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8/25/2017 Selected Articles and Papers of Douglas Kellner (Available Online)

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A Marcuse Renaissance?
An Orwellian Nightmare: Critical Reflections on the Bush Administration
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Media Spectacle
Baudrillard: A New McLuhan?
New! Baudrillard, Globalization, Terrorism: Some Comments on Recent Adventures of the Image
and Spectacle on the Occasion of Baudrillard's 75th Birthday
Biotechnology, Ethics, and the Politics of Cloning by Steven Best and Douglas Kellner
Boundaries and Borderlines: Reflections on Jean Baudrillard and Critical Theory
Brecht's Marxist Aesthetic
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer as Spectacular Allegory: A Diagnostic Critique
Bush and bin Laden's Binary Manicheanism: The Fusing of Horizons
Communications vs. Cultural Studies: Overcoming the Divide
Contemporary Youth & the Postmodern Adventure by Steven Best and Douglas Kellner
Critical Pedagogy, Cultural Studies, and Radical Democracy at the Turn of the Millennium:
Reflections on the Work of Henry Giroux
Critical Perspectives on Television from the Frankfurt School to Postmodernism
New! Critical Reflections on Mel Gibsons The Passion of the Christ by Rhonda Hammer and
Douglas Kellner
Critical Theory and the Crisis of Social Theory
Critical Theory, Poststructuralism, and the Philosophy of Liberation
Critical Theory Today: Revisiting the Classics
Crossing the Postmodern Divide with Borgmann, or Adventures in Cyberspace
Cultural Marxism and Cultural Studies
Cultural Studies and Ethics
Cultural Studies and Philosophy
Cultural Studies and Social Theory: A Critical Intervention 1/5
8/25/2017 Selected Articles and Papers of Douglas Kellner (Available Online)

Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture
Dawns,Twilights, and Transitions: Postmodern Theories, Politics, and Challenges
Debord and the Postmodern Turn: New Stages of the Spectacle by Steven Best and Douglas
Digital Technology and Media Spectacle
Engels, Modernity, and Classical Social Theory
Entry on Critical Theory
Entry on the Frankfurt School
Entry on Frontline, Public Broadcasting Series
Entry on Jean Baudrillard
Entry on Jean Baudrillard and Literature
Entry on Jurgen Habermas
Entry on Public Access Television
Erich Fromm: Biography
Erich Fromm, Feminism, and the Frankfurt School
Erich Fromm, Judaism, and the Frankfurt School
Ernst Bloch, Utopia and Ideology Critique
Ernst Friedrich's Pacifistic Anarchism
Film, Politics, and Ideology: Reflections on Hollywood Film in the Age of Reagan
Fredric Jameson
From 1984 to One-Dimensional Man: Critical Reflections on Orwell and Marcuse
Globalization and the Postmodern Turn
Globalization and Technopolitics
Globalization, Technopolitics & Revolution
Globalization, Terrorism, and Democracy: 9/11 and its Aftermath
Habermas, the Public Sphere & Democracy
Herbert Marcuse
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8/25/2017 Selected Articles and Papers of Douglas Kellner (Available Online)

H.G. Wells, Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering by Steven Best and Douglas Kellner
Intellectuals and New Technology
Intellectuals, the New Public Sphere & Techno-Politics
Internet Subcultures and Oppositional Politics by Richard Kahn and Douglas Kellner
Jean Baudrillard
Jean Baudrillard and Art
Lying in Politics
Marcuse, Liberation, and Radical Ecology
Marxian Perspectives on Educational Philosophy
Marxism and the Information Superhighway
Media Culture, Social Theory, and Cultural Studies
Media Culture and the Triumph of the Spectacle
Media Literacies and Critical Pedagogy in a Multicultural Society
Media Spectacle and the Crisis of the U.S. Electoral System in Election 2000
Modernity and Its Discontents: Nietzsche's Critique
Multimedia Pedagogy and Multicultural Education for the New Millennium by Rhonda Hammer
and Douglas Kellner
Multiple Literacies and Critical Pedagogy in a Multicultural Society
New Media and New Literacies: Reconstructing Education for the New Millennium
New Technologies and Alienation: Some Critical Reflections
New Technologies / New Literacies: Restructuring Education for a New Millennium
New Technologies, TechnoCities, and the Prospects for Democratization
Nietzsche's Critique of Mass Culture
9/11, Spectacles of Terror, and Media Manipulation: A Critique of Jihadist and Bush Media
On Eisensteins Potemkin
New! Oppositional Politics and the Internet: A Critical/Reconstructive Approach by Richard Kahn
and Douglas Kellner
Philosophic Adventures 3/5
8/25/2017 Selected Articles and Papers of Douglas Kellner (Available Online)

Postmodern Politics and the Battle for the Future by Steven Best and Douglas Kellner
Preemptive Strikes and the War on Iraq: A Critique of Bush Administration Unilateralism and
Presidential Politics: The Movie
Public Access Television: Alternative Views
Public Access Television and the Struggle for Democracy
Rap, Black Rage, and Racial Difference by Steven Best and Douglas Kellner
Reflections on Modernity and Postmodernity in McLuhan and Baudrillard
Review of Albert Borgmann's Holding onto Reality
Review of Andrew Feenberg's Questioning Technology
Review of Computers, Surveillance and Privacy
New! Review of John Hartley's A Short History of Cultural Studies by Rhonda Hammer and
Douglas Kellner
Review of Peter Arnett's Live From the Battlefield
Review of Pierre Klossowski's Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle and Geoff Waite, Nietzsche's
Review of Recent Books on American Film and Politics by Rhonda Hammer and Douglas Kellner
Review of Rob Shields' The Virtual
Review of Walter L. Adamson's Marx and the Disillusionment of Marxism
Richard Rorty and Postmodern Theory
Spectacle and Media Propaganda in the War on Iraq: A Critique of US Broadcasting Networks
Sports Spectacle: Michael Jordan and Nike
Technological Transformation, Multiple Literacies, and the Re-Visioning of Education
Techno-Politics, New Technologies and the New Public Spheres
The Apocalyptic Vision of Philip K. Dick by Steven Best and Douglas Kellner
The Crisis of the Discipline: Some Metatheoretical Perspectives
The Frankfurt School
The Frankfurt School and British Cultural Studies: The Missed Articulation
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8/25/2017 Selected Articles and Papers of Douglas Kellner (Available Online)

The Information Superhighway, Media Culture, and the Struggle for the Future
The Media and the Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Bush-2
The Media and Social Problems
The Persian Gulf TV War Revisited
The Politics and Costs of Postmodern War in the Age of Bush II
The Postmodern Turn in Philosophy
Theorizing Globalization
Theorizing/Resisting McDonaldization: A Multiperspectivist Approach
Theorizing September 11
The Terminator as Governor
Toward A Critical Theory of Advertising by John Harms and Douglas Kellner
Towards a Critical Theory of Education
T.W. Adorno and the Dialectics of Mass Culture
Virilio, War, and Technology: Some Critical Reflections
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