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1. The philosophy of CHN is based on the 16.

Fast breathing for children

________________ and ___________________ of a. Between 2 months to 12 months is having a RR of
man. more than ______________ per minute
2. __________________________ is the utilization of b. Between _____ months to ___________ years is
the nursing process in the different levels of clientele- having RR of more than 40 beats per minute
______________________, families,
__________________ and communities, concerned 17. In the IMCI color coding ______________ color means
with the promotion of health, prevention of disease needing immediate/urgent referral.
and disability and rehabilitation. 18. Lagundi is good for ______________ problems
3. The ________________ of CHN is To raise the level 19. Sambong acts as _________________.
of citizenry by helping communities and families to 20. __________________ is a program launched in the Arroyo
cope with the discontinuities in and threats to health administration, in collaboration with DOH,
in such a way as to maximize their potential for high- ______________ and PRC to deploy unemployed nurses to
level wellness 1,000 poorest communities in the Philippines.
4. The __________________________ is the patient in 21. Overriding goal of of the DOH is ____________________.
CHN, the ______________________ is the unit of 22. Framework for the imementation of HSRA is
care and there are four levels of clientele. ____________________.
5. _____________________study of population size, 23. Four Elements of the FOURmula one for health are
composition and spatial distribution as affected by a. Health financing
births, deaths and migration. b. Health _____________
6. _________________a way of assigning people, c. Health service _______________
assigned to the place they usually live regardless of d. Good governance
where they are at the time of census.
7. _________________ People were assigned to the 24. An essential health care made universally accessible to
place where they are physically present at are at the individuals, families, and communities made acceptable to
time of census regardless, of their usual place of them, affordable and accessible: __________________
residence. 25. Primary health care was 1st established in
8. _______________________ is a situation when there _____________________ on ____________________.
is a high incidence of new cases of a specific disease 26. Four pillars or cornerstones in primary health care are:
in excess of the expected. a. Active _______________________________
9. _________________disease occurs every now and b. Intra and itersectoral linages
then affecting only a small number of people relative c. _______________________
to the total population, intermittent. d. Use of _________________________
10. Diseases of ________________ and e. Support mechanism made available
__________________ (organs) are the 2 most
common causes of deaths. 27. Levels of health care are
11. ________________________ is the study of a. Primary level of Care
distribution of disease or physiologic condition among b. ________________ level of care
human population s and the factors affecting such c. _________________ level of care
12. The vision of the DOH is to be the ___________, 28. Best way to prevent infection is through:
staunch advocate and model in promoting Health for _____________________
all in the Philippines. 29. The adoption of the PHC held in Russia was made possible
13. _____________________ is an integrated approach by the ______________________ which was approved and
to child health that focuses on the well-being of the signed by President Marcos.
whole child. 30. The focus of CHN is health _____________________.
14. Check for General Danger Signs in using the IMCI: 31. The primary responsibility of the community health nurse
A general danger sign is present if: is _________________________.
- the child is not able to _____________ or 32. Screening test, diagnostic exam are under what level of
______________ prevention?_______________________.
- the child vomits everything 33. The stethoscope is placed inside the PHN bag. True or
- the child has had ________________ false? __________________.
- the child is lethargic or ___________________ 34. Benedicts solution is used identify _______________ in
the urine.
35. In the family case analysis, the salience of the family on a
15. Main symptoms in IMCI include problem is scored _____________ as the highest possible
a. C________ points.
b. D________ 36. After OPV vaccination, the mother will not feed the baby
c. E________ within ______ minutes.
d. F________ 37. How many prenatal visits will the mother have in an entire
pregnancy in community set up? _____________.
21. A child with cough or difficult breathing is assessed for: 38. Upon arrival in the house during home visit, the PHN bag
Duration of cough is placed on the table lined with a clean
Stridor in a calm child. 39. Confirmatory diagnosis of AIDS is __________________.
40. The drug of choice in treating PCP is 78. After being bitten by the rabid dog, the wound is cleansed
___________________. with _________ and _________.
41. Pentam can cause _______________. 79. The biting dog is caged and monitored ___ to _____ days.
42. Common cause of death among AIDS patients is 80. The brain of the dog is checked for the presence of
________________. _____________.
43. Al member in the family are treated if one member is 81. When CD4 T lymphocyte count is less than 200 cu mm, the
diagnosed with scabies. True or false? _______. patient is prone to _________ and __________.
44. When administering Hepatitis B vaccine, is best 82. Yerba Buena is good for ___________.
administered on _____________ site. 83. Family planning dictates the number of children in a
45. It is the anterior, lateral, middle part of the thigh? family.
_________________. 84. Diaphragm is not removed within _____ hours after coitus.
46. Preferred IM site to 7 months older and adults? 85. Pills increases clotting, BP, weight. True or false?
__________________ 86. Pills (estrogen) reduces milk production. True or false?
47. IM deltoid part can only accommodate__________ ml. 87. Common complication of leptospirosis is ____________.
48. ______________ women are not allowed to visit during 88. The mode of transmission of Hepatitis A is _________.
treatment with RSV. 89. Shigelosis produces ____________ stool.
49. H1N1 flu is 1st diagnosed in ___________________. 90. A patient with viral illness should not take _______ to
50. Cushings tria in meningitis includes 1. _____________, 2. prevent Reye syndrome.
___________________, 3. _____________________. 91. Measles has _______ spots, confirms the disease.
51. Acapulco is best for __________________ infections. 92. Lesion that is elevated and circumscribed is
52. After LP, the patient is placed on ______________ and ________________.
encourage to increase fluid intake. 93. Earliest sign of IICP is changes in ____________.
53. If a woman misses to take her OC pill for one day, she must 94. Rubella is considered a severe form of viral illness.
take __________ pilss as soon as she remembers it. 95. Before MMR vaccine, the patient is ask for allergy to
54. Elements of PHC are: ________________ and _______________.
a. Provision of essential drugs 96. Varicella vaccine is contraindicated to children less than
b. I _______________.
c. Control of _________ 97. Confirmatory diagnosis of TB is ___________.
d. Environmental _________ 98. Legal Basis of Breastfeeding and Rooming-in Act is
e. M ______________.
f. A 99. Who releases certificate for the approval of potability of
g. T drinking water? ________________.
h. Health education 100. Type of toilet facility with flush, water seal, and
sewerage system water treatment? ___________.
55. Two levels of primary health care workers 101. The usual dose of Vitamin A for infants is:
a. BHW __________________.
b. Intermediate level health workers 102. An act that Mandates food producers to fortify
56. Lactation amenorrhea method is only effective if the common foods like rice and flour: ________________.
mother is exclusively ___________ her baby. 103. Supplemental feeding starts at ____________
57. Solution in disinfecting the umbilical cord is the use of month.
_____________. 104. The agency that approves toilet and water source
58. Blood spill is cleansed with ____________ solution. facility is: ______________.
59. The most important element of hand washing is 105. Before giving MMR to women on reproductive
___________. age, the nurse should be sure that the woman is not:
60. When providing direct care to scabies patient, the patient ____________.
wears _________ and ___________. 106. Measles is given at __________ month at
61. The number 1 risk factor of lung cancer is ___________ area.
________________. 107. Convulsion in 3 days after DPT vaccine is a
62. Avoid direct sunlight from _ am to ____ pm. contraindication for the next dose. True or false?
63. The infant who had convulsions from 10 days after DPT 108. The Newborn Screening program identifies
vaccination is contraindicated to receive the next dose. common ____________ disorders at birth.
64. An antitubercular medication that causes elevated uric acid 109. The NBS is done _________ hours after delivery.
in the blood: _________. 110. Complication of Xerophthalmia may lead to
65. In the CLEAN program, E stands for ________________. _______________.
66. Neem tree drives away ________________ (Insect). 111.When taking iron supplement, one should take it with:
67. Ampalaya is best for what type of DM? _______________.
_____________________. 112. A total prenatal visit at the Health centre is:
68. The frequency of home visits is based on the desire of the __________.
family. True or false? _____________. 113. Initial postpartum visit of the nurse is with
69. Measles is give at _________ month. __________ days.
70. This test assess the capillary fragility/number of petechiae 114. The building block of an FSHIS is:
of the blood vessel. ___________ ________________.
71. If a child is sleepy, does not drink, with sunken eyeballs, 115. The diaphragm should not be removed within
the degree of DHN is said to be ___________. ________ after coitus.
72. Occurrence of filariasis and schistosomiasis is said to be 116. The ideal spacing of children is _________ years.
_____________. 117. The woman should abstain from sex when body
73. Health threats is family nursing problems are scored with temperature rises from _____ to _______.
_________ points. 118. If one misses 2 pills, she should take
74. The best way to assess nutritional status of children is by ___________pills today, and __________ pills tomorrow.
getting their ________. 119. Measles vaccine is diluted with ________ ml.
75. The leading cause of morbidity in the country is 120. Immunization is usually done at what day of the
_______________ diseases. week? ____________.
76. The drug of choice of RSV is _________________. 121. 2 vaccines that are stored in the freezer are
77. To reduce the severity of H1N1 infection, antiviral are best _____________ and ______________.
taken __________ hours after the onset of the 122. Mother should breastfeed the baby about
signs/symptoms of the disease. ___________ minutes each breast.
123. The 1st supplementary feeding offered to the baby
is: ______________.
124. The vision of DOH is to be the _____________ in
125. The DOH secretary is _________________.

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