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ATA: 34-10 FIN: Ref: 34.10.00001

A/C Type: A300 A/C Serie: Topic: First Issue 22-DEC-1995
A300-600 Date:
Part Number: Last Publication 28-SEP-2015
Linked Linked MOD 11168
Articles: Documentation: MOD 11468
MOD 11469
MOD 11507
MOD 11516
MOD 25490
MOD 25570
MOD 25861
MOD 25910
MOD 25952
MOD 26001
MOD 26002
MOD 27714
MOD 28913
MOD 30941
MOD 30942
MOD 31039
MOD 31070
MOD 31528
SBR 34-
SBR 34-
SBR 34-
SBR 34-
SBR 34-
SBR 34-
This ISI article replaces SIL 34-064
Engineering Support
First Issue Date: 22-DEC-1995
Model: Last Publication Date: 11-SEP-2015



REFERENCES: a) Appendix G to FAR Part 91--Operations in Reduced Vertical

Separation Minimum (RVSM) Airspace.

b) JAR Temporary Guidance Leaflet No 6 Rev.1

c) SRM ATA53, TSM, AMM and IPC (ATA34)

d) MMEL for A319/A320/A321 only (RVSM on two ADIRU).

e) FCOM:
- A300B PW 8.02.16
- A300B GE 8.03.17
- A310 PW/GE 2.18.90
- A300-600 PW/GE 2.18.90
- A320 Procedures>Special Operations>RVSM
- A330/A340 Procedures>Special Operations>RVSM
- A350 Procedures>Special Operations>RVSM
- A380 Procedures>Special Operations>RVSM

f) Getting to grips with modern navigation - STL 945.0415/99 (Issue

5, MAR04)


This article aims at informing the operators of the activities developed at Airbus to
implement the RVSM capabilities on the Airbus aircraft family.
This article will be updated in case of any changes on RVSM status and if RVSM
activities on Airbus aircraft are modified.


The goal of RVSM is to reduce the altitude vertical separation above flight level (FL)
290 from the current 2000 ft (600m) minimum to 1000 ft (300m) minimum. This allows
aircraft to fly more optimum profiles, gain fuel savings and increase airspace capacity.


3.1. Technical objectives

The RVSM requirements, described in the FAA Interim guidelines 91-RVSM and in
the JAA Temporary Guidance Leaflet No6 Rev1, mention that the Altimetry System
Error (ASE) of an aircraft should not exceed +/- 200 feet (+/- 60 m).

Note: The ASE is defined as the difference between the actual pressure altitude and
the displayed altitude. The ASE is the average fleet altimetry system error of a
given aircraft type.

3.2. Required equipment on aircraft

- Two independent altitude measurement systems (2 ADR)

- One SSR altitude reporting transponder (ATC transponder).
- One Altitude alert system (FWC and MWC for A300 B2/B4)
- One Autopilot with automatic altitude control capabilities.


4.1. Airbus RVSM certification methodology Principle

Airbus certified every aircraft model as a group. Today, 6 groups exist:

- A300B2/B4
- A310/A300-600
- A318/A319/A320/A321
- A330/A340/A340-500/-600
- A350
- A380

Operators should refer to the aircraft group category in their application to RVSM.

4.2. Guidelines to obtain RVSM certification

The RVSM compliance is now basic in production from the following MSN:

- A300-600 (GE + PW): from MSN 755

- A310 (GE): from MSN 702
- A318: All MSNs
- A319: from MSN 1159
- A320: from MSN 1156
- A321: from MSN 1174
- A330: from MSN 121
- A340: from MSN 114 (All A340-500/-600)
- A350: All MSNs
- A380: All MSNs
Consequently, no additional work is required for the operators to comply with RVSM

Concerning the other aircraft delivered before the MSN mentioned in this paragraph,
including all A300 B2/B4, a SB package is required to get RVSM compliance.
Details on the SB package to apply on each aircraft are described in paragraph 5.

In that case, two steps are required to get the certification:

- To follow Airbus SB directives
- To submit SB results to local Airworthiness Authorities

4.2.1. Technical certification through Airbus Service Bulletins

The applicable Airbus Service Bulletins will be validated for a given aircraft or fleet in
response to the RMO acceptance by the customer.
A summary of RVSM modifications for the Airbus programs is provided in Appendix 1.
RVSM Airbus Service Bulletins lead to the update of the publications c), d) and e)
listed in References paragraph (page 1).

Embodiment of RVSM Service Bulletin requires three steps:

1. Inspection of the aircraft skin waviness.

2. Precision ground check of the instruments.

3. Survey of the Altitude accuracy during a revenue flight. Refer to the appendixes
for the tables.

Note: In order to relieve the airlines from completing such an additional flight survey,
Airbus collects the Altitude-Airspeed performances achieved during the acceptance
Flights. These data are systematically recorded since the RVSM introduction (mid
1996 in a dedicated RVSM form which is included in the Production Aircraft Test
Completion Certificate (PATCC)) for the aircraft with the RVSM modification validated
in production.
This PATCC form can be used as a substitute to the operational survey required in
the RVSM SBs.

4.2.2. Operational approval

Operators must apply for RVSM approval for each individual aircraft to their relevant
state authority.
The aircraft Altitude-Airspeed performances recorded earlier in the SBs or PATCC
forms must be presented to the local authorities at that stage.
Upon local Airworthiness Authorities request, operators could be requested to
demonstrate Altitude-Airspeed performances thanks to a flight over specific Height
Monitoring Unit (HMU) or by using a GPS Monitoring Unit (GMU) which is an
independent height monitoring system taken onboard the aircraft.

For each operator, a sampling of aircraft belonging to the same category will need
to be checked. Refer to the Minimum Monitoring Requirements Chart.

To comply with that requirement, the operators will have to do this flight no later than
six months following the RVSM approval (refer to the height monitoring policy of the
relevant authority) over one of the HMU of the relevant authority.

Refer to the contact list in the next chapter to look for above mentioned
document/form and organise this monitoring.

4.2.3. Contact information for RVSM approval area

Information on policy, planning and implementation issues for RVSM in the NAT
Region can be obtained from:


Central Monitoring Agency
Room T805
CAA House
45-59 Kingsway
Tel: +44 171-832-5732
Fax:+44 171-832-5562, WATRS areas

All information and contact can be obtained on the internet web site:

All information and contact can be obtained on the internet web site:

4.3. RVSM Check Flight

The Production Aircraft Test Completion Certificate (PATCC) provided with the
aircraft at delivery from Airbus may be used to gain airworthiness approval for
RVSM flights.
Airbus can also provide, on a case-by-case basis, a procedure for performing
an RVSM survey of air data parameters. Such a procedure would be covered
by Airbus Technical Adaptation available through Airbus Customer Services.

4.4. Visual inspection around the static probes

During the pre-flight check (refer to the FCOM chapter Exterior Inspection), it is
requested to inspect the fuselage around the static ports (left and right sides).
In order to help the operators to easily determine the area to be inspected, Airbus
proposes to draw on the fuselage some red marks as defined below (corners of a
square). Note that depending on aircraft livery, a colour other than red maybe more
appropriate. In all cases, a colour that stands out from the aircraft livery should be used.
Note: These marks are for information only and aim at easing the pre-flight
In addition, they are not mandatory to achieve the RVSM certification. In case of
scratches or dents around the static ports, the only applicable documentation is
the SRM ATA 53.



Z Middle static * X = 800 mm (31.52 in)

* Z = 400 mm (15.76 in)
* a = 30 mm (1.182 in)
* Line width : 5 mm
(0.197 in)

Marks on fuselage
Marks on fuselage Static ports
(Depending on the aircraft type, the
middle static could be located more
on the left, or more on the right)



* X = 800 mm (31.52 in)

* Z = 400 mm (15.76 in)
* a = 30 mm (1.182 in)
* Drawing width : 5 mm 0.197

Marks on fuselage
Marks on fuselage
A318/A319/A320/A321 (CAPTAIN
Static ports AND F/O STATIC PORTS)


a * X = 800 mm (31.52 in)

* Z = 400 mm (15.76 in)
Z * a = 30 mm (1.182 in)
* Drawing width: 5 mm (0.197 in)

Marks on fuselage Marks on fuselage
Static ports




* X = 800 mm (31.52 in)

* Z = 400 mm (15.76 in)
Z * a = 30 mm (1.182 in)
* Drawing width: 5 mm (0.197 in)
Marks on fuselage

STDBY Static port



5.1. A300 B2/B4

The A300B2/B4 comply with the RVSM rules without any additional system
modification (Paper work only).

Airbus Service Bulletin: Mod 11516/SB A300-34-0139 - issued October 16/1996.

5.2. A310, A300-600

5.2.1. A300-600 (GE + PW), A310 (GE)
The A300-600 (GE + PW), A310 (GE) comply with the RVSM rules without any
additional system modification (Paper work only).

Airbus Service Bulletins:

- A300-600 (GE + PW): MOD 11507, SB 34-6101 issued May 14/1996.
- A310 (GE): MOD 11469, SB 34-2112 issued May 14/1996.

5.2.2. A310 fitted with PW engines

Require a modification of the Static Source Error Correction (SSEC) laws
loaded in the DADC:
- The Honeywell DADCs installed on the A310 PW should be converted from
PN 045053-903 to PN 4045053-914 per the Vendor Service Bulletin
N4045053-34-SW9, dated February 01/1996.
- The installation of the new DADC -914 is covered by the Airbus Modification
N11168 (SB A310-34-2114).
- The DADC -914 production cut in:
o A300-600 MSN 761, 764, 765, 767, 769 and above; A310 MSN 698
and above.
- DADC -903/-914 Interchangeability Mixability:
o A300-600 (GE, PW) and A310 (GE): ICY code 02 - Mix: Yes
o A310 (PW): ICY code 03 - Mix: No
- Documentation Update:
o A300-600 (GE, PW): IPC 34-11-08 Rev. June 1996 (-903 I/W -914)
o A310 (GE): IPC 34-11-08 Rev. June 1996 (-903 I/W-914)
o A310 (PW): IPC 34-11-08 Rev. June 1996 (-914 Post SB 34-2114)
- The Nord-Micro DADC installed on the A310 PW will not be updated with new
SSEC correction laws (unit no longer manufactured).
- To be RVSM compliant, Nord-Micro DADC must be replaced by the
DADC -914.
- Airbus Service Bulletin:
o A310 (PW): MOD 11468, SB 34-2112 issued May 14/1996.

Note: For PW equipped aircraft the RVSM Service Bulletin calls the SB 34-2114
covering the Honeywell DADC (-914) installation.

5.3. A318/A319/A320/A321

The type certification was originally granted for RVSM operation with three ADIRUs.
Further to findings that the ADIRU #3 may fail to meet the RVSM criteria at high
speed (Mach 0.82), the type certification was granted for operation with ADIRU #1
and ADIRU #2 only. Refer to OIT 999.0019/00 Rev 1.
Then, an aircraft can be certified RVSM on 2 or 3 ADIRU, according to embodied
Solutions have been defined to extend the RVSM certification on three ADIRU:
- Structural modification of the standby static ports: mod 28913
- Pitot relocation: mod 25490 (retrofit) or mod 25570 (production)
- Trim correction law ADIRU implementation: mod 31038

Note: A318 aircraft is not impacted by the above information. The A318 is basically
RVSM compliant with 3 ADIRUs.

5.3.1. Certification with two ADIRU systems

A319, A320, A321 comply with the RVSM requirement using two main ADR systems
(ADIRU1 and ADIRU2) without any additional system modification (Paper work only).

3 solutions to get RVSM certification with 2 ADIRUs are possible:

- Aircraft with Pitot probe 1 not relocated: Mod 25910; SB A320-34-1115, or

- Aircraft with Pitot probe 1 relocated in production as per mod 25570 but
o Mod 25861 for A319/A320 (SB 34-1137 for retrofit; RVSM without
o Mod 25952 for A321 (SB 34-1137 for retrofit; RVSM without
o Mod 25910; SB A320-34-1115, or

- Aircraft with Pitot probe 1 relocated as per mod 25570 for production or
Mod 25490 /
SB34-1122 (retrofit): Mod 27714; SB A320-34-1172

The modification 27714 (RSVM using two main ADR systems ADR1 & ADR2) is also
validated from following MSNs:
- A319 MSN 1159
- A320 MSN 1156
- A321 MSN 1174

Finally, operators who rejected the MOD for RVSM compliance in production,
- Mod 28685 on A319/A320
- Mod 28686 on A321
shall contact Airbus Upgrade Services and apply RFC/RMO process with SB 34-1115
for RVSM on 2 ADRs.

5.3.2. Certification with three ADIRU Production aircraft

A structural modification (mod. 28913) of the standby static port area has been created
to restore RVSM performances in terms of altitude computed by ADIRU n 3.
This modification is embodied on all new aircraft from the following ranks:
- A318 all MSN
- A319 MSN 1378
- A320 MSN 1361
- A321 MSN 1399

This structural modification is not proposed for retrofit (several days of work on aircraft
would be required for its implementation).

In addition, a global modification (mod 31528) has been created (paper work only) to
restore the RVSM compliance of the ADR3 on aircraft fitted with the structural
modification (mod 28913).

For aircraft already delivered with the structural mod 28913 but without mod 31528,
Airbus SB A320-34-1252 has been issued and covers mod 31528.

To be RVSM compliant with 3 ADIRUs, all A320 family aircraft (including A318) are
manufactured with mod. 31528 / SB A320-34-1252 from the following MSN:
- A318 all MSN
- A319 MSN 1604
- A320 MSN 1564
- A321 MSN 1607 In-service aircraft

RVSM capability on ADIRU n 3 can be restored thanks to correction laws implemented

on new ADIRU standards and activated by pin programming on ADIRU only. This
capability is available from the following ADIRU standards:
- Honeywell 4 MCU ADIRU PN HG2030AC11 (SB A320-34-1240), PN
HG2030AD11 (SB A320-34-1249) and subsequent.
- Northrop Grumman (ex-Litton) ADIRU PN 465020-0303-0314 (SB A320-34-
1245) and subsequent.
Note 1: Aircraft fitted with ADIRU 10 MCU (PN HG1150AC0X) are not RVSM capable
on ADIRU 3, but can still be RVSM compliant with 2 ADIRU.
Note 2: When the Pin programming is applied on ADIRU 3, the interchangeability on
position 3 is possible according to the conditions mentioned in IPC 34-12-34 and SIL

a) Prerequisite to the certification on three ADIRUs:

The Pitot probe #1 must be relocated according to the embodied modification:

- Mod 25570 (production): validated as follows:
o A319: from MSN 663
o A320: from MSN 660
o A321: from MSN 661
- Mod 25490/SB A320-34-1122 (retrofit): effective for MSN lower than the above

Note: When the structural modification is applied (mod 28913) from production, no
specific pin programming is required on ADIRU3 to be RVSM compliant.
Consequently, as far as the AMM tasks are concerned, the test corresponding to
a trim of "0Ft" must be used.

b) Examples

For a MSN lower than A319 MSN 663, A320 MSN 660, A321 MSN 661, the RVSM
certification can be accomplished as follows:

- With 2 ADIRUs:
o Pitot probe 1 relocation, Mod 25490; SB A320-34-1122 through retrofit
o RVSM certification, Mod 27714; SB A320-34-1172

- With 3 ADIRU:
o Mod 25490, SB 34-1122 (Pitot relocation)
o Mod 30417, SB 34-1246 (Wiring provision)
o Mod 30416, SB 34-1247 (Flight for altitude record)
o Mod 31039, SB 34-1222 (Pin prog + doc update)
o Mod 31070, SB 34-1245 (Northrop Grumman ADIRU) or mod 30941, SB
34-1249 or mod 30942, SB 34-1240 (Honeywell ADIRU)
For a MSN between A319 MSN 663 and 1159, A320 MSN 660 and 1156 and A321
MSN 661 and 1174, the RVSM certification can be accomplished as follows:

- With 2 ADIRUs:
o Certification Mod 25910; SB A320-34-1115 or
o Certification Mod 27714; SB A320-34-1172

- With 3 ADIRUs: Mod 30417, SB 34-1246 (Wiring provision)

o Mod 30416, SB 34-1247 (Flight for altitude record)
o Mod 31039, SB 34-1222 (Pin prog + doc update)
o Mod 31070, SB 34-1245 (Northrop Grumman ADIRU) or mod 30941, SB
34-1249 or mod 30942, SB 34-1240 (Honeywell ADIRU)

For a MSN between A319 MSN 1159 and 1378, A320 MSN 1156 and 1361, A321
MSN 1174 and 1399, the RVSM certification can be accomplished as follows:

- With 2 ADIRUs: Certification mod 27714/SB A320-34-1172

- With 3 ADIRUs:
o Mod 30417, SB 34-1246 (Wiring provision)
o Mod 30416, SB 34-1247 (Flight for altitude record)
o Mod 31039, SB 34-1222 (Pin prog + doc update)
o Mod 31070, SB 34-1245 (Northrop Grumman ADIRU) or mod 30941, SB
34-1249 or mod 30942, SB 34-1240 (Honeywell ADIRU)

For a MSN between A319 MSN 1378 and 1604, A320 MSN 1361 and 1564, A321
MSN 1399 and 1607, the RVSM certification can be accomplished as follows:

- With 2 ADIRUs: Certification Mod 27714/SB A320-34-1172

- With 3 ADIRU: mod 31528 / SB A320-34-1252

For a MSN higher than A319 MSN 1604, A320 MSN 1564 and A321 MSN 1607, no
action is required, aircraft delivered RVSM compliant.

These above examples are just for information. The package to be applied on a
specific MSN will be mentioned in the RFC/RMO.

Finally, operators who rejected the MOD for RVSM compliance in production,
- Mod 28685 on A319/A320
- Mod 28686 on A321
shall contact Airbus Upgrade Services and apply RFC/RMO process with SB 34-1311
for RVSM on 3 ADRs.

5.4. A330/A340

The A330 and A340 comply with the RVSM technical requirements: no additional
changes are required on these aircraft (paper work only)

Airbus Service Bulletins:

Mod 43537: SB A340-34-4034 (Issued Mar 28/1996).

SB A330-34-3031 (Issued Mar 28/1996).

5.5. A350

All A350 aircraft comply with the RVSM technical requirements from production.

5.6. A380
All A380 aircraft comply with the RVSM technical requirements from production.

Scheduled Maintenance
First Issue Date: 10-DEC-2014
Model: Last Publication Date: 28-SEP-2015

Maintenance requirements

Based on in-service feedback, Airbus recommends the below listed tasks are performed:

On A320 family: AMM 34-13-00-720-010-A Functional Test of the ADM Accuracy every 48
On A330/A340: AMM 34-13-00-720-802-A Functional Test of the ADM Accuracy every 48
On A380: ISB 34-8018 Cleaning of principle and standby static probe plates every 250FH
unless SB 34-8024(Mod 74284/74285) Improve the thermal seal and static port installation
has been performed.
On A350: ISB 34-P003 General Visual Inspection of the standby static probes every
250FH unless aircraft is fitted with MOD 108416 Correct installation of Standby Static
Probes or MOD 108737 Correct installation of standby static Probes (Retrofit Solution).

The following MPDs revisions include or will include the above recommendations:
- A320 MPD revision 41
- A330 MPD revision 22
- A340 MPD revision 22
- A380 MPD revision 12
- A350 MPD revision 02

These recommended tasks are applicable for all aircraft, irrespective of RVSM capabilities.

Airbus SAS, 2016. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.The technical information
provided in this article is for convenience and information purposes only. It shall in no case replace the
official Airbus technical or Flight Operations data which shall remain the sole basis for aircraft
maintenance and operation. These recommendations and information do not constitute a contractual
commitment, warranty or guarantee whatsoever. They shall not supersede the Airbus technical nor
operational documentation; should any deviation appear between this article and the Airbus or airline's
official manuals, the operator must ensure to cover it with the appropriate document such as TA, FCD,
RAS. Access to WISE is supplied by Airbus under the express condition that Airbus hereby disclaims any
and all liability for the use made by the user of the information contained in WISE. It shall be used for
the user's own purposes only and shall not be reproduced or disclosed to any third party without the
prior consent of Airbus.

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