall should ideally be ‘tied’ to the structure of the building.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 28


Mobile scaffold towers

Tower scaffolds are widely used and sadly are
involved in numerous accidents each year.
These usually happen because the tower has not
been properly erected or used. Aluminium towers
are light and can easily overturn. Towers rely on
all the parts being in place to ensure adequate
strength and can easily collapse if sections are
left out. Normally made from light aluminium
tube, the tower is built by slotting the sections
together until the required height is reached.
Towers may be either mobile ones fitted with
wheels or static ones fitted with plates.
Consequently, they are useful for installing long
runs – in, say, a factory lighting installation.

When working with a mobile/static tower scaffold, the following points must be checked and followed:

The person erecting the tower When moving a tower, check that
should be competent there are no power lines or other overhead
Make sure the tower is resting on obstructions; check that the ground is firm
firm, level ground with the wheels or feet and level; push or pull only from the base;
properly supported. Do not use bricks or never move it while there are people or
building blocks to take the weight of any materials on the upper platforms; and
part of the tower never move it in windy conditions
The taller the tower, the more Outriggers can increase stability
likely it is to become unstable. As a guide, by effectively increasing the area of the
if towers are used in exposed conditions or base, but if used they must be fitted
outside, the height of the working platform diagonally across all four corners of the
should be no more than 3x the minimum tower and not on one side only. When
base dimension. If the tower is to be used outriggers are used they should be clearly
inside, on firm level ground, the ratio may marked (e.g. with hazard marking tape) to
be extended to 3.5x. Using this guide, if indicate that a trip hazard is present
the base of the tower is 2m by 3m the When towers are used in public
maximum height would be 6m for use places, extra precautions may be needed
outside and 7 m for inside such as minimising the storage of
Before using the tower, always materials and equipment on the working
check that the scaffold is vertical and, in platform, erecting barriers at ground level
the case of a mobile tower, that all wheel to prevent people from walking into the
brakes are on tower or work area, and removing or
There must be a safe way to get boarding over access ladders to prevent
to and from the work platform. It is not safe unauthorized access if the tower is to
to climb up the end frames of the tower remain in position unattended
except where the frame has an Before you use a tower on a
appropriately designed built-in ladder or a pavement, check whether you need a
purpose-made ladder can be attached licence from the local authority
safely on the inside Tower scaffolds must be
Provide suitable edge protection inspected by a ‘competent person’ before
on platforms where a person could fall first use and following substantial alteration
more than 2 m. Guardrails should be at or any event likely to have affected their
least 910 mm high and toe boards at least stability.
150 mm high. An intermediate guard rail or If a tower remains erected in the
suitable alternative should be provided so same place for more than seven days, it
that the unprotected gap does not exceed should also be inspected at regular
470 mm intervals (not exceeding seven days) and a
written report should be made. Any faults
found should be put right.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 29


Scissor and boom lifts

This category of access equipment is
sometimes referred to as ‘mobile elevating
working platforms’. From a safety
perspective as well as with regard to cost,
scissor lifts can offer quick and efficient
access solutions for a wide range of
installation and maintenance tasks. Compact
dimensions and tight turning circles give
these machines great versatility.
There is a wide range of machines available for
flat-slab and rough-terrain applications, thus
enabling them to be used in circumstances
ranging from installations within large factories
to repairs of external lighting. However, scissor
lifts can only extend upwards. Sometimes it is
necessary to ‘reach’ over objects to be able to
carry out the work, for example repairing a
street-lighting column. In these circumstances a
telescopic boom platform is likely to be more

In both types of lift, it is essential that the workers wear a safety harness. This must
be attached to the lift and never to the structure being worked on. Particular attention
must also be paid to whether overhead power supplies are present.

Class discussion
Kelly, a 1st-year electrical apprentice, has been left in charge of a scissor boom while the
other electricians take their lunch break in a local pub. Two carpenters climb onto the
scissor boom and use it for working; while doing so, they crash into a low ceiling, damaging
the boom. They tell Kelly not to worry because they all work for the same company. They
finish the work and leave the site. A little later the electricians return.

1. What should Kelly have done in this situation?

2. Who was ultimately responsible for the safety of the scissor boom?
3. Who would have been responsible if the carpenters had hurt themselves?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 30


Working in excavations

Every year people are killed or seriously injured when working in excavations.
Excavation work has to be properly planned, managed, supervised and carried out to
prevent accidents.

Before digging any excavations, it is important to plan against the following:
Collapse of the sides
Materials falling onto people working in the excavation
People and vehicles falling into the excavation
People being struck by plant
Undermining nearby structures
Contact with underground services
Hazardous entry and exit points
Accidents to members of the public.

Make sure the necessary equipment needed such as trench sheets, props, baulks
etc. is available on site before work starts.

Even shallow trenches can be dangerous. You may need to provide supports even if
the work only involves bending or kneeling in the trench. You should never work in a
trench alone without supervision

Manual handling

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, as amended in 2002, apply to a

wide range of manual handling activities, including lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling
or carrying. The load may be either inanimate, such as a box or a trolley, or animate,
such as a person or an animal.

Within the context of the electrical industry, manual handling can involve
items such as scaffolding, tools, equipment, switchgear and motors

Where possible, avoid manual handling. Check whether you need to move the item
at all. For example, does a large work piece really need to be moved, or can the
activity be done safely where the item already is? Think about using handling aids
such as a conveyor, a pallet truck, an electric or hand-powered hoist or forklift truck.

However, beware of new hazards from automation or mechanisation. For example,

automated plant still needs cleaning, maintaining etc., and forklift trucks must be
suited to the work and have properly trained and certified operators.

The movement of loads requires careful planning in order to identify potential

hazards before they cause injuries. This planning involves carrying out a risk
assessment, which looks at a number of areas.

The task Individual Capability

The load Handling aids and
The working environment equipment

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 31


Tools and equipment

You will use a variety of tools and pieces of equipment in your work as an electrician.
All of them are potentially dangerous if misused or neglected. Instruction in the
proper use of tools and equipment will form part of your training, and you should
continue to follow safe working methods.

Hand tools and manually operated equipment are often misused. You should always
use the right tool for the job, never just make do with whatever tool you may have to
hand. For example, never use a hammer on a tool with a wooden handle as you may
damage the wooden handle and create flying splinters. Here are some general

• Keep cutting tools, saws, chisels, drills etc. sharp and in good condition.
• Ensure handles are properly fitted and secure, and free from splinters.
• Check that the plugs and cables of hand-held electrically powered tools
are in good condition. Replace frayed cables and broken plugs.
• Electrically powered tools of 110 volts or 230 volts must be P.A.T. tested
in accordance with your employer’s procedures.

Other common items of equipment, e.g. barrows, trucks, buckets, ropes and tackle
etc., are all likely to deteriorate with use. If they are damaged or broken they will
eventually fail and may cause an accident.


Tools, equipment and materials left lying about, trailing cables and air hoses, spilt oil
and so on cause people to trip, slip or fall. Clutter and debris, oily rags, paper etc.
should be cleared away to prevent fire hazards.

Tools and equipment left in this state become obvious targets for thieves and make it
difficult for an employer to maintain effective levels of insurance cover. Upon
completion of any work activity, all tools etc. should be cleared away and the
workplace left in a safe condition.

As an individual you may have no control over the general state of the workplace but
you should see that your own work area is kept clear and tidy, as this is the mark of a
skilled and conscientious electrician

Through out your time in the workshop you will need lots of different materials to
complete your tasks. All materials are kept in locked stores. They will have to be
issued to you by your instructor. When you require materials you will need to fill out a
stores requisition form provided to you by your trainer. The materials you are issued
with are your responsibility so please ensure you look after them. Any misuse of
materials will not be tolerated. Only use them in the manner demonstrated to you by
your instructor.

Once your practical exercises have been assessed and you must remove and return
your re-usable materials to your instructor for checking. Please ensure you bring your
stores requisition sheet with you. Some materials will not be reusable. Your trainer
will inform you of what they are. Do not dispose of anything without first checking with
your instructor. Any materials that are deemed to be waste must be disposed of in
the bins as indicated by your instructor.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 32


Now answer the questions below

1. What is the most common cause of fatalities in the UK?

2. List at least five checks to undertake before using a ladder

3. What is the correct ratio to observe when erecting ladders?

4. List at least five things to observe when using a set of steps.

5. When should a mobile scaffold tower be inspected?

6. State the precautions you should take before moving a mobile scaffold tower

7. Where might a scissor lift be selected as access equipment as opposed to a mobile


8. Before lifting a load what needs to be considered?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 33


The Effects of Electric Shock

Electric shock is the effect of a current flowing through the body.

Small currents can disrupt the brain's signals to the muscles, and this confusion of
signals to the muscles can result in the grip on the conductor tightening, and the
heart ceasing to pump regularly. This latter effect is known as ventricular fibrillation.
This affects blood circulation and respiration. However, the effect of the current will
vary from person to person depending upon age, body mass and the body’s moisture

Some of the factors, which affect the electric shock, are:

• Magnitude of current
• Electricity supply frequency
• The Supply voltage
• Duration of current flow
• Heart behaviour
• Current path through body
• Area of contact between the body and conductor
• Possibility of conductor penetrating skin
• Environmental conditions (dry, wet contamination)

Tests have been carried out on live and dead animals and humans, to find out how
current flows through the body, and the effect of various levels of current. It was
discovered that the severity of electric shocks were affected by impedance. The
property of a substance to limit the flow of current is called the impedance.

In animals and humans, there are two

different impedances, the skin impedance
and the internal impedance, as shown on
this diagram.

However, if a shock is received through a large expanse of skin, for example lying in
a bath, or lying on the ground, the current flow will be greater.

Similarly, if the conductor punctures the skin

and makes contact with the internal muscles
etc., the current flow will be greater.

In addition to the skin impedance varying, the

body impedance also varies, depending on the
route of the current through it.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 34


Below displays how the body’s impedance is made up of various parts.

The diagram shows the values of impedance for various parts of the body. The
routes through the body will determine the level of impedance, the total (and highest)
impedance being from the hand to the foot.

A hand to stomach path would be about 50% of the impedance. Reduction in

impedance will cause more current to flow. The body impedance to current flow also
depends, to some extent, on the applied voltage and frequency.

You can appreciate that impedance is a variable factor but at that given time
increasing the supply voltage can increase the current flowing through the
impedance. This is basic Ohms law that states when a voltage of 1 volt is
applied to impedance of 1 Ohm, 1 ampere of current will flow. Increase the
voltage to 2 volts and the current will increase to 2 amperes. Increase the
voltage to 4 volts and the current increases to 4 amperes.

Ohms Law Triangle

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 35


Voltage is the difference of electrical potential between two points of an electrical

circuit. Voltage, which you know as 230 volts, is the difference in potential between
the live conductor and earth. The table below shows the effect of 230V 50 Hz current
flowing through the body for most of the population. A small minority may be more

Effects of Electric current on the body

Threshold of perception 1mA – 2mA
Mild to painful shock 5mA – 10mA
Threshold of let-go current 10mA – 15mA
Very severe shock 20mA – 30mA
Possible fatal shock 50mA and above
Note: The magnitudes of currents we are considering here are small. Current in a
100 W light bulb is about 400 mA.

These quoted figures are used only as a general guide and apply only for a duration
of greater than 200ms. In general, DC becomes hazardous at higher values than AC.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 36


• In the range 1 to 2mA everybody would experience a sensation of shock.

• Although 5 to 10mA is only mildly painful, it can still cause injury if it

causes the victim to fall from height.

• In the range of 10 to 15mA through the whole body there is mild to painful
shock. The individual muscles sense current of the same magnitude as
the impulses from the nerves.

• 20 to 30mA causes severe shock. The muscles contract, which can lead
to the victim grasping the live conductor and being unable to let go.

• Very severe shock in the range 30 - 50mA leads to muscular contraction,

respiratory paralysis and loss of consciousness and leads to ventricular
fibrillation and no breathing with possible cardiac arrest. Ventricular
fibrillation is the palpation of the heart, which can soon result in death
through lack of blood circulation. If the supply of oxygenated blood is
lost to the brain, then death can occur in 3-7 minutes.

• Over 50mA for greater than 200ms, fatal shock with ventricular fibrillation
can occur with burns at the points of contact. Persons who are not in
good health can be even more sensitive.

This range of current values could be caused by a range of voltages, depending on

the impedance of the body and the skin at any given time. For this reason, defining a
dangerous voltage is not a simple task, which is one of the reasons why the present
legislation does not categorize voltages as safe or otherwise.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 37


Burn Damage

Burn damage occurs because the body's ability to absorb energy is inadequate to
cope with the quantity of energy being delivered to it.

As an example, if you put your hand into the flow from a hot water tap, your nerves
quickly tell you that the water is too hot. When you remove your hand, the heat
energy gained by your hand is dissipated into the surrounding tissue. If none of the
tissue reaches too high a temperature for too long, no damage will result.

When an electric current flows through the body, it uses energy to overcome the
impedance. This energy appears as heat, which is dissipated into the surrounding
tissue. This may result in burn damage to the skin at the entry and exit points of the
current flow, and possibly internal burning along the length of the current path.

An electrical burn victim

Internal burn damage can also occur with microwave or RF welding

equipment, where energy is put into the body by vibrating the
molecules. As before, when the body cannot dissipate the heat fast
enough, burn damage results.


Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 38


External burn damage to the body through heat radiation may be caused by the
catastrophic failure of electrical equipment. This picture below shows what happens
when a junction box, which has a short circuit within it, is energised. This vividly
demonstrates how much energy is available from an electrical system.

An electrical explosion

Burns from these incidents can be particularly nasty because they are often
contaminated with the products of the explosion. These contaminants may be from
hot oil, gas, plasma, or molten copper, etc. resulting from the failure of the

Finally, electricity used in processes may give off energy in the visible or non-visible
energy spectrum, and both infrared and ultra-violet radiation can cause burns.

Arc welding

At one end of the spectrum, electrical heating of components to dull red heat will
cause infrared radiation, which may cause injury to the eyes. At the other end of the
spectrum, arc welding will cause ultra-violet radiation, which may also cause eye

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 39


Now complete the questions below.

1. What is ventricular fibrillation?

2. Name five things that affect the severity of an electric shock.

3. What is impedance?

4. Name four things relating to a body that can affect the magnitude of an electric shock

5. With a 230-volt supply, how much current can cause death?

6. How does burn damage occur from electric shock?

7. What might cause a person to receive heat radiation burns?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 40


Electrical safety
Electricity can kill. Even non-fatal shocks can cause severe and permanent injury.
Shocks from faulty equipment may lead to falls from ladders, scaffolds or other work
platforms. Those using electricity may not be the only ones at risk, as poor electrical
installations and faulty electrical appliances can lead to fires. Yet most of these
accidents can be avoided with careful planning and straightforward precautions.

Each year about 1,000 accidents at work involving electric shock or burns
are reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Around 30 of these
are fatal. Most of these fatalities arise from contact with overhead or
underground power cables

Hazards and Precautions

Main hazards
Contact with live parts causing shock and burns (mains voltage at 230
volts a.c. can kill)
Faults that could cause fires
Fire or explosion where electricity could be the source of ignition in a
potentially flammable or explosive atmosphere, e.g. in a spray-paint

Hazards in harsh conditions

The risk of injury from electricity is also strongly linked to where and how it is used.
The risks are greatest in harsh conditions.

In wet surroundings – unsuitable equipment can easily become live and

can make its surroundings live.
Out of doors – equipment may not only become wet but may be at greater
risk of damage.
In cramped spaces with a lot of earthed metalwork, such as inside a tank.
If an electrical fault were to develop here it could be very difficult to avoid
a shock.
Some items of equipment can also involve greater risk than others.
Extension leads are particularly liable to damage – to their plugs and
sockets, to their electrical connections, and to the cable itself. Other
flexible leads, particularly those connected to equipment that is moved a
great deal, can suffer from similar problems.

Safety precautions

There are precautions that can be taken to ensure that the electrical installation is

Install new electrical systems to a suitable standard, e.g. BS 7671

Requirements for Electrical Installations, and then maintain them in a safe
Existing installations should also be properly maintained.
Provide enough socket outlets – overloading socket outlets by using
adaptors can cause fires.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 41


Working with powered hand tools

It is very important that you make sure any electrical equipment (including powered
hand tools) is safe to work with. To do this you must follow these safety procedures.

How to check if a power tool is safe to use

1. Do not plug in before checking

When you first come across a piece of electrical

equipment or powered hand tool, you won’t know if it is
safe to plug in and work with. The rule is ‘Do not plug
in until you have checked the tool’. If you plug the
power tool in and there is a fault with it, you could be
seriously injured or killed!

2. Check body of power tool

Check that the body of the tool is clean and free from grease or excessive dirt. This
dirt could make the tool more difficult to hold and control. It could also hide other
defects. Check for cracks in the body. Check for loose fittings and missing bits of the
tool. Check as well to see if there is an up-to-date PAT label on the tool. PAT is the
‘Portable Appliance Test’. This will show it has passed an electrical safety test on a
particular date. A competent person must carry out the test.

3. Check cable on power tool

The cable could be considered the ‘weaker’ part of the power tool. It often lies on the
ground in dirt and water and can easily be damaged by treading or driving over it.
Check the cable for cuts, abrasions, burns, bare wires and frayed ends.

4. Check plug of power tool

The plug needs to be checked to make sure it is not dirty, wet or covered in grease.
Check the pins are in place and not loose or misshapen. Also check the casing of the
socket to make sure the spring-loaded cover operates correctly and that it is not

5. Check voltage of power tool

If the plug and cable are coloured yellow the power tool will operate at 110 volts.
There may also be labels on the power tool showing 110 volts. To work on building
sites, all power tools should be at this reduced voltage or, better still, battery

6. Plug in power tool

Once you have made all the checks correctly, you can plug in the power tool and
start work. If you are not sure about the checks you have just made, do not plug in
the tool and do not start work. Go and ask advice from your trainer.

There is no set procedure for checking power tools before use, but it is good
practice to decide your own routine. The following activity will help you to do this.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 42



The objectives of this activity are:

To describe the power tool safety checking procedure before plugging in

the tool for work.
To complete a list of appropriate powered hand tool safety checking

In your group you will need:
One set of 24 coloured cards;
A yellow start card entitled ‘Mains supplied power tool’.

The purpose of the activity is to lay down all the cards in a suitable order to show the
correct safety checks needed before using a power tool. Have a look at the flow chart
layout for guidance. (This flow chart is simply a guide. Although there is no set order
for checking portable powered hand tools, it is good practice to plan your own
procedure and use it every time.)

Stage 1
Check that everybody understands what the terms on all the cards mean. Discuss
the meanings of the statements with your trainer. Shuffle the cards and share out.

Stage 2
Put the large, yellow card, ‘Mains supplied power tool,’ on the table. Choose the
order in which each person or group will play the activity. Only one card can start the
activity. The person who thinks they have this first card shows it to the other players.
This card is laid down next to the large yellow card.

Stage 3
The task is now to put down the remaining cards in a logical order. Each player takes
turns. If a player cannot lay down any cards, the turn passes to the next player. The
group has to agree a card is correct before going on. The activity is complete when
all cards have been laid down. Check your solutions with the trainer then fill out the
blank template on the page after next.

Stage 4
Now check your understanding.
Complete the power tools safety checks chart on the next page.
The column on the left lists all the stages of successful safety checks. You must
complete the column on the right, putting in all the detail for safety checks.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 43


Mains supplied powered hand tool

Safety checks statement Details for safety checks

Check body of powered hand tool

Check cable of powered hand tool

Check plug of powered hand tool

Check voltage of powered hand tool

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 44


Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 45


Safe and suitable equipment

So that we can achieve the safest possible situation during each of our tasks at work
we need to ensure we are using safe and suitable equipment. This will mean that we
will have to make informed decisions before we start work. These decisions, along
with correct use of tools and equipment will determine how safely we carry out our
tasks. Below is a checklist to help us.

Choose and use equipment Replace

that is suitable for its damaged
working environment. sections of
Using air, hydraulic, hand cable
or battery-powered tools completely.
can sometimes eliminate Use proper connectors or
electrical risks. These are cable couplers to join
especially useful in harsh lengths of cable. Do not
conditions. use strip connector blocks
Ensure that equipment is covered in insulating tape.
safe when supplied and Some types of equipment
maintain it in a safe are double insulated. These
condition. are often marked with a
Regularly inspect and test ‘double-square’ symbol.
portable equipment The supply leads have only
(P.A.T.). two wires. Make sure they
Provide an accessible and are properly connected if
clearly identified switch the plug is not a moulded-
near each fixed machine to on type, noting the change
cut off power in an in cable colours.
emergency. Protect lamps and other
For portable equipment, equipment that could easily
use socket outlets that are be damaged in use. There
close by so that equipment is a risk of electric shock if
can easily be disconnected they are broken.
in an emergency. Check electrical equipment
The ends of flexible cables used in
should always have the flammable/explosive
outer sheath of the cable atmospheres. It should be
firmly clamped to stop the designed to stop it from
wires (particularly the earth) causing ignition. You may
pulling out of the terminals. need specialist advice

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 46


Common electrical safety

Reduce the voltage

One of the best ways of reducing the risk of injury when using electrical equipment is
to limit the supply voltage to the lowest needed to get the job done. For example:

Temporary lighting can be run at lower voltages, e.g. 12, 25, 50 or 110
Where electrically powered tools are used, battery-operated ones are
Portable tools are readily available that are designed to be run from a 110
volt centre-tapped-to-earth supply.

Provide a safety device

If equipment operating at 230 volts or higher is used, an RCD
(residual current device) can provide additional safety. The
best place for an RCD is built into the main switchboard or the
socket outlet, as this means that the supply cables are
permanently protected. If this is not possible, a plug
incorporating an RCD, or a plug-in RCD adaptor, can also
provide additional safety.

RCDs for protecting people have a rated tripping current

(sensitivity) of usually not more than 30 milliamps (mA). RCD
However, please remember:

• An RCD is a valuable safety • If the RCD trips frequently and

device: never bypass it no fault can be found in the
• If an RCD trips, this is a sign system, consult the
that there is a fault manufacturer of the RCD
• Check the system before • The RCD has a test button to
resetting it. check that its mechanism is free
and functioning. Use this

Carry out preventive maintenance

All electrical equipment and installations should be maintained to prevent danger.
It is strongly recommended that this includes an appropriate system of visual
inspection and, where necessary, testing.

By concentrating on a simple, inexpensive system of looking for visible signs of

damage or faults, most of the electrical risks can be controlled. This will need to be
backed up by testing as necessary. It is always recommended that fixed installations
are inspected and tested periodically by a competent person.

The frequency of inspections and any necessary testing will depend on the type of
equipment, how often it is used, and the environment in which it is used (see
BS7671). Records of the results of inspection and testing can be useful in assessing
the effectiveness of the system. Guidelines are shown below.

Domestic installations – 10 years

Commercial installations – 5 years
Industrial installations – 3 years
Construction sites – 3 months

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 47


Work safely
Make sure that people who are working with electricity are competent to do the job.
Even simple tasks such as wiring a plug can lead to danger – ensure that people
know what they are doing before they start. Therefore check that:

Suspect or faulty equipment is taken out of use, labelled ‘DO NOT USE’
and kept secure until examined by a competent person
Where possible, tools and power socket outlets are switched off before
plugging in or unplugging
Equipment is switched off and/or unplugged before cleaning or making
More complicated tasks, such as equipment repairs or alterations to an
electrical installation, should only be tackled by people with a knowledge
of the risks and the precautions needed
You must not allow work on or near exposed live parts of equipment
unless it is absolutely unavoidable and suitable precautions have been
taken to prevent injury, both to the workers and to anyone else who may
be in the area.

Underground power cables

Although this will be a rare occurrence for an electrician, always assume cables will
be present when digging in the street, pavement or near buildings. Use up to- date
service plans, cable-avoidance tools and safe digging practice to avoid danger.
Drawings should be updated with new cable routes. Service plans should be
available from regional electricity companies, local authorities, highways authorities

Cables should be laid on a bedding of sand laid on to a light aggregate and then
back filled with sand to minimise damage potential. The cables should then be
marked with danger tiles and or warning tape.

Overhead power lines

When working near overhead lines, it may be possible to have them switched off if
the owners are given enough notice. If this cannot be done, consult the owners about
the safe working distance from the cables. Over half of the fatal electrical accidents
each year are caused by contact with overhead lines. Generally the safe distances

Over 750V to 75kV – 3 metres

Over 75kV to 250kV - 4.5 metres
Over 250kV to 550kV – 6 metres

Electrified railways and tramways

If working near electrified railways or tramways consult the line or track operating
company. Not all trains are diesel powered, and some railways and tramways use
electrified rails rather than overhead cables.

Now complete the questions on the next page

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 48


Now complete the questions below

1. What are the main causes of fatalities from electricity?

2. State the three main hazards of electricity.

3. What are the main precautions to ensure an installation is safe?

4. Before you plug in a portable power tool what are the 5 steps to observe?

5. Why is it important to select equipment that is suitable for the environment it is to be

used in?

6. What is one of the best ways to reduce risk of injury when using electrical equipment?

7. What level of tripping current sensitivity do RCDs operate at when designed to protect

8. What is preventative maintenance and how does it help electrical safety?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 49


Unsafe / safe electrical situations

The main concern with regard to an electrical installation is whether it is safe or
unsafe. Whether it is regarded as safe or unsafe will be determined by a number of
factors from damaged accessories to incompetent workers carrying out tasks. The
scope of this subject is huge but we will look at the main factors below

In your own words, try to define what an unsafe electrical situation is. Think of
various different occasions or events that involve electricity and write a few lines
about one or more unsafe electrical situation.

Example 1 Worker severely burnt in electrical explosion and fire

A maintenance worker was checking out why

there was no power to a machine. At the
electrical panel, the disconnect switch for the
machine was in the "off" position. He then
opened the switch panel door, and turned the
switch to the "on" position.

A line-to-line or line-to-earth fault occurred

when the worker energized the switch, causing
an explosion and fire. The worker was wearing
safety glasses, but received burns to his hands,
arms, and face.

An investigation into this accident determined

the insulation on the neutral in the main
electrical switch panel was damaged and
subsequently was in contact with a live busbar.

A maintenance worker on a previous shift had

identified the fault but had not reported it or
carried out a full isolation.

What could the workman have done to prevent this unsafe electrical situation
becoming dangerous to himself and others around him?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 50


Example 2 Housewife blown across kitchen by electrical explosion


The person who plugged the washing machine in was blown across the room but
was found to be unharmed after a brief check up at hospital. An arc flash caused the
scorch marks on the wall.

Cause - Faulty connections in the plug top.

What is meant by faulty connections and how could this of happened?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 51


Identifying unsafe and safe electrical situations

It is OK knowing what is safe and unsafe but it is a lot more difficult

to recognise. Most problems occur where an installation is most
used or interacted with. Some problems occur in hidden locations
such as in walls, under floors or within enclosures or junction
boxes. Some basic steps can help identify a circuit’s integrity.

Factors that may determine the safety of a circuit or equipment:

 Age – over time materials may become unsuitable

 Wear and Tear – general use of the installation may introduce dangers
 Incompetent electrical work – dangerous occurrences can be the result

The main sense we would use in an inspection is the eyes. Seeing a situation will
give an instant indicator as to a circuit’s integrity. It could be said that all other senses
are equally as important and should all be used to achieve a full examination. Smell
can be used for detecting burn damage or over heating. Touch can detect
overheating or damaged mechanical operations of switches, etc. Hearing can help
where rotating machinery is making odd sounds or where crackling noises could
indicate loose connections and arcing. Generally taste is not used so don’t be
tempted to stick your tongue on an exposed conductive part! And finally your brain.
Think! These things happen for a reason so use your mind to try to discover why,
where and how. Previous experience plays a big part so remembering events can be
a big help.

Look for unsafe factors of circuits that will include:

 Damage to equipment or accessories

 Poorly installed equipment/accessories
 Loose connections giving rise to shock/fire
 Overloaded circuits
 Inadequate protection of circuits against over current
 Circuit cables inadequate to safely carry load current
 Inadequate earthing
 Switching off essential supplies unintentionally

Factors that determine the safety of an electrical situation:

 Electrician’s competency
 Safe working practices
 Proper use of the circuit and its components
 Preventative maintenance

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 52


Common Circuit Faults

The purpose of a fuse or circuit breaker device is to automatically interrupt circuit

current in the event of fault or overload conditions. Under normal circumstances the
fuse or circuit breaker should operate before the circuit cables reach a dangerously
high temperature. If the fuse or circuit breaker is too high for the circuit, the cables
may reach a dangerously high temperature resulting in fire. This can occur because

Loose Connections

Loose connections are usually the result of poor electrical work. An electrician who
fails to check that connections are electrically and mechanically sound runs the risk
of someone receiving an electric shock, arcing and even starting a fire.

Most common cause: Incompetent workers

Loose connection on neutral pin. Loose connection on main switch

Arc Flash

Think of an arc flash as electricity jumping through the air. In an arc flash incident, an
enormous amount of concentrated radiant energy explodes outwards from the
electrical equipment (see videos on power point), creating pressure waves that can
damage a persons hearing, a high-intensity flash that can damage their eyesight and
a superheated ball of gas that can severely burn a workers body and melt metal. The
pressure waves can also send loose material like pieces of damaged equipment,
tools and other objects flying through the air.

Most common cause: Loose connections.

On a small scale it will sound like a crackling noise. Can you think of any where in
your home or at work where you might come across arc flash?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 53



Defined as: “An act of putting excessive demand on a circuit by adding too much

A circuit protective device and its circuit conductors have an upper limit or rating
where a value of current will be given as its maximum ratings. If this rating is
exceeded through adding more demand to the circuit this is called “overloading”.

The common three-pin plug you see on a four way extension lead is designed to
carry a maximum of 13 amps. A standard electrical heater with a 3 KW rating will
carry 13 amps of current. What do you think would happen if you were to plug in
one more 3 KW heater?

An overloaded socket

Short Circuit

Defined as: “line and neutral conductors coming directly or indirectly into contact
whilst live”

The lines or line and neutral should never be in contact with each other. If under fault
conditions they do come into contact this is called a “short circuit”. This could happen
through damage to the cable’s insulation or from a faulty component. Large amounts
of fault current will flow in this situation and the fuse or circuit breaker should operate.

Direct short circuit

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 54


Earth Fault

Defined as: “A fault condition that exists between line conductors and earth”

The earth conductor is present to carry any earth fault current. This would occur
when a line conductor comes into contact with an earth conductor. Due to the very
low impedance of the earth conductor this will cause a massive amount of fault
current to flow in the circuit and in this case the fuse or circuit breaker should
operate. A fault path to earth can be via earthed metallic pipe work as well as earthed

Typical earth fault

ACTIVITY- In groups of two discuss each picture on the power point and try to determine whether
the picture shows a safe or an unsafe electrical situation. In terms of people and property, try to
think of them in terms of whether they could either be hazardous or non hazardous. What is it that
makes them dangerous? What might happen? What is needed to make them safe?

1 6

2 7

3 8

4 9

5 10

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 55


Unintentional Isolation of Essential Supplies

Isolation is an essential part of electrical work. But what if you isolate the wrong
circuit? You might be required to isolate and modify a socket circuit. A mistaken
isolation may mean you isolate a circuit that supplies intensive care equipment or
important safety circuits.

You could be asked to change a light fitting in an office. It may be that you failed to
isolate the correct lighting circuit. That doesn’t sound too bad does it? But what if that
lighting circuit you isolated was in a workshop operating dangerous machinery at

Circuits can also easily become de-energised by mistake. Competent electricians

should only carry out removing a consumer unit cover but the lid could operate an
MCB switch by coming into contact with the switching mechanism. Even clumsy
fingers can operate MCBs by mistake. The possibilities of unintentional isolation are

The most important things to remember are:

• Ensure the circuit chart has been assessed to identify the correct
circuit to be isolated.
• Take extra care when removing covers and lids from equipment and
always treat them as “live”.
• Obtain permission and a permit (if required) to isolate circuits

State two more circumstances where isolating the wrong circuit could have an
adverse affect.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 56


Now answer the questions below

1. What are the three main factors that determine the safety of a circuit?

2. State at least four potentially unsafe factors of a circuit.

3. What is the best method to ensure loose connections do not occur?

4. What is an arc flash? State is most common cause.

5. How is a circuit overloaded?

6. How might a short circuit occur in a circuit?

7. How might an earth fault occur in a circuit?

8. What is the main danger of unintentionally isolating a supply?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 57


Risk Assessment
Accidents and ill health can ruin lives, and affect business too if output is lost,
machinery is damaged, insurance costs increase or employers have to go to court.
Employers are therefore legally required to assess the risks in their workplace. A risk
assessment is nothing more than a careful examination of what, during working
activities, could cause harm to people, so that an employer can weigh up whether
they have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm. The aim is
to make sure that no one gets hurt or becomes ill.

The important things to decide are:

• What are the hazards?
• Are they significant?
• Are hazards covered by satisfactory precautions so that the risk is small?

Employers need to check this when assessing risks. For example, we know that
electricity is a hazard that can kill, but the risk of it doing so in a tidy, well-run office
environment is remote, provided that the installation is sound, ‘live’ components are
insulated and metal casings are properly earthed.

What is a hazard and what is a risk?

A hazard means anything that can A risk is the chance, high or low,
cause harm (e.g. chemicals, that somebody will be harmed by
asbestos, electricity, working from the hazard
ladders or scaffolding, etc.)

We’ll look more at hazards at the end of this section.

How to assess risks in the workplace

Some years ago the HSE produced guidance for employers to help with the process.
Known as the 5 Steps to Risk Assessment, it has become an invaluable tool for
grasping the essentials of risk assessment and comprises:

Five Steps of Risk Assessment

• Step 1 Look for the hazard.
• Step 2 Decide who might be harmed and how.
• Step 3 Evaluate the risks and decide whether the existing
precautions are adequate or whether more should be done.
• Step 4 Record your findings.
• Step 5 Review your assessment and revise it if necessary.

To help understand the concepts, when you read on, try to put yourself in the position
of an employer carrying out a risk assessment. We’ve worded it in that way.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 58


Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 59


Workshop Task:
In groups of three carry out a risk assessment in the workshop. Use the model form on the
last page to help you identify each stage of the process. Record your assessment on the
model HSE form below then return to the class

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 60


Classroom task: When you have completed your risk assessment and the form on the last
page use the model form below to grade the hazards according how much danger they present
(see below for details). Once completed nominate one person from your group to present your
groups findings to the class. As a group you may have to explain your reasons for certain
decisions you have made.

Record all the potential hazards and activities associated with the task including
equipment (e.g. noise, dust, use of step ladders etc.).
Nature of the Risk
Use this area to record the likelihood of the activity, substance or process to cause
harm (e.g. fall from step ladder causing injury).
Risk Rating
Rate the risk of each hazard, using the values given in the table. Multiply them
together to obtain the risk factor for each element of the assessment.

Risk Assessment Record

Area Assessment Number
Persons at Risk
1 Poor housekeeping 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12

Nature of Risk
Likelihood of Occurrence Severity of Incident
Extremely Unlikely 1 Minor Injury 1
Unlikely 2 Injury (3 days lost) 2
Likely 3 Reportable 3
Very Likely 4 Major 4
Almost Certain 5 Fatal 5

Risk Factor 1-5 Low Priority 6-9 Medium Priority 10-25 High Priority
Likelihood x Severity = Risk Factor
Risk Analysis of Hazard Likelihood Severity Risk Factor
1 Slips, trips and falls 2 1 2
Record highest risk factor in L M H
Existing Control Systems appropriate box

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 61


Permit to Work
There will always be circumstances where you will be involved in potentially
dangerous tasks. These tasks will mean a company will have to provide special
authorisation for work such as access into live equipment or enclosures or for “hot”
work such as welding or grinding. Authorisation may also necessary for entry in
certain areas or for any work at all. For many situations, the answer is the use of the
Permit to Work system.

A Permit to Work is a document that specifies:

• The work to be done • When the permit expires

• Equipment preparation • An permit authorisation section*
• Potential hazards • A work completed section*
• Precautions to be taken (*For signatures of those
• The person(s) involved involved)
• When it is going to be done

The permit is then only ‘active’ for a set period, and if you haven’t returned by the
allocated time, someone will investigate. Some companies make use of a paper-
based ‘Permit to Work’ system for all isolation procedures.

Construction sites can be dangerous places, but with a little thought no one needs to
come to any harm. One area that continues to be of concern, however, is that people
remain unaware of the dangers of working in isolation.

Class discussion
Roger, a painter, had gone off to paint some rooms one Saturday morning. Arriving on site
he said hello to a few people and went off to start his work. Once there he realised he also
had a fairly large storage tank to paint. Many hours later, his body was found inside the
storage tank. He was killed by the fumes from the specialist paint he was using.

1. What precautions should Roger have taken before starting this work?
2. Who would have been involved in the investigation of this accident? And what
recommendations do you think they would make?

One contributing factor to the painter’s death in the case study above was that no
one knew exactly where he was or what he was doing. This is one example, but there
are many circumstances where you should not work by yourself such as:

In confined spaces
In trenches
Near, or on, live sources or equipment
At height
Near to unguarded machinery
Where there is a risk of fire or in hazardous atmospheres
With toxic or corrosive substances.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 62


Who can issue a permit?

As the Permit to Work has to be authorised, it is essential that the authoriser is
competent and fully able to understand the work to be done, the hazards and the
proposed system of work and precautions needed. A sound knowledge of
Regulations such as the Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 and COSHH is also

The Permit to Work form aids communication between everyone involved, and
employers must train staff in its use. The company issuing the permit, taking into
account individual site conditions and requirements, should ideally design it.
On certain sites, separate permit forms may be required for different tasks, such as
hot work and entry into confined spaces, so that sufficient emphasis can be given to
the particular hazards present and precautions required.

The location of the permit will generally reside with the permit issuer / authorizer or in
a dedicated permit issue office. The worker will have a carbon copy of the permit for
their own use.

Now complete the questions below

1. What are the main things to consider when completing a risk assessment?

2. State in your own words what a hazard and what a risk are.

3. What are the five steps of risk assessment?

4. What is a permit to work and what information does it display?

5. Who is able to write and issue a permit?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 63


Safe Isolation of electrical supplies

Many fatal electrical accidents occur during the proving of isolation. You must be on
guard, as you may have no idea whatsoever of the type of supply you are dealing
with. Before beginning work on any electrical circuit you should make sure that it is
completely isolated from the supply by following recognised procedures drawn up by
the Joint Industry Board for the Electrical Contracting Industry:

In order to carry out a safe isolation you will need:

1. A circuit to be isolated and its supply location

2. Some form of a lockable isolation device.
3. Suitable test instruments to GS38.
4. A locking device such as a pad lock.
5. Relevant paper work or notification.

1. The circuit
The isolation has one purpose, to make
the circuit safe so that it can worked up
on. Knowing where the circuit is supplied
from is the primary requirement of any
electrical isolation.
The circuit may be labelled with a circuit
reference at the isolator or on accessories
such as sockets on the circuit.
If the supply DB is in a locked switch room
Overloaded socket
special permission and a permit may be
required to enter and isolate.
2. Lockable Isolation device
The isolation device must be lockable. If it is
not then there is always a risk that it will be
unintentionally energised. This is essential.
Always be sure you only isolate the intended
isolation device. Unintentional operation of
other devices can have serious effects.
For single-line systems, both live conductors
(line and neutral) must be broken by the
On three line supplies, only the three lines (LI,
IP65 Isolator L2 and L3) need to be broken, the neutral
being left solidly connected.

Isolators are required for all circuits and for all equipment, and must be adjacent to
the system protected. The isolator must be arranged so that it will not close
unintentionally due to vibration or other mechanical effect. It is particularly important
for motors and their starters to be provided with adjacent isolation to enable safe

The OFF position on all isolators must be clearly marked and should not be indicated
until the contacts have opened. Every isolator must be clearly and durably marked to
indicate the circuit or equipment it protects. If a single isolator will not cut off the
supply from internal parts of an enclosure, it must be labelled to draw attention to the
possible danger.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 64


3. Test Instruments to GS38

Published by the HSE, the GS38 document covers electrical test equipment used by
electricians and gives guidance to electrically competent people involved in electrical
testing, diagnosis and repair. Electrically competent people may include electricians,
electrical contractors, test supervisors, technicians, managers or appliance repairers.

Advice is given mainly in the following areas.

Test probes
Test probes and leads used in conjunction with a voltmeter, multimeter, electrician’s
test lamp or voltage indicator should be selected to prevent danger. Good test probes
and leads will have the following:

Have finger barriers or are shaped to guard against inadvertent hand
contact with the live conductors under test
Are insulated to leave an exposed metal tip not exceeding 4 mm
measured across any surface of the tip. Where practicable it is strongly
recommended that this is reduced to 2 mm or less or that spring-loaded
retractable-screened probes are used
Should have suitable high-breaking capacity fuse or fuses with a low
current rating usually not exceeding 500 mA or a current limiting resistor
and a fuse.

Are adequately insulated
Are coloured so that one lead can be easily distinguished from the other
Are flexible and of sufficient capacity for the duty expected of them
Are sheathed to protect against mechanical damage
Are long enough for the purpose while not being so long that they are
clumsy or unwieldy
Do not have accessible exposed conductors other than the probes or tips
or have live conductors accessible to the person’s finger should a lead
become detached from a probe.
The test lead or leads are held captive and sealed into the body of the
voltage detector.

Recommended recommended
voltage voltage
indicators indicators

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 65


Voltage-indicating devices

Instruments that are used solely for detecting a voltage fall into two categories
as described below.

• Detectors that rely on an illuminated lamp (test lamp) or a meter scale (test
• Detectors that use two or more independent indicating systems (one of which
may be audible) and limit energy input to the detector by the circuitry used

Detectors that rely on an illuminated lamp (test lamp) or a meter scale (test meter)
Test lamps are fitted with a 15 W lamp
Should not give rise to danger if the lamp is broken
Should also be protected by a guard.
Requires protection against excess current. This may be provided by a
suitable high breaking capacity fuse with a low current rating usually not
exceeding 500 mA or by means of a current-limiting resistor and a fuse.
These protective devices are housed in the probes themselves. The test
lead or leads are held captive and sealed into the body of the voltage

Essential method to check the device

1. Check both instruments for damage
2. Place both probes of voltage indicator into a proving units’ entries
3. Ensure voltage indicator illuminates to the proving unit’s output voltage
4. If lamps do not illuminate check proving units batteries and replace
5. Repeat steps 1-3 before and after each test on a circuit

Describe briefly how you might perform an isolation on a lighting circuit you
were about to modify.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 66


4. Lockable device
Any device that can lock and remain locked
unless opened with a key is acceptable.
Where more than one operative may be
working on one circuit or system multi-
hasps may be used like the one shown on
the left. The circuit cannot be energised
unless ALL locks have been removed.
The circuit must not be energisable when
locked off unless the person who carried
out the isolation is satisfied it can be re-

One of the most important factors of securing an isolation is where the key is
retained. An isolated circuit with the key still in the lock or left lying around the
location of the isolator may be unintentionally re-energised by an unknowing person.
Ideally the person who carried out the isolation should retain the key on his person.
Otherwise a company with a safe isolation procedure can be used. This would mean
filling in paper work and locking the key in an enclosure to keep it safe. For this
system to work it is recommended that only a minimum number of fully trained
persons have access to the enclosure.

5. Notification

• Notification of isolations can be a simple card located at the point of isolation but
• It must be a durable notification written in durable ink that is secured to the
locking device.
• It can take the form of a safe isolation permit system that a company uses where
a book will be filled in with all the relevant information and held in a secure
• The information required on the notification is:
• The name of the person who isolated it
• The date it was isolated
• Additional information may show:
• Circuit reference
• Circuit designation
• Contact details of person who isolated
• Key location
• Authorised persons who can re-energise

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 67


Electrical Competence - The Correct Procedure

Every electrician has been electrocuted, most electricians have been

electrocuted more than once, and some electricians get electrocuted all
the time. Some electricians die from the effects of electrocution, others
are badly burnt or maimed, some get away with it. The above may or may not be
factual; the point is every time an electrician is electrocuted it is because the correct
isolation procedure has not been followed – FACT.

Can you remember the images you saw earlier? They were real pictures of real
electrocution victims. An electric shock in excess of 50mA can cause ventricular
fibrillation and death!

To carry out a safe isolation we first need to know where and how to test. The most
common location to test at is the supply terminals. These are the terminals where the
circuit feed enters and the supply conductors terminate. They will generally be made
of brass and, within an enclosure, may need to be exposed by removing a protective
cover. Other test locations could be the terminals on accessories such as light fittings
and sockets or isolators. Remember to take care when entering a potentially live

Always treat terminals as live!

Testing the circuit or equipment

All circuits to be worked on must be tested to ensure they are dead.

First, test the voltage indicator on a known supply or proving unit before use.
Then for single-line supplies test between:
Line and neutral,
Line and earth,
Neutral and earth,
For three-line supplies, test between:
Brown (L1) and black (L2),
Brown (L1) and grey (L3),
Grey (L3) and black (L2),
Brown (L1) and blue (N),
Black (L2) and blue (N),
Grey (L3) and blue (N),
Brown (L1) and green/yellow (Earth),
Black (L2) and green/yellow (Earth),
Grey (L3) and green/yellow (Earth),
Blue (N) and green/yellow (Earth).
Retest the voltage indicator on a known supply or proving unit after use

On 1 April 2004 the insulation colours of conductors changed. However, for many
years to come you will find existing installations with the old colours.

These were:
Single-line – Red and Black
Three-line – Red (L1), Yellow (L2) and Blue (L3).

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 68


All live conductors must be isolated before work can be carried out. As the neutral
conductor is classified as a live conductor this should also be disconnected.
This may mean removing the conductor from the neutral block in the distribution
board. Not all distribution boards are fitted with double pole isolators so the
connecting sequence for neutral conductors needs to be verified and maintained.

The full safe isolation test procedure

1. Remove the loads from the circuit to be isolated

Isolators are not meant for “on-load” switching. Isolations should be carried out on
un-loaded circuits

2. Turn off and lock off the isolator

When the isolator is off it needs to be locked off in case it is re-energised by

3. Prove the ‘approved voltage tester’ on a known source (proving unit)

Doing this ensures you will get a true measurement from the circuit terminals

4. Test the circuit to confirm as ‘dead’

Double-checks that the isolation has been a success

5. Re-prove the ‘approved voltage tester’ on the proving unit

Confirms the instrument is still functioning correctly

6. Fit warning notices

Notifies others of the isolation at the isolation point and /or the equipment

7. Keep the key in your pocket ensuring only you can re-energise the
While you are working on the circuit only you can re-energise it

Basically that’s how to keep the Grim Reaper at bay. Stay safe. Follow the
correct procedure. Even if you haven’t made the isolation, make sure
someone else has.
Your safety is your responsibility so double check it is isolated.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 69


It sounds so simple, so why do electricians keep getting electrocuted? In a word it is

“laziness”. The source of supply may not have means of locking off. If that is the
case, look for alternatives. Lock the whole switch room off if necessary, physically
disconnect the supply, leave a lookout at the point of isolation, inform people of what
you are doing.

Your safety is your own responsibility. If you follow the rules the chances of you
receiving an electric shock are absolutely minimal. If, and hopefully not, you do get
electrocuted the odds are that it was because you didn’t follow the rules.

How did your ceiling light isolation compare to the correct procedure? Study
your previous answer and try to think of one thing that may have happened
when following ‘your’ process. Try to describe where you may have made a
mistake and what could have happened. You may be required to present your
findings to the class.

Other than Electricians, who might wish to isolate electrical circuits and what are
the type of circuits they may need to isolate?

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 70


Algorithm drawing

There now follows a template of a slightly more extensive procedure. It is in the

format of an ALGORITHM. An algorithm is a type of flowchart designed in such a
way that the user follows a systematic pattern or path by answering a series of
questions. The questions are formed so that the answer must be either YES or NO.

Algorithms are difficult to design and rely heavily on the designer’s ability to
anticipate a wide range of possible faults and tests. They do provide an effective
approach for people with no knowledge of a system.

RECTANGLE - contains either a statement or an instruction

DIAMOND – contains a question which requires a YES or NO answer


Question “Check the” NO
“Does it
Statement work”?


Follow up NO



Action Question

Direction of travel Process


Using the Isolation Procedure Kit, work in pairs to try to complete the exercise. There are
the exact numbers of cards to place onto the template. If you need any help ask the
instructor for some guidance. When you have finished and it has been marked correctly by
your instructor you will be required to fill in the blank template above.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 71

LEARNER WORK BOOK Safe isolation
template for you
to complete

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 72


Now complete the questions below.

1. What five things do you need to carry out a safe isolation?

2. What is the main requirement of an isolation device?

3. What is GS38?

4. Name five requirements of GS38.

5. What are the two most common instruments used for electrical isolations and state how
you test them?

6. What should we do with the key once we have locked off an isolator?

7. What basic information needs to be displayed on an isolation notification?

8. Name all seven steps in sequence to carry out a safe isolation.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 73


First Aid for electric shock

Electric shock occurs when a person becomes part of the electrical

circuit. The severity of the shock will depend on the level of current
and the length of time it is in contact with the body.

The lethal level is approximately 50 mA, above which muscles

contract, the heart fibrillates and breathing stops. A shock current above 50 mA could
be fatal unless the person is quickly separated from the supply. Below 50 mA only an
unpleasant tingling sensation may be experienced. However, this may cause you to
fall from a roof or ladder, which could lead to a serious injury.

 First of all check your safety to ensure that you would not put
yourself at risk by helping the casualty
 Then break the electrical contact to the casualty by switching off
the supply, removing the plug (if it is undamaged) or wrenching
the cable free (only attempt this if the cable and plug etc. are
If this is not possible break the contact by pushing or pulling the
casualty free using a piece of non-conductive material, e.g. a
piece of wood
 If the casualty is conscious , guide them to the ground making
sure that further injuries are not sustained, e.g. banging their
head on the way down.
 If the casualty is unconscious, get help straight away, then
check the casualty’s response. Talk to and gently shake the
casualty to gauge their level of response. If the casualty appears
unharmed they should be advised to rest and see a GP
 If there is no movement or any sign of breathing summon help
immediately. If there is someone with you, tell them to get help,
i.e. ring 999; if you are on your own with the casualty you will
have to leave them for a moment while you get help yourself
 As soon as you return to the casualty you need to begin CPR
(cardio-pulmonary resuscitation).

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 74


Danger Responses Airways, Breathing, Circulation (DR’s ABC)

Dr’s ABC is the current preferred method of delivering first aid to suspected shock
victims or victims that are unconscious.

The casualty may still be in contact with a live conductor. Ask yourself.
Am I in any danger? If I get to the casualty will I be in danger? Always
be on the lookout for signs of unsafe situations and never put yourself in
danger before you are sure you can help.

When a casualty is unconscious, you need to know to what degree they
are unconscious. Ask a question or give a command – for example,
‘What happened?’ or ‘Open your eyes’. Speak loudly and clearly, close to the
casualty’s ear. Carefully shake their shoulders. A casualty in a serious state of
‘altered consciousness’ may mumble, groan or make slight movements. A fully
unconscious casualty will not respond.

Open the airway. An unconscious
casualty’s airway may be narrowed or
blocked, making breathing difficult and
noisy, or impossible. The main reason
for this is that muscular control in the
throat is lost, which allows the tongue to
sag back and block the throat. Lifting
the chin and tilting the head back lifts
the tongue away from the entrance to
the air passage.

To open the airway, remove any obvious obstruction from the mouth. Place two
fingers under the point of the casualty’s chin as shown here and lift the jaw. At the
same time, place your other hand on the casualty’s forehead and tilt the head well

To check for breathing put your ear close to the casualty’s mouth. Look and feel for
breathing as well as looking for chest movements. Listen for the sound of breathing.
Feel for breath on your cheek. Look, listen and feel for 10 seconds before deciding
that breathing is absent.

Check for signs of life and a pulse. Because of the time being lost trying to find the
pulse in the neck, the National Institute of Clinical Excellence currently does not
advise this method of checking for a pulse. Current thinking is to listen to the patient’s
chest instead. Check for about 10 seconds to see whether a pulse is present.
If the casualty is breathing, place them in the recovery position. If not, deliver CPR
(cardiopulmonary resuscitation) in the following manner.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 75



Mouth to mouth
Mouth-to-mouth ventilation is given with the casualty lying flat on their back. The aim
is go get oxygen into the lungs of the casualty:
First, remove any obvious obstruction including broken or displaced dentures
from the mouth open the airway by tilting the head and lifting the chin
Close the casualty’s nose by pinching it with your index finger and thumb
Take a full breath, and place your lips around their mouth, making a good seal
Blow into the casualty’s mouth until you see the chest rise. Take about two
seconds for full inflation
Remove your lips and allow the chest to fall fully
If there is a response from the casualty, place him or her in the recovery position.
If not, begin chest compressions.

Chest compressions
Chest compressions are given to the
casualty so that the heart can be
“jump” started.
With the casualty still lying flat on
their back on a firm surface, kneel
beside them, and find one of the
lowest ribs using your index and
middle fingers
Slide your fingers upwards to the
point in the middle where the rib
margins meet the breastbone
Place your middle finger over this
point and your index finger on the
breastbone above
Place the heel of your hand on the breastbone, and slide it down until it reaches
your index finger. This is the point at which you will apply pressure
Place the heel of your first hand on top of the other hand, and interlock fingers
Leaning well over the casualty, with your arms straight, press down vertically on
the breastbone to depress it approximately 4–5 cm, then release the pressure
without removing your hands
Repeat the compressions 15 times, aiming for a rate of approximately 100
compressions per minute
Return to the head and give two more ventilations, then 15 further compressions
Continue to give two ventilations to every fifteen compressions until help arrives
or you are unable to continue.
Do not interrupt CPR to make pulse checks unless there is any sign of a returning
With a pulse confirmed, check breathing and if it is still absent continue with
artificial ventilation.
Check the signs of life / pulse after every 10 breaths, and be prepared to re-start
chest compressions if it disappears.
If the casualty starts to breathe unaided, place them in the recovery position.
Re-check breathing and pulse every three minutes.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 76


The recovery position

Any unconscious casualty whose

breathing is not impaired should be
placed in the recovery position. This
position prevents the tongue from
blocking the throat, and, because the
head is slightly lower than the rest of the
body, it allows liquids to drain from the
mouth, reducing the risk of the casualty
inhaling stomach contents.
Recovery position

The head, neck and back are kept in a straight line while the bent limbs keep the
body propped in a secure and comfortable position. If you must leave an
unconscious casualty unattended, they can be left safely in the recovery position
while you get help.

The technique for turning is described below and assumes that the casualty is found
lying on their back from the start:

• Kneeling beside the casualty, open the airway by tilting the head
and lifting the chin; straighten the legs. Place the arm nearest
you out at right angles to the body, elbow bent, and with the
palm uppermost.
• Bring the arm furthest from you across the chest, and hold the
hand, palm outwards, against the casualty’s nearer cheek.
(Remember to turn any rings with stones in them to face the
palm so that there is no contact between the ring and the
casualty’s face. Also remember to check pockets for keys etc.
that could cause more injury when the casualty is turned on to
his or her side.)
• With your other hand, grasp the lower thigh just above the knee
furthest from you and pull the knee up, keeping the foot flat on
the ground.
• Keeping the casualty’s hand pressed against his or her cheek,
pull at the knee to roll the casualty towards you and onto his or
her side.
• Tilt the head back to make sure the airway remains open. Adjust
the hand under the cheek, if necessary so that the head stays in
this tilted position and circulation to the hand is not restricted.
• Adjust the upper leg, if necessary, so that both the hip and the
knee are bent at right angles.
• The casualty should then be sent to hospital in an ambulance.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 77


Treatment for burns, shock and breaks

An electric shock may result in other injuries as well as unconsciousness. There may
be burns at both the entry point and exit point of the current. The treatment for these
burns is to flood the site of the injury with cold water for at least 10 minutes. This will
halt the burning process, relieve pain and minimise the risk of infection.

You would then need to treat for

shock, which is the medical condition
where the circulatory system fails and
insufficient oxygen reaches the
tissues. If this shock is not treated
quickly the vital organs can fail,
leading ultimately to death.

To treat shock you need to:

• Stop external bleeding if there is any

• Lay the casualty down, keeping the head low
• Raise and support the legs but be careful if you suspect a fracture
• Loosen tight clothing, braces, straps or belts to reduce constriction
at the neck, chest and waist
• Keep the casualty warm by wrapping him or her in a blanket or coat
• Continue to check and record breathing, pulse and level of response
• Be prepared to resuscitate if necessary.

Once you are satisfied that the casualty is in a stable condition, you should cover any
burned skin with a loose, lint-free dressing, or even with sheets of cling film (do not
wind any dressing around the injured area). If the casualty had sustained a broken
bone then your first aim is to prevent movement at the site of the injury.

Do not move the casualty until the injured part is secured and supported, unless he
or she is in danger, i.e. from further electric shock. You must arrange for the
casualty’s immediate removal to hospital, maintaining comfortable support during

Treatment for smoke and fume inhalation

If you find someone suffering from the effects of fume inhalation or asphyxiation,
provided that it is safe to do so, get them outside into the fresh air as soon as
possible. Loosen any clothes around their neck or chest that may impair their
breathing. Call the emergency services and be prepared to resuscitate if necessary.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 78


Now answer the questions below

1. What can happen to the body is an electric shock above a level of 50 mA is


2. A shock below 50 mA can still kill. Explain why.

3. Briefly explain how you would use DR’s ABC on a suspected electric shock victim

4. What are the advantages of placing an unconscious victim in the recovery position?

5. State the main treatment for electrical burns

6. State the main treatment for smoke inhalation.

Electrical Health and Safety REV5.1 79

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