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Rapid prototyping and health care sector

Product development in the Healthcare and Medical sector poses a challenge for even the
most competent of designer. In such a demanding environment, Rapid Prototyping has
the potential to transform product development in many ways:

1. Customization and Improved Ergonomics

Increasingly important is the application of good design with more consideration now given to
aesthetics and user interface. Processes such as 3D printing have been embraced by the
industry and the benefits have been widely publicised, as completely customised structures
and equipment can be created to suit every individual patient.

2. Reduced Time to Market

Rapid prototyping is faster and more accurate than it has ever been. The facility to quickly
generate multiple iterations of a physical evaluation model through 3D Printing can
dramatically reduce product development times, allowing medical designers to explore more
variations and eliminate failures faster.

4. Designs that are Optimised for Low Volume

Due to the nature of the healthcare and medical market, products are often only required in
low volumes where quantities wont allow the amortisation of tooling investment across the
production run. Furthermore, complex, free form designs can be produced through 3D
printing that are stronger and lighter with a reduced carbon footprint, as material is
selectively added during their manufacture.

5. Cost Effective Product Development

In an industry where market research and testing is paramount, RP processes like 3D
printing offer Medical manufacturers flexible low cost access to multiple test parts that cannot
be matched by traditional production methods. Outgoings are reduced in terms of expensive
tooling, warehouse storage, shipping and a host of other costly resources.

The device would allow surgeons to repair damaged bone and cartilage by drawing
new cells directly onto bone in the middle of a surgical procedure.
Rapid Prototyping Reduces the Manufacturing
Rapid prototyping system manages the manufacturing cost. If you
have a complete preset design of a specific model, you must be able
to do the quick estimation to avoid unnecessary expenses. You can
also place this computerized prototype model to a group of product
quality analyzers to do the proper analysis without lowering down the
overall quality.

History of RP
Building up structures in layers is not a new idea; in fact, it goes back to the
days of the Egyptian pyramids that were likely built block-by-block,

Layer by layer

1892, Blantherused a primitive LM method to make

molds for topographical relief maps (Blanther192)

1940, Pereraused a similar approach

using cardboard (Perera1940)

1964, Zangobtained a more refined effect by using transparent plates

inscribed with topographic detail (Zang1964)

In 1972, Ciraudproposed applying a partially meltablematerial in powder

form to a matrix (Ciraud1972).

Side by side

In 1860, Francois Williams, a Frenchman, simultaneously

photographed a human subject by 24 cameras placed at equal
distances along a circle centered at the subject. Next an artisan
carved out 1/241h of a cylindrical portion of the figure on the basis of
the information contained in the silhouettes of the photographs

In 1904,Baese obtained a similar effect by using a more advanced

method involving exposure of photosensitive gelatin to graduated
light (Baese1904)

In 1944, Moroikaused structured light consisting of black and white

bands of light to create the contour lines needed for the stacked
sheets forming the photo-sculpture ( Moroika193 5 and Moroika1944)

By the 1950s these techniques culminated in a technology somewhat

similar to present day SL. A notable effort in this direction involved
selective exposure of a transparent photo-emulsion to light

Swainsonproposed using two laser beams such that selective 3D

polymerization occurred at the intersection of the beams (Swainson1977)

Types of RP

Rapid Prototyping can provide with concept proof that would be

required for attracting funds.
The Prototype gives the user a fair idea about the final look of
the product.
Rapid prototyping can enhance the early visibility.
It is easier to find the design flaws in the early developmental
Active participation among the users and producer is encouraged
by rapid prototyping.
As the development costs are reduced, Rapid prototyping proves
to be cost effective.
The user can get a higher output.
The deficiencies in the earlier prototypes can be detected and
rectified in time.
The speed of system development is increased. It is possible to
get immediate feedback from the user.
There is better communication between the user and designer as
the requirements and expectations are expressed in the beginning
High quality product is easily delivered by way of Rapid
Rapid prototyping enables development time and costs.
There are many innovative ways in which Rapid prototyping can
be used.


Some people are of the opinion that rapid prototyping is not

effective because, in actual, it fails in replication of the real product
or system.
It could so happen that some important developmental steps
could be omitted to get a quick and cheap working model. This can
be one of the greatest disadvantages of rapid prototyping.
Another disadvantage of rapid prototyping is one in which many
problems are overlooked resulting in endless rectifications and
One more disadvantage of rapid prototyping is that it may not be
suitable for large sized applications.
The user may have very high expectations about the prototypes
performance and the designer is unable to deliver these.
The system could be left unfinished due to various reasons or the
system may be implemented before it is completely ready.
The producer may produce an inadequate system that is unable
to meet the overall demands of the organization.
Too much involvement of the user might hamper the optimization
of the program.
The producer may be too attached to the program of rapid
prototyping, thus it may lead to legal involvement.
The cost reduction benefit of rapid prototyping also seems to be
debatable, as sufficient details regarding the calculation basis and
assumptions are not substantial.

Errors of RP
Section 1.1 lec5

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