S4 Paper 1 (Suggested Ans) 15-16

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Shatin Pui Ying College

First Examination (2015 2016)

S4 English Language
Paper 1 Reading
Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes


Name: __________________________
Class: _______ ( ) Marks: __________/ 76


1. The reading passages are in a separate booklet. Write your answers clearly and neatly in the spaces
provided in this QUESTION-ANSWER BOOK.

2. For multiple-choice questions, blacken the correct answer. Choose only ONE answer for each
question. Two or more answers will score NO marks.

3. Each question carries ONE mark unless otherwise specified.

2015 - 2016 / S4 Eng / First Exam / Paper 1 / Q & A / clyc, lys / P.1 of 10
Read Text 1 and answer questions 110. (16 marks)

1. In line 6, this subgroup refers to students who * multiple-choice phrase back-referencing

A. conducted a recent study on Internet use.
B. are addicted to the Internet.

C. spend a lot of time online. (lines 5-6)
D. engage with technology.

2. Find a word in paragraph 3 that means the same as stuck. *short response vocabulary (synonym)
glued (line 8)

3. Find information in paragraph 4 to complete the sentence below. *sentence completion inference and literal
The social worker expresses disbelief regarding Hong Kong youngsters obsession with
the Internet / online activities (lines 12-13)

4. How did the educator feel when he/she said These figures are frightening (line 22)?
* multiple-choice identify

B. happy A B C D
C. confused
D. concerned

5. In line 24, think twice means*short response phrase (meaning)

A. react in time.
B. review again. A B C D

C. exercise caution.

D. change their mind.

6. Find two examples of potential dangers of going out with strangers met online mentioned in paragraph 6.
*short response literal (2 marks)

a) (being) threatened / cheated / sexually assaulted or harassed (lines 23-24)

b) _______________________________________________________________________________
(Note: choose any two; I mark each)

2015 - 2016 / S4 Eng / First Exam / Paper 1 / Q & A / clyc, lys / P.2 of 10
7. Decide whether the following statements are True, False, or the information is Not Given in paragraphs
5-6. Blacken ONE circle only for each statement. (3 marks)
*true/false/not given inference and literal
i) The writer believes online communication can benefit existing relationships. (1)
yes: Social networking sites and chat programs made it easier for people to keep in touch
with their family and friends (lines 18-19)
ii) The majority of students who went out with strangers they met online formed (1)
intimate relationships with them.
no: 10 percent among them had had intimate relationships after these initial encounters
(lines 20-21)
iii) Survey results showed that more than one in ten teenagers who met online (1)
friends encountered trouble or danger.
no: almost 10 percentend up being cheated threatened, sexually assaulted or harassed (lines 23-24)

(line 33)
8. The writer advises teens to be ready to turn detective. What does this mean?
*sentence completion inference and literal
When in doubt about the identity of online friends, teens are advised to
expose/investigate/uncover online fakers (by looking for clues/paying attention/asking questions)
(note: accept any reasonable answer)

9. Give one example from paragraph 8 which shows how social networking can be a minefield (line 32)
for some people. *short response inference and literal
They might give away personal details (lines 32-33) / meet people with devious intent (line34).


10. The following statements discuss some of the skills required to survive in the Internet jungle according to
the text. Complete each statement by writing the correct letter inside the box. Use each letter once
only. One statement is not used. *matching match statements to source text; inference and literal (4 marks)

How to survive the Internet jungle

Rule 1

A. people trying to deceive you.

(line 23)
Rule 2
(1) A B. people of the same age.
C. privacy options before you start
browsing. (line 32)
Rule 3
TRACK DOWN (1) D D. fakers and spread the word
about them. (line 33)

E. avatars give a true picture.

Rule 4 (1) E (line 34)

End of questions for Text 1

2015 - 2016 / S4 Eng / First Exam / Paper 1 / Q & A / clyc, lys / P.3 of 10
Read Text 2 and answer questions 11-20. (23 marks)

11. Find a word in paragraph 1 that means the same as make something stricter.
*short response vocabulary (meaning)
tighten (line 4)

12. Name an example of new tools (line 4) mentioned in the text.

*short response literal
a (free) security software for blocking undesirable content (line 9)

13. Put a tick () in the boxes beside the correct descriptions of the programme lined up in Zone A.
*multiple-choice inference and literal
(a) interactive (line 7)
pre-recorded broadcast
directed by the Hong Kong Polices Cyber Patrol Team
(b) spontaneous (line 6)
a staged performance by veteran actors
(c) a collaboration between the role-players and the audience (line 7)
(Note: award 1 mark for all correct answers)

14. Paragraph 4 mentions some risks or nuisances students might encounter online. Match each of the
following speech bubbles with one of the risks listed in the paragraph. Write the appropriate
risk/nuisance under each speech bubble. *matching attribute speech acts to content points (2marks)

My inbox often fills up with adverts

I received a message from overseas for products that I have no interest
which asked for my bank account in. I wonder how they got my
information. email address.

a) (1) phishing (scams) (line 17) b) (1) spamming/receiving unwanted advertising

materials from spammers (lines 16-17)

15. How can people find out about the previous years Safety Net campaign?
*full response - literal
They can see/browse event photos of the the previous years Safety Net campaign on the campaigns
website. (line 18)

2015 - 2016 / S4 Eng / First Exam / Paper 1 / Q & A / clyc, lys / P.4 of 10
16. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Biz the Bitcoin (line 20)?
*multiple-choice inference and literal
A. He can be reached on Safety Nets web page. true (line 15)
B. He is responsive to the public. true (line 19) A B C D
C. He can handle enquiries. true (line 19)
D. He is teenager. false (line 19)

17. Decide whether the following statements are True, False, or the information is Not Given. Blacken
ONE circle only for each statement. *true/false/not given inference and literal (4 marks)

i) The Safety Net campaign takes place every year. (1)
yes: annual Safety Net campaign (line 1)
ii) In Zone A, the role-play will be filmed earlier and viewed by the (1)
participants on that day.
no: The audience will be able to watch the participants spontaneous, non-scripted
interactions on giant screens (lines 6-7)
iii) The guests in Zone B are actors and singers. (1)
not mentioned and cannot be inferred
iv) Booking ahead is advised for Zone A events in particular. (1)
no: Zone B reservations required (line 10)

18. The Safety Net campaign focuses on several skills students can learn to reduce online threats. Put a tick
() next to each skill to be covered by the campaign. *multiple-choice - literal

_______ how to assume a new identity

(a) how to report cyber criminals contact details for international bodies (line 17)

_______ how to block outsiders from games

(b) how to avoid spamming how to avoid receiving unwanted advertising materials from spammers (line 16)

_______ how to stop others from bothering you

(Note: award 1 mark for all correct answers)

2015 - 2016 / S4 Eng / First Exam / Paper 1 / Q & A / clyc, lys / P.5 of 10
19. Complete the following advertisement for the launch of the Safety Net campaign. You may use more
than one word for some of the blanks. (10 marks)
*advertisement completion information transfer; inference and literal


is proud to announce the launch of its

Safety Net campaign

This years event will be held on the (1) campus (line 2)

of Hong Kong Secondary School (Island Campus).

Save the date: (1) 31 March (line 1)

This years schedule:

Reservations needed?*
Zone Session Speaker
(1) Role-playing(line 6)
online hazards
(1)A Introduction of _________ An officer from ___________ (1) no (line 5)

(1)(free) security software (line 9) (1)The Hong Kong Polices (line 8)

to protect you online Cyber Patrol Team

Sharing sessions on Surprise (1) celebrity guests

(1)B (1) yes (line 10)
online ordeals (line 10)

For more details, please visit our website.

20. What is the purpose of Text 2? *multiple-choice identify purpose of writing

A. to remind student users to update an Internet safety programme A B C D
B. to highlight an interactive safety website
C. to inform readers of an upcoming event
D. to invite feedback on Internet security

End of questions for Text 2

Answers written in the margins will not be marked. 2015 - 2016 / S4 Eng / First Exam / Paper 1 / Q & A / clyc, lys / P.6 of 10
Read Text 3 and answer questions 2133. (37 marks)

21. What does the website want to identify? * multiple-choice - literal

The top ten inventions and discoveries that have

A. changed or had impact on communities
B. been the product of someones imagination
C. had the most impact on people globally (line 4)
D. resulted in small improvements

22. In message A which of the following means of travel are mentioned? Circle your answers below.
*short response identify items in text; literal (2 marks)
(0.5) (line 8) (0.5) (line 8) (0.5) (line 8) (0.5) (line 7)
taking a bus / walking / riding a horse / riding a bike / riding a motorcycle / driving a car

23. According to the writer of message A, what has happened to cars as a result of their continued
development? *short response - literal

(are) becoming / have become more environmentally friendly (line 10)

24. Look at how preserve (line 15) is used in message B and decide which of the definitions below is
closest in meaning. *multiple-choice vocabulary (meaning)

A. to record particular moments

B. to stop something from rotting A B C D
C. to keep things in usable condition

D. to prevent the destruction of something

25. Complete the sentences below with suitable words and phrases: (2 marks)
*sentence completion inference and literal
The Internet helps the writer of message C (1) maintain/keep close contact with his friends and
family, even though they are scattered all over the world. He can talk to them and
(1) take part/engage in different activities with them via the Internet. (lines 18-19)

2015 - 2016 / S4 Eng / First Exam / Paper 1 / Q & A / clyc, lys / P.7 of 10
26. Look at how at our fingertips is used in message C and decide which of the definitions below is
closest in meaning. *multiple-choice vocabulary (meaning)

A. easy to carry
B. under control

C. cheaper to get
D. readily available

27. Decide whether the following statements are True, False, or the information is Not Given in message
D. Put a tick () in the appropriate column. *true/false/not given inference and literal (4 marks)

Statement True False NG

Prior to the discovery of penicillin, all infections were incurable.
not mentioned and cannot be inferred

Fleming observed bacteria being destroyed by blue-green mould.

yes: Fleming noticed blue-green mould destroying bacteria (line 23)

Fleming was aware of the significance of his finding.

no: he probably had no idea of the impact his finding would have on the world (1)
(lines 23-24)
The writer thinks that the Internet had more impact on the world than
cars or cameras (1)
the writer did not compare the impact of the Internet with that of cars or cameras

28. Name two things robotic technology can help with, according to message E. (2 marks)
*short response - literal
(1)household chores (line 27) (1) surgical tasks (line 28)

29. Look for words in message F and G which are the opposite in meaning to: (3 marks)
*short response vocabulary (antonyms)

a) tiny (1) huge (line 29) c) joining (1) separation (line 37)

b) bores (1) fascinates (line 36)

30. What does none of that in line 35 of message F refer to? (2 marks)
*short response phrase back-referencing
(1) ink blots on my/their work (1) spilt ink all over my/their bag (lines 33-34)

2015 - 2016 / S4 Eng / First Exam / Paper 1 / Q & A / clyc, lys / P.8 of 10
31. Complete the summary of message G. Use ONE word for each blank. (Hyphenated words count as
one word.) Make sure your answers are grammatically correct. (10 marks)
*cloze summary inference and literal

Benjamin Franklin was not only a (1) key (line 37) /significant figure in American history

fighting for the (1) separation (line 37) of the New World from Britain, he was also the (1)

inventor (line 36)/creator of many useful and (1) remarkable (line 36) / great things, such

as the (1) lightning (line 37) rod, (1) bifocal (line 38) glasses and a (1) stove (line

38) that took after his name. He did not (1) patent (line 39) his inventions because he

believed it was more important to help (1) society (line 39) / people than to make `1 (1)

money (line 39) .

<accept all reasonable answers; : answer directly from text>

32. Which words in message H mean the same as the following: (2 marks)
*short response vocabulary (synonyms)

a) climates (1) environments (line 42) b) consume (1) eat (line 43)

33. Read the following replies, matching each with the messages (A, B, C, D, E, F or H) on pages 6-7 of the
Reading Passages booklet. Use each letter once only. The first is given to you as an example.
*matching match replies / responses to source text; inference and literal (6 marks)

e.g. I completely agree moments in history cannot be re-lived but a photograph

can help us better understand and remember significant events. As the B
saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words! S. Jones (Britain)
(line 15)

(a) When I was a student, that was also how I kept in touch with my family and
friends although I sent them a good old fashioned letter once in a while!
For me, there is still something very special about opening an envelope, taking
out a letter and reading it slowly. Anna L. (US) (line 18)

(b) My grandpa underwent complicated surgery recently. Thanks to advances in

medical and robotic technology, the operation was successful and he is
recovering fast. If hed had this surgery ten years ago, his recovery would (1)E
have been so much slower and the operation considerably more risky due to
(line 27-28)
the high risk of human error. J. G. (Denmark)

2015 - 2016 / S4 Eng / First Exam / Paper 1 / Q & A / clyc, lys / P.9 of 10
(c) Its easy for us to forget about groundbreaking discoveries from the distant
past Id forgotten about the impact of fire. Imagine if it hadnt been (1)H
discovered what would our lives be like today? R. Tse (Singapore)
(line 41)

(d) I think anything that saves lives has to be a particularly high impact discovery
or invention. An innocent looking growth that was able to attack bacteria
completely changed infection management around the world. This has to
be on the top ten list of discoveries! T. M. (Indonesia) (line 21&23)

(e) Its good for inventions to evolve as the world changes. As pollution and
global warming are key issues nowadays, its important that we adapt things (1)A
around us in todays modern world. P.L. (Germany)
(line 10)

(f) Its funny what we take for granted. I hadnt thought about what was used
before biros as theyve always been a part of my life! I use them every day. (1)F
N.K. (Japan)
(line 30)


2015 - 2016 / S4 Eng / First Exam / Paper 1 / Q & A / clyc, lys / P.10 of 10
2015 - 2016 / S4 Eng / First Exam / Paper 1 / Q & A / clyc, lys / P.11 of 10

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