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Sample Letter #1

As you know, we are troubled that production time per unit has increased sharply in recent months.
Those of you who work most closely with production are best qualified to help us understand what
has caused this change. Please set aside a few minutes today to fill out the attached questionnaire.
Feel free to add additional remarks in the space provided and give it to your supervisor by the end of
the day. All comments will remain anonymous.

We all have a stake in our efficiency, so let's work as a team to solve this problem. Your input is vital
to our financial health. Thank you for your help.

Sample Letter #2
The enclosed questionnaire is one of 500 we are distributing to the State's secondary school
counselors. As the director of your school's counseling department, would you be kind enough to
respond to this brief survey? Your answers will help us determine the counseling loads that you and
your associates carry, and will play an important role in calculating our budget requests to the state

We will publish the results of this survey, along with the Commissioner's recommendation, in the
board's September newsletter. We appreciate your assistance and look forward to receiving your

Sample Letter #3
You graduated from Springfield State University twenty years ago. Now we would like to know what
you would do differently if you were to start over as a first-year student. What courses would you
take? How would you spend your time? The attached form will take you about 15 minutes to
complete, but may result in huge time savings--measured in years, not minutes for entering first-year
students. You will receive a copy of the results.

Please return the survey to us by May 5. Thank you for your help. We have enclosed a self-
addressed envelope for your convenience.

Sample Letter #4
Our records indicate that you recently had an occasion to contact our customer service department.
We would appreciate it if you would let us know how well they met your needs by completing the
survey listed on the reverse side of this letter. When you have finished the survey, please send it to
us in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

You are an important customer, and we thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We
rely on your answers to help us provide you with excellent service.

Sample Letter #5
At Doe Bank we are dedicated to providing the best banking service available. In an ongoing effort to
meet your needs, we would like to know what elements of service are important to you and how well
we are providing them. To help us provide you with the best possible service, we would appreciate
your assistance in filling out the enclosed survey and returning it in the postage-paid envelope.

Your response will make a difference. Thank you for your help and your valued business.

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