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Spatial data visualizer

Summary and Background of Challenge:

SAP HANA offers geo spatial data storage and processing capabilities. Ex: Geo locations like
city, state, rivers, lake, etc. can be represented in the form of geometrical shapes with each
point in the shape is represented using geo coordinates. With this we can store and process
both relational data and spatial data together.

Description of Challenge:

We need to implement a spatial data visualizer which overlays the geo spatial data on HERE
map. Ex: city represented by a polygon should be overlaid on map at its corresponding geo
There should be a possibility to show properties for the selected point of interest. Ex: for the
selected city, we should show additional information like population, no of schools, no of
hospitals, total area etc. in a properties pane.
We should be able to search for a keyword and highlight results in the map. Ex: search for a
city Bangalore. It should highlight the Bangalore region on map.

SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

There should be a provision to visualize two sets of spatial data depending upon user specified
spatial predicates. Ex: show all cities which are within the distance of 50 Km from sea port. In
this case show sea ports and cities matching the predicate condition in different colors

You will need to provide Scope & Design and Architecture documents.
The exact Expectations, Milestones will be shared with you after the registration period.

If your Team can find the best solution, then you would be handsomely
rewarded and your innovation will become part of the SAP Product very

SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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