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Shell Side Correlation

Refer : D Q Kern, Page 137 Kern Method reproduced in Colburn Book (Result is + 0 to 20% and safe)
Shellside Film Coefficient Methods for Sensible Heat Transfer

(A) Kern Turbulant Flow (Shell Side ) :

Nre Range from 2100 to 10^6
Note:( Result 0 to 20% higher reported during experiments)
Use formula for Shell with out Baffle

(B) Use Kern Coefficient jH from Graph (with 25% Cut Baffle) given as Table 28 (Ref: D Q Kern )
jH= (ho*De/k) *Pr^-0.33 *(/w)^-0.14

Note : The Graph for jH published in Table -28 is Valid for Hydrocarbons, organic compounds, water, aqueous soluti
when bundle employed baffles withacceptable clearance between baffles and tubes , between baffle and shell as pe
The flow below Nre 2100 is to be referered from graph given by Colburn
& test data of Breidenbach and O'Connel to get factor Jh

Generally, modified Donohue equation (eq.8.9) (suggested by D.Q. Kern) is used to predict
( This takes into account bundle leakges approximately) ? Bell Delware research finding suggest the formula



h0= shell side heat transfer coefficient W/m C

Dh= hydraulic diameter of the shell side m
k0= thermal conductivity of the shell side fluid W/mC
Gs= mass flow rate of the shell side kg s-1 m-2

The Dh and Gs can be easily calculated if the geometry of the tube arrangement in the shell is known. The tubes may
C = Pt-do C = Pt-do
b= 0.866Pt -do p = Pt -do

Fig.8.14: Tube arrangement in the shell (a) triangular pitch (b) square pitch

Equiv. Diameter de =Pitch 1.27*(Pt^2 -0.7854*do^2)/do

or Dh pitch 1.101*(pt^2 -0.917*do^2)/do

The hydraulic diameter (Dh) for tubes on square pitch

(quivalent diameter)

Dh For 60 triangular pitch=

d0 = outer diameter of tube
p = tube pitch
as = shell side flow area

Shell side flow area _as

C = tube clearance ( Pitch -do)
B = baffle spacing
Ds= inside diameter of shell
p = pitch of the tube

Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficients

Donohue correlations
Donohue, Daniel A. Heat transfer and pressure drop in heat exchangers. Industrial and Engineering Chemist
Donohue ( p. 2502) uses a geometric mean weighted mass velocity based on the cross flow velocity and
flow through the baffle window. He proposed the following empirical equation for a tubular heat exchanger.

(Use Formula Constant C =0.22 )

ho = 0.22*(k/do)*Pr^0.33*((do*1000/ *(Gb*Gc

with properties based on the shell side bulk temperature.

The wall temperature correction is based on the outside wall temperature.
Ds, the shell inside diameter
fB, the fraction of the shell cross-section that makes up the baffle window
Nbt, the number of tubes in the baffle window (usually approximated by fb*Ntubes)
PB, the baffle pitch (spacing)
pt, the tube pitch
do, the tube outside diameter
v is viscocity correction Factor
Gb, the mass velocity of the shell side fluid if it was all moving parallel to the tubes, and
Gc, the mass velocity if all the fluid was moving across the tubes
Gb = ms /0.7854/(Baffle Cut fr
Gc = ms /(B*DS)/(1-do/pt)

Summery of Paper
If Gb = Gc for the full flow penitration C =0.33 in the original formula
The result with dough nut baffle is 15% higher than that of cut baffle for the entire range of Nre

Note : Clarification for the constant C reported in the formula as "0.25" & " 0.2"
For unbaffled shell C = 0.128*De'^0.6
For the Baffled Shell it depends on Geometric mass velocities across the tube bundle and baffle opening
For the segmental Baffle and unbored (welded) shell C = 0.22
For the segmental Baffle and bored shell ( pipe) C = 0.25
Bell Delware Method for Shell side ho

where As is Cross Flow area =(DS-NCL*do)*B

B is Baffle Spacing ( Note: Diff in formula)
Correction Factor in formula is Appx. = 0.6
DS is Shell diameter
do is tube OD
NCL is no off tubes in Cenre Raw Cross Flow area = =+((DS-(DB/Pitch)*do))*B
do is tube OD DB = Tube Bundle dia
Nre = do*G/ Note: Different than Kern Metho ho= jFactor*Cps*Gm*(1/Pr)^0.666*(b/w)^0.14
do= Tube OD
DS = Shell Diameter
Db = Tube bundle Diameter
Pt= Tube Pitch
Bc = Baffle Cut as fraction
N or Nt = No off tubes in shell /tube bundle
Nw or NWT = No off tubes in window Zone = N *R
Rw = 2*Nw/Nt
Nc = Number of tubes in cross flow zone = Nt - 2*Nw
Hb = Db/2 - Ds*(0.5-Bc)
Ncv = Number of tube raws crossed ( in cross flow region)= (Db-2*Hb)/Pt
Nwv = Number of restriction for cross flow in window zone
approximately equal to tube Raws =0.6*(BC)/Pt or Hb/Pt
Ra = From Graph
Aw = Area of Window C/S

Reference for Table 17.19 : A. Zukauskas, "Convective Heat Transfer in Cross Flow," Handbook of Sin
Heat Transfer, S. Kakaq, R. K. Shah, and W. Aung (eds.), Chapter 6, John W
Xt* = Xt/do xt is Tube Center to center distance transward = pitch for square pitch

Xl* = Xl/do xl is Tube Center to center distance longitudanal = Pitch for square pitch
to 20% and safe)

f: D Q Kern )
where = Nre =G*de/

unds, water, aqueous solutions, and gases

ween baffle and shell as per standard TEMA

rn) is used to predict the h o,

nding suggest the formula is valid for shell with out Baffle

ell is known. The tubes may be generally arranged as a square or triangular pitch, as shown in figure 8.14.
and Engineering Chemistry 41(11): 2499 -2511. 1949.
e cross flow velocity and the
tubular heat exchanger.

.33*((do*1000/ *(Gb*Gc)^0.5))^0.6
b = ms /0.7854/(Baffle Cut fraction*DS^2 -Nw*do^2)
c = ms /(B*DS)/(1-do/pt)

d baffle opening
As = Corss Flow area


oss Flow," Handbook of Single-Phase Convective

ng (eds.), Chapter 6, John Wiley, New York, 1987.

In Line Tube arrangment for 90 degree pitch

10^3 < Nre 10^5 Nu = 0.27Re^0.63 *Pr^0.36 * (Pr/Prw)^0.25

Staggered is 30 , 60 Triangle or rotated square pitch

10^3 < Nre 10^5 Nu =0.35*(Xt/Xl)^0.2 * Re^0.6 * Pr^0.36 * (Pr/Prw)^0.25

r square pitch

for square pitch

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