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An introduction should be about a half to one page long and should have the following.

1. What is your topic?
This dissertation examinesin a primary school in the North West of Hungary
2. Define any key words (e.g. who are young learners? What are songs and rhymes in your dissertation?)
Young learner in this work refers to..

3. What problem are you focusing on (e.g. How can I teach grammar through storybooks?)

This dissertation seeks to what extent can be used to ..I will argue that..
(B) WHY?
4. Why did you choose this topic?
5. Why is it important?
6. Why is your work original? (you work with a particular class of students, you look at a new problem)
What is new about my work is that I .

(C) HOW?
7. How are you going to explore this topic (e.g. classroom research, lesson plan analysis, materials writing) To
examine the role of ...I willand hope to .
8. Why (did you choose this approach?)
9. What do you hope to achieve.

10. What is my order of content and what does each section contain (in brief)


11. What do you aim to achieve? (This is an important statement I aim to demonstrate that.)

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