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The Missing Officer Project

By Gray Riders

1.0: Shu officers
2.0: Wei Officers
3.0: Wu officers
4.0: Yellow Turbans and Bandits
5.0: Yuan Shao officers
6.0: Yuan Shu officers
7.0: Liu Biao officers
8.0: Liu Zhang officers
9.0: Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu officers
10.0: Han dynasty officers
11.0: Miscellaneous Officers

Sources include SGZ biographies, the encyclopedia, the three kingdoms wiki, and
the ZZTJ. All credit belongs to those who translated and created these works--I just compiled
some names and information. Sometimes there is confusion between sources. I attempt to clarify
these where possible.

The stats were generally designed with the idea that officers should be useful, to at least some
extent. Relatives of famous officers tend to lean towards a similar stat spread to their relatives
(unless sources indicate otherwise).
Officers generally have 60-70 in their "primary" stats and 40-50 in "secondary" stats, as well as at
least one "A" apt if a military commander, unless extra details are known about an officer to give
higher or lower stats (for exaple, someone with a reputation for talent will be better than

Important Note: These officers were designed with my own stat set for the regular officers in
place--I've scaled back in many places to match the normal set, though many may seen to have
surprising amounts of A level Apt. Change as you believe necessary.

1.0: Shu Officers

Xiahou Lan
Bio: An officer of Cao Cao's early on. In 207 he was captured by Zhao Yun after Xiahou Dun's
defeat at Bowang. Zhao Yun proposed for him to be allowed to surrender and he was made a law
officer in Liu Bei's army.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 65
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 61
Suggested Pol: 64
Suggested Cha: 63
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None
Wang Lian
Bio: A Shu officer who originally served Liu Zhang. When Liu Bei invaded he shut the gates and
refused to surrender, for which Liu Bei showed him mercy. Overseeing the salt and iron
assessment, it saw great profit, he chose subordinates who all became high ranking men. Tried to
prevent Zhuge Liang from personally facing the Nanman due to the risk of malaria.
Birthplace: Nanyang
Lifespan: ?--223
Suggested Lead: 61
Suggested War: 10
Suggested Int: 77
Suggested Pol: 89
Suggested Cha: 84
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: Prayers

Cheng Ji
Bio: Originally an officer of Liu Zhang. When Pang Xi considered rebolt he sent Cheng Ji's son,
Cheng Qi, to ask him to send troops to him. Cheng Ji refused and Pang Xi surrendered. Cheng Ji
later joined Liu Bei and accompanied him in the invasion of Wu, where fought to the death.
Birthplace: Ba
Lifespan: ?-222
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 67
Suggested Pol: 72
Suggested Cha: 73
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Cheng Qi
Bio: Son of Cheng Ji. Grand Administrator Pang Xi sent him twice to persuade his father to recruit
troops for him after a revolt against Liu Zhang, but was refused. In anger, Pang Xi threatened to
kill Qi, but was still refused. He then made peace with Liu Zhang.
Birthplace: Ba
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 41
Suggested War: 34
Suggested Int: 61
Suggested Pol: 64
Suggested Cha: 65
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Zong Yu
Bio: A Shu officer, he was sent often as envoy to Wu, notably to enquire about the troop buildup
after Zhuge Liang's death. Sun Quan had deep respect for him. Said to be the only official who
stood up to Deng Zhi.
Birthplace: Anzhong in Nanyang
Lifespan: 187-263
Suggested Lead: 30
Suggested War: 17
Suggested Int: 77
Suggested Pol: 88
Suggested Cha: 87
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: Negotiator

Pang Lin
Bio: The brother of Pang Tong. At Yiling he was with Huang Quan, and surrendered to Wei with
him. He was able to reunite with his wife, whom had been separated from him when Wei took
northern Jing. Cao Pi praised him for this.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 71
Suggested War: 51
Suggested Int: 67
Suggested Pol: 61
Suggested Cha: 59
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Pang Hong
Bio: The son of Pang Tong. He became the governor of Fu.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 64
Suggested War: 40
Suggested Int: 73
Suggested Pol: 75
Suggested Cha: 65
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None
Liu Yan
Bio: An official of Shu. Originally served in Yu province, he came to follow Liu Bei. Because he
was handsome and skilled in speech, he was one of Liu Bei's favorite officers. He eventually
quarelled with Wei Yan and was stripped of rank by Zhuge Liang. Becoming imbalanced, he
accused Liu Shan of seducing his wife and was later executed.
Birthplace: Lu
Lifespan: ?-264
Suggested Lead: 10
Suggested War: 8
Suggested Int: 73
Suggested Pol: 76
Suggested Cha: 75
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Pang Rou
Bio: The older brother of Pang De. He served Shu, which cast suspicion on Pang De's loyalty.
Pang De insisted his loyalty, however. In the novel, he even claims that Pang Rou hated him, as
he had killed his brother's wife.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 71
Suggested War: 79
Suggested Int: 60
Suggested Pol: 47
Suggested Cha: 60
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Zhao Rong
Bio: A Shu officer who, along with Liao Chun, served as rearguard at Yiling in the novel. He
barred Chunyu Dan's troops during his probing attack, but failed to catch him.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 75
Suggested War: 72
Suggested Int: 58
Suggested Pol: 31
Suggested Cha: 49
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Liao Chun
Bio: A Shu officer who served as rear guard, along with Zhao Rong, in the novel. Historically, he
was one of several Jiang Wan suggested was more suited to the position of "Mao Cai" than
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 74
Suggested War: 75
Suggested Int: 62
Suggested Pol: 40
Suggested Cha: 54
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Ma Xun
Bio: A man from Yi, he served Liu Zhang. When Liu Bei conquered Shu, he joined him and
became aide-de-camp and died soon after. Said to have great talent and to have been respected.
Birthplace: Liangzhong in Baxi
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 26
Suggested War: 15
Suggested Int: 74
Suggested Pol: 80
Suggested Cha: 79
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Ma Qi
Bio: Joined Liu Bei and served under Zhang Fei, made Gentleman Of The Masters of Writing.
Later became official in the Prime Minister's officer, Governor of Guanghan, Advisor to the Flying
Army, and, after Zhuge Liang's death, Master of Writing. Like Ma Xun, said to have been talented
and respected.
Birthplace: Liangzhong in Baxi
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 19
Suggested War: 23
Suggested Int: 79
Suggested Pol: 83
Suggested Cha: 82
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Fan Qi
Bio: During Zhuge Liang's first Northern Campaign, he participated as Center North General.
Possibly novel-only.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 61
Suggested Pol: 54
Suggested Cha: 47
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Cuan Xi
Bio: During Zhuge Liang's first Northern Campaign, he served as an advisor. Possibly novel-only.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 65
Suggested War: 40
Suggested Int: 75
Suggested Pol: 62
Suggested Cha: 56
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Lu Yi
Bio: Orphaned Shu official, he served under Wang Lian. Later went on to be Grand Administrator
of Hanzhong. In the novel, he participated in the first Northern Campaign as Rear Army Marching
Birthplace: Nanyang
Lifespan: ?-251
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 67
Suggested Int: 74
Suggested Pol: 77
Suggested Cha: 64
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None
Yuan Lin
Bio: Participated in Zhuge Liang's first Northern Campaign as Center Army Front General.
Possibly novel-only.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 69
Suggested War: 65
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 53
Suggested Cha: 47
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: A
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Du Qi
Bio: A subordinate of Wang Lian who later became a high official in Shu. In the novel, he served
in the first Northern Campaign as Center Army Center General.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 60
Suggested Int: 72
Suggested Pol: 78
Suggested Cha: 74
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Hao Pu
Bio: Shu official, during Wu's invasion of Jing in 215, he was Governor of Lingling, but was tricked
by Lu Meng into surrender. Released in the peace treaty, in 219, he surrendered again and joined
Wu, but commit suicide in 231 after being reprimanded for supprting Yin Fan, who rebelled.
Birthplace: Yiyang
Lifespan: ?-230
Suggested Lead: 69
Suggested War: 65
Suggested Int: 41
Suggested Pol: 65
Suggested Cha: 56
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None
Jin Xiang
Bio: A sworn friend to Hao Zhao. He served Shu and tried to persuade Hao Zhao to surrender
during the second Northern Campaign. Hao Zhao refused, threatening to shoot him.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 68
Suggested War: 64
Suggested Int: 58
Suggested Pol: 54
Suggested Cha: 61
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Deng Fu
Bio: In 219, he was Shu's governor of Fangling. He was attacked and defeated by Lu Xun of Wu.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 72
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 59
Suggested Pol: 64
Suggested Cha: 59
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Guo Mu
Bio: In 219, Shu's governor of Nanxiang. Defeated by Lu Xun of Wu in the invasion.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 65
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 56
Suggested Pol: 67
Suggested Cha: 56
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Zhan Yan
Bio: A Shu general in Jing. When Wu attacked in 219, he and Chen Feng were defeated by Li Yi
and Xie Jing.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 63
Suggested War: 66
Suggested Int: 48
Suggested Pol: 59
Suggested Cha: 49
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Chen Feng
Bio: A Shu general in Jing. In 219, he and Zhan Yan were defeated by Li Yi and Xie Jing. Chen
Feng was captured and surrendered.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 61
Suggested War: 64
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 56
Suggested Cha: 51
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Liu He
Bio: A Shu officer, he died between the first two Northern Campaigns.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 61
Suggested War: 57
Suggested Int: 73
Suggested Pol: 63
Suggested Cha: 61
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Ma Yu
Bio: A Shu officer, he died between the first two Northern Campaigns.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 68
Suggested Int: 54
Suggested Pol: 61
Suggested Cha: 62
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Deng Tong
Bio: A Shu officer, he died between the first two Northern Campaigns.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 59
Suggested Pol: 60
Suggested Cha: 52
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Yan Zhi
Bio: A Shu officer, he died between the first two Northern Campaigns.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 54
Suggested War: 58
Suggested Int: 72
Suggested Pol: 68
Suggested Cha: 59
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: A
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Ding Li
Bio: A Shu officer, he died between the first two Northern Campaigns.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 41
Suggested Pol: 43
Suggested Cha: 41
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Yang Qun
Bio: A Shu officer, he died between the first two Northern Campaigns.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 67
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 43
Suggested Pol: 47
Suggested Cha: 50
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Bo Shou
Bio: A Shu officer, he died between the first two Northern Campaigns.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 72
Suggested Int: 54
Suggested Pol: 49
Suggested Cha: 53
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: B
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Zheng Chuo
Bio: A Shu general. When Huang Yuan rebelled during Liu Bei's illness, he and Chen Hu defeated
and captured him under Liu Shan's orders.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 72
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 61
Suggested Pol: 54
Suggested Cha: 59
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None
Chen Hu
Bio: A Shu general. When Huang Yuan rebelled during Liu Bei's illness, he and Zheng Chuo
defeated and captured him under Liu Shan's orders.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 74
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 65
Suggested Pol: 49
Suggested Cha: 61
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Xie Xiong
Bio: A novel-only Shu officer. He offered to defeat Wang Shuang, but was killed in the battle.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-229
Suggested Lead: 61
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 31
Suggested Pol: 29
Suggested Cha: 34
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Gong Qi
Bio: A novel-only Shu officer. He was sent to support Xie Xiong, but died in the third but with
Wang Shuang.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-229
Suggested Lead: 63
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 34
Suggested Pol: 31
Suggested Cha: 30
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Bao Su
Bio: A novel-only Shu officer. Jiang Wei sent him to camp at the mouth of Qishan Mountain valley
and send out reconnoitring parties to distrct Deng Ai. Eventually, he was attacked and killed by
Chen Tai.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-257
Suggested Lead: 67
Suggested War: 63
Suggested Int: 61
Suggested Pol: 57
Suggested Cha: 60
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Liu Min
Bio: A cousin of Jiang Wan who was renowned at a young age. When Cao Shuang attacked
Hanzhong, he agreed with Wang Ping's plan, which led to victory.
Birthplace: Quanling county
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 62
Suggested Int: 76
Suggested Pol: 77
Suggested Cha: 81
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Yang Hong
Bio: A Shu officer. During the battle of Hanzhong, Liu Bei ordered Zhuge Liang to raise all the
forces of Yi; Yang Hong counseled him to do so and served well as Grand Administrator of Shu
commandery. Later, when Huang Yuan revolted, he predicted how he would act and advised Liu
Shan how to defeat him.
Birthplace: Jianwei
Lifespan: ?-228
Suggested Lead: 32
Suggested War: 27
Suggested Int: 80
Suggested Pol: 84
Suggested Cha: 73
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Liu Ning
Bio: A Shu commander who participated in Yiling; he was hard pressed after the fire attack and
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 71
Suggested War: 69
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 48
Suggested Cha: 51
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Du Lu
Bio: A Shu commander who participated in Yiling; he was hard pressed after the fire attack and
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 68
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 54
Suggested Pol: 50
Suggested Cha: 49
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

2.0: Wei Officers

Zhao Yan
Bio: Accomplished officer under Cao Cao; defeated a Qiang invasion, settled a mutiny, prevented
revolt during Guandu and advised Xu Huang at Fan.
Birthplace: Yingchuan
Lifespan: 171-245
Suggested Lead: 84
Suggested War: 75
Suggested Int: 83
Suggested Pol: 81
Suggested Cha: 77
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: S
Suggested Weaponry Apt: A
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: Indomitable

Shi Huan
Bio: An early Wei officer. He defeated and killed Gui Gu, taking control of his soldiers, and
assisted Xu Huang in destroying Yuan Shao's supply convoy. In the novel, he dueled Yuan Shang
but was defeated and killed.
Birthplace: Pei
Lifespan: ?-209
Suggested Lead: 77
Suggested War: 73
Suggested Int: 71
Suggested Pol: 54
Suggested Cha: 51
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: Promotion

Lu Zhao
Bio: A Wei officer. Along with Zhu Ling, he was sent to help Liu Bei block Yuan Shu's attempt to
reach Yuan Shao.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 67
Suggested War: 73
Suggested Int: 54
Suggested Pol: 45
Suggested Cha: 49
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Cheng He
Bio: Army Inspector who warned Yu Jin and Pang De of the possibility of a flood at Fan in the
novel. Later, fought to the death alongside Pang De. Historically he fought alongside Pang De at
Fan but his fate is unknown.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-?
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 68
Suggested Int: 78
Suggested Pol: 68
Suggested Cha: 61
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: Detection

Hao Zhou
Bio: A Wei officer under Yu Jin who was taken prisoner by Guan Yu at Fan. After being rescued
by Lu Meng, he was sent back to Wei in 221, where he convinced Cao Pi that Sun Quan would
be a loyal vassal.
Birthplace: Shang Dang
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 61
Suggested War: 64
Suggested Int: 54
Suggested Pol: 61
Suggested Cha: 60
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Lu Jian
Bio: Xu Huang's second at Fan castle. He dueled Guan Ping and retreated; later helped surround
Guan Ping's army.
Note: Some versions of the novel call him "Lu Qian" but he is not the Lu Qian already in the
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 78
Suggested War: 75
Suggested Int: 61
Suggested Pol: 47
Suggested Cha: 54
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Xu Shang
Bio: A suboridnate of Xu Huang at Fan castle; dueled Guan Ping but retreated. Helped surround
Guan Ping's army later.
Suggested Lead: 75
Suggested War: 77
Suggested Int: 53
Suggested Pol: 51
Suggested Cha: 50
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None
Zhu Gai
Bio: A Wei officer. When Zhang Liao was sent against Chen Lan, he served under him as a
subordinate. Later, he was one of ten divisions sent to reinforce Xu Huang at Fan.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 72
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 43
Suggested Cha: 54
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Xue Ti
Bio: Protector Of The Army at Hefei, had the letter Cao Cao sent for how to respond if Sun Quan
invaded. Said to have held many positions and to be famed for honesty.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 41
Suggested War: 32
Suggested Int: 75
Suggested Pol: 83
Suggested Cha: 79
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Bian Lan
Bio: Said to be a close friend of Cao Rui and Cao Pi who was an honest advisor.
Birthplace: Langye
Lifespan: ?-230
Suggested Lead: 20
Suggested War: 17
Suggested Int: 77
Suggested Pol: 75
Suggested Cha: 71
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Liu Ruo
Bio: Part of a petition for Cao Cao to become Duke, titled "General Who Calms The Waves"
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 71
Suggested War: 72
Suggested Int: 41
Suggested Pol: 53
Suggested Cha: 61
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Xing Zhen
Bio: Envoy sent by Cao Pi to accept Sun Quan's submission and grant him the title of King.
Zhang Zhao rebuked him for not dismounting from his chariot.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 19
Suggested War: 14
Suggested Int: 67
Suggested Pol: 74
Suggested Cha: 65
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Lu Chang
Bio: Wei officer in Xiangyang. When Guan Yu attacked, he defended the city against attack. In the
novel, he attempted to attack Guan Yu's army as they crossed his army, but his troops paniced at
the sight of Guan Yu.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 74
Suggested War: 74
Suggested Int: 54
Suggested Pol: 48
Suggested Cha: 51
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Shan Tao
Bio: One of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove. Worked for the Sima family in his later years
and was well respected.
Birthplace: He Nei
Lifespan: 205-283
Suggested Lead: 31
Suggested War: 9
Suggested Int: 79
Suggested Pol: 84
Suggested Cha: 81
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Su Yong
Bio: Guo Huai's Van leader in the first northern campaign. Warned of Zhao Yun, he set out to fight
him but was easily killed. Novel only.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-228
Suggested Lead: 61
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 31
Suggested Pol: 24
Suggested Cha: 23
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Wan Zheng
Bio: A novel-only subordinate of Guo Huai. He followed Su Yong, but withdrew out of fear of Zhao
Yun. Sent back to fight him, he was defeated but his life spared.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 65
Suggested War: 64
Suggested Int: 54
Suggested Pol: 51
Suggested Cha: 46
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Wei Ping
Bio: Wei officer under Sima Yi during the fourth northern campaign. He advised Sima Yi to attack
the retreating Shu army. Later, he was sent to support Zhang He, but arrived too late to save him
from the ambush. Possibly fictional.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 54
Suggested Pol: 41
Suggested Cha: 42
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: B
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Ren Fu
Bio: Wei officer who defeated Tang Zi and Cai Fang in 225.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 75
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 50
Suggested Pol: 46
Suggested Cha: 58
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Bao Xun
Bio: The son of Bao Xin. Angered Cao Pi by punishing his brother-in-law and advising against
one of his Wu campaigns, Cao Pi eventually had him killed.
Birthplace: Ping Yang, Taishan prefecture
Lifespan: ?-224
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 73
Suggested Pol: 73
Suggested Cha: 77
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: Integrity

Yi Lu
Bio: A Wei officer. Led a naval host in Cao Pi's first invasion, but was killed by Quan Cong.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-222
Suggested Lead: 72
Suggested War: 65
Suggested Int: 46
Suggested Pol: 51
Suggested Cha: 53
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Xue Ze
Bio: A novel-only Wei officer. Under Xiahou Mao he ambushed Deng Zhi. However, he was killed
in the battle by Zhang Bao.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-227
Suggested Lead: 62
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 45
Suggested Pol: 25
Suggested Cha: 31
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: B
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Dong Xi
Bio: Novel only Wei officer. Under Xiahou Mao, he ambushed Deng Zhi, but was killed in the
battle by Guan Xing.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-227
Suggested Lead: 64
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 34
Suggested Cha: 31
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: B
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Cao Zun
Bio: A relative of Cao Zhen. Historically died young, in the novel he was said to be Cao Zhen's
brother, and fought in the first northern campaign as van leader, where he was killed by Wei Yan.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?--227
Suggested Lead: 72
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 60
Suggested Pol: 54
Suggested Cha: 56
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Zhu Zan
Bio: A fellow villager of Cao Zhen who died young, in the novel he assisted Cao Zun as van
leader, and was later killed by Zhao Yun.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-227
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 61
Suggested Pol: 59
Suggested Cha: 57
Suggested Spear Apt:C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Chang Diao
Bio: A Wei officer. When Cao Pi attacked Ruxu, he was ent with the van of Cao Ren's forces to
attack Zhu Huan. He fell into am ambush and was killed dueling Zhu Huan. historically he was
defeated by Zhu Huan's subordinate Yan Gui.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 65
Suggested War: 72
Suggested Int: 54
Suggested Pol: 41
Suggested Cha: 37
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Cao Tai
Bio: The son of Cao Ren, he succeeded his father and later became General Who Guards The
Birthplace: Pei
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 72
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 46
Suggested Cha: 61
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

3.0: Wu Officers

Sun Shao
Bio: The posthumous son of Sun Ce. A marquis under Sun Quan, Quan was criticized for not
giving him a higher title. Died young.
Birthplace: Wu
Lifespan: 200-?
Suggested Lead: 72
Suggested War: 75
Suggested Int: 52
Suggested Pol: 59
Suggested Cha: 61
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Sun Shao
Bio: Served under both Kong Rong and Liu Yao before joining the Sun, became Wu's first Prime
Minister over Zhang Zhao in 222.
Birthplace: Bei Hai
Lifespan: 164-226
Suggested Lead: 54
Suggested War: 21
Suggested Int: 77
Suggested Pol: 89
Suggested Cha: 85
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: Feng Shui

Zu Lang
Bio: Chieftain of the hill people in the south of Danyang. He nearly killed Sun Ce in battle early in
his career with a surprise attack. Later he submitted to Wu after being defeated.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 84
Suggested War: 86
Suggested Int: 47
Suggested Pol: 50
Suggested Cha: 64
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: S
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: Shanyue Ties

Xu Kun
Bio: Sun Jian's brother in law who fought under him. When Sun Ce invaded Jiangdong his
accomplishments were second only to Cheng Pu. Killed by a stray arrow fighting at Xiakou.
Birthplace: Wu
Lifespan: ?-? (encylopedia claims he died in 199, other say he outlived Sun Ce and died at
Xiakou, which should be 203)
Suggested Lead: 81
Suggested War: 85
Suggested Int: 56
Suggested Pol: 43
Suggested Cha: 61
Suggested Spear Apt: S
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: S
Suggested Skill: Admiral

Xu Jiao
Bio: Son of Xu Kun, he fought against the Shanyue and became Lieutenant General.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 77
Suggested War: 75
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 45
Suggested Cha: 57
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: B
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Xu Zuo
Bio: Younger son of Xu Kun, supervisor of Wuhu and later General Who Pacifies The Wei.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 73
Suggested Int: 57
Suggested Pol: 61
Suggested Cha: 62
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Gu Li
Bio: An officer of Sun Quan's companions. He helped him jump the bridge at Hefei, and
threatened a helsman to force their ship to dock during a storm. Sun Quan called him by his
surname as a sign of respect.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 78
Suggested Int: 61
Suggested Pol: 34
Suggested Cha: 45
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None
Skill: Escape Route

Liu Ji
Bio: The son of Liu Yao, he served Sun Quan. He stopped him from killing Yu Fan while drunk,
the only man who dared act to stop him.
Birthplace: Donglai
Lifespan: 185-223
Suggested Lead: 31
Suggested War: 19
Suggested Int: 73
Suggested Pol: 75
Suggested Cha: 70
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Fu Ying
Bio: An officer under Sun Yi, working with his widow he helped kill Yi's assassins.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 64
Suggested War: 74
Suggested Int: 54
Suggested Pol: 38
Suggested Cha: 41
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Sun Ben
Bio: Sun Jian's nephew, inherited his troops and served Sun Ce and Sun Quan. Supported
sending hostages to Cao Cao and his daughter married Cao Zhang, however unlike his brother
Sun Fu, made no effort to contact Cao Cao at Chi Bi. Said to have received an Imperial
appointment from Cao Cao after the battle.
Birthplace: Wu
Lifespan: 174-209
Suggested Lead: 78
Suggested War: 75
Suggested Int: 65
Suggested Pol: 69
Suggested Cha: 73
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: S
Suggested Skill: None

Sun Feng
Bio: Son of Sun Shao and grandson of Sun Ce, executed by Sun Hao, who feared he would
displace him due to his popularity.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 51
Suggested War: 46
Suggested Int: 75
Suggested Pol: 80
Suggested Cha: 85
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Rui Liang
Bio: An officer under Sun Ce who participated in his campaigns, he died in the late 190s.
Birthplace: Danyang
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 77
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 54
Suggested Cha: 49
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Rui Xuan
Bio: Younger brother of Rui Liang, he inherited his brother's position and later beame a General of
the Household under Sun Quan. Died in the 220s, his daughter was a concubine for Sun Deng.
Birthplace: Danyang
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 71
Suggested War: 65
Suggested Int: 61
Suggested Pol: 67
Suggested Cha: 61
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Qin Song
Bio: An officer in early Wu. Along with Zhang Zhao and others, considered the issue of sending
hostages to Cao Cao in 202 but came to no decision. Supported surrender at Chi Bi, held as
leader of the group alongside Zhang Zhao. Died early.
Birthplace: Guangling
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 31
Suggested War: 20
Suggested Int: 81
Suggested Pol: 83
Suggested Cha: 79
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: Enlister

Wei Jing
Bio: A friend of Bu Zhi of the same age. Angered when Jiao Zhengqiang did not treat him with
respect. Became prefect of Wuling, but in 231 he was fired for accusing Pan Jun of treachery.
Birthplace: Guangling
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 54
Suggested War: 40
Suggested Int: 70
Suggested Pol: 74
Suggested Cha: 63
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Xia Xun
Bio: Novel only Wu officer. Marching General, he tried to duel Zhang Bao, but fled at a roar. He
was chased down and killed.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-222
Suggested Lead: 61
Suggested War: 68
Suggested Int: 24
Suggested Pol: 25
Suggested Cha: 31
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Zhou Ping
Bio: Novel only. Brother of Zhou Tai, he tried to assist Xia Xun but was killed by Guan Xing.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-222
Suggested Lead: 69
Suggested War: 73
Suggested Int: 35
Suggested Pol: 31
Suggested Cha: 40
Suggested Spear Apt:B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Zuo Xian
Bio: Possibly novel only. Sun Quan's first secretary, advised him to kill Guan Yu, reminding him
how he had slain Cao Cao's generals despite good treatment.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 24
Suggested War: 9
Suggested Int: 74
Suggested Pol: 75
Suggested Cha: 70
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Zhou Shao
Bio: Son of Zhou Tai. Chief Commandant of the Cavalry, he gained merit against Cao Ren at
Ruxu and fought Cao Xiu, and was promoted to Major General.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-230
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 80
Suggested Int: 41
Suggested Pol: 45
Suggested Cha: 51
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Zhuge Rong
Bio: Son of Zhuge Jin, he served Wu.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 51
Suggested War: 31
Suggested Int: 71
Suggested Pol: 74
Suggested Cha: 67
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Han Zong
Bio: The son of Han Dang. He defected to Wei the year his father died, fearing punishment, and
raided Wu. Later he participated in Wei's attack on Dongxing as vanguard and was killed. His
head was sacrificed at Sun Quan's temple by Zhuge Ke.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-252
Suggested Lead: 72
Suggested War: 72
Suggested Int: 41
Suggested Pol: 25
Suggested Cha: 30
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: B
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Dai Liang
Bio: A General under Sun Quan, he was sent to be inspector of Jiaozhou, but his entry was
blocked by Shi Hui. When Lu Dai invaded Jiao, he accompanied him.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 54
Suggested Pol: 51
Suggested Cha: 52
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Chen Shi
Bio: A colonel of Sun Quan's, after Shi Xie's death he was sent to repalce him as Grand
Administrator of Jiao.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 68
Suggested Int: 50
Suggested Pol: 47
Suggested Cha: 45
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Zhao Zi
Bio: Counselor of Sun Quan, sent as an envoy to Cao Pi to offer submission. Answered Cao Pi's
questions without reducing his lord's dignity. In the novel, he suggested getting Wei to attack
Hanzhong to divert the Shu army.
Birthplace: Nanyang
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 20
Suggested War: 17
Suggested Int: 73
Suggested Pol: 79
Suggested Cha: 76
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Rao Zhu
Bio: Sun Yu appointed him as chief of Xiang'An near Lujiang, where he attracted people from
Lujiang to defect.
Birthplace: Yong'an
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 51
Suggested War: 47
Suggested Int: 64
Suggested Pol: 79
Suggested Cha: 64
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Yan Lian
Bio: Appointed by Sun Yu to be Chief of Juchao, he attracted people from the commandaries at
Lujiang to defect to Wu.
Birthplace: Wuxi
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 60
Suggested War: 57
Suggested Int: 71
Suggested Pol: 74
Suggested Cha: 63
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Xu Xiang
Bio: Sun Quan's Chief Commandant. After the battle of Ruxu, Sun Quan sent him to negotiate a
return to friendly relations with Cao Cao, which he accomplished.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 69
Suggested War: 63
Suggested Int: 71
Suggested Pol: 74
Suggested Cha: 76
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Zhou Jun
Bio: Nephew of Zhou Yu, he served under Lu Xun, he was sent to attack Shiyang, where he
killed and captured citizens of Wei.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 77
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 73
Suggested Pol: 64
Suggested Cha: 65
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: Sweep Asunder

Jiang Yi
Bio: The son of Jiang Qin. He gained merit in the fighting at Yiling, but died in battle against Wei
at Nanjun.
Lifespan: ?-223
Suggested Lead: 75
Suggested War: 79
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 49
Suggested Cha: 58
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Cheng Zi
Bio: The son of Cheng Pu, made Marquis of a Commune after his father's death. In the novel, his
father sent him to attend the war meeting for Chi Bi in his place, angry at being put below Zhou
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 72
Suggested War: 74
Suggested Int: 60
Suggested Pol: 63
Suggested Cha: 64
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Yuan Shi
Bio: The daughter of Yuan Shu, went to Wu with her brother. Part of Sun Quan's harem,
considered a candidate for Emperess but she refused.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-243
Suggested Lead: 21
Suggested War: 19
Suggested Int: 73
Suggested Pol: 74
Suggested Cha: 81
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: Spousal Support

Xianyu Dan
Bio: A subordinate officer to Lu Xun during the battle of Yiling.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 72
Suggested Int: 53
Suggested Pol: 31
Suggested Cha: 41
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Chunyu Dan
Bio: A Wu junior general, Lu Xun sent him to raid Liu Bei's camps, but he was defeated. However,
the attack was only a test of Shu's forces. Possibly novel only.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 71
Suggested War: 73
Suggested Int: 46
Suggested Pol: 40
Suggested Cha: 50
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Liu A
Bio: A Wu officer guarding Jing. when Liu Bei attacked he was defeated by Fu Tong and Wu Ban.
Later he was defeated by Zhang He.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 45
Suggested Pol: 35
Suggested Cha: 41
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Shi Ji
Bio: A novel only officer. A subordinate of Pan Zhang, he dueled Huang Zhong but was quickly
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-222
Suggested Lead: 62
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 26
Suggested Pol: 30
Suggested Cha: 37
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Sun Sheng
Bio: A Wu officer, put to flight by Cao Zhen in the invasion of Jiang Ling.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 65
Suggested War: 64
Suggested Int: 44
Suggested Pol: 41
Suggested Cha: 49
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Xie Jing
Bio: A servant of Sun Deng, he admired a theory of punishment over civility by one Liu Yi. Lu Xun
admonished him for this. Appreciations Of Friends and Guests, commisioned by Sun Deng, said
he could "untangle knots by his words", but Yang Dao called him "eloquent but superficial".
Birthplace: Nanyang
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 21
Suggested War: 17
Suggested Int: 71
Suggested Pol: 75
Suggested Cha: 73
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Liu Jing
Bio: Chief advisor of Sun Jiao. Called talented.
Birthplace: Lujiang
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 51
Suggested War: 40
Suggested Int: 76
Suggested Pol: 61
Suggested Cha: 57
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Li Yun
Bio: Managed Sun Jiao's military and civil staff.
Birthplace: Jiang Xia
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 57
Suggested War: 51
Suggested Int: 68
Suggested Pol: 78
Suggested Cha: 69
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Wu Shi
Bio: Officer of Sun Jiao who transported military equipment.
Birthplace: Guangling
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 71
Suggested War: 64
Suggested Int: 61
Suggested Pol: 63
Suggested Cha: 60
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None
Zhang Liang
Bio: Officer of Sun Jiao who transported military equipment. Later served Lu Xun and was sent to
attack Anlu during Wu's retreat in the fifth northern campaign.
Birthplace: Henan
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 71
Suggested War: 73
Suggested Int: 65
Suggested Pol: 61
Suggested Cha: 59
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Yang Dao
Bio: A friend of Sun Deng, he predicted the downfall of Zhuge Ke and others. Later attacked
Liaodong and took captives.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 80
Suggested Pol: 75
Suggested Cha: 72
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Zhang Shi
Bio: A bodyguard officer of Sun Quan. While on a hunt, he used his halberd to slay a tiger that
had attacked another officer.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 60
Suggested War: 78
Suggested Int: 41
Suggested Pol: 38
Suggested Cha: 50
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

4.0: Yellow Turbans and Bandits

He Man
Bio: A yellow turban commander. Along with He Yi and Huang Shao, he was defeated by Cao
Cao in 196. In the novel, he lost a duel to Cao Hong and was killed. His historical fate is
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 51
Suggested War: 77
Suggested Int: 24
Suggested Pol: 19
Suggested Cha: 25
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Bu Si
Bio: A yellow turban leader. He was captured and killed by Fu Xie.
Birthplace: Dong commandery in Yan province.
Lifespan: ?-184
Suggested Lead: 68
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 20
Suggested Pol: 27
Suggested Cha: 29
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Peng Tuo
Bio: A yellow turban leader, killed in battle against Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun.
Birthplace: Ru Nan
Lifespan: ?-184
Suggested Lead: 64
Suggested War: 72
Suggested Int: 27
Suggested Pol: 20
Suggested Cha: 18
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Du Yuan
Bio: Novel only. A former yellow turban alongside Liao Hua. He planned to keep Liu Bei's wives to
marry the two of them, and Liao Hua killed him for refusing to release them.
Lifespan: ?-200
Suggested Lead: 57
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 34
Suggested Pol: 30
Suggested Cha: 29
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Sima Ju
Bio: A yellow turban bandit who, along with Xu He, terrorized Qing province. In 206, he was killed
by a force led by Xiahou Yuan with support from Zang Ba and Lu Qian after fierce fighting.
Birthplace: Le'an commandery, Qing
Lifespan: ?-206
Suggested Lead: 74
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 29
Suggested Pol: 21
Suggested Cha: 30
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Xu He
Bio: A yellow turban bandit who, along with Sima Ju, terrorized Qing province. In 206, he was
killed by a force led by Xiahou Yuan with support from Zang Ba and Lu Qian after fierce fighting.
Birthplace: Ji'nan commandery, Qing
Lifespan: ?-206
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 74
Suggested Int: 34
Suggested Pol: 31
Suggested Cha: 38
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: B
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Huang Shao
Bio: A yellow turban, alongside He Man and He Yi, who caused trouble. He was executed after
being defeated by Cao Cao. In the novel, Li Dian captured him.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-196
Suggested Lead: 64
Suggested War: 72
Suggested Int: 30
Suggested Pol: 28
Suggested Cha: 34
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

5.0: Yuan Shao Officers

Han Meng
Bio: Said by Xun You to be brave but to understimate his enemies, he escorted supplies for Yuan
Shao's army, but was attacked and defeated by Xu Huang. Narrowly avoided execution in the
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 62
Suggested War: 74
Suggested Int: 34
Suggested Pol: 23
Suggested Cha: 21
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Ju Zong
Bio: The brother of Ju Shou. Before the Guandu campaign, he questioned his brother why he
doubted victory due to Yuan Shao's larger force.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 42
Suggested War: 28
Suggested Int: 64
Suggested Pol: 74
Suggested Cha: 61
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

He Mao
Bio: Called a great general, he surrendered after thirty of Yuan Shao's fortifications were
destroyed by Yu Jin and Yue Jin.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 82
Suggested War: 78
Suggested Int: 43
Suggested Pol: 54
Suggested Cha: 47
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Wang Mo
Bio: Called a great general, he surrendered after thirty of Yuan Shao's fortifications were
destroyed by Yu Jin and Yue Jin.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 80
Suggested War: 80
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 47
Suggested Cha: 42
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Zhao Rui
Bio: In the novel, while returning to Wuchao after delivering grain, he found it under attack and
assaulted Cao Cao's flank, but was killed in battle.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 64
Suggested War: 65
Suggested Int: 41
Suggested Pol: 37
Suggested Cha: 40
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Xin Ming
Bio: An officer under Yuan Shao. When Yuan Shao heard rumors Cao Cao was attacking Yejun
and Liyang, he sent Xin Ming with fifty thousand troops to reinforce Liyang. Possibly novel only.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 74
Suggested War: 72
Suggested Int: 50
Suggested Pol: 31
Suggested Cha: 38
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: B
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Cen Bi
Bio: Novel only officer of Yuan Tan. He challenged Yuan Shang to a duel, but before he culd
accept Lu Kuang fought and swiftly killed him.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-203
Suggested Lead: 59
Suggested War: 60
Suggested Int: 31
Suggested Pol: 40
Suggested Cha: 26
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Guan Tong
Bio: Grand Administrator of Le'An, when Liu Xun rebelled, he aided Yuan Tan. He did not
surrender after Yuan Tan's death. Wang Xiu refused orders to kill him, and Cao Cao then
pardoned him.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 74
Suggested War: 63
Suggested Int: 60
Suggested Pol: 63
Suggested Cha: 70
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Fang Xian
Bio: Surrendered to Cao Cao at Hedong, was secretly working with Gao Gan. Du Ji intentionally
gave him poor advise to sabotage him. Killed after joining with Gao Gan's troops.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-205
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 72
Suggested Int: 31
Suggested Pol: 40
Suggested Cha: 37
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Wei Gu
Bio: Surrendered to Cao Cao at Hedong, was secretly working with Gao Gan. Du Ji intentionally
gave him poor advise to sabotage him. Killed after joining with Gao Gan's troops.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-205
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 65
Suggested Int: 36
Suggested Pol: 38
Suggested Cha: 41
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: B
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

6.0: Yuan Shu Officers

Yang Dajiang
Bio: Advisor to Yuan Shu. Repeatedly stopped him from invading Sun Ce and convinced him to
wait out siege at Shou Chun.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 20
Suggested War: 14
Suggested Int: 86
Suggested Pol: 74
Suggested Cha: 61
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Chang Nu
Bio: Officer of Yuan Shu, he and Dong Cheng held strategic places to prevent Cao Hong from
reaching Emperor Xian in 196.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 41
Suggested Pol: 37
Suggested Cha: 35
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Zhou Shang
Bio: Uncle to Zhou Yu and Grand Administrator of Dan Yang, later replaced by Yuan Yin.
Birthplace: Lu Jiang
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 60
Suggested Int: 70
Suggested Pol: 67
Suggested Cha: 73
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

7.0: Liu Biao Officers

Du Kui
Bio: Former Gentleman of the Court Music, in 196 Liu Biao formed an orchestra and ordered him
to compose ceremonial music. Du Kui admonished him for playing music in court without being
Emperor, and he abandoned the idea.
Birthplace: Henan
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 31
Suggested War: 23
Suggested Int: 73
Suggested Pol: 75
Suggested Cha: 71
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Deng Ji
Bio: An officer of Liu Biao, Cao Cao defeated him at Nanyang in 197.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 71
Suggested War: 68
Suggested Int: 54
Suggested Pol: 53
Suggested Cha: 51
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Lu Gong
Bio: An officer of Liu Biao. In the novel he was described as a warrior of great strength, he led
Sun Jian into the fatal ambush. He then dueled Cheng Pu, who slew him quickly.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-192
Suggested Lead: 74
Suggested War: 75
Suggested Int: 65
Suggested Pol: 56
Suggested Cha: 56
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: Critical Ambush

Deng Yi
Bio: An officer under Liu Biao, set to guard Jingzhou city by Liu Cong in the novel, he surrendered
after his master's death. Called a famed statesman in history.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 71
Suggested War: 64
Suggested Int: 69
Suggested Pol: 74
Suggested Cha: 70
Suggested Spear Apt:B
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Liu Xian
Bio: An officer that guarded Jingzhou city along with Deng Yi in the novel, he surrendered to Cao
Cao after hearing of Liu Cong's death.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 67
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 54
Suggested Pol: 41
Suggested Cha: 43
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Song Zhong
Bio: Taught Classics of The Great Mystery, a development of the Book of Changes, had many
students. When Liu Cong surrendered, he was sent to inform Liu Bei.
Birthplace: Nanyang
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 31
Suggested War: 21
Suggested Int: 75
Suggested Pol: 81
Suggested Cha: 79
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Qimu Kai
Bio: A scholar of Liu Biao's court who worked with Song Zhong on detailed commentary to five
Birthplace: Possibly Langye
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 21
Suggested War: 19
Suggested Int: 77
Suggested Pol: 77
Suggested Cha: 80
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Chen Jiu
Bio: A naval commander under Huang Zu. He led the navy when Sun Quan attacked in 208, and
was killed by Lu Meng.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-208
Suggested Lead: 72
Suggested War: 68
Suggested Int: 41
Suggested Pol: 53
Suggested Cha: 51
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

Huang She
Bio: The son of Huang Zu. He was sent to help Liu Xun fight Sun Ce but lost. Later, he attacked
Xu Sheng's two hundred men with about one thousand, but suffered a great loss and fled, turning
to banditry. A friend of Mi Heng.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 64
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 42
Suggested Pol: 51
Suggested Cha: 54
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: A
Suggested Skill: None

8.0: Liu Zhang Officers

Fu Jin
Bio: An officer of Liu Zhang, he besieged Huo Jun along with Xiang Cun, but was defeated in a
surprise attack.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 70
Suggested War: 73
Suggested Int: 46
Suggested Pol: 39
Suggested Cha: 52
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Xiang Cun
Bio: An officer of Liu Zhang. Together with Fu Jin he besieged Huo Jun for a year, but was killed
in a surprise attack.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-213
Suggested Lead: 72
Suggested War: 67
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 43
Suggested Cha: 47
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: A
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Ma Han
Bio: An officer of Liu Zhang exclusive to the novel. When Liu Bei was meeting with the newly
surrendered Ma Chao, he and Liu Jun came to challenge his army; Zhao Yun killed them both.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-213
Suggested Lead: 65
Suggested War: 66
Suggested Int: 41
Suggested Pol: 37
Suggested Cha: 41
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Liu Jun
Bio: An officer of Liu Zhang exclusive to the novel. When Liu Bei was meeting with the newly
surrendered Ma Chao, he and Ma Han came to challenge his army; Zhao Yun killed them both.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-213
Suggested Lead: 67
Suggested War: 63
Suggested Int: 37
Suggested Pol: 41
Suggested Cha: 47
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Chen Bao
Bio: Officer of Liu Zhang; celebrated in the west and known to be honest.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 31
Suggested War: 34
Suggested Int: 75
Suggested Pol: 83
Suggested Cha: 84
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Gao Yi
Bio: Civil officer of Liu Zhang who died in office.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-209
Suggested Lead: 22
Suggested War: 19
Suggested Int: 71
Suggested Pol: 75
Suggested Cha: 72
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Zhuo Ying
Bio: An officer of Liu Zhang, sent to assist Zhang Ren. Marched with Zhang Ren to face Liu Bei's
army, he surrendered to Zhao Yun when Zhuge Liang defeated them. Novel only.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 72
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 31
Suggested Cha: 50
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

9.0: Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu officers

Cheng Lian
Bio: Officer of Lu Bu described as brave, he fought against Zhang Yan. Captured by Cao Cao in
Xu, in the novel Yue Jin kills him in Yan.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 78
Suggested War: 79
Suggested Int: 41
Suggested Pol: 39
Suggested Cha: 40
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Wei Yue
Bio: An officer of Lu Bu, he helped him defeat Zhang Yan.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 75
Suggested War: 77
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 45
Suggested Cha: 53
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Zhang Chao
Bio: The brother of Zhang Miao; he held off Cao Cao's forces to help his brother, but was
defeated and killed.
Birthplace: Dongping
Lifespan: ?-195
Suggested Lead: 77
Suggested War: 65
Suggested Int: 60
Suggested Pol: 64
Suggested Cha: 68
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: Iron Wall

Xue Lan
Bio: Formerly an officer of Cao Cao, he rebelled along with Chen Gong and others, and killed Li
Qian, father of Li Dian. He was later defeated and executed.
Birthplace: Shangyang
Lifespan: ?-195
Suggested Lead: 71
Suggested War: 74
Suggested Int: 31
Suggested Pol: 24
Suggested Cha: 19
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None
Xu Si
Bio: Rebelled against Cao Cao along with Chen Gong and others. He advised Lu Bu to ask Yuan
Shu for help and served as an envoy. Later he told Liu Bei and Liu Biao that Chen Deng was free
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 30
Suggested War: 20
Suggested Int: 82
Suggested Pol: 64
Suggested Cha: 70
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: B
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Wang Kai
Bio: An officer who revolted against Cao Cao and joined Lu Bu. Sent to convince Yuan Shu to
assist Lu Bu against Cao Cao, he had minor success.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 21
Suggested War: 15
Suggested Int: 80
Suggested Pol: 70
Suggested Cha: 65
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Wang Chang
Bio: General of the Tiger Army under Li Jue. A man of good character, he allowed Huangfu Li to
escape and claimed he could not find him.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 69
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 53
Suggested Cha: 48
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None
Wang Fang
Bio: Helped besiege Chang An, in the novel he opened the gates from the inside and was later
killed by Ma Chao.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 74
Suggested War: 73
Suggested Int: 41
Suggested Pol: 28
Suggested Cha: 38
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: A
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Zhao Cen
Bio: An officer of Dong Zhuo, he marched with Hua Xiong. Even after Hua Xiong's death he
remained at River Si pass until the withdraw from Luoyang, when he retreated.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: n/A
Suggested Lead: 68
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 31
Suggested Pol: 32
Suggested Cha: 40
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Liu He
Bio: A general of Lu Bu's, he was captured by Cao Ren in the war for Yan province after losing
Juyang city.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 65
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 43
Suggested Pol: 38
Suggested Cha: 40
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Xu Xi
Bio: Formerly given appointment by Cao Cao, he joined Lu Bu. When Lu Bu died he fled to Zang
Ba, who persuaded Cao Cao to show mercy. He was given an administrative position.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 43
Suggested War: 33
Suggested Int: 65
Suggested Pol: 73
Suggested Cha: 64
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Mao Hui
Bio: Formerly given appointment by Cao Cao, he joined Lu Bu. When Lu Bu died he fled to Zang
Ba, who persuaded Cao Cao to show mercy. He was given an administrative position.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 31
Suggested War: 41
Suggested Int: 68
Suggested Pol: 72
Suggested Cha: 61
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Qin Yilu
Bio: Father of Qin Lang. An officer of Lu Bu with a beautiful wife, Guan Yu asked for her during
the siege of Xia Pi, and Cao Cao took her himsefl. Briefly joined Liu Bei, but Zhang Fei killed him
when he wished to return to Cao Cao.
Birthplace: Yunzhong
Lifespan: ?-199
Suggested Lead: 63
Suggested War: 65
Suggested Int: 61
Suggested Pol: 70
Suggested Cha: 63
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

10.0: Han dynasty officers

Cai Yong
Bio: Father of Cai Yan. Lost favor for beign against the eunuchs, he later advised Dong Zhuo.
Despite pleas for mercy he was jailed by Wang Yun for gasping at Dong Zhuo's death and died
there. He was the father of Cai Yan.
Birthplace: Chen Liu
Lifespan: 135-192
Suggested Lead: 15
Suggested War: 12
Suggested Int: 75
Suggested Pol: 85
Suggested Cha: 82
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: Stirring Music

Shisun Rui
Bio: Part of the plan to kill Dong Zhuo, he claimed no credit for the deed, sparing his life when Li
Jue took the capital.
Birthplace: Youfufeng
Lifespan: ?-195
Suggested Lead: 31
Suggested War: 22
Suggested Int: 77
Suggested Pol: 84
Suggested Cha: 70
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Fu Xie
Bio: A famed general who fought the Yellow Turbans, memorialized the Emperor against
corruption. For this reason Zhao Zhong slandered him, but remembering the memorial Emperor
Ling did not punish him. Died in the fighting at Liang.
Birthplace: Beidi
Lifespan: ?-187
Suggested Lead: 85
Suggested War: 73
Suggested Int: 75
Suggested Pol: 64
Suggested Cha: 80
Suggested Spear Apt: S
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: A
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: Resolute

Wang Qi
Bio: Colone Of The Elite Cavalry, appointed by Wang Yun. Li Jue and Guo Si slew him when they
took Chang An.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-192
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 65
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 63
Suggested Cha: 64
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Jia Long
Bio: Han officer, he defeated rebels in Yi. Later, Liu Yan killed officials on pretenses; Jia Long
fought him but was defeated and killed.
Birthplace: Jianwei
Lifespan: ?-191
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 70
Suggested Int: 67
Suggested Pol: 65
Suggested Cha: 61
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Huangfu Li
Bio: Nephew of Huangfu Song, he advised his uncle to face Dong Zhuo. Later he was sent to
negotiate a truce between Li Jue and Guo Si, and spoke angrily of their treatment of the Emperor.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 42
Suggested War: 19
Suggested Int: 71
Suggested Pol: 76
Suggested Cha: 74
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

He Xun
Bio: Fought against the Qiang rebellion, winning several skirmishes. Wounded three times and
captured, he was released by the impressed enemy commander. Tried to convince Huangfu Song
to rebel against Dong Zhuo but failed, accepted posts from Dong Zhuo but died soon after.
Birthplace: Dunhuang
Lifespan: 140-190
Suggested Lead: 80
Suggested War: 73
Suggested Int: 79
Suggested Pol: 81
Suggested Cha: 85
Suggested Spear Apt: S
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: B
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: Fortitude

Yang Qi
Bio: Official of Emperor Xian, he advised the Emperor in his captivity to Li Jue. Recommended Jia
Xu to come up with an escape plan.
Lifespan: ?-105
Suggested Lead:
Suggested War:
Suggested Int:
Suggested Pol:
Suggested Cha:
Suggested Spear Apt:
Suggested Pike Apt:
Suggested Bow Apt:
Suggested Horse Apt:
Suggested Weaponry Apt:
Suggested Navy Apt:
Suggested Skill:

Yang Biao
Bio: Han official, Dong Zhuo stripped him of rank for opposing moving the capital, but was
reinstated after apologizing. Cao Cao made false accusation against him because he was related
to Yuan Shu, but Man Chong got him pardoned. He pretended for ten years to be unable to walk
from illness to avoid trouble. Father of Yang Xiu.
Birthplace: Hong Nong
Lifespan: 142-225
Suggested Lead: 19
Suggested War: 8
Suggested Int: 73
Suggested Pol: 84
Suggested Cha: 74
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Ying Shao
Bio: Prefect of Taishan and an important writer of folk legends and custom. He was ordered to
escort Cao Song to Cao Cao; when Cao Song was killed he fled to Yuan Shao in fear of Cao
Cao's wrath.
Birthplace: Ru Nan
Lifespan: ?-200
Suggested Lead: 71
Suggested War: 53
Suggested Int: 73
Suggested Pol: 80
Suggested Cha: 78
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: B
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

11.0: Miscellaneous Officers

Yu Mi
Bio: A fictional officer of Liu Yao; dueling Sun Ce, he was captured and accidentally crushed to
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-194
Suggested Lead: 66
Suggested War: 67
Suggested Int: 36
Suggested Pol: 42
Suggested Cha: 39
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: B
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: C
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None

Zhu Hao
Bio: Son of Zhu Jun; he served Liu Yao and attacked Yuan Shu, defeating Zhuge Xuan. Betrayed
and killed by Ze Rong. Said to deal with people in good faith.
Birthplace: Kuaiji
Lifespan: ?-195
Suggested Lead: 76
Suggested War: 61
Suggested Int: 70
Suggested Pol: 72
Suggested Cha: 71
Suggested Spear Apt: B
Suggested Pike Apt: A
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: B
Suggested Skill: None
Xianyu Fu
Bio: An officer of Liu Yu, he led a major revolt against Gongsun Zan, scoring victories. Later he
joined Cao Cao.
Birthplace: Yuyang
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 76
Suggested War: 72
Suggested Int: 61
Suggested Pol: 45
Suggested Cha: 63
Suggested Spear Apt: A
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: C
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: Wuwan Ties

Fan Fang
Bio: Officer of Gongsun Zan, led cavalry to help Liu dai. Withdrew when Liu Dai refused to give
up Yuan Shao's family.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 71
Suggested Int: 51
Suggested Pol: 34
Suggested Cha: 43
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: A
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: None

Bio: Wuwan. Initially lost to Gongsun Zan but led a counterattack that destroyed 50-60% of his
army. Withdrew when Liu Yu came.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-190
Suggested Lead: 85
Suggested War: 83
Suggested Int: 61
Suggested Pol: 34
Suggested Cha: 31
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: S
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: White Riders

Bio: Wuwan chief. He led troops against Gongsun Zan and held power. He aided Yuan Shang
against Cao Cao and was killed.
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: ?-207
Suggested Lead:
Suggested War:
Suggested Int:
Suggested Pol:
Suggested Cha:
Suggested Spear Apt:
Suggested Pike Apt:
Suggested Bow Apt:
Suggested Horse Apt:
Suggested Weaponry Apt:
Suggested Navy Apt:
Suggested Skill: White Riders

Bio: Son of Qiuliju. A chief of the Wuwan, he helped Yuan Shang against Cao Cao, but died in
Birthplace: N/A
Lifespan: N/A
Suggested Lead: 73
Suggested War: 78
Suggested Int: 28
Suggested Pol: 25
Suggested Cha: 30
Suggested Spear Apt: C
Suggested Pike Apt: C
Suggested Bow Apt: A
Suggested Horse Apt: S
Suggested Weaponry Apt: C
Suggested Navy Apt: C
Suggested Skill: White Riders

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